How the LOWEST Rank Beat 9 DIAMONDS in Valorant...

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everyone knows that it's almost impossible to beat players that are a higher rank than you in Valor especially if you're the lowest ranked player in the game however I'm trying to do the Impossible by having an iron player the lowest of the low try to beat 9 diamonds which is basically the top 10 or 5 of the player place a normal match is 5v5 but because we truly believe in our iron player we're making him do it 1v9 against diamonds to get the real solo Q experience now because our iron player won't be able to match the aim or game sense of a diamond player we've cooked up some rules to balance this match out a bit but before anything we need to decide if we should buff the iron player to an almost unkillable state or Nerf the diamonds so that they're forced to play like irons this is something I need you guys to think of very hard okay this is our pull you just vote one and two what do we think it shot I'm also thinking that we buff the iron player valent tracker is the best app to rank up quickly and elevate your gaming experience it provides in-depth analysis about your strengths weaknesses and the parts you need to improve on my favorite thing about tracker is that it shows you which Maps you play best and worst on along with your best weapons and agents lastly you can also see the ranks of the enemy team and how they've been performing so you know who's the weakest link and who to Target win games easier and rank up faster with valorant tracker downloaded for free with my link in the description down below I feel like an iron player is gonna need it a lot majority of you guys have voted to buff the airplane which is fair I agree with that all right let's do it then iron player versus nine diamonds what does our iron player need number one obviously we'll give him the gun Advantage whatever gun they want and then we have to give the diamonds what do we give the diamonds because there's nine of them I think if we give them anything higher then we screw them over wait what if we just make our iron player invulnerable how about we just make this guy unkillable and then we just have a regular game of Valor wait no not invulnerable maybe Auto respawn them because if he's invulnerable that means he takes no damage or anything like that if it's Auto respawn then I think our iron player's PC is just gonna crash okay okay we give him in vulnerable let's just see how this works because the goal at the end of the day is for our iron player to 1v9 against diamonds now the real question is how do we make it fair for our diamonds he's an unkillable iron and we have 9 diamonds on what Classics actually their gun won't even matter let's put this to a vote since a lot of you think that infinite abilities is gonna work well let's do it for the ability sound just yes or no are we giving infinite abilities for our Diamond players oh that's pretty close he's an iron player just that in mind when you're making this vote diamonds should have enough utility and rain to get one player off the post plan right all right you guys have voted for no so no infinite abilities on our Diamond Player for now do the diamonds get repeat agents do we allow them to choose whatever agent they want fine let's do that let's run the first iteration of this first map of the day we're playing on a set he did pick attack and it is on swiftplay which means he ends up in defense after this he's playing yoru shouldn't he be playing kale actually maybe yoru is okay because he can hold away and TP away and then get the plot but he does choose kale instead so our iron player is actually pretty smart but I also think he's on Stream So if you're on stream Mr iron player please get off stream let's see so he's just gonna run down he isn't vulnerable it won't matter here I think he'll just like why is he scared of the need he knows he's invulnerable right dude get in there before everyone knows you're here what you don't have to fly okay he got stunned he doesn't take damage chap but okay are the diamonds really gonna tie him out okay he gets flashed but Phoenix can't do anything but he's not running get in there no way no no no no no no no this is blank this is bullying he can't even take damage and there's they're just shooting him for the aim punch they're shooting him for the AIM give him a better gun or do we just play the game normally it's one at the very least nothing deals damage to him these guys are literally dude [Music] okay that's stupid it's fine we just have to play please just make your way to a site and get the palette down that's all I'm asking I don't think they'll have enough time to stop the plan but here's deadlock oh six seconds five seconds they need to stop the flow he didn't get it three kids yeah he'll pick up the spike right okay everything's okay this is part of his plan remember he can buy a vandal every round because he takes no damage anyway this is fine everything's okay everything's okay so he at least gets the sage down there are two Sage walls here he does get stunned by the Astra I think back he doesn't get stunned I don't know what the race player is doing with the raised satchels but at least they're throwing all their utility at him now they do know that spike is spawned so their win condition is still fine he sees the deadlock chooses to ignore the deadlock instead [Music] okay take it back I believe that's all I'm gonna say all I'm gonna say is I believe please just plan please just plant Nothing Stops you from fighting this black thing cat night view black please please that's all I ask plus oh we got the platform okay we go you know what I underestimated the raised pick why did he buy another he'll have alt here surely he ults it and drops all the utility the sage doesn't even do anything they're just really running out of pupil please okay we pop field we'll get the flood for the very first round nobody can stop this instead they're trying to wait now it's all up to the diamonds to try to stop the to defuse the spike the real question is will they be able to do it when the kale controls all the utility right now let's see [Music] oh he's on the ghost only though he needs to reload with no Phoenix oh I think our iron player wins the first round this is the first round that iron player wins okay so KO was a great pick by our iron player this was a phenomenal thing because we get rid of all the utility and our iron player gets a uh a nine player Ace wait he's gonna have all every round but the problem is he's unattacked and this is his last round on attack if we switch over where he's on defense he doesn't have enough Mobility now all we have to do is kind of just wait out the old The Flash comes up oh the alt comes out does he break this he's stunned he does break through he's trying to plant in the corner there's a breach right in front of him but just again nobody can do anything once this alt is up okay okay guess what so this is looking good for our iron player you just oh oh my God someone's on he's blinded is someone getting on the diffuse okay no no no this should be in the bag here there should be no way for our players to win this the only things are diamond players need to do right now wait what wait no no no no no no no no not bad he's 26-0 obviously he's unkillable but now comes really because he's on defense I don't know how though his aim just magically went insane like for those first few rounds he couldn't hit anything and then all of a sudden he's like smoking and flicking looks weird chap foreign might be somebody else playing this looks weird okay they get the flood down okay we have a sage walled in here we have a mad man dude doesn't say Okay pistol round looks good for our Diamond players his big brother took over I don't think it's him really Chad the first two rounds look like it was him and then all of a sudden he's playing a lot like very differently it feels like a different player right he's dodging flashes feels different I know it's like someone flicked the switch I'm not accusing him of smurfing yet but it just looks weird like we watched the first two rounds and he looks like he can't hit a shot and then on the third round he just goes crazy okay they plan he can just run through these guys he doesn't even have to fight he hasn't owned it but it doesn't matter just run through them he's trying to make his way to spike now he's trying to make his way it's like they need to stop him or get him off Spike or something he goes back to sight wait he kept the fuse why is everything confusing wait I think he got it I think he got it I think he died no he didn't oh the race actually didn't tip whoa what's our verdict this looks odd I'm not trying to be weird about this but this does look odd I don't want to say that somebody's smurfing or anything like that but it just feels weird they got the plant though okay the stun comes out the flash comes out too this time he's just running at them though he pops the old flashback for some reason he's playing very efficiently this time that's some great recoil control too the Wall's here can he pass through no he can't oh great wall Great Wall win a flash by the Phoenix but is there time he just needs to run the spike what is he doing run to the Spike oh is he body blocking can they get a monsters I don't think they can there's nobody gonna get him off but whatever the diamond's doing they should have had something right surely they had some mutual there wait he's on stream wait we've got a little conspiracy what the is happening over here what is going on oh my God they have the double wall what is that other wall dude he literally just walks in there okay at least they're getting the aim punch in oh we don't have Astra astra's dead here trying a nice Astro but we're not doing anything all we're doing is aim punching with our guns but dude I don't know if you guys know the game mode bat kid from Halo it's oh wait I think he has this oh good sir oh good suck great suck great Satchel oh it's so good oh what's up wait what dude okay our Diamond players actually throw that I think little sock would have got him later on if nobody was body blocking towards this bike let's go game two this round is playing papa says he's gonna Farm old deadlock that's a great strategy poor Astra is overpowered they're playing Cipher too but this guy's on your route on attack which means if he just gets his teleport off it's gonna be hard nope anyways he's trying to fake one no the way this man tries to fake blow this early cutting through can they even stop him from planting he's trying to get the blood down here oh I think he gets the plant done Astra needs to suck oh the suck misses they plant goes down he TPS away but they need to body block this this is where they need to see the sage Wall comes up they do get it to half I think he doesn't see the person behind them what is he doing and our Diamond players take the first round that could be a colossal throw they do get the plot down oh yeah they do get the flat down all right that could be a colossal throw that could be humongous I think our iron player might be able to win this off it wait and they wall them in with the spike too oh wait wait but they can defuse wait he doesn't see it wait he doesn't see him whoa what what dude this guy's just knifing them now it's a cage match they do get it to half though they do get um one to one so far our iron players somehow won that round I think our diamonds misplayed that a little bit they have four Astros yeah they should be trying to get the suck off that sounds weird but they should be trying to get the pull or or whatever you call it they all stack a by the way they know he's going B but they stack a they need the Astros to get the pull okay resonate comes out Deadlock's gonna be here I think deadlock might be dead I take it back that luck does get a stun the grenade does not hit but the wall does come out at least there's an astro behind tried the knife for some reason I don't know why they need to pop the second wall from the deadlock he's trying to make it into sight there's one person just body blocking now okay he's going away from wherever the Astro stars are he's gonna get the plant down I think unless the Astron oh but the sage with the insane clutch he does get stunned but they used up Sage wall now do they still have you teleport to the Dyson flat thank you okay the Astra is using the I don't even know what the Astra what is that ball chat what is the proper name for the Astra you know oh oh big suck you might have time there's 13 seconds left he's trying to get the plant done he's trying to get but I don't think we have any more util oh our Diamond players have used up all their util unless they get a miracle defuse off this it looks like it's over oh I think they just need to save all their util for the Post plan or for the planting situation I think if they tried to deny him entry into sight using util I think they might be wasting it except for deadlock they have four Astros so they should be able to use the Astro stars to pull them off quite one-sided I think on attack this becomes very one-sided towards our Diamond players but we'll see Chuck I believe I'm back trying to get the plan try to get the plot there's nobody gets a suck oh dude no way oh but oh nobody break that that's so smart someone get the diffuse off wake up there's something oh they just see that deadlock win condition the diamonds are so smart holy sh Wait he buys them he hasn't vulnerability on they need to get the deadlock the orbs that's their win condition now deadlock needs to pick up orb get Spike to lead and then okay so we have a deadlock on three old orbs now deadlock will be on four on the next round the Astra is here I don't okay they get the plot down because they need to play defense they're gonna wall this up this is pistol round oh I just realized that the door is so wide now okay not the name okay Astros here trying to do something I I have no idea what but I think this pistol around shouldn't be in the bag for our Diamond please should be in the bag TTP said oh that's kind of smart but there's no time all right good stuff our Diamond players are back on the board light work no reaction okay that's some good round from the diamonds here's where the problem lies our iron player can now buy whatever gun he wants so I'm predicting the Odin to come out I'll be up there it is the diamond deadlock is four out of seven so if they get both orbs and gets the plant down they should have deadlock ult available oh and this is what they're doing this is what they're doing they're basically just protecting the one deadlock who's getting all the orbs but the real question is if that deadlock can actually hit their shots because if they can't hit the ultimate all this old orb Gathering and planting will be for nothing but let's see Chad deadlock gets the plant down the euro is coming in this is a big moment so we're gonna watch the deadlock he's defusing he's defusing oh I think they're using deadlock as a final like the last resort they're using it as the last resort so they're getting him off with all the other util but they're using deadlock okay okay they have the third Astro song oh look at him no that look might die do we pop that local I think we have to bomb oh really oh they hit him yo Cipher's body blocking that they almost missed them I saw the Euro TP animation come out and I was like oh crap you messed up he dies the deadlock or any other damage and he is fine this is interesting will our diamonds get the game too or will they fall to this Euro player oh he's uh what a judge are they still farming for deadlockworms oh they are but this time they're farming for the other deadlock I think this other deadlock will be able to get no no no they're one off from getting old there's six out of seven I don't know why he won't judge I feel like Odin is a better pick but maybe judge will do work let's see what he can do dude did no one tell that Astra okay okay now the diamonds need to coordinate their utility here or they will not get them off this flip let's see diamonds diamonds okay they get them off they get him often he pops the old I think our diamonds have it in the back they do have it the half though it is it is brought to have no way does that other deadlock body blocker from the Astra suck I think the other deadlock was standing beside the body block that and the Astro stuff didn't go through because of it but now they should have deadlock already so match point it all comes down to this final player is this guy ashes we're gonna watch this guy because this guy's the one to watch if they miss the deadlock ultimately lose the entire game and the series because this is best of three if he dies because of next round it resets so it's imperative for this guy to survive let's see the irons teleporting into sight oh oh dizzy pop Vault he does not pop ulti after using it as a last resort again oh he might die oh pop up now he's gone okay we've got either way and our diamonds we're moving on game and game three where iron player can pick the map all right game three where what I guess this is where we ended all right ggs guys ggs there's nothing else he's gone this is so weird okay I just want to say they shouldn't have ended this way from the iron players weird start to how he finished the ascent game and then we had this whole Fiasco and then not deciding on a final winner it's just this was such a weird event in general classic iron move disconnected when losing foreign foreign
Channel: eggwick
Views: 422,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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