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it's over I think it's over unless of yours boosts themselves up what is he doing is he just trying to survive very fitting for this gameplay next hello YouTube today we are releasing valrence new one versus one thousand Ninja's game mode yeah we're doing every rank versus nine euros with infinite abilities also if you guys want to see the stuff Live come on over to egg like if you do enjoy the content please consider subscribing to the YouTube channel one versus one thousand Euro clone we need to decide a few things as usual number one do yarus have flash number two do they have teleport number three what guns do they have and number four does our one player have infinite abilities infinite okay if you want them to have flash spam one not to have flash spam two wait no flash okay so your replays no flash what about teleport I feel like we have to give some teleport right infinite TP it's not even that big of a deal we're done with TP yes now the Moment of Truth gun what gun do we give the Euro players so we have shorty Sheriff classic frenzy what else is knife one to five come on hit me with that good stuff nice dude this is unfair I'ma just tell you right now is that the Euros are gonna have a hard time but you're my balance team okay does our one player have infinite abilities I have to say that if this is how we're gonna do it whether yours aren't very strong we need to say no okay the one player cannot have infinite abilities or else if they pick raise the Euros are just dead to a single name they can't do anything I'mma runs the pole but please vote no we're gonna be done either you give them infinite abilities it's over yeah okay you guys have voted 57 okay yes here's the thing is alt available for the players that's another thing I will strongly suggest no okay surely all right let's do that no I forgot to ask for the Euros will the Euro players have all I think we should give your players all that way they're scared I think that makes it fair hit me with the no in fear of a random Euro appearing out of nowhere this isn't even about the Clones anymore it's like a ninja it's like you're fighting oh wait that's that's actually ah that actually might be a good title we can Rebrand find this to ninjas because they can't be seen they have kind of clones and they just knife you oh my God it's here all right all right one versus 100 ninja okay and your old is a yes so our first player for today their name is carried by him they're an iron and uh they picked Omen which is interesting Lotus on attack and Omen our first player of the day carried by him someone said in chat iron winsless dear God at least around they have infinite smokes the arrows are coming out don't shoot don't you don't you those are all clones those are all clones those are all clones those are all clones you see this Tippy do something oh my God they're just being surrounded now at least they got one that's something Bubba boy SMH I don't think I'm in this a play but I don't know what they cook in Iron we'll see I think judge is a good play I don't know okay they're just sitting in the smoke now oh okay the problem is yo look at The Omen never mind wait we bought a specter and this is a vandal round oh it's over oh it's over oh it's over come on that's a knife oh my God they got oh my god oh my god dude look what I do you know maybe neon is the play I'm actually thinking like what is the optimal strategy to beat this because yours will just keep holding right should we allow KO chat I don't think we should right oh come on that's a real one that's her nice try all right we have Reina motor wreck they do have infinite heals so that's one thing let's see if they can keep themselves healthy oh oh infinite blinds okay understand what they're cooking the infinite blinds on the Arena's big was tether that's not bad that's a real one nice nice nice we're looking good too nice don't shoot no you lose the Clones nice try jump updraft and shotgun that's not a bad play at least they got two deadlock might be big not gonna lie can you even walk through deadlock ultimate the oral I mean deadlock um what's it called oh overdone oh we're done oh we're gone oh we're going oh we're gone alt goes through ah dude that was tough your world goes through that lock wall uh that's rough big flush Big Flash they can't get the flush I think Reyna might be the play you just keep blinding smokers are the best to block The Flash from clones we had the smoker last round for the iron but it didn't turn out well but what spot can you even hide in with rays oh well that was a real one they didn't continue shooting that's a real one that's a real one nice okay you need to look behind you you need nice nice three okay okay okay okay okay okay there's a real one nice four you need to get a heal off of this dude rain doesn't play all right let's get our silver player in there incapacitate where are we going uh breathe yeah again oh he's on a sheriff okay I assume that he'd go like surely and just fly up and try to shoot people from there but I guess we're trusting our aim today oh you don't have enough that's true actually okay okay those are all oh he identified I think when you get flashed you just you just just updraft that's a real one that's the real one that's a real one I think if you're in a bad spot you just updraft go somewhere else because they can't catch you and then reset I think that should be the play and I think you should go judge okay are we going straight for the plant here oh that's two that's two that's big oh that's true problem situation just updraft and reload in the air okay okay three a winnable winnable winnable we try to get the plot nice oh this is so winnable it's over it's over it's over it's actually over hello hello hello hello hello oh that's so close that's way too close it's almost defusing it's almost defusing hello hello Eddie oh boy I thought once the plant was down it was over but damn went on the wrong pyramid probably I mean there's a blueprint for winning the game already but now that yours really have to just prevent the plan oh oh we might be dead oh double they need to be smarter about when they appear in alt because the Euros now are kind of getting cocky not gonna lie like they can just stay in alt come on this guy's getting cocky oh oh I didn't even see that guy dude they're literally appearing from behind the plant is the most important part on Attack 100 oh there's a bunch of your Earth ones oh just wrong but that's okay I think at every chance you need to oh I think we're dead oh wait Dash away okay mobility doing work well do it work you need to updraft one you get blinded just updraft and wait out the done I mean not the Sun the flash okay we're camping on top of here nothing yours they don't have to engage this guy's on attack I don't know what they're doing you don't have to fight this what are you doing he's my oil chapter yours are throwing they're actually oh wait oh that's right four left that's right what are they doing I don't understand you just wait for the plan he's on attack just wait for the plot what the dude just chill in your alt you don't have to do just relax run down the timer just try to go somewhere else nope you're out you have classic you have plastic you have classic oh my God broke their legs on Jeff oh whoa whoa they need to get support that was so close dude this is so winnable you don't have to buy Phantom I think you go old enough this looks like a GG this is a very close zero zero he could have had one round oh they belonged too okay nice try let's move on to Gold how's the silver and the silver got pretty close so I'm thinking in higher ranks they complete this maybe the diamond completes us surely we choose something else right where are we going whatever gekko's the play you could just Spam The Flash and left wingman play okay oh my God he's on Gekko Chad someone called him good luck to Blue pedal starting off on defense with a ghost oh no they guessed wrong it's going B oh my God we're just stuck here in the corner they're gonna get the body blocking oh big oh the fly the fly Only Hits real people which means if they're gonna identify the non-clones or the real ones from the Clones really easily the only thing is can they survive long enough this shoots the real ones oh wait he just right wait is he okay but he might be done awesome Panic maybe he can stand up here random question but does anyone know how to do this jump not on Jeff by the way can you guys do it consistently phrase might be the play actually if we've learned anything from the last time we did versus breach you can just keep satcheling and it does damage right oh my God oh my God no way oh he's dead hello hello shoot him nice this guy trying to be smart oh my God oh my God oh we're just spraying and pouring if you're going for the Gekko scrap I think you need accuracy you can't friendly Odin with the gecko strap because you just have the cons anyway like there's no point I think the silver players got it the silver player came really really close like actually so close all right let's go oh my God that comes from the ultra also dude this guy's just protecting his back he's just protecting his back oh on top of you oh man nice try another zero zero chat when are we going to get a game that's not zero zero when oh oh oh oh I'll try okay if somebody else picks breeds I'm going to lose my mind please let's get our plot clear and and TNT attack where are they going I feel like their stratiers are gonna get a plant down and they're gonna camp on top of the high box because the Euros can't reach they're gonna try to get an open plan okay for now they're just surviving right they're just trying to pick people off so far right they're just chilling here oh it's like playing the floor is lava because you're just trying to get on top of high spots without getting hit wait luckler might win they've already got one they're just picking off stragglers right now the Euros don't have to Peak until the plant goes down I take it back they're just so aggressive I see the game plan okay we're just chilling on top here wait there's one Euro there that's just standing he knows it's a real one too we're just chilling here the only problem is you need to plant there's one that's going for the hero play wait wait wait oh oh hello beside you yo someone shot him you get shot no you're done okay he's fine oh my God that's big someone was just waiting on top of Jen okay he's running he's on the Run he's trying to get the plant down but this is big he has momentum if he can get the black though this is gonna be so big get the blood down he does get the plant down now it's GT it's over no it's actually over he just has the not the trick turns away from the flash the flat player gets the first round yo who's turning on infinite grunts dude I think it's over I think it's over unless of yours boosts themselves up no way oh no they got his feet oh my God okay guess what oh okay fine looking fine we can find looking fine okay get through 50 HP that's on top of the box watch your feet watch the feet watch the feet everyone wants the feet that sounds weird but oh my God he's just chilling here he doesn't have the flat this time though okay what laying down my numbers okay running he's on the Run he's gonna try to get a plant on a he's gonna get the oh this is so scary oh that's a real one okay our flat player gets the first round our blood player gets the first round 30 seconds left I think they can still run B off of this his five euro players left running me oh plot goes down tonight it's not close man if this dude doesn't get it surely the diamond will yeah I mean we're still in plot they're still Diamond ascendant and Immortal so this is like the blueprint the higher rank should have a better idea of how to play The Challenge after seeing this okay guess what oh what oh my God oh my God is he sticking he's he's fine he's fine he's looking good the Euros are actually throwing the Euros are throwing things oh but it doesn't even matter final round who did it better our Platt player or our silver player silver okay if silver had ammo I think even if silver was just on classic I think if you just right clicked and right clicked I think he would have had it like not panic who's next holy that was so oh my God yo my ears why do they all oh that's the same time dude nice try Auntie Diamond let's go all right chalky milk where are we going I bet it's gonna be breeze hopefully it's not attack defense I believe eagle the echo is crazy the problem is on attack okay okay they're planting though this is tough who's on the Run he knows where they are okay I don't know if he knows it's planted on me but he's gotta go pee monkey [Music] all right we're going we're moving excuse me is that time though triple kill he needs to get Spike down early that's the big thing defending might be the play it's just because he's gonna lose all rounds on defense and then try to win it on attack okay oh no they're going to be they know he's here so they're just going to the opposite side that guy's real that guy's real I think the Jets play on Ascent was pretty good I think that was a pretty good strap okay he's feeling damage he gets knife once but but he's literally he's playing to throw on defense so that other attack he wins all rounds and that's the only way he can win the challenge oh oh all right oh they're going in dude this is just unlucky okay okay just to leave chat just believe an attack he cooks okay on attack he cooks nice try Odin's out for chalky milk does he not have a Crosshair wait what is that he's out he's moving he's flying he's on his way okay okay that's looking good such movement is going crazy they're trying to get the Platinum okay come on man come on come on come on come on nice looking good they're all so close oh he fell a 200 you fire is an Odin oh oh there's no time nice try we're on attack now chat he's gonna win these attack rounds he's got this okay okay wait wait no all right let's get our ascendant player in all right humble where are we going Todd we're back to Breeze he's a gutter he's just warming up he's performing up here we go here we go round two where the did he go oh he's here he's on the move oh he gets one wait why is he Bissell only why did he buy yo you can buy by the way we have to put Faith in our uh outside the player second round warm up real don't worry don't worry okay that's one oh okay that's two never mind I take it back okay three he's gone nice nice nice nice nice nice guys nice oh unless dude just go to the other side just go to the other side oh my God just go to the other side come on please Road the problem is even though if he wins on Attack on defense this is gonna be so tough oh okay spots one behind him okay okay oh good spot good spot careful for your feet though careful for your feet one in front of you looking good looking good looking good he's getting away get up get up get up let's go nice 4K oh 45 inch four players left 45 HP three players 20 seconds 14. I don't think he'd make I don't think he has time catch the ball was he does he oh empty we're on defense now oh he guessed right he guessed right okay oh this is scary these yours are actually try Harding like crazy they sent the other guy to the opposite side but they don't play oh they're planting now you might run out of classic bullets here though if he right clicks a lot he might run out oh he's out oh he's out oh what's going on this is the round shot this is the round he's got it let's go dog that's going down oh if you got the spike down nice nice 50 HP can't make any mistakes nice plant goes down but this is so winnable there's two people in one HP no one guy on one HP no ggs let's go Immortal pixel a sun okay okay so let's coin flip this I guess he's playing right now why are they playing Arena oh they're raids now they change from Reina to race wait what the he picked the Euro okay ggs everyone I don't know what he's cooking look at that ammo buddy what is he doing is he just trying to survive very fitting for this gameplay thanks just because I can't hear the game doesn't mean he can insert the John Cena dancing meme oh nice oh dude disrespectful now they leave a spike in front of him yeah I didn't even hear this I didn't even hear any handle headphones headphones oh my god oh he escaped Jesus Christ I thought he was dead bullish are we all five speed running all five here we go oh Spike Trump wait euro is actually not that bad especially on attack because you can just TP away what wait wait okay so winnable now he just has to defuse I love fantastic dinosaur oh okay nice oh my God they're all here oh my god get over here oh my man just dipped who's next imagine that was a real dude guys surely you left him diffused right surely he gets a diffuse off right imagine you just crowd him while he's defusing and he can't move imagine imagine hey bro where you at dude okay now I'm just rolling no this is a troll this one's troll this is a troll this is troll this is troll this is troll thank you speed running to 5-0 fine chap I'll show you how it's done surely he wins attack you reach radio no but yeah people just want me to try us all try it bold strategy okay oh la la la la la la la la la la la la la la I got breathed wait just give me a sec champ I have not thought of it yet let me cook let me go I'm trying to win shot unfortunately Breeze is the optimal pick that's a big thing I need to guess right who's next who's that what the I can't even see how you think at the end we are throwing this defense rounds I don't play race at all defense rounds are being thrown I'm gonna try to win it on attack I'm gonna win it all on attack hopefully well I'll try to but this is tough come out come on who's next who's next he's what who's that who's that no God I feel strong again it's over here no I need to guess right on defense It's just tough are you I mean it's time times time we win that we win now I have 30 bullets one per person this is clutch I will try I don't think I will but I'll try my best who's this foreign [Music]
Channel: eggwick
Views: 197,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C7_gcVcxgdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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