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the sage Wall comes out the Phoenix players should hear that they should know that they're mid this guy's getting ready to Rez the stage Wall comes out the pH players should know but they're they're just chilling they're chilling over here oh here comes the fight they got one Phoenix time this guy's just peeking he's breaking his fingers this guy's a monster he's just walking up trying to arrest him meanwhile hello YouTube today we are inventing a new game mode called protect the VIP and Valor and technically it's not a new game mode that's been done in other games and lots of people have suggested it in my Discord server so now we're taking that idea and bringing it to life if the VIP is killed then you automatically lose anyway if you guys want to see the stuff Live come on over to egg like if you do enjoy the content please consider subscribing to the YouTube channel you guys are gonna help me out with this we're gonna do this new protect the VIP thing so we have a few things number one just remember if the game mode is four Silvers on each team with one yeah happy Diamond okay it's a VIP if he dies then you lose we have to Nerf our VIP Diamond this guy will have no guns our Silvers have guns and all that good stuff number two we kind of have to discuss what our Silvers are gonna have do we give them like infinite lives is that what we do I kinda imagine this game mode as like one Commander which is a diamond and like he has his four silver pawns go fight do this do that we also have to decide like abilities and stuff Dewey gives the silvers infinite lives I'm gonna put the vote I would suggest infinite lives that to me personally you know I love the chaos everyone loves the chaos it seems that 57 of you want infinite lives okay all right wait you know we could give VIP infinite sageal instead of giving these guys infinite lives you know that might be a better idea Chad ah we choose between these two sageult or the auto respawn God damn that's a ton for sageal okay we give them Sage old but then that means we have to turn on infinite abilities because our VIP needs to have infinite Angels you know I wish we could just give one person infant abilities so sage-old so that's what we've decided on okay so Sage old goes to the VIP the real question now Silvers do they have abilities yes or no I personally think no I think the silver should have no abilities whatsoever because they have guns but at the same time that might make it a pretty boring game mode I I like the chaos but the thing is I would give them regular abilities you know like smokes all that other good stuff but then it's really hard to keep track because you know people might abuse it and go more than what they actually have all right we banned the silvers from infinite abilities no no abilities for Silvers fourth what guns do the silver players have all right hit me with some suggestions uh let's see yeah okay you know Sheriff seems like a good idea Stinger I don't want to give them any shotguns because that makes it a lot harder to play and I like seeing people with Precision Guns need to be here okay who the hell is saying Odin I kind of feel bad I think sheriff is fair enough I don't know how great silver players aims let's run up Sheriff iteration number one this looks fine right chat we give the VIP infinite ability he's on a Knife Only oh that's refund here's the maps okay let's do it all right here we go round one so they get slowed early on look at this this Commander walking up with his team okay I like that I I hear a dog I would oh okay I shot I would suggest that the VIP hides but look at this guy he's walking up with the team okay the elephant thief's VIP is just running into spawn now I like the slow this is looking good remember if this VIP gets taken down oh oh he's going for the res Reviving his spawn okay running back into sight this is looking good so far they do plant where is the defender VIP it's like protect the queen or protect the king or something he's running here okay 4v4 so far this guy's probably gonna try to get a res off I don't know okay all right so far we're kind of learning here learning the different strats I want to see the perspectives of both VIPs just because it's going to be really hard to track so one VIP is all the way over here just just throwing slow arms okay this other one gets a gets the rest up okay a bunch of Pawns I think they can just keep trying to kill people here because the enemy VIP oh yeah the Reds comes up hold on guys come on guys you guys can name okay nice shot okay is this an attack side of game mode or is it defense silent I maybe sheriffs are a bit too slow should we give them like odins or something I think we need more chaos surely I think I know what to do we should put them all on neon and then have them go like shorty only or something and no planting planting yes or no so no planting allowed you guys don't want planting I think that's fine we change everyone to Neon give them infinite alts and infinite slides no come on Chad okay so we stick to the regular game mode for now how about this we change all the silvers to One agent so that it's uniform what about that so it's easier to see now the real question is which agent sage and her what oh Jeff I answered my own question all right all the silver players please switch to chat this is it chat we've made the pocket stage game mode alright so for the Gen players you guys have Dash and updraft so Bumpus is over here he's commanding his pawns to go into mid okay they're all dashing into bed boppus is left unprotected surely they leave one as a bodyguard to protect vapas but people are fighting mid here boppus is trying to go out and maybe revive someone I think okay a dude walls off mid where's the other VIP there's one that's just oh this might be big okay it's not big never mind look team attack they're all just huddling around their VIP over here bombers is trying to get someone up but someone's gonna try to get in here no he's just joining the corner okay okay looking good so far the other VIP is chilling men dude it's just one dude and one bodyguard Bumpus only has one guy left Mr inconsistent the man with the legend this VIPs VIP runs into spawn it's not looking good for our boy bappa's VT oh but they they don't protect the death boxes it's not looking good surely these silver players just run in no surely they Dash in when there's there's no one Alive come on I think the game mode is kind of established now it's looking good right do we adults I'm thinking to add more complexity to this game we allow teams to choose the agent they want and have them have infinite Q or infinite e okay so no alt how about this we allow them to choose their agent but everyone needs to be the same agent infinite e why not hear music is that from in-game where is that from oh no that isn't game all right chat what about this one okay now the real game mode is going to start [Music] all right the goods so the geckos have hold themselves up in a they're they're just spamming their dizzies here the the VIP is just chilling here with infinite abilities in heaven now the other teams are just over here with the race why are they stopping buys how is it hard to not okay you know what maybe that's fair because there's no infinite ammo I forgot to turn on infinite ammo the rest of the team oh okay we've got the king where is he going oh ruin is walking up this is very brave from the gecko team the rest of the team is in here this looks like a stalemate so far chat with a bunch of raises just throwing Maids surely some people try to walk up here and try to get some early kills they're on a sheriff only by the way here comes cataglia he's walking up the VIPs walking up too Ray seems kind of like an unfair pick but this might be big no one suspects the the Spanish Inquisition here oh oh oh he's walking up he's walking up he's trying to get something he doesn't get anything you can take it down that's not looking country he might get the red sage gets a ton of damage what's the siege so far they're too scared of letting their VIP go so the razors are just huddled around their VIP meanwhile this might be hard for our gecko players I don't know if Gekko was a good pick round two what about we change up to e ability only that way we make it more fun because they chose raise for the infinite Maids but now we switch it to infinite satchels and infinite wingmen what about we just switch it up every round huh let's put the vote God damn that's an overwhelming one so first ability is a signature and then we move on to the Q to the X all that stuff all right let's do it for this round you guys are on your Q only so that's wingman and satchels good luck round two the wingmen come out sure yo yo it's wingman this time the razors are in satchels only this round it doesn't look very fair but surely they can do something about it and because satchels do damage right the razors are being cornered the wing might just come out one Gekko gets taken down he gets risked by ruin this one lone soldier pushing up here pushing oh but the race is ugly where is the where's the raised VIP the raised VIP is playing very well actually they get the res up looking good so far they're just spamming the walls now just ahead the VIP does have walls he gets taken oh 41 day speed he's just crossing he gets stunned dude so far that one gecko is down it's 3v5 yo sticking together is actually the plan oh okay it's not looking good team raises back to full strength comes ruin Akira he's running through oh they didn't I didn't even realize God damn holy [ __ ] I was watching the other Sage the entire time one to one all right this time it's your C only I thought it was over but that one guy made the hero play and I didn't even see it it begins surely We Trust silver players on Boom Bots to have the advantage here surely the Rave players win this and after that we give them all the wall is coming up they know that the VIP is over here but this race probably is dead right oh wait did they go AFK something happened to him but um he's over here he's doing work it's not looking good so far just to keep a heads up these are silver players I don't know VIP bodyguard DC surely he comes back but if not we might have to find a replacement silver player okay this guy's just spamming arms where is the other VIP he's cornered over here the rest of the teams are all mid surely they do something oh but this is the master flank from Mr inconsistent he's walking up mid this is big but the VIP is getting shot up here they see him they see him the Wall comes up Mr inconsistent has a massive the biggest flank of his life but what is he doing what is he doing goodness oh but the enemy VIP is also just walking up here the two VIPs are just they're just so close to each other all their pawns are fighting for their lives go sacrifice yourselves they're trying to get a better position here oh but he's dead they got him again wait the geckos are actually doing well surprisingly I know it's 4v5 but how are the gekko's winning surely it raises a better pick though here it comes look at that slime what a massive hit okay we're chilling we're chilling okay everyone is just tunneled up in B everyone's just chilling on B but if you look at it there's one the geckos think they're safe but nobody is watching flank they're all just ulting there's two people walking on flight never mind we have one Gekko here oh yo comes up get second down oh he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone all right now we just allow them to use any ability they want let's see it they picked raise okay let's go okay Shadow is just spamming Boombox here the rest of the team's over here oh this guy's going Grimble on everyone you know I'd kind of like people to go all Sage actually no that's a bad plan this guy's just spamming heels down mid spamming slow arms he's running through the fire he walls up stuff dude this VIP though that is he's actually just going in there like really blowing himself off this is also pushing through here this is very risky insanely risky but he's going for it team guckle is actually being pushed back into spawn this guy gets gooped I don't even know what you call that like what do pro costumes call that trap oh oh this is looking wrong oh this guy might be going for it I've never find a ticket back he's on he's on the Run okay he gets one down they need to guard the bodies that's the big thing here Bumpus is going in to spawn is it actually called Splurge I actually don't know okay they rest the guy in spawn now what the other VIP is making his way over here but this VIP is in spawned with the rest of the team they flips places the defense the geckos are being pinched the rest might come out is nobody gonna try to make a hero play there is a hero play over here the sage Wall comes up there's a raise sneaking in behind Team Gekko this looks rough now the rage just has to hit the shot Mr inconsistent ggs did I realize what abilities do we give them this round nothing guess what nothing and I'm down to give them nothing if you're a gun fight good luck oh shadow gets killed gets rest back the residents are coming out from Akira why aren't they breaking the wall okay looking good they wall up here oh he's dead oh big wall big wall he's gonna get the rest up maybe no he doesn't get the rest up oh the geckos are losing the gunfight are raised oh he's going he's he's walking up wait hold on wait whoo huh uh you know this is the big problem with this game mode is that we don't even know when the other VIP dies they're almost so quick all right let's round we're back to e only guys good luck good luck I like the play that this guy's just chilling and spawn this is looking good so far they're they're arranging their troops I need to keep an eye on both VIPs this is what I should do stop following the stragglers and follow the VIP yeah I need a production team for this I need people with multiple camera angles because this is tough look at all the nades flying out meanwhile this VIP is just chilling here we have a guy walking through b main trying to come through oh we're going all sneaky peeky like okay [Music] razors are one away from winning all right this one's e only satchel and wingman only good luck good luck okay okay that's interesting this is actually terrifying oh big big big big big big big big big flag just has to win this 1v1 he has to move let's move on to game two surely they choose someone a bit better this time right where we go we do best of three so team raises up by one AKA team Bob buses up by one guess what Pearl who the hell watch Pearl no way that's crazy why is it collect oral okay okay we have deadlock versus Phoenix team Bop us on Phoenix and team ruin on deadlock okay only signature ability same thing as the last game I kind of want to go for a team deadlock because they have the walls Phoenix is also okay they're just gonna keep blocking stuff up but the Phoenix is they're all Walking In One Singular death ball the Deadlocks are Walling their VIP off the Phoenix players are just chilling they're walking up oh they see one they're taking the duel the Deadlocks are willing them off get the Phoenix because they even get through I don't know oh the demos get one okay looking good so far oh the ball comes up yep the Reds comes up okay good I kind of feel bad foreign Fest everyone's chilling we need a flag and who is it gonna be it's not gonna be around oh Bumpus is rezzing Mr inconsistent he's chilling oh but he gets up he's up and about but wait something's off right the Deadlocks why is it 5v1 the numbers have just disappeared Akira is gonna go for the hero play here he's going through spawn I play Minecraft they're trying to break the walls that's all they're doing he might be able to get his whole team up here this other deadlock needs to make more noise somewhere else because if he doesn't the phoenixes are gonna catch on what if this other deadlock is here though he's gonna get the Reds up they're gonna get numbers back up well the endangered animal is being restored the slurbs are coming up but where are they going they're actually hitting no maybe not but they're hitting there's hitting some oh oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh look there's only one guy left it's all up to this one dude can he survive and try to rest his team while the rest of the Phoenix is coming oh oh dude dude he got the rest up he has to raise him he has infinite heals I don't know what this Phoenix is doing but he gonna get through nice try we made it all the way to the end so that's flashes and for deadlock you guys have sound sensor thing good luck good luck dude big game player oh Phoenix's are just look at the aggression from Team bubbles they get one down they're just pushing in they've got flashes but the question is can they stop watching their teammate they're stunned they're walking up boppus and stuck here in the middle oh but the sage Akira he's in the line of fire but he's he's a battle Sage he doesn't care holy crap this Xbox one oh it's a Deadlocks one on a round where Phoenix players had flashes that's actually insane no that's actually crazy all right this time you have your C ability that's what happens when silver exactly that's why we choose silver players because it's unpredictable here comes the sound here comes the grenade great mate great name greatly oh my God they're being ripped apart the results are coming out can they get the rest and get he's just walking up do are they not targeting this guy he's going crazy that's insane they have old box okay I kind of watch I'm gonna watch Bop us because this is the this is the scary one he's he's Walling himself in okay dude this guy's a monster he's just walking up trying to arrest meanwhile okay how are they gonna get us they have to break all the walls it's fun we want the Phoenix is the moment yes but they're they're making their way up this one but this is still destroying in there the Chad Akira versus the Virgin box what's gonna happen oh my God he just seen all this thank you all right this round as you know is no abilities Good Luck Good Luck they're just walking up that's a great skip I always mistake it for a chamber Sheriff I'm in a chamber Headhunter the the wall of [ __ ] dude [ __ ] man he walks up with his full theme meanwhile you have the other team just defending themselves look at them they're actually protecting their VIP meanwhile you have this VIP who just walks at the enemy team two different philosophies of playing this game one the aggressor won the defender look at them huddle around oh oh here comes the fight begins okay yeah yeah good luck running speed Phoenix's win his confidence lent his downfall chap that was it his confidence everything but oh if Phoenix's don't win the game I will be mad I I don't know I think this will be tough for deadlock but then again they won the game with the flash look at that map okay this guy should stay oh oh oh oh he's he's trying to be smart here okay I actually don't know what he's doing anymore what is he doing it's a great wall of China's who's actually just like the phoenixes are now pushing up the Deadlocks are on the defense this time now that they have their walls again there needs to be a big flight plate the Deadlocks are breaking their own walls they've been Trapped By Their Own Boss this is looking good if the phoenixes can get some mollies down here this could be dead this could be dust for the Deadlocks so far it's a stalemate but there's some Deadlocks who are pushing up why isn't that the Phoenix players switched they used to be the aggressors now that Deadlocks are the aggressors the Phoenix players are playing back what happened not a big flank but the sneaky peaky from roro only to be met by three walls but tag Wheels on the big plate oh this might be big but both stages are actually pushing up here category has a big flank he has to win this fight well stages are up or Walling we're Walling nades are coming out we're having a little bit of stalemate here Chad the flank is going to be the flag is going to be fake the flag is gonna be big 1v2 oh but here comes railroad okay okay they're down two players this is looking rougher than Deadlocks they sent two people forward all right Phoenix players got that back this one's only signature ability okay but the sage play I mean the deadlock look at the two bodyguards we we've got the protect the president here we're walking up this guy really trusts in his two body cards ruin Akira we're on the stealth Mission here around the big stealth Mission oh they're coming in from behind oh look at me the walls are breaking that's the perfect time what do you want come on you gotta get Mr inconsistent you don't get Mr because this is what the Wall comes out yeah the VIP is really just a pocket stage exactly we're only spawn but what the they have to take it pretty slow because if they lose one more this might be game over it's a game of numbers check Sage is walking back here the big Phoenix dust ball is hunting them but these guys are just walking through mid playing it very slowly very methodically because Sage Wall comes out the Phoenix players should hear that they should know that they're mid this guy's getting ready to Rez the stage Wall comes up the face players should know but they're they're just chilling they're chilling over here oh here comes the fight they get one feed stop this guy's just peeking he's freaking he's thinking and the Phoenix players get it this one's only your Q so that's Flash and sound sensor good luck I praise them for being a giga Chad but now his Giga chadness is leading to his downfall it's not looking good it's one more round for team Baptist to take the game to take the series 10 team deadlock bring it back they're just walking up there's a horde oh get one okay the flash comes up the Reds comes up surely they just shoot the reserve they don't get the rest Felix I'm surprised but everyone is just a full fight V main be long they get one deadlock down the res doesn't come out the Press does come out now but they're just gonna keep killing the resin the Wall comes up there's one Phoenix walking up here he's walking up like an absolute madman oh nope never mind I think back get stuck by the mall surely we have one flanker yeah you know what my bad I I called for a flank but when you look at the amount of sound sensor stuff back here I guess that's why no one wants to flank then again you don't even have to trigger the the sound sensor you just have to walk right but the Phoenix players are just Brute Forces Mommy you have to be my mommy and team boppus takes the game two to zero ggs you know I kind of want to run this thing with with High ELO and see how they play it out at some point but yeah all right guys thanks for playing thanks for being a part bye YouTube I do [Music]
Channel: eggwick
Views: 271,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qi4biX7Z1BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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