VALKORION: Eternal Empire Lore Compilation Video

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greetings acolytes of the Eternal Empire and welcome back to the channel today we have compiled all of our lore revolving around the Eternal Empire its Emperor and valkorian previously the Sith Lord vishya his children and his ultimate rule so hopefully by the end of this video you will have a full Grand understanding of the true power of vishyat and his Empire long live the dragon of zakul and enjoy the video greetings my friends and welcome back to the channel Darth Sidious was a Sith Lord unlike any other before him having successfully taken the Galaxy by storm he became its Emperor and he officially destroyed the Jedi Order Palpatine was a man of great power and as the culmination of the bainai era and the Sith rule of two he used that power to his advantage and nearly became the most powerful force user in Galactic history very few Sith Lords can lay claim to the kind of success that Sidious brought about during his era however there is one Sith Lord who took the Galaxy by force out of the grip of both the Jedi and Sith alike blindsiding both the Republic and Sith Empire during the time of the new Sith Wars The Eternal Empire seemingly came out of nowhere and carved a path of Destruction right in the middle of the war the man that led this eternal Empire was perhaps the only individual that Rivals the sheer force potential and power of Sidious not to mention achieved power this individual was known by many names valkorian Lord vitiate he is one of the most mysterious entities in the Old Republic era so stick with us today students of the force and acolytes of the Galaxy as we give a brief summary of the life of valkoria and then analyze his power to see just how much of a threat he really was as potentially the only Darksider that eclipsed the power of Lord Sidious the story of tenebrae actually begins in 5113 BBY during the Golden Age of the Sith Empire also known as the old Sith empire under the rule of Mark aragnos on the planet of midras tenebrae was a Sith pure blood and an illegitimate son born from an affair between a poor farm woman and the ruler of metadross Lord drothma when tenebry was a very young boy and began showing signs of force sensitivity tenebrae's stepfather confronted the boy's mother about it suspicious since neither of them were Force sensitive the woman admitted to her betrayal and driven into Fury the man began to attacker tenebrae watched on feeding off of the man's anger and by doing so stoking the Flames of the dark side within him tenderbrae then reached out and snapped the man's neck before turning on his mother and began torturing her with the force as well continuing to feed off of the suffering until finally killing her many days later by the age of 10. he had already amassed a huge cult following from his village after using his terrible displays of power publicly publicly using them to torture and kill many of his subjects many followed him out of fear or out of fanaticism you see the young kenebrae was very much unlike many children he didn't speak or act like a normal childhood when he was born his eyes were completely black he was almost entirely emotionless and enjoyed feeding off of the suffering of others he would continue doing so carving a path of Destruction through his Homeworld eventually his birth father Lord dramath would confront his son after hearing reports of the boy tenebrae actually ended up severing his father's ties to the force before torturing him too until he went mad and only then did tenebrae kill him the boy then seized the throne and anyone who challenged him fell beneath his immense power eventually the leader of the entire Sith Armada at the time lord Marco ragnos recognized tenebrae's strength and christened him as Lord vishya officially making him the new world of Madras vichyat renamed the world the thema and ruled it for nearly a century after Marca ragnos's death the struggle to become the next one dark lord was fought between dagasa Dao and the Sith Ludo crash however Vichy decided to stay out of the struggle wisely distancing himself and watching on as they fought each other like Mad Dogs and then both groups failing when trying to go to war with the Republic during this time Vichy would fight no Wars rather he shut himself off from The Wider Galaxy and would study the secrets of the dark side incessantly when the old Sith empire fell out after the great hyperspace War many of the Sith were left scattered from across the Galaxy now it was go time assuming a leadership role Vision called all remaining Sith Lords to his world of nethema in order to Aid him in performing a ritual promising all of this Sith that it would unleash the full power of the dark side beyond anything they could possibly have imagined however it was all an elaborate ruse because as soon as the 8 000 Sith who answered vitiate's call arrived at his Palace he dominated their minds and bound their Wills to his forcing the Sith to participate in a ritual that he had discovered the entire planet was frozen in the grip of the dark side sorcery and upon its completion all life on the surface of nethema was annihilated save for one individual Darth vicia the being that was now Darth vicious absorbed the life force of the entire world stripping the force from the very fabric of reality of nethema and gaining both unimaginable power and immortality as well this is an insane same feat of power the likes of which we have only seen from Darth nihilus and it only gets worse from here Darth Vision changed his name and decided to simply be known as the emperor though the Sith Empire was now publicly in ruin under the emperor's rule he secretly pilgrimaged his entire empire into the unknown regions and expanded his Empire out to many worlds and eventually found the Lost World of zakul and with it the key to his victory against the Republic the Eternal Fleet a fleet created in secret on the planet of ayoka the fleet was operated by sentient droids and controlled through the Eternal Throne during his journeys he became dissatisfied with the Sith ideology so the emperor divided his Consciousness into the zakulian warrior named valkorian and created a vast civilization known simply as the Eternal Empire the emperor's goal was absolute immortality in order to experience and expand his new creation across galaxies so he plotted to initiate a war between the Sith Empire fire in the galactic Republic his plan to drink in the deaths caused by the conflict in order to fuel a new ritual that would allow him to consume almost anything in the galaxy and become an all-powerful Force God he then orchestrated the Mandalorian Wars as a preliminary attack against the Republic but this was thwarted when Revan and Malik won the war and tracked down the Sith Empire in unknown regions valkorians simply dominated the minds of Revan in Malik though and twisted them to the dark side though as soon as the two were out of his reach they broke free from his control but were still under the influence as the dark side as you well know the rest is history between Revan and Malik and they began the Jedi civil war against the initial plan of their new master after much fighting valkorian's plans would be pushed back another 300 years until a peace treaty was broken between the Eternal Empire and the Republic this was due to valkorian's sudden birth of three children arkan vexan and Valen from here on a cold war was waged until finally the peace treaty was officially broken when this happened valkorian then revealed the Eternal Empire to the Galaxy as his two sons arkan and vexan invaded Imperial and Republic space and captured a famous Champion later known as The Outlander judging The Outlander alone to be a worthy adversary valkorian orchestrated his death at the hands on Arkham and embedded his Consciousness within the outlander's very mind valkorian counseled and shaped The Outlander into a vessel of supreme power as the champion defeated arkan and then later his daughter invalent and disabled the entire Eternal Fleet valkorian sought to take over the Champion's body fully and ruled the Galaxy as a heroic Liberator however in a final Clash of Wills The Outlander and valkorian's own family banished the ancient entity into the very void of space however this was of course not the true end of the emperor Vichy its Spirit would return but the Jedi Grand astrosatil Sean and many others would help to destroy vitiate once and for all dooming him to the world of chaos and that is the end of ishia's story as we know it so far at least an incredible Sith Lord and Lord of the dark side in general Lord vitiate nearly succeeded in becoming a literal Force God after living for nearly 1500 years through the years of essence transfer he is living proof that all Sith Lords who were attempting to find immortality and Rule forever weren't just blowing hot air his intense study of the dark side yielded him great power the emperor's rituals on Drummond cos warped the planet's a very atmosphere creating the Perpetual lightning storms and he became vastly skilled in telekinesis and defensive techniques he could conjure Force barriers easily strong enough to block flamethrowers and even stronger lightsaber blows from his son arkan his telekinetic powers and prowess was so great that he can effortlessly perform great telekinetic Feats without using hand gestures which is commonly needed by force wielders he was even able to send the extremely powerful Revan flying across his throne room with barely any effort whatsoever and even disintegrated the Droid T3 M4 with just a mere thought vicious proficiency with Force lightning definitely rivaled even the power of Darth Sidious as he was able to conjure a fourth storm an incredibly powerful Dark Side ability if not the greatest Dark Side ability ever and overwhelmed Revit Darth vicia was clearly the superior to Revan who in himself was a force Prodigy this was a man who had truly grown beyond the Sith and achieved the power that superseded most ideas of the force in force wielders this year became something else entirely Vichy had truly achieved a level that was beyond Sidious as he lived for far longer and dominated multiple Empires this is not to say outright that vishya is the clear Superior to Darth Sidious but if there is a Sith Lord that is his Superior and his better it would be he had the natural Dark Side Affinity as someone as powerful as knightless a very entity and yet the cunning and mind of Palpatine and even though he didn't become a god like he had wished to he still definitely left his mark on a now scarred and worst Galaxy the Old Republic in Star Wars was a time of intense War where the Galaxy saw more horror than they would have even in the clone war with the Sith being just as numerous as the Jedi at the time the force was in a great storm of turmoil this would only be compounded by the arrival of a mysterious and Powerful Third Party who joined the war Midway through the Eternal Empire Sith Emperor Darth vicia had since disappeared into the unknown region since Revan defeated him long ago and had resurfaced by possessing the body of a man named valkoria this valkorian who led the Zak ghoul people valkorian who now just went by the emperor had emerged Seated on the Eternal throne and wielded a powerful weapon which was the Eternal Fleet itself and was comprised of many ships made made up of unknown alien technology that rendered at the strongest fleet in the Galaxy at this point in time leading the charge into the war was the twin sons of valkorian arkhan and fexan the two of them wielded the force with intense might as they inherited from their father his latent sensitivity and they managed to decimate the armies of both the Jedi and the Sith today we wanted to focus on one of these two twins more specifically arkan himself if you remember from The Cinematic Arcane would be the twin in white who ironically adhered more towards the ways of the dark side the story of arcan is one filled with tragedy as the boy was thrust into a role that he only wanted to use to please his father which in the end cost him everything so sit back and grab a snack as we will be diving into the history and powers of this strange man as well as what sort of abilities in the force he wielded to start off we had to go back to the very beginning of arkhan's story during his rule long before he engaged the Republic At Large valkorian had a family with a woman named senya who was a strong member of the Knights of Zach ghoul the two of them with their combined strength in the force begat three children all of whom had an incredible amount of potential the twins arkan and theeksan and their youngest sister Valen as the sons of the emperor the two grew up being trained in both of the ways of the force as well as intense combat training of course under the watchful eye of a former Sith Lord they would be mostly utilizing and wielding the dark side or at least arkan wood as they were twins the boys were thick as thieves always having each other's back and looking out for one another believing that they were the only people they had in the entire galaxy vexan was the one who carried a great deal of love for his family and he was seen by the public of zakul as someone who had a heart of gold vexan cared for his brother and wanted to just look out for him however arkan deeply desired to have the approval of his cold and distant father never understanding why he couldn't seem to get his father to show him any sort of Love or even a 10 tension whatsoever no matter how hard he trained the boys valkorian was just never impressed of course arcan would have never known that his father was actually a monster of the worst kind a Sith Emperor whose only respected strength and power and was not very convinced of the values of being a family man little did arkan know he was the son of potentially the most evil man the Galaxy had ever seen vexan however was content with the attention he got from his mother and continued to be something of a caretaker to the rest of his siblings as they grew older the time had finally come for the Eternal Empire to make their grand appearance to the rest of the Galaxy the twin princes requested the blessing from their father to lead the raids on the rest of the Galaxy for no apparent reason valkorian approved their lead but only allowing vexan to lead while ordering arkan to remain on zakul this built even more resentment within arkan who decided to disobey his father and joined that sand on the raids anyway their campaign was an intense one the eternal Empire led by the twins carved a path of Destruction through the war between the Jedi and Sith as a destructive third party with their strange ways of training the two seemed to be unstoppable for any other force-wielding group their power in the force was undeniably High having been born of two of very powerful force sensitives including vishya both Jedi and Sith had no idea how to properly handle the Eternal Empire and countless waves from both sides fell beneath the Golden Blades of Arkham and vexan and yet throughout it all valkorian remained unimpressed arcan's Fury grew and he took out his rage on the remaining enemies however during their raid on the Sith Homeworld of korriban arkan would lose his arm and half of his face would be horribly scarred from an explosion he was then fitted with a cybernetic in a Dura steel faceplate and with great determination he completed his mission the twins returned to their father expecting to be hailed as war heroes as they had defeated several titular adversaries that stood in the way of the Eternal Empire and its Eternal Emperor they even presented their father with lightsabers from their raids as trophies and yet it still wasn't enough balcorian turned his back on his sons for the final time as they had not yet given him what he truly desired overcome with the rage that he had never felt before arkhan stared down at his hand a hand that he had sacrificed for the approval of his father arkan became blinded by Fury as the dark side swept him away in a whirlwind he pounced at the emperor with his blade ignited poised to get his revenge while valkorian stayed there motionless barely even concerned about the events happening behind him dexan however was not willing to allow his brother to make a terrible mistake so he pulled him back with the force arcan's Fury though and bloodlust had to be satiated and so it turned on the nearest thing to him his own brother their duel lasted only seconds as dexan desperately fended off the sudden Onslaught he hadn't prepared for however arkhan struck true and and ended his brother right then and there as dexan's life extinguished in arkan's arms he looked up to see his father standing over him extending his hand in approval you see what valkorian was looking for was true strength and perhaps even a slight bit of evil the fact that the two heirs had been born to him at the same time was a bit of a conundrum that he desired for them to figure out he only wanted the strongest of his sons to be at his side and do his bidding no matter how many Jedi Sith or other enemies they destroyed together their combined strength would always be seen as a weakness to valkorian relying on the other as no Sith should only by one of her brothers removing this weakness and by destroying the other one and proving themselves as Superior would they be granted the slightest bit of approval from valkorian this was the way of the dark side arkan would become his father's right-hand man for the next little bit later on arkan attempted to inform his father of a joint Sith Empire and Republic flee approaching their territory but valkorian was already aware and sent the Eternal Fleet to intercept that in the aftermath of the battle arkhan recovered two survivors those two survivors were Darth Marr and The Outlander whom he brought directly to his father on his eternal Flagship when valkorian offered them a chance to kneel Darth Maul flatly refused and for his Defiance valkorian executed him in a storm of forced lightning as valkorian extended his offer to share his Empire with the Outlander arkhan finally had his last straw refusing to allow valkorian to share his Empire with any one other than his own son igniting his blade in protest he stabbed his father by striking him down though his physical body had been destroyed valkorian Spirit attached himself to The Outlander arkhan assumed his father's Eternal throne and as the new emperor of zakkul pinned his father's murder on The Outlander and used it as an excuse to launch an attack on the core worlds however he sensed that valkorian's Spirit was inhabiting the outlander's body and ordered the outsider to be frozen and Carbonite within a brief amount of time arcan finished the war with the rest of the Galaxy and soon the Eternal Empire was the dominant force in the universe with both the Republic and Sith Empire required to pay tribute to arkhan the Eternal Emperor soon though his own mother senya would betray the Eternal Empire as she had seen her children become tyrants and Darksiders she freed The Outlander and they both made a grand Escape infuriated arkhan would spend the next several months tracking down the Outlander believing the valkorian spirit was still within him eventually arkan would finally find him in a battle ensued on the flagship between arkan and The Outlander though this was in the middle of a large-scale battle and they repeated shots hitting the ship caused the environment to become unstable and their duel would be cut short by a large chunk of debris a piece of debris that landed on arkan's arm trapping him the Outlander escaped but Sanya came to rescue arkan still believing that she could save him and there was some sense of Light Within him senya managed to save our can and brought him to a place where he believed that he could be healed with Valen now thinking that arkan was a traitor by leaving with her mother she assumed the role as empress of the Eternal Empire thus ending arkhan's rule senya succeeded in healing arkan back to health but at the cost of her own life when Arcana woke arkan left the planet and gathered a great many of his zakul loyalists to launch an offensive against his sister for the Eternal throne their duel however would be interrupted by the arrival of none other than the Outlander and at that moment valkorian Spirit revealed himself to have been within the Outlander all along confirming arkan's fears this is where the ending of the story splits off as depending on how the player goes through the story will depend on what happens in one continuity arcanus slain by The Outlander in his reign of terror ends here once and for all in another continuity arcan is Redeemed by The Outlander and joins the alliance to take down his sister Valen the new Empress after which both arcan and AIDS The Outlander in destroying valkorian within his own mind nevertheless this is the end of arkhan's story he was a powerful and a ruthless person the exact type of force sensitive his father wanted and the person that he shaped him into so exactly how powerful was arkhan truly let's take a look as far as his lightsaber skill goes it isn't really clear what style him and his brother used based on what we see of his training it is very possible that they didn't use any conventional lightsaber forms at all and perhaps used a fighting style native to Zack wool and translated to lightsaber physics we can see that not only do arkan and dexan dominate on the battlefield but so does their mother senya who was once a knight of zakul herself it is quite possible that this foreign style is one of the edges that they held over the Jedi in Sith as they seem to be almost undefeatable in lightsaber combat against them in terms of force Feats arkan carries on his father's Legacy with an impressive array of force powers that included an advanced understanding of telekinesis yellow Force lightning as well as two to Menace despite being hindered by his cybernetic arm arcan proved to be quite Adept with Force lightning we don't have an explanation as to why his forced lightning was yellow whenever he used the dark side typically in the lore yellow lightning is indicative of forced judgment which is of course A Light Side ability perhaps it was just a design choice for his character but it is certainly interesting considering his background in being trained with rather unconventional applications of the force as well as his unique stance in it which for the majority of his life was overpoweringly dark but again this is an example of a dark side order that was not a Sith been taking a look into the inner workings of the Eternal Empire as well as the Eternal family as of late and today we wanted to focus specifically on the meat of the Eternal Empire the actual Empire itself more specifically the people in the planet of zakul this planet is in Wild space and was in the exact system that vitiate specifically chose to rebuild his Grand Empire in after his resurrection the cool in the Eternal Fleet would be the two tools that allowed the emperor and his children to completely dominate the Galaxy when they came from the Shadows of the unknown regions and made themselves known to the Jedi as was the Sith what we wanted to do in this video though was actually discuss the planet and Society of zakul the powers of the Knights of zakul as walls measured the capabilities of the Eternal Fleet to see what made them so indomitable and analyze why zakul was such a terrifying threat to the Republic as well as why its Fighters frequently outclassed both Jedi and Sith the cool originally was a Backwater planet that resided in the depths of wild space most of the planet was Lush and green with a significant portion of it being swamplands originally it was inhabited by people known as the Builders of ikoath these precursor beings were much like the celestials as well as the Rakata as they were responsible for creating a great deal of super weapons as well as artificial Powers Earthly in its history zikul was conquered by the Builders of and was meant to be used as one of the many worlds in live testing sites for their weapons a pilgrim group of humans though eventually immigrated to the planet and lived there becoming a superstitious people who lived in the tribes led by the three force-sensitive leaders these would become the natives of coolans who would wage war with the Builders of ikowath for the minion of the world for a long time the Builders of ikoath held the upper hand as they were the ones who actually created the Eternal Fleet the weapon that Darth vicious would later utilize to great effect eventually though the zakulians used the mysterious Alien War vessel known as the gravestone to Vanquish enough of the Eternal Fleet to liberate zakul the Builders of ikawa disappeared and the Eternal fleet was shut down the zakulins had become nihilistic people who worshiped a Pantheon of gods Chief among them was Isaacs the god of death and ultimate Devourer who expressed his power through the pain and suffering of his followers the people believed their fate was tied to the old gods but a prophecy was made that said that a demon savior would arise and rise above the pantheon and slay Isaacs bringing about a new era for the Empire several centuries later the spirit of Darth Vici had appeared on the world after having been tempted by rumors about the Eternal Fleet and its Limitless power after this Darth vicious possessed the body of a well-renowned warrior named valkorian and established himself by claiming to be the demon savior of their Legends taking advantage of their culture in order to become their ultimate Emperor and leader from here he built his Empire on the world of zakul putting his people to work to creating a massive space station known as the Spire the whole undertaking actually helped their economy massively and every citizen of the Eternal Empire was living the high life in great wealth with the average person basically being as wealthy as an upper-class citizen on even a world such as Coruscant eventually most of the people in the Eternal Empire moved off of the world of zakul and entered the starscraper known as the Spire where Emperor valkorian formerly vitiate ruled valkorian took full control over the Eternal Fleet following this and began to raise an army of his own from the most able-bodied as well as force-sensitive people of the world of zakul creating an extremely powerful military force known as the Knights of zakul the Knights of zakul serve to protect their Emperor and enforce Justice throughout the Empire The Knights of zakul operated much differently than the Jedi or the Sith did they stressed the importance of a knight exploring their personal connection to the force and they believed that no areas of the force were off limits for nights and that they need to study all of them in the pursuit of power light and dark essentially becoming dark gray Jedi of sorts the Knights of zukul were allowed to study both the light and dark sides of the force in whatever capacity suited the individual night some of the knights were even encouraged to continue their study towards ultimate power however the knights were encouraged to share their findings with the rest of the order rather than hoarding the information for themselves building up an Empire and not an individual I believe that this is one of the changes made by vitiate who understood the weaknesses of hoarding knowledge as he saw how it made the Sith weak and he ensured that his Knights would always be strong by making sure they all had Fair access to all knowledge and Gifts of the force in fact the Emperor bolstered their power by tying their powers to his very own this made him like a force battery for the knights the closer they were to valkorian the stronger they would be within the force but the gifts of the force is not all the people of zakul and their Knights had to offer outfitted with cybernetically enhanced armor plasma Shields and blue lightsaber Pikes the Knights of the cool were absolutely deadly on the battlefield something we get to see a lot during the raids of the Eternal empire under arkan and thexan when the Empire first joined the great Galactic War for scaling purposes the typical night of zakul was easily lead the same level as an average Jedi Knight or a Sith acolyte very good considering that these guys were the bulk of the Eternal Army that's like having an army where Jedi Knights are your regular foot soldiers speaking of the war it's time to actually talk about the poster child of the Empire The Eternal Fleet which is its most powerful asset this is the thing that is talked about the most when concerning the success of the Eternal Empire the whole thing about the fleet was that much like the fleet created by the starforge they were made by some unknown alien technology that superseded anything of its time the ships of the Eternal Fleet were better in just about every way to everyone else's dreadnoughts they were equipped with cloaking devices and their Shields and Armament were generally far more powerful than what the Republic and Sith fleets had within their ranks the ships in the Eternal Fleet were also much faster so fast that only ships that were re-outfitted with the best Starship core in the Galaxy a substance known as the isotype 5 could keep up with the Eternal Empire higher fleets this superior mobility an unknown design granted the Eternal Fleet every advantage in direct confrontation what's more is that the ships were all piloted by sentient droids which meant that their calculations were always extremely accurate to where they could overwhelm almost any opposing Force no matter how much practice or how skilled by lining up the vessels in a precisely calibrated array of formation the fleet could release a powerful combined attack if one of the arranged vessels was destroyed while charging they would all violently explode destroying anything within the blast radius in one all-out final Supernova and so my friends this was the mighty power wielded by the Eternal Empire during the time of the great Galactic War it's now not so hard to see how they managed to actually rule the galaxy for a time when arkhand was Emperor the sheer power held by the Eternal Fleet and the Knights of zakul is unparalleled to anything else we've ever seen in Galactic history I would actually go as far to say that it would require the power of the galactic Imperial Fleet with grand Admiral thrawn using the power of the Death Star to be able to contend with the Eternal Empire in a head-to-head engagement the Eternal Empire is perhaps the most powerful in all of Star Wars lore while the Old Republic cinematics are breathtaking as they were often times left us with a lot of questions about the lore especially the one titled Knights of the Eternal Throne betrayed where we were shown the childhood of Valen the sister of the twins as begotten by valkorian this chilling cinematic showed us a story of heartbreak torture and incredible power recently we did a video talking about the story and powers of one of the most mysterious beings of the Old Republic that being valkorian's own son in Arkan in that video analysis we promise to do a follow-up video explaining Valen whose story happens to parallel the rest of the events of the lore in the Eternal Empire at the end of the story we'll be analyzing Valen's powers in the force and see exactly what made her so deadly and potentially the most powerful of the three so let us begin Valen was born the youngest of all the children in the Eternal family just like her brother she had inherited great power from both of her parents however Valen was unique in the fact that her power was far beyond what valkorian and his wife senya had expected from her clearly having the most Force Attunement to all three of the children even though valkorian and senya did not notice this at first as a small child Valen was able to project the force in destructive waves and power without even meaning to and she could use telekinesis despite not having any formal training in it whatsoever in fact fearing her Untamed power her mother senya actively discouraged her from using the force especially in front of her father as she Grew Older senya oversaw her combat training as valkorian had once done for arkan and thexan however it quickly became apparent that her powers in the force were far too much to be contained as in one training session she was unable to properly get the sequences down and she let her anger out killing all of the night of zakul around her simply by lifting them up and crushing them within their very armors unintentionally she was only stopped when senya snapped her out of her rage and as soon as she did they both saw that her father valkorian had been watching the whole time with Keen interest here we already see that Valen has inherited a great deal of natural power from her father and even mirrors how he was as a child tenebrae when he was younger if you remember who would eventually become valkorian was so powerful with the force that he could already Force choke and torture someone's Mind by the time he was just five years old of course tenebrae now as valkorian recognizes this pattern and realizes that she had the potential to become a great threat to him being the only one of his children that he viewed as a legitimate threat so he took her away to the temple on nathema lying to senya about it and saying that she was there to learn discipline the disciplined Valen underwent on nathema was anything but she was warped twisted and broken by months of mental torture by the cultists that resided there who called themselves the keepers by performing many rituals and using a force-powered machine the Keepers were actually putting Valen through mental conditioning at the command of valkorian her very father the emperor wanted to make sure that Valen would never get out of his control which was the reason for all of this valkorian had assumed that his wife was blissfully unaware of this fact however he underested her own strength in the force senya was having nightmares and Visions about the torture happening to her daughter and could no longer stand to ignore them acting upon her instincts she donned her armor and saber pipe before leaping into action to rescue her child despite being within an inch of success after destroying the guard of force Keepers senya would fail her Mission as Valen had grown to completely resent her feeling abandoned under all the torment she was suffering she had deduced that it was her mother's fault for allowing her to be sent there senya begged Valen to come with her in vain and before she could do anything else valkorian showed up and senya was captured and taken away Valen would remain on ethema for the following years continuously being put under more and more brainwashing she hated it there and her anger towards her parents grew stronger the only person that ever visited her and made her stay even slightly comfortable was her brother thexanne who would spend time with her and bring her gifts soon though she was eventually brought back to zakul around the time that the Eternal Empire had decided to go public and joined the Raging war in the Galaxy that the Jedi and Sith were currently fighting by this time Valen was no longer the little girl full of life that she had once been she was twisted and evil having fully embraced the dark side and completely devoid of love for any being even her brother thexanne now that she had returned her father presented her with her own yellow lightsaber like that of her brothers and she swore fealty to the Eternal Throne following the death of theksan Valen still felt absolutely nothing it is believed that Valen very much served as an assassin for the eternal throne in the background and being a pure instrument of Destruction while thexin and arcan led a more public engagement against the Jedi and Sith Valen was indeed present for her father's quote-unquote death at the hands of our camp after she watched her brother destroy their father's body and imprisoned The Outlander at first Valen came out and supported arcan's ascendancy to the Eternal Throne arkhan would appoint Valen as his right hand and the leader of the Knights of zakul after which the two would Reign for about five years until they became the dominant superpower in the entire galaxy suddenly their mother would make a surprise return but not in the way that either of them would have thought senya found the Outlander who had been frozen in carbonite all this time and freed him together the two of them made a grand escape from zakul but not without being confronted by Valen Valen who finally demonstrated her raw power in the force Valen tore entire pieces of buildings off and hurled them at the escapees showing clearly that she was the most powerful of valkorian's children but luckily the two managed to escape in time this sprung a long conflict as the Eternal Empire was now at war with the alliance senya had officially joined the alliance and was now publicly battling against the Eternal Throne only the more reason for arkan and Valen to hate her after several more conflicts Valen and senya would meet up face to face once again but this time in a fierce duel Valen was indeed powerful but as we know she was never The Prodigy in melee combat vs senya who was once a knight of zakul herself senya bested her daughter at the blade and had the opportunity to end it all but couldn't do it part of senya's character is that she loved her children dearly despite the fact that all three wanted nothing to do with her and thought she was weak no matter how tyrannical they were senya couldn't bring herself to destroy her only daughter not after she had already lost her son thexanne speaking of which this was the exact information that Valen would use to her Advantage sensing her mother's inability to kill her Balin decided to throw her even more off balance by revealing the truth of fexand's death that fexan died at the hands of arkhan a deep secret held by the Eternal Throne senya was absolutely shocked to the core about this Revelation as she had been lied to and told that thexen had died during the war using her mother's hesitation Valen made her Escape as the battle around them was no longer in her favor sometime after arkhan would engage with the Outlander in a fierce duel as they were aboard the flagship which was in the middle of a battle with the Eternal Fleet and it was being destroyed very quickly The Outlander in Arkan were separated by Falling debris which trapped arkan and would have killed him had senya not taken pity on her son and attempted to rescue him while she was digging arcan out Valen arrived ready to end her mother once and for all senya called out to her daughter and told her that arkhan was hurt and needed her help however valin blinded with hatred didn't appear to really care for either her brother who was Gravely wounded or her mother instead consumed by hate hatred Foley she ignited her lightsaber and charged in for the kill having been awake for all of this arkan reached out with the force and blew Valen away so that he and his mother could Escape they managed to make it out and Valen was now convinced that her brother was a traitor just like her mother while arkan was being killed by the alliance Valen assumed rulership and became Empress of the Eternal Empire eventually The Outlander would face off against Valen in their own duel however it became apparent that by now Valen's power had grown exponentially before she could strike the final blow however a grand Revelation was made as valkorian Spirit appeared revealing himself to have been inside the Outlander the whole time he didn't wish for Valen to kill the Outlander since the was his current vessel Valen now enraged to this Revelation herself attempted to destroy the Outlander anyway but valkorian then unveiled his secret weapon by saying the words kneel before the dragon of zakul at these words all of the mental conditioning that Valen underwent of nathema although those years ago was now put to light and she was seemingly drained of all of her power and left extremely weak realizing what had happened she now understood that her father was still dangerous and she was barely able to escape once again she knew exactly what she needed to do and it all went back nonethema now that she was Empress that system was under her command and she ordered the keepers to undo any conditioning that they had done to her during this time though she would be visited by her brother arkan who had come to reclaim the throne Balin had come too far to be stopped now so she ignited her lightsaber and defended her right to rule through violence soon though the Outlander showed up in the middle of their duel and Valen used arcan's distraction to leave and return to nethema for her reverse conditioning the ritual to reverse herself was harsh as she had to be placed in a force-powered machine and be experimented on once again however the empress was willing to do it if it meant removing the shackles that her father had placed on her the machine turned on and she was immediately in agony but luckily for her she survived the process not only this but her true powers in the force were finally brought to the surface and let me tell you she was basically now on starkiller's level of power rivaling her father as he had feared all those years ago with her Newfound strength Valen decided to test it on her own guards lifting them all up and throwing them back with enough power to end their lives instantly she then Unleashed her full might by completely destroying the facility that had once held her captive and tortured her on her own Valen was now a one-person Army just in the force itself and decided to prove this fact by going to the alliance base arriving on the world of odessan where the alliance was currently stationed she killed a thousand men simply by using the force finally The Outlander showed up and depending on how the player ends the game they might be joined by arcan and senya for this continuity we'll say that they chose the Light Side options and that they were joined by both arcan and senya the stage was set for the final showdown and what battle it was valence power was overwhelming and she threw wave after wave of destructive force Powers at them however with the combined Help The Outlander managed to fight through the force barrage and end Valen's life once and for all thus finally ending the terrible reign of empress Valen of the three children of valkorian or vishyat she was the only one to die without any sign of Light Within her eyes Valen was one of the most powerful force users in all of Star Wars lore being on the same level of those of Starkiller and rivaling the potential of valkorian himself enough for him to perceive her as a threat something that is extremely rare as never once did he ever think of arcan or theksan as anything more than a tool so let's take a look at what Valen could do first off is her powers in telekinesis which is where we get a great deal of her recognition from as a young child she was already Adept with being able to lift and manually control small functions with the force even though she was discouraged from doing so by her mother this love level of control is usually only seen by padawans and she was only a very small child with no formal training just by playing with the force she was able to use a force Bellow a Bellow that projected a wave of energy which destroyed a suit of armor this wouldn't be the last time she destroyed armor like this as a child like we mentioned in the story Valen managed to unleash her powers in training when she lost her temper and easily lifted seven Knights of zakul and began crushing them with their own armor while splintering the wooden staffs that one of them held as an adult Balin was able to conjure storms and whirlwinds with Force energy that could tear and Destroy very heavy materials on buildings they even very experienced Sith would struggle to lift when she had her power unleashed by the machine on the thema she was able to do all of these things with minimal effort and was able to cause an entire facility to implode she could toss around other force sensitives with ease and was confident in facing enemies without a lightsaber she proved to be able to conjure Force lightning and one of her most deadly abilities was her power to control the direction of explosions and fire as well as the direction of forced lightning from arkan changing it at will at max power Valen was able to single-handedly slay upwards of a thousand Alliance Soldiers with just the four and she could exude massive waves of force energy that only The Outlander managed to resist purely because of the fact that valkorian Spirit was protecting him at the time I believe that if Valen had received more training in the ways of the dark side then she would probably be able to surpass maybe her own father in terms of power or at least could have gotten close in conclusion Valen proves that when two powerful force sensitives have Offspring then they tend to collect the potential of both of their parents this was something that we already know but Valen shows us that when you aren't proactive in having them trained from an Earthly age they can become a loose cannon that will cause problems for just about everyone even valkorian who is widely considered to have been the most powerful Sith Lord in all of Star Wars lore with his own rival being Sidious and again the biggest thing we can say in terms of power when talking about valet is the even valkorian feared her and sought to dominate her penabre also known as Darth vicia the emperor and valkoria is one of the most powerful beings of the dark side that has ever Afflicted the Galaxy his time in the Sith order went down in history as one of the only times that the Sith almost succeeded in completely taking over the Galaxy by military force however after vishyat's first death at the hands of the hero of Titan and then his subsequent Resurrection at the hands of the reborn Darth Revan this yet all of the sudden just completely dropped the Sith Empire totally renouncing his title in affiliation with the Sith and going off to form his own Empire which we now know today to be the Eternal Throne it is certainly a curious move especially for someone so powerful as vitiate to just cut all ties with the Sith Empire after conquering death entirely in this holocron we're going to look at the philosophies held by vitiate as well as his thought patterns and situation to determine exactly why viscient decided to forego his places Sith Emperor and abandon the Sith entirely The Story begins right after vicious Resurrection at the handsome Revan the Coalition managed to stop the revenites and revin from fully completing this ritual However unfortunately it was a partial success though only his Spirit managed to come back not Vichy its physical form in a ghostly echoing cackle the spirit of fishy had escaped and would go on to travel through the Galaxy by hopping in and out of various house bodies using Essence transfer liberally vitiate would simply dominate the body of one or even several proxies at a single time whether it being a young human girl or an elderly Sith man this was until he reached the Ancients of capital planet of zyost what he did here was then spread his Consciousness and will throughout the entire planet like a plague dominating the minds of every person there starting small with just one city and then soon taking full control of the planet as if it were to be controlled by one hive mind spreading like a virus each person was like the emperor's puppet and he stoked the fires of conflict within their system to cause Wars chaos destruction and depravity doing so in order to feed off of it so that he could become strong once again this activity didn't go unnoticed however in a second great Coalition of Republic and Imperial intelligence was formed to disrupt the emperor's plans despite almost succeeding the help of an electromagnetic technology which actually worked in temporarily disrupting the mental domination of vishya they ended up failing completely envichia took back control over the planet now with even more puppets at his disposal as provided by the new Coalition of Republic in Imperial troops this conflict ended in a violent climax as the emperor then performed a mass ritual for the second time a wave of dark side energy rolled across the globe like a tsunami turning all living things to Ash and leeching the force from the world in order to revitalize vicia just as he had done thousands of years prior to the planet of nathma and in the remaining set vicious power and ego could be felt for Miles he now believed himself to have fully passed Beyond death's reach and decided that he had transcended the link between flesh and identity and thus no longer required other vessels as puppets with his Spirit now fully revitalized vitiate disappeared off into the unknown regions of space where he came upon the rumored planet known as zakul and then decided to dominate the body of its leader valkorian it was finally here when the emperor shed his identity of being a Sith Lord and abandoned the concept of the Sith entirely delegating them to being a failed experiment so with this history now out of the way let's talk about why the entire reasoning of vishya was so ready and willing to drop the Sith behind after spending the better part of thousands of years to build them up you see by now Vichy had transcended death numerous times first with the discovery of immortality and then secondly with his learning of essence transfer unlike Darth and dedu and many other Sith who actually achieve mortality before this year didn't stop at one method of living forever he spent thousands of years of his Immortal Life in the study of access to multiple passive immortality so that vitiate would never have to fear death again and trust me Vichy feared death far more than any other Sith in history which is what made him hungry for more and more power here is a quote by Revan concerning vich yet for him death is not merely the end of his physical existence the emperor had spent a millennium Gathering his strength if he dies he will lose everything the thought of near infinite power slipping from his grasp has driven him mad in his Twisted mind the only way to preserve what he has accomplished is to annihilate every Potential Threat in the Galaxy that may oppose him this is the hidden key the emperor only ever really joined the Sith opportunistically tenebrae was born with incredible power and desire to rule all that is why by the age of 10 he slaughtered his family and many other people and then dominated his entire Homeworld Marco ragnos had heard of this boy and offered to make him a Sith ruler with the young kennebrae eagerly accepting the offer however after the death of ragnos tenebrae distance himself from the Sith Empire politics and how no part in the great hyperspace war of Naga sadao that destroyed their grand Empire speaking of which we will be releasing a video all about this very soon in Naga sidao's ultimate failure anyway the point is that here vitiate never cared about the Sith Empire utterly not when he summoned 8 000 Sith Lords to participate in the same ritual that gave him his Limitless power and not now when he didn't even hesitate to perform the same ritual by himself in order to gain strength from the Sith ancestral Homeworld of Zios Vision cared about the Dark Side of course but only because it was an Avenue for his ultimate power like Darth nihilus he used the Sith only for their knowledge and now he had acquired so much power that death itself was no longer a problem he had no more use for the Sith and therefore threw them away in favor of an order of his own design vishita hatred for the Sith is evident in many ways he finds their backstabbing and conniving ways somewhat amusing and only really wanted them around to consolidate his own power and influence over the Empire when vitiate received word from a few members of his dark Council that others were planning to betray him the emperor jumped on the opportunity and not only killed his conspirators but also slaughtered all 12 members of his counsel even the innocent ones just to send a message he allows them to play politics and go at each other as long as it doesn't interfere with his plans or come around to trying to overthrow vitiate however the Sith as a whole soon became a liability and after vishia realized that he no longer needed them for anything he tossed them aside for favor of a newer stronger Empire the truth of the matter was when vishya became valkorian he had simply grown beyond the Sith he was on another level a completely different weight class in the force he no longer cared about being a Sith Lord Sith Emperor or even Eternal Emperor he wanted to be a god vision it was ready to drain the life out of every system in the Galaxy until he was the god of a Barren Wasteland having drawn all the power of the Galaxy in so that he could set his sights on Conquering the entire universe and so this is why vishya abandoned the Sith well welcome curious acolytes of the Galaxy back to our archives for a little while now we've been talking extensively about the Eternal Empire and its ruler Darth vicia himself the dark lord of the Sith who achieved true immortality and wrought Terror all across the Galaxy in his day that made Palpatine's achievements look minuscule in comparison we began by explaining the life of vishya himself and then the lives of his children Arkham and Valen we talked about his power and the power of the Eternal Empire as well as the Knights of zakul which he founded now though we are going to finish the series off with talking about exactly how this Immortal Emperor finally came to his end and how Darth vicia finally was killed tenebray vitiate and valkorian all the same man died many times and it was assumed that after The Outlander destroyed him with the help of arcan and senya with his own mindscape that he was ultimately defeated once and for all however this assumption was wrong and there existed a single Visage of vitiate left somewhere in the Galaxy so in this video the finale of our Eternal Empire series we are going to go over the Epic final battle that was the final end to the emperor's terrifying Reign and how after several thousand years vitiate was finally defeated for acolytes let us open the final holocron at least for now of the Eternal Empire upon his quote and quote death at the hands of The Outlander vitiate had used a backup of his spirit in the form of some kind of plague that was carved into his original body as a sort of safeguard for his very Presence at the same time that the Outlander had destroyed valkorian's spirit in his mind Lord Scourge and Kira Carson attempted to destroy the original body of tenebrae the first aviciate's many bodies this released the virus that injured the two Jedi Master sistil Sean ended up coming to their rescue only to be infected with the virus herself and possessed by tenebrae vitiate sensing that satil was extremely powerful and was a descendant of Revan himself Vichy had desperately attempted to possess her body entirely and thus the battle to destroy the emperor once and for all finally began the Outlander rushed to the aid of satil and with the help of Kira Carson managed to enter her mind where all of her allies faced the spirit of valkorian taking the form of his three most prominent versions that being tenebrae vitiate and valkorian all simultaneously tenebrae here vowed to be even more decisive than he was before no longer worried about Mortal concerns like his Vichy itself or allow himself to be held back by a family like his valkorean counterpart however satiel broke from this meditative trance that she was being kept in and she took a stand with the Outlander against tenebrae she proclaimed that no matter how much power tenebrae had it would always be his weakness because his arrogance put him in the place where he was now trapped so teal In This Moment was correct as all of her Jedi AI students took a stand with the Allies Lord Scourge Mitra surik Kira Carson Arkham vexan Valen senya Darth Mar and even Revan all showed up and engaged tenebrae in all of his forms as they Unleashed their power in a massive wave attempting to destroy all of the Allies that banded together against him however they all combined their powers in the force and their spiritual energies in order to finally resist the Eternal Emperor the Allies marched forward towards the three faces of tenebrae and they began to condemn him but this was not the end suddenly all of the spirits of everyone that the emperor had ever wrong appeared every Imperial and Republic Soldier every innocent civilian Jedi and Sith alike even the Knights of zakul and the citizens of the Eternal Empire all stood as one against tenebrae tenebrae's Power began to fail him as he was now completely outnumbered and for the first time in his life completely overpowered the three faces of tenebrae hissed and said no the force is mine I command it I am endless however fishyet and valkorian both began to freeze and Turn to Stone then the Outlander and his ally stepped forward and said no in the end you are ultimately nothing at this tenebrae himself began to turn to Stone and they all crumbled before them into utter dust and thus was the end of the Sith Eternal Emperor the dramatic finish that tenebrae has is fitting for this kind of villain he cared nothing for trillions of lives and fully planned on dominating and destroying all life in the galaxy to become the god of the universe it is poetic justice that in his last moments all the people that he had wronged would all stand at once against him putting aside all of their political and ideological differences in the force to destroy this insane all-consuming madman darcidius's death was appropriate for him because one of his greatest atrocities was corrupting the chosen one and forcing him to destroy all of the Jedi so by the redeemed chosen one's hand would Sidious be destroyed as well penabre's death was equally as personal because ever since he was born all he would do was torture and kill all of his Rivals his lust for power and homicidal Tendencies were in a complete selfish desire to live eternally however it was through the combined power of selflessness and camaraderie that would be his ultimate undoing he spent his Millennia of Life tearing people apart and it was the unity of all of those Fallen the tenebrae breathed his last breath it was impossible for any single or even small group of people to overpower him by this point in time because of course his latent power in the force had grown beyond what anyone could comprehend tenebrae could not be defeated in a climactic lightsaber duel to the death tenebrae was beyond lightsabers almost beyond the literal Force he was Far Beyond anyone's normal powers or even super weapons at this point in his life this was a man who had to face judgment only by the combined hands of everyone he had ever wronged and the will of the force itself no matter how powerful anyone is the force must always balance itself this was what Revan had said and this is the one thing that the Jedi did understand that the Sith never truly grasp the balance must be maintained for the force will do everything to balance itself we believe that this may have been the will of the force for Order 66 to happen and it was for this very reason that all of these Spirits managed to bring tenebrae to Justice a final and definitive justice but my friends I would love to get your opinion on this one tenebrave this yet goes out with an appropriately explosive finale and for those of you who never saw the end to this Old Republic campaign how do you think vitiate finally died do you believe that vicia was finally brought to Justice in the reign of tenebrae valkorian and Darth vicia finally brought to a climactic finale if you've made it to the end of the video We Appreciate You extensively and now in honor of vishyat we would love to hear what you think down below about this amazing character and the Empire that he ruled also this does not Mark the complete end of our lore on the Eternal Empire and vitiate as we do have more to come although this does represent the cohesive story of vishyat and his most prominent children there is always more to be explored so as always long live the dragon of zakul and I hope to see you soon
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 235,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Darth Vitiate, Valkorion, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Jedi, Sith, Eternal Empire
Id: Wt9ju7vBxw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 53sec (3653 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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