The ONLY Child Valkorian Ever Feared | Empress Vaylin Explained

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greetings curious acolytes of the Galaxy and welcome back to our channel the Old Republic cinematics are breathtaking as they were oftentimes left us with a lot of questions about the lore especially the one titled Knights of the Eternal Throne betrayed where we were shown the childhood of Valen the sister of the twins as begotten by valkorian this chilling cinematic showed us a story of heartbreak torture and incredible power recently we did a video talking about the story and powers of one of the most mysterious beings of the Old Republic that being valkorian's own son in Arkan in that video analysis we promised to do a follow-up video explaining Valen whose story happens to parallel the rest of the events of the lore in the Eternal Empire at the end of the story we'll be analyzing Valen's powers in the force and see exactly what made her so deadly and potentially the most powerful of the three so let us begin first though in preparation of Black Friday there is a big sale on the Star Wars merch page where you can already get amazing deals but if you use code wave at checkout you can also get into additional 15 off your entire order so if you're looking for some cool Star Wars merchandise or even Marvel merchandise be sure to check it out down below now let us begin and open up another hologram Valen was born the youngest of all the children in the Eternal family just like her brother she had inherited great power from both of her parents however Valen was unique in the fact that her power was far beyond what valkorian and his wife senya had expected from her clearly having the most Force Attunement to all three of the children even though valkorian and senya did not notice this at first as a small child Valen was able to project the force in destructive waves and power without even meaning to and she could use telekinesis despite not having any formal training in it whatsoever in fact fearing her Untamed power her mother senya actively discouraged her from using the force especially in front of her father as she Grew Older senya oversaw her combat training as valkorian had once done for arkan and thexan however it quickly became apparent that her powers in the force were far too much to be contained as in one training session she was unable to properly get the sequences down and she let her anger out killing all of the Knights of zakul around her simply by lifting them up and crushing them within their very armors unintentionally she was only stopped when senya snapped her out of her rage and as soon as she did they both saw that her father valkorian had been watching the whole time with Keen interest here we already see that Valen has inherited a great deal of natural power from her father and even mirrors how he was as a child tenebrae when he was younger if you remember who would eventually become valkorian was so powerful with the force that he could already Force choke and torture someone's Mind by the time he was just five years old of course tenebrae now as valkorian recognizes this pattern and realizes that she had the potential to become a great threat to him being the only one of his children that he viewed as a legitimate threat so he took her away to the temple on nathema lying to senya about it and saying that she was there to learn discipline the disciplined Valen underwent on nathema was anything but she was warped twisted and broken by months of mental torture by the cultists that resided there who called themselves the keepers by performing many rituals and using a force-powered machine the Keepers were actually putting Valen through mental conditioning at the command of valkorian her very father the emperor wanted to make sure that Valen would never get out of his control which was the reason for all of this balcorian had assumed that his wife was blissfully unaware of this fact however he underested her own strength in the force senya was having nightmares and Visions about the torture happening to her daughter and could no longer stand to ignore them acting upon her instincts she donned her armor and saber pipe before leaping into action to rescue her child despite being within an inch of success after destroying the guard of force Keepers senya would fail her Mission as Valen had grown to completely resent her feeling abandoned under all the torment she was suffering she had deduced that it was her mother's fault for allowing her to be sent there senya begged Valen to come with her in vain and before she could do anything else valkorian showed up and senya was captured and taken away Valen would remain on ethema for the following years continuously being put under more and more brainwashing she hated it there and her anger towards her parents grew stronger the only person that ever visited her and made her stay even slightly comfortable was her brother thexanne who would spend time with her and bring her gifts soon though she was eventually brought back to zakul around the time that the Eternal Empire had decided to go public and joined the Raging war in the Galaxy that the Jedi and Sith were currently fighting by this time Valen was no longer the little girl full of life that she had once been she was twisted and evil having fully embraced the dark side and completely devoid of love for any being even her brother thexanne now that she had returned her father presented her with her own yellow lightsaber like that of her brothers and she swore fealty to the eternal Throne following the death of thaksan valence still felt absolutely nothing it is believed that Valen very much served as an assassin for the Eternal throne in the background and being a pure instrument of Destruction while fexin and arcan led a more public engagement against the Jedi and Sith Valen was indeed present for her father's quote unquote death at the hands of Arkham after she watched her brother destroy their father's body and imprisoned The Outlander at first Valen came out and supported arcan's ascendancy to the Eternal Throne arkan would appoint Valen as his right hand and the leader of the Knights of zakul after which the two would Reign for about five years until they became the dominant superpower in the entire galaxy suddenly their mother would make a surprise return but not in the way that either of them would have thought senya found the Outlander who had been frozen in carbonite all this time and freed him together the two of them made a grand escape from zakul but not without being confronted by Valen Valen who finally demonstrated her Raw power in the force Valen tore entire pieces of buildings off and hurled them at the escapees showing clearly that she was the most powerful of valkorian's children but luckily the two managed to escape in time this sprung a long conflict as the Eternal Empire was now at war with the alliance senya had officially joined the alliance and was now publicly battling against the Eternal Throne only the more reason for arkan and Valen to hate her after several more conflicts Valen and senya would meet up face to face once again but this time in a fierce duel Valen was indeed powerful but as we know she was never The Prodigy in melee combat vs senya who was once a knight of zakul herself senya bested her daughter at the blade and had the opportunity to end it all but couldn't do it part of senya's character is that she loved her children dearly despite the fact that all three wanted nothing to do with her and thought she was weak no matter how tyrannical they were senya couldn't bring herself to destroy her only daughter not after she had already lost her son effectsan speaking of which this was the exact information that Valen would use to her Advantage sensing her mother's inability to kill her Balin decided to throw her even more off balance by revealing the truth of fexand's death that fexand died at the hands of arkhan a deep secret held by the Eternal Throne senya was absolutely shocked to the core about this Revelation as she had been lied to and told that theksen had died during the war using her mother's hesitation Valen made her Escape as the battle around them was no longer in her favor sometime after arkan would engage with the Outlander in a fierce duel as they were aboard the flagship which was in the middle of a battle with the Eternal Fleet and it was being destroyed very quickly The Outlander and arcan were separated by Falling debris which trapped arkan and would have killed him had senya not taken pity on her son and attempted to rescue him while she was digging arcan out Valen arrived ready to end her mother once and for all senya called out to her daughter and told her that arkan was hurt and needed her help how however valin blinded with hatred didn't appear to really care for either her brother who was Gravely wounded or her mother instead consumed by hatred Foley she ignited her lightsaber and charged in for the kill having been awake for all of this arkhan reached out with the force and blew Valen away so that he and his mother could Escape they managed to make it out and Valen was now convinced that her brother was a traitor just like her mother while arkan was being killed by the alliance Valen assumed rulership and became Empress of the Eternal Empire eventually The Outlander would face off against Valen in their own duel however it became apparent that by now Valen's power had grown exponentially before she could strike the final blow however a grand Revelation was made as valkorian Spirit appeared revealing himself to have been inside the Outlander the whole time he didn't wish for Valen to kill the Outlander since they was his current vessel Valen now enraged to this Revelation herself attempted to destroy the Outlander anyway but valkorian then unveiled his Secret Weapon by saying the words kneel before the dragon of zakul at these words all of the mental conditioning that Valen underwent of nathema all those years ago was now put to light and she was seemingly drained of all of her power and left extremely weak realizing what had happened she now understood that her father was still dangerous and she was barely able to escape once again she knew exactly what she needed to do and it all went back nonethema now that she was Empress that system was under her command and she ordered the keepers to undo any conditioning that they had done to her during this time though she would be visited by her brother arkan who had come to reclaim the throne Balin had come too far to be stopped now so she ignited her lightsaber and defended her right to rule through violence soon though the Outlander showed up in the middle of their duel and Valen used arcan's distraction to leave and return to nethema for her reverse conditioning the ritual to reverse herself was harsh as she had to be placed in a force-powered machine and be experimented on once again however the empress was willing to do it if it meant removing the shackles that her father had placed on her the machine turned on and she was immediately in agony but luckily for her she survived the process not only this but her true powers in the force were finally brought to the surface and let me tell you she was basically now on starkiller's level of power rivaling her father as he had feared all those years ago with her Newfound strength Valen decided to test it on her own guards lifting them all up and throwing them back with enough power to end their lives instantly she then Unleashed her full might by completely destroying the facility that had once held her captive and tortured her on her own Balin was now a one-person Army just in the force itself and decided to prove this fact by going to the alliance base arriving on the world of odessan where the alliance was currently stationed she killed a thousand men simply by using the force finally The Outlander showed up and depending on how the player ends the game they might be joined by arcan senya for this continuity we'll say that they chose the Light Side options and that they were joined by both arcan and senya the stage was set for the final showdown and what a battle it was valence power was overwhelming and she threw wave after wave of destructive force Powers at them however with the combined Help The Outlander managed to fight through the force barrage and end Valen's life once and for all thus finally ending the terrible reign of empress Valen of the three children of valkorian or vishyat she was the only one to die without any sign of Light Within her eyes Valen was one of the most powerful force users in all of Star Wars lore being on the same level of those of Starkiller and rivaling the potential of valkorian himself enough for him to perceive her as a threat something that is extremely rare as never once did he ever think of arcan or theksan as anything more than a tool so let's take a look at what Valen could do first off is her powers in telekinesis which is where we get a great deal of her recognition from as a young child she was already Adept with being able to lift and manually control small functions with the force even though she was discouraged from doing so by her mother this level of control is usually only seen by padawans and she was only a very small child with no formal training just by playing with the force she was able to use a force Bellow a Bellow that projected a wave of energy which destroyed a suit of armor this wouldn't be the last time she destroyed armor like this as a child like we mentioned in the story Valen managed to unleash her powers in training when she lost her temper and easily lifted seven nights of zakul and began crushing them with their own armor while splintering the wooden staffs that one of them held as an adult Valen was able to conjure storms and whirlwinds with Force energy that could tear and Destroy very heavy materials on buildings they even very experienced Sith would struggle to lift when she had her power unleashed by the machine on the FEMA she was able to do all of these things with minimal effort and was able to cause an entire facility to implode she could toss around a other force sensitives with ease and was confident in facing enemies without a lightsaber she proved to be able to conjure Force lightning and one of her most deadly abilities was her power to control the direction of explosions and fire as well as the direction of forced lightning from arkan changing it at will at max power velen was able to single-handedly slay upwards of a thousand Alliance Soldiers with just the four and she could exude massive waves of force energy that only The Outlander managed to resist purely because of the fact that valkorian Spirit was protecting him at the time I believed that if Phelan had received more training in the ways of the dark side then she would probably be able to surpass maybe her own father in terms of power or at least could have gotten close in conclusion Valen proves that when two powerful force sensitives have Offspring then they tend to collect the potential of both of their parents this was something that we already know but Valen shows us that when you aren't proactive and having them trained from an early age they can become a loose cannon that will cause problems for just about everyone even valkorian who is widely considered to have been the most powerful Sith Lord in all of Star Wars lore with his only rival being Sidious and again the biggest thing we can say in terms of power when talking about Valen is the even valkorian feared her and sought to dominate her but anyway my friends what do you think of Valen Emperors of the Eternal Empire do you want this character to have more lore in recognition outside of the Old Republic campaign let us know your thoughts on the comments down below as well as what other characters you'd like to see a breakdown of until next time my friends May the force be with you and long live the Eternal Empire foreign
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 89,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MGvcgNKRta0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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