The History of Morgoth [COMPILATION] | Tolkien Explained

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melkor the original dark lord of Middle Earth after sowing Discord in the creation of the world he goes on to wreak havoc upon its inhabitants today on nerd of the Rings We Begin our look at the entire life of tolkien's most evil and most powerful dark lord in the beginning eru aluvitar the god of tolkien's world creates the ainor that is the Valar and the Mayar melkor is among the Valar and the mightiest of them all in his impatience to fill the void with created life he searches throughout the void for the flame imperishable the mysterious power of eru that allows him to create and give life melkor is unable to locate the flame imperishable as it is not located in the void but with eru himself you're likely familiar with the other name for the flame imperishable the secret fire which Gandalf references during his fight with the balrog as melkor wanders through the void he comes to have ideas different than those of the other ainor he grows rebellious against eru and wishes to create life himself without the flame imperishable however he is unable to create life but can merely corrupt and twist it as we will see later when it comes time for the creation of the universe the ainor make a great music at this time melkor weaves his own thoughts into his song which clashes with the theme of a louvitar this causes some of the ainor around him to change their music to his for a Time the theme of A louvitar and the Discord of melkor battle one another eru smiles and sends forth a second theme most of the ainor joined this new theme but melkor opposes it even more violently with his Discord finally shocked at what they are witnessing many of the ainor stop singing and melkor's Discord gains the upper hand Arrow then begins a third theme sweet sweeter and more beautiful than the previous two this theme cannot be beaten by melkor still he opposes the music of eru finally eru stops the music completely with a single chord of his own as we read in the silmarillion the music ceased then iluvatar spoke and he said Mighty are the ainua and mightiest among them is melkor but that he may know and all the I know that I am eluvata those things that ye have sung I will show them forth that ye may see what ye have done and thou melkor shalt see that no theme may be played that hath not its uttermost source in me nor can any alter the music in my despite for he that attempted this shall prove but mine instrument in the devising of things more wonderful which he himself hath not imagined melkor is shamed and angered by this rebuke but hides his feelings as the ainor see the work of their song melkor is among those who beg aru to allow them to enter Arda melkor pretends to have a desire to guide the world and its inhabitants for eru's Glory but secretly he desires to dominate Arda and its creatures especially the forthcoming children of aluvitar that is the elves and Men along with the other Valar melkor enters Aya the created universe and makes his way to Arda the world after they arrive melkor drops his facade declaring to the other Valar that he is now master of Arda menway who is melkor's Brother fears that melkor will attempt to disrupt their labors in Arda and calls forth more ainor to protect them melkor leaves making his way to the remote regions of Aya as the Valar worked to form Arda melkor seeks to destroy or taint anything they create he demolishes their mountains raises their valleys and Spills their Seas Alley's works are among the most affected by melkor's Deeds after uncounted battles and years pass news reaches the inor who remained with eru hearing of the war tolkas the most warlike of all the Valar comes to Arda in the Valiant year 1499. melkor flees before the laughter and anger of tulkas escaping beyond the walls of night from that moment on he will forever possess a hatred of tulkas now I want to give some context for how time is measured during this age of the Earth Valiant years equal just over nine and a half of our own years so from the Valar arriving in Arda in value near 1 to melkor fleeing and Valiant year 1499 well over 14 000 years pass as the remaining Valar worked to restore Arda as best they can melkor dwells in the outer Darkness the Valar complete Arda and raise up two lamps which give the world light they dwell in a land called almarin unfortunately melkor's power earns him a following among some of the Mayar which at this time likely includes Sauron some act as his spies and eventually he meets with them as the Valar hold a feast after completing their work it is at this Feast that tulkas marries Nessa as Nessa dances before the Valar tolkas falls into a peaceful sleep melkor looking down in hatred decides his time to strike has come melkor and his followers come over the walls of night returning to Arda he delves deep into the Earth creating the Fortress of otumno in the iron mountains of the north evil flows from the Fortress death and illness strike at the vegetation of Arda animals fight and kill one another and the Valar come to realize melkor has returned the Valar began to search for melkor's hiding place but the Future Dark Lord strikes first he comes to almarin and destroys the city and the two lamps but melkor assailed the lights of iluen and ormal and cast down their pillars and broke their lamps in the Overflow of the mighty pillars lands were broken and Caesar Rose in tumult and when the lamps were spilled destroying flame was poured out over the earth and the shape of Arda and the symmetry of its Waters and its lands was marred in that time so that the first designs of the Valar were never restored as the world is filled with fire and water and Chaos melchor escapes returning to his Fortress the spring of Arda what should have been a joyous occasion ends in disaster as the Valar must use all their power to hold the world together with their home destroyed the Valar travel across the sea and come to a new land Amman there they build the city of valmar and create new new sources of light the two trees this ushers in a new era for Arda the years of the trees these are measured in the same manner as Valiant years every year being nine and a half of our own once we make our way into the first second and third ages the years of Middle Earth are equal to our own with the Valor now across the sea melchor is relatively free to roam Middle Earth though some among the Valar appear in Middle Earth to thwart him as they are able one is UMO who will come into play quite a bit during the first stage yavana is also mentioned as taking action in Middle Earth and orome the Huntsman would ride throughout Middle Earth delighting and hunting down and killing the monsters of melkor believing the Valar might move against him melkor dwells in his Fortress building his strength and breeding monsters he also gathers the Mayar who are loyal to him these servants cloaking themselves in Shadow and Flame come to be known as balrogs during this time he also constructs The Fortress of angband where he places his greatest servant Sauron in the year of the trees 1050 the first elves awake at cuivienen while the hunter orme comes across them so does melkor he racks the elves with fear killing or capturing many in his time through the torture of his captives and other foul works it is believed melkor creates the race of Orcs after the valard discovered the elves manwei concludes it is the will of eru to reclaim the lands of Middle Earth from melkor the Valar come to Middle Earth in the year of the trees 1090 to do battle with melkor this massive war of the Gods begins with an army of the West confronting melkor's forces in the northwest of Middle Earth the entire region is ruined by the battle the Valar are victorious in this first battle as the Servants of melkor retreat to for the next two years the Valar placed guards in the land around the Bay of cuivienen protecting the elves who had first awakened there the Valar lay Siege to milcor's Fortress from where they stand far away from the conflict the elves can see only fires in the north and feel a mighty shaking of the earth finally in the year of the trees 1099 the Valar break the gates and roof of atumno melkor hides in the deepest pits of his Fortress but tulkas arrives and binds him in the chain engynor which aaule the Smith had forged while atum no is destroyed in this Final Act the Valar don't discover all the deepest darkest places within Sauron and many of the balrogs managed to escape capture in the aftermath of this long War Middle Earth is changed new mountain ranges are raised up the great sea becomes larger and new lands and waterways take shape the valard Drew melkor back to of valinor bound hand and foot and blindfold and he was brought to the Ring of Doom there he lay upon his face before the feet of men way and sued for pardon but his prayer was denied and he was cast into prison in the fastness of Mandos whence none can escape neither valah nor elf nor mortal man vast and strong are those Halls and they were built in the west of the land of Amman there was melkor doomed to abide for Three Ages long before his cause should be tried Anew or he should plead again for pardon so melkor is imprisoned within the halls of Mandos roughly 2850 years all the while he plots his revenge as this time passes many of the elves would come to dwell in Amman this is a large Topic in itself so we'll cover it in a future video after the Three Ages pass melkor is once again brought before his brother melkor bows down prostrating himself once again before menway begging for pardon manwei releases him from his captivity much to the displeasure of tulkas and ulmo the Valar decree that he will not return to Middle Earth instead staying in Amman where they can keep watch on him in secret melkor begins working to corrupt the elves for whom he holds a grudge as it was for their safety that the Valar came to Middle Earth to overthrow him as melkor assesses the elves he realizes the vanyar the elves that would forever dwell in Amman do not trust him the Tulare who you may remember as being known for their shipbuilding melkor deems too weak to be effective in his plans in the noldor however he finds a curious people who are eager to learn from the Valar even himself in the year of the trees 1169 one among the noldor is born who would be melkor's most bitter enemy but also his greatest tool for his evil purposes says feyenoor the creator of the palantiri and most importantly the silmarils three great gems which Shone with the light of the two trees melkor begins to spread rumors throughout the noldor he tells of Middle Earth and its wide lands Realms they would be free to rule were it not for the Valar keeping them in Amman this distrust of the Valar and desire to rule takes hold in the hearts of many of the noldor especially feyenoor Mel Corso's even more Discord within the house of Fenway between feyenoor and his younger half-brother fingolfin manipulating feyenoor's pride and quick temper melkor convinces feyenoord that fingolfin plans to usurp his place as their father's Heir and take the silmarils from him after feyenoord threatens to kill fingolfin in 1490 the Valar banished him to forminos where he takes the silmarils as well in solidarity Fenway also moves to form anos to be with his son realizing that melkor was pulling the strings in this Feud tulkas goes to imprison him but finds him gone two years of the trees later melkor reappears at forminos seeking to further influence feyenoor this time however morgoth goes too far and feyenoord recognizes melkor for what he is feenor's heart was still bitter at his humiliation before Mandos and he looked at melkor in silence pondering if indeed he might yet trust him so far as to Aid him in his flight in melkor seeing that feyenoor wavered and knowing that the silmarils held his heart in thrall said at the last here is a strong place and well guarded but think not that the silmarils will lie safe in any treasury within the realm of the Valar but his cunning overreached his aim his words touched too deep and awoke a fire more Fierce than he designed and feyenoor looked upon melkor with eyes that burned through his fair semblance and pierced the cloaks of his mind perceiving there his Fierce lust for the silmarills fan or slams the door in his face and melkor flees once again making his way south to the valley of avathar there he finds a mysterious dark Spirit which takes the form of a giant spider ungoliant melkor promises her rich reward for her assistance and she weaves a cloak of Shadow around melkor and herself to hide them in their travels in 1495 the Valar seek reconciliation with the noldor and between feyenoor and Finn golfin they all assemble in valmar meanwhile melkor and Mongolian make their way to the two trees and in that very hour melkor and angoliant came hastening over the fields of valinor as the shadow of a black cloud upon the wind fleets over the sunlit Earth and they came before the green Mound as elohar then the unlight of ungoliant rose up even to the roots of the trees and melkor sprang upon the mound and with his black spear he smote each tree to its core wounded them deep and their sap poured forth as if it were their blood and was spilled upon the ground but angolian sucked it up and going then from tree to tree she set her black beak to their wounds till they were drained and the poison of death that was in her went into their tissues and withered them root branch and leaf and they died the light of the trees extinguished the world is once again plunged Into Darkness after angoliant drinks the entirety of the wells of varda they go North to forminos there melchor kills Fenway and steals the silmarells and other gems of feyenoord ungoliant who grows in size after consuming the sap of the two trees flees with melkor across the helkara and into Middle Earth once they arrive ungoliant in her insatiable hunger demands melkor give her the treasure melkor who is now very weak from his deeds fears the Monstrous spider he gives her each of the gems of feyenoor as she in turn consumes each one she then demands the silmarils but melkor refuses ungoliant uses her webs to trap the Vala and nearly devours him melkor gives a great cry which summons the balrogs from engband with their whips they draw drive away on goliant and return their Master to what remains of his old fortress there melchor sets the silmarils in an iron Crown which from that moment onward he will never willingly remove this despite the fact that the crown is a great burden to him back in Amman feyenoord returns to formanos to find his father slain and the silmaril is gone feyenoord curses melkor and gives him a new name which The Elves and men will forever know him by a name meaning black foe or dark Tyrant the Vala melkor is now known as the dark lord morgoth as feyenoord claims kingship of the noldor and leads many to Middle Earth morgoth in his Fortress of angband the silmarils upon his crown declares himself king of all the world for the next 600 years the elves and morgoth would be at war after his return to Middle Earth he is often referred to as as morgoth bauglier bowglier is a cinderen name meaning the constrainer he sets his sights on the elves that didn't make the journey to valinor the sindar under King thingal live in doriath kirdan and the Tulare live at falas and denithor and the nandor live in all Syrian morgoth moves against these elves in the year of the trees 1497 sending his Army Of Orcs to surround thingal in doriath thingol manages to contact denethor who comes to their aid the Orcs of morgoth caught between two armies of elves are defeated as the Orcs flee North they are unexpectedly routed by the dwarves of Mount dolmid the Orcs on the Western Front continue to besiege kierdan's elves at the Havens of phalas for the following few months until the coming of the noldor would draw them away speed speaking of the null door with the world in darkness feyenoord leads the noldor to rebel against the Valar many of those following feyenoor take part in the kin slang in which many talari are killed so that feyenoor may claim their ships they sail East to baleriant landing at losgar when feyenoord burns the ships it not only singles to Finn gulfin that he and the rest of the noldor are now stranded in Amman but also draws the attention of morgoth in a preemptive strike he sends forth a force Of Orcs and werewolves which passes through the Arid witheren and attacks the elves though the Orcs greatly outnumber the noldor the elves possess great power within them thanks to the light of valinor they defeat morgoth's Force the Orcs Retreat across the plain of ardgalin and back toward engband at this time the Orcs that have besieged kierdan come north to Aid their allies however they are pushed back to the Fenn of sarik in total very few Orcs survive the 10-day battle feyenoord pursues this small group to the door de deloth the land of the shadow of horror there the balrogs come out from tengorodrum feenor fights valiantly against these Demons of morgoth but is separated from his sons and is fatally wounded by gothmog the lord of balrogs the armies of his sons would reach him just in time to drive off the balrogs but morgoth's enemy would die of his wounds soon after this conflict would come to be known as the dagger nuin giliath the battle under stars as it takes place prior to the creation of the Sun and Moon with his father dead maithros is now the high King of the noldor morgoth sends an offer of peace to mythros even saying he will surrender a silmaril maithros does not trust the dark lord and brings a force with him to the meeting morgoth sends an even greater force and captures maithros the sole survivor of his group morgoth tells the noldor to leave Valerian and forsake their war against him however the sons of feyenoor are bound to their oath to make war on anyone who should withhold the silmarils from them morgoth hangs my thrusts Upon A precipice of tengorodrim by the wrist of his right hand and there he would hang for the next 30 Years the rest of the noldor arrive around the time the sun and the moon are created by the Valar making this year one of the first age of Middle Earth this group is led by feyenoor's half-brother and galadriel's Uncle fingolfin who would become more goth's next Challenger in the year 5 of the first age fingolf and son fingon with the help of thorandor the lord of the great Eagles rescues maithros from tengorodrim maithrosser announces his claim to the kingship of the noldor and fingolfin has made the new High King over the coming years morgoth's spies believe that as the elves are making their settlements they aren't prepared for military conflict morgoth sends out an army Of Orcs to attack the main host attacks dorthonian while smaller groups go through magler's Gap and the pass of syrion the noldor however were anything but unprepared while the Orcs in the east and west are destroyed by smaller Elven forces Finn golfin in the west and my thrust in the East strike back at the main host of the invading orc Army most of morgoth's force is defeated there in dorthonian with a small Remnant fleeing toward aangband the elves chased them down and there within the sight of thing gorodrim itself the noldor slay the remaining Orcs this battle is known as the dagor agroleb the Glorious battle as it is a huge victory for the elves the noldor set as much a border around morgoth's land as possible thus beginning the 400-year siege of engband during this time morgoth comes to realize Orcs alone will not defeat the noldor so he devises new creatures of evil the dragons the first of these is glaurung who emerges without morgoth's permission and 260 of the first age despite an initial success the young dragon is humbled by the Elven archers and forced to flee back to angband nearly 200 years later however as glaurung is grown to his full might morgoth sends forth Great Rivers of fire over ardgalan burning many elves stationed throughout the land as the elves are in disarray glaurung leads a force of balrogs and an Army Of Orcs killing all in their sight this battle can be looked at on two fronts the East and the West in the west galadriel's brothers engrod and agnor are killed fighting for their home realm of dorthonian finrod her last remaining sibling and Lord of nargathrond would have been killed as he is surrounded at the Fenn of sarek but a group of men led by berahir a lord of the House of bayor comes to their aid finrod would later give him a ring as token of the Everlasting friendship between their families the Ring of barahir which would one day pass to Aragorn in The End The Elves and men are able to keep the Western Realms of hithram safe in the East things do not go so well this battle known as the dagar bragalach the Battle of sudden flame not only cost many lives of elves and men but it also breaks the siege of angband and allows morgoth's forces to move freely throughout the north of belarian Orcs take control of the lands of Laughlin including the important positions of magler's Gap and mount reader glauron burns the lands between the arms of Galleon and the targalion and Lake helovorn are ravaged by morgoth's forces with many refugees fleeing to places like doriath and hislum the elves abandoned their realm of dorthonian which becomes known as tar nufuin Forest under Nightshade after a year of smaller battles the high King fingolfin gets word of the devastation the war has wrought in dorthonian and Laughlin seeing what he believes could be the utter ruin of the noldor he rides in Anger Across The Scorch land of anfaglith coming to the very door of angban to confront morgoth thus he came alone to engman's Gates and he sounded his horn and smote once more upon the Brazen doors and challenged morgoth to come forth to single combat and morgoth came that was the last time in those Wars that he passed the doors of his stronghold and it is said that he took not the challenge willingly for alone of the Valar he knew fear but he could not now deny the challenge before the face of his captains for fingolfin named morgoth Craven therefore morgoth issued forth clad in Black armor and he stood before the king like a tower iron crowned and his vast Shield Sable unblazoned cast a shadow over him like a storm Cloud but fingolf and gleam beneath it as a star for his male was overlaid with silver and his Blue Shield was set with crystals and he drew his sword ringgill that glittered like ice then morgoth hurled Aloft Grant the Hammer of the underworld and swung it down like a bolt of Thunder but fingolfin sprang aside and gron rent a mighty pit in the earth many times morgotha say despite him and each time fingolfin leaped away and he wounded morgoth with seven wounds and seven times morgoth gave a cry of Anguish where at the hosts of angband fell upon their faces in dismay and the cries echoed in the Northlands but at last the king grew weary and morgoth bore down his shield upon Him Thrice he was crushed to his knees and Thrice rose again and bore up his broken shield and stricken Helm but the Earth was all pitted around him and he stumbled and fell backward before the feet of morgoth and more goth set his left foot upon his neck yet with his last and desperate stroke fingolfin hewed the foot with ringgill and the blood gushed forth black and smoking and filled the pits of Grande as he wounds the dark lord fingolf and dies while he's Victorious morgoth would not escape this battle unscathed as he breaks the body of fingolfin he intends to feed it to his wolves however in that moment therondor the lord of the great Eagles flies in and Claws the face of morgoth he takes the body of fingolfin and sets it upon a Mountaintop overlooking the hidden city of gondolin King turgon learns of his father's Deeds from the Great Eagle and builds a carn over fingolfin morgoth is scarred from throndor's attack and forever Bears a limp from the wound of fingolfin's blade Ten Years Later in 466 two others would come to engband Baron and luthien when Baron a man and luthien and elf wished to be married luthien's father King thingle of doriath declares that Baron may only have his daughter's hand if Baron succeeds in reclaiming a silmaril from morgoth's Crown Baron embarks on a mission to do just that and after being rescued from The Dungeons of Sauron in Tolan gauroth by luthien and who on the Hound the three make their way to engband disguised by the power of luthien they enter the very throne room of morgoth and as the dark lord is about to order them seized luthien weaves a spell and begins to dance the spell puts morgoth and his entire court into a deep sleep Baron approaches morgoth using his knife he cuts a silmaril from the iron Crown he decides to retrieve all three silmarils but as he is cutting a second loose the nice breaks and A Shard strikes morgoth in the face as the court begins to stir Baron and luthien flee for their lives now I'll be covering the life of Baron and luthien in next week's video but this particular summer rail is never brought back to morgoth though it would cause further conflict with the dark lord and within the forces of his enemies it is upon hearing the Deeds of Baron and luthien that too alone could successfully retrieve a silmaril from angband that moves mythros in 468 to create an alliance to attack morgoth in 469 morgoth sends forth a wind from angband it comes to the lands that border on foglith in particular the lands to the West like dorloman this plague known as the evil breath particularly affects the young and many die from it including La life the three-year-old daughter of hurin the lord of dorloman the men of dorloman would join many others in the union of of my thrusts and in 472 fighting what would be one of the most important conflicts of the first age the nirnayeth arnoediad the Battle of unnumbered Tears the union of mythros consists of two armies one in the west one in the east in the west fingon leads the noldor of hitlam hurin and huor lead the edine of dorloman haldir the man not the elf of the third age leads the edine of breathil guindor leads the elves of nargathrond and there were also a few scattered elves from phallus and doriath including mablung and belleg Strongbow in the east mythros commands his Elven host they are joined by azagal and the dwarves of belagost they also had two groups of men with them who had recently relocated to Valerian after the dagor bragalach these men known as easterlings are under the command of their leaders Bor and uldor the plan is simple the forces of the East would march to unfaglith their hope is that morgoth would respond by sending his armies to meet them the Western host would remain hidden in the woods and valleys east of the Arid witheren there they would await a signal a great beacon in dorthonian would fire at which point the Western host would charge and they would crush the forces of morgoth as if caught between hammer and Anvil as maithros leads his Force to unfoglith a dark cloud gathers around tengorodrim morgoth has accepted the challenge as the Western host Waits they are joined unexpectedly by a host of ten thousand elves led by turgon brother of fingon and King of the Hidden City of gondolin there might greatly increase the Outlook is promising for the union of maithros however in that very hour morgoth implements his plan a great host issues from engman to meet maithos but at the same time a smaller host is sent West with the task of provoking the Western Army fingon orders his troops to hold until the Orcs attempt to attack the hills on which they stand at this point the Orcs bring forth gelmir the brother of guindor having been already blinded his arms and legs are hewn from his body filled with rage quindor and his soldiers charge at the Orcs fingon's Force follows and they quickly defeat the smaller host and strike upon the very Gates of angband In This Moment morgoth once again knows fear shaking upon his throne as guindor's elves pound on the gates and kill his guards how however the Dark Lord's trap was now sprung thousands of Orcs erupt from hidden tunnels and Gates around angband killing the entire force with the exception of guindor who is captured fingon's host is driven back from the walls torgon who had held back from The Reckless charge of guindor drives into the orc host and breaks their lines meeting with the host of fingon finally mythros arrives at what is now the main concentration of the battle however before he can join with fingon and turgon morgoth unleashes the last of his strength all of engband is emptied as wolves balrogs and Dragons join The Fray though daunting it is said In This Moment the battle could still have been won but for morgoth's secret weapon uldor and his group of easterlings turn against maithros while the easterlings under bore would remain faithful to the elves the damage has been done with assault coming from three sides the Eastern host is scattered third the Valiant dwarves of belagost hold off glaurung allowing the sons of feyenoord to escape into Assyrian as the dwarves in their iron masks fight the dragon and his fire azagal is trampled by glaurung the dying King stabs the dragon in the stomach with a dagger and glaurung and many others flee the Western host fared no better gothamog the Lord of balrogs makes his way to fingon and kills him in single combat seeing the Battle Is Lost hurin begs turgon to retreat back to gondolin with Finn gone dead he knows turgon is the last of the House of fingolfin if the land of gondolin can remain hidden and the son of fingon who had maimed him survived morgoth would still know fear and the men of dorloman form a living wall across the fin of cereck giving time for turgon to escape with what remains of the elves of gondolin and those who followed his brother nearly every single man is killed is killed when shot in the eye with an arrow and hurin fights to the very last as morgoth had been ordered for him to be taken alive horin continues fighting until his ax Withers away in total he kills at least 70 Orcs And trolls before being pinned under their corpses the Orcs make a pile of bodies on the plains of anfalglith of the men and elves that were killed the mound was so large it could be seen from a great distance thereafter grass grew on that Hill alone in all the desolation of unfalglith and it is known as the howd and nirnayeth the hill of Tears is a devastating loss for the elves men and dwarves of Middle Earth in the years and decades to come it will often be referred to with great sadness and acknowledging this as the moment when morgoth assumed his control over the entire north of belarian soon he will press his Advantage even further but first he will lay a curse upon his prized captive Horan that will shape the world for years to come in the aftermath of the nirnayath arnoldiad a massive victory for the dark lord the northern lands of the elves and men are now under morgoth's control turgon now High King of the noldor and his hidden city of gondolin stand as the only reason for morgoth to doubt his odds for Total Conquest in the aftermath of the nirnayeth morgoth takes his captive Horan to a seat in the high places of tengorodrim and pronounces a curse upon him and his family I am the Elder King melkor first and mightiest of the Valor who was before the world and made it the shadow of my purpose lies upon Ada and all that is in it Bend slowly and surely to my will but upon all whom you love my thought shall weigh as a cloud of Doom and it shall bring them down into darkness despair wherever they go evil shall arise whenever they speak their words shall bring ill counsel whatsoever they do shall turn against them they shall die without hope cursing both life and death this last I say to you thrall more goth said hurin and it comes not from the lore of the Elder but is put into my heart this hour you are not the Lord of men and shall not be though all Arda and men will fall in your Dominion beyond the circles of the world you shall not pursue those who refuse you beyond the circles of the world I will not pursue them said morgoth fall beyond the circles of the world there is nothing but within them they shall not Escape me until they enter into nothing you lie said hurin You shall see and you shall confess that I do not lie said morgoth and taking horin back to engband he set him in a chair of stone upon a high place of tengorodrim from which he could see afar the land of Islam in the west and the lands of valerian in the South there he was bound by the power of morgoth and morgoth standing beside him cursed him again and set his power upon him so that he could not move from that place or die until morgoth should release him sit now there said morgoth and look out upon the lands where evil and despair shall come upon those whom you have delivered to me for you have dared to mock me and have questioned the power of melkor Master of the fates of ADA therefore with my eyes you shall see and with my ears you shall hear and nothing shall be hidden from you as I mentioned earlier morgoth now has complete dominion over the north of belariant he gives to the easterlings that served him the lands of hitlam denying them the more fertile lands to the South which he had promised them many of the elves and men that had remained in hitlam are sent as thralls to work the minds of angband in 473 a year after the nirnayath arnoldiad morgoth's forces attack and destroy the Havens of phallus Kiran and his people flee to the mouth of syrion in the coming years morgoth's forces would continue to overthrow Realms of men and elves though Turin son of horen and bellig Strongbow in particular would cause much trouble to his Orcs in 489 his Orcs defeat the pair when they sack their Hideout at Aman roof we'll go into much greater detail on turin's life in his own video but we'll mention a couple things as they pertain to morgoth and his campaign against the Realms that remain standing through a tragic accident Turin kills belleg mistaking him for an orc Turin then comes where he becomes an advisor to King orodreth at turin's behest orodrath ignores the advice of the Vala ulmo saying to destroy the bridge and fortify the city instead tauren opts for open war with the armies of angband morgoth sends out glaurung the dragon once again with a force Of Orcs they defeat the army of nargathrond and sacked the city Ten Years Later in 499 after a life of Deeds gone awry by the curse of morgoth Turin kills himself upon his own sword this Victory would come at a great cause to the dark lord however as Turin had first killed the dragon glaurung at cabin and Aras not far from the crossing of teglin after the death of Turin and his sister neonor morgoth releases Horan but the curse would yet follow him Horan travels about Valerian searching for his kin eventually discovering his wife at the graves of his children his wife eyes and after burying her horin comes to nargathrand where he discovers the now glamir a great necklace made by the dwarves he takes it to doriath where in his anger that thingal had not better cared for his son he throws it down in front of the king this would be yet another example of the evil and Shadow of morgoth having a far reach as his curse would result in yet another realm's downfall thingal takes the now glamere and tasks a group of dwarves with setting the silmaril of Baron and luthien within the necklace the dwarves come to covet their creation and kill Fingal leading to the sack of menagroth in 503 just a few years later the oath of feyenoor would rear its ugly head again as the sons of feyenoord driven by their oath take part in the second kin sling in an effort to reclaim the silmaril from their fellow elves this would result in the Kingdom of doriath being completely destroyed and yet another of morgoth's enemies is removed the silmaril however would evade both the sons of feyenoor and morgoth elwing the daughter of King Dior is among those who escape to the Havens of syrion when she is just four years old meanwhile in the north of belarian stood the one last Bastion of Hope for the free peoples gondolin outside of the Hidden City meglin one of the elves of gondolin is captured by Orcs and brought to engband morgoth promises meglin the kingship of gondolin and the Hand of idrill the woman he loves all he must do is reveal the secret location of the city in the greatest betrayal of the first age meglin agrees and morgoth finally has the information he has long sought in 510 as the gondola dream are celebrating the Festival of the gates of Summer they gather to watch the sun rise over the mountains however rather than seeing light arise in the East they see light in the north the armies Of morgoth Orcs wolves dragons balrogs and other creatures descend upon the city while gothmog would fall in battle it is an overwhelming victory for the dark lord King torgon the Lord eccelion glorfindel and the vast majority of the population are killed in the battle gondolin The Last Hope Of The Elves is no more one of the very few survivors is the seven-year-old elf erendil who along with the others would make his way south to the Havens of syrion there he would meet elwing decades later they would be married and have twin sons elrond and elrose six years later the sons of feyenoord once again be led by their oath to slay their own kin in the third kinsling elowing escapes with the silmaril and is taken on her husband's ship as they sail to the West in a stroke that would change the fortunes of the world they come to valinor and Arendelle pleads with the Valar and Arendelle went into valinor and to the halls of valimar and never again set foot upon the lands of men then the Valar took counsel together and they summoned ulmo from the depths of the sea and erendil stood before their faces and delivered the errand of the two kindreds pardon he asked for the noldor and pity for their great sorrows and mercy upon men and elves and sakaur in their need and his prayer was granted the Valar sent forth a great host of valinor which lands in belarian in 545 included in the host are the vanyar led by inguion the noldor of valinor under finarfin aeon way the chief of the Mayar and possibly other Mayar and even some Valar it is said that the whole power of the Throne of morgoth is assembled the armies of morgoth are uncountable the mountains rang underneath the boots of the Valar the entire north of belarian is a flame with war for 42 years in the final years of the battle morgoth is facing defeat in his final Act of desperation he summons the winged dragons never before seen in Middle Earth the dragons are led by and calagon the black the largest and most powerful Dragon to ever live the tide turned the hosts of valinor is driven back and their Outlook is Bleak as so many of the battles that had come before against the Dark Lord it is in this moment when a rendil wearing the silmaril upon his brow arrives in his ship the ship having been blessed by the Valar sails not the Seas but the skies with irandil is thorandor and flocks of the great Eagles together they battled the dragons for an entire day in the end Arendelle kills and caligon who breaks the towers of then gorodrim in his ruin as the host of valinor retakes the battlefield and defeats his army forced by force morgoth flees to the deepest dungeon of angband there he is caught but being weak from the war he demands peace and parlay rather than fight but his feet are hewn from under him morgoth falls upon the floor where he is bound once again in the chain of aule the two silma rails are taken from him and he is thrust through the door of night and into the Timeless void while morgoth is removed from Valerian his effects are far from gone as a result of the battle most of valerian is destroyed the wreckage of the war is so great that soon after all of the lands west of the Arid Luan along with a central portion of the Blue Mountains sink into the sea many of the elves make the journey back to Amman while some such as Galadriel gilgalad kierdan and elrond travel east there in the ages to come they would face a new dark lord Sauron the lieutenant of morgoth who had fled to the east as for the original Dark Lord he would not be heard from again in recorded history how ever it is prophesied that morgoth will one day break the door of night and there shall be one final battle the dagor dagarath the Battle of all battles a final confrontation between Good and Evil on the very Plains of valinor Tolkien wrote many versions regarding the dagger dagareth leaving some details Up For Debate and speculation including the idea that it would be Turin who would deal the final blow killing morgoth himself and avenging the children of Huron in the end the lands of valerian will be lifted up from the sea and the world rebuilt with the dwarves helping their creator aule in doing so the dwarves will then be counted among the children of oluvitar and then shall take place the second song of the ainor this time with the children of iluvitar joining in the music ushering in a new world as always I want to say a huge thank you to all my patreon and YouTube supporters who make this channel possible Tom de bombadil19 listen me the Cinda Rabbi Rob Thomas Charles Leisure CCDC red team Joe Tepper Leo vittori Skye carcass slide belts Dane ragnarson Berto Berg Graham derekot the dark-haired one Wyland Michael Wu and Debbie if you enjoyed the artwork in this video check out the artists in the description to purchase prints of their great work for yourself thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time on nerd of the Rings
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
Views: 195,377
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Keywords: tolkien, lord of the rings, lotr, hobbit, the hobbit, nerd of the rings, silmarillion, Morgoth, Melkor, middleearth, tolkien explained, first age, fingolfin, fingon, nerd of the rings Morgoth, nerd of the rings Melkor, notr
Id: Ktet64d9O-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 15sec (2895 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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