Valheim NEW HARDCORE MODE Series - Episode 1

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over two years ago I started a valheim hardcore live stream series but now valheim has added an official hardcore mode so I'm making a new video series on my channel valheim's hardcore mode means combat is much harder we also have a momap and no portals can be used during boss fights on top of all of that raids also happen much more often parkour mode also means that when you die you lose all of your skills and all of your items however I'm going one step further than that if I die I will delete the world to leave a character and end the video series so the question remains can I defeat every boss in valheim with these parameters well let's find out usually in a new vowel home world the first thing I do is going at the location of ikether but in a world where I don't have a map I'm not sure how that's going to work here we are in our new world let's see what actually happens when we do try and get out of this location okay so it says map location added but of course we don't have a map so it's not been added anywhere honestly I don't know what I was expecting to happen there and without actors location or indeed even a map I have no idea which way to head so I'm just gonna head this way let's see how this goes for us I guess the start of the game now will pretty much be as we always play so we'll get ourselves some resources and we'll kill some animals and probably try and make ourselves up a little bit of a base so we can sleep through the first night whilst exploring I found the perfect clearing to build my starter Basin after collecting some basic resources I was able to make a home Fit For A King okay it's not exactly a castle but it did allow me to sleep safely through my first night day two was much the same I collected resources and in particular lots of food to help my chances of survival this was easier said than done however as even killing boar was proving more difficult in hardcore mode so I think better armor and weapons needs to be my next goal as such I made myself a shopping list of all the things that I would need it doesn't need so much deer hide I think making the crude bow first is a good idea and then I can more easily kill all of the deer I've made a very makeshift little workbench right here and obviously this will need to be changed but for now it's going to be good enough to do what we want which is to make up the crude bow of course a bow is no good without any arrows so we'll go ahead and make up a good few wooden arrows as well and whilst these won't be the best at fighting against enemies and stuff like that they will certainly be good enough for us to go and kill some deer and the goal behind this is to get as much deer hide as fast as we possibly can and that way we can upgrade our armor and try and stop ourselves from dying I have to say even though I'm at the beginning of the game during what would be termed the sort of easier part of the journey through valheim it's still quite nerve-racking the whole time I'm playing without a map I feel myself somewhat anchored towards my base because I don't want to lose it and I definitely don't want to lose it when it gets near to night time because I want to be able to sleep on top of that even just simple things like bore and neck are actually kind of scary to deal with and I really don't want to die because I don't want to delete this world so if you're considering a hardcore playthrough of your own I'd actually hire recommend it because it really heightens your sense of immersing yourself within the game of alheim and trying to play in such a way where you don't die before I set off on the next day's Adventures I think it's a really good idea for me to make myself up a nice wooden Shield I have to say I can't believe I didn't think of the sooner because this is actually going to be really helpful during the early game one thing that wasn't on my shopping list but I was really hoping to find was actually what we see right here a nice beehive so we can start getting some honey production going and that's really going to help us in the early game so pretty happy that I managed to find one of these I have a bit of advice for you if you're playing a hardcore World yourself or even just a valheim no map world and that is guys don't log out and then spend hours not playing the game when you're out exploring because yes that did just happen to me and yes I I'm now completely lost because I forgot what direction I was heading in and what direction my base is and this is a little bit terrifying given that we are in a hardcore world and even worse I'm obviously filming this so yeah if I make a big mistake then everyone's gonna see it but hopefully I can find my way home before dark I I genuinely am a little bit scared that I won't but yeah let's see how we go as you can see it's really getting quite dark now and I'm running quite low on food plus my ax is almost out of durability so I'm really lost now and I don't know what to do even in my inventory right here you can see that we only have two different types of food so this is really not a good time I guess I have to just keep exploring and hope that I find my base but there is a real danger I could die before the night is out okay a boy and a grayling at the same time it's really not the best thing let's get one of these out just to scare them off a little bit um that's not scaring the ball so much oh my goodness this this is terrifying no the subords okay this is really not good all right we managed to kill the grilling uh but that has used even more extra ability that I really don't have so yeah this is this is pretty scary the most horrible thing is I was convinced my base is in this direction I'm looking in right now but as I ran that way there's actually a black forest over there and I know I haven't entered one of those yet so now I really really don't know which direction to even head in oh there it is okay if you guys can see yeah there it is right there oh my goodness I have never been so glad to see my base in the whole time I've played Valentine I was actually quite frightening and genuinely a real relief to be home and yeah it's awesome like I say this is all part I guess of the extra immersion you feel when you're playing in hardcore mode but I am so happy to shut this door to sleep right now that I can't even tell you with a few days of grinding resources behind me I can now make up the best armor and weapons apart from the cape we need five bones for the cape and currently I do not have enough it looks like I'll have to take on the Black Forest to get what I need but I am nowhere near ready for that in hardcore mode just yet so our next goal is to prepare for the ikether fights however this is hardcore mode so nothing is as it seems and we have three main considerations number one we have to find the either altar because obviously we don't have a map number two we need to be geared enough to actually beat him because he is stronger than usual and we are weaker than usual it's hardcore mode and number three we have to be ready for the aftermath we have to be prepared for the forest is moving event where a hoarder grade wolves will attack our base and again they will be much harder to defeat in hardcore mode as such the first thing I'm going to do is build a much better base this will help us to defend against enemies much better but it will also help in other ways with extra Comfort we will get a longer rested bonus this will help us to find the outer Altar and also to defeat Arthur without dying or at least I hope that's the case so let's get started foreign flattened a little bit of an area here as best as I can obviously at the moment I don't have a pickaxe so these big drops are going to stay and should be part of the house until I can remove them first I decided to build the entry point for the house the next step was for me to get the rough layout of the house down so that I could start putting it together in a bit more detail the next thing I like to do is put on all of the roof pieces and the sort of rough walls and things like that so that I know that everything looks okay and will be pretty much structurally sound and that's going to help with them for the rest of the build because once I know that's okay I can get on with the rest of it so this is the final look of the house that I've decided to build it's not a building episode so I won't spend too long on this but I did want to show you guys what I'd end up doing so the front here is going to need a bit more stone work done eventually but it is smooth enough right now to run up into these sort of diagonal stairs that come up into the porch area and in towards the house heading inside I've put down some marketplaces for rooms as this will be something that we expand upon over time and it's not yet the completed thing heading into the bedroom and this actually gives us a comfort rating level nine at them which is really good for the stage of the game and that's because we're able to get firewood from the birch trees by Rolling trees into them I'm sure you guys know that method and then through here we have the sort of work area where we've got some storage over here on the right and a workbench which is at level three already so that's pretty good and then the cooking stations over here so this is what it looks like from the outside and hopefully you guys will enjoy this build let me know any comments you have on this build down below though I'd love to know what you guys think our next goal is to find the Eiffel ulcer only this time without getting lost so I got some tips from this video by jelly jam boy on how to navigate without a map in valheim and the first thing that I'm going to need to do is make it some sunrise and that way we can see where the sun rises from and it also gives us the full day to explore the sun rises in the East and always sets in the West in valheim just like in real life so we can then find out two directions by looking at where the sun rises from being of course East and West now on top of that we can also use the tree in valheim the shield tree right here actually always points in the same direction so with the tree it starts in the East that's where it comes from and its final point is in the Northwest Direction so let's have a sleep and then we'll get our rested bonus and we can set off in the morning here we are first thing in the morning just waiting for the sun to rise and then we'll get the direction of that but this tree is actually going to be very useful to us because I know that if I head roughly underneath the tree like I look up right now if I stay just to the right of the main trunk then it should take me back to my base so I'm gonna use the tree as a bit of a marker because I don't really have any set direction in which I know I need to head off and I'm just going to sort of run in this general direction and see what we can find and once the sun comes up we'll try and use that as some extra evidence so we know which way to head to get back home so I'll explore and I can see the skeleton down here and we've got a bow so I reckon it's worth having a go at shooting and there we go with that one hit there he's almost dead and then we can just take the rest of him because we do need bones so we kind of sort of kill him and there we go he's dead and we got ourselves a few bones there and hopefully we can get a few more underneath this thing here and indeed we can so let's see how many did we get on this little Adventure here we got three bones I think we've got one at home it's actually quite annoying because I need five bones in total which means I now have four and one short of that deer Cape but who knows maybe we'll find some more while we're exploring all right guys I did find another one of these structures and there are bones underneath so that's awesome I believe I have to check when I get home but I'm pretty sure I do not have the five bones I need and that means we can make up our deer Cape as I was exploring the Mist decided to set in and I thought all chances of finding the ice that also were over but I was wrong ladies and gentlemen because here it is right here and it's actually in a great spot now the reason this is a great spot is because it's on the coastline so if I follow the coastline back to my base it's gonna be super easy for me to come back and find this again when I need it in the future so I am now following this Coastline back to my base where I'll get myself all geared up and ready to go and then we'll go and fly up there I know I've messed up a lot in the past when playing valheim but this might be the biggest mess up I've ever made I was running back away from the light to ulcer and then I found this and guys no this is not a different altar that is also close to the ocean this is the same one the exact same one I've run in a giant Circle and I have no idea how I'll be honest I was trying to follow the coastline to get home and then I saw like a boar and then a deer and then a gray North and I sort of got distracted and then I found some mushrooms and yeah so as good as all that was and I got some resources I've run in a giant Circle and it's the middle of the night so this is really really important what happens I got lost in a forest and started following the tree because I was using the tree method to get home so I followed the tree and it took me back I followed the tree in the wrong direction somehow so I need to go back this way anyway I figured you guys might enjoy laughing at me because this was a really stupid thing to do and then at least if you guys found it entertaining then some good came of my Monumental mess up having finally found my home I was able to get myself geared up and ready to do the iPhone 5. now one really nice thing is I've been able to make the fine wood bow because of getting the fine wood that I showed earlier I'll also take my crude bow as back up as well as some backup arrows but the main arrows that I'll use will be the fire arrows on top of that I've got some materials here so I can make some campfires as they do a lot of damage to either so that'll be pretty useful I have a lot of food state with me but these three will be my main ones so I'm mainly focusing on health but the honey will be really good for the stamina boost 2. now unfortunately we're not able to upgrade any of our armor because to upgrade the level armor you do require bones and we just don't have many of those at the moment that being said hopefully we're ready for the eye for fight it's really hard to tell because I've not fought him in hardcore mode not the new hardcore mode that valheim has released before and I know it is going to be more difficult and I nearly forgot I need to take a couple of the trophies with me in order to support like they're in so there we go and our weight limits just about the max so that's all we can carry anyway so today is today guys we're gonna head off right now and we are going to do the either fight so wish me luck I will of course show you guys the fight and hopefully we don't die here we are over at the Ulster just about ready to spawn in all right they're just gonna get a few things done one thing is to have the campfires ready to place down so as soon as you start spawning we can start to get in with them the other thing I like to see is I'm just gonna go and clear any mobs in the area since some ball over here for example I want to get these guys killed so they're not distracting me during the fight or even causing me extra damage that I don't need to take other than that I think we're pretty good though this shouldn't be too difficult if I uh I hope I haven't changed myself there but let's see how we go so quickly going to just eat up some food before start here that's all that we can eat and we are good to go so let's place down the offering right there and here comes like that okay looks like he's going into spawn over here so we want to get nice and close to him and get this campfire down as soon as he's there there he is so let's place it on that cam first set him on fire straight away that's going to be good oh my goodness okay that's where his range might be extended like I felt like he shouldn't have got us but he did this bow though wow this bow is awesome so pretty much that's my plan is just to stay very far away from him and keep shooting him with our fine wood bow and mostly I want to manage my stamina during the fight because running away from him is going to be super important basically my plan is like it's more important to not take damage well as I say that it takes a lot of damage uh than it is to try like risking doing damage on him okay we're down to 43 healthy he is definitely hitting harder than normal okay this is genuinely a lot scarier than a normal it's a fight okay we're getting him down to his last bit of Health probably two more shots should do it and yes there we go guys we have defeated either of course the next thing we get to do is go to spawn and put the ice Trophy up at spawn and we can go ahead and activate that power and this of course will be super useful to us for the rest of the game now that we get the stamina boost having killed right first with Ike Turner defeaters our next skull conquer the Black Forest to achieve that the first thing I want to do is make it easier to navigate our star to Ireland by making paths and placing signposts and to help us with that we can now make our first pickaxe with the atoms we got from ikether I've also fully upgraded our hoe as we will need to use that quite a lot in conjunction with the pass that I'm building at different points when we come to Crossroads I'm going to have a little signposts like this so this obviously telling me that spawn is off to the left and around here it shows you where my home is down this way and eventually we'll have paths like this with signposts and things like that going all across our starter Islands this will really help us to find our way around as if we ever get lost we'll just have to find ourselves on a path and then we're good I've got this path at the moment that goes all the way from my base right up to here guys and we are indeed at the edge of the black forest and we're going to have to start our foreign Forester very shortly but just before we do I am going to head home first and get myself a bit more geared up and get a few things in order so that we're ready for that black forest and give ourselves the best chance of exploring it without dying well guys I did mention the fact that we'd be susceptible to grade or phrase as soon as we defeated either and that is now what's happening they're actually right at the door here which I wasn't expecting but okay we'll try and uh view them and they can't get in which is kind of good this reminds me a little bit of the movie 300 where if we fight in a small enough area then their numbers count for nothing against us okay this is as you can see my health here has got really low I've got down to 9 HP which is a little bit worrying silly so I'm going to quickly run inside try and shut myself in away from these dudes for a second okay we just about managed that so we can rest and recover a little bit let's get our best uh health food which would be these right here out and let's also get out some stuff here so we can make up some campfires okay I believe they have now all been dealt with um a little bit of a mini scare but uh keeps the game interesting and exciting that's for sure as part of hardcore mode it did say rage would happen more often and that certainly seems to be the case so far we've had two raids just in this first episode but now let's get back to the black forest preparations or now we just need enough gear to be able to run in and out of the Black Forest to get a few basic resources and then we can make much better gear specifically we want to get copper tin or wood blueberries and carrots if we can find them so I've upgraded my shield and ax and I've also made a level 3 Flint spear now I can hear some skeletons nearby and if you guys can see just through there there is indeed a burial chamber so I'm just making a bit of a mental note of that and then I will be able to come back to that when we're ready to explore the barrel chamber okay down near the coastline and we have our first bit of tin that we're able to get so that's pretty cool proceeds were probably the least likely thing we were going to find today but I've seen some up here and that is really really awesome and look at that we had two of them there that's actually really really cool and a bit of a clearing in the Black Forest here we've got these pine trees that are nearby and there we go we've got to sell some cool wood we have attracted the attention of a Great Wolf unsurprisingly okay guys we have a two-star great off of that now for some reason he's already damaged which is I guess maybe skeletons did that too that assert the fire arrows and get our bow ready and let's try and take this guy out from afar okay just landed a shot in there it doesn't do tons of damage oh dude okay there's something going on here the skeletons here by this is genuinely quite scary right now okay he's dead he's dead oh this is Kevin okay we're gonna have to fight the skeletons okay okay we're down to seven all right that blocks up very good um oh my God okay he was really close to that let's see if we eat some deer meat we can let's use our eyes there as well I think I'm just about far enough away I can use that oh my goodness just luring him down here to some easier sort of terrain to fight him in other supporters that should kill him yeah okay uh let's take this ball out all right shall we okay genuine is quite scary that's twice now I've been down to single digit Health in this game and yeah obviously that's really not good oh blueberries guys right here we've got some blueberries now so there we go another thing that we wanted to get looks like a copper deposit right here so that's awesome let's go stand on top of this and give it a good old hit and there we go we got ourselves our first bit of copper so that's awesome it was this moment that I realized that all of this mining of copper and Tin is a little bit pointless and so we have some Sterling cause I'm just gonna go ahead and fill up my inventory on when I'm at maximum weight take all that stuff back to my base and store it but then we're gonna have to go and attempt a burial chamber in order to tackle the barrel chamber we are going to need to make up a stag breaker this is going to be super useful on top of that I'm also going to make up a club I haven't made one yet in the game but the club is going to be the best Force against the skeletons this is because skeletons are weaker against the blunt attack here we are at the barrel chamber and I think most of the skeletons if not all might have already been killed by graders that were fighting them like that two-star grade off we had to fight earlier now it's time to head in and this is definitely a little bit scary our first time into a barrel chamber in hardcore valheim looks like a reasonably good entrance way uh although there's just getting right there let's come up here and just see what he's about as a two star wonderful it's a two-star skeleton I don't know if mob spawns are just like more difficult as it's hardcore mode or not it seems like they are we've had a two-star skeleton and raid off already but yeah I don't know if that's actually a thing or not but now I'm just going to use the safe way of just attacking him from up here on the ledge where he can hit us back oh certainly already oh oh my god oh geez okay wow that really scare me and the three skeletons right there well this is what the Stag break is for but man I'm trying to see them ahead of time not quite like that that was really scary so that's one down we only need five technically right so if we can get five I will be very very heading deeper now into the burial chamber and anything can be around any oh certainly cool great great let's check this one first we're good okay let's see get that and also the bones very useful that is two down of the five that we'd really like to get oh a room okay that's good that's cause yes yes we found the older location just kidding this is Hardcore but all of a sudden it calls me foul this is so good so we now have seven certain cores after this room and then there's still other things to pick up too but the certain course the main thing and that is awesome and with that Barrel treatment complete this is the loot we got so actually pretty decent loot from that chamber we can now use the certain core that we got to make the charcoal Kiln for coal and also to make the smeltery to process our metals and now when we go over here and pick up our first copper we do of course unlock a load of new recipes I decided to make a little outdoor work area out the back of my house so you can see right here we just got a little staple around an area here and this is going to be for us to do our smelting and use our Forge and things like that so let's start by placing down our Forge that's gonna be the main thing that we're going to use in this area so we can place that down right here and then we can place like the upgrades around it over here then I thought we could place the smelters and the charcoal Kilns and stuff like that just in the rest of the area we have here and this is going to be quite a nice little work area to help us progress through the game with our Forge set up we can now start making some bronze and this of course will unlock a ton of new recipes most of these recipes will require a lot of bronze copper and Tin but one that doesn't are the bronze Nails we can actually make them up right now just using the one bronze and this in turn are knocks a ton of other new build materials and recipes the recipe I'm most excited for is the cup we can now make one of those up as you can see so that's gonna be really useful in helping us to transfer resources instead of building it here though I'm going to take the materials with me and build it when I get to the Black Forest because it's quicker to run without the cart than with it what I will do however is put in a couple of these big doors right here so when we get back we can go ahead and get our car in and out of the work area nice and easily and I'll also make this path connect up to the current road that we have that goes to and from the Black Forest I also decided to make myself up a couple of extra antler pickaxes so that we can be more efficient with our mining Journeys okay guys I knew this would happen before long we have got ourselves a troll and it looks like he's over attacking my car right now because I've left it over there to get over here away from him as a great horse has finally joined the fight here okay so he was over this way he must be somewhere nearby he can't have gone too far oh there he is he's having a swim okay let's go let's try and kill him of course trolls look at every other mob are a lot more difficult in hardcore mode so we do need to be really careful with this one which is why I'm just going to keep my distance and fight him in this way you have to kind of let him get close and then run away so he slows down to attack and it gives a chance that you get far away but doing that is incredibly scary as I'm sure you can imagine oh he did oh he died oh my goodness okay he was on fire from the firearms and he died wow that was scary happy mind some tin I've loaded it into my car as well as some other things and what I'm going to do now is just drag this car back over towards our base and get to a closer copper deposit to get a load of copper and then we can head home I was out mining some copper ore and I've got some more unwanted attention from a troll so we're gonna try and take this one down too because getting the troll drops is gonna be quite useful but they are difficult to take on [Music] and another troll down guys so that's awesome we're gonna get two times troll drops right now from the one before and this one with all the resources brought safely back to my base and processed I was able to make some upgrades as always it's Safety First in hardcore mode so I've gone ahead and upgraded my armor and we've now got bronze helmet plates and legs on top of that I made the bronze mace and the bronze Butler to give us a better attack and defense now as for the choice of weapon I went for the mace and one of the reasons for that is because we will soon have to face bone mass so by using the mace between now and then it will improve our club skill and this could really help us tune the bone mass fire what's up that is a pretty decent weapon and it'll be very useful against skeletons so it has a lot of good uses at this stage of the game so this has really set me up for the next episode where I can take on more black forest biomes and even head across the sea if you guys want to make sure you see that then please do subscribe
Channel: Kysen
Views: 207,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim hardcore, valheim, valheim letsplay episode 1, valheim letsplay, valheim episdoe 1, valheim hardcore mode
Id: 0APX0d1xAXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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