Manor Lords - BEST START! Let's Play Episode 1

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Mana Lords is a complex medieval strategy City Builder with large scale battles we'll need to raise a strong Army to conquer new lands and defend our town while simultaneously developing our economy through production and trade as such we'll need to get off to a good start to overcome the challenges ahead and it will starts here now before we get started with planning out our town it could be a good idea to zoom right the way out like this and just see what's nearby like for example we have these berries right here now you can see that at the moment they're growing so we I don't want to worry about harvesting them yet but we can in the future we also have things like we've got Stone deposits over here and we have a clay deposit here this Stone deposit as well is a rich deposit so this is very good because eventually we can make a mine there to mine that infinitely we also have a rich deposit here of wild animals that's fantastic that'll be great food for our hunting and we have an iron deposit over here this just gives us a bit of a feel for the land and where we might want to expand our town now on top of that we have pre-existing roads like this road that's going along here so this is going to be very useful to get us up towards the stone and the clay for example and the road along here which would be good for the berries heading off in this direction where we can also use it for like the wild animals and stuff now if you press C you'll bring up these overlays right here and one of the most important ones early on is to know where the underground water is which is shown here in blue the reason we need to know about the underground water is because we're going to need to build a well in order to service our houses in the town and the well has to be built on top of the underground water so we basically want to make sure our houses are built somewhere near this water so they can be serviced on top of that we can look at the different fertility of the soil in the area and what we want to do is you see this green stuff here this is going to be good for farming so you don't want to build residential plots on top of that because you want to use that for farming later on whereas the red and orangey ones up here are not going to be great for farming so this would be a great place to build houses and other things that basically are not farming materials now one nice feature about this game is that the roads down here are actually free to build so we can build those and build out a bit of a grid pattern before we get started and it won't actually cost us anything and this will help us to be a little bit more organized so what I'm going to do is connect up to this path that I've got here and just build a bit of a grid around my town so come down here like this and build like almost like a town center sort of area that we can then build off from later on when that's all connected up we can hit the build button and that automatically build on top of that I'm going to make sure I connect up to these points that are in here so we've got a lot of Road access going through here to get to our resources and our Central Area now with that done I'm looking at where I want to expand to and basically with the berries that are here and the animals that are here the food is going to be very useful to us in the early game in order to make sure we survive so expanding over in this sort of region is going to be good versus expanding over this way when we're actually going further away from those important early resources so checking the underground water once again we can see what we've got going on here and this water actually goes right down next to these animals here so that's a pretty good location for that as such what I want to do is build a road that goes off towards these wild animals and we can start hunting down there and then doing other things in the future so we get a road going through here like this and we'll get it coming like around here and then maybe up towards here just like that and then build that in there now with that done it' be great to have a Logan camp in the middle of all this because we can start clearing all of this wood here which we can then build build on but also we can make sure we're getting a lot of wood in that way which is going to be very important early on so that is under the Gathering part right here we need this logging camp and let's see where we want to place that now we can actually place it down wherever we want you see here though we have to uproot some trees for construction but that's not necessarily a terrible thing cuz we've got a lot of trees in the area anyway so I'm going to snap this to this road that we've just built and place it down right there in the heart of the forest and let's start to play the game as well and then this can start to be constructed and that will obviously build over time now I want to start thinking about where I want to build my first sort of neighborhood my residential area so what I'm going to do is get the road here and we'll connect up to where we've got this road here so we're getting this sort of grid pattern going on and we'll come off just sort of roughly we'll come over here like this then let's rotate around let's come near to this deposit here cuz that'll be useful later on so maybe just up like this and then finally we'll reattach back to the road up there yeah just like that so let's build that road in place that's fantastic and what I'm going to do is inside this area of road we just built this will be our early residential area now at the moment obviously there's a lot of trees covering a lot of the area but once the login Camp is built I'll show you guys how you can do this you can actually choose where they start harvesting trees from so we'll start to harvest all the trees that are in this area first obviously still near the loging Camp so that's going to be good but then once they're all cleared that will give us a lot of space to build our houses on you can also see that in this area there's not a lot of green there's a bit of green here for rye as you can see um and a bit of green for Emma but if we come over here we've got other areas which are much bigger which are green for these things so it shouldn't be too much of a problem to build in this area on top of that we have underground water which is here which can supply sort of over this sort of way we also have underground water over here which can supply the houses over here so we should be fine in terms of the wells to provide water for this whole region so let's speed things up a little bit and get things uh getting built because obviously we need to get ourselves started off here one thing I think could actually speed things up somewhat is if I build a little Road in here as well so let's construct that because then they can just go across here each time at the moment they come back and they go all the way around like that which just slows things down a little bit so obviously the roads as well as being uh a good marker for things you want to build in your town they're also going to speed up the workers as they travel along them now this new message here gives us the first interaction that we can have where we can actually write back and say something if we want to so there is dialogue in this game between other people so this right here is Holt Von beron for example so if we hit right back for example here and we have different things we can say being Early Access some of these are just kind of simplistic whereas others are you know more in detail and you can drag and drop them over if you want to say something now we are actually able to rename our town if we want to so right here you can see it's currently called imen Ruth I think is how I say it so if we click on that it brings up this which is our technology tree where we can research other things and I will come on to that later once we've unlocked a tech point but if we touch the quill up here then we can rename our town to anything we want now at the moment we go for something very uncreative and call it kaisen Ville uh but if you want to suggest names for the town do so down in the comments perhaps we'll rename it in an upcoming episode and if anyone does a Super Chat and wants to name the town then obviously I'll give preference to them but yeah we can rename that as we go and it's a nice feature on top of that another customizable thing you can you can actually have this right here I'll zoom in on that on screen which is a custom Banner for your uh Town your town Banner which is really nice um I'll put a link in the description which will have some sort of guide to that now I've paused the game because our login Camp over here has been built so what we need to do first of all is assign a family to it by clicking that button there so that that's now highlighted white people will now come and work this but if we go into the advanced area here what we can do is we can limit the work area and if we click that we get this circle so from this circle what we can do then is Select an area like's say here and they'll clear the trees in this area now when they're done with that area obviously we'll kind of see because it will be clear of trees but we'll also get a notification that there's nothing workable within the selected area and at that point we can then move it and if we keep doing this eventually we'll clear this whole area in here for our residential area now let's get started with building some houses because our residential area is going to need to get underway in order that we can have people living in houses so we're going to build a burgage plot and let's go down here like this and see how we want to do this so I think one maybe maybe two like that then we'll come up this way we want to make them quite big and I'll go into why that is okay this would be good if we had a bit more wood cuz that's all five houses so let's see we're on six wood what I'll do let's let's actually play the game until we're up to the 10 wood and then I'll build it the reason you want this to be big is you can actually utilize the backyard area of your houses and make like little vegetable gardens and chicken coops and things like that and this is going to be very useful throughout the game so it's something I definitely want to do now what I'm going to do for now is get three people in here working on the Timber and basically do that until we've got all the wood that we need to speed things up if we hover over here you can see we get an overview of the resources that we have now up in the top left here you have this so this is your assigned and unassigned families so here you see we have a population of 10 which show as it shows There is five level one families now at the moment three of those families are assigned of course to the wood cing and two are unassigned but we do need the unassigned people because as it says right there they will work on construction including guiding the ox to transport Timber so basically they're going to construct things and transport Goods which means they are super useful and you don't ever want to get this number to zero because they need to be used in your town so unassigned isn't necessarily a bad thing but it's just showing you an overview of what your workers are doing okay there we go we're now up to 11 timas which you have more than enough and we can go back to the construction of the residential buildings and build the burgage plots so let's go back to where we were before come along here like this and I think it was up to about here if I can click up to there and that's going to be four of them so we need to go just a little bit further this way so let's do that so maybe down to there back up to here and there we go this nice little dragon drop feature you can see that we've got the houses so it's five houses and then out the back that's the backyard area so we make them nice and big so we just as well click that right there and construct them now once these have been constructed I'll show you guys what we can actually do in terms of the backyards and things like that let's play the game and I'm going to drop the loging Camp down to just one family so we have four families the maximum amount really cuz we do want to keep people getting resources that can come in here and build all of these houses which will help with our town happiness and things like that now where you build your houses does matter because the commute is an important thing in this game so if the person in this house is going to work at this logging camp for example it's not too bad of a commute they're just down the road and there they go but if they're working very far away this will lower the efficiency so you do need to consider this in the game and that's why I like to have these grid patterns and lay things out I know that all my houses are going to be going around this area and what I can do then is make sure that anything that's over here in terms of production that's going to be quite a small commute for people to go to on top of that within this area that we built for housing this big circle with the roads we could put some construction stuff down here and then people also don't have far to go so definitely worth bearing in mind let's get these houses built I'll speed up until that's done and then show you guys how to do the whole backyard thing now we're getting a warning here about our exposed Goods so we need to build a pantry which is the grannery basically so that food can be stored without it going off and rotting which is important otherwise you know we might lose all that food and same goes for generic storage if we go to C right here and and open up construction then Logistics I'll build The Granary first cuz that's going to be all of our food supplies now in terms of where this goes basically we're just going to want it to go somewhere kind of central we've got this obviously grid pattern going on right here I think what I'll do is I'll place it maybe down here because I'm just thinking there's going to be food coming later on from over there so we want it to be on this side but we do want it to be Central as well so I'll place it maybe if we left click and rotate it round a bit let's see if we can get it to come in this direction connecting up to the road here okay it seems to be happiest here so we're just going to place it down there like that that's fine fine and we're also going to want to build uh let's see one of these right here which is the storehouse as well and the storehouse could go there but I think maybe it's going to have a better spot over here cuz we've also got let's see uh over here here's the mine isn't it so let's see if we can get a spot along the road for this one yep there we go I think I'll just place that one down there so you want these buildings to be nice and Central cuz resources have to go to and from different buildings so they come obviously from the buildings where the resources are being harvested whether that's like wood or stone or whatever and then they have to go to the buildings that are being constructed so keeping that control is definitely a good idea now we got a big consideration here because this has gone to Red so we have to see why that is now basically it's red because our food is currently only going to last us another two months as such we need to make sure that we prioritize getting some more food in which we can do Under The Gathering section by building a hunting camp now the hunting camp we want it to be up here really because it's obviously near to uh this animal section so uh let's have a look at how we're going to build this now we don't want to build it right in there because it says there that overlaps an animal habitat and will cause migration so we don't want that so we want to get it as close to that but without being in that so we'll place it down there now I'm also going to click on this and put this as a higher priority than anything else the reason being is without food obviously our citizens will starve and die so that does need to be the main priority to make sure that we don't die now on top of that I'm actually going to set these here to high priority these two buildings here so they actually get built before the houses and the reason for that is the resources we've got are getting drenched we're getting notifications about that and they're all going to SPO pretty quickly if we don't get these built in time and obviously that would be quite tragedy to lose all of that stuff and in the meantime while they're not having the houses they have these tents to live in now we just got the information here that the uh this has been built so let's go ahead and assign one family to do that right there now under Advance we can limit their work area and we can select them to work up here because obviously this is going to be an area where we have a rich deposit of wild animals 40 out of 40 now the hunting limit is currently set to 10 I'm going to put that up a little bit let's go up to 30 right because there's 40 animals in here that'll leave 10 left and we do want to make sure leave some and don't deplete all of the animals in the region so they can repopulate the area and we can get more over time now on top of that you see the berry deposit here is now 64 out of 64 so what I'll do is go under construction and build a forager Hut and let's build that like up here somewhere nice and close maybe just like there because the berries will be in that region and let's go ahead and get a road going on here so from there down to this Main Road here that should be fine uh let's put it in there now one thing to say about the berries as well with the wood cuton Hut the loog camp we have over here as I said before you can select a work area and that can be useful to clear a certain area but it has another purpose if these berries were say over here somewhere we want to make sure that we set the work area to the loging cam so that they don't harvest the berries it happened to me in a previous game when I was doing some testing where my wood cutters actually harvested some of our berry deposits so obviously you don't want that to happen and if you don't tell them to work in areas that are not where the berries are and those berries happen to be in range of this locking count then you will lose them okay our Granary has been built and here it is but it's important that once it's been built you assign a family to it if you don't the goods will not get moved into it so it's not a passive building just having The Granary you actually do need people to work it so now that that's happening you'll see that they come over here and grab the Food Supplies from here and move them into The Granary where they'll be safe for much longer without spoiling now we're getting some requests in for Market stores because certain types of building The Granary for example the hunting camp they want to have Market stores so what we can do is build one of those up in the center of the town so let's go into let's see residential area right here and here we have the marketplace so we can click that and this is going to be a bit of a drag and drop so for now I think what we can do is come like this and maybe just build it up there we only need a very small Market at this stage it's something we will expand upon as the game develops but at this early stage just having a few little places there where they can sell things will be good enough so here we go our first little market store has been complete we can see it right here so this is the marketplace right now and we just have the one store but there are still two store locations free as well so people can sell their wees at the market and that's what this person from this family is doing the wood cutter right here so I guess they will sell their wood and that will give them a bit of an income so having these Market stores will keep people happy so this is a food store here so it increases the uh supply of food and the amount of different types of food so that's going to help things like your overall approval and basically your town happiness and basically there's a lot of jobs in this game that require a Marketplace uh and they will do that automatically so for example if you have someone working as like a wood cutter and then they want to sell stuff at the marketplace or maybe like you know something food related like a hunter would be a better example uh they will automatically come and make a store at the marketplace provided there is enough space for them so it's good to have and you want to have it near to your houses so we've put our right on the corner here the houses and once again this is where the grid pattern can come uh in a bit more handy so that's the market that's up and running which is very good as you can see these houses are getting underway as soon as one of those is built we'll have a closer look at that and what we can actually do with that and here we go our first burgish plot has been completed so let's zoom in and have a little better look at this uh Monumental moment for our first house let's get in between the trees right here and here we can see it so this is the house itself out the front here connected up to the road which it does automatically then if we go through the back here this is where we have the back garden and it's actually quite a sizable Back Garden so you can see the house just takes up a small amount of the plot and the garden is a bigger area so if we click on the burgers plot right here um we can see first of all what's nearby and this is where we need to build a well which we'll do very soon because that's currently not ticked as we don't have that nearby but what we have is this right here which is the backyard extension now as you can see later on in the game we're going to have all kinds of different things we could do but at the start we have three options available to us which are a vegetable garden a chicken CP or a goat shed so the goat shed gives us hide the chicken will give us eggs and the vegetable garden well that gives us vegetables now you can see there there's a bag of silver which says 15 and that correlates to this up here your Regional wealth which is currently at 50 so you can see if we were to build the goat shed for example then we'll get the hides and stuff but 25 that's half of our wealth that's obviously quite a lot and I think what we're better off doing at this stage stage is just building the vegetable garden now it's important to note as well that the vegetable garden the size of the plot actually matters the bigger it is the more it will yield whereas the goats and the eggs from the chicken that doesn't matter how big or small it is so if we've got a smaller plot later on with just a tiny backyard then we'd be better off it be a bit more efficient to set the small backyard as something where the Size Doesn't Matter like those goats or eggs now obviously we're going to run out of uh money if we did this for all the plots so we can't do it for all of them at this stage but it's something we can expand upon over time it's also completely fine to build houses that don't have this backyard area and adjust houses for the sake of being houses but I thought it'd be good to get this to demonstrate to you guys how we do it and also it will obviously start to give us some vegetables over time now this again comes into the commute though between where they have to go to work and where they live because they do need time to work these areas and if they don't have enough time then the efficiency of them will go down when the houses are complete you'll see here you get this notification that family members join so the family members will automatically go and take a house you don't have to worry about ass signing them they do that all by theel okay so with all the burgage plots complete we got uh an increase there in our settlement level and this has given us a new development point which we'll call on to in just a second let's see what this new message is saying here so this is telling us that we can actually form a militia so we can click on uh that right there if we go down to here this is the Army button and create new units if we wanted to now the problem we've got at the moment is that we don't have enough people you see here that we have 10 recruits out of 36 so if I hover over here you can see there that 10 is the number of men we currently have in the families in the village so we need to get to 36 men before we can form any of these what we are able to do however is spend our development point you can see there we go we have the uh small village status and it also tells us the next settlement level which is the medium Village is to get two uh burgage spots level two we need two of those so two Burg plots level two or higher let's click on Kenville it brings up all this and now you can read all these different things here and choose what it is you want to upgrade now I'm going to go for this one trapping cuz we've already got hunters in place this will enable the hunters to traps which gives us a passive income of meat now that's going to be very useful because food is going to be really important early on so I think that's a good way to start off our Tech point but of course one of the nice things about this game is you can go off in whatever branch that you want now of course by doing this as well it does unlock the future potential to do these things as well so you can also have a look at what they are once you've unlocked them and decide which way you want to go okay our forager Hut has now been complete so let's go up and find that who's in the forest here and make sure we add a family into that we're going to keep at least one free at all times of course remembering that we're going to need that but let's get that one going on and that'll increase our food supply so that'll be very good now what I'd like to do is build another burgage plot because our approval right there is 47% once that goes above 50 we have the potential for new people to join the town but what we need is the approval over 50 but also a free burgage plot so the sooner we get on with that the sooner people will join so let's go ahead and do that down here somewhere and let's see where we can do this so maybe just in here somewhere not sure like what the minimum size is going to be that's too small so let's see if we can come back this way and we don't have enough space okay let's see if I can figure this out okay so if we build it like this we're actually able to get let's see two houses in there or potentially three houses yeah if we do it like that we get three houses only one of them will have a backyard and it'll be a small backyard but not to worry we'll get that one built up this will just be useful to us over time and it's still keeping all of our residential areas nice and close to everything else that is Central so I think that's a good place to have it and something for our spare workers to be thinking about in the meantime and then we'll have the space once one of these is built so that new people can join the town and that'll make us much more productive in the long run now I'm noticing here something's dropped to Red so let's see what that is that's now fuel that is the problem it's dropped down to two much so let's take care of that under the construction tab under the Gathering section we have the wood cutters Lodge and it tells you there that the workers fell nearby trees to produce firewood and that is our fuel source early on in the game so we need to make one of these now because they're going to be fing nearby trees it obviously makes sense that we want to place this somewhere nearby two trees so I think if I put it here this might be a good spot for for now nice and Central to everything that's going on and near these trees so let's go ahead and get that one built as the priority so put that as highest priority above anything else like these houses this is more of an ongoing longer term project we have the storehouse here so we're going to need to assign someone to this because it's raining and we get this notification that all of our stuff that's over here left out in the open is actually getting soaked right now we have 7 months worth of food which is very good so what I'm going to do is go over to the hunter Hut let's go and find that okay here it is so we're going to take a family off of doing this this cuz we want to keep somebody free so we don't want to waste that then come back through to here and in the storehouse we're going to sign that family to doing that job for now so over time they'll start to move things and once we get these new people in the town then we can have people doing all things at once early game however it's not a bad idea to do this to shift people around to different things as and when you need them just because somebody is a hunter at the moment doesn't mean they have to be forever the other thing to keep an eye on is your Berry deposit because once that has gone down to zero you want to get people away from being foragers cuz they're not doing anything and you get them doing something more productive whatever that may be that you need in your town now we've got this right here this says work area is empty so if we left click on that it takes us over to the building which is the loging Camp so I said we get a notification when we' exhausted all the trees in this area so let's just close that a second and come over here uh let's see we can move that there we go just to show you guys a bit better so if we go to Advanced and we go to The Limited work area this is where we had it before this is all now being cleared now it's not immediately obvious that that's all clear but if we zoom in you can see right here it's all small bushes and things like that versus like these bigger trees uh in this area here hopefully you guys see yeah like these trees here that's it I think it'll be clearer when you're playing the game you'll sort of know what I mean so what we're going to do is look at like where it is we want to be expanding to obviously we talked about having an area here uh that we're going to clear out and then just set that new area by going to advance limiting the work area and just clicking on a new area so that gets rid of the notification just keep an eye out for that one if you're doing things the way I am where you keep setting the work areas because as soon as they are done then they're not doing any work and you want to make sure you set a new area so that you're being more efficient okay we now have a firewood store in our Market as well so that's going to be very good to help give our citizens all of the fuel that they're going to need and part of the fact that we have the wood cutters Lodge here is uh that we have the firewood store happening as well now we do need to get somebody working on the wood cutters Lodge obviously in order to develop the firewood so let's see the berries looks like yeah they're still going to be going for quite a while so what I might do at this stage is take people out of the uh Pantry for now we've got a good amount of food stored up so we should be okay with that for a little while so take them out of there and put them in there so I'm doing a lot of chopping and changing early on if it gets to a point where food is a problem it's being stored outside and stuff like that then we'll change it back again good news guys our approval was hit 50% hopefully that will continue to grow and we have this burgage plot right here which is uh now a free plot that we have to get some new people in now this one here we are able to have a backyard and it's a very small backyard so when we look to do something here this is where the chicken coup or the goat shed could be really good for us again I'm going to focus on food I think at this stage and if I build a chicken Coupe in here it cost me 25 coins which will leave me with only 10 however with the burgage plots we have here what we could do is spend 30 coins and get two vegetable gardens now the game's still very new and we haven't been able to do enough testing yet to know if this is true or not but I feel like two vegetable gardens are going to provide more food and do more good for the town than the one chicken Coupe so that's the decision I'm going to make it leaves us with just five uh coins left or five silver whatever left so so this is something we might need to look at later on um but for the moment we're early game should be okay and do want to prioritize the food as you can see we're now in May and at this stage we're doing quite well we have uh 3 months worth of fuel but that is going to continue to grow until we get to the winter so we're all right on that our approval is above the 50% needed and we have the spare houses so any minute now we should hopefully get an expansion with new citizens joining our town in the meantime however let's build that well that we need in order to keep our residents happy so let's go into the residential area and click on the well and we've got different water sources around here so this was the area here that's like kind of near to these houses but I think it might be better to put it like over here so it's still on the road so I'm going to get this as close as I can to these houses by building it over here uh I think what we'll do is we'll build it like there so it's on the road still let's get that built and uh see whether or not this is in range of all these houses hopefully it is if not we'll just have to figure something out so it says there construction finished for the wells which is down over here so now if I click on these houses let's see water access says any well constructed in the region maybe it just takes a second to realize or no it doesn't have to have a worker okay let's keep an eye oh there we go water access is good so yeah I thought it'd be fine CU it does say within the region I assume that meant the region that if we press M and go to map it means literally anywhere within this region that is currently our lands which is really nice because we don't have to worry too much about it being really nearby to the houses so you can kind of disregard what I said at the start of this video I thought it had to be a little closer than that um but even like the furthest away houses here they have this this they also have a good food store Supply you can see there and that makes them very happy and I just realized the burgish plot wasn't showing it had water access when I said that but it now is as you can see here so the last thing that they want as an amenity that they desire at this level is for us to build a church and that's something we can look at building later on the church does require a worker though so at the moment we don't really have the ability to do that as we're still a little bit short on numbers we're hoping some new people join us very quickly now for some reason our approval rating actually dropped down a bit it says it was a homelessness problem but I don't understand exactly why that is uh because everybody currently has a house so that's an interesting one hopefully that's something that will just sort of go away over time uh if we keep building amenities and things like that then obviously that will help out our town now the next thing I'm going to build is the saw pit right here this converts the timber into planks as it says right there uh so where's a good place for this maybe just here actually cuz then it's right next to the store room and it's on the way back from the logging Camp so that seems like a good place for let get that one buil as you can see we have five months of fuel and 14 months of food so we can actually take people off of doing other jobs and get them doing some of this stuff here the S pit oh look at that we just had some resources stolen by the bandits I think that's because we don't have an army at the moment we need to obviously build that up uh when we're able to do so what I'm thinking is we can get people off of the food so even though the berry deposit is quite High I don't know if we may look to get people off of the berries or something like that because we have so much of it and get people into doing the saw pit to get the planks the planks are going to be used for some of the buildings that we need in order to progress for example the church requires planks so the sooner that we get to making those then the quicker we can progress and develop our town further than what we have the sawpit is complete and I think at the moment these berries are I mean we've got a lot of them and food is important but I'm just thinking we probably have enough so I'm tempted to take the family off the berries but I also feel like someone new is going to join us imminently because we're at 52% right now and we do have enough space for people so I might just wait a minute and see what happens once again the work area here is empty so the loggers are doing really well in terms of getting through all of this area that we wanted them to do uh so let's just keep on in the same I suppose and and keep them doing stuff that's near to them and in an area that we want to get rid of so maybe they can do like this area here would be really good let's just do that we'll just continue doing that obviously uh until we either have enough wood and want to pause and get them doing something else or potentially run out of trees one thing we can do though as well is uh let's see if I can find it there we go yeah the forest is hot here as it says there workers plant new trees in specified Zone So eventually you can have it set up where uh you're constantly farming trees you're growing trees and then chopping them down and so on until you have all of your wood completely automated now I've waited quite a while but what I think I'm going to do is finally go up to the forages heart right here and take these people off of doing the foraging and put them on to doing this right here in the saw pit so that we can start getting some of these uh planks made up as I say we've got so much food here 16 months worth at the moment we don't really need people to be picking berries and if a new family joins we can always get them to do that if we wish but in the meantime I'd much rather get on with the saw pit so chopping and changing people around a little bit is a good way to keep the efficiency high and uh oh yes we just got a new family literally just as I was talking there a family joined us so we can see here we're now up to six level one families which is 12 men and five women now interestingly it doesn't seem to have taken our food amount down you think because there's a new family maybe we wouldn't have 14 months anymore but it does seem to still be at that so that's actually pretty good now we've just hit 20 planks as we can see here so I'm actually going to build the church now sort of saving up for that so under residential just over here we have the wooden church it's quite a big building so we're going to need to figure out where exactly we're going to put it so let's do that but this will be a very useful building for us to have I actually think going quite Central with it sort of makes sense we can maybe put it in here somewhere like yeah let's put it down in there let's play that um and this is one of the amenities that the level one Burger spots uh would like as you can see right here so by doing that it should help with our approval rating and the better that is the more people join the town and the more people we have the more efficient we can be with getting all the resources and stuff that we need in order to continue expanding so let's get that one built up we'll see how that looks we'll get the people working in there as you can see we do have two spare families at the moment so then that will just go down to one when someone is working in the church and we're managing to maintain things quite nicely at this stage as you can see it's currently the middle of July and it's pouring with rain so we got a lovely British summer here as we uh playing through but nonetheless the the work is going on the church is almost halfway there and our approval is at 57 already and that's without the church even being built so I'm pretty confident that our town is in a really good place at the moment and it's growing the way it should be uh but let's hope I haven't spoken too soon um but it seems like we're going pretty good and a new family has just moved in and housed themselves there we go we currently now have seven families which is fantastic um so this is almost done we'll assign someone to that and then we'll figure out the rest so here it is guys the beautiful level one Church there or I say level one church I'm not actually sure if there are levels to it but the wooden Church there all barricaded off looking good one cool thing with it is you can actually choose the church bell sound here like that or this one or that one so you have Ops which is quite funny anyway never mind that let's assign a family member into that church that'll be great for the people to have a functioning Church in their land we can see here the vegetable gardens are getting underway as well so that's very good the fact we're actually able to grow all these vegetables that will help us with food and stuff as well it's probably helping with the overall approval rating because as you see there the uh Market food variety is something that they're enjoying now that might go down a little bit in the fact that we don't have the berries anymore but it's something we can work on over time and now you can see that other amenity has been met we have the church level right here we're not yet at the stage of getting the clothing store and stuff but certainly we're making improvements as we go along so this stage I want to go back to the forer Hut and add a family in there just to get the rest of these berries while we can as they are seasonal um our food has now started to drop we're down to just 10 months it's still pretty good I think you know it's almost a year worth of food that we've got in advance but if we were able to store it without it going off in The Granary and stuff like that then I think we just as well get that happening I have to say I do really like the graphics in this game as well the town feels very vibrant very Al live with all the people getting on with that little stuff and I think this has been a really nice starting episode if you'd like to see more man of Lord's videos then please do subscribe and watch episode 2 by 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Channel: Kysen
Views: 9,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manor lords, manor lords gameplay, manor lords lets play, manor lords lets play episode 1, manor lords lets play series, lets play, episode 1
Id: 3QfRdUp7RHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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