Valheim Weapon Tier List - The BEST & WORST Weapons RANKED!!!

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what's up guys thanks for stopping by I hope you're doing good in today's video we're going to be doing a valheim weapon tier list where we rank every single weapon in the game I decided to make this video because I noticed that no one has actually done a tier list for every weapon in the game and none of the old ones are up to date since the misslands update so I hope this video is going to be useful particularly to new players when deciding what to craft next I do have thousands of hours in this game and multiple world records as a speedrunner so I hope some of my views people are gonna find useful just a couple of disclaimers before jumping into it first of all there's not going to be a ton of gameplay examples in this video because it's a tier list that's what tier list is you're going to be watching me create this tier list into your maker as I discuss my choices in detail along the way and second of all I just want to say there's a lot of personal opinion in this video and if you don't agree with some of what I say or you just really enjoy using some weapons that have ranked lower down that is absolutely fine you do you there's lots of effective weapons in valheim that do work in every single scenario even if they're not the most meta choice so I hope you enjoyed this video if you do don't forget to leave a like And subscribe for future content let's jump into it okay so here we are in tear maker I think I'm just gonna start by trying to fill out the S tier first so I'm just gonna Chuck a load of stuff on the top line that I think is s tier or at least close to it and then we can maybe change it after the fact and then I will go through each one individually alright so that's all the weapons that I think are actually s tier in no particular order we can maybe try and put them in order after we've discussed each one the frostner is hands down one of the best weapons in the game in fact it's so good so once you get it I'll level it up if you want you could just stick with the frostner for the rest of the game it's one of the harder ones to get because it does require you to find a Trader and buy that your mere flesh and obviously it requires you to farm some silver but the reason it's so good is because first of all it's a club which means it deals blunt damage and it also means that it's very heavy and therefore deals quite a lot of knockback so right away anything in the game that's weak to blunt this weapon is amazing for this includes skeletons or blobs or oozes including bone mass obviously it's not likely you get this before bone mass unless you found a very lucky silver vein but still Omas is very weak to this Weapon It's also made of silver which means that any enemy that's Undead is weak to this weapon because it will inflict Spirit damage to anything Undead that's just how silver weapons work in the game so this includes any drawgas it also includes bone mass it also includes your glove then it also deals Frost damage with some enemies a week too but not only that Frost damage slows most enemies down and on top of all of that it's high knockback means that it will stagger most enemies in the game as well so the frostner is in some cases statistically the best weapon to use however it is not always the best weapon to use but it is effective in almost all scenarios even if it isn't the most effective in all scenarios making it basically the best all-around weapon in the game because even enemies that it's not super effective against it can still stagger it can still slow down so excellent weapon the black metal sword is an excellent weapon in almost the opposite sense of the frostner and what I mean by that is that the frostner is super good in that it's an amazing all-rounder because it has lots of effects that work on so many different enemy types the black metal sword however is super good because it has no special status effects what it is however one of the highest raw damage dealing weapons in the game not to mention the fact that because it's a sword it has the stab in secondary attack which can be spammed with a roll cancel that you can do by spamming spacebar and secondary attack at the same time this is explained in my speed on struts explained video so I'll leave a link in the description to that the Mist Walker is also super effective in a similar way except it does also deal Spirit damage not to mention the fact that it clears a little bit of the fog in the misslands which is really cool although not super practical because if you already have the Wisp light you won't even notice this effect but still one of the best swords in the game something that's worth mentioning at this point before we get onto some two-handed stuff is that these three weapons and lots of the weapons in the game are one-handed weapons and most of the one-handed weapons you're gonna use to the full potential when paired with a buckler because you want to Parry and then attack this most of the time is the most effective way to melee in valheim Period which makes these one-handed weapons the best weapons in the game when using a Buckler and also all these weapon types like one-handed clubs and swords have a high attack speed and a relatively low stamina cost and those two things we're gonna elaborate in the rest of this video but they are not very often addressed when talking about weapons but are super important as it does affect the DPS possible with each weapon so that's why these weapons are super good now the Demolisher not super high DPS but the reason I think it's s tier is because of the sledgehammer animation now all the Sledge weapons including the Stag breaker down here and the iron Sledge have the same giant slam animation that creates an area of effect damage on any nearby enemies that is really good for staggering enemies but honestly it does have really high stamina usage and a really slow animation time which are two things that are actually gonna cause some of the higher tier weapons in this list to be dropped down a tier because it does just objectively make them slightly less effective however in the unique case of sledgehammers the area of effect does clip through walls which means that this weapon type can be really good when clearing Dungeons and the Demolisher is the best version of that which makes it one of the best weapons to help clear dungeons in the misslands the skull and Hattie knives are super underrated in valheim and the skull and Hattie is the best knife in the game and is also the only real dual wield in the game other than the claws which are a bit of a meme which will actually explain later now the reason this weapon is so good is because Knives have extremely high DPS and also you fully level these things up if you use the secondary attack you'll be able to Leap Forward into enemies before they attack you and a lot of the time this will cause the enemy to be staggered or you can stagger them with a sledgehammer like the Demolisher and then fly in with a secondary attack to instantly get the extra damage on a staggered enemy instead of running in like I said very underrated weapon type it's a very very low stamina usage and very very fast animation time sometimes players just look at Raw damage or raw damage doesn't really mean anything if you're not able to get the hits in particularly if you fight in multiple enemies or something with a lot of HP so what really matters is damage versus stamina usage versus animation speed now I did pop Frost arrows on the top and you may be wondering why more arrows aren't up here and it's simply because the frost arrows are the most versatile arrow in the game because they're essentially useful on everything because of the frost slow down effect and they're also very effective against enemies in the misslands meaning that once you find them just after the mid game revective all the way through to the late game I guess we should also include bows so I'll put the uh bone bow some of the stuff by the way I don't use the official names for I just find it easier to call this one like the bone bow for example but yeah that doesn't matter the person said this video but we'll put one bow up here as well because obviously the arrows are useless without the bow but the only reason we're only putting one bow and arrow on top is because the bow and arrow is very good in valheim but also very overused and very overrated it's not necessary at all to use the bow and arrow for the entire playthrough some players only use the bow and arrow you understand why it's very fun very cool this is no criticism of that you do you but I'm just saying objectively it's very expensive to main bow and arrows because you have to craft all these arrows very time consuming to file one of those mats if you want to spend your time doing that that's great and also the bow and arrow is not the highest damage dealing thing to use on any boss or any common mob so for that reason only one bow and arrow on the top so now let's go to a tier by the way after thinking about it I do think this is the correct order for the ass tier now for the a tier I feel like we need to include some stuff for the style points and also some stuff that like would be amazing if it wasn't for the stamina usage and animation speed there's also a few other interesting things like for example a collision box of certain weapons is important right so I'm starting to fill out some of the other tiers as well but I'm still going to make sure I explain every selection as I do this alright so let's start explaining the a tier is there no particular order at the minute but just like we did last night once we get to the end of the tier I'll sort of analyze my choice and think if I need to reorder it so first of all in the eight tier we've got the silver sword now this silver sword was extremely difficult for me to not put it in the S tier because it is one of my personal favorites well due to the lack of enemies that are Undead in the misslands I thought it needed to be knocked down to the a tier but it is extremely good so to clarify the reason why the silver sword is so good is because it is the highest DPS way to deal Spirit damage in the game making it the most effective weapon against any Undead in the entire game again Undead enemies a week to Silver because silver deals Spirit damage and this is the best silver weapon and of course like I mentioned earlier with swords you can spam the secondary attack which makes them even more powerful with roll cancel and especially combined with the buckler to get those parries this is the best weapon to use against your glove objectively now subjectively lots of these weapons may not work for you if you don't want to level up your sword or rather you do want to focus on one weapon type and therefore just level up clubs and when I say level up your sword I mean level up your sword skill you may want to stick with clubs because you have really high club skill if you have like 100 Club skill but if you want to go for the objective best option in many cases it is the silver sword against Undead enemies it's a specialist weapon because of this however its raw damage is still good enough to be very effective against any enemy in the entire game even though it won't be as effective as something like the black metal sword so even though the raw damage it's not the best choice it's still a very good choice pretty minimal stamina usage you can spawn the secondary attack and of course the spirit damage absolutely owns any Undead so that's why I think it is the best eight-year weapon now the crystal battle ax is where things get interesting the crystal battle ax is one of the coolest weapons in the game which is why I wanted it to be an atheist because it's something that I think everybody should build because it looks super cool and I know lots of people like battle axes however this weapon type has one of the highest stamina usages in the game and slowest animation speeds and a pretty bad secondary attack so any increased damage potential this weapon has with its raw damage and with its potential Spirit damage against Undead is essentially negated by how long it takes to do an attack and how much stamina it uses because it means that you're gonna do a ton more damage with a silver sword in every scenario against an undead now of course as a battle ax it does have some pluses it looks cool that's the main one but it also does knock back so some people like these but just objectively it's low DPS because it's slow and high stamina usage however if you really want to be super cool as a viking on Flex on everybody else on the server it makes for the coolest possible acts to chop trees down with which is what I primarily use it for now I didn't know where to put this next weapon this is the new poison blunt weapon from this lands and it is cool that we have a weapon that's melee that deals poison damage and poison is one of the only things in the game the northern is really immune to except for bone mass and blobs and stuff and it is good damage but I just find this weapon to be in a weird spot balance wise where I think you're mostly making it because it's cool as if you're going for blunt I just think the frostner has more upsides and plus you can actually get it earlier and it's like I don't know if you're really Gonna Wanna invest in leveling this up if you've already upgraded this the Seeker spear is very good Spears are super underrated the secondary attack of being able to throw a spear and then pick it up is absolutely amazing you find yourself using so it's fewer arrows because you can pick this thing back up instead of just consuming an arrow every time you want to do a ranged attack and having something that does Pierce damage is very useful you can also throw Spears through little gaps that enemies can't fit through to kind of cheese them which is very useful you can stand in a spot where an enemy can't reach her and throw it at it very good for clearing Dungeons and this is the best beer in the game also primary attack has a really low stamina usage very fast animation time however the reason I knocked it down to eight here is that the Collision box for the spear primary attack is actually quite small which makes it very easy to actually miss with especially when trying to spam it and you do really want to spam it because that's where you get the most DPS because it's so fast so amazing weapon nothing against it I absolutely love it but to me it's more of just an additional backup weapon to have alongside a main melee what very cool weapon nonetheless next up we've got the magical staffs of the misslands we've got the ice staff here or the frost staff this one is my favorite staff because it's high DPS you fire out tons of frost damage in a short period of time all of the magical weapons have a pretty big downside in that you have to eat magic food and none of them really are the most powerful weapon to use but they can be a very good alternative for dealing range damage compared to bow and arrow or alongside a bow and arrow perhaps in case you run out of arrows and this weapon is still one of my favorites to use during the queen fight because when you're at range it's just really good to quickly get some hits in also the starter does super cool they look cool they're super fun so I wanted these two staffs to be on this tier because they're super cool and I think everybody should be crafting them but don't expect these to be the Lifesaver you may expect them to be many of these melee weapons are actually more op than the staffs the fire staff isn't as good because it uses more magic and it has a slower rate of fire but still cool the droga Fang bow one of the best bows in the game it looks super cool you'll deal some bonus poison damage everybody should make this it's super cool remember to farm those sacks hanging out trees in the swamps the crom now this is going to be one of the most controversial things in the video probably not having this as an SD weapon and I understand why people love these cool big weapons but as with all the big two-handed stuff like battle axes and stuff they just have a very very slow animation on a very high stamina usage this does have very high damage output but the juice is ultimately not worth the squeeze when it comes to DPS because it is low DPS because of the slow animation and high stamina usage and look loads of these backed weapons are very cool very fun and this one is on the a tier because I think you should make it when you do your playthrough just to experience it a little bit because it is very cool so I do recommend making it but as a go-to weapon I would only say to use it for style points pretty much any of the weapons that are one-handed in the St pad with the bulk that are going to be much more effective the black metal knife is the second best knife in the game however you can obviously get it much sooner than the skull on Hattie and it's really good for all the same reasons skull and Hattie is except it's easier to build highly recommend everyone gets into using knives they don't reduce your movement speed very high DPS awesome secondary attack next up is the two bomb types we've got the bile bomb and the Ooze bomb these are some of the least utilized things in the game I think for several reasons one of the immediate downsides of these weapons I'll address right off the bat it requires a lot of crafting materials to craft a lot of these so they're sort of expensive that they're only really super good if you make a lot of them but for people that are struggling with their Miss lands and clearing dungeons they're an excellent addition to your inventory so even if you just farmed as many bombs as possible and saved him until you get to the misslands I still think this is worth doing because if you craft a whole stack of these and a whole stack of these if you throw a bile bomb then throw an ooze bomb of Vice Versa both status effects will apply at the the same time which then add in some more ranged attacks on some bow and arrows or some Spears made a few melee attacks you can end up doing several different damage types simultaneously to enemies and these also have a large AOE which make them very good for clearing dungeons when you're fighting lots of enemies I made a whole video about these which you can link in the description where I explain why they are so good but I do recognize that it is a pain to craft these all the time and some of the maps are quite scarce I actually would give a note to Iron Gate on this and say that we should perhaps make some of the mats for some bombs in the game more common even if it's a new bomb type that's not as good because bombs are very effective and very fun and they don't get used because people kind of don't want to craft them because they're the most effective when you have loads of them but it can take some time to find the max for him this is the lightning pole arm from the miss Slants I am not a fan of any of the pole arms when it comes to objective damage dealing I don't want to keep repeating myself in the video so I feel the same way as I do about the Battle axes I think they are all cool no shade and anyone that loves this weapon type very cool yes I know they have applications a lot of knockback a lot of AOE there's no damage reduction when they hit multiple targets all valid reasons to want to use them but they are canceled out by the fact that the animation speeds are all slow and they are high stamina usage which means they are ultimately low DPS and most of the time when you're fighting a large crowd of enemies you are simply better to run away or back off or jump onto something they can't reach you on which is possible in almost every single scenario in the game and then just rain down arrows or throw Spears or wait until your stamina or your health is filled back up again and rinse and repeat there may be some scenarios all alongs can get you out of in a pinch when you're getting surrounded as a one-off thing but ultimately not worth the time investment in my personal opinion and objectively they are actually low DPS because they're not really spammable you can't use them with a buckler so you're not gonna get the Parry bonuses until after your first wave of attacks were you causing some knockbacks and some staggers and just yet a little bit too slow a little bit too high stamina usage but this is the coolest one because it looks super cool and it has a lightning effect it's one of the only ways we can deal lightning damage in the game absolutely awesome so that's why it's eightier because I think everybody should make this and experience it because it is cool but that's why all the other pole arms gonna be lowered down on this list this one is literally eightier for the style points the others have to be low down because it is not that useful I know there's gonna be people crying in the comments but they are useless whatever so animation High stamina usage most players don't use them for this reason and that's why in fact I like to use them to knock down crops in the planes I'm farming the secondary attack supposedly to spin around which will drop down any crops in the area which can be used for that iron mace this is actually a hilarious one because this is actually technically one of the lowest quality weapons that's actually high up in our Tail list so far and that's because I'm trying to factor in how useful it is for how long and how much it costs to make but also objectively it's damaged now the iron mace you can make so quickly iron is so plentiful that you will have enough mats to make a level 1 Iron mace just from one Crypt unless you get super unlucky and you get one with no scrap piles or maybe just one scrap pile or something or most likely the first script you enter is gonna have enough iron in it to make this thing it's one-handed which means very good for parries also it's a club it's a mace so it's heavy so it does knock back which also allows to get more bonus damage and it deals blunt damage lots of things in the game a week to blunt all the blobs all the oozes all the growths all the skeletons they're all weak to blunt and everything that isn't weak to blunt most of the time the mobs in this game can still be staggered by this weapon because of the not back also because of the iron mace and how good it is when it comes to clearing area bosses even though many new players struggle with bow Mass when they're learning the game actually objectively just like buy the numbers this weapon is so effective on bone mass considering you can make it right away pretty much once you get into the swamps that it's actually crazy that on a regular playthrough you could just technically stumble into bow Mass right away in your first swamp and make this immediately and just be prepared for the fight as long as you have some poison resistance potions or something it's also just enough raw damage once fully leveled up then it does remain decently effective for the whole game basically is not gonna be good once you get to the misslands it's not great for fighting feelings and stuff it's amazing on most mobs that you encounter before those biomes and it's super fast to make so to me it's a no-brainer that this is on this tier next up we've got the silver dagger knives again very underrated very good we've already explained why knives are so good fast animation time fast attack speed low stamina usage awesome secondary attack this is very good for all the same reasons but it also does Spirit damage because it is silver so it's very good against Undead enemies in fact if you didn't want to make the silver sword you could just make the silver dagger which could be a good option for dealing with Undead enemies especially if you're planning on using the frostner be a glove anyway because you may just want to focus in leveling up your Club skill but you might still want another option a lower tier Undead so this could be good for that and now I'm just gonna rethink the order and let me think if I wanna move some things around okay so this is the order I would put them in I also added on a few other sets of arrows because these are the other really good arrows in the game and I'll explain why in a second but I think any decent arrows do belong high up just not on the top there's a little overrated especially considering you have to craft them or most things in the game can take poison damage if you combine poison with frost it's actually really good because you can actually end up dealing multiple status effects at the same time needle arrows of very underrated because anything that's weak to pierced is going to be super weak to these things and exactly the same goes for obsidian arrows the slightly less good the needle arrows but they're also very high Pierce and silver arrows are pretty good piece but the reason they are here and also underrated is the fact that they do Spirit damage so scenarios like your glove where most people will be using this sort of primitive Pokemon logic of fire means let's use frostall let's use water type Pokemon on your golf or whatever no it's not really true he's Undead so Silver's best so Silver Arrows can be really useful on writing them down on any Undead enemies not necessarily specifically your glove because I actually wouldn't recommend arrows on him personally you're just gonna waste a ton of Maths for not much Advantage but if you're fighting on dead and when you want to build up Spirit damage let's say you're using a silver dagger or the silver sword to deal that Spirit damage you can still keep that Spirit burn going at a range with silver arrows they're kind of expensive so there's definitely a good argument to move these down a tier maybe we'll do that later but they're very underrated and good okay so now we're officially moving on to B tier first of all we've got the ancient bark spear as mentioned earlier Spears are super good in the game so I'm not going to repeat myself too much because before the covered Spears but they're very good for throwing through gaps very good for attacking at range without consuming an arrow very good for standing on top of something and throwing your spear down from safety and they have a very fast attack speed and the ancient box beer is actually one of the fastest Spears in the game to make because it uses iron and ancient bark which once you get to the swamps is gatherable very quickly in fact one of the reasons why I've rated this one so high is that I would say if you're really min max in this game and you don't want to waste too much time building excessive amounts of stuff you really could just start out with a flint spear then move on to the ancient bark in the swamps and the carapace spear in the misslands and Skip all the others the Fang spear is on here for the same reason however it is harder to craft technically but it is better and it's still a really good spear I've put the black metal ax here because this is technically the best wood cutting ax in the game which does also double as a weapon of course although your wood cutting skill is separate but some people just like to save mats but I just crafting an ax rather than acts in a sword and it is needed to chop down the extra wood trees in the misslands so it's an essential item but if we're talking about objective Effectiveness in battle any sword will always be better than an app it's just a case of whether you want to save the mats or not the Abyssal Razer I have rated extremely high and that is because it is extremely good value as we've mentioned several times knives in the game are really good however this knife can be got on extremely early as long as you find a leviathan and it only requires a level 2 workstation to make which makes it very accessible and even if you just level it up to level two this knife is so good it's still pretty effective against fuelings so it does insane damage for how easy it is to get which makes it one of my favorite items the antler pick I've rated this high as well for similar reasons I thought about whether or not to include pickaxes on this list because they are technically listed on the weapons on the wiki but obviously they're not that effective as a weapon but the ultimate reason why I decided to do so is because pickaxes are a cool way to kill Golem if you can jump onto a Golem's head you can actually slam the pickaxe down onto it and deal some pretty good damage you can do this by jumping onto a rock that's higher up than the Golem and then jumping down onto it but anyway this pickaxe isn't the best for killing Golems necessarily but the reason I've rated it so high is that just by defeating the first boss you can make three of these immediately which makes them extremely cheap to the point where frankly you can just Farm doing a ton of eat their fights if you wanted and just stock up on lots of these and they can be repaired with a level one workbench and are still effective at mining most things in the game some players miss this fact but antler picks can still be used to farm scrap piles in the swamps combine this with the fact that once it breaks all you have to do is dip out of the dungeon and place down a workbench to repair it instead of portaling back home or even worse sailing the download pick is actually one of the more efficient things you can craft in the game and in fact is so useful that it kind of warrants skipping the bronze pickaxe and going straight to iron so anyway that's why it's rated so high for a pick less so for the damage although it's technically a weapon but more so for the value next we've got the porcupine now I'm not a huge fan of this weapon I frankly think it's kind of a waste of time to make it does look really cool but it's rarely the objectively best weapon to use for a fight however it's still rated pretty high because it still is good it does still do a lot of damage it's not a bad Weapon by any means and it has quite a lot of raw damage I personally think it's too expensive to be worth crafting unless you just want to do it for the style points which is totally valid because that is fun of course and games are about fun and it is still good raw damage there's nothing inherently wrong with using the porcupine it's just there isn't really any situation where you wouldn't be using a better weapon now the dead razor the dead razor is simply this high up for Pure style points it looks super cool it allows you to summon two skeletons if you level it up and this is sort of useful but if you fight in any kind of enemy that packs any kind of punch like a boss or something those skeletons are gonna die pretty quickly it has some kind of utility and distracting mobs and stuff but honestly it's just not that much of a big deal it's simply just is super cool and it's really fun to use obviously you don't get it to the misslands so yeah not super good but super fun highly recommend making it just for the fun points the protective staff as well is sort of similar it's cool it it gives you a bubble to lie to tank a hit but honestly it's not really a big deal breaker except for maybe super nice scenarios but it's still this high up just for the style points because all of the Magic in the game is very cool and I think everybody should at least try all of the magic items however it may not be worth upgrading them up and running them as a main next up we've got a couple of pole alarms I've already explained my thoughts on those obviously the black metal one is better than the iron one but the reason the iron one is here and other pole arms on BTA is because iron stuff in general is really really easy to craft you've got the iron Sledge this is good and it is a big step up from the Stag breaker however I do feel like it is a little bit too hard to craft in requiring a Trader for how good it really is because when you compare it to a Demolisher obviously technically the demolish is harder to get because it requires you to get to the misslands but the funny thing is if hypothetically you were to speed around these two things you'd be able to get the Demolisher far easier because once you get to the Miss lands this thing is actually pretty easy to make which makes it God tier for a sledgehammer so the iron Sledge is very cool it's effective for the same reasons that the Demolisher is well it requires a bit too much effort for how good it is in my opinion next up we've simply just got the rest of the bows I guess technically it would be in this order and that's just because Bose in the game are very good and we've already rated the higher tier bows really high and honestly the rest of them whilst there is a measurable movement for each one they are relatively even in that most of the advantages of Bose lies in the arrows anyway and then we've got the rest of the arrows I've put fire arrows as the best one as the utility of a fire tick is very useful in dealing passive damage during any fight however iron and bronze dipped arrows we'll obviously do more raw damage then we've got the crossbow and all the crossbow bolts I've actually rated this pretty low but it's still beats here because it's very cool and it is actually pretty useful especially for hunting because there's basically no drop with crossbow bolts at all it's almost completely hit scan which makes him extremely good for killing deer and stuff when it comes to killing enemies and bosses and stuff it's okay for shooting General mobs but the rate of fire just isn't really worth it in my opinion and honestly all of the different status effects you can get from arrows and the high rate of fire you can do especially if you level up your bow skill it's just so much better than the crossbow well the crossbow is cool it has style points and I think it's worth making and it's good for hunting I'll put the claws in last place in B tier this is because the claws aren't the easiest thing in the game to get you got to do a lot of dungeon crawling in caves in the mail mountains and a super weird Quirk with these claws is that they use your unarmed skill now I feel like this is kind of a cool Concept in principle but the fact of the matter is no player is Gonna Wanna level up their unarmed skill unless it's just for a joke or just for the sake of doing something different but it's not going to happen naturally which means that you're never gonna be using the claws to the full potential which would be to basically get unarmed to level 100 and then where the Fenris armor for the unarmed boost to go above that however they are very cool and very fun and that's why the Beats here are not detier because honestly if they weren't cool I think these are detier just because it's just not worth your time really they do some raw damage of course like everything does but this is too many other things even on this tier it's more worth your time okay so now we're on to C tier first up I've got the iron sword as I keep mentioning all Iron stuff is really quick to make once you get to the swamps compared to basically every other ore in the game I've already mentioned all of the reasons why swords are good in this video but I just want to repeat one detail specifically which is that you can spam the secondary attack of Swords by spamming Dodge roll and secondary attack at the same time and this will allow you to cancel the animation of the secondary attack and perform a roll instead which is a faster animation so this will consume more stamina but allow you to do more secondary attacks in a row and this makes swords very powerful the iron sword isn't the best so board but it is a very cheap sword and for the raw damage it's pretty good now when it comes to pickaxes as I mentioned earlier they're not very good as weapons but they do have varying levels of value now the iron pick is really good because it gives you access to obsidian and silver but it's also really quick to craft which is why I would rate it higher than the other picks except for the antler pick which is the cheapest and highest value proposition next up I'll put the black metal pick simply because it is essential if you want to farm giant remains in the misslands then we've got the wood Club I've rated this pretty high up on C tier because you can make this weapon without a workbench even just straighten your inventory and if you level this thing up to max level or even just level 3 which can be done just from match lying around in the Meadows it is actually so much blunt damage that you could even use this to kill bone mass this is how we do it in the speedrun even because it's just so time efficient because it's so faster craft and bow mass is so weak to blonde and in most of the tests and I have done a level 3 wooden Club is roughly 40 percent as effective as a level 1 Iron mace on average but obviously saves all the time of having to do the iron mace which is why this weapon has been used in speedrunning for ages so it is maybe the highest value weapon in the game in terms of how cheap it is and how good it is the Flint ax isn't quite as good a value proposition obviously you can't make this from your inventory it has a higher mat requirement but even leveling the Flynn ax up you get this thing to level three and upwards and you will just absolutely be melting grade wharfs and again you can get it to level 3 just by exploring The Meadows it just uses leather and hide and Flint to get the workbench level 3. it is legit good enough that as long as we're talking about just standard grade wolves you could use it as your go-to great wolf clearer for the whole game if you wanted to like is that good on just bug standard level 1 grade wolves next I've put the iron ax the reason for this is that again iron stuff is really cheap but bronze or above allows you to chop down birch trees to get access to fine wood and the iron ax is just a better value proposition than the bronze the Flint spear is good for all the reasons I keep saying about Spears however it's rated pretty high for the same reason the Flint ax and the wooden Club is and that's that it's exceedingly cheap and easy to get and all of this flint and wood stuff that you get right at the beginning of the game actually jumps up in damage so much from leveling it up that they are just an absolute no-brainer for the beginning of anyone's game Akins remain useful for a shockingly long time and again mostly used on the speedrun throughout because they're that good now the bronzax is high for a bronze item because bronze is not cheap it's really annoying in fact to have to get two copper and 110 the whole process is drawn out and boring and therefore I rate bronze stuff really low but because it gives you access to fine wood it's still seats here the torch is seatier to me and this is why it may seem like a mere light source but you can beat so many mobs over the head with this and doing so will actually gradually increase the damage that the fire tick is doing so if you get a lot of hits in with a torch the enemy is going to be taking more and more fire damage and this does absolutely melt grade wolves and you start with this making it literally free so starting a game right out the gate is this can be beaten stuff over the head with a torch and I think that's pretty nuts that you start with something that you can walk into like forest with hypothetically and it'd still be pretty good damage although they break very quickly so you have to make more but they're underrated as a weapon the fire damage is very legit on torches which is why I actually didn't want to put them in the deep tier next up is the Stag breaker the Stag breaker is generally overrated it's not very high damage doesn't really scale up damage wise quite in the same way as some of the other low level gear plus it's actually not cheap it requires you to farm some trophies and stuff like that it does have some utility when clearing Dungeons and it is very cool so I see why people like it and it can be pretty good for damage control and clearing out some groups of mobs in the early game particularly when clearing dungeons which is why it's not detier the battle ax I have got a seed tier and that's because this thing isn't cheap and it's not good either for the same reason that I have described with the other battle axes because of the slow animation the high stamina usage it means it's low DPS but the thing is in my opinion it doesn't even look that cool either so it doesn't really get any style points for me like the crystal battle X does but it does deal okay raw damage which is why it's not detier the stone ax just makes it to seat here for me and the reason is if you level this thing up to like level three plus it basically starts to become as good as a flint ax and that is actually pretty good from level two plus and again this is something that you can craft in your inventory so actually this is actually kind of a weird detail in the game because you can technically just go straight to Flint axis after like making one stone ax but you could actually hypothetically just level up your stone ax and hold off going to Flint ax and maybe even skip Flint ax if you wanted to because a leveled up Stone ax is surprisingly good it is not as good which is why it's lowered down but it just makes it to C tier because it's insane value and it's very surprising how good it actually is when you level it up now we're on to D tier this stuff is not necessarily bad it's just stuff that's never the best choice and a lot of it is also stuff that either isn't that useful or is too expensive so the Flint knife is the best d-tier weapon to me because it's a knife knives can be good if you're gonna sneak up on deer and lunge at them although you might as well make a spear for that they are very fast as we keep saying but the Flint knife is not that much damage you really start to get the advantage of knives from the Abyssal razor onwards because it's just enough raw damage that the DPS feels kind of worth it the Flint knife is still okay and it's worth crafting for people that are planning to focus more on knives in the late game to start leveling up and start getting used to but it's just low damage as for all of these bronze weapons whether it's sword spear bronze I'm not even going to go into detail the sword's better because of the Roll cancel the spears better because you can throw it the mace is here because it's blunt that's why it's not right at the bottom but all bronze stuff is too expensive like bronze stuff requires some of the highest amount of time to craft in some late game gear which is just kind of silly and it makes a lot of it worth skipping the copper knife requires more than the Flint knife it's kind of cheap but it's also low damage I would honestly stay to skip it and if you want to play knives start with a flint knife and go to Abyssal bronze pick skippable I would actually move that to here to be honest pull arms with a talk about that a lot already too expensive and then at the bottom of the list I've actually got the missiles which are for the ballista that you can craft because whilst these things look super cool I haven't heard from a single player that finds the ballista particularly useful it serves some purpose it's a nice addition to a cool build but definitely a skippable thing to craft in your base and therefore these missiles be in the ammo for that are also skippable alright that's just about gonna do it for this video before you go I just want to let you know that I'm going to leave some links in the description there's some other videos that explain a lot of the straps mentioned in this video in great detail when with gameplay examples and stuff to help you learn how to do them yourself if you did enjoy this video or you found it useful please leave a like and a comment for the YouTube algorithm And subscribe for future content if you'd like to support the content financially and help keep my dream alive of being able to continue to do this for you guys and the best way to do that is on patreon at nickroll Cliff do you stream live on this very YouTube channel and live on Twitch at Nick rawcliffe so I'll leave a link in the description if you're interested in that you can follow me on social media and join my Discord at the links below I hope you enjoyed this video and until next time have a good one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: NickRawcliffe
Views: 116,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim guide, valheim tips and tricks, valheim plains guide, valheim plains, valheim tips, valheim gameplay, valheim blackmetal, valheim tutorial, valheim fuling camps, valheim how to get blackmetal, valheim beginners guide, valheim how to survive the plains, how to get blackmetal valheim, valheim yagluth, valheim how to find yagluth, plains guide valheim, tier list, valheim tier list, valheim weapons ranked, valheim weapons guide, best weapons valheim
Id: Lwj3ejLDA1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 52sec (2812 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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