Modding Valheim Into the Game It Should’ve Been

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so it's been a few months since the long-awaited Miss lands update first released and the honeymoon phase it's over now belheim came out of nowhere on February 2nd 2021 three years have come and gone and only one biome out of the three unfinished ones have been updated well four if you count the ocean and as much as I love this game the development of it has been well let's just say slow would be an understatement I mean at this pace the game will be finished by what 2032 and before you say it yes I know the dev team is small and they have their own specific vision for this game which I mean it's understandable but I personally can't wait another three years for the next bio now I play on PC and that means I have access to mods and there are hundreds of them maybe even billions well okay maybe not billions but there are a lot so that got me thinking could I mod the game in a way to make it feel finished and well here we are welcome to modding valheim into the game it should have been I hope you all enjoy the video and feel free to subscribe if you like the content once I get to a million subscribers I will be bungee jumping from a helicopter into an active volcano while playing a sick guitar up on the way down and yes I am serious I've looked into it [Music] [Music] now what I want to accomplish for this video is to make the game feel like it's out of Early Access and complete so I've scoured the internet and hand-picked the best mods that I feel like would encapsulate The Mysterious World of valheim and because there's such a huge variety of mods out there I'll be putting them into six categories for your viewing pleasure so if a certain topic doesn't excite you then by all means skip ahead to the chapter that piques your interest and with that being said let's get on to the video foreign but before getting to the super crazy fun stuff I wanted to first introduce you to the quality of life mods these mods aren't exactly game changing but they are meant to enhance the quality of your gameplay and to make things more smooth and enjoyable what I'm talking about are things like when you're trying to build something and you're having issues getting your roof to align correctly due to an awkward angle well worry not my friends because that's what the build camera mod is for it allows you to disconnect from your character and move around freely so you can have an easier time with those awkward angles and that's it other than that it works just like the regular old buildhammer nice and simple Odin's food Barrel is another useful one allowing you to stack resources like thistle berries turnips honey and Etc into a buildable Barrel so that you don't have to go rummaging around in your chest for when you need them they function like the wooden Stone stacks of 50 that you can break open to gain the resources back but with the added bonus of looking aesthetically pleasing to the eye and speaking of rummaging around looking for items in storage containers next up we got item drawers these Nifty containers store one single item that you can quick deposit and withdraw from with an image on it showing you exactly what's inside now this wouldn't be a quality of life segment without addressing the player inventory the player inventory in my honest opinion is it's just not good and could really use a revamp which is exactly what the extended player inventory mod does what this does is it gives you separate slots for your armor utility and consumables giving you more space in your inventory such a simple yet much needed fix and if you've seen my pacifist run videos then you know exactly how much I love my good boys which is why these next three mods are my favorite mountup teleport wolves and be Suburban complement each other really well with mountup allowing you to craft the saddle and ride your good boys into battle teleport wolves gives you the ability to go through teleporters with them bypassing the frustrating experience of transporting them by boat for them to just jump off at the side of a serpent into the water and get lost at sea for the remainder of their lives and beasts of Burden allows you to attach a card to them so they can help you out transporting your wood Stone copper or whatever else you're grinding for it basically makes the card actually fun to use for once and of course after a long day of grinding out those resources you can feed your good boys and all your tamed animals really easily with the auto feed mod all you need to do is put whatever food you want to feed them into a storage container and the animals will use it acting as kind of like a trough there's something that's just so Zen about farming in this game sure it may not be as exciting as taking out fueling Villages but tending to your crops is relaxing and enjoyable in its own way it could be a lot better though now I don't know about you but I have the slight OCD characteristic about me when it comes to planting my crops evenly and it takes some of the Zen out of it when I'm trying to align my crops that's why the first mod I wanted to include here is called Farm grid which allows for all plants planted with the cultivator to automatically be snapped and perfectly placed into a grid giving your plants just enough space to grow next up we got biome Flora which to be honest is more of a visual mod than a farming one but it does add new vegetation and spruces up the biomes with trees rocks and vegetables I especially love how it makes the swamp look more while swampy but be warned this one does take its toll on your frame rate so if your PC isn't the best maybe give this one a pass now as a farmer I bet you've thought to yourself I wish I could plant some blueberries or cloudberries of my own instead of running around and foraging for them in the wild I know I have that's why plant everything is another fantastic addition to your farming Arsenal this allows you to plant and harvest resources found throughout the world such as berry bushes mushrooms dandelions and anything else you've seen around in the wild and building off of that Val Harvest fruit trees and Bamboozled add even more things to plants such as potatoes rice pumpkins avocados apples lemons Peach bamboo trees and a ton more stuff the bamboo you harvest also unlocks a brand new building tool similar to the building Hammer which allows you to build things like bamboo walls stairs roofs Gates doors fences and more for all you creative Builders out there and after a long day of planting your new crops you can sit back and relax by talking up a fat doobie from your weed farm yes I said weed form because the valwind mod gives you the option of planting and harvesting your very own weed once all your weed is harvested you can craft some sativa and indica joints and toe cup giving you a solid rest bonus anywhere and any time you can even craft the bong which increases the duration of your rested bonus three times the amount of a joint now I know you're thinking that all these new additions will consume your free time with all the work you'll be forced to do to help keep your farm runs but that's where the seed totem comes in once you place this bad boy down all you need to do is give it a whack and it will harvest all your crops within its radius and replant them as long as it has the right seeds inside speeding up your farm runs massively an absolute must-have for any hard-working Farmers out there but this wouldn't be a complete farming chapter without your very own farmyard animals to take care of and keep you company this mod adds cows chickens sheep goats pigs and more as well as a butcher bench for processing the meat in two cooking stations for cooking oh and speaking of cooking with how much more resources you'll have now with all these new additions I decided to add in the Bon Appetit mod for this chapter which brings 30 new recipes for you to explore set such as omelettes Burgers broths cake ice cream kebabs and so much more and if farming is something that you enjoy as much as I do then these mods will make your valheim game Feel Complete foreign stuff and by fun stuff I mean everything combat related I'll be honest bellheim has an okay amount of armor and weapons up its Arsenal but there could always be more and the more the merrier is what I always say the problem with the armor is that the amount you have to choose from is very limited and once you get to the end game you really only have like three sets you'll be using that's why South cell armor Jude's equipment and Chaos armor are must-have mods for this game these mods give you some of the most beautifully crafted armor sets that fit the world of valheim flawlessly you can tell the creators put in a lot of time and effort into the designs to make them look and feel as if it was a part of the base game itself they are also very well balanced so as to not make them feel overpowered and as for the weapons I may or may not have gotten a bit overboard here but variety is the spice of life so brute weapons magical weapons and fantasy Armory were added to give you a ton more weapon variety for any given situation with maces swords Spears pole arms axis and even scythes you will never get tired of combat ever again magical weapons introduces a nice collection of weapons with particle effects and some basic Elemental damage brute weapons revamps the two-handed weapon experience with 18 brand new weapons to each with their own custom attack animations and fantasy Armory gives you another 33 unique looking weapons with some of the most badass looking Shields you've ever seen seriously download this mod just for the shields alone you will not be sorry I mean just look at these designs they really are incredible but if Shields aren't your thing I will promise you that you're gonna love this next part the dual wield mod allows you to dual wield any two weapons of the same type like two axes two clubs two swords you get the idea you can now live out your fantasy of being a viking Berserker fighting in an all-out trance-like frenzy and since magic is now a thing in this game that the developers recently added I wanted to add in a few magical things myself as of now there is only one set of Mage robes and only four spells to cast Sage's Vault adds in seven new robes tunics and hoods as well as five new steps for you to try out and that along with the stats from the previous weapon mods might have been enough but for those of you who are really serious about magic and want to go all out well magic Heim is the mod for you this allows you to choose a magic class which gives you a skill bar so that you're always able to cast spells even if you don't have the staff equipped once you place down the Altar and choose the class you're able to level up by killing enemies and choosing which magic abilities you want to use and level up and there are so many spells to choose from you can summon an asteroid from the sky you can shoot beams of ice or electricity teleport or even walk on water and on top of all that you get an extensive passive skill tree which you can level up as well with passives that can increase your base Elemental damage output healing for a percentage of damage dealt skill cooldowns and so much so much more and yes at this point you're probably thinking why would I need all these mods the enemies and biomes that are out right now are a joke you really think I'll be needing all this for fuelings or Seekers well I'm glad you asked because that brings us to the next section of the video what better way to test out all this new armor and weaponry than some new enemies Outsiders is a mod that adds creatures bosses summons and much more to make the world of valheim feel more alive and more deadly than ever before with creatures like the Birch Elder located in The Meadows biome a wendigo found in the Black Forest a Yeti that caused the mountain its home and the void cultists living in the plains who worship a terrifying cthulhu-like creature called the void Lord who packs a serious punch if you encounter him then I strongly recommend you get out of there now look I'm a pretty patient man but it's taken three years for the new misslands biome to be released and I don't know about you but I don't think I can wait another three years for the ashlands or six years for the Deep North biomes to be complete and that's why journey to Valhalla is by far my most favorite mod on this list this mod provides a vanilla-like progression through the remaining biomes including new resources enemies weapons armor and bosses ashlands accurately embodies what I imagine halheim to be a burning hellscape with skulls scattered around throughout the place burning trees breathtaking views and a whole slew of terrifying creatures with enemies like the Elder circlings flame Golems fire breathing Drakes flying overhead ready to take you out at any given chance and Ash eater next protecting their babies but this mod doesn't just bring new enemies to the table no no no it also brings you brand new resources and craftables which makes the biome truly feel complete with its own new crafting station called Thor's Forge allowing you to use the resources found in the new biome to craft even more weapons and armor these new weapons are covered in Flames to perfectly fit the burning biome aesthetic ashlands is also home to some of the toughest mini bosses around such as the fire Golem that puts the ice Golem in the mountains to shame oh and do you remember Mater the mountain biome's final boss aka the mother of all dragons well let me introduce you to the father of all dragons if you thought modern was tough well let me just say avoid this guy at all costs because he's the upgraded version of her if you're not prepared for an encounter with this Beast you will die most likely in two or three hits and of course since this is after all a finished biome you will find a boss Altar and be able to summon the hell demon boss who will chase you around while swinging his flame hammer and summoning creatures and asteroids from the sky and this is just the ashlands the Deep North rumored to be the final biome to be released comes fully fleshed out and finished too with once again its very own crafting station as well as armor and weapons crafted from the brand new resources you'll find down in the new biome the Deep North is a realm of primordial ice and cold with enemies like the pale coat fenrir the ice Golem mini bosses a mysterious Way Stone to figure out cute and deadly snow locks found wandering around and frost brewed serpents hanging out in the icy waters ready to strike while you're just trying to have a good time messing around on the floating glaciers of course you'll be able to find another boss altar used to summon the protector of the deep North who if I was to guess is the king of all trolls now this mod goes much deeper than what I've already mentioned and it even adds more enemies to the old biomes like spiders in the misslands and lox riding fuelings in the planes this mod even adds a crazy looking crack an enemy to the ocean which will rip apart and flip over your boat if you're not careful and prepared for a fight and he'll keep the serpent from being so lonely in the boring and empty ocean biome which funny enough brings us to the next section of this video foreign does play a huge role in this game the sad truth is is that it's a chore I mean let's all be honest here after a while the charm wore off and you started dreading the idea of sailing to a swamp far far away to transport the iron back to your base the raft completely useless for sailing since it's so slow and doesn't have any storage most people just skip it leaving you with only two ships and after hundreds of hours you might be getting tired of the ocean that's why the very first mod I wanted to add is valheim raft this amazing mod gives you the creative freedom to build your own boat from scratch you can build as big as you want and even make it your own home you can build beds crafting stations furnace ladders you can build anything and everything and live on the ocean if that's what you want the sky is the limit with this Edition and the only thing that could get in your way is a lack of creativity which is why I'm using other people's footage to show off the possibilities that this mod brings to the table since I really am bad at building and if I tried to show it off I wouldn't be able to do this Mod Justice but do not worry if you aren't creative like me and can't build your own boat because with Odin's ship you have a nice selection of some new and unique looking pre-built boats there's a small fishing boat for when you want to take a day off and go fishing in a lake a cargo boat with a bed inside to sleep in for those very long and stressful voyages out in sea and a war boat with its own ballista mounted to the front for when you want to go serpent or Kraken hunting and to go along with these two mods I added in the circling boat mod which lets you certain cores as fuel to go faster all you need to do is put them in the ship storage press shift and boom your ship gets a speed boost and I gotta say I really like this one because it gives you another use for those scores once again but ships aren't the only problem with the ocean biome my biggest problem with it is that it's completely lifeless except for the serpent that only spawns very rarely and by rarely I mean almost non-existent I actually had some playthroughs where I've looked for hours and hours and couldn't get one to spawn and that's why to bring some life back into the ocean I added sea animals now when you're sailing around you'll run across dolphins sharks orca whales crocodiles Turtles and much much more and with this mod you can actually even tame the Dolphins and orcas saddle them up and ride around on them for fun honestly who needs a boat when you can ride a freaking orca whale just stay clear of Krakens because they don't play around and just one more thing to spice things up a bit I recommend adding better diving and crumpacks biome clutter these two work really good together one fills this fast and empty ocean with new vegetation like plants corals jellyfish flowers and more while the other mod lets you dive down and explore the ocean in a brand new way so go out there have fun and swim with the dolphins now these final mods don't really fit into any specific categories of their own but they are fun and will enhance your gameplay experience and starting this list off of the bang I wanted to go over mountains Odin horse is a mod that spawns in Wild Horses commonly found in the Meadows biome and you can trap using the Odin Horus pen mod you can tame them and of course you can ride around on them now adding horses was a no-brainer for me since back in the day they were used as a common mode of transportation but since valheim is a world filled with fantasy creatures of magic I decided to play into that and add in the magical Mounts Mod for a more fantasy world kind of immersion with this mod you get to summon a wide variety of mountains both realistic and fantasy themed kind of like a Pokemon instead of realistic horses you can ride around on a cosmic undead horse there's also wolves with many different breeds to choose from Majestic looking deer and my all-time favorite Mount The Raven which gives you the ability of flying around and exploring the lands from up above where it's safe well at least it's safe until you encounter a desquito or if you get too close to a fueling Village they don't play around and I will mention this again if you've seen my pacifist run video you know how much I love my good boys that's why goodest boy is a mod that I just couldn't pass up on the goodest boy mod adds man's best friend into the game and honestly not much more needs to be said about that dogs are amazing and I want them keeping me company on my adventures and that's that but if you're more of a cat person then I have some good news for you because cats are also an option so choose either one or choose both because honestly you can't go wrong with either one of them now as awesome as animals are you might still be feeling lonely playing by yourself especially if you have some lame friends like me who stop playing valheim after like two or so weeks I'm looking at you Mike and John and sadly valheim has no NPCs to welcome into your home but with the populated Villages mod you can now find and recruit NPCs as allies and invite them into your own home they spawn around the world in abandoned buildings or drauger Villages once you help them out they will follow you back to your home there are many different types of races of NPCs like humans dwarves elves and while although they aren't real people they will make your base feel more lively and uh speaking about your base don't think I forgot all about you creative Builders out there Odin's Kingdom Odin's Architects and basement JVL Edition will give you a much more wide variety of options for building your dream Village or Castle Odin's Kingdom and Odin's architect as custom large walls doors Gates lights Furniture decorative pieces and much more and again I really wish that I was good at building so that I could really show off what you could do with these two mods but unfortunately for me and you like I've mentioned before I was not blessed in the creativity department so you will just have to take my word for it I gave it an honest attempt but as you can see from these clips it ain't that good so I do apologize for that now basement JVL Edition is actually a really unique one because it lets you finally build underground you just place down the basement and voila you can now climb down into a bunker safe from enemies in the outside side world and you now have your very own man cave that you can use as a party pad or I mean I guess storage or something if you're a building lover then these three mods are definitely for you next up we have Enchanted potions which is another great addition to your world as it adds 19 brand new potions for you to experiment with and have fun these potions vary in what they can do and they can be pretty pricey in terms of crafting requirements but are great because they give you a lot more uses for those commonly overstocked items like dandelions leather scraps ancient seeds trophies and you know Etc and they are incredibly fun to use forsaken Powers unrestricted portal usage increased carrying capacity and flying are just some of the many many new things that you can do with these potions now this next one is another one of my favorites and it's called The Troll visual upgrade mod and while this one doesn't add anything new per se I still wanted to include it just because it makes the trolls look more like well honestly how I imagine them to look like it almost makes them look a bit more human which really creeps me out and just to clear this up it's not that I think the original troll design looks bad or anything it's just that I personally think this design looks a bit more fitting but hey that's just my opinion don't crucify me over it now let's not forget about the trader because he also gets himself a revamp with better Trader you see valheim's Trader is very Bare Bones and only allows you to purchase a total of like what eight items kind of a disappointment considering how long it could take you to find him on your seat that's why this mod is great as it allows you to sell your junk items to him for some spare change as well as adds in 300 plus items to his inventory armor food potions crafting materials you name it he turns into a Marketplace and gives you a reason to keep coming back and while we're on the topic of the trader I'd like to introduce you to his long-lost cousin the farmer who specializes in farming animals this fine young ladder will sell you all sorts of animals for a price chickens cows pigs goats and Etc and of course being the animal lover that I am I decided to finish off the video with a few more animals so land animals wildlife and air animals is what I'll end off the video with now these mods are pretty self-explanatory so while the clips of them play in the background I just wanted to say thank you all for watching especially if you made it to the end and I hope to keep you all entertained for the foreseeable future thanks again and have a great rest of your day
Channel: Haunted Oath
Views: 565,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HauntedOath, Valheim, Valheim mods, modding valheim, Valheim ashlands, valheim mistlands, valheim deep north, valheim ocean, valheim kraken, valheim new biome, valheim update
Id: bHvOJmUA2rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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