Valheim Mistlands Tips and Tricks - VERY USEFUL!

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missland has a huge amount of new content and there is so much to learn today I'm going to give you some tips that will really help with your missland's journey let me know in the comments how many of these things you didn't know I'm giving away free copies of vowel hunt to my subscribers plus I'm on the road to 100 000 subscribers and then I get one of these which would really mean the world to me so please do consider subscribing so miss lands is of course quite Misty and when you run in there for the first time the visibility is going to be very poor however there are a number of ways that we can clear this Miss so that we can see what we're doing and run around a bit more safely and the best option for this will be this thing right here which is the Wisp light and similar to the mega node it can just be right clicked too if with it and as we see here once equipped it clears the Mist in a radius around us and as we run around through the misslands this radius will keep clearing ahead of us now it doesn't give you tons of visibility far off into the distance but there's not really a way of doing that in the game the only option really for walking around is going to be this wisp light now it's important to mention that the Wisp light cannot be equipped at the same time as the mega new order if we right click the mega node then the Wisp black will turn off and vice versa that being said is probably still the best option so let's have a look at how we get it this video is sponsored by vkng who make incredible Viking jewelry and outfits right now they are doing a sale for the Black Friday with up to 60 off and when you use my link you'll get an extra 10 off for the next 48 hours just click the link in the description and it will take you there vkng have a huge range of rings bracelets necklaces clothes watches and more if you want to symbolize your inner Viking vkng have the products for you so click the link in the description now to get your discount on vkng products so in order to get the Wisp light you'll need to craft up one of these things right here this is the Wisp Fountain so it looks like this and it can be placed in any biome you see which in a Meadows biome here and we can place it down the recipe for it is just 10 Stone and one torn Spirit the tall and spirit is gained when you kill yaglu if you've previously killed yagloof before Miss lands then the agroof drop turns into the torn Spirit when we look at the Wisp Fountain you can see that it says it demands Darkness so this won't actually do anything during the day but let me say that it's a night time and then I'll show you it in action okay so now it says the Wisps are coming so let's go ahead and unequip our wisp light because it will be a bit confusing else and we should see them coming in pretty soon okay here we go guys the first wisp has been attracted there he is and as you can see when you hover over if you can find it all you do is press e and you can pick it up there we go finally got that one there we go so this is what you will get these little wisps right here and these are used in the crafting process for the Wisp light to craft the whisper light all you need is a workbench at level one or higher of course and you can see here the Wisp light recipe and all it requires is one of those wisps that we just got and also one silver now another solution for clearing some Mist which is also a weapon is the Mist Walker sword so let's go ahead and equip that and see the difference that this makes and here we go it's starting to clear and there you can see it has cleared a little bit of an area now it's not as good as the Wisp light right because we can see here like this area that's been cleared this is a little bit less right if we go ahead and unequip that a second and then equip the Wisp light and you'll see there is quite a big difference but nonetheless it is an item that will clear the be missed and it can be used at the same time of course as the mega node and of course is a weapon now if we equip it at the same time as the Wisp light the Wisp light just overrides it and so it just does the extra so you don't get any benefit of having both equipped than you would by just having the Whisperer equipped although it does look kind of cool and is a pretty decent sword as you can see from the stats on screen there now incidentally to make the Mist Walker sword you will need a black Forge and if we scroll down here this is the recipe for it so it does require fine wood iron refined iter and whisk I did make a video that is a Full Compilation of all the new weapons tools and armor in Miss land if you want more information on how to make these forges or the weapons now there are some more permanent solutions to clearing the Mist in the form of the Wisp torch right here which you can see needs one Wisp and one you just saw wood so if I go ahead and place this down in the Mist you'll see how this works it basically clears a radius around it and it's a reasonable sized area so if you wanted to make a road through Miss lands or you're making a base there and wanted to clear a lot of the Mist around your base then you could place down a lot of these things now this final point isn't a way of actually clearing the Mist as such but what it will do is help you to navigate the missile chance to rain and that is to come higher up because as you can see when you come higher up the Mist up here is cleared quite a bit and we can see around us for a little bit of a way and you have to watch areas for a little bit you can see there's a dungeon there that just about comes into view or some sort of structure release there comes into view then the Miss comes back over it and then it goes again so you have to keep looking around to see what you can see but over time this can be a way that can be quite helpful for you to just sort of navigate through before you have a wisp light or if you're just looking for structures or something like that it could also be a great way to escape from mobs if they are chasing you and you have the stamina to run up these big Hills this is especially going to help if you have the feather falling Cape so let's take a look at that right now so I've gone ahead and equipped the feather cape and what we're going to do now is simply jump off here and you'll see that we fall really really slowly and we're not just going to take any full damage whatsoever as you see when I hover over it the feather cape has minus 100 full damage which is awesome so by running up to those High areas and jumping off you won't take any damage and you might be able to escape mobs that way now to make the Feather Cape you will need the Galder table right here and you'll need 10 feathers 5 scale height which you get from hairs and also 20 of the refined iter which you can make in the ITA refinery in order to make the Feather Cape again there's a link in the description to a video that goes into all this crafting stuff in more detail so soft tissue is needed to be processed in the eye to refinery in order to get the refined ISO which is used for many things in the game like different recipes and things like that there are a couple ways you can get it one is to find these NPCs so we got these guys right here and these are the Virgo Rogues and mages and yes I know I'm saying that wrong but I can't seem to get that right but these guys right here if we go ahead and kill them you'll see that one of their drops is soft tissue and there we go some soft tissue right there that we were able to just pick up incidentally You'll Always Find a diverger component crate so do smash those open and get yourself the diverger extractor that's used in the making of the sap extractor just a little side tip there but you can see that from raiding this whole camp and I do feel I got unlucky but even so I only got one of the soft tissue but there's actually a much better way to get a ton of soft tissue very quickly and that is to find this thing right here which is of course petrified bone in the shape of a skull you can find petrified bone like this as well which is sort of like the ribs of the structure but the skull is what we're interested in for the soft tissue now with your pickaxe you're able to mine away at the Petrified bone and get some resources from it in the form of black marble see there we've got 11 black marble from this little bit of jaw and if we did this area here we'd get a lot of black marble from that as well a little side tip if you mine are all these bottom pieces here that are connected to the ground and you go ahead and do that the whole way around the rib cage everything above it will just crumble and you'll get a ton of black marble very quickly however that's the soft tissue what you need to do is mine into the skull like this into where the brain would be and look at this we have a ton of soft tissue so the idea is that you're basically mining into the brain of this Fallen giant that has its remains left here so let's go and mine this whole soft tissue area out and I'll show you guys how much I got from just this one skull do be sure to mine down below the floor when you're doing this as I found that when I'm doing that I'm unlocking a lot more soft tissue that was actually hidden before I mine the ground out you can see here guys I've dug down a little weight and there's still more underneath and I've dug down like a reasonable amount from the ground level that we came in at so do be sure to really dig down quite far in order to get all the soft tissue out of this area so as you can see I've dug out quite a big area here now and if I open up my inventory we've got 38 soft tissue from this one skull so this is a much better way of doing it to get a lot of soft tissue very quickly well guys I hope you're sitting comfortably because I certainly am with the new Comfort level of 23 as you can see at the top of my screen right now so previously I think 21 was the highest Comfort we could get in valheim and it did require special items like the Christmas tree and the maypole in order to achieve it however there are a couple new items that have been added in this lands that actually add to the Comfort you can have making the new Total highest Comfort 23. now this is after a fair bit of testing and I can't seem to find a way of getting any higher than 23 but if you do know one let me know down in the comments so how do we achieve that well what we need are the following items first of all the long table that I'm stood on then we need the dragon bed we need the jacuzzi and we need some sort of banner on top of that we need an armor stand we need some sort of throne and I went for the New Black Metal Throne because obviously this is Miss land why not you're also gonna need the Christmas tree and the maypole to be nearby so obviously you can find a maple in game or you can make them during the season that valheim allows it so that's during the summer period in the Northern Hemisphere and the Christmas tree is able to be made during the Christmas period so you just need to basically time it well and build that stuff in your worlds when you have the opportunity you'll also need to make sure you have a raging half fire of course that is the best Comfort level fire you can have in the game and then the thing that makes the big difference guys is all of the rugs let's go ahead and open up my build menu right here and have a look at these so we've got here The Lox rug warfrog deer rug the red jute carpet and the two new rugs being the blue jute carpet and of course the hair rug so placing each of those down adds one Comfort every Rogue adds a comfort level and of course we have two new Rogues which is why we now have two extra Comfort levels some of the new misslands items do give comfort so for example you've got like new misslands banners and we've got like the misslands bench and stuff like that and even like the missland's table here however from my testing they don't give any extra Comfort on top of what we can already get within the game now I will do a full Comfort guide for Miss lands very soon where I try all this stuff in in much more detail but I found this thing and I thought I'd include it in today's video because those extra Comfort points could be really handy so as you see if I go into this little hot here because we do need to be sheltered and we shut the door and stand here we get a comfort level of 23. and as you're about to see that means my rested buff is now going to max out at 30 minutes so we get half an hour of comfort and rested bonus which is absolutely fantastic so hopefully that's useful guys and the next thing we're going to take a look at is how you can actually shelter in different structures around Miss land so you can get your rested buff up even while you're there so we talked about these structures earlier where you can mine the Petrified bone and of course the soft tissue inside the skull however you'll see here that if we stand underneath the Petrified bone structure here in this rib cage we actually get the shelter bonus from it so we could go ahead and place down a campfire in here and then we can actually get a rested buff from just being sat in here by the campfire and there you go we've got a 10 minute rested bonus now because we've got the basic Comfort at level three now on top of that you can also make up a bed inside here and if I set it to night time I can go ahead and actually sleep under this structure here and we've woke up the following morning and this has two benefits first of all we've reset our spawn points so if we die we're now going to respawn at this bed and still be in the missed land hopefully somewhere near our grave and secondly we've now made it daytime which might be a bit easier for exploring the misslands than to do so during the night now as I said earlier if we mine into these skulls we can get these soft tissue but also once you do so and you will enter them you can get the sheltered buff in here as well so again this is another area in the misslands where you could come and get yourself the rested buff on top of that you'll see many structures that look like this within Miss land and some of them are dungeons some of them are keeps with the diverga robes and things in them but you'll see quite a lot of them throughout again if we go inside here we can go ahead and place down a little fire and we've got the sheltered effect and you can also place down a bed in these as well and sleep in here and even turn it into like a little base if you wanted to some other places you can get the shelter buff include under these giant Roots if you can get to the right spot as you see there we've got shelter here also inside certain of these ancient armor structures you'll get shelter and you can even get shelter under certain rock formations if they spawn in just the right way some of you may be wondering whether you can get shelter under these giant Bridges here but from what I've found it doesn't seem to work I guess the bridge is just too high up and there's not enough coverage around us for shelter to be a thing that being said if you heard a box yourself in like this you could get shelter from this I mean I don't know if this is useful but I found it so there now you know this as well and another place you can get your rested buff is of course inside the dungeons in Miss lands however you'll see you're not able to place a bed down in the dungeon you can however Place signs and this could be kind of useful because these dungeons are tricky to explore so placing signs for directions towards the exit might be very helpful some other random things you can place in dungeons include wood stacks and all different types of wood Stacks as you see here interestingly you can place traps in Dungeons and that definitely could have some uses although probably not as many uses as the fact that you can place a Ballista in dungeons that is awesome you can also place like coins and coin piles in Dungeons and probably a few other things but honestly I'm not sure what the uses anymore at this stage but the point is you can definitely get your shelter in here and get your rested buff that way however the point of all this is that stamina is incredibly important in Miss lands and obviously you have having the rested buff is really going to help with that as well as making sure you don't die too often so if we walk up to hold her and talk to him you'll see that these are the only trades that are here and several of them are not unlocked including of course the egg trade now what I'm going to do is just quickly cheat in jagruth and then kill him and then we'll see the difference this makes so here we go jagmuff is coming up here in the Black Forest because I'm just quickly cheating this in to show you how it works and there we are we're going to kill him and set a world record for the fastest time anyone ever killed the address so we did of course get three torn Spirits from killing him and unlock the West Fountain recipe just random little extra tip there but now if we go back to haldor you will see there we go that the egg recipe is in fact here so the way you unlock the egg recipe is by killing yagloth so now let's go and see how we're able to hatch those eggs and of course breed the chickens so I've placed down three different types of fire here the campfire bonfire and also the Hearth and I've placed an egg very close to each of them and if we look at the egg each one of them says that it is still too cold so when they're placed next to these fires that is not enough on its own to make the egg warm enough gone ahead and just placed some walls around the fireplace and you see now the egg there says warm and I did this for all of the different fires this one here is still saying to cold interestingly enough as is this one here so it seems they need to be in quite a closed in environment and if we put a roof over the top of these I'm sure it would work but this one right here seems to be the most efficient way of doing it when you've got just the normal campfire and a closed-in environment like this but if you find that your egg is not getting warm enough you're gonna need to put a roof over the top of the building and the fire in order to get it warm enough for the egg interestingly enough if I place the egg here you'll see it now says warm even though it's just got one roof piece above it so it looks like that's all you need to do is place a roof piece above the egg and the same for this one here on top of the half so basically have a roof piece over the egg or have it very closed in like we did with this one in order for it to work so now what I'm going to do is time exactly how long it takes in order for the egg to hatch okay I'm pretty sure this egg is about the hatch guys I'm going to try and get the animation of that on camera for you so you can see it so let's wait with it a few more minutes and see how we go so after a lot of testing guys I have found out some interesting things about chickens and chicken breeding and hens so first of all after watching the chickens for about 45 minutes they haven't yet grown up into hens so I then ran the command in-game in order to simulate sleep and when I did so they turned into hens then so I think they might just need days to pass or a certain amount of time in game I'm not entirely sure on that but let's say I will make a full video about this in the future now the hens will eat seeds so they've been eating like turnip seeds and carrot seeds and stuff like that and I think they all sweet dandelions so that's the stuff that they'll eat and that's what gives them the hearts in game like with all valheim animal breeding they get the pink hearts and the yellow Hearts when they're in love just like that there perfect timing thanks guys and when they breed what they do is lay an egg and these eggs are kept warm if your chickens are in a coop sort of area so you do need to protect them with walls and you also need like a fire nearby so your best bet for chicken breeding would be to get an egg and place it in a chicken coop that you'd already built that has four walls probably a roof is a good idea as well and some sort of fire nearby that way the egg will be warm and will eventually hatch into the hen I believe you will need two eggs in order to get your farm started off again I'll test all this properly in the proper chicken breeding video but today I just wanted to give a little overview of how this works and once that's done you'll of course have an infinite chicken and hen Farm to get all the chicken drops and feathers and all that good stuff now with the addition of magic to the game no tips video for Miss lands would be complete without at least referring to it a little bit so the first thing to talk about are the new foods which will give you iter and this ITA is used in order to cast magical spells so the four Foods currently in the game which will give you either are as follows first we have this right here the Seeker aspect which is an ISO of 85. the exist your porridge gives 80. the stuffed mushroom gives 75 and the Mage caps give 25 for a full rundown on missland's Magic you can watch the magic guide I made on my channel but if we go ahead and eat up a few of these Foods you'll see we start to gain item with a purple item bar that generates in the same way that the stamina will generate and like stamina this item is then used up every time we cast a spell now if we make a dead razor and the recipe for that is on screen right here then we can go ahead and equip that and use it to spawn up a skeleton and here he comes now this is a blood magic spell so what that means is that as well as using up it'll actually use up some of your HP now the way this works is it will use up a percentage of your total HP so you can never actually kill yourself by doing this if you just keep using the Spells over and over again that are blood magic it won't kill you it'll just keep taking a little bit less HP each time another cool item is the staff of protection and here's the recipe for that one but if we go ahead and hold that and cast it what's around all these tamed animals you'll see that as well as protecting us with this Shield it protects all those animals as well so that includes large the undead skeleton that we raised a tamed boar here we've got a tamed locks here as well there's also a tamed hen that the locks were stood on top of but there it is and a wolf over here so you get the idea the staff for protection when cast nearby to tamed creatures will protect them as well as yourself and this works on a cooldown basis as you can see the countdown there in the shop right I believe if you cast this near your Viking friends on multiplayer server they too will also get protected now when it comes to these skeletons that we raise from the dead I did have a couple of questions like for example will it follow us onto a boat okay so swimming out here so they are able to swim looks like he's gone towards the ladder but no I think he's not able to get onto the boat as such so now I've gone ahead and made a little Bridge here and we'll see if he'll like come on this bridge if we get him lined up in the right way so see if we get him across and onto the boat looks like he doesn't want to use these stairs I'm not sure why if he goes too much into the water he can't get back out here so we've got to be careful with this okay it seems he doesn't want to use stairs and in general get them onto boats is looking like it's going to be tricky so my next question is can we raise the dead when we're actually stood on a boat so let's see if this works or not so it looks like we're able to cast the spell but will you come up onto the boat there he is okay he's on the boat all right let's go to get onto this boat right now and start sailing and see what happens so I'm really curious to see if he stays on this boat or not and so far it actually looks like he does so it seems like if you raise them once you're actually on a boat they will get on the boat and you've got a little traveling companion who just enhances for you on the whole journey as you go along so that is kind of cool and my next question is what happens if if we dock up so I'm going to dock to the land just over here just like go crash onto this land and see when we get off the boat is he able to get off with us okay so I've run up here he's following a little bit but looks like he's just stuck on the bow he's just Forever on that boat so I guess you can't jump off the boat if we would have destroyed the boat then yeah obviously you could probably like swim ashore but yeah he's kind of just stuck there all right so final boat related question is to go back out into the ocean a bit and see what happens when a serpent comes and whether or not he tries to attack it okay so he's definitely got triggered as you can see here and he's running over trying to get to the serpent but he doesn't seem able to do so not really surprising as soon as he can't get off the boat and he's trying his best he wants to and he did have a swinger in there but he just hit the boat I think I did have a final question when it comes to these guys and that is will they be able to follow us through a portal and I kind of doubt it but at the same time I really want to chat so when they let him get super close to me that's what that's as close as you come in and then I'm gonna walk through the portal now because I mean cheap mode it did it instantly and he's actually running to us from there which is interesting because that would be out the line of sight for most mobs but he's still trying to get to us so the answer is he will not actually run through a portable with us but he does follow us which is kind of funny if I just go ahead and fly like miles away right now is he going to just like eventually come is he gonna just keep walking towards me let's find out and the answer is no I'm just about far enough here that he can't see me at all uh but I can see him and he's just sort of he's running he's sort of trying to get to me but he can't really figure it out so I think if you go too far they just sort of get lost in any event if they were trying to come back to us over a large distance they would attack all the creatures on the way and eventually this would kill them anyway still that did answer a lot of questions I had about these guys and hopefully answered a few questions for you guys too one final thing to mention about the staff of protection guys is it has a Parry bonus of 20 which is absolutely huge so I've spawned in a troll to show this let's try and hit us and then we can Parry him and there we go look how long he's powering him for he's absolutely shook up and there we go we did it again so yeah the Parry bonus on this thing is insane and definitely something you guys will no doubt play around with and have a lot of fun with but 20 times I mean yeah that really is huge I thought it's worth mentioning The Whisper like can come in handy in any biome at night time not just in Miss lands as a bit of a light as you're running through on top of that it can be handy when exploring dungeons as well because it will just circle around you and light up the area without taking up any of your hands so once you've got the Wisp light it's worth thinking about it in other biomes as well and not thinking that it's only for Miss lands now as a final fun little tip when you get refined iter and you place it down on the floor or even in item stands it will shoot off like this now this makes for an awesome nighttime light show but as you saw there it will actually damage things as well so it can damage players and buildings and also mobs so be careful have fun with it but this is definitely something to explore it could be very useful as base defense or ways of pranking friends or even in grade or farms and things like that and as I say it's even just a fantastic light show to do of an evening so a nice fun tip to end on the dad jokes are of course coming but I just wanted to say a quick thank you once again to vkng for sponsoring this video do check them out Link in description for you to get your discount but for now guys I just want to say thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time a turtle is crossing the road when he's marked by two snails when the police asked him what happened the shaken Turtle replies I don't no it all happened so fast we all know about Murphy's Law anything that can go wrong will go wrong but have you heard about coleslaw it's thinly sliced cabbage what do you call James Bond in a bath bubble 07
Channel: Kysen
Views: 62,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, valheim mistlands, mistlands, valheim tips, mistlands tips, valheim mistlands tips, mistlands tips and tricks, tips, tricks, tips and tricks, mistlands hacks, valheim secret tips, valheim hints, mistlands hints, mistlands beginner guide, mistlands beginner tips, mistlands beginers tips, valheim mistlands update, valheim mist lands, how to use magic in valheim, valheim eitr, mistlands update, valheim secrets, valheim mistlands guide, useful mistlands tips, kysen
Id: aVI4p8ndMz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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