Medieval Dynasty Lets Play - Gain Tech Points! E32

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in today's episode I want us to work towards getting to being able to build the mine so that's the plan for the episode basically if we scroll down on the uh technology here you can see we need about another 600 points 550 whatever in order to unlock the mine at 5,000 and uh we were also getting close over on farming so Unlocking The Cow Shed which is down here and we're actually a little bit closer to that however you might remember in the last episode we planted this massive farm that you see here behind me so we're going to be harvesting that in the new season and when we do that that's pretty much going to well it's may not get us there it's going to be a big chunk of it done anyway so I figured we'll do the more difficult thing and we'll actually get on with uh doing some excavation activities cuz that's going to help us uh excavation and building now we found this huge clay deposit just behind here so I think this is going to help what I'm kind of interested in so 44 wait 44427 so if we like mine out one of these things these are obviously clay deposits um let's just do that there we go we got seven clay from that that went up to 44438 so we'd have to mine quite a few of these however the clay will be useful for different things uh as we're progressing and also you do have a chance of finding treasure the thing is we're really just going to have to do all the excavation activities that we have available to us so things like this and then Mining and cutting down trees and stuff like that in order to keep leveling up we do have of course have the option as well where we could build things but the problem is I don't really want to just build stuff for the sake of it and then take it back down and there's nothing really coming to mind at the moment that I want to build apart from the mine and the cow so we're kind of in a bit of a bind oh okay these are wolves I do remember there being wolves here you know what last time I went I got weapons and I came back and they were gone let's see this time whether we can get our weapons together and then come and fight them on camera I think it' be kind of fun and exciting for you guys to see plus I've actually never fought a wolf before on here myself so yeah I'm going to have a good Retreat plan just in case as there are a couple of them and I'm guessing they're pretty quick but hopefully we can just onot them with a decent bow I guess let's find that out together all righty in terms of weapons here's what we got we got the bow let's go go ahead and get that equipped in there and then let's put all this on just the weapons actually now I think our best arrows are going to be the poisoned iron arrows damage of 60 plus 37.5% of poisoning so let's put those in there we have eight of them which isn't too bad and let's also put this in here in case it gets to that point now what I want to do is get my bow equipped is unfortunately you can't shoot the bow while it's up on uh your horse that would be pretty cool wouldn't it now that wolf over there has not yet seen us so let's go ahead and can we equip the bone out we can and I'm guessing I want to be in first person for this so let's give this a go so we're going to pull this back okay and we want to aim just above him I really want to hit cuz I feel like hitting's a really important thing about there okay so that did hit him it did not kill him he's just looking at me why is he not coming over here I don't know but I'm kind of glad hey dude um is it cuz he's poisoned or something okay I need to like hit him at least more than once right I mean come on is are none of these shots Landing am I really just this bad of a shot also why is he not coming for me okay now he is all right so let's get on here uh just cuz we're out of stamina we're going to run away this is a bit of a an option right The Retreat just while I get my stamina back I've got the cudel to fight him up close but I need a bit of stamina to do that um where where did he go okay he's just down there and there is a friend of his just down there as well which we could try and shoot out as well while we're here I think that one might have H I'm not actually sure okay okay he's coming he's coming he's coming oh where's my horse W okay run run run run run okay unfortunately I chose winter to do this they really blend in well during the winter um now I probably should have zoomed in before doing the shot but it's okay we'll try a shot in third person as well worry about there yeah there we go we definitely hit him there okay so we are we are getting some hits here um I don't know where the other one has gone though that's what's worrying me oh my goodness he's just down here he's just down here in the bushes okay hey dude um why are you not coming up to attack me that's what I don't get all right you know what let's try giving him a hit with this where is he here oh my goodness all right I'm going to run away I really don't like doing this in third person is what I'm discovering oh yeah okay we definitely need to run okay come on horse come on Eclipse don't fail me now he is taking damage he's bleeding as you can see there cuz we've landed a few shots on him so hopefully he'll just bleed out in a minute but for the meantime we need to get away from here and just kind of heal up a bit so run away man these things are yeah they're tough I'd expected them to be tough but uh maybe a little bit tougher than I expected probably should have brought some of the broadleaf plantains with me to heal up while I'm here okay I think he just went down he did he's down so one down here and I'm not sure where his mate is um let's see let's go ahead and just like skin him while we're here then we'll get our arrows back as well um or at least one of them I think that's sticking out of him there and we can see what we actually get from the wolf which is 10 me and four fur really not a lot when you think about it uh like how difficult they are to kill and stuff but maybe realistic I don't know uh now the other wolf was down this way so I'm just trying to find him let's see how we go okay A bit worrying but I'm not sure where the other wolf has actually gone can't actually uh see him now so yeah I don't know what we're going to do I guess we just keep looking out for him if we see him then yeah we can try and take him down as I say it's winter so it's not the best time to be looking for him but uh I'm not not seeing anything as I'm looking around here we have got a lot of arrows though we should probably going and pick all these up while we're here and uh you know just get those b i where there's some like right here oh there we go right there I'm actually thinking the other wolf may have just bled out somewhere cuz we definitely got a hit on him so you know they do over time just bleed out maybe that's what happened and he's just some random place now on the floor where we can't see him cuz him moving around he was difficult enough to see but if he's just lying on the floor somewhere he's going pretty camouflage um so I'm in for all my arrows and stuff but not really having much joy in finding him but at least we're getting some of our arrows back I guess anyway for now I'm just going to carry on with these clay deposits just harvesting all of these and getting our excavation up and then we'll do some more excavation activities until we've unlocked the mine and then we can build that one hopefully in today's episode we have now exhausted the clay pile around here and from that let's have a look here how much Clay did we get so 83 clay we did not find any treasure and our building technology is still 4458 we're quite a way off so I think we'll have to try some mining next and see how we get on with that of course it's not just about the technology we are getting the resources each time from this as well um but I can't really think of a better way of doing this um you know say maybe building stuff we could potentially build I will have a think if there's anything our town could do with or is going to need soon so it would sort of make sense to to build but nothing is immediately coming to mind so uh it's going to have to be extraction activities in the meantime anyway we're about halfway through a season so if we do a bit of extraction uh of the mines then we can do it all again in the next season um what usually I get down the waterfall a little bit better than this not sure what happened here but yeah that's the plan I'm just going to give you updates along the way until we get oh my goodness um all right we're good um oh my goodness that is uh that is the quickest I've ever seen a horse get up how how is he are you okay dude he's going to be hurt how hurt is he oh he's not too bad they're pretty resilient these horses which is pretty good for people like me who like to ride them down waterfalls anyway uh let's get on doing that Mining and then we'll see how we go next um I'll just do a big Min trip and then see where we come in at so 4458 let's see where we end up all right guys it is master plan time so what we're going to do here the cave that's right next to our town I've already pretty much exhausted it in the last episode and uh it hasn't been a season change yet so there's really not much going on there so got me thinking about other things that I could do and here is the plan basically we're going to head over here to near scaly and just near there is a cave and in that cave there is first of all a full cave cuz it hasn't been harvested by me uh and second of all there is actually iron in that cave so every time we go in there we can get iron what I'm going to do is build a resource storage near to that cave because the building points are what we need anyway so in building that it will actually be useful in terms of getting us the points which is like the whole point of the episode uh the other benefit to it is it will improve our amount of storage uh which we will need later on in the season um oh everybody needs water okay I guess I'm heading back and sorting the water first but I'll continue talking you through the master plan while we head home uh so yeah storage is something you're going to need constantly throughout the game so having more of that is never a bad thing and the final thing that's going to do is give us a resource storage then outside of scaly so in the future if we're trying to sell a lot of stuff we can put it in our resource storage and then go to and from there rather than having to keep going all the way from here and back each time so there are actually quite a few benefits to it once that resource storage is built we can then do the mining and that'll be another thing that's going to help us with the extraction points so all up we're going to get quite a lot of benefit out of doing this now I won't bother the time lapse in it I'll just show you once I've built it how it looks and stuff then we'll go do the mining and see how close we're going to get to actually unlocking this thing once all that's done the resource storage is now built and if we go onto the map right here we can see where we're at so basically the resource storage is here the mine entrance is there this isn't as close as I would have liked to have gotten it but if we look up this road here uh it's pretty hilly on both sides there's not a lot of space so we didn't actually have much choice we just kind of had to build it in here so that's why it is where it is uh now we're going to go and do a bit of mining um let's see I do have my pickaxe on me yep so we should be good incidentally my building technology is now 4500 so so we're getting there slowly but surely we're building up let's go do this mine and we'll see what we can get out of this the good thing of course is we are going to get a bit of iron out of this mine so that'll be a bit different to the last one and I think overall I think this one's bigger I've only had a short go through this mine once before and I don't think I've ever actually mined it as such maybe I got like a bit of iron out of it or something but yeah we'll have a look around anyway let's see what we can see and see how we do and how we advance on with our uh Building Technology I should say once this is all done as you can see we just got a new extraction level right there and I thought I'd do this on camera with you guys and see what we actually want to spend that on so we've got a few different things here let's see what we want to go for so I think we're going to finish off this one here let's press F there we got a 50% chance now to get extra resources from deposits that sounds really really nice to me we'll get more stuff from it so yeah I think that's a good one and that's what we'll go with we didn't quite mine the entire cave in that area but if I go down to iron right here see we did manage to get 29 iron or which is pretty good it is now turning night time so what I thought I'd do is actually go and sleep but that is going to take us through to a new season so what that means is once we've slept we're actually going to need then to start getting on with the farming because it's going to be spring we have a very large farm so I want to get that done straight away we need to do a lot of harvesting first of all and then after the harvesting we need to do some replanting of the uh Flats which is the next thing we're going to make there because at the moment we've just been growing uh some Ry grain which you would have seen if you watched the previous episode so that's what we're going to do uh and uh that might mean that actually now we end up unlocking the cow pen before the mine if I go to my Building Technology almost 4600 so 400 to go on that one and on the farming technology about 300 to go but obviously that's what we're going to be working on next so keeps it exciting at least but that's basically what it's all about today just building up my stats on those two areas so we can unlock some new builds and either way I'm pretty excited because they're both cool builds so that's the plan let's get on with some of that and then come back in I mean at some point in the future I don't know when I will bring you guys back in when something interesting is going to happen all right guys we've hit the new season and some exciting things have happened first of all our farm is ready to harvest that of of course we knew would happen but what we didn't know would happen is with our animals if we go over to them we've got another new horseborn guys a Philly right here which sells for 1175 the same as the cult as they are both young so we have that option available and we might need to take it because you see here my taxes 6,300 almost and that is a lot if we go to our inventory we do have about 6,000 on us so we probably need to sell one of them but we may need to do that uh as part of this season and it doesn't surprise me taxes are that high with the 10% off because uh yeah they were like like half that I thought in the previous season but there we go anyway something to keep working on and I'm trying not to take any damage and I think I didn't that's cool the other thing I wanted to do is go check on the orchard while we're here so let's take a look up there because uh there may well be some growth here now I'm not sure if the trees are grown or the Hops might have grown but let's I this looks promising the trees are the biggest they've looked so let's see is there anything ready okay it doesn't look like it the stuff has grown a bit but it's not yet ready to harvest it's a bit of a longer term investment I guess seems the hot plants are also not quite ready so that'll be one for the future but there we go anyway what I'm going to do now is get my farming gear so we can do that and actually while we're here let's get on to eclipse and she can help us get around a bit faster obviously carry a lot more as well so yeah we'll go and get the farming done and as I say that will probably get us pretty close then to the correct farming level we need in order to build the cow thing um that's how our house looks by the way from down here so it looks pretty cool uh loading it over the rest of the town so uh yeah nice little spot for it that's for sure okay the harvesting is now done you can see we got like 2,100 of the Rye and our farming technology let's see right here oh my goodness we're so close all right so hopefully when we do this we're actually going to be where we need to be so let's go ahead and do that and see all right so that is done farming now 3414 okay we're getting there we are getting there uh we do need to put all this stuff down on the floor though so let's see what do we get out of this we got a load of straw out of this which I don't even need I don't even need the straw I don't know why I did this um but we got all the Ry grain out of it as well which wow 4,000 Ry grain I mean we probably just just sell all that right we probably literally just sell all of that and then we'll be able to pay our taxes so for now we're just going to store everything up in here um I mean 4,000 even if it sells at like half price that's 4,000 * 2 that's like 8,000 worth of Ry grain I mean yeah that's good I mean now I feel a bit silly for like being annoyed about my taxes because clearly we can more than afford this there we go now do I have the ho on me no I didn't think I did right I should go get the hoe I shall start hoing the field and hopefully by the end of that we're pretty close to it if not we're going to plant it we're actually going to do all that stuff anyway even if I hit the uh Cow Shed and unlock that today we're still going to um keep the the farm going and do the flax Harvest because um that was just set our SE her up for a very long time she's one of the 13 things that's going on over there in the top left of my screen um where she needs more materials and stuff like that so we're going to get that happening I will say it does look worse than it is because although it's saying there 13 things that's not 13 people that are not productive some of those are buildings like the well that are just saying there's not on working them and stuff like that even though we don't want anyone working them so yeah it's not as terrible as it looks but it is something I'm keeping an eye on and looking to fix oh do we not have any no bronze hose left all right we got to go make up some bronze hose uh that shouldn't be too much of a problem though we should have plenty of uh bronze but I think what I've done is put it over at the actual Smithy so let me go check that and we'll make us something up actually I should probably take some logs with me so we can do that um but let's take maybe 10 so we make up a good load of those okay so for the bronzo we can actually make up 10 of those which is fantastic I will make them all up um because we'll need them at some point and we've got farmers and stuff as well that we use them so we just as well very good now I think that's probably all of my bronze bars used up there is it oh no we did have a couple left okay that's cool uh all of my wood was used up okay let's put those back in the resource storage see if that changes anything and once we're there we'll grab some animal feeds I've just noticed that that'll be the chickens or the geese that we need to feed there I keep feeding these chickens and the geese and I don't have anyone you know working them and I'm not collecting the eggs myself so we're really not actually getting anything out of them and I'm starting to wonder whether or not we keep them I really like them walking around the town uh so you know maybe we should keep them uh let's see let's put like eight of those back in there and grab some animal feed out 25 animal feed see this is the thing it's like we're starting to run low on animal feed and we're wasting quite a lot of it let's see if that 13 goes down now I put the hose in I don't think it's going to but it's always worth a look um but yeah any thoughts on the chickens and geese guys some people have said in previous comments uh previous episodes and stuff maybe I just sell them and I could we could sell them get a bit of money from them like if I go on to the animals right here uh let's see like the chickens for example so you can sell like the adult rooster there for 15 and the adult hens for 33 so that's the problem right like yes I can sell them but really is there any point you know we sell three of the adult hens we get 100 coins it's not that great I think what I need to look to do is start automating more of their resources in the future and somehow it's actually gone up to 14 things that are wrong now rather than the uh uh where's the go house yeah it's gone oh it's up to 15 okay so basically nobody's working yeah this is definitely a bit of an issue um but I've just got so many things I'm doing trying to do too many things at once I think but uh there we go I forgot we actually need to fertilize the field before we can ho it so that's my bad we're going to go down now and get some of the fertilizer and a bag as well and Well Done horse honestly I break that horse's leg every time we come down here and she's still going strong good old Eclipse been quite the noble Steed indeed so let's go here let's get the bags uh probably should get a few well 73 okay we should be right on the bags uh that's cuz I got people making stuff that I just do not need however actually just look at this they sell for 80 and that's not bad right so if we get 40 for of them like 40 coins for them then every 10 is 400 coins I mean that's actually pretty good so at least with that we can sell it uh what else do I need I need filzer do I have some of that I have a little bit have a little bit but I'm going to need a lot more than that so hopefully there's some manure in here waiting for me oh yes there is 266 all right we turn the manure and we actually we can do do that up in the new bom we turn the manure into fertilizer put it with the rest and we're just trying to cross that finish line of the uh what is it 5,000 no 3,500 right 5,000 is the mine I keep confusing them cuz we're working on both at the same time anyway let's get to work on that now all right guys new farming level there and we actually got an achievement for that we're now farming level of 10 so let's go into the farming section here and let's see U now gaining more experience for farming activities is something we probably should have done quite a while ago let's double check like what other options we've got available to us and yeah I mean look to me it's got to be this one right here right let's just do that uh it's an extra 5% uh of the experience oh what I have another one to spend so this whole time I could have been oh my goodness oh my goodness okay never mind uh let's see we can get more stuff out of orchards that is kind of cool more carrier weight for our ride is also cool H I'll have to think about this one I think what I'll do is go for this one right here the Night Rider cuz we do spend a lot of time riding around on our horse and if that's all going to be quicker that's going to make us more efficient for the entire rest of the game so I think that's pretty good doing that one I was tempted to do the Orchards but we've only just got started on them really and I think we're going to have a lot of stuff like harvested from them ahead of time when we get to doing things like the tavern and that where we really need it so going to go for that for now but potentially in the future I think the Orchards will be the next one to look at and there we go guys the new building has been unlocked the Cow Shed my goodness that definitely took a long time to do but hopefully it's going to be worth it I'm pretty excited to do uh build this and what I want to do actually is right away let's go to buildings here animal husbandry there it is guys The Cow Shed oh this is what it looks like okay that's cool so it's not like hugely massive or anything like that and we're going to have a few options as to where we put it I'm thinking more and more now though that I want to build it down by the town and keep this up here it's just our own little farm and stuff like that going on so let's get down to the town in fact we'll ride the horse down there and see if there's anywhere we can put it now after that we're going to have to crack on a bit with getting this Farm built um because uh it's uh it's taking some time obviously it's a big farm still got some fertilizing stuff left to do and quite a lot of hoing left to do then we got to plant it all um on top of that we have to find a bit of extra money in order to be able to pay our taxes this season so yeah there's quite a lot going on here um but it's all good you know it's all part of the game and that we're going to be fine we're going to be able to pay the taxes the main thing is that I just don't forget to pay them now if I'm going to do the cows where would I put them I mean the natural place I guess would be up here somewhere oops uh somewhere next to the sheep and the goats that are going on here then we got Farms going all the way around in this area the only other option really is if I put them around the back here and it's not terrible but these orchards are a bit in the way they're not going to end up here these Orchards they're going to be gone so I think I'll leave that for now I think I'll put the farm uh the cow Farm down here and I reckon we'll do what we did uh in the past as well uh with the goats and that and make this all one big enclosure so that's the plan I think like I mean I'm not going to place it down just yet I'm going to think about this and stuff but it's going to go somewhere around here right next to the goats and stuff so we'll figure that one out one thing I would like to do is get my taxes paid so that we know where we stand with that so I'm going to do some stuff here now to generate a bit of money and I've got a load of wooden balls on me and I've got 3 and half thousand of the Ry Grain on me as well or actually that's a little bit too much let's put some of these back like this and then we'll see what we can do here and uh yeah so that's going to be the plan for today is just to get these taxes paid and then we'll get back on with the farm so if we go into porridges right here you see we can make up GR using Ry grain we can make up 144 of those so I'm guessing these are going to sell for a decent amount certainly more than if we just sold the Ry Grain on its own let's find out in 4 seconds okay so the grill there sells for 17 it used up two Ry grain for each one so we still have like 3,000 left but this was just a more efficient way of doing it we used up all of our balls there so uh yeah actually did we or is there some here let me double check in the side the horse uh we do have 39 more we just as well make them up so let's grab those and put like those in there for now I'll sort this out in a minute before we head to Market but that's going to be the plan we're going head into town make a big sale of all this stuff that we've got here uh so we can craft up wow another 39 that's it's actually pretty good and yeah once they're all uh sold then we can pay our taxes and see how much money we've got left to start the new season off with and then of course we're going to focus on that flax field and get all that planted and all the flax there is going to be potential money but the the biggest thing for me that I want to use it for really uh let's see if we take all those out can we handle that yeah that should be fine yeah the biggest thing with the flax is that we can just put a load of it into storage and then our um our seist are sewing or seamstress that's how we say it um I speak great English guys yeah she can then get on with stuff for a very long time we don't have to worry about her then we can either use the farm for other things which is tempting because if we go to the te tree I mean we've just unlock something so uh that's great but we must press on right and the next thing the AP I've had my eye on this one for quite a while um for some reason I quite like beekeeping in games uh anybody else feel that way and I've never even seen this in medieval Dynasty to be honest a lot of the stuff I've I've seen in the past that I haven't built things at the mine or whatever you know I I get the concept of that but beekeeping yeah that sounds really really fun fun so we might end up using that farm longer term we'll see anyway let's head into town and get these taxes paid now one of the biggest issues that we potentially going to have here is actually going to be selling everything because I don't know there's going be enough people here to sell to but let's find out so is anyone actually in the market yet uh looks like it okay we'll start over here I'll just go around and sell what I can but uh we'll just do the first one together just want to check something so if I try and sell to you the grill um I can sell all most of it to you okay we should be okay then we do have a lot of seeds as well but obviously they only sell for a very small amount each actually Le interestingly wow 2.8 okay so it is over 50% so if we sell a full amount of them as well yeah we're going to have a lot of money by the end of this which is fantastic I believe now I've exhausted every Trader in this area you can see we have almost 13,000 coins which is fantastic we have about 1,500 Ry grain left as well so I mean yeah we're doing actually really really well for money and as I say we don't need to worry at all now about the taxes um talking of which let's go ahead and get those marks we can see where the dude is so track that Quest and he's just over here somewhere so oh there he is up there patrolling around of his town so we get this paid and that's another good job done we'll have a fair bit of money left over and we're going to need a lot of money so uh let's just go ahead and pay these taxes uh great that's good we're going to need a lot of money because I'm guessing the cows are not going to be cheap guys and uh so in the next episode although we've done really well here we might still need to focus a little bit more on getting some money and then making the Cow Shed cuzz yeah that's what we're going to do in next episode so as always guys thank you so much for watching I look forward to seeing you guys in that next episode
Channel: Kysen
Views: 5,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: medieval dynasty, medieval dynasty lets play, medieval dynasty gameplay, medieval dynasty tecchnology
Id: oCL7KkdLOvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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