Valheim Mistlands Mobs + Combat Guide!

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misslands can be a very tough one with lots of challenging mobs you'll have to fight so today we're going to take a look at all the different mobs we can find in the misslands biome along with the best way to fight each of them so let's start by talking about the things I recommend you take with you on your very first time into Miss lands before you're able to get any of the missland's items first up you will see the blue orb orbiting around me and of course that is the Wisp light and this is very important to help us see through the missland's biome the recipe for a wisp Fountain which attracts wisps and then you get them and make the Wisp light it's very simple you just need one torn Spirit which you've got from yaglif that is the Agave drop and will change automatically if you kill the Agave before the update and then you just see 10 Stone and to be near a stone cutter to place down the West Fountain and at night time the whistle come and you can make your wisp light in terms of armor I recommend the Fenris armor and obviously upgrade it fully if you're able to the UK really doesn't matter so we'll just go for the linen Cape but level four of course all capes are the same later on we want to get the feather Cape as soon as possible for Miss lands but for your first time in there you won't have access to this now the reason I say about the femoris armor is when wearing the 4 set we are resistant versus fire and we also have a speed bonus both of these things will really help us against some of the mobs as you'll see in a moment I then recommend you take the dragonfang and the needle Arrows with you if you don't have access them or don't have enough then iron arrows will also do fine and even the fire and poison Iris are not terrible in a pinch now for the shields I personally would recommend the black metal shield because parrying is something I'm going to use quite heavily however if that's not really your game style then taking the black metal Tower Shield is a good alternative now as you're going to see throughout this combat guide if we are lighter on our feet and we're able to Parry to me that's going to be a big advantage against several of the mobs but as I say everyone plays this game differently and that's totally fine so you might be better with the tower Shield if you prefer that way of playing now I want to talk briefly about the frostner and at the moment I definitely recommend you take this with you however I'm not sure if this is something that's going to change when the full release comes out the froster seems kind of broken at the moment and you'll see later on when I put all the different damage types for the different mobs up on screen but the frost on the damage isn't supposed to be as powerful as it seems to be currently in the game so if that were to change later on there what you'd swap it out for is the black metal sword and I recommend you take this with you regardless because the sword is going to be useful in certain situations again you will see this later on now I will of course make update videos when the full release is out and if this is something he's updating then it will be on my channel now some further things that I recommend obviously the meds are never a bad idea if you take with either healing Mead and also the stamina Mead now later on in the game they have added in some new Meats like the lingering stamina Mead and also the major health so that would be very useful to take once you have access to them but before that having some Meats is definitely better than having none and now this brings us on to the food so I recommend that you take with you two a heavy stamina food so I've got here bread and I've also got here blood pudding and then one very strong health food so I've got the serpent suit and I've also got the fish wraps now there are of course alternatives to these food but basically I'm saying make two Foods heavily focused on stamina and one food heavily focused on health the reason for this is being able to move quickly is going to be really useful to us in almost all situations one side note I will make is that I would say for the missland's dungeons you're probably better off to go for two of the strong health foods and one of the stamina because in there you can have a lot of multiple enemies coming at you all at one time and in that situation you might want to switch to the health and also go for the black metal Tower Shield this is so you can tank and sit back and take a lot of damage and then Counter Strike and I will do a full guide on the dungeons later on on my channel I recommend you take the dragonfang bow because of its lingering poison damage and if you couple that with the strength of the needle arrows or if you're using iron arrows maybe or something like that then this is going to be quite powerful so one final note before we head on in is that this is just my recommendations currently based on how I've experienced missland so far in the public test Branch as I said this may change when the full release is out and if it does I will be sure to make update videos but of course you guys may have different opinions and that's totally cool so do let me know what they are down in the comments and let's get the discussion going now if you would like a full guide on all the new weapons armor and tools you can get since you missed lands update I'll put a link to the video I made on that in the description this video is sponsored by G portal who hosts servers for a huge range of games at affordable prices if you'd like to check them out and save yourself 10 there is a link in the description now once you're in the missland and you will find yourself in many areas that are of course quite Misty if I run away from the secret I put a bit of Miss between himself and I and then I go ahead and take myself out of ghost mode we can see what happens so if I just run around a little he's starting to get alerted I'm making sure that that mist is still between us at all times so keep running this way but also staying close enough that you can hear me and you'll notice that as long as I keep a bit of Miss between us then although he can hear me he can't actually see me and if he doesn't see me he won't get the red exclamation mark I'll be starting to chase after me okay so this one right here then saw me there's a red exclamation mark it's kind of a good uh example actually so now these guys can see me and they will chase me so basically when you first Venture into the missed lands you may want to consider not putting your wisp light on just straight away because you may want to try and listen out and use to your advantage the noise that the mobs make in order to sneak up on them a bit the other important point is by knowing there's a mob nearby we can go ahead and shoot at it and get a sneak attack and you can see how the huge damage that that will do before we even have to fight it and there we go with one hit we were able to kill it because of the sneak attack that we did and this is true of all missland's mobs and worth mentioning because you may want to approach Miss lands in that healthy Manner and give yourself a better chance so that was just some general information about all missland's mobs now we're going to go into the specifics for each of the valhall mobs and of course there are chapters if you want to skip ahead to whatever mobs you're interested in so let's start by talking about the hairs and these guys are passive animals they will not attack us but once they know we're here they will indeed run away and this is one reason I recommend that you prioritize stamina because you can do a lot of time chasing after things in mislands or indeed running away from things in mislands and the terrain as you can see here it can of course be quite hilly so having that extra stamina can be useful this guy's giving us the run around for a bit but we did finally catch up with him and were able to kill him of course if you were to do a sneak attack with the bow or just sneak up on them and then hit them then you might have a better chance at getting them now in terms of their drops they will drop Raw Hair meat and they'll also drop scale hide as you can see here hairs are immune to Spirit but they take normal damage from everything else they also have a very low HP so you can hit them with just about anything and you'll almost always one shot them when you are hitting them so next we're talking about the seeker and as you can see they are immune to Spirit as well as resistant to blunt slash appears with normal damage from everything else so we want to go ahead and equip our frosener and this is definitely the best way to attack them right now we'll have to see what happens during the full public release now Seekers you'll see here they will come at you and they'll do a left-handed attack as you saw there as well as a bit of a headbutt and even a right-handed attack also if you get far away from the Seeker you'll see there they will come and fly in and attack you so they can be kind of hard to get away from if you are trying to outrun a Seeker the best thing to do is wait for it to start to attack and then run away as their attacks are quite slow it can definitely be tricky to outrun it entirely and get away from it in the Mist but it can at least give you a few extra seconds to regroup and then attack again so in terms of fighting this guy the best bet is to try and Parry him and then give a big hit so if we go there and Parry him and then we're here with the frostler you'll see the damage that we're able to do and with the laportioner at level four it's able to kill it in just a couple of hits now as I said this might be something that gets patched so what I'm going to do now is show you the same fight but with the black metal sword okay so once again we're gonna try to Parry this guy and then give him a good few hits and with three hits there we were able to kill him so basically one attack oh this is why I like the stamina and the Paris so much because in basically one three hits attack we are able to completely kill a Seeker using a black metal sword that has been fully upgraded now you'll often be against multiple Seekers all at once so let's see what happens here if you're against three of them and the best way to deal damage against them so against several of them I recommend that you equip your bow and try to outrun them a little bit and get up into the hills as you can see here and then shoot them from afar basically we're just going to keep running away from them and at the same time keep looking back to shoot them as they chase after us this is where you can use the missland's terrain to your advantage both in terms of the Mist and all the different Hills that you'll find in there and again this is why I recommend stamina as it does take a lot of stamina to try and to navigate through this terrain and also to keep shooting your bow once you have the higher terrain they're going to start coming at you but then you might find that you only have to attack them one or two at a time which will make it a lot easier so in the three that we started we've actually managed to lose two of them so now we can just go ahead and fight this guy as we normally would and get rid of him and now of course there's only a couple left and there was one just down here there he is we can see him just about through the Mist just take a lucky shot there we go manage to get him and then we just keep doing that until they're all gone okay so here's the final guy that we saw all we're just going to go ahead and Parry him and then kill him and that's how we dealt with three of them without too much trouble now in terms of drops you can get these secret trophy which looks absolutely awesome there it is behind me and you can also get the carapace and the Seeker meat so next we're going to talk about the secret route also known as the Seeker Soldier now for their attacks you'll see that what they'll do is they'll try to headbutt you like that and they'll also do like a double stomp attack sometimes as well so there we go there's the double stomp attack where he Stomps both his front claws on the floor and does an AOE damage so you can Parry this guy quite easily and then we can go ahead and hit him with the frost now you see here it does quite a lot of damage it also gives you an opportunity to get in behind him and to hit him on the butt which is where their weak spot is so we want to try and get behind them and hit them on the butt whenever possible so basically I'm just repeating this process I'm parrying and then I'm letting him do his slow attack and I'm getting in behind him when I Parry or while he's doing that slow attack just be careful to manage your stamina throughout this fight and make sure that you are getting the most out of it so that you can get around behind him and do as many attacks as possible do be careful with his AOE attack it is quite a powerful attack and if you're in a closed vicinity it can be quite damaging too plus the frost and it also helps to slow them down as you'll see here the secret is immune to Spirit and resistant to blunt slash and Pierce taking normal damage from everything else now the secret soldiers will drop this awesome trophy you see it right here behind me and they'll also drop these things here so we have the mandible some more of the carapace and some more of the Seeker Meats so the next thing to talk about are Seeker Broods which are found in dungeons the best thing to do against these is equip your sword and your shield and just run up to where you'll see their eggs are and when you disturb them you see here they start to hatch so the best thing to do is just whale on them before they even hatch or whilst they're hatching at least sometimes you get a couple that are just on the floor and you can't actually hit them with your sword so for those you can just go and use the bow to hatch them out and then another bow to shoot them in terms of the drops you will get royal jelly from the secret Broods alrighty next up we have the yells and they are immune to Spirit as well as resistant to fire with normal damage from everything else now when fighting the yells they will drop ticks and if a tick lands on you like it did right there you want to just go ahead and Dodge roll to get it off now one thing with the ticks is to try to always keep them in front of you and there is reason for this is they are much easier to deal with if they attach to the front of you so you see here he's attached to front of me and I've got options right now I can actually block him and you see here we can block some of his damage and we can even try to Parry him let's see if we get it right okay so he's on the front of us here if we just go ahead and block there we go we managed to Parry him and he fell off and of course we could get a hit on him the second thing is when he's on front of you you can actually swing your sword at him and kill him if you try doing this when they're on the back of you however it will not work and you have to rely on a Dodge roll to get them off you and then you can hit them again now you'll be fighting the yard with your bow and arrow as he flies around and what you want to do is keep an eye for as soon as he drops those ticks and put some distance between you and also start to save your stamina what we're going to try to do is just pick them off as they run towards us there we go we got one there we know there's a couple more and we're just watching for that at the same time as watching for the yells attacks of the Fireballs so with the yaw you're constantly trying to keep a distance and hoping you know run into a second one like I did just there but then as soon as you see the ticks again we're gonna go and pick them off with our bow and arrow to try and stop them being a problem before they get to us as for the yard itself you want to go ahead and shoot it on the underbelly whenever possible as this is its weak spot you saw they did yellow damage from doing so but issuing this fire damage at you all the time so having this fire resistant armor is very useful for that you can see here the damage we do when we hit the underbelly though of the owl it's it's reasonable and if we can sneak hit it before we do our first attack that is going to make a huge difference of course but this definitely can be difficult against the yells so saving your stamina against them and using stamina means is actually going to be really important so basically we're going to keep shooting aiming for that underbelly wherever possible and when he does go ahead and drop the ticks we want to deal with them first as it can be very dangerous and of course when he shoots Fireballs like he did just there make sure you get out the way as soon as possible now in terms of drops you can get this trophy here from the Yale and this one here from The Tick so that's how they look and they're both kind of cool in their own different ways on top of that the Yale will drop these right here which are bile bags and the ticks will drop these blood clots here so next we're going to talk about the Edward family and that is the Rogues that you see right here so they've got like a crossbow that is constantly loaded and ready to shoot at you of course none of these NPCs are actually mad at us to begin with but in a second you'll see how they can get mad at us very very quickly we then have three types of the verb and Mage being this guy right here in the red this is the fire Mage the blue guy is the ice Mage and the Yellow Guard right here is the support Mage so we're going to take a look at the attacks they do in quite a fun way so I'm in god mode and what I'm going to do is just shoot out one of these guys right here to injure them and then they'll all want to attack but you see how they all turn towards me there because they are friendly straight away but they're about to be not friendly when we start attacking them of course so let's go ahead and shoot this blue guy right in the head and boom there's the damage he does and we can see what's going on so we've got this guy on the left the road he's loading this crossbow and shooting at us and then repeating that process now you see how the blue guy is healed oh my goodness they're escaping okay this is chaos right let's talk about the fire guy there he is he's about to do a fire spell There It Is Right comes at us right there he's shooting Fireballs at us basically then if they get close they'll do a hit like he did just there they'll actually stab us with what they're doing but if they're further away the ranger attack there is the fire attack and of course there's burn damage as well then we have this blue guy look at this he's shooting blue icicles at us and this will give us the uh Frost damage and slow us down and stuff but he has a close-up attack too so if we get close to this guy he's gonna actually just focus with his stick it hurts quite a bit to be fair so then we've got this yellow guy right here this Mage right here you can see what he does if we just sort of stand nearby he spends out these healing spells so he's like the support Mage the Healer and he actually heals up the Mages around him which how the blue guy managed to get some of his health back so these two other Majors I'll show you their attack right now because although they're healers and they don't have direct attacks oh there we go there's one more see the missile there we go that purple missile that's from these two working Mages the yellow ones the support ones so as well as healing their friends they will shoot missiles at you and that's their attack a random fun fact about the work of family guys did you know they can spawn male and female versions the male versions will all have beards while the female versions do not have beards and this is true of all the different colors of dwargo Mage as well as Eduardo Rogues that you saw just there they can be found in a couple of different structures one of which is this Tower you see right here now if you love these doors and you want to use these doors in your builds I'll link a video in the description or actually show you how you can use these doors and make them open and close and make them part of your base however for now let's take a look at how we actually conquer these guys because if we go inside there is a drop that we particularly you want and that drop comes in the form of this right here the Durga component crate inside is a diverter extractor and that is used in a crafting recipe to get us some sap so this right here is the sap extractor and if you want more information on sap I'll link a video in the description where I covered it fully now the only way to get that is to smash this crate open and there was some false information going around that there's a special key for this crate I can confirm that is incorrect you have to literally just smash it open however when you do so all of the Dwellers will get very annoyed at you and they'll start attacking you and they are very powerful especially when you have a lot of them in one area which you typically do in these dungeon areas I should say structures they're not dungeons as such but you guys get the point so I've gone ahead and equipped an ax and I'm going to show you guys what happens right now when I smash this crate now I am in god mode because I just want to demonstrate to you guys what happens but I don't want to die for this tutorial so here we go all right so we've trashed it instantly here we are being attacked by all of these things all at once and to run down and get out of here without these guys killing us would be tough because there's some more guys down here waiting for us too so these guys are literally all I grow at us right now and will keep attacking us but what I'm going to to do is just test if I go really far away and wait some time and then come back will they still be mad at me so I went quite far away and stayed away for a good few in-game days and when I came back these guys were still mad at me so I assume that they're just indefinitely mad as soon as you annoy them so the duero is immune to Spirit but will take normal damage from everything else and all these work and Mage are immune to Spirit and resistant to Fire and frost taking normal damage from everything else so this is another type of debugger encampment that you can find right here so the sort of open plan Stone Circle you can see we still have the crate but it is in the back of this sort of uh big Carriage thing I guess you'd call it uh but this is what they can look like obviously this one here has been cleared out of all the burger mobs now I'm not going to include a combat guide for how to fight these guys in this video and I'm going to be completely honest as the reason why and that is because I honestly don't have a clue I've tried and I've played around with this for a little while and they just keep one shot in me and I'm seriously struggling to find a good strategy that I can give to you guys and I didn't want to like half-ass this and give you guys something that isn't going to work every time so while do I'm actually going to dedicate an entire video you just to these guys in the future once I figured out some more things on how to tackle this Camp right here and also their sort of stone keep camps that you can find as well now if you guys have any ideas tips tricks or anything you found useful please do let me know in the comments I want to apologize for not including it in today's video but I think you'd agree it's better that I get it done properly and give you guys accurate information then try to rush something out in today's video that isn't quite there so for now my advice really is just stay away from these guys they are incredibly difficult to fight and basically the big issue is because they all attack you at once and they're so so strong they really hit hard so that ad jokes are of course coming but I just want to say I hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did please do consider liking and subscribing for more but for now I just want to say thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time why do dogs float in water because they're good boys what happens when it rains cats and dogs you have to be careful not to step in a poodle police arrested a bottle of water because it was wanted in three different states solid liquid and gas what do you call a lazy kangaroo a pouch potato why is grass so dangerous because it's full of blades
Channel: Kysen
Views: 41,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, mistlands, valheim mistlands, mistlands mobs, valheim new mobs, new mistlands mobs, valheim combat, valheim mobs, valheim combat guide, valheim mobs guide, valheim mob weaknesses, how to fight mistlands mobs, what mobs are in mistlands, kysen, mistlands mob guide, mistlands combat guide, valheim tips, valheim mistlands tips, valheim mistlands update, gjall, valheim seeker, valheim gjall, valheim tick, valheim dvergr
Id: Ox2f09GP4vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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