Valheim Mistlands - Full Overview

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it's finally here miss lands has been released to the public test Branch meaning it'll be available to everyone very soon there's new Mobs new dungeons new NPCs new items a new boss and Magic has been added to the game today I'm going to show you everything there is to see and when Miss lands goes public kaisenheim is starting a brand new season that's my server that you guys can join link is in the description I'm giving away free copies of vowel hunt to my subscribers plus I'm on the road to 100 000 subscribers and then I get one of these which would really mean the world to me so please do consider subscribing so here we are with the game loaded up and we have that wonderful new misslands logo which I'm just so happy to see now if I go ahead and hit start game and go for a new character there are already some differences just on this section so we have some very cool new hairstyles as you can see here kind of like an Afro type of thing going on are you here for a thicker one if you really want to then we have some like braided stuff happening here as well this is also there are so many new things already so definitely if you like to play around with character Styles that's something that is already new let's see if there's newbie kids as well and there definitely are a few new beards in here there's a few things that definitely look different and a little bit funny so yeah I think they've added some things in so there we go if you like customizing your characters then already that is something new you can do in Miss lands but the first thing I'm going to do is use my existing character here and put him into an existing world and see how the missed lines update affects that world I've got a few things to test with you guys and hopefully I'll answer all of your questions so this world right here I've had going for ages I'm going to load into there and see what the differences actually are so everything in my world looks normal here but I'd expect it to be because this isn't a missland's biome I will say that my game did take quite a while to load in the first time I loaded the world but on subsequent times of loading it it's actually been loading in at a normal speed so I assume it's just a case of the game updating everything to miss land so if yours takes a while don't worry too much now if I press M and get the map open let's scroll out here and let's have a look so this is my explored missland here and yes this is definitely different so miss times before just look like this really just like black forest terrain but now you can see it's all purple and black and Mystic he does you do spread for Miss lands so let's Venture in see what we we see and see what looks different when we get there compared to things I had there before and here we go my first time in this lands this is so exciting and I have a bomb I have a bum staring at me straight away so I was being mooned by this guy this is the y'all I think that's how we say that and more to come on him and all the other creatures of course later on uh oh look there's a rabbit down here well I think it's a hair actually yes there's a hair just here there's all sorts going on here we have Seekers we've got virgin Rhodes this is the best little spawn place ever oh my God there's an epic battle in Syria already okay what I was actually trying to check out was just the new terrain and also some of this stuff that I've got going on that I'd already built here so basically there can be some height map changes and you might get some funky things going on like this one of the devs uh tweeted about this recently so do be sure to back up your worlds guys before you go into the new missed lands update obviously this was just done for testing purposes but if you had a nice build here then it could all crumble down and that is not so good so here I am at spawn in an existing world and I just wanted to see if the New Boston will get added in or not and the answer is yes yes it does this is it right here this is where our new Boston will be hung the yard Cliff was where it finished before right and now we have this one right here for the new boss which is called the queen more to come on the boss segment later down in the chapters but just doing this initial test for your worlds that are existing when you update to miss lands yes the new boss Stone will be here for you so I'm now going to create myself a brand new world and this is obviously done after I've got the misslands update uh installed so let's create this and see what the difference is shouldn't be too much of a difference apart from we'll see now the misslands as it should be so we've come into a brand new world here and done the explore map command and we can see here the missed lands terrain generation with all these purple ones around the outside so just picking a biome at random here we'll go for this one right here because why not let's go ahead and teleport into that and see what we can find okay here we are this is what you see and obviously it's called mislads for a reason guys it is very Misty and very difficult to see in fact that coupled with the terrain which is very hilly with a lot of big drops of things it's going to make this quite a difficult biome indeed but we're going to talk about how we navigate our way through that of course in this video so you can see that with one silver and one wisp you can go ahead and craft up a whisp flight so let's go ahead and do that real quick and then we right click that to equip it in the same way you would the mega nyord so the Wisp light recipe right here you see you do need a whisper it so how do you get a wisp in the first place well what you'll need to build is one of these things right here which is a wisp Fountain and as you can see you'll need an item called a torn Spirit now this is the yag move truck oh there's a hair pushing me around what do you do anyway that hair is oh God uh yes so this right here we need the torn Sprout this is the ad move drop so when you've killed jagu this is the drop you now get and if you've already killed you have move in your world so you have those yet with drops they will also absolutely turn into the tall and Spirits for you so when you've got that stuff you place the wish fountain down it doesn't have to be placed in Miss lands it can be placed anywhere you want and then you need to wait for darkness which it tells you as you're looking at it here so I've gone and set the time to night and now we have the darkness that the West Fountain needs and it says right there the Wisps are coming so now all we have to do is wait so I've taken my whisp light off it's a little bit dark but at least now you can see what's happening so these widths that are coming in right here just go look at them where are they there he is come over here okay there we go to see on it there we go and that's how you pick them up so that's how you trap the Wisps and how you pick them up and in doing that as you can see that is how we clear the Mr roundness and that way we are able to see so we've got this little orb following us and as we've run around it clears the Mist for us now even with that the visibility is not fantastic you can see here we can see a little bit around us but mobs could still jump out at us so it could be a little bit tricky but that is how it currently works in the game now mislands does of course have a lot of like hills and cliffs and things like that and when we get up here we do have a bit of a better overview of everything that's going on so coming on up to these higher regions could be a really good way to see where you want to go next and potentially to escape from any mobs that are chasing you however if you're gonna do that you're probably gonna want one of these things guys this is the new feather cape and as you can see down here full damage minus 100 that's right guys zero fall damage now to make this you do need a few different materials right here and I'm going to go into how you get these materials later on but for now let's just go ahead and craft one of these up and I'll show you guys how it works so we're just going to right click to put that cape on and he's equipped that there we go and now from all the way up here we can fall and look at this it really slows us down so I'm falling really really slowly and I won't take any damage when I hit the floor so here we go and boom look at that we fell so slowly we took zero damage whatsoever and we fell all that way so that's a very cool new feature here in this land now when we come on to the Mob section and do remember there are chapters on this video if you need to skip ahead or backwards but that's when I'll talk about the drops of the different mobs so I'll show you guys how to get all this stuff later on don't worry all the information will be in this video I'm just trying to keep it organized so the next thing that we should look at in my opinion is all the mobs that we're going to see here and there are actually nine new creatures plus the missland's boss to look at now these creatures aren't all enemies of course not all nine of them are enemies but we do have a few new enemies mainly the Seeker family so we have the Seeker itself the Seeker brood and the zika brute as well as the yal the ticks and then we have the friendly creatures such as the hair and the hair and of course the chicks for them now of course not all of these nine are enemies some of them are friendlies and NPC style things as well I'll kind of explain that as I go through but let's go find them and go through them one by one so they this right here guys is a Seeker there we go oh my goodness like a giant cockroach now I'm doing this whole tutorial in cheat mode just to speed things up so I can get the information out for you guys in the best way possible and that means it can't see me and attack me but this is it right here and boy it's an ugly looking thing so let's go ahead and take myself out of ghost mode so it knows that I'm here and now it should come and attack me but I'm still in god mode so although it'll attack me it won't do any damage I just wanted to show you guys the attacks that it can do so this it just comes at us it just goes out of stair with its like front I guess pincers we'd call them so there we go it's like sort of head by me there with a one pin so it's hitting me and the other pincer it's hitting me and I think it does yeah like a double attack as well so it looks like it headbutts so it does attacks with each of its pincers and sometimes with both of its pincers so yeah it looks like it does a lot of damage incidentally I will in the future be making a full guide on all the misslands mobs and how best to defeat them today we're just doing an overview of them all so I've gone ahead and killed a load of seekers in this region so now we can have a look at what they actually dropped so it looks like these things right here we've got some Seeker meat from them over here okay very cool and what's this A carapace is I'm saying that car repairs so will tell me down in the comments I'm sure okay so here we go we've got a plate here of chitinus armor that's what the carapace is and then of course the Seeker meat which will be used of course in some of the new food recipes incidentally there are 15 new food items and I will cover all of them later on in this video but that is a lot to add in just this one update now on top of that we also get the Seeker trophy right here so let's build that and see what that looks like and there we go guys this is what it looks like what a fantastic trophy I just know so many people will come up with some awesome designs for this thing but there we go so that of course is another drop we can get from the Seeker now another New Mob is this thing right here this is the secret brewed look at this little guy like a mini version I guess of the Seeker and I guess that is what it's meant to be so once again let's take ghost off and see what this little guy does we'll be back to a little punch actually he's he's little but he's feisty and he hits pretty hard so he sort of scuttles around and then attacks with the two front pincers each time that's the only attack I'm seeing him do so far yeah it looks like that's what he's gonna do so what drops do we get from Seeker Broods well let's see some royal jelly here very interesting let's see anything else that drop so it looks like they just dropped this the royal jelly and it can be eaten as you see there 15 health and 15 stamina but I have a feeling maybe this is going to be used also in some more complex recipes those little secret Broods do not have a trophy drop so the only thing they drop is going to be that royal jelly now this next one is a Seeker Soldier and also known as a Seeker brute and Guys these are scary they make a lot of noise they are very big and very ugly so let's go ahead let's remove ghost and let's see what happens when this guy knows that we're here oh my goodness so there we go one big attack there with his right hand then his left look at like a stomp attack that did an AOE damage uh then he headbutts us there we go good old headbutt from him and then the double pincer attack as well so those seem to be his attacks the double Stomp and then also the headbutts and things as well but it looks like he's actually destroying the land quite a bit as well while he's over here in the same way that like a troll mic when he hits with his Club so these things are absolutely epic they are very scary but also very awesome indeed so I've killed a load of these guys and let's see what the drop saw we get from them so we get some secret meat once again and that was the same as before but we did get some new stuff let's pick it all up and then see okay so this is the new stuff we got right here these are mandibles so it says the hand of man could hardly design a more perfect weapon so there we go I guess that's a crafting recipe for some weapons now I will of course cover all the weapons armor and tools that have been added as of Miss land and we'll look at the recipes for all of them but that's how we get mandibles so if that's a recipe item later then we know where to get them from now this guys is the Yao and look how awesome it is it's got to be one of my favorite new creatures I can't even get close enough to it let's see if I can do it okay yeah there he is right there he flies around like some sort of Zeppelin it's just awesome now I've taken off ghost so the Yale will know that I'm here potentially if he can see me and he has a very interesting attack let's see if we can get this to happen all right there's the owl guys you're hearing that noise hopefully that's coming through on camera it'll try to get that noise for you it is an awesome ominous scary noise and look at this things are coming down at us so the old guys you will shoot down these things at us so here we go look at it these are ticks and oh my goodness it's raining fire there is craziness happening right here so these ticks will attach themselves to you as you can see here and they're really difficult to get away from you have to dodge roll but they heat up your stamina and they do a lot of damage and at the same time you're getting shot with fire from the yell it is absolute craziness let's quickly go ahead and kill these mobs a second to go back into ghost mode real quick as well and see what we actually got from these things incidentally I forgot to show before but the Seeker soldiers do drop trophies and this is how they look looks like something like out of the Alien vs Predator movie absolutely fantastic the ultra free I mean he doesn't look too happy to be there at all he's quite a funny little trophy that one again I'm sure there'll be some really awesome things done with this and I absolutely love it and then we have the dick trophy which just looks like kind of interesting it's quite a small one quite like different to the others but I still like it in its own little way now as for the drops we got a couple of things right here beyond the trophies uh that includes these blood clots right here and also the bile bag so the ball bag you see there you get those from the yells and the blood clots you get those from the ticks and that now covers the enemy mobs that you can find and whilst roaming around in the missland's biome now we do have some friendly new Mobs as well look at this we have a hair there he goes he's running around how awesome is the hair I just tried using the tame command and it didn't work so I don't believe that hairs Can Be Tamed but you can of course kill them so when you kill the hair you get a hair Trophy and this is how it looks it's kind of weird I don't know if that's going to be his feet or something but yeah that is the hair trophy right there guys now the other items you get from them are these things right here so we have the scale hide and also the hair meat so obviously the hair meat will be used for cooking recipes and the scale hide we saw in a recipe before and that'll be used in all different types of recipes but the big one will be the new feather Cape that we talked about before over here on the right now I've turned the vegetation down low so you guys could actually see these things but we have a load of hens and chickens here and as you see here they can be tamed and they can be petted and they love you so that is a new tameable animal in the game so in order to breed chickens you'll first need to get eggs and you can do that by coming to haldo he now has a new trade as you can see here so an egg is very expensive at 1 500 it is now the new most expensive item in the game however the good thing about it is once you've bought one egg you do of course have unlimited eggs and chickens for the rest of the game which is probably why they made it so expensive now the hens and the chickens Do not drop any of their trophies but what they do drop are feathers so feathers are now farmable in the game which is awesome and also chicken meat which is going to be very useful for a new food recipe and you can also get these things right here eggs so if you hover over them they say they are too cold now I have an egg on this fireplace it's really hard to see but if I just go over there there we go you see that egg and in Brackets it says warm and obviously this is on top of the fire but we actually have one close by here and this is also warm now I believe the requirements are that it does need to be in a sheltered environment like this but then if you have a good fire you can warm the eggs and by doing this they will actually hatch into chickens this is one of the coolest mechanics about Val hummus so I'm so happy about this this is so fun and so awesome so that's how chicken farms are gonna be a thing guys how awesome is that of the game these little things here will hatch into little chicks and those chicks will grow up to him now there are a number of new NPCs in the game but probably everyone's favorite is gonna be this guy right here ladies and gentlemen we have mutin so we've got huge in he's just over there as well we've got a huge in and moon and they're both in the game now and that's just awesome so let's see what he says for the first thing he's ever said to us okay he's telling us about the verge of Clans which is kind of handy because that's what we're about to look at so these Divergent Majors will spawn in their little base areas right here and how amazing are these areas by the way guys the like aesthetic of them the look of all these different blocks and things is just fantastic now you see there's crates in here there's all types of different build materials in here we have a diverger component crate over here there's all kinds of things it's really really cool now these guys are friendly towards you unless you either attack them or start damaging their Base by just hitting it you know with your tools and weapons or if you steal from them so let's get out of ghost mode right here so now I'm not in ghost you'll see this guy it doesn't care that I'm here at all and I can go ahead and pick the stuff up off the floor just like this there we go that's not a problem either and this is all the new black marble which we will come on to later on however if I go ahead and start heading into their crates in order to steal from them then they will get annoyed at me and here we go he's about to attack here we go he's shooting things and he's going crazy and when he does that he starts to take down his base and also does huge damage it's just chaos it's absolute chaos when they do this to you so you do want to be careful about stealing a problem or attacking their base or anything like that until you are a lot more geared in the game but yeah it's quite fun to do that and see them just take down the base as they go and I did mention the start of this new magic in the game and these guys are obviously uh part of that you can see here he's using his magical attacks there like his magic staff and we'll come on to our magic abilities and stuff later on so if you do attack third base and kill them and steal their items and things like that let's have a look at what we can get so these are all the things we can get guys and you see a couple are non-transportable things like the diverger extractor and also the copper scrap you'll see we also get coins and we also get fine wood as well as the soft tissue and the black marbles so there's all different pieces you can get here and if we took down the whole base there'd be more things we could get as well like these lanterns so attacking these bases definitely can be profit if you're able to defeat all the Mages but they are pretty scary and pretty dangerous until you're a bit more geared but it is a cool mechanic they've added in because they haven't done this with any mobs in the past These Guys these NPCs they're completely friendly towards us unless we provoke them and then they will have a go at us it's also just awesome to have these new structures in the game and potentially you can even build like a bit of a base around here and have them as like people that live in your base in terms of building inside here you'll see if you try to do it it'll say that the ward stops you but that's already taken quite a bit of damage just during those attacks so you can just keep attacking the ward if you want to until eventually you will destroy it and once that ward has been destroyed you are actually able to build inside this area right here so you could sort of take it over and make it into your own little base which is pretty cool now dungeons in this game have different looks to them but this right here is one of them so this little Stone Tower thing you're seeing right here is about the dungeon so obviously you'll have to fight the mobs first but then you can go inside just like this and go down the stairs right here and of course all this stuff is also harvestable you can take down all this forget yourself a load of the black marble but down at the bottom we see the mine right here we can go ahead and hit enter and we go into the infested mine and this is the new dungeon so this is what they look like and they can be quite dangerous places you have to be very careful and very geared when you come in here it's also going to be very easy to get lost in these so do have a plan as you go through because they're very very big inside and they're quite maze-like so you definitely need to like have a bit of a plan and an idea of what you're doing now as you can see you get ticks inside these things right here and there's actually quite a lot of ticks in here now you'll also see these things right here and if I go ahead and take myself out of ghost mode a second then you'll see they hatch into secret Broods so that's where these little guys come from the ones that we saw before you can get the royal jelly from in here so you can pick that up obviously if you kill the bruise that'll also do it and do make sure you look around thoroughly because you'll have little areas like this that are actually hidden doors that you can go ahead and walk up to and smash through and boom look at that we've smashed through and we're now through to a whole new section of this mine as you saw there we can smash through these Vines here as well and keep going and you'll see these things guys hidden door so look out for these they're hidden doors that we can slide open and how cool is that what an also graphic and then in here we have a treasure room so let's see we've got a load of coins in this one and a load of coins in this one as well as these Divergent chests now unfortunately you can't currently make these diverger chests but hopefully the future we can because they do look really cool and you'll also see these things these are black cores you want to make sure you go ahead and pick all of them up while you're here the black cores are used in some of the new workstations for example the black Forge right here requires five of them so that's how you get the black cores and that's why you need them one thing to be very wary of throughout these dungeons is you can get these little holes in the floor and if you fall down you can fall quite a long way and take damage plus then you'll have mobs down here attacking you so do be careful where you step now this believe it or not was actually one of these smaller dungeons so what I'm going to do now is go find another dungeon and show you some of the other stuff you can find within them another item you can find in the mines is this thing right here and you're gonna need to go ahead and get your pickaxe let's jump up here and then you smash it in order to get it and boom there we go we picked up a seal breaker drag them so the seal breaker fragment that's one of these things right here and you need to get nine of them in order to make one of these right here which is the seal breaker that is the item that is used to spawn in the new boss so another fantastic reason that you should be exploring dungeons whenever you find them so this right here is the other type of dungeon that you can find in the game and how cool does this look let's have a little fly around actually and we can get a better look at this thing so yeah we've got this awesome big staircase here leading up to the dungeon and these huge Jagged rocks that stick out from the side there it just looks absolutely fantastic again it is guarded by Seekers you have to beat those in order to get in but then of course when you get up to the top here this is where we enter into the infested mine here's another example of the old Divergent gate that you can open up as well so they do look a little bit different and you just need to look at every little last bit of these dungeons in order to find all this stuff so another really useful thing you'll find in these new dungeons is of course the new vague visitor for the new boss so this is the location Stone so you press e right there and there we go and this is the one I actually already bumped into earlier so we saw how to find the boss location by finding the the Boston in the new dungeons in misslands and this right here is what it looks like oh my goodness is this absolutely incredible I'm sure you guys will agree this looks fantastic so walking in in your normal mode rather than just in cheat mode this is what you'll be greeted with this imposing impressive structure and of course it will be guarded by Seekers which you will have to kill before you can enter how are those taken care of we come up the stairs to this incredible looking door look at this guys how cool is that and we have this Stone right here A mysterious text which you can of course read and it says we sealed the door and Scattered the key leave her B which I love obviously that plays the whole law of this thing they've scattered the key we get the key fragments to make the key which unlocks the door so this is a really cool thing about the new boss guys with all the bosses in valheim so far as you know we spawn them into the world now with this boss however it's a little bit different we have to get ourselves into her so it's a whole different thing and to do that you need one of these guys a seal breaker made from nine of the seal breaker fragments each of them can be found found in dungeons in the misslands as you're going through but once you have one of those seal Breakers we're going to open the door and I'm going to be quiet for a minute and just show you guys the animation of this door opening because it is absolutely fantastic so here we go [Music] and there we have it guys the Mist pours out and what a truly epic way for us to get to the new boss now once inside you'll also need three of these things these are the Seeker Soldier trophies I need to find this altar which if you run up the stairs a bit you'll find it up here and it requires all three so when we place them all three get put here and this is our way of then spawning the boss into this dungeon area that we've just unlocked and there she is guys the Queen the queen wants it all it says so let's see if we can find her all right there she comes guys oh my goodness okay so these attacks with the Mist can be really difficult to spot I mean she has these big lash attacks at you as you can see and like a double lash there as well so yeah definitely a tricky boss to fight she is gonna do massive damage and as you're running around and she's hitting at you and hitting things she can actually destroy the structures as well which can get you like trap and stuff so you really have to be careful with this one now another thing she can do is spawn in ads and her ads are of course these Seekers so again you have to be very careful of them while you're in here as well she will spawn them in to attack you another thing she can do is like dig underground where you can't get her and then she'll come right back up on top of you so she's definitely a really difficult boss to be now I will in the future do a full tutorial on how to defeat this boss and everything you need to know today is obviously just the overview video but yeah this is hopefully a good overview of the boss so now let's look at what drops we get from her so the drops we get from her guys are of course the Queen Trophy and we'll talk about that in a second and also the queen drop so just like the previous Jag we've dropped that was a placeholder and it's now useful the queen drop is the same and doesn't have a use yet in the game but will do in the future so as for the new boss drop I am now at spawns let's go ahead and hang that Trophy up there and as you can see guys we have faster biting I'm so happy for this this is gonna make the late game build so much easier in survival mode and we also have plus 100 item regen so what is iter well that is all to do with the new magic which is the next chapter in this video so there is now a whole new magic element to the game of valheim which I think is absolutely fantastic so right now I'm wearing the Ito armor so you can see here that we have the iso weave Hood the Ito weave robe and also the iso weave trousers and each of them gives you iter regen bonuses so the hood gives you plus 20 and the robe and trousers each give you plus 40 so you can total of course plus 100 of your iter regen now in order to get ITA to use in magical attacks and things what you need to do is eat iter food so you can see here food now has Health stamina and iter stats most of the food in the game is still like the normal stuff it's just got the health and stamina but some of the iter foods and there's only a few of them in the game but they have this third stat there in purple so if I go ahead and eat the ice Foods right now you'll see down here we got an Ito bar in the same way that you have like a stamina bar in the game and that starts to fill up once we eat the outer foods but it'll be used up when we do magical things like attacks with different staffs so we have here three staffs the staff of protection one of frost and also one of Embers so I've equipped the staff of protection first and if I go ahead and left click with that and you'll see I do this thing right here where I give myself a little orb around me and this orb will protect me which is really really awesome so of course it doesn't last forever it just lasts for a little while and it uses iter in order to generate up in the top right we have a countdown of how long is left for our magic barrier so if I spawn in a Seeker you'll see it tries to attack me but my magic barrier will protect me I still get not fat but I don't get damaged by the Seeker however as you saw there the sequel will eventually break through this barrier so it's not something that lasts forever but it will give you a bit of protection in the short term now let's take a look now at the staff of frost so let's get that on right there if we left a look here you can see we can actually shoot these Frost attacks at the secret it does a fair bit of damage so it's a really awesome new way of attacking in the game and giving Frost damage as well as the damage of the attack itself similarly if I equip the staff of Embers and we go ahead and attack with that it shoots these Fireballs at the sea kill which is absolutely awesome and of course this will do the fire damage as well as the normal damage so a couple of new weapons there for the magic thing which is just absolutely fantastic now something else you can do is this right here you can make a dead razor so if we go ahead and equip a dead razor and we go ahead and left click with that you'll see we're literally going to raise the dead so here he comes he's coming up out of the floor how awesome is that animation and his name is your I mean that's an interesting name I think he was maybe a viking pirate like Yara anyway we can pet him um and Yara loves us yeah he loves us yeah why would he not we can left shift and he we can rename him so there we go I've given him an awesome name now I think that's the best name he could give him but you'll see now if there's a secret nearby the uh yeah will actually fight for us first well if you call that fighting he's he's pretty weak to be honest so that's the only thing they are kind of weak but they will fight for you and at least help you out and as you raise up your level of iter you can raise up to two dead at a time and they will both fight for you so just some fun things there we can do with new magic in game but it comes to some other things as well so we now have this thing right here this is the golden table and how awesome is that let's go ahead and place that down and this will give us some new things that we're able to make including the seal breaker so you need this to make the seal breaker we also have improvements for it like the room table right here we can place down to improve the gallauder and upgrade what we can do with it and we have one of these things an Ito Refinery so let's go ahead and place that down how cool does this thing look by the way it's such an awesome build okay I was struggling to find a good spot for it but I have now managed to place it down over here now you see for the refinery right here you have to go ahead and add items into the top of it so remember the soft tissue that you get from killing the diversion Rogues and mages well this gets added into the item Refinery as you can see here so you add that into the top of there and then you'll see here you need to add in sat so in order to get sap what you have to do is go to the crafting area here and select the sap extractor and place it on top of one of these show trees and then you'll see there it says it's extracting it's got zero out of ten so you just have to wait and over time it will eventually extract the sap from these trees that you then collect to put back into your item Refinery so there we go we got the sap right here and when you get the sap this is how you actually unlock the item refiner if you're playing in vanilla so then you go up to here and we put the sap in there like that and this thing starts to work and you can see all the cogs are turning and I have to say the animation of this thing is fantastic these little purple things here the green spots that just keep flying off it's absolutely amazing for the magical effect of this process and it takes a bit of time but when it's done we get these things the refined ISO so that is how you get the refined eye set in this game and this unlocks a ton of recipes when you're playing in vanilla Road including different staffs and also the room table and other things like that so the refined obviously you're going to see a lot of in different recipes anything magical basically refined it is going to be used for a whole lot of that and that is the process of how you get it so next we're going to look at all of the new building crafting and Furniture pieces in misslands as you can see there are a lot so we've got the igdrasil wood stack we have a marble stack these here I think the de Virgo steak walls we've got like the one that goes up straight and these spikes here as well we also have this new trap which we can arm by pressing e and then if anything or anyone stands one it does massive damage to the mobs next we have the ballista and as you can see it says there there's no ammunition so the different ammunition you can make is down here let's see we've got the wooden missiles and the black metal missiles as you can see it's looking around for enemies that will actually shoot these missiles are enemies if they come within range but just because you loaded it you are not safe it will also shoot at you so do be careful with this one we then have the immortal and pestle this is a new cauldron upgrade for some of the new food then we've got this item refinery right here which I talked about more in the magic section so you can check that out if you're interested and this right here is the black Forge and this is the upgrade for the black Forge coolest this is of course the new Forge we get in game it looks absolutely fantastic and of course unlocks a ton of recipes now the sap extractor as well as the Golder I think it's called table yet golden table and the room table all this stuff here we talked about before in the magic section and we also talked about the West Fountain before as well then we have these new build pieces these are the dark wood build pieces and we've got the slanted versions of them now as well as some of these things over here this of course being all of the new black marble stuff so you get all these different shapes sizes we've got stairs here different like triangles and things it's really really cool actually the amount of new stuff we have now to build with and of course the new black marble looks fantastic we've got these new arches here we can make we've got round things and we also got this thing right here so this this is this one right here the diverger metal wall and it looks absolutely fantastic the designs that you can do that is going to be so so cool we've now got these slanted iron beams as well and we have this a spiral staircase which we've got two different directions you can go in so if you place them together you just gotta go up and write that down but if you kept placing say this one right here this is like a half and a half then you keep spiraling around and going up and up and up so there's now a much better way to do spiral stairs in valheim and I think that is fantastic and finally we have a few new decoration items such as the black metal bench and throne and the table here and we also have this which is the Wisp light so the wish light when placed down will clear the Mist around it so if you want to build a missed land space you'll be placing down a lot of the West Flights in order so you can see around your base we now also have some blue juice stuff so if I go ahead and go to the furniture section you see that for the blue jute you can get an actual material of blue jute to make this stuff up and we've got like a carpet we've got some curtains and Banners and things like that so that's pretty awesome but I think everyone's new furniture favorite is going to be these new lanterns right here so you've got one that stands on its own and one that you can just hang on to anything else built they look fantastic and of course they provide light and this is probably my new favorite itemy game I'm so so excited to build with these now just to give you an idea of the new items in the game I've separated them into two chests here to have a little chat about these I will say there are no food or potions in here so I'm gonna do that in a separate chapter of this video so all this stuff right here has been added to the game and all of it has its different uses and it's pretty cool for different reasons and then everything in here has also been added to the game new but there's some things I want to talk about about each of these things so the West flight we've kind of already covered but it is a massive part of the new game so I felt like it needed to be in a special section you have these spine snap which is a new bow in the game and it's a very strong bow you see that it has a PS of 72. the feather Cape again we've already covered but what an awesome addition I had to put that over here and this seems pretty cool the diverge at Lantern so this is used in recipes for the other lanterns we saw but you can also equip it when you're walking around and there we go you actually hold it as you're walking around and it will provide light if you're in Dungeons and you want a way of lighting them up we now have a black metal pickaxe in the game so that's very cool we can now do a lot faster mining it's obviously got the extra durability and the extra power compared to before we just had of course the iron pickaxe we also have this thing now this is the Skull and hatties let's go ahead and right click that it's like a two-handed thing and you can attack with two hands here in all these different ways which is kind of cool so yeah certainly we'll have a lot of fun trying this out with combat and I thought I'd definitely mention it as it is something a bit different that's been added to the game we have a new hammer and it's called the Demolisher which is absolutely awesome and speaking of weapons we also have the new Mr Walker so let's go ahead and take that one out and let's equip that one and this one just looks really really cool as a sword makes an awesome noise as well and speaking of noises do listen out there are many new noises in the game I've noticed them on Portals and Gradle spawners so far but there are a lot of new noises in the game that valheim have added now this weapon right here is very interesting this one is called the himin apple and I probably butchered the pronunciation but it is a very cool weapon the reason it's so cool is when you do the middle Mouse button special attack it does a thunderbolt how amazing is that again I know we're gonna all have so much fun attacking Mobs with these and doing cool things with them that is just absolutely awesome and then we also have the arborist which is basically a crossbow and can be loaded with bolts so for example these iron bolts right here and then if you shoot it it'll actually start automatically loading again for you so you can do a lot of damage and there isn't much fall off compared to a bow but obviously it's two-handed and it's a bit slower than using a bow so a very cool weapon nonetheless so now in terms of the new food in the game if I open this up this is everything that we now have so we have salad yoga porridge a mushroom omelet and a cooked egg a Mr chair Supreme Amy platter a stuffed mushroom a honey glazed chicken a fish and bread and also a cooked tsukumi and underneath here are all the unput versions of these things again I'll do a full cooking guide in the future but this is all the new food that we have to look forward to on top of that we also have a few new Meads to look forward to which are the lingering stamina the major healing and also the minor Isa now fishing is going to require an entire video for sure and I think there's a few bugs with it at the moment so it'll probably change a little bit before we get to the full release however what we can see so far is the 4 following information so as you can see here we have a ton of new fish types on top of that we also have a load more craftable baits and they're now biome dependent which is actually pretty cool so you can catch different fish in different biomes using different types of bait making fishing way more complex than it ever was fishing is also now a skill and it says here it improves stamina use and pull speed as you level up your fishing skill the fish can also be picked up and mounted on item stands which are awesome decoration things or if you want to turn them into raw fish at the cooking station then they can be used in other recipes the fish will also be different sizes and they follow the waves movement I'm not entirely sure what that last Point means but again that'll be something I'll include in the full video when the time is right for that one the awesome thing is that fish can now jump out of the water and flop around on land that is very very cool and I'm looking forward to playing around with that and also now flying fish in Ice Caves so as I say definitely need a whole video on this but that's the information we have right now so hopping in game now you can see all these different types of fishing bait and as you can see they all have very different recipes so it's going to be kind of complex to get right the way through fishing in the game now it's actually going to be some late game elements to completing it another new thing in game is if we go to our skills section right here you'll see there are now a few new skills so those are Elemental Magic which is the damage and it usage when using the Elemental Magic so basically how much damage you do and how quick your item gets used up we also have crossbows so that's free accuracy and damage with crossbows and also blood magic again this is damage iter and health train when using blood magic now we're also supposed to have a fishing skill but I can't seem to see it here I don't think it's on here I actually think this is one of the bugs with it and this is one of the reasons I want to leave it for a future video when we know the full story with it so now I'm gonna have a little wand around the Mist lands area and talk to you about all the new resources that you can actually find within this biome and this seems like as good a place to start is only these are Mage caps and can be found growing all over the bottom we can go ahead and pick them up and if we hover over them you'll see they're actually a new food and they are an iter food there are smaller ice of food at only 25 compared to some of the bigger ones like the Idris El porridge but I don't either food nonetheless you'll also find these things is called jotan Puffs let's go ahead and pick these up and these will be used in different recipes for things but are also a little food themselves now during the magic section we talked about this right here this of course being the Crystal Wood and basically if you want to harvest the resources from that what you need to do is go into crafting and make a sap extractor and place it on top like that and this then starts to extract sap out of the Idris or wood you'll also see these around these are still shoots and they do require a black metal ax in order to chop them down the iron ax is not strong enough so when you chop these up you'll get normal wood from it but also this right here which is the uterusal wood and can be used for a number of different recipes you'll also stumble across these petrified bones and you can use your black metal pickaxe in order to chop these down and you'll see that that is one of the ways that you can get black marble on top of that you can find ancient armor and also ancient swords like this one right here and again you can go ahead and use your pickaxe on that and when you chop this down it's starting to rain right here and you can see it is raining at scrap iron so we can get iron now in a new way in the game of from the missland's biome and we can actually get quite a lot of it by doing it this way so over here we have another structure in the game this is a bit of like a ruins type of structure that you can find here in the missland's biome and there are some seekers in here and also a lot of black marble and stuff that you can get here we have another structure that generates in-game and another place that you can find the Divergent Mages and the Rogues as well so this door right here is so so awesome we can open this up uh it's already a place to say so we can go inside and you can see all the different stuff in here as before if you know these guys they are going to attack very strongly and destroy this whole thing but that can be kind of useful because then you get all the build materials from it but yeah another very cool thing that we can get in this game another very cool structure you can find in the game is this which doesn't look like much at the moment but as we go up you'll see right here there we go it's like a broken bridge and one cool thing about this is you can attack the bottom of the bridge in order to break the stone here as you see right there we're getting a load of Stone from it and it takes a while but if you manage to take out the entire bottom of the bridge and just wait then the entire thing will come tumbling down as you see right here rocks are falling everywhere and this is a great way to get yourself a lot of stone it will also get you a lot of the new black marble resource if the game has these massive chunks of falling off here all around me so a cool structure something you could build off and like build your base on or something like that but also very useful for getting lots of stone and the new black marble so guys the dad jokes are of course coming but I just wanted to say thank you so much for watching this video as it is still in early release and we're figuring all of this out as we go I'm sure there probably are a few things I've missed because this really is a huge update but I really have done my best to get all this information out there I'm also pretty tired it's 3am right here and I'm now gonna go and edit this so I might have made a couple mistakes and if I have I truly do apologize I will definitely keep you guys updated with all the new information on my channel though as things are released and if you guys want to make sure you catch that then please do consider subscribing but for now I just want to say thanks again for watching I look forward to seeing some of you on the Kaiser time server or in the comments section and I look forward to seeing you guys in the next video what is Easter Bunny's favorite type of music hip-hop a friend of mine is known for sweeping girls off their feet he's an extremely aggressive janitor I became a very proud father today my son actually just turned five but he was really boring for the first four years I recently went to the world's tiniest wind turbine exhibit honestly not a big fan
Channel: Kysen
Views: 329,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim mistlands, valheim, valheim mistlands update, valheim mistland release date, valheim mistlands guide, valheim mistlands info, valheim mistlands overview, kysen, valheim mistlands tutorial, how to find mistlands, all mistlands features, mistlands build pieces, valheim eitr, new mistlands mobs, mistlands dungeon guide, mistlands guide, mistlands update, how to use magic in valheim, valheim mistlands gameplay, mistlands tips, mistlands tips and tricks, mist lands
Id: wjik5XMzBD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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