Valheim Mistlands - EVERY Weapon, Armor + Tool

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today I'm going to go through all of the new weapons armor and tools in the misslands update there is so much to look at and so many incredible new additions I really can't wait to show you guys I'm giving away free copies of valheim to my subscribers plus I'm on the road to 100 000 subscribers and then I'd get one of these which would really mean the world to me so please do consider subscribing So today we're going to be taking a look at absolutely everything that you guys see here this is all of the new weapons armor and tools in missland however first we're going to talk about The Crafting stations that you need in order to make all of those items and the materials that are required there are chapters in this video so if you want to skip ahead to the bit where I'm just reviewing the weapons armor and tools then you can do so but for those of you that are still here this is the main thing you're going to need it is of course the black Forge so under crafting you can see the recipe for the black Forge here and the black marble is the way to unlock it so as soon as you get black marble in the game which you can get in many different ways in the missland's biome then you'll unlock the Blackboard recipe you can also make this black Forge cooler it is the black Forge Improvement so then you'll be able to upgrade things you make in the black Forge to level 2 too currently there is just this one Improvement for the black Forge so the black Forge will make up a lot of the kartha stuff so all of the carpus armor as you can see here is Made In Here Also things like the bolts a lot of the weapons the bows and the swords and things like that are all made here as well and this right here which is the new de Virgo lantern that is also made here so we're going to go through all this stuff later on but the black Forge is going to be the main thing you're going to need for all of the new weapons armor and tools now you'll also need one of these things over here and this is the Golder table so again we can see the recipe here under crafting and you need all of those things there in order to make it so you can get the additional wood by chopping down trees in Miss lands the black cores can be found in missland's Dungeons and the refined either is something you'll need to make this thing for this is the Ito Refinery and we'll process sap and soft tissue in order to make the refined iter if you'd like to see a full demonstration on how the Garda table works as well as the refined iter and all that whole process then there's a link in the video description which takes you to a video I made all about magic in Miss lands the Garda table also has one upgrade Improvement and that is the room table right here and as you can see that is the recipe the golden stable recipe itself will be unlocked when you get black metal in the game black metal will also unlock the item Refinery which is of course how we get the refined lighter that we need for the Garda table now as for the Garda table itself if we open that up basically what this makes is the feather Cape so that's the new cape and that has the reduced full damage again we're going to go into all this later and also all of the magical weapons that you see here it's also where you make the seal breaker but that's not a weapon so now you know how to make all the new stuff let's go and have a look at what it is and what it can do we're going to start by looking at the new armor in the game so this here is not new this is the current best armor you can get in the game which is the padded armor what I've done is upgraded all of this armor fully so that we can see how much the current best level armor in the game is versus what the new best level armor will give us so let's go ahead and take all this padded armor off and we'll equip it and see what our armor comes out at So currently in the game the padded armor will each give you an armorous rating of 32 when it is maxed out at level 4 and the linen cable will give you an armor of four so all of that totals up as you can see see here to 100 total armor in the game as you can see here the level 4 padded armor with the armor level at 32 is the same as level 1 karpus armor which is also 32 and that's one of the new armor sets the other new armor set is the ITA armor and this is a much lower initial armor rating but it's more to do with magic and we're going to go on to that in a second so this is the ISA armor and it's not as strong in terms of the armor it gives you versus the padded armor however what it does do is has Ito regen bonuses so with the ITA Armor All at level four we get 22 armor per item and then we also get a armor of four for the new feather Cape when that's a level four and this gives us a total armor of 70 so it isn't as strong as the padded armor however what it does do is gives us improved iter regen you can see you get 20 for the hood and you get 40 each for the trousers and the robe this of course totals 100 iter regen now iter is what you use in order to cast magical spell attacks again I do have a full video on that link in description if you're interested now what we have here is the new carpa Sama and all of it is at level four meaning we get 38 armor each for all of the carpus armor plus we get of course the four for the new feather cape and this gives us a total of 118 so the new best level armor rating in the game is 118. it's worth mentioning as well the feather Cape as well as the reduced full damage is also resistant versus Frost as you can see the full average is minus 100 so you can literally fall from any height in the game and take zero damage which is super useful in Miss land so here I am in the new misslands terrain and what I'm going to do is equip only my further falling Cape okay so with that one on we get a full damage of negative 100 so you see even if I fall off something really high upload here we won't take any damage what happens is we just sort of Glide like this you actually fall very very slowly and you can actually use this to cover a little bit of a distance off of a cliff and then as you can see there once you hit the bottom you take absolutely no damage whatsoever of course this doesn't work just in Miss Sands this will work anywhere so it's gonna be super useful if you're building something very tall or if you're in the mountains biome and of course in the misslands biome now the karpus helmet doesn't have any movement speed deductions but the breastplate and the Greaves each have mine is five percent so if you're wearing this you will have a 10 speed reduction moving on from the armor let's take a look at the two new shields we have in the game these are the copper shield and also the copper sparkler and you may be wondering why I have this in here the burger Lantern but it's not a mistake it does actually give you a block force of 20. now that may not sound like a lot but remember this is a lantern not a shield and if we compare it to this the copper Shield which has a block force of 60. the fact that it has a third of that block force is kind of interesting also the copper Shield has a Parry bonus of 1.5 and the diver Lantern has a two times Parry bonus it's also quite a useful item because if we take it out and equip it you'll see that what we can do here is actually hold it as we're walking along so you could hold this as well as a sword and be running through like a dungeon somewhere and all of a sudden something comes out of nowhere to hit you and you can right click to block with it so that way you're actually getting light in the dungeon and some sort of blocking power obviously it's not as good as a shield but worth a mention nonetheless so I spawn a dragger in here to show you this thing in action the same come up to us and let's block him and as you can see there we we block the damage and we're able to stagger him and once again there we go so we block a lot of the damage and we're still parrying him so this could definitely have his uses in the game so looking at the new Shields and comparing them to what we already have the current best Tower Shield is of course the black metal Tower shield with a block force of 150 and a block armor of 104. if we compare that we can see that the copper Shield has a block force of 60 and a block armor of 96. as such it is not strong in the game as the black metal Tower Shield that being said it's not quite comparing light for like because the copper Shield does have a Parry bonus of 1.5 percent whereas the black metal Tower Shield cannot Parry at all also the black metal Tower will restrict your Movement by 20 whereas the copper Shield is only negative five percent going on to the car plus buckler we can see the block armor for that is 78 with a block force of 50 ampari at 2.5 if we compare that to the black metal shield we can see that the Parry bonus is 1.5 Block Force 50 and block armor of 78. so basically it's the same stats but the copper sparkler does have 2.5 versus is 1.5 of the Parry bonus which means that of the two of these the copper sparkler would now be the best one to use in the game moving on to swords now and what we have here are a couple different ones the Chrome which is two-handed and also the Mist Walker so this is the current best sword in the game the black metal sword with the slash there of 95 and I'm just gonna focus on that as the main stat and compare it so 95 for the black metal sword We compare that to the Chrome the slash there is 150. so that's an absolutely huge difference okay it is two-handed but still that is a massive bonus and the Miss Walker is only a 75 but it also does a frost damage of a 4C so that has its uses for sure now I'm not going to demonstrate every weapon because some of them are kind of obvious but the Chrome I feel definitely warrants a little demonstration so let's spawn something in so I've spawned in a dragon here to test this against let's give him a hit and see what happens oh my goodness wow it actually one shot him okay I really was not expecting that guys this is super powerful the fact you can One-Shot Drago with it is just amazing so let's take a look at this thing in action by doing the three hits that we do with the 4 forehand and then the back hand and then the third hit isn't over the top so that's a pretty cool action for the new sword on top of that we do have a special with the middle Mouse button which is kind of like a jab but obviously a very powerful lunge there and would do great damage so I really think this sword is going to be a firm favorite for many of us because it is just so powerful I now have the missed Walker sword attached so let's see how that one does in comparison and looks like it's gonna be a two hit against the dragon which isn't too bad this one looks super cool and one benefit it does have is the frost attack that it does so it will obviously slow your enemies down and definitely will have its uses on top of that of course this is just one-handed so unlike the Chrome you'd be able to equip a shield with this and use that if you wanted okay next we have a new hammer and it has the best name ever for a hammer it's called the Demolisher so the main stats for this really are the blunt at 145 and the knockback at 210. if we compare that to the current best hammer in the game the iron Sledge you'll see it has a blunt of 55 and a not back off 200 so this has a slightly higher knockback but the blunt is a massive difference 145 versus currently 55 that is huge so I'm going to get this hammer out and let's go ahead and spawn a few dragon in and see how we do so I spawned a few different dragger in here and let's see how this Hammer does against them oh my god oh wow it took the one hit oh wow that's so good well guys we have our new favorite friend to take to dungeons or anywhere where there's gonna be a lot of enemies all in one oh look at that one hit took out five dragger that is absolutely incredible and of course we're gonna have to try this against five feelings as well to see how it does against them so one hit and oh my goodness that cleared them out so yeah I wasn't expecting it to one hit kill them but the fact that it's clearing them that far away and it only took a couple of hits is pretty awesome and at the same time I realize I'm about to destroy all of this lovely stone work that I built here so the Demolisher is certainly going to be very helpful especially in dungeons moving on to Spears now and we have this new spear right here which is the copper spear so this one has a pierce of 115 and if we compare that to the Fang's beer at 75 you can see there is a huge difference so a fantastically powerful new spirit in the game and if speed is your thing you're gonna love this one now we have some things that are a little bit different so let's just open this chest and I'll show you what each of them is we have this skull and a Hattie now this is two-handed and it's like two weapons I'm going to show you that in action in a second so it's kind of like the flesh rippers but like a new version of them you can see the flesh rippers have a slash of 60 whereas the skull and Hattie has a slash of only 45 but also a pierce of 45 so definitely gonna have its uses we also have bile bombs kind of like a new version of the Ooze bombs and they basically have the exact same stats as the Ooze bombs have and then we have this thing right here which is the human apple one of the coolest new weapons in the game now it's basically a bit like one of the at guys and that's why I've got the black metal at guard right here and we can see this one has a piece of 105 whereas the himlin has a piece of only 85. now it is of course two hamlets we have to bear that in mind but look guys at what it can do that's so good so that was its special attack on a dragon let's let this Dragon see that we're here and start hitting him and see what we can do with this thing so we can hit him from quite a distance and Electro 5 all at the same time you might have seen there but that actually stunned him as well so that's actually pretty awesome so I've now equipped the skull and Hattie and it has three attacks which are this one this one and this one so basically a right hand left hand and then both hands I'm sure it'd have its uses in the game but that's how that one works I've equipped an ooze bomb here so that's what we currently have in the game you see when I throw it that's what happens now let's go ahead and equip a bile bomb which is the new one and throw that and see what the difference is and there we go so just a bit of a different animation oh it also does a lot more damage look at that much more damage happening there so these are basically AOE attacks and the bile bomb does seem to be quite a bit stronger actually than the Ooze bomb now next up we have the bows and there's incredible inclusion in the game now because we have this thing right here this is the arbellis which is actually a crossbow and on top of that we have this right here which is the spine snap bow so the current best bow in the game really is the driver Fang which has appears there of 47. on top of that it does do a poison damage of five now if we compare that to the spine snap the PS there is 72 so that's a huge difference and it also does a spirit of five now the stamina for it when drawing is 14 per second versus the drag of fang which is only 10 percent so it is more stamina required other than that though this spine snap is better in just about always compared to the drag of fang then if we look at the arbolus you'll see that that has APS of 200 which is absolutely huge I mean if you compare that to the drag of fang it's basically over four times stronger than that in terms of the Pierce damage in saying that it is slow and it is a two-handed weapon so obviously it's got its like drawbacks as well but let's go ahead and see it in action now in order to fire the Obelisk you need to make up some of these things right here which are bolts the best of those is the carpet spot with a PS of 72 but you can also make bone bolts and black metal bolts and also iron bolts so when you go ahead and equip the arbelist it'll actually load automatically for you and you can see there just how long that takes so I've spawned it in a fueling here let's wait until he sees us so we're not getting a sneak shot and see the damage that it'll do okay here he comes and boom one shot there took about half of his health I'd also knocked him back a bit now another thing with the arborist you'll see there's not much of a drop off versus the Bose it fires a lot straighter with the arrows not dropping off anywhere near as much now if you load up the crossbow but then you're running around with a sword and you quickly switch to the crossbow you'll see you still have to load the bullet into it so you don't walk around with it loaded as such if you're using a different weapon but you could just be walking around with this and then if you see something you can quickly shoot at it as soon as you see it now on top of that we also have new arrows for the spine snap bow and that right here is the karpus Arrows with a PS of 72. and if we compare that to the current best in the game the needle arrows at 62 they are a fair Bit Stronger now I do keep mentioning my magic video but it is linked in description if you want a full tutorial on the magic weapons but let's have a look at what we've got so we've got the staff of frost and also the staff of Embers and these are the two new Elemental Magic weapons then we have the staff of protection and also the dead razor which are the two new blood magic weapons now you will need to eat foods that have an ISO value on them so they are the stuffed mushroom the Eagles porridge and also the Mage cap you'll need to eat these to get the icer because magic requires iter in order to work but once you have that we've got the staff of frost equip right now you can see It'll basically shoot at enemies and constantly show a barrage of frosted them and this does a frost damage of 30 as you can see right there we now equipped the staff of Embers this does a blunt of 120 and a fire of 120. so it's pretty powerful it just shoots off little Fireballs like this but you can keep shooting at your enemies so now let's look at the blood magic items and the first one I've equipped here is the dead razor which if I scroll in a bit right here you'll see it looks like something out of Hamlet you basically hold this glowing pink skull and that is the dead razor but it does do something super super cool so do bear in mind that it's called blood magic because it uses blood to cast meaning it will take away some of your health which you're about to see so if I go ahead and cast this then my health went from 88 down to 53 but check this out there's a skeleton raising from the dead and there he is and they get different names all the time you can pet them and they love you and you can also rename them if you want to but here's what they do let's go ahead and spawn in another dragger and we'll see this guy in action so basically this guy here ache is gonna fight for us scoring look at that he's taking him down get him you got this so this at the third shot's gonna be the winner go on yeah there we go and of course they take damage but I can see they will fight for you now the other blood magic item is the staff of protection so again this will use some of your HP remember that let's go ahead and cast it and see what happens and there we go guys now I accidentally cast it twice which is why my health went down quite so much but yeah so basically what it does is put some magic barrier around you now in the top right you'll see this magic barrier does have a countdown so when that countdown runs out it will of course disappear however as you can see here it will protect you against enemy attacks for a short period of time after a while though the enemies will be able to smash through this bubble as it does have hit points so basically there we go I think it was the fourth hit from that Dragon broke through that bubble and now we're no longer protected and if you're wondering if this works against bosses the answer is that yes it will but obviously they do a lot of damage and are likely to break through the shield on the first try so it'll probably only protect you against one boss attack however this staff also has a really other feature that is super super cool so let me show you that right now now you see here the staff of protection if we go ahead and use it nearby to tamed animals actually puts a little shield around all of your tamed animals as well looks like I missed the head there so we've gone ahead and done that as well over basically all tamed animals will be put in a little bubble when you use the staff for protection nearby on top of that if you've already raised a skeleton from the dead and then you go ahead and use the staff of protection nearby that you'll see that that too will get a little bubble protecting here so it's a really nice feature with the staff of protection it protects you it will protect your Viking friends if they're nearby on a server and it also protects your tamed pets how good is that feature guys seriously the fact you could do that to all your tamed animals and things is just amazing now we also have some new tools in the game so we have now a black metal pickaxe that has been added as well as the yotun Bane so the black metal pickaxe you can see here has a durability there maxed out at 210 and it has a pierce of 49. if we compare that to the iron pickaxe it has only 150 durability with a pierce of 33. so we do now have a much stronger pickaxe in the game and I for one I'm very very happy about this now the ocean Bane is basically an ax and you can see there it does a slash of 80 but it does also have a poison of 40. so what she could use this for chopping trees it would also make a great weapon to use against enemies making it very versatile to take with you when adventuring if we compare it to the current best acts in the game the black metal I actually see that that has a slash of 100 which is of course higher but it doesn't have the poison damage and the durability of these two are exactly the same at 175. so an ax that will certainly have its uses now I'll save some of the coolest things till the end guys we have now traps and ballistas so looking at the recipes in the miscellaneous section you'll see the Trap there just requires black metal bronze nails and a mechanical spring and the ballista right here also needs black metal and three mechanical Springs as for the ballista it will also require missiles to be made so you can make black metal missiles or you can make wooden missiles the water missiles have a psr75 whereas the black metal have a piece of 120 and a knockback of 60. so let's go ahead and see these things in action so starting with the Trap you place it on the ground and then you have to press e to arm the trap now I've spawned in a troll here to try and show you guys if I can get it to walk towards me and it walks into that trap you'll see that it does quite a bit of damage to it and also staggers it as you can see once the Trap has attacked once it does there need to be reset before it would work again so these could be fun things to have placed around your base for defense but be careful because if you walk into it it will hurt you quite a lot and you'll see there after a couple uses it will break and require replacing now the ballista is a super fun item so let's go ahead and place that down so I've spawned in a gray dwarf here which is trying to attack me and you'll see here the ballista will go ahead and shoot that grade off when it runs past it okay a shot of me so you do need to be careful guys these things they will actually shoot at you so you have to be careful like to get it locked onto the animal and not locked on to you so again you could have these facing out at your base and then load them up as a bit of extra defense personally I'm not sure about the idea of them shooting at us I think that's a little bit odd but I do like them in the game in general we'll love to know your thoughts on this one guys what do you think about the fact that it shoots at you and not just at mobs let me know down in the comments so the dad jokes are of course coming but I hope you enjoyed today's video about all of the new weapons armor and tools in Miss lands if you did please do consider liking and subscribing helping me get to that 100 000 subscribers but for now thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time why don't Pirates stick a bath before they walk the plank they just wash up on sure why do you never see elephants hiding in trees because they're so good at it did you hear about the racing snail who got rid of his shell he thought it would make him faster but it just made him sluggish what's the best way to watch a fishing tournament live stream
Channel: Kysen
Views: 256,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valheim, valheim mistlands, mistlands, mistlands weapons, mistlands armor, mistlands tools, valheim weapons, mistlands weapons guide, valheim crossbow, valheim lightning weapon, valheim hammers, valheim armor, valheim tools, best weapon in valheim, best armor in valheim, kysen, mistlands guide
Id: anXRvo46DEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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