I Spent 100 Days Building In the Mountain in Valheim... Here's What Happened..

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I'm doing a 100 day challenge building a village in each biome The Meadows black forest and swamp are all complete I know I'll be heading up into the frostbiting while Smalling Drake's swarming Mountain do I still plan on not wearing pants please answer your question so let's begin I spent 100 days in balheim building the village on the morning of day one I was mentally ready to take on the mountain to build my next Village but not to take on the enemies first order of business is getting the necessary preparation done to make this challenge less painful as possible so I spent a few days farming the rich stamina foods like carrots and turnips did some animal aquariums put in Princess and her Offspring to work even though princess was my new prize piggy I didn't get rid of Brenda because she was family but Gregory I'm not so sure I'm still on the fence if I should cook him I've been back and forth between Villages putting together resources for food and I had to hunt Lair de leash at one point to get blood bags for frost resistant potions which will help me fight off the frostbite when I passed through the swamp Village I remembered I was to give the village a name after much reflection on my previous Adventures I felt Jerry Wood was fitting get back Jerry get back in the meantime while I waited for the crops to reach full maturity and the frost potion to be complete I took care of my regular chores like evicting Frank from Life sitting Stumpy on fire and cleaning the wooden Stone Factory I also did a bit of foraging for berries while getting some berries there is a mountain that is between the swamp and the black forest I thought to myself I could use this small Mountain as a test run so on day four I read turnips and the carrots and picked up the frost potion from the fermenters I decided I was going to check this mountain out but before I do it was getting dark so it was best to get some needed rests and start fresh tomorrow another beautiful day have arrived now it was day five so I got myself ready to scout the mountain no this mountain was small so it wasn't my ideal location but I still wanted to see what it holds for me at first it was quiet a bit chilly but felt welcoming then Here Comes Winnie the wolf my God was he fast thank goodness I had an AD gear that have a Long Reach so later on I was still feeling Winnie's welcoming bite but I pushed on to see if there was anything else nope nothing absolute disappointment well what did I expect it was a tiny mountain anyways but after circling back I saw two more walls in that moment I thought it would be good to have some bodyguards for my future Adventures that's if I could catch them and tame them I wanted to try so I dug a trenched to set a trap to catch them using my body as bait how did the plan go well I caught one or the other one that didn't went as planned see if I could push him in the hole with my shield oh no everything went downhill from there I went into panic mode with one clear mission in mind run Winnie wait please hold up let me catch my break ready I was back in the land of the living performing what we call the Run of shame it was getting dark when I was adamant I was gonna get my body the good news is it was close to the border of the Black Forest which means a higher chance of success retrieving my stuff fortunate for me Winnie called it a night so I was able to easily get to my gravestone and bolted out of there back to dwarf Hench Village the next morning on day six I woke up determined that I would not let my efforts be wasted so I was back in the mountain with blazing determination [Music] now I was in a much more difficult spot to get my stuff it would be impossible to outrun Winnie so during that moment I didn't have a game plan until I saw apples yes use Pebbles as a diversion while I grab my body genius and the plan worked perfectly we need to get something to bite I got my stuff back everybody wins except for Pebbles so I got my stuff back but at this time I had just drinks of confidence left I was thinking I was gonna be stuck in this Perpetual nightmare of being mauled by Winnie but they took a different turn that's right we got it now that I caught two wolves I can now start the taping process I head over to the tavern to grab some leftover deer meat so I can build a connection through their bellies Taemin these wolves will be a major help because I will get new food new bodyguards and in the future use their fur to make a new Cape to keep my buns at room temperature that's right no more warming my backside by the fire yes the Embrace of the fire so on day seven I built a temporary shelter to camp for a whole day to ensure that these wolves get used to my scent while they're doing nothing I started to think about the journey that lies ahead for me to find the ideal Mountain to build the next Village and how hard it's going to be to settle down to start building it was now day eight which was one of my happiest days welcoming two new members to my family Wilfred and Wanda I safely escorted my new prized wolves back to dwarf Hench Village for the time being I kept the wolves in a fenced off area between the Watchtower and the tavern and fed them so that they can start multiplying [Music] for the next couple of days from day 9 to 11 I put together resources to set sail into the unknown to find a new land day 12 asset sail from Gerald Wood Village through calm Waters and rough high seas I saw silhouettes of unimpressive mountains a set of stone that looked like fingers and then I saw it that was it that was where I was going to build the next Village I doubt that the nearest black forest and made sure to set up a portal to return to dwarfhans Village the next morning on day 13 I was concerned about the time getting away from me to complete this challenge so without hesitation I started to make the climb I discovered my first Frost cave on the side of the mountain that I thought was going to be perfect for a campsite just in case if stuff goes downhill I can safely Retreat into the cave I decided to start building a small house not realizing the echoing sounds of my hammer with lower danger towards me that was when I heard it you're so welcome that day I named the mouse I called it [Music] after receiving my stuff the next day on day 14 I built a uh Builder dang this looks terrible I headed back to the boats to grab my Wishbone I got from defeating bone mass in my last 100 days this was going to help me find silver which was one of the materials I needed to make the cape while I was in my boat I heard a roar that surprised me it was a sea serpent fortunate for me I was on land so it was out of Harm's Way making it easy for me to kill my first serpent I got nine serpent scale seven serpent meat and one serpent trophy I then put her back up the mountain to focus on finding silver which was very important now because I was running out of frost Resistance potion so I am pretty much desperate that's why I'm searching during a blizzard which I must admit is not smart but the beeps from the wishbone had shorter intervals in a particular spot so I continued I dug the ground a bit and found my first silver vein not far from the camp I spent some time mining out the silver vein until the blizzard subsided and just when I was about to mine my first piece of silver [Music] I realized my copper pickaxe wasn't strong enough to break it so I headed back to the Village to make an iron pickaxe I returned to the silver vein to collect the sweet sweet silver ore later in the evening I ran down the side of the mountain towards the boat to make two smelters to turn these silver ores into bars I had enough wool pelts add some silver all I needed was a wolf trophy foreign yes no mercy so from day 15 to 16 I went out hunting so I could get just one wolf trophy while I was roaming about I discovered a stone Golem who didn't like anyone wolf nope Drake's NADA he was very tough a real tank he definitely deserved a name and so I called him Timmy Timo was dangerous but I saw an opportunity if I could lure some walls towards him he could make quick work of them saving me the hassle to fight the Wolves myself but I said I would try that after I explored Mount popsicle a bit more so I could also find a good spot to build a village I later discovered a rune structure that had onion seeds which was a sweet food upgrade found a decent land space for the village but I wasn't feeling that spot so I continued until I was back to where I saw Timmy the spot where he lived I never really took notice of the spot at first because it seems small at the time but look at it again I thought I could make something of it the next day was play time with Timmy come on oh God I felt that one excuse me Timmy let me just call it the remains here I know I did we need dirty but it was all for a good cause I later noticed there were some wolf Remains by a tree and guess what it was a trophy oh my God finally I made an upgraded workbench so I could make a wolf Cape I then decided to sail back with some silver so I could upgrade my cooking station unlocking new foods like wolf jerky ice cream and wolf skewer I made sure I planted the onions seeds I found nearby the well in dwarvenge Village both inch Village was starting to become my Central Village I had wolves being bred there turnips and onion farms and don't forget the greater Farm where I collected building materials just by running around the village doing other chores [Music] two more days passed and I didn't do much I gave the mountain a break to focus on farming to multiply the crops and to put together building materials from the greater farm and what I had left over from building Gerald Wood Village also got one of those Blobby Bobby raids the first raid since I started wasn't the bigger really day 20 I was back in the frame of mind to get the building going I wasn't deterred by the blizzard that was raging so I pushed ahead my plan of action was first dropping these campfires around to limit the amount of mobs spawning along with some workbenches so I don't get attacked while building but I also needed to move Timmy it had helped me a few times so I felt we could coexist but with him slightly further away I thought that I could build a temporary wall and lower me outside because I didn't want to put him down I already felt morally wrong to take his home so I didn't want to add to it but Timmy wasn't having it forcing my hands to make a hard decision Timmy Must Die [Music] [Music] foreign horrible later that night so I tried to drown out the noise in my head with some Mead it didn't work the next following days I worked on the hillside and made a path to access the village the idea came about when Timmy damaged this rock which I thought I could turn into a cool tunnel to access the village so I dug out the stone carefully and made a clean tunnel through the other side I worked on the entrance to make it more appealing by creating a rib cage open roof design using mostly 26 degree beams and finish the back part with some 45 degree beams and achieved this look for the tunnel entrance I also recreated the design on the other side of the tunnel and then started to turn from the land and made some areas lower than others giving the village landscape a unique look compared to Georgetown and dwarvenge Village I kept most of the big rocks to use in the future and I found more silver in the process sweet so it took me about four days to prepare the land to this point and it wasn't done yet but at least I had a clear idea as to where it was going on day 28 I sailed to a nearby swamp I saw on top of the mountain to get some iron for the construction project which was very important to execute the design I had in mind so I visited Billy Joe and Billy J for that sweet sweet iron scraps phone 2 creeps not far from each other and spent two days Gathering the iron scrubs it wasn't much but was enough to get me going to build at least two structures I eventually got back and waited for the iron to be smelted down into bars later in the night I couldn't sleep because the excitement was bubbling me to start so I made a nearby camp before and built the support system for the structure I wanted to be merged with the landscape so I positioned it close to the Rock [Music] on the morning of day 30 I kicked into full gear to work on what was going to be my home my vision for the bill was to have a stone roof that was supported by Iron beams and make the base of the structure wider than the roof giving the build depth then I could add custom columns that would make it appear to be holding the whole roof up so I did what I had envisioned and it came out like this which I loved and it gave me new ideas for the next builds I then added a few decorations to make it warm and welcoming finally I could move out of this thing what is that now that I had an official home in the mountain I wanted to get this fancy bed so I headed over to Georgetown to check on my birch tree farm to get some fine wood and regular wood for the next build I grabbed some material at dwarf and storage house and headed back to the mountain and made the luxury Viking bed on day 37 I wasn't happy with with the layout of the village so I changed it to this and got some new ideas in the process on day 39 I built the structure support for two bills the tall one to become a tower later on having a bridge connected to it and the other one a blacksmith both having a similar style to the home I just built I decided to start with the blacksmith first because I had lots of unsmelted silver sitting around I wanted some upgrades like a new butter knife and a new Shield so for the blacksmith I wanted it to be Compact and neat so first I recreated the roof that was on my house but left it flat so I could add four killings on top once that was done I then proceeded to work on the base of the structure I enclosed the fire pit and added a ladder to access the killing above that I thought was a neat idea I placed the chest within the floor to maximize storage space I added the Final Touch by building a better looking entrance for the blacksmith finally completing the bill on day 46. day 47 I started smelting the silver oars while that was going on I headed over to dwarf hinge to carry over some Stone but I gotta certainly raid [Music] meh where's the challenge it was pretty easy at one point I thought it must be the new certainly core delivery service sloppy but I still appreciated the course on day 48 I decorated the blacksmith a bit so I could start using it I finally upgraded my shield and my butter knife later that day I went out to mine some copper so I could build more scones for lighting on day 49 I was in need of a lot of wood in a shorter time period the greater form wasn't able to keep up with my demands so I was back at Georgetown to do what I'm good at yes give Mother Nature a nice clean shave I got three cards full of wood knowing me this won't be enough on day 53 I was back to work focused on the bridge this time for the bridge I envisioned it being supported by my custom columns I wanted to use those columns to make a overhead arch for the bridge yes I know it doesn't curve like a arch but I'm sure you got the image I was portraying I completed a bridge and this was the final look I loved how it turned out and thought about using this again in my future 100 days next I needed to figure out this spot I first thought about a frozen Garden but then the idea for a portal Hub came to my mind so I created an octagonal layout for the structure I placed wood iron poles for the columns to support the stone on top I created a spider web pattern open roof design I then added the details to the columns and the base of the structure and so with a bit more detailing I elevated the look to another level the landscape needed more work but for now I fenced off the edges to give me ideas of what I may do with it in the future okay it's time for the next structure on day 65 I started to work on the tower that should be connected to the bridge I worked on the roof first recreating my house roof design on it I was able to fill the Middle with stone floor with the help of iron cages connected to iron Beams I then added a second row of stone at the middle of the structure and started to work on framing the windows for the top floor using core wood regular wood and iron cages the base of the structure is pretty much the same as my house once all the details were added I then started to build a spiral stairs using one meter floor and with the help of the forward for support and it came out like this I then added some more details completing the look The Bridge was finally connected to the top below of the Tower and so far it looked good just needed a few more decorations what was left figure out what to do with this area and this spot which I thought maybe I could build something Grand looking maybe a mead hall or a Tavern so let the idea simmer in my mind until I made the final decision on day 71 to 72 I took a break from building because I felt a bit burnt out so I headed back over to dwarfhenge and did some reaping and planting I call it the welcome text for the village with crayons I wanted to do some more so I headed over to jerwood and did the same the kid in me wanted to color the world I later set up a cart to be loaded up with more resources from the greater form while it was there on day 73 because I was so absorbed into building I forgot all about my walls so to make it up to them I made a kennel for them to level up their living condition nothing fancy really the next day I went out hunting for Drakes and wolves [Music] I was dominating the mountain it started to feel like it was my domain day 75 I built a storage I had it in mind when I dug this photo when I was terraforming the land so I worked on the front and added a few chests inside day 76 I went back to the swamp for iron in preparation for the next project I made up my mind that the book was going to be a Tavern on day 77 I started working on the hill I wanted to ensure that the bill I had in mind could fit and merge with the tall rock at the back seamlessly so I removed the other Rod that was in the way and I tried to turn from the land to have a flat surface to work with some areas would not go any lower sadly I can only dig 8 meters down from the original height of the land I made a nice sloping path on the side of the hill to get to the tavern and then started to build the entrance for the tavern which was 6 meter in width with columns on each side and a triangle shaped roof in the middle next I started to work on the main body of the structure I ensured that the layout lines up properly with the front of the entrance of the build and use iron poles so I could get a few more meters in height giving it a grand feeling with the roof at an angle I attached two more structures that added more roof tight variation and expanded the front of the build adding to the grandness of the structure I worked on the windows for the top Center body of the structure and the two side structures giving them fancy window designs to complement the bill I'll switch my focus back to the entrance I added an arch using the dragon adornment and added some more details that made the entrance hop after all that I sprinkled some decorations and some Landscaping yes that was it ladies and gentlemen I present to you the boulder tab during the building process I got rated twice well into the skeleton with his crew the brutal boys came Marching In and later on winning the wolf came with his crew the howling fleabags boat crew got what they so rightly deserved now that the outside was completed I needed to work on the interior which took some money in overnight my plan was originally to put the kitchen here but it was too tiny so I dug all the way through to see what other options I had and then I saw another rock that looked perfect so I terraformed a little spot of land nearby I was thinking to use this spot as a eating area with a fire pit I dug out the rock so I could figure out the layout of the kitchen I had to be careful not to break the wrong parts of the rock I tried staying in the middle as best as I could once all that was done I decorated the interior I added a few seating areas and worked on the tunnel to make it more pleasing to look at I added larger tables around the fire pit to indicate this was the main eating area a decorated the kitchen made it simple so I had somewhere to cook my food and completed the bill on day 91 so the only thing left for me to do was to figure out what to do with this spot I dug out a tunnel at the back of the tower through the rock to access the hill later I headed over to dwarfhenge to grab some more wood from the greater farm and some seeds like fur tree seeds and ancient seeds with the power of the plant everything mud I was able to plant ancient tree saplings using ancient seeds which I thought would look cool in the village so on day 92 I started planting shrubs and tree saplings around the village and it made a whole difference the village felt more alive what would complete this is if there were people walking around that would be cool I completed it on day 96. four days was left and I kicked into full gear for the final spot I prepared the land to have a flat surface to build the structure on and try my best to make the hills around the spot to look natural and not player made next I proceeded to build an octagonal structure which is 4 meter for each side and seven stonewalls High I built the front and the back roof overhang at an angle so it can cover the structure properly I added some more details to the roof then built the entrance for the structure I then added details to the base and windows to make it more appealing I added the final touches and it was complete [Music] 102 and what a creative Journey it was another Village was added to my collection and another biome was conquered by my hammer it was done and so I set my eyes on the new journey ahead
Channel: Versaugh
Views: 122,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, valheim, valheim gameplay, valheim building, valheim survival, valheim 100 days, 100Days Valheim, Versaugh 100 days, valheim village, valheim viking vi, valheim longhouse build, 100 days in valheim, 100 days challenge, 100 days village, versaugh, versaugh building, I Spent 100 DAYS in Valheim Building a Village Here's What Happen, versaugh spent 100 days in valheim, 100 days building a village, versaugh 100 days building
Id: sVxkq5fT0wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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