Valheim Mistlands: Building the MOST BEAUTIFUL Village

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I built my most beautiful Village in the misslands how I transformed this Lush missland Valley into an incredible fantasy Village there you'll see this built from start to finish where I'll tell a story of this place how I created it hope you all enjoy and without further Ado grab a snack have a drink let's get right into it start out this project I needed to find the right location in the misslands I found this Lush Valley and immediately liked the combination of flat grassy areas that were bored by various Cliffs and rocks the vision for this project was to create a village hidden away in the mountains but from a thematic standpoint pull strongly from various feudal Chinese Japanese influences I started off in this tucked away corner of the valley I wanted to establish something that would really pop and set the tone for my project my thought was to create a pagoda Tower with many tears that tapered up as it ascended I had done a pagoda build previously when the misslands initially launched in public test branch but for this one I wanted to really scale it up in an epic way after establishing an octagon Foundation began to build the framework of the structure out of wood iron beans again I wanted this structure to gradually taper as it went up I had to spend time creating multiple layers each one getting slightly narrower while also being taller than last when placing in roof lines this is where you can add a lot of expression to your structures and it's an impactful way to drive themes in your project for instance I announced that in a lot of fetal Chinese Japanese structures the roof lines will almost invert itself in areas and have little pointed accents on the corners this is something I want to incorporate on Pagoda as well as throughout my structures in the project [Music] after the Pagoda was complete I spent some time developing the area around it since the tower was raised up on a hill I decided I would create some tiered staircases and platforms that would work their way up to the structure and you'll notice that I also bordered my stairs with some curved beams to make the staircases look curved themselves this is a great little trick to add some form to your larger stairs and make them look just a little more interesting I've then developed a design for some arches that would frame the walkway up to the pagoda combination of Chinese python architecture with the traditional Japanese Target lore my thought here is that these Gates would signify and mark the transition into a Sacred Space or shrine [Music] when building these thematic projects I really like to consider all aspects of the story I'm trying to tell in this case I was really liking the sacred Shrine Temple Direction I decided to really lean into that story my thought is that perhaps a small commune of monks lived here watching over these shrines in sacred spaces I built some wash tubs suggest these monks wash themselves before entering into these sacred sites and rather than tables and chairs I set out some rugs and mats to sit on as I believe in some monastic cultures sitting on the ground was a sign of modesty and allowed for deeper meditation and connection to Nature that's just an element of culture that I wanted to try to integrate into this world I was creating that the first part of my Village was complete I really like how the scale of the Pagoda immediately stood out although it was just a start I could clearly see the Thematic influences pulling through [Music] next I wanted to build into the cliff side and Leverage The Natural verticality of the missland biome I began by quickly building a staircase that wrapped up the side of this smaller peak in front of the Pagoda framing it with some burger lanterns and natural elements in the front there was a bit of a gap between these two peaks and I thought it'd be really cool to have a bridge that connected the two but I knew I couldn't settle for a normal bridge and wanted to create something that was cohesive with my theme I searched my brain for ideas and funnily enough the thing that popped into my mind was Disney's animated Mulan at their family home there were various archways and specifically a bridge in the garden that had a very striking circular geometry to it so I wanted to try to replicate this started out with a general outline for the height of the bridge and then filled in the lower portion with wood walls that would act as my canvas to draw out the circular Arch then utilizing wooden Beams I laid out an outline for this circular Archway making sure to capture about two-thirds of the circle in order to obtain the iconic look I was going for I then use these beams as snapping points to connect and line the arch with stone and then layered in stone foundation to complete the walls [Music] although the time lapse makes this process look fast and easy this bridge proved to be really tricky to build and took almost two hours to figure out that being said I think the result is absolutely tremendous and I could not be happier with how it turned out not only did it fit perfectly with my theme but additionally as a standalone valheim architectural piece it was just something I was really proud of and thought it looked so cool next I decide I would add some watchtowers I went with some Square foundations and made sure to add a good bit of relief to the sides while having the platforms extend past the body of the tower then added another layer of beams to the body itself for extra depth I then also kept consistent with my thematic roof lines bringing the corners up to a point to convey the same feudal Chinese look I was happy with this design so I decided to quickly build another Tower at the far side of the bridge one that more directly overlooked the entrance [Music] when it was complete I thought these towers nicely framed the bridge and I think adding more vertical elements to the project helped promote that Epic Fantasy feeling next I decided to continue building on the far Ridge the misslands are very inhospitable place so while monks may live here they have to be capable of defending their sacred sites which means they're probably Warrior monks I had already built watchtowers now they needed a place to train so my next project would be to build a training area along with a barracks and an Armory [Music] the barracks would be the larger of the two structures and because I was able to sneak it inside the walls I wanted to find a way to have it connect the platforms below I think it's always fun to have interconnectivity with builds and more than one way to pass through and reach locations luckily I was just able to fit a Stairway down that connected these elements I then go about filling in the walls again utilizing the wooden gates also lining some areas with wooden shutters to add a little more depth to the side of the structure and railings the smaller of the two structures would be an Armory on the top floor which would be closer to the training area down below I was thinking it'd be made out to be more of a shrine it's my vision for this back area was to have it more secluded a lot more temples and shrines and feel more sacred [Music] for the interior of my monk Barracks I started by building a storage closet but they needed to consider how I would convey this interior as a place where my monks would live I already established that these monks do not use chairs but instead prefer to sit on the floor but I thought it would make sense to design this common area around this and build out a very low table surrounded by mats to sit on I believe in Japan the practice is sitting on the floor while eating is called cesa so I thought it'd be fun to use as an influence here if anybody watches from Japan double check me on that let me know down in the comments if that's accurate [Music] I then decide to build out the monk training area start by building a circular training ring and then utilize some item stands to create weapon racks and training dummies for the monks to practice their striking with different weapons [Music] smaller of the two structures I would decorate to be as a small Armory as well as add some smithing items as these monks likely needed a place to craft and repair weapons they used [Music] my warrior monk training area was complete some nice additions between the barracks and Armory and I would have to polish up some decorations later but I thought this was a really fun continuation of the story I was trying to tell here next inspired by my previous circular bridge I decided I built another circular Bridge Arch utilizing the same technique this time on a much smaller scale [Music] foreign I wanted to create some separate zones within this project my plan was for the area Beyond this wall to lean much more into these Temple Shrine themes I would start out by decorating the lower level of my Armory to be a shrine I would start by Framing a ward as I've always liked the slight glow they gave off but on the outside I decided to take some influence from one of my favorite films of all time Spirited Away fellow fans you might remember that in the beginning of the film we see a bunch of miniature box homes scattered along the road that the family was traveling which are then explained to be little houses for spirits I love the idea of this so I utilize beehive suggest these little Spirit homes scattered around the shrine I guess traditionally it would be unusual to see so many of them stacked so close together but just as the case was Spirited Away my idea here is that they are stacked so close together because this is a sacred place with high spiritual activity next it was time to take on something big I built some smaller shrines but this project needed something more Grand and epic more temple-like I started off with a wide staircase keeping consistent with the curb railings I'd used throughout the project then moved into trying to determine the overall shape of my structure [Music] I didn't have a complete Vision in my head but I knew I wanted very high ceilings an open design to show off the misline environment and wide pillars that Rose all the way up to the ceiling [Music] what emerged was a structure that wasn't overly complicated but the sheer scale of it meant that it took some time to complete again the time lapse can make it all look very quick and easy but I think I spent close to an hour and a half just transforming singular beams into pillars it was starting to make me a little crazy strain aside the structure turned out really well and the way the tall pillars frame the center aisle really set up nicely to create some kind of focal point when decorating I started decorating by spawning in an ancient sword which is a harvestable resource in the misslands I thought it made for a really epic centerpiece for the temple and lined up really nicely with the verticality of the pillars and then for each side of the temple I spawned in Boss stones to act as ancient stone etchings perhaps telling the history of this place or of some Epic Quest I would finish up by adding a little bit of color with some banners surrounding the structure framing the entrance with some misland trees and other natural elements and then continuing with the theme of The Little Spirit home scattered around the temple [Music] this part of the project took quite a few hours to complete but I was really happy with the result [Music] Temple really stood apart from the other shrines and it had a real epic presence to it which is definitely what I was going for [Music] with my large sample complete I wanted to touch up on some final areas in my Village the entrance into this area was through a portal and it was looking a little sad on its own so I wanted to put a little time into making it look nice I decided to stylize the portal by Framing it as a Tory gate and then created some Cobblestone paths leading to different areas of the town [Music] it wasn't much but at least made the entryway into the town a little more intentional next I decided to fill out some of the lower open areas with small homes I did my best to experiment with some different forms while still keeping true to the overall thematic aesthetic but I liked how these structures filled in the spaces a little bit more it made it feel more like a village [Music] it's some light decorating to the Interiors leaving things mostly modest as that's how I believe the inhabitants of this town would live they're kept consistent with the low floor level tables for seeing and eating with that I was really happy with the direction of my project such a unique theme and story and although it tested my creativity it was a super fun challenge to create a world that felt totally different when I've done before all that was left to do was polish up some areas add some additional decorations you the Cinematic [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: SmittySurvival
Views: 163,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valheim, Valheim Mistlands, Valheim Town, Valheim Mistalands Build, Valheim Village, Valheim Build, Mistlands Build, Valheim Building, Epic Valheim Build, Gaming
Id: cP94BpikiCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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