Vacuum jar sealer find in response to The Purposeful Pantry's "Are Food Saver Jar Sealers Gone...?"

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hey everybody uh i wanted to just kind of bang this this video out real quick um last night i was going through the internet you know like i i do every night just you know gives me something to do around here in the evenings um and i was on youtube and i ran across um a video uh on the purposeful pantry channel um and she was talking about alternatives to um vacuum jar sealers um for the food savers um you know when the whole pandemic thing hit i guess everybody jumped on the bandwagon and what have you and those things like disappeared off the shelves and basically you either couldn't find them at all or the only place you could find them was ebay because all the scammers had had scarfed them all up and they were selling them at stupid prices which you know i i understand uh everybody's right to make a profit in the center but at the same time man that that just sticks in my crawl um you know make your profit but be decent about it i guess i i i don't know but it just pisses me off sometimes but that being said nobody could find the things nobody could nobody could get them um they were on and off according to her video i guess she she contacted foodsafer directly and they said well maybe we'll have them maybe we won't maybe we'll keep making them maybe we won't keep making them what have you um i just checked it looks like they are back on amazon now you know for the for the for the set for the large and the the small uh our large and regular uh jars excuse me so you know maybe they're back again i don't know um but at the time that i started kind of getting back into this and stuff i couldn't find them um so i went looking around and and did some searching on on amazon and stuff and let me start by saying um i have absolutely no affiliation with amazon i have absolutely no affiliation uh with with this brand that i'm that i that i found um hell i don't i don't even i don't monetize my videos uh you know i'm not in this for for a buck in any way shape or form the the you know what i bought came straight out of my own pocket um i just you know i like doing this stuff i like like you know finding things i like passing on information i like doing the videos it gives me something to do basically um you know when i have nothing else to do and i you know that's a lot of the time and it you know gives me somebody to talk to even though i think right now i'm talking a whole total of nine people maybe um but uh but you know it just gives me something to do so i just want to make that clear that i'm not out to steal anybody's views or take any money on anybody's pocket and i'm certainly not taking any money for any of this stuff i just i found the stuff i you know uh wanted to be helpful want to throw it out there to people and what have you so i'm going to uh link this video uh to uh i'm going to put a link up there for for purposeful pantry uh to her video discussing this problem um and you can go check her out and stuff but i wanted to kind of show you what i found that that seems to be working for me um and this was on amazon and it's only for the wide mouth jars unfortunately i i tried finding one for the for the regular mouth jars and they don't offer it what have you but this is listed on there as an as and us ocelo um jar adapter or what or some such i'll put the link down below um and i'll be straight up with you it's the the reviews on it are 50 50. there's a lot of people saying it didn't work for me it sucks it doesn't work it doesn't work and i looked at those uh reviews and i looked at the the the item itself you know as best you can on there and i said and it was like 20 bucks and you got you got the sealer and you got a hose and i said you know what for 20 bucks either it works or it doesn't work and if it doesn't work maybe i can do something to make it work um because i can't get the other one for love or money maybe i can get this one to work um and at the very least i throw it in the trash and going about my business for 20 bucks i mean much as i hate to say that we live in a throwaway society these days so i ordered it took a chance on it and it came in and when i first used it i could not get this thing to seal for love or money um this rubber around the side is really really kind of firm it's not hard but it's firm um and i put this on a jar and i got a jar full of rice just to have something that's got you know a lot of the mass taken up so i'm not sucking you know an entire court of air out of this thing so i i just i stuck it on you know like you do with the foodsaver ones look like i've seen everybody i don't have one of the food saver ones i've just got this thing so i stuck it on there just like you do with the foodsaver thing i put my hose in it sucky sucky ducky i went like this and that's what happened and i did that 14 ways from sunday i held it down i put my hands around i thought well maybe this rubber is not sealing well and this and that the other and and nothing would work and i'll be honest with you when i got this thing there was very little information on it um if memory serves me right this and this came in a plastic baggie and a mailing um one of those mailing bags that was it i don't even think i got any kind of instructions with this thing so scratching my head scratching my head scratching my head and what i ended up finding is i looked inside this thing say hey can i motivate and i noticed this hard white plastic has a thread on it it's threaded and i thought to myself now wait now now i'm gonna be the first to tell you this thing is i think it says made in china you know yeah made in china so it's you know it's cheap chinese junk but i looked at that and i said wait it's got it's got a thread on it well hell maybe you know so i did that put it on there and i screwed it and it and it tightened up it screwed on there okay fine so then i did it and lo and behold it sealed the first time now i have i have tried it three or four times because people the other review was oh it's hit and missed it's hit and miss but it it seems to feel pretty good it's a little hard sometimes getting it to thread right um but then i went back and i looked at the listing and buried in the listing it says you got to screw it on and i think what's happening with most people with these reviews and say they can't get it to seal and stuff i don't think that's throwing it on i think it actually works um it certainly seems to work for me now the other thing that that i noticed in in in the comments and stuff was uh apparently it is it is along with being difficult to get the the real uh you know foodsaver tops getting those replacement hoses and these replacement hose i've been real gentle with mine i've been raw lucky mine hasn't broke um but apparently people break these and you can't get them anymore or or it's hard to get them anymore people use the um you know the break uh bleeder uh method of doing this and stuff like that um and now foodsavers come out with these little things i guess that you can use um this thing comes with a hose too so for 20 bucks you get this and you get the hose so i tested it and this hose fits so anybody that's looking for the hose anybody that's looking for a cat here we go look all right put it on here we'll do our canister so i'm not gonna have it go forever but you hear that right now you can't just pull this thing off because you screwed it down you're gonna unscrew it if i unscrew it there it is guys so this thing works um you just have to take an extra step with it um but i just want to throw that out there let people know that it is out there that it is an alternative um again like i say i ain't getting any money off of this look this just came out of my own pocket um but if i've got you know some information that can help some people and i keep that to myself i'm an so you know i'm putting it out there then again you know with some folks if you if you put the information out there then you're an for putting the information out there because you know you're you're scalping their views or whatever and i've had people comment on that in the past and i just i want to make sure you guys know that's not that's not my intent with this so there it is now one of the other cool things with this and and is it it has a little lid opener thing oh whoopty i use a spoon most of the time but i wanted to show that it does work um also i want to show it does work with because i just went and bought one of these um like while i was out looking for jar lids um so i just wanted to show this fits too you know when you do it the way you're supposed to do with the other ones and stuff now be careful i think the hole in this is a little bit smaller than the hole in the food saver i know on this end it seems to it seems to fit a little tight um and this seems to fit a little tight like i said i don't have the original ones so i don't know but from what i what i see of other people it looks like it just slips in this fits a little tight don't break that tip off all right um but you can hear it it's starting this out it's starting to start to vacuum all right it popped when i took it off and there it is so i just wanted to throw that out there maybe it'll help some people you know i don't know um like i say i guess the original ones are are back on amazon again for now um who knows you know they may go off again they may not go off again um get them while they're there and if not this is a this is a quick and dirty alternative i suppose you know um and since i figured i'd wasted my money on buying it or didn't waste my money it turns out but i took the chance on wasting my money um it seems to work you guys don't have to waste your money so all right i just want to throw it out there you guys have a good day bye
Channel: Casa De Loco
Views: 2,385
Rating: 4.9225807 out of 5
Id: 6MdaGjJ-dJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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