Vacuum Packing Humans

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in today's video we're testing out something that a lot of people have asked to see whether or not you can vacuum seal a person inside a trash bag and whether or not they can escape once you do but why though uh-huh if all of your friends were gonna jump off a bridge would you do it - yeah I trust my friends if they're jumping off a bridge they've probably got a good reason for it cool so literally the entire internet since 2017 I think has been jumping off this bridge of sealing themselves inside trash I hadn't seen this before about a month ago I saw what has probably spread around quite a lot filmed by your phone sitting on a tripod I think it was on tik-tok a kid climbed inside of a garbage bag with the hose from a canister vacuum and it looked like in the video that he got sealed up and fell over and the caption on it said something like I was stuck in there for two hours until my mom came home I don't know if I'm supposed to believe the caption is true or if it was just for humor but I then I've seen other people doing this since then so today we're gonna be testing out not whether or not we are not testing this out we will both be participating in some manner while I get vacuum sealed in I don't get claustrophobic so if I'm stuck trapped in something I'm just like alright well it's kind of like being snug but we're gonna test a few things one is there like a most dangerous way that you can get stuck in here that doesn't include a head first that would be the most dangerous way we want to see if you can escape this is a fairly strong garbage bag these I think are even a little bit stronger these say industrial-strength and I've gotten these 55 gallon ones to make sure I it fit really well so yeah we're gonna see if I can escape we're gonna see if I can escape just by breaking the seal and Terry to the plastic pushing with my legs and I will address the fact that I am a grown-up compared to a lot of people that I've seen trying this I may be stronger than some of them but we are gonna test it out and we're gonna be taking safety precautions because I we have other people on site today he will have a closed box cutter in the bag with him so even if he panics before I can get to him and turn off the vacuum he will be safe I'm gonna seal him up in the bag and then I'm going to make you eat cinnamon and then I'm gonna dump a bucket of ice water over his head all the Internet challenges at once yeah what about the the walking next to your car while it driving safe yeah yeah we're gonna do that I'll also you know put some ice and salt in the bag with you too wait I'm gonna get turned into a mummy here's the basic idea we're going to try to vacuum seal me inside of a garbage bag we want to see if I can escape and if I'm able to breathe while I'm in there first let's take a quick look at vacuum sealing in general we've got ourselves a food-grade vacuum sealer that unfortunately I don't fit in the bags for that so this I honestly wonder if this is how this came about is the fact that people vacuum sealed their food all the time it makes it really really easy for food to stay fresh you can freeze it it's not gonna go bad as quickly it's pretty wonderful but in it as an example to show you just what this does napes going to eat an entire bag of marshmallows no he's gonna force them in here we're gonna show you what this does because yes it compresses you the reason a lot of people get very nervous about this particular internet fad is because when it squishes you when it squishes all that air out it does compress you so even though you can breathe there is that moment of panic so Nate says it's not as simple for him I did attempt this once she didn't like it I panicked I panicked because I am claustrophobic I get claustrophobic easily so we're gonna kind of show you what it does to your body fun fact about breathing we don't actually have a mechanism that pushes air down into our lungs that's not how breathing works we don't breathe in the breath expand our chest we actually expand our chest it pulls the lungs open which then has a lower pressure and it pulls air down into them if you don't have the ability to pull your chest open when you're breathing in then you can't breathe in there's no other way to do it because we don't force air down like a pump it's more of a suction thing so if your chest is squeezed too much so you can't open it up to breathe in you're gonna be out of air these are fun little things like all of the vacuum gets pulled out of this chamber right here and these bags are specially formulated they've got this texture on the inside that stops them from just sealing up and blocking the air flow we had a full-size one of those bags I'd be great but they don't make them big enough for people at least that I've been able to find but I don't want you to have one please I do and now it is slowly but visibly pulling the air out of the bag you get to watch our marshmallows see what happens when they get vacuum-sealed believe we several times in the past have put marshmallows in our regular vacuum chamber but they lose all form you can't even really see like you can't separate them out from each other more like one marshmallow at this point yep there we go there's our almost a single blob of marshmallow there's still a couple little spots where you can see the divisions to be fair we did get along this vacuum sealer there is I've seen other ones that when you put marshmallows into him big will flatten like a cracker it's insane so this one there's still some air in there it's still a little bit squishy but that's essentially what we're gonna do tonight today I think very first I want to try mostly what I saw in the first video was the guy was alone he didn't have anyone else giving him the tube he already had the vacuum turned on and I've actually tried this before and I had a much harder time when I was turning the vacuum on myself because that's true and may or may not make much of a difference but I was just amazed at like every time I have dried this by myself like it just keeps getting stuck in the vacuum hose so I'm gonna try like this turn the vacuum on and then I'm just gonna like bring it up and have it seal around me but I know that's the whole thing is I have to do it all falling oh you're already falling crawling now yeah so yeah the seal that sealed me in pretty good yep but because of how I pulled it clothes like I had the hose in and then I pulled it kind of around my shoulders and neck right here and specifically open the seal a little bit and there they weren't being suctioned on hard enough that I couldn't get out of it so now we're gonna try and do it a little bit different so let's try it where you turn the vacuum on and then like close it around my neck and my hands will be farther down all right so you can turn on the hose I've got the hose basically pointed at my supposed to be pulling it around yeah you're gonna have to close them around my least favorite thing we have ever done on this channel cool I love it ready ready [Music] [Applause] you by the phone where oh yeah like present a good point what might happen right here Oh just choked you so now let go yeah that's not gonna I don't know how to do this without killing you ready to break that feel all right I feel like what we're doing right now is debunking this massively but that's not a challenge I think we need to be able to see what's happening better so we're going to use this clear bag and at this point I feel safe and not holding the knife because I've been able to get out every time and you know I can just say like hey break the seal we do this I'm not gonna let go on the neck I'm gonna keep you can kick your way out of this thing on your own unless you can let go and it stays sealed so this this bag is also a lot bigger so I fit in it more fit around my neck better I don't know this is a seal I think is like around the hose a lot of the time [Music] better if you kick your way out okay I'm gonna hold it you're gonna see if you can kick your way out go for it yes well I could hold on to the seal that was on me there's a good strong bag so this time instead of using my feet I'm just gonna see if I can grab part of the plastic in my hands and just tear a hole in it I am just going to like leave him at a certain point and then just dump a bucket of ice water on his head all right and you're pretty sure you celebrate so you can break out of even the stronger bag I was able to push with my legs and it broke the seal around my neck with my hand anywhere near the plastic I was able to just sort of tear a hole through it no but at least as an adult I'm able to get out I don't know if I were eight maybe this would be a problem so I myself am incredibly uncomfortable with this because yeah I'm very claustrophobic however I will try it but the caveat here is I'm going to wrap myself up in a blink I don't know how she thinks that will possibly be helpful I think she's just gonna be more constricted that way this is probably a much worse idea there's less likely a chance of me being able to like punch my way out I still feel better can you sit sort of that enough okay okay is it like the most intense blanket hug ever okay so real talk for a minute I have anxiety I do own a weighted blanket at the home and I love it trying to catch my breath again with the blanket it's not nearly so bad when it's just the plastic around you I lasted what maybe 15 seconds and I was just like done I panicked the light eventually came to comfy that's not bad you should try that I will cool [Music] [Music] you look far too happy to be human vacuum pack all the squeeze window we did have a thought I was able to just sort of terrace your bag we wanted to try and see if it's possible to do two bags at once using two different vacuums I have my doubts all right so we're gonna start out with this bag yep and then I'll try and tell of that and then once that's getting filled up you'll try and use the other hose and the other vacuum is really sticking bag around me yeah all right and then you're gonna try and kick your way out yeah okay other bag if I can get this okay I was much more difficult I would assume like doubly difficult one of the most difficult parts actually because of how we had it set it up was not moving my hand because if I'd move my hand like you would have broken the seal immediately again my hand was right here like that yeah when they opened but it was quite tough the way that I had sealed it around the back of him was as soon as he let go of this part of his hand I would have been able to leg over the back the Internet has challenges guys a lot of times we do a lot of debunking videos where we explain that a lot of what you see on the Internet is not something you should trust this also goes along with internet bad just because a lot of other people are doing it and trying it doesn't mean you should too hold on much longer hurry up and break beg guys you know that's not all we've always got more for you see click that box up at the top to check out the most recent video and we'll see you in the next one knock you dead
Channel: TKOR
Views: 3,768,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science, prank, challenge, vacuum, vacuum pack, crazy vacuum pack, dangerous, extreme, bin bag vacuum challenge, crazy challenge, kids vacuum challenge 2019, vacuum challenge 2019, bag vacuum challenge, bag, compilation 2019, funny challenge, intagram challenge, instagram, vacuum challenge, internet challenge, trash bag challenge, trash bag hack, youtube challenges, new challenge, a new youtube challenge, trending, top 10, experiment, 5-minute crafts, do it yourself, funny
Id: O8VIggYMdfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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