Can You Break A Lock With Canned Air? (Movie Mythbusting)

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in today's video we are taking a look at canned air what are they actually used for what can they be used for and testing a few popular myths [Applause] hey guys before we start this video we wanted to hop in and tell you about our latest limited edition t-shirt in case you haven't noticed every month for two weeks we put out a limited-time shirt and after those two weeks the shirt is gone forever so for this month we are putting up this classic design so go ahead and jump into the description below to get your supports too late and so in today's video we wanted to take a look at canned air you guys have probably seen this stuff before it's used for cleaning off dust on computers things like that and yet everybody knows it everybody's familiar with it if you've ever worked in an office you've probably seen it other things that you can do with it that we're just finding out air rockets here's the basic idea we've got several cans of compressed air and we're gonna test out some of the things that we've always wanted to learn about them how much is in them what is in them are they flammable and how well can you use them to freeze stuff there's a movie that I like a lot it's called 10 Cloverfield Lane in the movie a character uses a can of this canned air they turn it upside down spray on a padlock for a few seconds to freeze it and then they use the canned adjust smash the lock open that's how they bypass a lock we want to try that along with some of the other things so let's explain why that works why would you turn the cam upside down so these cans contain something that's called tetrafluoroethylene and specifically it's one one one two tetrafluoroethylene which is used for a lot of stuff I think most commonly at least to a lot of people can dare and it's actually the refrigerant in the AC systems of most cars so this same stuff that goes in your air conditioning when you hold the can vertically the warming vapors expands comes out the nozzle at a fairly high pressure you can use that to just blow dust off of stuff however when you turn it upside down the liquid is then directly in contact with the nozzle and it doesn't sprout as a gas it sprays out as a liquid which then very quickly vaporizes but you can actually see this especially with lower pressure like this is splashing splattering on top of the paper and disappearing it's very cold on my hand in the glove we can have it on the paper you can see if I do it slowly enough it even just drips out but as Callie said as it warms up it just dissipates so that's why you hold it upside down because then you get this liquid coming out and the reason it's used as a refrigerant is the same reason it may theoretically work for breaking locks when you have something compressed and it decompresses a lot it cools down a lot this is a very compressible liquid to gas and so you get a big change in the temperature so this coming out is pretty cold even through my glove that was a little uncomfortable and so we may do a little bit of test with that as well lots of things to explore yeah if your keyboard ever looks like this I don't know how your keyboard will get to this point but yeah simulated keyboard grime here we're gonna real quick test how well this works for cleaning off a keyboard you do want to lift the keyboard so the cans stays vertical [Music] so that was simulated in sort of best-case scenario because it was just like all dry powder that we just put on there's no like oils from her hands or anything however this does let us show off the concept of how it's supposed to work it's like a power washer both oh don't why we're gonna see just how many balloons we can fill with just one camp or is it less than one is it less yeah I don't know I want we're gonna see how much balloon we can inflate with a can of canned air I'm gonna make sure that we keep the can upright I'm worried about the cold causing problems with the elasticity of the balloon we're gonna try not to freeze this as we go we've got a balloon attached and I think the tape is holding it on nicely so now we're gonna see how much of this balloon this can hasn't been used at all yet so just pop that tab off and then we can see how much we can fill a balloon if it fills all the way we'll switch it out and get another balloon it's working pretty good so far yeah I think we're gonna have more than one balloon though how cold is it right now negligibly negligibly yeah it doesn't really feel all that cold it does seem denser oh that's possible oh yeah Wow right that's that's not just a little bit like that's considerably lighter heavier yeah I don't think it's quite as dense as sulfur hexafluoride but it's bad a similar effect the rate at which the balloons are filling is slowed down a lot and I think it might be that we've cooled the can down so much I explained a tiny bit when something goes from compressed to decompressed it cools down a lot and the cans have now had so much leave them that everything inside is much less compressed to the can itself is getting cold but when it's cold it doesn't try to expand as much either and so we're gonna try and get some warm water to set the can in to see if that speeds back up the rate of flow because this is obviously going very slow at this point oh yeah they're working better much at least for a second we've got one empty can and like seven and a half balloon is full of this air Wow buddy keep wanting to leave yeah there's static electricity and balloons or weird shape so they're trying to escape but are very heavy balloons here this is that just falls to the ground in case you're wondering one of these cans and it says it is 285 grams of a super duster can you're gonna get seven and a half balloons it's true these do come in different sizes some of them are only like three ounces and they're just like these tiny little cans they're good for like cleaning one keyboard and then they're gone but yeah these are pretty mid-range size cans yeah seven and a half balloons like that is definitely more air than I thought we were gonna get out of these so that's pretty entertaining this stuff seems to react a lot like sulfur hexafluoride in wait I want to see if it does something that sulfur hexafluoride can also do which is put out flame if you displace the oxygen and you starve a flame you can put it out I want to know if this stuff will do it too that's assuming that it's not flammable and I got to say I think it is not flammable because it says non flammable right he different on the can that's a clue to me that's an indication that it's not going to burn but I am gonna test so I got a lighter I'm just gonna spray a little bit of through pretty gentle it seems to be doing something oh whoa I'm sorry what non flammable huh that was a double flame I need that to happen again immediately in my life I also want to see if it burns as a liquid doesn't always seem to burn more as a liquid yeah I don't know so it's weird it like puts out fire but also catches on fire sure I'm gonna fill up a cup full of our heavy gas all right I think I've probably filled it up like six times by now [Music] all right MA that went out great very well all right so now I want to try I want to this is again like sulfur hexafluoride smoke will actually sort of settle and bounce on top of it so let's go and fill that yeah fill that up I'm gonna just drop a match down into it let's watch how it reacts immediately out and look at that beauty on tile the air inside you can tell was still moving around from when I blew it in with the straw [Music] I don't know why it forms tiny tiny little rings in there but it does [Music] [Music] all right we've seen how much we have in terms of volume when it's a gas now what we were trying to avoid before is what I'm going to try and do on purpose I'm gonna turn this can upside down and see what happens when I fill it in the balloon I think it's gonna be cold enough that the latex is going to lose all its flexibility which is exactly what Callie was trying to avoid because wanted it to expand but now I'm just gonna see what it does to it so we've got a pool of it down at the bottom you have vapor already coming off of it but it is also filling it with gas at the same time whoo that's cold all right so we do have a good pool of it down here at the bottom but as that pool is warming up and vaporizing our balloon is continuing to expand a fair amount when we put balloons in liquid nitrogen they just kind of like solidify like they have no flexibility left so it's cold but I wouldn't say it's liquid nitrogen cold and that's making me think that what we saw in the movie 10 Cloverfield Lane might not be possible at least not on a good new lock we have a lock this is as similar as I could find from the quick little shot we had in the movie but it looked like about this same style and it's actually a fairly thin shackle as padlocks go so I think if it's gonna be possible at all this is gonna be good one to try it on let's try and spray it and see if we can use the can to shatter it before we go watch Callie freeze that lock and try and smash it I want to see what's inside one of these cans so this can is now empty nothing happens when I hit the trigger I can actually dent the can just with my thumbs it's almost entirely devoid of propellant at this point so I'm now going to drill a hole into it to make sure all of the propellants gone and then I'm going to try and cut the entire can in half with a hacksaw I want to see what's inside this cam that seems to be about the entirety of what this product is there's no straw which explains how you get gas filled like this and liquid if you hold it like this it just feeds right in but there's nothing else to it let's go see a lock being smashed maybe hopefully all right I'm just gonna hold the can upside down spray for about five seconds about on the body and then do I hit at the top of the Karakum here the the bottom yes she sprayed it like this and then just started beating it perfect all right here we go we're good sure well well okay that was gallium guys we molded Carlock and we made one out of gallium because we've done experiments with frozen gallium before we know it shatters really easily so we wanted to recreate the effect of it and it looks really cool and for a movie not a bad way to do may be a great way to do it yeah although maybe a little too easy let's go ahead and try with the real lock now I like that about yeah no I'm gonna break the can try again that's fine let's try that okay nope we're gonna need a hammer thank you're out yep jayjay well keep going broke no that's just straight concrete that was a pretty solid hit I think it's bent and right one more time here one more time I want this to break all right I don't think it's breaking I did bend it so Nate yeah can you break a padlock by spraying dust off on it with the padlocks we have and the dust off we have we did not make any progress with the rear lock only with the Galleon lock which was awesome and it looked really cool it actually looked very very similar to how it broke in the movie so I'm not sure what they used as a prop but that would have been a good way to do it a gallium lock getting it with dust off and a real luck getting hit there's your difference guys that's not all you know we've always got more good see go and click that box up at the top to see our latest video and we'll see you the next one talk to you then
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 2,515,126
Rating: 4.7094479 out of 5
Keywords: canned air, whats inside, break a frozen lock, movie mythbusting, mythbusters, whats inside a vacuum can of air, what kind of air is inside canned air, sulfur hexafluoride, sf6, dense gas, voice changing gas, 10 cloverfield lane, cloverfield, how much air is inside a vacuum can of air, how does vacuum air work, compressed air can, sulfur hexafluoride voice, thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli
Id: ge-KKMs_Kog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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