UVW Modifier in 3ds Max | Master This Skill

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hello it's saga from artis artists today the new topic uvw map modifier don't underestimate this even if you are in the field for a while you may not know some of the options i'm going to show you [Applause] [Music] let's jump straight into the software i've prepared some standard objects before let's start from applying the material i've created the material nothing fancy only brick texture in a diffuse slot we cannot see the material preview so we need to choose the option show shaded material in the viewport now we need to apply a uvw map modifier to be sure that the texture is mapped correctly but before we start setting parameters let me show you what this modifier can do for you i'll choose a box for now it will be easier to see the changes uvw map modifier has a sub level called gizmo if you click on the name you'll be able to control the gizmo of the mapping so you can manually move the gizmo or scale or rotate this can be really useful in case you want to adjust mapping pretty quickly i delete this and apply a new modifier one more time to explain to you other options now i'll show you some mapping groups which i used during creating visualizations let's start from planner in this example the map is projected from a single plane flat against the object because the texture is two-dimensional it's like projecting a slide for example on the wall you can see that in our case the texture is mapped only on the top and bottom side of the box the planar mapping is used mostly in the flat surfaces like planes okay now let's apply the material to the other objects let's apply the uvw map modifier to the cylinder here we need to change the mapping group to cylindrical you can see that in this case the mop is wrapped around the object you probably noticed that the top and bottom of the cylinder are not mapped in order to apply the mapping there we need to check the option cap this way planner mapping is applied on the top and bottom part of the cylinder next one spherical as the name says it is used for objects that are roughly spherical in shape it runs the object around and meets at the sphere's pose now box mapping probably the most common one it projects the texture from the six sides of the box each side projects as a planner map and the last one i want to show you is the face mapping you can see that this box has some segments i apply the modifier i make the edges visible this mapping applies a copy of the map to every face of an object you can notice that as i am changing the number of segments in the box the mapping is changing as well the mop is being adjusted depending on the amount of the division i delete these objects as i don't need them anymore now i show you the other options here you can change the parameters of the mapping length width and height you can also change the tiling here you can see that the tabling is getting bigger in one direction so the texture is getting squeezed and the other way you can also reverse the image about the given axis now i show you how to use this but first let's set the mapping as it was before i copied the box in the new one i turn on the rewards map size option i open the material editor and copy the material let's apply this new material to the next box use their reward mapping option you need to turn on this option both in material and in mapping if you type the same parameters as we have in the old box we'll get the same result so basically you can choose if you want to change these parameters inside them up or in the modifier but be aware that if you have their real world map size on some of the options in the modifier doesn't work i'll explain the map channel later first i'd like to show you these options you can select one of these to flip the alignment of the mapping gizmo all good so far i hope so by using the manipulate option you can change parameters manually in the viewport i've never really used it but it's good to know that it's there now let me show you some other options feet will adjust the gizmo to the object's extents center moves the center of the modifier gizmo to the center of the object bitmap fit allows you to choose the image and it sets the aspect ratio of this image you can see that this is the different proportion than our original map this one is rectangular so we can see from the top view that this is the ratio of the image we've chosen for a cylinder for instance it's scaled to match the bitmap by choosing normal align you can manually choose the xy plane of the gizmo by clicking on the surface of the object really helpful option view align changes the orientation of the mapping geas more to the face of the active viewport left and front regions fade allows you to manually set the region of the mapping gizmo in the viewport the orientation of the gizmo is not affected though here we can reset the changes of the gizmo with it now i show the enquire option but first i need to create the box i apply the material as well and i apply the modifier you can see that parameters are different here there are two options if you choose absolute it will position the gizmo exactly on the top of the mapping is more of the objects we pick if you choose relative instead the gizmo is positioned over the selected object okay now i show you how to correctly map the texture let's do this with the brick example this is the texture i used in the material most of the time if you are familiar with the 3d software you'll set up the parameters roughly and don't calculate the exact values but if you're a beginner it's really hard to do this this way so i'll show you how to practice it standard break will have around 6 7 centimeters height you can calculate that there are 56 bricks here so to know what is the real size of this we just need to multiply these two values it doesn't need to be perfect just roughly with the grouts it will be around 400 centimeters so this is the value we need to set in uvw mapping let's apply the uvw mount modifier and let's choose the box now let's type the value estimated because my scene is in millimeters i need to type four thousand we can quickly check if our mapping is correct by drawing the plane great it's as we estimated at the beginning now let me show you one trick let's add some segments to our box if you want to have different uvw mapping within one object for example different scales on different polygons or elements you can use this technique let's apply an edit poly modifier select polygons that you want to have a different scale of mapping now apply the uvw map and change parameters let's say we want this four times smaller here we go let's try it again now twice bigger there is one more thing i love to show you let's create a box i create a mix map thank you so here we have a situation that we probably want to have different styling for these maps you can see that when we're adding the uvw map modifier it automatically changes the mapping for all maps in the material applied for this object and here is the situation when we use channels so we can notice that we have the same channel in the modifier and all the bitmaps now we need to change the channel let's say fortune if you turn on visibility of the map in the preview you can see that the current mapping doesn't work here so let's apply an additional modifier now we need to change the channel you can see that the mapping has changed in the mix map but it stays the same in the bricks texture let's say we want this smaller you can see that these mappings don't affect each other great if some of these options or techniques are new for you i suggest you to try them by yourself okay i think that's it for today thanks for watching and also don't forget to like this video if you found this interesting share it subscribe and do all these wonderful things see you guys in the next video
Channel: Arch Viz Artist
Views: 38,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, lesson, training, architectural visualizations, cgi, rendering, render, 3d image, 3d visualization, architecture, 3ds max, autodesk, vray, v-ray, corona, corona renderer, interior design, animations, 3d render, interior architecture, artist, architectural visualization artist, 3d artist, art, composition, art rules, camera setup, camera, lighting, lighting setup, materials, photorealistic, storytelling, post production, postproduction
Id: zLDLOSx-qL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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