Advanced Unwrap for 3ds Max Tutorial | Armchair Unwrapping

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hello it's aga from rvs artists and today we'll continue the underwrap uvw modifier topic [Applause] [Music] first question to be asked did you watch the first part from this series if you didn't get a chance stop here and watch it now i put the link in the corner before we unwrap simple objects as box and stander today i show you how to use unwrap uvw modifier on more complex objects i think the armchair will be a really good example let's begin this is one object i like to detach elements it's just easier to control so what we need to do first we need to think how we can unfold this part let's take a look around okay so there is sewing visible on this setting so we can basically divide this into two parts the one will be here and the second part will be the side of this setting as before first we need to create seams here is quite obvious as we'll do this along the sewing select edge and use loop option awesome works perfect convert edge selection to sim here we go now open uv editor select all polygons and use pelt map click start pelt now use the quick belt option great so now we have both our elements flat now let's select this element there are two ways how we can select this at once you can click add one polygon that belongs to the element you want to select and use the option expand polygon selection to sim or you can do the same but click on this icon instead we can move it down a little and let's use the relax option we can increase the amount and relax again and again let's use the pack custom option let me show you first what i am not happy with the result let's change the texture map to uv checker you can see that this part works well but this one is definitely not right the texture is banded and i hope that you see that something is incorrect right the texture should be straight what we can try is another option with the relax tool until now we use relax by polygon angle let's use relax by edge angle now this method is similar to the previous one except that it uses the edges that are attached to the vertices as the shape too much this method is best suited for more complex shapes let's see what happens you can see that something is going on here we can stop and try polygon angles now you can see that now it's more smooth let's try one more time you can clearly see that this part is going to be more straight so here it works quite well but here definitely we still have a problem let me show you what we can do here i show you another way you can work go to vertices now by clicking here you can use the soft selection option now we can move these vertices or rotate for instance i rotate it first and move it back to the correct position great now let's use the relax tool again change the amount and start relax awesome let's see the result i'm happy with this let's arrange the elements we can rotate this part to be positioned horizontally we can see how it looks with the standard checker map nice first task is done how are we going so far i hope all is clear okay let's go back to work now we can unhide another element of the armchair we'll do this top part now let's detach it i isolate this as it's just easier to work with we need to think how we can cut it to make it flat so here we'll have one element here another one top part separated and bottom as well and of course sides as we know what we need to do let's select proper edges and convert them to seams select all polygons and open uv editor use the pelt map option let's move the elements a bit more further away from each other now we can use the quick belt option let's start from these two elements i add the checker map to show you why we need to work on this a bit more you can see that this texture is not mapped correctly but no worries there is an easy and quick way to fix it let's use the strengthen selection option and here we go looks perfect let's do the same with another one awesome we can use this option i do the same for the top and bottom part we can use this option let's apply the material to see how it works we need to scale this a bit to make it fit better go back to the unwrap uvw modifier select all and scale we can pick the texture from the material so it will be easier to match the scale let's say i want to have around four of these wooden pieces visible here so let's adjust the size more or less to this i like to rotate this as i want the veins going another direction and let's scale this to be more narrow maybe not so much the same with another part i like it but i want this piece to continue the things here let's adjust it by hand in order to do this we need to move it and adjust and the same here oh scale is not right here let's adjust it manually great done i apply the fabric texture to the setting to see if the scale is correct it's too big so we need to adjust this we don't have to scale it inside the modifier we can adjust the tiling in the bitmap properties what do you think all is clear so far let me know in the comments if you like this topic and you want me to do another part of this series i showed the last piece that is a bit different the same as before let's think where the seams should go use low option the same here we need three additional seams here and the same another side select all polygons belt map start pelt and use quick belt rotate elements let's use the relax tool as the mapping is not great yet rotate this piece do you remember the last time i show you on the top part of the armchair how we can adjust the mapping by hand now i show you how you can do this automatically by using another cool option now as i told you in the first part when we click on the edge and another one is highlighted it means that they are at the same place so we can use the stitch custom option and they will become one seam you can notice that the texture automatically continues here and this is our goal let's do the same with the rest select edges and stitch them and again and another site select edges and stitch them great job done as always i encourage you to test these techniques and options as there is nothing better to do than practice then you learn things by yourself thanks for watching also don't forget to like this video if you found this interesting share it subscribe and do all these wonderful things see you guys in the next video
Channel: Arch Viz Artist
Views: 45,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, lesson, training, architectural visualizations, cgi, rendering, render, 3d image, 3d visualization, architecture, 3ds max, autodesk, vray, v-ray, corona, corona renderer, interior design, animations, 3d render, interior architecture, artist, architectural visualization artist, 3d artist, art, composition, art rules, camera setup, camera, lighting, lighting setup, materials, photorealistic, storytelling, post production, postproduction
Id: aMCWmnml0o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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