3DS Max 2018 Class #29 (Unwrapping a Square Table)

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all right welcome back it's quarter 1 week 6 day 3 this is video number 29 today we are actually going to UV bomb actually UV layout something for a change instead of just watching stuff we're actually gonna do something so we're gonna start out with this square table we're gonna do this instead of that box cuz I'm tired of looking on that box we had too many videos with a silly box so we're gonna move on you'll notice that my table only has one leg super you'll notice that my table only has one leg and that is because we're going to take this leg UV it first and then once it's UV we will copy it because that's what smart people do where you're going to think about things ahead of time such as laying out a UV so we're gonna make sure that we lay out the UV first and then copy it because the UV information will move along with it as we copy it I'll also notice when I select this individual object its rotational position is in the center of the table and that's so when I copy it around I can make copies and it will just automatically line up so that's pretty cool so let's get started so we start out by thinking about how we are going to lay this thing out we've got a bunch of weird nooks and crannies we're gonna have to get into we're gonna have to planar map this from different angles and we're gonna have to think about what the most important parts of this object are now when we look at the table 99% of time we look at the table we are going to look at the top of the table maybe sometimes we look at the bottom maybe the sides a little bit but very very rarely will we actually look underneath the table so that means when it comes to what's the most important part the top part is going to be the most important important part followed by the sides and then very least would be the underside of the table where people stick their gum right same thing with the legs the legs are going to be moderately important but we are going to use the same UV space for all of the legs and I'll show you how to do that in a minute but first let's get started so we're going to grab the table top and we are going to go ahead and add the UV modifier to it un unwrap UV and then we get this so I'm gonna open the UV editor and it starts out looking bad and that's fine I'm gonna move it off to the side here we are going to look at the top part at the table like I said before we know this is the most important part so I'm going to planar map that from Z Z is up and down remember we need to be perpendicular so the the material that gets placed on that plane is perpendicular so we're gonna go Z cuz it's up and down so we're gonna planar map this from Z and then actually before we actually finish that we're gonna grow this so I'm going to grow to the edge and then I got a couple options but I think that's where I'm gonna stop I'm gonna just grow it to the edge I'm gonna planar map from Z again planar map from Z and now I'm gonna bring this over and then I am going to expand this out a little bit so you can see I don't double click this polygon button and then drag this over now what I've got here is the actual top of the table I'm gonna put a checker pattern on there so I'm actually going to create a quick checker pattern by hitting M we can do it with this default standard which is what's already on the table right click Maps general checker well drag it into diffuse you can see it's already applying in here I'm going to change the tiling to like let's go 5 and 5 see how that looks it's a good start we may have to go more but you can see we've got distortion in the leg already and what is going on here that is a wreck but the table at the top of the table looks ok and that's because we have already grabbed part of it and adjusted it now if I go to tools relax polygon angles you'll notice that I've got this little edge here and this little edge is actually this edge here but you'll notice I'm getting some distortion the way I'm going to get rid of that distortion is I'm going to grab those edges all of these edges here this one and I'm gonna break it and you'll see they start out white I'm gonna click it break it and now it's green green means that that edge is split and that's what we want we want that to be a split edge and this to be a split edge so now when we take this object again I'm gonna select the whole thing and then I'm going to relax it tools relaxed polygons is the default which is nice it used to be edge anyway so now that's set so when this is now applied it is no longer distorted on the sides so now this image or this type of material will be perfectly laid out now when I'm done with this section I'm just gonna put it off to the side because I have a bunch of other faces here that I still have to deal with okay now we know that the bottom is probably the least important piece but we also know that it is kind of like it is what it is like I would say that people will look at this and this edge these edges all the way around the least so I'm gonna go ahead and planar map this as well planar map once again up and down by Z all right now it looks weird it looks square still and it's upside-down it's hard to tell but you got to remember that when you play them have something it's the images coming from the top so if the normal of this face is facing down like you can see with that yellow edge if that normal is facing down and I try and relax this it's gonna flip on me watch tools relax polygons it turned the reason it turned is because it's actually flipping inside out and then turning the way we can fix this and I'm going to make ctrl Z for undo the way we can fix this is by flipping it first so mirror this like just click on this button there Boop now it doesn't you can't really tell but you'll have to take my word for it that it flipped over now if we relax it just lays flat now we don't care as much about distortion on the bottom side since no one's gonna be looking at it but just for giggles I'm gonna make sure that it all these edges are split too I'm gonna grab them like this you see I have all the outside and those and I'm going to break them all at the same time now I can grab this section again grab them all it relaxed and now they flatten out now you can tell that the bottom is currently perfectly laid out now we know it's gonna be less important and it looks a lot like my top but I want to make sure I don't get them confused so I'm gonna take this one and shrink it down once again no one's gonna look at this so I'm just gonna fit this part in wherever I can okay cool moving right along so we've got the bottom and you'll notice big checkers because it's very low resolution the top is smaller checkers because it's high resolution now we've got to figure out this other section so this mess right here this and this and all that so I'm gonna grab all of this here all right I'm gonna make sure I get all of it so I'm gonna hold shift and I should be able to grab that whole ring the other way I could do that is hit L and marquee select across the side like this all right so that I have that but that gets me the inside which I don't want so I'm gonna undo that I'm gonna select that hold shift and click and that should give me the entire ring I'll turn the grid off for now so it's a little bit easier to see and I must squeeze that down swings get a little bit better all right cool so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grow this out because what I want is I want this edge and this edge so if I hit grow it'll automatically expand one edge in every direction which gives me this entire section now we're going to planar map this we could actually let cylindrical map it we're gonna have to figure out a way and make it look good but for now we're just gonna cylindrical map if we cylindrical map from Z we wrap around it like a coke can however it's not act in the way it's laid out like it's gonna be weird we can relax it and then it sort of splits out in a weird way and that's okay but I'm gonna show you sort of a better way to do this we're gonna grab this grab these two double click the polygon drag this down or drag it all the way so we can work with it I'm gonna marquee select the bottom and drag it down and you'll see that the part that I didn't grab which is these edges here sort of spread out a little bit no I'll do the same thing here mostly I'm doing this so I can find the edge you see when you when you cylindrical map something it doesn't always lay out perfectly so I'm gonna grab this edge here this one that's sort of angled and I want to stitch it to the blue so I want to have my selection and I'm gonna stitch it to the loops and I'm going to stitch to the opposite direction I guess I got to grab this top one I'll grab the top on this dish to source there we go and same thing here grab this top one stitch to source now now that all my edges are laid out or stitched properly I'm gonna hit number three grab these tools relax once again polygon angles boom now you'll notice that it does start stretching in a weird way because the bottom has this angle right in order to make that work a little better we can grab these bottom edges through here here and here and break them alright now we can grab faces again and start relax and starts to line up now sometimes you can do straightened selection and it works and sometimes it just looks terrible it looks like this time it's more terrible than good so our options here are to break more edges or try and align them ourselves in this case we can align it by taking just part of it straightening it out by 90 degrees and then moving it once it's roughly in the right spot we can try and relax all right that's getting there grab these edges move them down some I don't actually maximize this you see what we can also do is grab all of these verts along this top edge but not these that was an accident grab all those like this and we can actually use some of the tools on the top right to straighten them all together so we're gonna grab a line horizontally to pivot click that move it up do the same thing here to this section line horizontally to pivot and then the bottom section too will be our last one align horizontally to pivot and now we can try and relax this one last time there we go that's pretty ok once again this is probably not the most important part that we're gonna have so we may end up just tucking it in wherever we can I'm gonna hold ctrl as I shrink this so I don't shrink it beyond where it needs to be or like I need to keep track of where it is and I don't want to stretch anything that I that shouldn't be stretched appropriately so now our entire tabletop is done okay the next section we need to do is our leg ok you can't even see the leg pieces here because they're a separate object so we're gonna go back select the leg actually select the table go to this we're going to right click on unwrap and then collapse all yes by collapsing all what we've done is we've saved that UV information inside the object so it's all saved now we're going to attach the leg and then these actually let's not do that undo so I should have two separate objects let's go ahead and do the leg unwrapping now so it's called UN for unwrap and then open up our UV editor now it starts out a mess we are going to start out here grab all of the faces and you'll notice if I hit or if I right-click and isolate selection you'll notice that there's no top to the leg it does not have a top at all it has a bottom no Tom that's because it will constantly be hidden inside the table so we don't need it so I took it out so select all the edges and this time we're going to cube our box map okay now the box map didn't work super well but what it did do is it broke this object up in a way where we can get a lot out of it now we can grab this edge here and stitch those together so that now I should be able to grab these faces and relax them and they should sort of relax okay let's see start relaxed all right kind of okay there's this there's this and now I need to grab this edge right here I'm gonna stitch that to average it's gonna look bad at first and that's not a real problem we can stitch one of these two average two and now we can grab those edges and relax them it's starting to get better this is attached to that this is not attached we grab some edges here whatever edge you select you can see what edges what edge it matches with so as long as you only have one selected you can usually figure out which one needs to be connected to it so I want this one to connect someone I stitched average or source either ones fine but now I should have all them together like that so you can see that the bottom is here and then it lays out appropriately we can line it however we want and then scale it down and then our leg is done this is done we're gonna apply be finished and now this is basically the UVs laid out so now and isolate grab our object hit T for tops we can see our object is selected I'm gonna hit e to rotate it I'm gonna hold shift make sure angle Snap is on rotate it exactly 90 degrees and I'm going to make three copies because I need one two three copies to make four legs I'll call it M leg is fine it'll be 0 2 and 0 4 or whatever I'm actually gonna make them an instance so that way if I want to change one it changes all of them click OK and now I should have four table legs on four sides of the object now I can grab my table and I'm going to collapse the stack collapse all yes and now I can attach my leg 1 2 3 4 so now my table has four legs and modifier list un for unwrap now open the UV editor we've got all four table legs are right here now we need to lay them out and we talked before about what's the most important part and that's this all right I'm gonna grab my element that way I don't mess anything up put this in here I'm gonna try and get to a corner go right along the edge here put it in the corner get it right where one good and now I'm gonna squeeze it down to make room for everything else because I gotta have everything else so it's still gonna maybe the most important but I need to make sure that I have enough room to fit everything in there I can do that I'm gonna turn angle snap off so I can line that up a little bit I'm gonna try and make sure that this is a line sort of straight up and down ish and then I'm going to scale that down until it fits inside the space that I have I'm gonna make it a little bit bigger I want this to be pretty high resolution but I don't want it to be too problematic this is the bottom we talked about this already I think I'm gonna fit this in here once again I'm gonna make it as big as I can but it's not nearly as important as the other side so it'll be blurry but that's okay once again it's underneath and now this section here what we can do here is because these corners this each one of these sections is a corner I think what I'm gonna do is in order to keep the resolution equal to this or at least semi equal I'm going to split these down the edge and then line them up here boom boom boom so because of that I'm going to expand these out by holding ctrl each one needs to be about the size of the table I'm gonna use that as my guideline roughly and get it there if it's not gonna fit and it doesn't look like it's gonna fit I'm gonna have to shrink it some but I want to keep it so I can fit all four of them in this space up here if I need to maybe I can take this and shrink it a little bit if I shrink this a little bit and move it down it's a little more efficient I'm losing some of the detail on my leg but I think that's a choice I'm gonna have to make and then I think this object is gonna have to shrink toing fit half of it in there about half once I got half it in I'm gonna break it so I'm gonna grab a turn-off element grab these two and I can break these as a group right there now I can move this around up here like that I can also relax this two tools relax the same thing with this I'm gonna go back to grab me by element tools start relax all right cool so I need to make sure these fit and that they are inside well there we go and there we go you can leave a little bit of buffer there and that's basically what we're got okay so we've used most of the space if you look at the square we've used most of the space that we have you want to use as much space as possible while still keeping things relatively equal if we look at our checker map you can tell that our highest resolution is there now I would say that for em on hit em check our checker map and change the tiling to ten because right now the it's so big we can't really tell the difference but that's a little better so each one of those you can sort of see better as to how dense it is like those are about oh it's about three times more dense on top than it is on the bottom which seems about right so this is good so now all we need to do is export this out okay so open UV editor tools and we are going to render UV template now we always export these out at 2048 by 2048 because even though we're never going to use a resolution that high it's better to have a high resolution map to work with and then export is a lower resolution and vice versa so I want to render UV template I'm going to call this this is table nope table UV and we are going to call this it's a PNG so I'm going to call it table sure underscore UV actually I'm gonna call it square square table UV I'd save yes cool now from here we're gonna go into photoshop so I'm gonna close this minimize this and open Photoshop and I'll see you when it opens so here comes Photoshop alright Photoshop is now open I am going to click there grab my UV and just drag it into the work area it's gonna think for a second it's gonna open up and you're not gonna be able to see it much I'll double click on this layer 0 call it UV enter I'm going to create a new layer move it below and call it background background and I'm going to paint that layer with a solid color get my bucket I usually use black cool just so we can see our UV and how its laid out now this UV this image is 2048 by 2048 we are going to use an image that I got off of texturized club that has a bunch of free and free wood images so I used in the lesson as well and I'm gonna hit OK and I want to put that I want to put that right in between the UV in the background layer ok now this image will texture perfectly so that's very nice we're gonna lock that in and then hit enter and then I'm going to duplicate that layer click OK and I'm going to ctrl T and drag it over like that it's sort of okay let me see if I rotated see if it looks better not really thank you it's okay I don't know like actually I'm not a fan they said it would be tech seamless but it doesn't look seamless instead of trying instead of trying to like mess with it delete layers instead of worrying about having a seam in the middle I'm just going to take that and then drag it across like that that way I know that that image is going to be relatively high resolution now with that said come on go there goes it's placed I could actually take this image and then expand all the way out oops undo drag it out so it fits the entire image and then hit enter the problem is on the top that makes a lot of sense it's probably still too like to close with a view for it to actually look good that way but here it's gonna look bad so I definitely am gonna need to duplicate the layer at least and then take this layer here and move it ctrl T I'm gonna rotate it so that the grain is moving in a logical direction the grain here should be moving left to right not up and down if it's not if it's moving the wrong direction it'll look weird so now the grains moving the right direction okay cool that's it for now because I've got a the wood grain is going a logical direction in each view that we have so it should be ok so we're done with this so I'm gonna grab these - I'm gonna minimum or hide the UV layer and now I can take this file save as I'm just save as a peat like a Photoshop file go on to table UV square table and this no longer UV it's a DM save okay go back into 3d studio hit M now we know that we can create a new material material Jim scanline standard let me get this all the way so I check our map I'm going to take my Photoshop file square table DM drag it in and then attach it to diffuse double click it I'm pretty sure it's already selected I'm a place on selection then wait for it to render up it's not going to render because I don't have this set there all right there we go I've set that to render and now it's we have made our table we've got the grain going up and down because that would make most sense the would be going up and down on this one but the side to side on here it looks like it's a little high density but that's okay so now I got to do is take this set it up and then this time what I'm gonna ask you to do instead of sending me this render what I'm gonna ask you to do is actually send me this image here so you're gonna hit go to the UV editor you're going to maximize this and you're to turn in you're going to come to this section here reset the texture list map show the square table DM like this and then I want you to go to a snippy tool new snip and then snip out this object just like that if one of them lights up that's fine it's not a big deal snip that and then you're gonna send it to me okay now everybody's gonna be slightly different so and that's fine but this is the image I want you to send to me to show me that you've finished your UV table all right and then of course you're going to save this yes and we are going to save it as let's call it whatever period you're in so I'm in period eight underscore your last name underscore let's call it square table square table and that'll be a PNG so hit save and then it'll be a different resolution for everybody and stuff like that but I I just want to make sure that you have your material laid out properly and your UV laid out properly and if you send me that file I'll know it's all good all right so that's it that's how we do that you'll notice that all the edges make sense all the grain makes sense maybe not this part we'll just let that go but this part makes sense yeah it looks good but underneath it's a little mess that's okay no one's gonna see that anyway all right so thanks for watching now you know how to UV next week you will make your free to project where you actually learn how to use your UV skills and make something cool and then put an actual material on it so I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Clayton Donnan
Views: 6,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Studio, Max, 2018, easy, beginner, Crooms, Academy, Introduction, tutorial
Id: 2AT7Jk6vDQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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