Utter Filth Volkswagen Golf Gets Deep Cleaned & Detailed!!!

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[Music] foreign hey guys joe here at jp details with a 234 thousand mile volkswagen golf 1.6 tdi my tired which is in need of one serious makeover the exterior is filthy from many a mile of being driven a lot of the time down incredibly muddy country roads hence the condition the gulf joins us today for a three-day detailing training course with a chap called adam who does intend to set up a detailing and valeting business of his own so he's hit me up for some training first our intentions over the next three days are to tackle the incredibly dirty exterior and the swirled and faded paintwork underneath as well as a deep clean for the interior engine bay and the wheels off detail we'll begin with showing you around the car to give you a gist of what we're up against and then we'll jump in with a complete step-by-step guide about how to get a neglected vehicle back to an awesome condition just a heads up we will be snow foaming the engine bay machine polishing the paintwork through a compounding stage and finishing stage wet vacuuming the interior and using one of those spinny brush things on the end of a drill plan is to sell the golf to make way for a van so he can go about his new business venture on a mobile basis to begin with before we get cracking with today's comprehensive guide which is pretty much going to cover a professional detail from start to finish can you do me a quick favor and make sure you are subscribed to the channel as it would be a great deal to hit 100k at some point in the next six months it made sense to start the detail with initially giving the engine bay the clean it deserves this golf has covered 234 000 miles and there is a good chance that it hasn't been cleaned within many of those original models firstly you want to tape up any electrical socket or plugs to provide further protection against water damage generally speaking then all of these plugs will be waterproof to a certain degree but it is good practice to take this precautionary step which should only take five to ten minutes that way we can be a little more carefree when rinsing apart from the electrical sockets the only other things to be careful of are any air intakes or air intake pipes and at worst exposed injectors which at that point i'd contemplate not using the jet wash at all most modern engines are covered with a bit of plastic trim so it's only the odd vehicle that may raise an eyebrow and make you think otherwise and usually it's the older ones rinse the engine base starting with the underside of the bonnet to knock off as much crud and grime without getting too close to the engine itself modern engine bays are fine to be jet washed and cleaned in the fashion shown in this video but i do have the relevant insurance in place just in case something were to go wrong let's hope that doesn't happen today and i'm sure with the following built on the autofoam all fire risks will be quickly extinguished this quickfire snow foam stage will provide us with a decent pre-cleaning solution before we jump in with a much stronger apc and various brushes we used built hamburger surface hd diluted around seven to one with a few of the wheel cleaning brushes to access as many parts of the engine bay as possible surface hd is more comparable as a degreaser which is proving perfect for today's occasion when the agitation stage is complete and don't forget to do this to the underside of the bonnet we'll want to rinse the engine base starting from the top to remove all of the soapy residue product and grind [Music] [Music] don't forget to remove the tape from the electrical sockets and then feel free to close the hood wow this is where you do them the next area which is well and truly well overdue a good clean and decon is the wheels and arches i'm not even kidding these are absolutely filthy to make things easier and to expose as many areas as possible for a thorough deep cleaning process we will be taking the wheels off you'll need a breaker bar and a socket set as well as any locking wheel nut keys a jack to lift the vehicle with and ideally an axle stand to brunt the load crack the wheel nuts and jack the car up pop the axle stand underneath and then take the load off the jack fully undo the wheel nuts and pop the wheel off place the wheel somewhere sturdy and by this point you should have already prepared your wheel cleaning products and tools a pressure washer is an absolute must-have for car cleaning duties i can't remember the name of the nil fisk that i'm currently using but it has proven to be a solid bit of kit offering a high rate of water flow they retail at 850 pounds and they are purchasable from precious washers of stafford please see the link below to their website this machine is my new fixed location machine for the new unit it won't work from a water tank or a generator so i can't take it out in the van that's where the kranzel k7 comes in as my big one does need to be hooked up to a tap and a electrical socket so firstly rinse the arch down to remove as much mud and grime as possible make it easier on yourself going forwards and rinse off as much as you can the jet wash is certainly your friend at this point [Music] so [Music] so [Music] adam couldn't find the locking wheel nut for the rear wheels on the golf so we'll have to settle for doing our best with the car jacked up and in the air by doing this it has opened up the arch much better so we should be able to still do a decent job fabric archline is at the rear versus plastic at the front i know which i'd rather be cleaning hence why i chose to do the fronts you will find that over time the mud on the fabric arch liners will eventually soak all of the way through and settle in big mounds around the back of the fabric arch lines depending on how well the car was built of course and things such as age and mileage in an ideal world you'd want to remove the arch liners but that won't be happening today after the initial pre-rinse which did take a bit of time i'll apply built hammer auto foam to the wheel arches to offer us some decent initial cleaning [Music] agents [Music] so we'll follow this with our wheel cleaning tools and then agitate whilst using built hammer surface hd utilize each of your brushes to access as many areas as possible or until your desired finish has been achieved surfax hd diluted around seven to one makes an excellent product selection for things like engine bays and wheel arches it really does offer you a clean much more comparable to a degreaser i'd highly recommend rinse the wheel arch when the first cleaning stage is complete to remove the product residue and the ground we're then going to go back in for a second clean this time using built hamburger surface hd on its own the first hit removes the majority of the dirt the second hit will finish the final few traces nicely it just takes a bit of effort time plus the knowledge tools and products a vehicle to clean and somewhere to clean it i'm sure you get the gist you cannot to complete the whole of the second cleaning stage with an iron fallout remover which would be beneficial considering the amount of iron contamination that must have become embedded into the wheel arches will be quite substantial we will be completing at least two big hits of the tile and glue remover because the amount of rotor is substantial take your incredibly filthy wheel that possibly hasn't been cleaned for many tens of thousands of miles the one from the front as well and let's see how well we can clean it up this must be one of the worst wheels that i've done in quite some time rinse with the pressure washer to remove as much brake dust as possible then jump right in with your iron fallout product [Music] apply to the wheel allow some time to begin reacting then begin the agitation process with your brushes there's no denying that the amount of baked on brake dust on the wheels is quite substantial if the owner wanted these to be mint they would need to be fully refurbed however a deep clean in this case will suffice i repeated the process three times initially for the front wheel and i could very easily have done it for another three more times we even joked about putting the wheels in a bath or even a tub filled with iron fallout product which would more than likely work [Music] [Music] do [Applause] good it did take quite a bit of effort to remove the majority of the brake dust as it did proved to have been on there for quite a while either way the wheels look much better after the first decon stage so let's move to the next auto smart tardis tar and glue remover is next to be used on the wheels this strong solvent is going to begin chemically reacting with the rotar contamination and trust me there is quite a bit of it apply the product to liberally and give it some time to dwell before working over with a microfiber towel you will need to repeat this process a few times to remove all final traces you may need to break the big ones down and then remove them gradually the sticky strips from where the old wheel weights used to be need cleaning off and again saturate these areas with the product repeatedly and given time to dwell these will scrape off with something similar to a credit card or a loyalty card a heat gun would definitely be beneficial but i still managed without it's hard to see how much time went into each wheel but considering it was only the fronts that were taken off we probably got the wheels off detail process finished in around an hour and a half after the wheel had been vigorously detailed i rinsed it off and reapplied the iron fallout product for a final ferrous fighting feud to remove as many final fighting ferrous contaminants left on the wheel surface the wheel was heavily contaminated to begin with and i really do want to see if i can get them one step better [Music] in the meantime the arch was detailed with several soakings of the product and wiping over with microfiber towels to remove an abundance of rotor contamination three hits minimum for a vehicle of this stature any less and they'll still be blobs on there wipe the arch down multiple times and don't be shy with the product wipe over the suspension arms and up and around the chassis there's lots of hidden places where the tar loves to hide rinse the arch when complete and refit the clean wheel ready for dropping the vehicle back down as it turns out i actually recorded us doing the wheels off detail on the other side of the car as well so i'm going to speed up the footage so you can see the full process of this area being transformed minus the cleaning of the front wheel as it'll be out of shot i'll overplay some copyright free music and i'll join you again when the wheels and arches are complete [Music] [Music] so [Music] step one for the exterior give it a thorough pre-rinse to remove as much dirt and grime as possible utilize the jet wash and let it do the hard work you don't need to spend an eternity at this point just knock off the loose stuff [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] after the initial pre-rinse apply a layer of snow foam of your choice i'll be using built hammer auto phone two providers with a strong solution to help soften up the more baked on road grind allow the snow phone maximum dwelling time to work its magic so for me on this overcast day it was around seven minutes give the vehicle a much more thorough pressure rinse after the dwell to further remove the more stubborn dirt and grime that's become built up on the surface of the car the first rinse can be a nice and quick one to knock off the loose stuff but the second rinse must be much more thorough to help shift the more stubborn grime [Music] wash the vehicle from the roof down with my selection of wash mitt being of the microfiber variety use the two buckets wash method to your heart's desire and get the vehicle nicely clean oh [Music] [Music] take a secondary wash mitt for the lowest areas including underneath the front and rear bumpers under the side skirts and around the inner arches although you should have already sorted the inner arches within the wheels off detail stage you can also grab a detail brush in some apc or even surface hd and clean the hard-to-reach areas i'm not sure why we didn't do it on the day but perhaps we could have done it later on in the decon stages [Music] so so now the vehicle is being rinsed off we are left with a relatively clean base the only contaminants still there are will bonded to the paintwork in slightly different ways the tar deposit removal stage is first up to remove those small rotar deposits apply the product to let's say a quarter of the car at a time and begin wiping over with microfiber towels for heavily contaminated vehicles you may need to repeat this process two or three times pretty sure i carried out on the golf twice this product will dry out very quickly if the sun comes out so if it does you do need to ideally get that side of the car in the shade the next area to sort is behind the registration plates the previous glue residue needs to come off for a new plate to be fitted tauren glue remover allow time to dwell heat with the air gun would be beneficial then repeat the process a few times and the glue should start to separate wipe and repeat a few times and you will be able to remove all of the glue i resulted in picking it away i'll just be sure to give it a good compound later on rinse the vehicle down when the torrent glue remover stage is finished apply the iron fallout product to the entire car in the shade to dissolve all ferrous or metal particles from the bodywork we should see the product begin to turn purple as it reacts with the contamination against a black vehicle it is going to be difficult to see but i can assure you that it is still there rinse the vehicle down when the product has been allowed to dwell for its longest dwelling time without drying out hence why it's important not to do this stage in the sun spend the time rinse get out of the gaps and crevices of the vehicle as it does take a bit to remove i then decided to rinse out all door shuts and seals due to them being filthy and as you'll see shortly the interior could possibly benefit from a snow phone wash itself so we're not all that fussed if it does get a bit wet there is a technique of angling the jet wash when doing the door shuts to minimize the amount of water that enters the cabin but to be honest i'm sure you'll be able to figure it out for yourself [Applause] next up is a final layer of snow foam to help draw out all of the iron fallout product from the gaps and crevices and we will take advantage at this point and clean the door shuts and sills with a strong apc and detailing brushes going by the state of this car inside and out i do imagine it had been a number of years since the vehicle had been properly cleaned rinse the door shuts and sills and the body work down before commencing the final decon stage [Music] we are now left with a clean looking volkswagen golf after the first bit of a seeing two not too shabby before and afters here's the interior which is looking pretty sorry for itself a full deep cleaner is coming right up no we popped the hood and applied the plastic and vinyl dressing to boost the appearance of the engine bay apply to the surface then brush and hit all areas it's as easy as that i'll then give the product some time to dwell on the surface before wiping off a few hours later i set adam the task of beginning the clean on the interior vacuum all areas first to remove the loose bits of debris and then jump in for the manual cleaning the george pneumatic wet and dry vac is excellent please see the link below to buy one today i wouldn't be without mine [Music] i took over after the initial vacuum stage and demonstrated how to clean the driver's door card different materials to contend with and electrical sockets and speakers so it does have its risks of its own the vehicle does need a good clean so be sure to use the required amount of product simply vacuum first clean with a pc and a detail brush then wipe the product off the plastic and fabric surfaces you've got a few different points of cleaning there the vacuum the agitation with the brush and further cleaning with the microfiber towels and then your interior panels will be looking so much better after [Music] steering wheels are a high wear area and they do require regular cleaning to help with keeping your interior a safe environment a swissvacs detail brush and apc will get to all areas of the wheel and a microfiber towel will clean it all up nicely [Music] a full clean of the interior means just that so no areas are missed the headlining abc pillars are all thoroughly cleaned and if you want to do an odor removal then simply replace the apc with the enzyme odour eliminator product we wiped the engine bay down with a bit more plastic dressing and a microfiber towel to get it all finished off you can blow dry the engine bait after the cleaning process which i'm pretty sure is what we would have done i just didn't capture it on camera now that the interior has been given a decent initial vacuum and all hard surfaces have been cleaned we're going to tackle the carpets first and then the fabric seats using valitpro upholstery cleaner diluted around six to one i'll apply it to the carpet liberally and then whack out the old spinny brush thing on the drip this is my first time using the brush and yes it certainly does have its place a very good tool for cleaning up bad carpets quickly with minimal effort required it gets a big thumbs up from me complete this crazy brush stage to your heart's content but be wary that a strong bristled brush may fluff up your pile vacuum thoroughly afterwards and you should be on to a winner wet vac if required but not for the carpets in this golf today [Music] ensure the loose bits of debris have been vacuumed from the seats including the gaps and crevices then soak the seat with an upholstery cleaner begin agitating the product with an upholstery brush to get it all working add boiling water to the tank in george and begin wet vacuuming the seeds draw out all of the bad stuff and what you'll find when the seats have dried is some far better conditioned ones the interior was given a final vacuum after the wet facade's carpet cleaning the interior windows glass and dials were cleaned and the plastics were dressed with auto finesse spritz we finished the interior in a timely manner to set about restoring some gloss and shine to the terrible locking paintwork [Music] starting with the bonnet because it's the most easily accessible panel and under the lighting we'll be able to see how the paint's reacting far more conveniently than let's say down the sides we do have a cloudy effect going on with the paint and we're not all that sure what it could be it's difficult to say whether it's something on the surface of the clear coat or if it's general uv fading that's etched into the top part of the clear coat my guess is uv fading so with this compounding stage using a microfiber pad in the rupes green medium compound i'll hopefully be able to cut through this top layer of clear coat to remove the etching revealing a much nicer colour underneath the defect across the entire bonnet did prove quite resilient to remove it did take quite a bit of compounding to level the clear coat down enough to remove the heaviest parts of this defect i gave adam the do's and don'ts of machine polishing and we both set about the task of putting pad to paint the rupes lhr 15 big foot mark ii and mark iii are being used the key with compounding is to concentrate on one section at a time be happy with it then move to the next each section should be roughly one square foot this way we won't feel rushed to get each panel done because to achieve a decent finish time really is the answer the bonnet wasn't the only problem area that we had to correct is we also had these substantial scratches and brush marks towards the front of the roof we're not sure what caused these but i was told that when adam bought the car there was a load of stuff being stored on the roof i'm going to let adam do what he can with these marks and i've simply told him to go to town with them in the meantime i'm going to attend to my side of the roof to get the vehicle on the right track to completion adam gave his section a good shot and he certainly has improved the area i moved the camera to capture some correctional work on the side of the car and boy do we have some stuff to remove it's safe to say that the golf has been used and abused over the years but a mighty fine finish is only around the corner just to add at this point the car was clayed before drying we just didn't capture it on camera working each panel of the car section by section i'm going to get a hold of the rupes bigfoot and show it where to go get it working nicely against all areas of paint to restore the finish you do have to be careful of the edges but just use your common sense do the crosshatch pattern to keep your working area nice and neat and to improve the chances of an even finish i've only got minimal time to do my share of the compounding which is going to be the whole of the passenger side and the bootlet so whilst we're not detailing a vehicle of significant monetary value where perhaps spending 100 hours perfecting the vehicle would suit we kind of want to cut to the chase a little quicker with the gulf to save a few of their man hours brush the pad out frequently especially with a microfiber pad as the fibers do need propping up regularly reapply the compound after each section and buff each panel as you go don't build up too much heat in any given area but be sure to spend the time mastering the machine and the paint inspect your results as you go to monitor the level of correction being achieved and if you are happy continue working around the car i'll put some product links in the description below for the different bits of tools products and kit that are being featured today [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's left to talk about the compounding stage then well there is still a lot left to talk about the compounding stage but i'm not going to do that to you now if you want to learn more about paint correction and even ceramic coatings then please check out some of my other videos i'm going to keep this video a little less involved as in all fairness i would usually spend far longer compounding a vehicle that is in for a paint correction the idea with the golf is that he is here on training so i'm still having to run him through most stages of the detail [Music] do [Applause] [Applause] so now i finished my share of the compounding i'm going to go ahead and refine those panels a white rupes finishing pad this time with the white rupes finishing polish and after applying a few five piece size blobs of the product to the pad i'll begin working it over the paint just like compounding you really can go to time with how much time you spend on the machine the longer you spend the better the finish will be generally speaking i'm going to spread the product out on speed setting 4 and then work it all in on speed setting 6. do the cross arch pattern where applicable so you can maintain a manageable working area and give that paintwork some much needed gloss the longer you spend with one of these machines in your hand the sooner you'll become familiar with it and in return you'll learn how to get the most out of it put the man-hours in and get those cars under your belt to increase your experience expertise and your know-how so a few other things to cover the front end needs a respray because it's absolutely peppered from many a motorway mile we're not going to be painting the front end today so we'll just do our best the rest of the paintwork was given the single stage machine polish with as much time that i could offer it isn't going to be a show car so it isn't having show car hours spent on it and i'm technically still on training so i do have my excuses i did my best with both the compounding and finishing stages to bring the gulf's paintwork back to a decent finish a huge improvement from before and our effort should help shift the thing to fund the mobile van purchase for adam [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we finished the training golf with the application of gion mows to offer the gulf a two-year ceramic coating from a single layer it also comes with gion cure which needs to be wiped over 24 hours later adam left his bottle at my unit so that won't be happening apply the gion product onto an applicator of your choice and apply to the paint in straight lines where possible you can use circular motions to help spread the product further ensure your select working section is coated which shouldn't be anything bigger than let's say half a bonnet grab your first microfiber towel and then gently begin to buff the residue it's not like um [Music] take your second microfiber towel shortly after to remove all final traces of the excess coating residue repeat this process over the rest of the panel and be sure to inspect your results as you go it's very easy to miss a bit of ceramic coating residue and when it's dried it'll be a pain to remove we got the rest of the golf coated with a single layer of geomos dressed the tyres detail spray for the door shuts themselves polished the windows and a jp dangly air freshener inside the plates were put back on and the vehicle was given overnight to fully cure we came to the unit the next day and we got the golf outside for some final finished photos and footage [Music] [Applause] quite a difference before and after the three days of treatment some value has been put back into the car so hopefully it sells pretty quickly quite the mileage though at 234 000 i certainly wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot barge pole but i tell a lie i've kind of just spent three days working on it apart from the interior needing the professional touch or possibly even just the final vacuum the car is pretty much been transformed i let adam finish the interior off so judge him and not me it's safe to say that we did have a good time over the three days of training adam had traveled down from somewhere up north but i can't remember where he learned a lot whilst he was with me and he's now able to take away some decent information and knowledge to help him set up his own business the golf turned out a treat and it was good to see it all clean and shiny in the end the front outside the unit needed a good jet wash to remove all of the mud so i got that job done pretty quickly as there was a lot that came off the golf as always i hope you enjoyed today's video and please do make sure that you are subscribed to the channel so you don't miss future content be sure to give the like button a tickle to show some support and feel free to give me a follow on facebook and instagram just search jp details and i'll hopefully catch you in the next one what [Music]
Channel: JP Details
Views: 310,654
Rating: 4.8310375 out of 5
Keywords: Professional Detailing Guide, How to Detail a Car, British Car Detailing YouTube, deep cleaning filthy vehicle, filthy vehicle gets deep cleaned, how to clean a filthy vehicle, disaster detail neglected vehicle, neglected vehicle gets cleaned, deep cleaning filthy cars, dirty disaster deep interior detail
Id: qdYeo5q9HhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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