ABANDONED BARN FIND First Wash In 30 Years Mercedes 190C! Satisfying Car Detailing Restoration

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wd detailing, i can't believe how good this looks  it looks awesome it's really nice looking yeah   it's a beautiful car oh god this is really really  cool sweet thanks guys i appreciate that good lord   hey guys welcome back to the channel today we have  a mercedes 190c that hasn't been washed in over 30   years as you could tell the thing is completely  covered in dust three of the four tires are   completely flat and the inside is covered in mold  but as you know we always do a question of the   video so leave your answer in the comments below  what year do you think this mercedes is one thing   i can tell you is that the owner's grandfather  bought this car brand new from the factory when   it first came out so if that helps you guys at  all let us know what you guys think and i also   want to mention if you guys aren't subscribed to  our channel we put a lot of time and a lot of work   into these videos for example this one took over  10 hours just to film and we're on the push to   100k subscribers i know we're kind of far from it  but a lot of you guys who watch our videos aren't   subscribed so take a second make sure you're  subscribed some of you probably watch every   single week and you're not so click the button if  you can for us it's free and you won't miss our   future videos and it's actually been a while since  i've done this but i want to set a light goal on   this video i want to see if we can get 3 000 likes  on the first day this video is out i know that's   asking a lot from you guys but if you just hit the  like button really quick we could get there we've   never done it before so it would be a first for  the channel let's see if we could smash that goal i do want to take a second to mention to you guys  to make sure to watch all the way through the   video we actually got the owner's reaction at the  end of it and i think it's the best reaction we've   ever gotten in any of our videos so you don't  want to miss that watch till the end and enjoy so this oh so so so what you're seeing us use right here are  clay bar mitts it's the same thing as clay   bar essentially but they speed up the process  a lot because you can cover a lot more area in   a shorter period of time and when you have big  surfaces to cover they definitely come in handy so so so oh oh oh yes on a rainy day a rainy day on a rainy day on a rainy day me is on a rainy on a day day on a rainy day on a rainy day on a rainy day on a rainy day on a rainy day   for the seats i just sprayed a good  amount of apc on them to get them   clean with a soft bristle brush wipes it  all down and then after they had a second   to dry we put on our leather conditioner  just to make them soft and supple again   so when you sit on them they're not so hard  and it basically brings them back to life um um so all right guys so we're gonna go get rob who  is the uh i believe he's the owner right front   he's the owner we're gonna unveil the car to  him so hey rob i think we're all good to go   take a look at yeah the camera's growing so i'm  so excited yeah so this is uh this is you this   was your grandfather's car yeah it was gotcha  yeah he's had he bought it new in 64. look at   that thing look at the color i know man it  came back it's never looked like that before   yeah now this is a pleasure to work oh my god dude  look at how slick it is yeah it's so smooth it's   oh my goodness and they really don't smooth out  the panels the way they did back in the wow oh my   god yeah dude look at the front of this can you  believe this look at how funny the plate looks   oh yeah no it really matters everything it  looks perfect i gotta see the inside of it   is that the yeah check it out i doubt it's  leather but whatever it is right you know   i i'm not sure because it's it's firm but either  way yeah it came back well it looks awesome it's   really nice looking yeah it's a beautiful car oh  he's gotta get some tires for we gotta get some   tires we're gonna pump it up but uh the uh the  compressor it's uh it's not a quick disconnect so   we couldn't switch out the the hoses and actually  get the air yeah so no no it's all good wow this   looks amazing it smells awesome it's got  that old musty smell good it sure smells   a lot better than this it's ridiculous yeah  there's definitely a good bit of mold in there   is that right yeah i can't believe how good this  looks but god does it look good yeah imagine if   it was moving dude it's so big it's like and it's  got this little four cylinder in it so it probably   you know it can barely get out of its own right  smoke away right but it probably still isn't light   you know the doors themselves probably weigh out  150 200 pounds so not oh it's got that like some   some old ass you know we're gonna take that  off and then i look closer at it and it's got   i think that was like the original tag it still  is that one german is that right yeah i think   we leave that right you know i think it looks  better with that that piece of parchment i just   can't even believe this look at this thing i mean  look at the way it's it's done i just can't even   believe it dude if we had this oh you know how  funny this would look if it was going up the road   it would be awesome i mean look at this i can't  get over how rich the black yeah yeah we have a   before and after in the video that you'll see is  uh i mean it was so you know marred and scratched   up that it was basically it was basically a light  gray is that yeah or i should say a darker gray   but it was yeah now look at that let me adapt  the shot the color right and then you know what's   great too is like it's regular it's regular glass  there's no tint obviously so the red seats are   just popping yeah right who knew what the interior  color was blah blah i don't know it just looks   oh it looks great is your grandfather still  alive or he's not he passed away uh in sixteen   so he's been on four years and his wife passed  away last august my grandmother um well it's a   bummer that they weren't able to you know see the  car brought back to life but but nonetheless it's   it's cool that you know you kind of have this  this memory oh it's awesome i i look at that   front look at the grill on that face it doesn't  get much more classic than that no it doesn't oh   god this is really really cool sweet thanks guys  i appreciate that good lord and uh and yeah and   thank you guys for watching we really appreciate  all the support and uh see you next friday you
Channel: WD Detailing
Views: 1,899,537
Rating: 4.8655567 out of 5
Keywords: wd detailing, car detailing business, car detailing, the detail geek 2, the detail geek, stauffer garage, asmr, deep cleaning, carpet cleaning, detailing, corvette, satisfying video, satisfying, extractions, barn find, abandoned barn find, ammo nyc, barn find restoration mercedes, car interior cleaning, barn find restoration project, interior car detailing, biohazard detailing dirtiest car ever first wash in 10 years, barn find mercedes, mercedes 190c restoration, mercedes 190c
Id: qXigtmf1PJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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