Barn find BMW M3 transformation by Auto Finesse

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[Music] oh my god morning and welcome back to the auto finest detailing academy where today we're about to embark on another of our big details so from time to time we get a call or an email that kind of spikes our interest and this was one of those a guy got in touch about a car that he had just inherited and it was quite a special car now the vehicle's only done 20 000 miles i think it's like a 2003 or a 2005 car and it sat for a good few years the vehicle is in good condition but it really does need a good deep detail it's dusty it's got cobwebs it's got moss and mold on it and basically we've been let loose to just do our thing and turn back the hands of time on it i'm not going to tell you what the car is just yet but we are going to jump in the van head over collect it and bring it back here to the academy stick with us see how it all goes [Music] so here it is the e46 m3 now when these guys just reached out to us over the internet they told us that something a little bit special and they weren't wrong this particular vehicle has only got 24 000 miles on the clock and has had one owner from new but alongside that it has a whole host of history everything from the original receipt to every single invoice for every penny ever spent on it and what's even better whilst it's not done many miles it's actually done a few each year probably three to five hundred each year in the last sort of five or six years so it's not just sat there rotting away it has moved around and been kept going throughout the years it's had an mot every year it's had a service every year and now it's with us to see if we can't bring this back to his former glory so we're going to jump into it get it outside crack on with a wash and decon and then we'll get it back in the bay to see exactly what we're dealing with [Music] you [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so as you can see the vehicle is now back in the bay after being outside and having a thorough decontamination wash we've had the wheels off and we've cleaned all of the arches and running gear that we can gain access to we didn't have to do too much to the wheels in this case because the current owners had gone ahead and had those refurbished before the vehicle come to us they were just too far gone for us to save what we actually did with the decontamination wash was something a little bit different than usual we didn't use our traditional snow foam avalanche we used verso through the foam lance and applied it to the whole vehicle reason being is a snow foam is designed to clean already detailed cars so it won't break down waxes and sealant layers we weren't worried about that in this case we just needed something with a little bit more punch that could really break down the rogue run that had been sitting on this vehicle all those years so it was versa all over left to dwell for as long as possible before rinsing off reapplying the verso and brushing into any of the gaps and grills where the dirt had really built up over the years once that was done we've done the usual contact wash we've then gone ahead and done a three-stage decontamination so we've used an iron remover we've used a tar remover and we've used a traditional clay bar as well to remove anything that was stuck on the paintwork that didn't come off with just a normal wash we'd also done the engine bay we've done door shuts boot shuts in the petrol flap and other areas that needed deep cleaning we're now in the bay so we're going to get on we're going to inspect the paint work test out some polish and pad combos and then try and get this looking better than the day it rolled off the showroom floor [Music] so [Music] before we set about any machine polishing we always work as a team and test out some pad and polish combos to see what's going to get the desired result now on this particular paint i'm quite familiar with these e46 m3s it was a car in the early days i used to detail a lot of these especially carbon black ones back then i had a go-to combo which is like a a medium heavy compound with a harder pad to get the bite it's not the hardest paint in the world not by modern standards but back then it was a bit of a trickier one to work on it used to take a little bit extra time for this job we tested a few of our revitalized compounds to be honest with you they weren't quite giving us the result we wanted we tested for a few of our prototypes and we actually ended up using something that's just about to come out soon so this is one of our new pro range compounds number 23 it's a medium heavy cut it's good for getting through ceramic lacquers and stuff like that where you've got a decent bit of swirling in there these are the results of about two maybe more years development work we've been testing trialling everything on the market and putting these up against the best we know what we like from other brands and we know what does what and we've kind of picked out the good and trying to take away some of the inherent bad parts of those products in this new pro series we're really happy with how they come out so we're going to carry on around the car using these new compounds hopefully by the time this video airs they're probably going to be two three maybe four weeks most away from launching so it should give you a good insight to a new product as well we're hoping to get most of this correction work finished out by the end of today now usually it should be a lot longer than that but we've got five or six of us all on machines working on this something to note and something that you will notice is you'll have people using different machines now that's just personal preference i like a rotary it's what i used a lot it's what i'm comfortable with and i like getting through these like the arches and stuff where they curve a rotary serves me best so i'll be on a rotary you'll see some of the other guys on smaller da's and even bigger da's it's not a one-shoe fits all type scenario always use what you're comfortable with so we're going to crack on we're going to try and knock the swirls out of this there's a few areas that we might need to wet sand as well where there's some some repairs going on and we're going to try and make them match into the original factory finish i'll point that out when we get to it let's get stuck in [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] having had a thorough look around the car we've done probably 80 of the correction now but there are a couple of areas that are probably beyond just machine polishing alone this door being a particular point of interest for us when you look at it you could probably see on the camera that this here is more motley than the rest of the paintwork it's not as smooth and not as nice a finish now instantly by eye that indicates this is out of repair we can tell this has been repaired here when we look closely we can pick up some sanding lines in there but it looks like it's been a localized repair now we've been on the fence about whether we should sand this and try and get it to match as best as possible with the rest of the paint i think we've all kind of agreed that it's probably not possible to actually get it to look exactly like the rest of the paint now there is always the danger of doing this and making some of these these prep lines and some of the marks are in here stand out more so you have to weigh up whether you think just getting the paint the clear coat on top flat is going to actually improve the look of it i'm still on the fence a little bit but there are some marks here and there's a couple of pinholes in it as well but i think we're going to flat it down a bit we're not going to go to an extreme because we've definitely got blending lines through here and through here so we'll give it a slight flat out we're going to start off with some 1 500 follow that up with some 2000 and then we'll probably use a machine and some 3000 trisac just to finish it down before polishing it back up to get the gloss back so i'm going to jump into it we've had the paper soaking for a little while now and a bucket just to soften them up so they don't cause any scarring from the edges and hopefully when we come back to it this area will match this area a little bit better [Music] another area that requires a little bit more than just polishing is this bonnet this is covered in etching now there's not only bird dropping etching on this but there's also water spot etching all over it which means it's probably caused from being outside it's got wet why it's been dusty and dirt on there it's then got cooked in and baked in when the sun's come out and it's that process that's repeated time after time after time has put tiny little sort of divots into the top of the clear coat now you could polish it out but it would take a long time it would cause generating a lot of heat so whilst we've got the sandpapers out we're actually going to go ahead and fully wet sand the whole bonnet to get it back to better than new we really want to take kind of care around edges we want to try and get this bird etching out this one here we've got an edge here we've got another one here and another one here so we're going to steer clear of these areas and this line it will look a lot worse at one point but then it should start looking a lot lot better fingers crossed good morning so it's day three of the big bmw detail we pulled a bit of a late one last night to get the bonnet and the majority of the correction done what we're going to do first thing today is we're just going to cast fresh eyes over our work highlight any areas that maybe need a little bit more attention finish those out then we can go around and refine the whole finish of the vehicle before sitting about the interior and some of the finishing touches [Music] so [Music] my [Music] [Music] with the paint correction stages now complete on the exterior it's time for us to turn our attention towards the interior of the vehicle now with just 24 000 miles on the clock this vehicle is in incredible condition however time hasn't really favored certain finishes on this vehicle whilst the leather and the plastics look great so does the dash and also the carpets there's some of this soft touch plastic around the center around the gear stick and on the door handles that well it's seen better days unfortunately some of this is going to be beyond what detailing can actually achieve in restoring but what we are going to do is we're going to start from the roof lining and work all our way down to the carpets so to start with we'll be cleaning the roof lining with verso then we'll turn our attention to this lever and trying to get all that oil and grime out of that that's built up over the years and then we'll protect it to keep it looking better for longer we'll also clean up any plastics like the dash the center console even these kick plates on the sides and then we'll do the carpets and mats and this vehicle should be almost complete [Music] having gone all the way through the interior from roof lining through to carpet we're now turning our attention back onto the exterior first thing we're going to do is give it all the wipe down with a quick detailer now we'll be using this to get in all the little edges gaps grilles but also to get off any dust or any remaining polish splatter that's gone on there during the course of the work we've been carrying out once we've done that we're going to start applying some layers of wax now i know a lot of people come up in the comments saying why aren't you ceramic coating it the fact of the matter is in our opinion nothing looks better than a wax and you'll see it in the finished results also this vehicle is not going to go out and do daily duties up and down motorways it's going to be cherished probably not do tons of miles and most likely live in a garage from now on so a wax is the perfect solution for this once we've got the wax on there we'll then go around and do the finer details trims will dress tires arches and any other little bits that we think we can just lift with a little bit of detailing and then we actually will be ready to show you the finished results of this stunning m3 [Applause] [Music] me [Music] all right so it's day four and it's the final day of the big bmw detail as you can see behind us the car is looking rather different than it did when it first turned up but there's a couple of final touches we need to put on this before we're ready to reveal it to the owner so we're going to stick another couple of coats of wax on dress the tyres once again just to get the desired finish and go around a few bits of the trim where they've soaked up the dressing overnight now this is a common thing when trims been left out in the sun and it's gone a little bit faded sometimes the first coat of dressing might not quite hit the spot and you'll notice it turn patchy after time it's totally normal all you need to do is load it up again after 12 hours maybe 24 hours load it up it'll soak in and once it's got enough nourishment in there it will stop doing that and it will look as good as new so we're going to crack on the owner is going to join us at 3 p.m today for the big reveal and hopefully they'll be happy with the results [Music] me [Music] so [Music] and just like that the detail is complete it took six detailers four days to get the vehicle back into what i'd say is better than showroom condition we've gone from top to toe with this vehicle interior engine bay every nook and cranny has been cleaned and we've also performed a complete paint correction on this car now all that's left to do is wait for the owner to turn up and do the big reveal and hopefully he's as happy with ours turn out as we are now we always love getting stuck into these big details so if you have something similar say at home gathering dirt and grime that you might want us to perform this on please do feel free to get in touch we hope you've enjoyed watching this video and that you'll join us here at the detail academy for another one really soon oh my god can you just can you just keep here i don't want it to leave oh my god my you've taken it to another level i honestly take my health to you a lot mate credit yeah massive credit man i've never seen anything as detailed as this in my life [Music] there was cobwebs on this joining the house that's how long it sat there [Music] what a bastard [Music] it's good [Music] it's like an episode wow
Channel: AutoFinesse
Views: 269,374
Rating: 4.8880739 out of 5
Keywords: detailing, transformation, detail, paint correction, wet sanding, colour correction, bmw, barn find, barnfind, m3, e46, cars, car, snow foam, machine polishing, washing cars, car wash, how to do paint correction, auto finesse, autofinesse, car wax, sealant, paint
Id: j6D5l-2qQiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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