My Golf GTI's First PROPER Wash in 13 YEARS! *So Satisfying!*

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[Music] stick [Music] hey guys it's luke here and welcome back to another video you join me today for the very beginning of the visual restoration for my mark 5 golf gti now as you can see the car is looking in a bit of a sorry state and i'd be lying if i said that i'd actually clean the car in my two months of ownership but that's actually purely down to today's video because as you know this car is over 13 years old now and to be honest when i looked at the car and ended up buying the car i could clearly see that the car has basically just been occasionally washed and maintained your average car wash basically a scratch and shine so being a black car as well it shows every imperfection it's obviously had some paintwork repairs in its lifetime as well so there's his fair share of imperfections which in this series we're going to be giving some attention now today's video is basically all in preparation to get to work on the car but like i said the car has basically never had a proper clean so i truly believe that this wash that we're about to do in today's video is going to be its first ever proper clean in its lifetime and well yeah it definitely needs it doesn't it's absolutely filthy wintertime here in the uk we've got countryside roads all around us so a car's gonna get muddy and that is very very muddy so basically the plan for this series is to essentially bring some life back into this car make it well almost like what it was brand new uh 90 000 miles ago that is uh so we're going to be partnering up with both mike from conning's detailing who i shall introduce you to very shortly and also a company called nacio he'll be working with in the future videos so basically apply some specific uh products and coatings to the car to make it look brand new so like i said i'll introduce you to mike from connings in a moment and then we'll get cracking on giving this thing a well-deserved birthday [Music] snow foam is going on this is all part of the pre-wash stage and um looks really weird actually like this really really cool so satisfying anyway now some of you may recognize mike because you detailed my golf r back in the day um now ever since i bought this car i've been kind of nagging you saying look we need to do something to this give it some give it some love really because it's well it was looking a bit tired about 20 minutes ago to be honest rallying it around already starting to look a lot better that's it yeah um shame you have to downgrade from the seven and a half mark too yeah well yeah you never know what to be honest i keep on looking at gold files to be fair um especially a manual one because i'm missing a manual in my little fleet so yeah you do see a lot of them on the road yeah um anyway so we've done uh just a basic pre-wash yeah so um we've done the citrus wash to start with then we followed with the active snow foam we'll leave it to do a little bit and then we will wash the car take the wheels off and we'll start the contamination process so once the car is clean we will will it inside inspect it under the light and then we will um decide the further approach yep there's definitely some scratches on it though in there because i showed you shortly after i got it absolutely yeah well i mean i can see the scratches on a five-year or five days old car yeah so this is um what year is it seven well so you have the all right to have some scratches that's it and i've said to you as well it's had some paint in the past there's some over spray here and there um which absolutely yeah i'm sure i will be able to to identify that the problems once the car is cleaned and we have the sufficient lighting inside you you need to to inspect it lovely stuff nonetheless and the car is starting to look better yeah better yeah good word yeah i like that it looked awful before it was bad yeah it was bad but i'm sure we can make it look as good as new again definitely or even better because i was looking for one of these for for months actually like six months and when i saw this i saw the potential in it i i know that it yes it had some down points like the fact the combat was really overdue but the wheels had just been refurbed the paintwork was okay i absolutely agree i mean compared to other uh gti's mark 50c i mean this one is in very good condition considering the mileage the age of the car obviously benefit is um the wheel's been refurbished which is good um and everything else can be improved that's it yeah um doing the detailing and the paint correction obviously we will protect the achieved finish with with natural coating yep yep um so that will um help you to keep the car clean and the maintenance will just become so easy yeah that's it that's that's what we're going for really because this is my daily almost bit of a run around to be honest but awesome all right well um i think we should get this snow foam off and then crack on with the cleaning [Music] so wheels are now off we're going to do two at a time mikey's fizzy doing the front of the moment i just want to come in here have a look at the grime even though we've done the pre-wash stage already got most of the mud and grime uh off well the main part of the car really did a quick go over with the wheel arches but they're still just so much grime i mean right up underneath the wheel arches there's just loads of it look at all that up on the suspension components all down in there it's grimy um but this is going to be pretty satisfying i think so what we're doing at the moment then my friend so basically i'm using the underfloor cleaner this is um water-based cleaner so it's not as strong as some solvent-based products so basically what is happening now um all the grease and contamination will will wait um when the product will start working then we rinse it off and we'll start the um cleaning process brilliant there's actually quite a lot of well grease and rubbish under here yes that's right we can see some silver over spray so at some point someone was trying probably just tied it up make it to look a little bit better so they sprayed a shock absorber um yeah it's something we will clean it and and we'll try to restore it too and this part of the cars definitely had no attention i mean why would you with a cheap old golf right absolutely only an idiot would um yeah or someone who really loved their car as well yeah um now this is pretty satisfying to watch i must say oh it is it is satisfying to do as well oh absolutely signs of uh achievement and yeah it is great absolutely now actually the wheels just touch on these now like i said these were refurbished just before i bought them so obviously there's no damage really apart from the center caps which are obviously original which i've got some more coming but to be honest they're not actually that dirty to be fair um there's a little bit of brake dust which we've already got off in the pre-rid stage uh or the pre-wash should i say but they're not too bad actually so that's gonna be fairly simple to solve i guess we're just gonna soak the two wheel arches at the moment get all the products working in working away at all the grime and then like i said get cracking on me the washing stage so now the front wheel arch has now had time to dry and obviously it hasn't been dressed or anything that will be coming uh in the detailing part of this series but now onto the wheels put some red seven on there at the moment soaking in there's actually more contaminants on there than i thought this is obviously the front wheel and then obviously mike's on it with the back one at the moment this is all the stuff which came out the rear arch by the way have a look at that and actually now that is drying off so that's looking awesome i mean look at that again hasn't been dressed literally just been washed all the grease taken off now agitating the barrels of the wheels the back of the spokes and everything i mean that area there never just never going to get to it but uh yeah same process for the other side um yeah it's uh taking a while but i mean it's looking absolutely awesome at the moment and when it's all done it's gonna look like a brand new car right now from your side of that love coming out i've been assigned the top wheels now saying again really so much look at this [Music] anyway right i need to check on the [Music] now probably for about four hours and now is the time [Music] [Music] maybe have a little brief overview of what we're looking at with the paint the kind of conditions scratches any damage or anything and then uh yeah we can go from there really but i think i'm gonna get out of the way before i get absolutely drenched but uh yeah mike's doing a happy job of this [Music] okay so car is now inside the drying bay at the moment now mike i think he's just going around what's that what's that oh i'm just checking the thickness of the lacquer obviously we've had few previous repairs so the front end has been painted yeah the doors have been painted so i just want to make sure we have enough material to work with um to carry the paint correction and just bring it back um to the best possible condition i think most of the cars probably been resprayed in its life to be fair absolutely again 2007 is a black car i mean i would be very very surprised if it hadn't had any previous repairs and it was a london car as well well yeah yeah definitely exactly well at least the car is now clean so basically we're not in the main studio at the moment this is just the drying bay so in the later videos which you'll see in due course obviously uh we'll be in the main detailing studio we'll be able to have the proper lights um but i think there is a few bits which we need to definitely take into consideration um as well as the general swell marks really um now the car is clean we can of course see that so i guess what are we looking at what what so the biggest concern i have at the moment um so when we wash the car i did notice there is a chemical damage to the paintwork so that what it looks like it looks almost like there is some kind of haziness um which it isn't um so this type of the damage i would expect to see on the cars which have been smart reaper with very low quality um materials and over the time even going through the cows using traffic film remover it will react um that way obviously something we will rectify um it just as you can see it is badly affected um when we move the light to the fender you can't really see so that would indicate it must be the reaction with the yeah the poor quality material um one more thing i did notice obviously um from the body shop they were trying to rectify some some problem there so they are um polishing marks uh when they use the sanding paper just to level some areas um nice body scratches that's really yeah i mean again it's a black car so it's pretty much what we would expect to see um the wheels are good on another note wheels are all right yeah yeah oh yeah yeah quite a bit of contamination in the paintwork so we will still have to do the chemical contamination the contamination to remove um clay bar that kind of process exactly that so the clay bar will be the first step and then we'll follow with the tar and glue remover and we'll see what we'll end up with and then we'll decide uh yeah uh further steps obviously light will definitely need a little bit of polishing there is some staining more on this side so yeah you can see um yeah it looks like maybe someone was trying to polish it at some point in the past and it just um it's hard to say it looks almost like like there is some kind of the damage and it looks like a little bit of the lacquer nonetheless it will be rectified um obviously the plastic trim the typical over the time it is losing its properties it's not shiny anymore it's not black so we will do our best to restore it yep it's kind of gone gray now isn't it that's right so you can see the top top section is to have a little bit of um nice uh sheen and then the bomb where it gets battered with all the stones and mud and all that yeah and going forward again that's the um uh quarter um we will just do a little bit of the paint correction maybe some wet sanding just to improve the the general finish on them on the repair more plastic here as well yeah that's right so plastic a lot of contamination around the trim it's not something that can be removed just by washing the car yeah we'll have to use the cutting compounds to actually polish around the trim okay so again as we know the car have been in a body shop we can see a lot of overspray on a piano black or it used to be piano black piano gray now piano grey um there is some other spray also on the window so you can actually fill it yeah a pillar you can actually see it as well absolutely so that almost like um haze looking or mist looking areas that's actually where there's overspray of the lacquer going forward obviously the lies they already lost their e cold so they will need to be restored we are going to wet sanded polish it up and then apply the clear coat on top of them lovely doubly so this is basically just the start of the transformation really the preparation well part of the preparation because we've still got the uh clay bar and everything it has decontamination but now it's at least looking fairly respectable it's clean yeah clean um and it just needs uh needs to be polished first yeah and restore to the best possible condition i think we have everything we need there is a good material yard to look really really good yeah and now i'm very excited very often people don't realize how much improvement can be can be made so i think that would be a great example to show what can be done definitely by just some very extensive detailing yeah definitely well that's all to look forward to really in the coming weeks but i think for now a massive thank you to yourself for uh well for cleaning it for me it must have been four or five hours to uh to get it all up to scratch but awesome but um we'll see more of you in the coming videos when we'll get some polishing done and then some of the other stuff in partnership with national as well so yeah oh before i let you go by the way um all your details as well um instagram website everything like that absolutely will be down in the description as well but obviously everyone watching you'll see mike in future videos coming very soon but i think for now thank you very much thank you and looking forward yeah definitely such a lovely example the beast eti that may have been a little bit sarcastic so the first stage of the cosmetic restoration on the golf gti is now complete now we do need to do a few more decontamination bits like we said clay bar that kind of thing before we get machine polished on it get it all paint corrected for ceramic coating and then going into the interior as well so there's plenty more work to be getting on with uh well on mike's behalf not necessarily me i'm just stood here filming but a massive thank you goes to him um for uh well for doing the work so far and also all of the other work which will be coming very soon i'm really excited to be able to well well see it all unfold really and share it all with you guys as well because i think it's it's going to come up really really well so the paint correction is the next video which will be coming soon um so yeah i guess that's what we can leave it at today like i mentioned you can find all of mike's details down in the description down below um but like i said we'll be seeing him in future videos anyway but that's gonna wrap things up for me today i hope you guys have enjoyed if you have please do make sure you leave a like and make sure to subscribe to all the adventures still to come you
Channel: hampshirephoto
Views: 278,195
Rating: 4.7876511 out of 5
Keywords: Hampshire Photography, HampshirePhoto, Golf GTI, MK5 Golf GTI, Golf GTI MK5, Disaster Detail, First Wash, First Wash in Years, Dirty Car, World's Dirtiest Car, Car Detailing, First Wash Car, First Wash in 44 Years, The Detail Geek, Ammo NYC, Topaz Detailing, Dirty Car Cleaning, Dirty Car Wash, Car Cleaning, Deep Cleaning, Deep Clean, Decontamination, Car Detailing Transformation, Ratarossa, Dirtiest Car Ever, How To Restore, Snow Foam, Cosmetic Restoration, Detailing, Dirty
Id: KxP7FHwzuSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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