Resident Evil 4 by MikeWave in 1:33:40 - AGDQ2020

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hello and welcome back to awesome games done quick 2020 my name is Ellie Vermillion and I'll be your host during the next two runs but without further ado that I'm just gonna toss it on over to our next runner microwave running Resident Evil 4 take it away Mike hey guys my name is Mike I go by microwave on and today we're gonna be doing this little hidden gem you guys have probably never played before called resonable 4 and yeah let's just get right into it oh I should have wait give me a sec there yeah that's fine alright let's go let's go resident evil board alright so if my couch wants to introduce themselves really fast hi I'm Maxie lobes I just did the run all right oh wait come on okay so we're doing new game which is different from new game+ so what new game entails is that we're playing the game with a brand new file so no new game+ items or anything like that so no infinite rocket launcher noprl know which Chicago typewriter and under that just whatever the games gives us so where's gonna be running around with a pistol for quite a while right now and yeah we're just gonna be running on over now to the village section so we're playing on professional which is the hardest difficulty in the game most runners run on professional for new game and the reason for that is because of the game's difficulty system how it works this game has a dynamic difficulty system which means the difficulty changes based on how the players performing so unprofessional there is no difficulty adjustment which is we shortened it down to da so the game is just always on the hardest difficulty no matter how well you're performing okay alright so right here we're gonna shoot this out of me seven times and that's gonna go ahead and start this detection up oops whatever go all right I went ahead and changed some items in my inventory they're really really fast and the reasoning for that is so when we go ahead and start doing more with more and more inventory management later everything is gonna go in the place where we want it to go because with this game we've kind of just want to spend as the least amount of time in the inventory as possible yeah we went ahead and abuse them iframes right there so if you're vaulting you basically can take no damage from anything so you're basically invincible for a bit and we just abused that to just kill those enemies really really fast and just end this segment immediately so it ends as soon as you kill fifteen enemies but I'm pretty sure you can time it out as well but it is much much faster to just use a grenade to just kill them all like really fast we're gonna go ahead and grab that treasure right there so for out this first part of the run you're gonna see me collecting a bunch of treasures so when we get to the merchant who is like the guy in the coat who sells us all our weapons that we're gonna be using for out the run we can go ahead and buy what we need so all right so one thing I should mention right here this is the part where the game introduces you to with the cuties and right here we have a pretty tough one actually where I have to mash this pretty fast I'm trying to get this skip right here I don't think I'm gonna go for it so what I wanted to do was I wanted to wait the duty QTE right until the very end so I can actually roll into that tree and not end up behind it but it's it's pretty negligible you only save like a second doing that but we call it tree skip a very original name I know all right it's great tree skip saves one second and if you missed it you die yeah great I mean if you're going for a really good time you you tend to just go for it anyways great look might as well yeah okay so we're gonna go ahead and move on to the next section here so something you're gonna see Mike do a lot is a quick turning yeah where he's going to cuz he's playing on mouse and keyboard he can just move his mouse and then press the M button which is a much faster way of turning in the game yeah it's much much faster than using the games like traditional tank controls because despite the fact that re4 got rid of the series like a fixed camera angles and stuff it does very much still use tank controls but we can basically overcome that using quick turning which is just turning the camera and then aiming that right like right there that's a great example if I right there yeah just allows us to do much smoother movement compared to just like slowly turning oh you the game does have a built-in quick turn but we don't we just call it a 180 it's where Leon just does like a full literal 180 but it's kind of slow compared to a quick turn all right right here you're gonna see me do a like a 180 quick turn which is like where I do it I don't use the in-game quick turn I just move my camera in like a 180 degree fashion right there that's all they do on keyboard the mouse because you can flick away further your mouse even do like 360 for Strings if you like really wanted and that's something else I should mention right now yes I am playing this game on keyboard and mouse which most people do not a lot of people do not like the keyboard of mouse controls for this game and prefer to play it on a controller for pretty understandable reasons the keyboard mouse controls for this game are pretty unintuitive especially compared to controller which is how most people originally played it I'm guessing on you know like the GameCube and Xbox 360 versions and I would say like even though playing with a controller like I play with this game of the controller even though it's a little bit more comfortable there are things that you can't do on controller that you can do on mouse and keyboard so my s gonna be showing off some of that in this run yeah as I've started running this game before before I started and not the humble brag or anything but before I started running this game not many people ran it on keyboard and mouse but we've been finding out over the years that uh oh come on we've been finding out over two years that keyboard a mouse for this game is actually like insanely busted it just allows us to do so many things that you normally could not do like those type of turns for example as well as just aiming in general yeah even people like you're going for equal record times that generally use controller and still make exceptions for certain strats just because it's that much faster in some spots yeah exactly so like if you watch like a lot of the top runners who were on controllers you'll see them pause their game which pauses like the timer in the game to just switch over to a keyboard a mouse like comfortably because they need to do a couple of shots on keyboard a mouse to just aren't good to do on a controller for example all right so I can make it back you guys so you're gonna see Mike dodging and dipping through all these enemies and he's able to do that because he's playing our professional since the difficulties locked up the highest the enemy aggro is also locked of the highest which means that their attack animations are gonna be super consistent you know exactly yeah exactly you couldn't do that if you were playing on normal yeah so come on there we go alright so on normal because like the difficulty is always switching throughout the game that means enemies in general can be pretty inconsistent there are ways of course - like manipulate that difficulty so you always keep it low or keep it high but it's not as consistent as pro ironically enough that's why you find a lot of people running like pro for the new game category just cuz it's so much it's like it's a lot easier to just read the enemies when you know they're always gonna kind of do the same thing but of course it's sorry for so they'll never do the same thing so you see me actually buying a rocket launcher there we went ahead and picked up all these treasures throughout the run just so we can buy that rocket launcher right now and it is something you're gonna see me do a lot like you're not really gonna see us upgrade any weapons or upgrade our inventory like we don't really need to do that we're just gonna be using the rocket launcher because the rocket launcher is insanely broken in this game and for some reason the devs thought it was a good idea to just like let us buy rocket launchers whatever for a pretty like cheap price considering like just how game breaking it is right yeah it is very game breaking yeah we can go ahead and sneak in a donation here real fast while we're moving on to the first bosses of the run absolutely we have $100 from JTB who says hey i'm glad to see re fort back in gdq and being done by a talented runner as yourself I hope you pull off an amazing run Mike gl all right Thank You J TV for those who don't know J TV is the one who did the previous two gdq runs for this game ball I need to lose that there I'm trying to shoot this specific crow so I can get a flash grenade there he is okay yeah that crow always drops a flash grenade all the other ones only drop like a very small amount of gold or like pays autos which is like the in-game currency 42 breaths yeah but yeah jtv is a kind of a legend in the community he huge huge veteran and influenced a lot of people this game so yeah thank you thank you to be his first re for runs the run that got me the speed it's most a lot of people to get into it I know him and like pitted we're responsible for a lot of that okay so as you can see for the past minute or so we've actually been collecting a lot of these grenades as we've been running past all these enemies I'm gonna get another one right there and these are gonna come into handy throughout the village section it might not seem like it but all the grenades in this game are honestly like pretty broken as well oh I got a golden egg right there oh that's pretty good luck for today upcoming boss but yeah the grenades in this game are pretty broken and surprisingly enough the flash grenade specifically is like probably the most broken one for this beat let speed running which is funny because I think the game values it like the lowest for some reason even though like for us speedrunners like a flash is like insanely good okay missed okay trying to get the treasure up here alright so this is gonna be our first boss of the run and ironically enough it is like the hardest one in the run like arguably I would say I think most people would agree with me and it is also like one of the biggest run killers in the game yeah you can't shoot it with a rocket launcher yeah we have to fight this boss completely legit and I am talking about del Lago who is this giant mutant salamander who lives in this lake that we need to fight on this little this little rowboat with some like an infinite supply of harpoons okay so we're gonna go ahead and just start throwing use out of here I'm gonna be doing some specific movements here to try and get as many frozen as I can and just reacting to what he does so with this fight the reason it is so notorious within the community is because it is so so random like what patterns you get and stuff specifically this pattern coming up right here he can do what's called an early dive where he just dives right now oh I got right there I kind of jinxed it okay so this is the slowest pattern you can get you lose about 20 seconds when you get this pattern compared to the other patterns he has like three different ones mm-hmm he has like the the no dive which is the fastest one where he never does this did I get that I don't think no orange okay that's okay oh oh I got three stone what nice to that mouse the keyboard okay I should still be able to do this now I don't usually play once I get an early dive if you get an early dive like I did right there that is usually the sign that just end your run darn because you lose so much time that you can't really recover it back but we're just gonna keep going yeah like with this fight there's been no dive a late dive where he does that dive kind of late and in the early dive which is what I got and you usually don't reset if you get a lathe I have either it's only two early diver you reset just cuz like 15 20 seconds is like just such a huge huge time lost in this game yeah this game is very optimized yeah I wouldn't argue I wouldn't say it's as optimized as some of the older residents right like still 20 set like 15 20 seconds there's like so much when you're gonna like a record in this game I think when you compare it to the kind of the older resident evils there's so many more mechanics and there's so much more to do with the menus yes game so I would say it's very much harder to optimize yeah it's getting there though and when it gets there oh it's gonna be once you get a really good TV in this game it is very hard to be you got a grind like very heavily to get it to beat it all right I'm gonna go ahead and shoot all those down and we're gonna start running with the rocket launcher so something I should explain right now as well you actually get a faster run speed running with grenades rocket launchers aids or nothing at all it's like a 5% yeah it's like 4 or 5% something like that like super minor but it is noticeable especially later on when we're gonna be introduced to a glitch but even earlier you're on running around with a rocket launcher even like if you know you're not gonna need your gun for a while is just faster because you do have to go into your inventory to equip it so we're gonna go ahead and move on to the next boss right here if you want to get into donation real fast go ahead absolutely we have $10 from sunblade who says the re4 community is with you today and wishes you good luck Mike thank you for representing the game this year Thank You sounds like that is another veteran in the community like so many names I am recognizing right now ok so let's talk real fast about this boss coming up he's very very difficult as you're gonna see kappa alright we're gonna take this boat and we're kind of just gonna go back to where we were earlier so as you can notice it is nighttime right now after we beat the Lago Leon takes him now yeah he takes a long long nap and I can explain the lore in a little bit well I can explain it right now after his pause watch watch and learn guys we got him whoa yeah just cute a rocket at his knee and he is dead but yeah you're seeing right there wide a rocket launcher is so broken in this game we just pick up a couple treasures buy a rocket from our friendly merchant and then we insta kill the bosses most of them at least except for uh our good friend del Lago who doesn't does not care about your rocket launcher at all all right so to explain the lore a little bit Leon who is one of two protagonists from re - he has been promoted and now he works for the president somehow even though he was like I think his resume includes only being a cop for a day and it was a zombie so he's been tasked by the President to rescue his daughter who we believe has been kidnapped by this polt who is in rural Europe but it never specifies what country it is but because all the villagers speak Spanish it's kind of easy to figure out oder there in Spain because I'm in the mountains of Spain somewhere but it's not right now talking about the president's daughter we found her right here this is Ashley she is the president's daughter and wanted in one of the notable mechanics of this game is that this game kind of turns into an escort mission at this point where we basically have to like keep her safe while we get her out of here and uh yeah a lot of people really love Ashley she's a lot of fun if he so demanding yeah yeah I've actually gets grabbed in an enemy runs off of her or if she dies then the game is over it's like you died so we got to take good care of her a lot of people are not a big fan of this mechanic in the game but honestly in the speedrun it's probably not like I wouldn't say it's like the worst thing about the run they're a way more yeah there's no I'm way worse than Ashley yeah like we could actually use Ashley for some practical things like coming up right here one thing or actually no it's not here it's coming up soon doubt but Ashley is pretty good at holding doors open for us and we can also aggro enemies what for by just telling her to wait and then follow us for some reason enemies will just like just like snap out of it kind of and just like immediately start running towards you as soon as you tell her to wait follow which we can use to put some enemies in position so right here is a good example so around the time I get to the window I'm gonna tell her to wait and follow me and that's gonna move so many enemies around where I need them to be okay good there's some there's some spicy memes in this room that can just end your run really really fast okay so telling Ashley to to wait and follow it makes those two gun autos up at the top go to the far left and then throw so you can actually just run past them and actually run past them as well yeah alright and coming up we have the glasses tab and my my favorite room yeah the best part of the game we need some sour please for this cabin yeah if you guys want to go ahead and explain so he's gonna knife Lois make him drop ammo right there sometimes he drops a grenade but it's pretty rare and then he's going to aim it Lois make sure that after he kills that first ganado he doesn't kill any more because if Lois shoots them off the window then they don't get in the cabin which means that Mike can't throw this grenade and kill all of them at once and the whole point of the cabin is it's just like that first section where you're gonna try to kill a certain amount of enemies but in cabin instead of 15 it's 40 which is a lot it's a lot so you're gathering grenades throughout the course of the ones at this point and trying to kill as many enemies that you came with so you yeah he gets he gets damaged quite a bit but the thing is is that if Mike were to hit lowest what is it four times five times of thing okay if he does that then Luis actually just shoots beyond death which is yeah it's pretty entertaining to watch but also not very optimal yeah so we're not gonna do that so after he throws all four grenades he's gonna camp at the top of the stairs and because this is pro these granado's are gonna be running quite quickly up the stairs so it's really important to make sure you have you know shotty ammo and you don't have to reload it a bad you know bad time we never upgrade or help for the rest of the run yeah and they can also slowly stunlock Luis and make it so that he doesn't kill anyone and Lewises kills count towards the 40 kill counter so if that happens then you really gotta pray that you have enough shotgun ammo yep otherwise you could just run out and you're sitting around waiting for it there we go that was actually that was good actually my first day too which is actually pretty rare you usually get smack on the top of those stairs while you're reloading like a ganado will just come up and now hit you with their torch and yeah that's your first day had gone that's part of the reason why like you'll see a lot of runners reset before cabin if they get hit because they don't want to waste her first aid before Cavan alright so as you saw we went ahead and took the right side path here and the reason for that is because there's another she got they here but we can basically just run past them you don't actually have to fight him so I'm gonna go ahead and like loop here a little bit because we need a lot of these items for the upcoming segment but yeah as you saw I used Ashley to go ahead and bait an attack from magic Dante so if you can't really keep keep up with us she can actually walk past these doors like no problem but if Ashley's kind of near don't you'll like do a huge wind-up attack and just take extra long to break him for some reason and now we're gonna be moving on to one of the longer auto scrollers in the run the gondola yep there's just one thing I want to show you guys really really fast for fun we do not have the right costume for spike textures but we can show you something else though if like something kind of cute if Ashley's guys she can do here so we're just gonna go ahead and get on the gondola tell asper to wait equip our handgun and oh yeah watch watch what Ashley does when we shoot an enemy yeah every time we shoot an enemy she does that as she she bleeds and us killing these poor villagers who have been infected wait but it's actually easier to tell I should have wait here and then you can just get the zoomed in camera yep alright so we're gonna be here for a little bit so if you want to get some donations out of whit out of the way go ahead of course we have $25 from dragon pixie who says this will always be my favorite Resident Evil game help me Leon we have $10 from Ashley 46 says Leon help we have $10 from metal socks who says hi Mike middle socks here and all I can say is Leon good luck thank you alright so we're nearing the end of the gondola section I'm gonna try come on oh nice perfect so what he's doing right there is he's a little messy but he's wasting some of that Hank animo because he doesn't want to have to either discard it or sell it to the merchants because that's slower than just shooting it out of the gun and he only needs about seven eight shots to take out the truck that's not coming up yeah you don't need that many shots for the pistol coming up and actually we're getting towards the second segment of the game called the castle so we're gonna be leaving the village once we're done here and moving on to the castle in this at the start of the castle we're gonna go ahead and just revamp our inventory completely so we're gonna get rid of our pistol our shotgun all that and we're gonna swap it out for some better weapons that we're gonna are gonna be more useful for out the run but first off we have the final boss of the village right here known as Mendes so big cheese the big cheese as Lewis calls and we have the QTE right here dear physics so this is another boss you can kind of cheese this time without the rocket launcher doe so we're just gonna use some incendiary zon him right here come on buddy there we go and he's dead yeah that pause for some reason is very very weak too in scenaries so we basically just pick up four incendiary sprout things the village dive in just so we can kill them pretty fast without wasting our resources really and we get him actually on the last hit with both the incendiary and the barrel that's there you hit him with two things at once I think because he doesn't get iframes where am I I'm pretty sure that's how it worked and that's also one of the biggest well one of the first instances of instances of being a 60fps is making a big difference if you're on 30fps you don't get as much instant ear grenade damage so you need yeah you need five in some areas in order to beat him but on 60fps I mean for so just one of those things that you know thirty and sixty have a lot of differences we're not gonna explain all of them because there's there's a lot we'd be sitting here for hours yeah we are gonna point them out when they are major differences yeah like sixty is much much faster than thirty just cuz everything is moving faster but the main the main thing to know is that 60fps while it is faster just hitboxes in general or much much longer like much much bigger than thirty all right so we basically took that detour just to get that fake eyes so we can go ahead and open up this door and move on to uh with like it doesn't seem like there's much here but oh no this truck is trying to ram us alright I'm gonna try to get this nice shot here darn there we go you can potentially just get that in one shot dude all of the truck drivers in this game are crazy yeah that guy's just running up against like a door there like this man does not care alright we're gonna go ahead and leave Ashley there cuz we don't need her anymore and we're gonna move on oh don't worry she's with us dildo the devs did not tell you but she has like magic magic teleportation powers actually so right here Mike is going to be selling the handgun the shotgun that green yellow red combination herb that he got in the cabin and he's also gonna sell some jewels and he's gonna pick up the TMP the semi-auto rifle and another rocket launcher and those are all of the weapons that he's gonna be using the four at the castle yeah the TMP specifically is something ran to be using for out like the majority of the run like almost the entire run cuz it's basically like an upgraded pistol and it's got a bigger magazine and it's way faster to aim aiming the handgun is a little bit slower so and it's also when you have the TMP without the stock it's also at hip length or hip height you know it's a lot easier to shoot the legs of the the kanata yeah exactly it's just a really really good weapon for the speedrun even though a lot of people hate it casually mmm it's just super super nice and semi-automatic rifles like Julie one of those powerful weapons in the game audion stagger there okay Ashley though secure though yeah she she just shakes it off alright so we're gonna just leave her there as bait and we're gonna go ahead and lift up this cannon here that we're gonna need to use to break down that door alright bye Ashley it's a good thing we don't need to take care of Ashley anymore right and yeah this is where the game kind of gets a little bit more action II like there's a bunch of catapults being fired at you you just blew open a huge door with a cannon like this is where the game takes a strange turn in terms of like how much action there really isn't it and to explain what happened there really fast shooting the firing - cannon that in that room just these pawns all the enemies for some reason oh and here we're gonna be walking out this door and we're gonna be going back in in order to reset the enemies and also prevent extra enemies from coming in on New Game+ you can do this room without like ever leaving it but on new game we we don't want extra enemies spawning in and there we go or past that and actually let's go ahead and do it another donation or two before we get to a dull room the one that I'm pretty sure most people remember okay Before we jump into that donation I just want to make sure that everyone's aware that we are just about ten thousand dollars away from that ultimate difficulty incentive for Marvel's spider-man so get those donations coming in so we can make sure we see that and then as for that donation we have two hundred dollars from fsj who says who better to Reza who better to run Resident Evil work who better to rest the evil speedrun than microwave the person who's who made the most comprehensive and detailed Resident Evil 4 speedrun guide I have ever seen it is also 12 hours long yeah good luck on the run don't get me and pray for good movies thank you yeah no V's are gonna be a hot topic coming up in a bit but first we have the gear door coming up and it's like the first mini boss of the castle segment and a lot of people remember his boss for being those blind Wolverine dudes Freddy Krueger looking type dudes they're like these giant claws but they're blind and we're just gonna go ahead and leave Ashley there cuz it's like Wolverine but he had a really bad day yeah exactly so we have a way of dealing with this boss pretty fast as well especially thanks to keyboard and mouse and just give me one sec here oh come on sir thank you sir it's a good thing you didn't use that first date spray the cabin actually think I did but I picked up an extra a yeah that's actually a pretty precise fight you don't have much time to get some of their shots off because the sniper rifle has weight it's fire rate is terrible it's so slow but if you exit aiming and then re aim it like you can shoot again so it's faster than the fire rate yeah we call that trick quick scoping in here we have what is a lot of people's probably least favorite room in the game this is the one a lot of people probably quit their casual playthroughs over and this is the water hall so he's gonna shoot the the crossbow guy's because if you don't shoot them they ruin everything yeah and he's also gonna take out the shield guys because you don't really have any other weapons to take out the shield guys so you're gonna use the sniper rifle yeah the shield guys are we should mention this right now we're immune the flash grenades they're very very powerful enemies oh hello so yeah in theory he could flash a bunch of enemies here but shield guys would still be there oh whoa this parts really scary this is what the T&P so useful for just run past a kneecap a bunch of enemies it's that hip height so as soon as you aim the perfect eye for it he's gonna throw an instant ear which you picked up at the garrard or section what is that guy doing the right thing I do who is this man right there we go now he's gonna do a neat little manipulation where he turns around goes to the left go to the right oh this is nice guys go to the left you did great you did really good that was really good that's the that is the hardest part of that room right there that's the hardest room in the game are you yeah yeah not over and done with we reset that checkpoint that goes ahead and D spawns all the enemies and we can move on to the easy part this is a really easy part the first part alright phase plan and other big other big teams watching uh consider this to be my resume right here we're gonna go ahead and just get rid of all these enemies using the rifle and some quick scoping in I'm this okay let's just do that again real fast because we actually need our ammo like really really badly alright alright alright that doesn't happen alright thank you take two let's go hey what what happened oh yeah nothing happened Oh watch out for me as if we haven't been watching out for you this whole time fun fact she has no lips thing during that voice line release goes yeah watch up all right I don't know what's going on right now we'll just go ahead and deal with that guy right there so as you can probably tell this game doesn't get a lot more action heavy towards the castle for the run and it also gets much more execution heavy yeah so the run just becomes actually at the reset this again I'm sorry guys we need to be fast here because this is technically an autoscroller usually I don't have any problem it gets kind of funny that I have you know nailed the first part the hard part of hard hard work yeah we need to do this fast cuz otherwise our timing is just completely messed up take 3 1 2 3 4 I also get these two at once 5 6 7 there we go that's much there you go first cry yeah we're also gonna take a shorter route here actually than what I usually take so we're gonna go ahead and just do some looting for the next the next minute or so so if you want to get some donations out of the way go ahead can do we have $500 from a close in landscape Oh who says good luck Mike it's always great to save you this game at gdq's you've got all the re 4 boys watching and cheering you on by the way there's another $100 coming if you get through all 3 Novi areas without a death also hey to Maxie and wife on the couch you guys are a great crew to give some great commentary alright that is a challenge accepted because I have a feeling it's gonna happen if we did poorly here oh yeah if you did poorly here then no V's are gonna go perfectly fine perfectly fine if you want to do another donation go ahead alright we have a hundred and fifty dollars from infinite dumplings who says how to donate to one of my favorite games Leon's one-liners were always so bad but in a good way good luck on the run all right we're gonna go head back up and pick up Ashley who should be done right about now yes Esau is pick up a couple extra grenades they're gonna be useful in the upcoming rooms and we're also gonna start from here on out picking up money we skipped most of the money drops in the village because the money drops we get in the castle and from that point forward our much much higher and the the kind of the lower reason for that is because in the first part you're fighting like these poor villagers who understandably don't have much money and then here you're killing a bunch of monks who are like in this nice nice castle so they go I didn't have more money all right so we skipped the cutscene but Ashley has been kidnapped again so we're by ourselves again thank goodness and now we have what is arguably the most notorious enemy in this game at least speedrunning lies if you guys want to go ahead and introduce him mmm what can we say about new visa doors like big crickets and they're angry they're invisible and they're in visit they go invisible and then once they want to attack they go you can see them but they have a couple of attacks that are really annoying they can they can make a QTE happen where you gotta press whatever button it is you have binded to kick and that's slow and they also have another attack where they grab you and spit acid on your face but that's pretty that's pretty slow has a cool death animation though I like that yeah and then they have the attack you want which is the swipe because you're actually able to walk not walk but run past the swipe and what he's doing right now is he's turning his camera and the reason why he's doing that while he runs past is because it manipulates the new Vista doors to do the swipe attack does it always work no but it's pretty consistent mostly what the camera turn does is it keeps so they don't do that kick prompt beauty yes because that is like virtually impossible from even if you have the English which lets you run away faster which we'll see later if you see it you just always hit it because you can't on it it's like if possible yeah just know these are just notorious for just how random they can be like even if you have perfect movement and you do everything perfectly they'll sometimes just like do whatever they want and just decide to grab you and then another one will come up while you're recovering and lost your eye frames and just swipe at you and then they kill you and right there I jumped down to join those cultists little gatherings but they were all pretty upset about it yeah Leon's a party pooper yeah you're not invited Leon alright here we have one of the newer glitches that have been found recently if I can get it it used to be 30fps exclusive but who found it I don't think you see I'm sure you she was the one who found it yeah he's a Japanese runner in the current world record holder a very very good runner so he's gonna throw a flash made to flash everyone except for the the red zealot and he's gonna throw an incendiary very specific spot yeah we got it so if you hadn't have done that he would get up and run to run to like upstairs and you'd have to shoot him there which if you miss you would go all the way to the Gatling gun I might get it here no nevermind okay all right guys hard password coming up one two three four it worked nice Wow [Applause] yeah a lot of the puzzles in this game might seem pretty difficult but once you break them down in the number combinations they're actually pretty simple they're baby mode yeah I'm gonna go ahead and take this herb right here for safety because these type enemies do not play nice sometimes yeah they're pretty brutal yeah they can throw their sides which is like the worst thing they could do they also have rocket launchers like what and also if you don't have like absolutely full HP everything in this area the game gets to kill you pretty much and we're gonna go ahead and switch to the rocket launcher again because we are gonna be running for quite a bit here without using any weapons and we want that extra movement speed he's just gonna be picking up a couple jewels yeah and we're coming up on the Doge maze a pretty spooky part for a lot of people when they first play this game you're literally in a maze filled of dogs and they're not they're not the nice happy kind of dogs they're the dogs who like the you know bite you and stuff really concerned yeah but with the dogs in this game something to mention is that uh they're not really as dangerous as the dogs in the previous Resident Evil games mostly because it's really easy to dodge them all you need to do is just not run straight at them and point your camera up as well the dogs are free right there they're like legitimately easier in this game than to remake yeah in a re1 remake for example the dogs and now gamers notorious for being like major major run killers that kind of just do whatever they want but at this game there you're not that bad if you want to go ahead and like read a couple of new nations while we're running past this thing go ahead sure we have $15 from the merchant who says an ff6 run you say ah I'll buy it at a high price very nice and we have $15 from the shaded master says Leon help me there's an infected goose honk all right so we went ahead and picked up those two puzzle pieces which we need to exit this area and as you see we thought out scroll scott-free and we're gonna go back to our TMP here and open up that door and in that cutscene and then Aida yeah they just randomly shows up you haven't seen her you thought she was dead and she's like hey Leon and Lance like dude what I wanted to pick that up or whatever and then she throws her sunglasses and it's the flash bang and Leon's like oh my okay I think I can do this here of 19 bullets so in this cage and we need to shoot this lockout to get out yeah oh my knee all right and when you kick a door like that and there's an enemy behind it they go like zoom out it's great we're gonna shoot these the perfect amount of ammo yep unfortunately I do not have enough to reload so we're just gonna use the rifle actually I'm gonna need to pick up this extra oh this guy's come out live that's okay though the bullet just went right over his head I guess and we're gonna reload right here for the next part all right yeah that's plenty of ammo now right and Luis as you can see has been killed unfortunately yep and then I messed up right there there we go all right so we're gonna use those we're gonna use this rifle to free Ashley real fast and get rid of these enemies for her so she can run out and this is like another part where you're it's kind of like an autoscroller kinda you're just like killing enemies waiting for Ashley and then just picking up stuff that you need but she's taking her time here yeah you're definitely not in danger Ashley all right so we're gonna go ahead and get rid of this other crowd of enemies right here we're gonna shoot this guy in the knee and then we're gonna grab this handy-dandy maid he got her I think I took too long on that nade just a little too long there we go you're okay actually easy save that stress actually really precise he has to throw the grenade so that kills everyone in the room at the same time and if he doesn't kill the red zealot with that name then another wave of enemies will spawn and it's super slow yeah yeah killing the red zealot is like the most important part because if you don't kill the red zealot then yeah enemies will just infinitely spawn I don't know if it's infinite but they go for a while also right here for those who wanted special costume one there you go but yeah killing the red zone in that room is the most important part just because you need to get rid of those enemies and this is the only part of the game where you play as Asheville yeah and fun fact if you have an ntsc-j version of the game this whole Ashley section has fixed cameras yeah it's like the one part of the game that has fixed camera ain't not sure why it's only the Japanese version for some reason yeah I think the first time I saw that up I was so confused as to why it suddenly switched that way I don't even know if the devs knew why they added that in for one segment but yeah it just kind of continues that re tradition of like you play as another character for a little bit I think they've been doing it in nearly every game and we're just gonna go ahead and just go around collecting these puzzle pieces is that the same version of the game that you can suplex an enemy is Ashley that's GameCube specific I believe I did not even know about Ashley's duplexing yeah if you lead one of the ganado x' to a door and then you kick it kick it open if you like push it open then it sends them to their knees and for some strange reason they let actually have a suplex animation like like a QTE so you press the button and she suplex is likely on skeleton while she does that or something I know I have no idea cuz I haven't seen it a little while but it happens yeah we're just gonna go ahead and run past all those enemies we went ahead and got that uh that second chimera piece so throughout chapter three of the game which we're on right now we've been collecting these three time era pieces so far we got one and then we got that second one is Ashley and we need that to open that door that we saw earlier before water Hall in order to advance with the game and I should mention right now that chimera wall is like one of the most sought-after skips for this game probably because if we found a way to skip that wall if I having to go around collecting these three pieces like it would probably save like I don't know like 30 minutes oh I did not want to open that door from behind somehow okay but yeah if we somehow found a way to skip chimera wall we probably saved 30 minutes off the run which would be massive yep it's been toyed with a lot yeah there was even a bounty for it but it just it's never been found yeah I don't I don't even know if there is a way to do it honestly at this point but I shouldn't say I shouldn't say that because there's there's another skip coming up that like nobody ever thought of for some reason but it's actually really really simple to do so like goes to show that even if the game is as old as this one is like there's still some skips out there that we have not found that uh are actually pretty simple to do alright so we're back is Lian and we're gonna be go ahead and collect that final chimera piece and I would say chapter four specifically is where the game really starts to get wacky like it happened in Chapter three as soon as we got in the castle that it became more action-oriented and the difficulty also ramps up a bit yeah yeah but like chapter four especially is when it goes off the rails as you can see with this part right here there's some how like all this lava inside a castle Salazar imported all of this lava via Amazon Prime delivery and stuck it all in this room just this one room we're gonna go ahead and get rid of that enemy this one guy we can just let live he doesn't really cause much trouble usually commentators crews all right we're gonna go ahead and use the rifle to shoot out into chains oh yes this room also has dragon statues that yeah debris fire fire yeah guest room is wild yeah I've actually been hit by the fire once I think it happened a couple of months ago and it was like the first time that it ever happened to me and I'm like whoa oh my containers first commentator spirits I shouldn't I just shouldn't say anything from now on right cuz that guy it's almost never dared I never does that yeah that is like extremely rare but that's okay let's go ahead switch to the rocket launcher right here I thought guy hadn't run up I would have gone ahead and reloaded the rifle so we wouldn't have to do it again later but uh that's okay too yeah we're just walking back to the chimera wall now yeah actually now would probably be a good time for a couple options already I've got $12 from Coos PO says greetings from Finland been watching games done quick since 2011 and so proud of you all and what you're doing I lost both my parents to cancer but resin Evil 4 is one of my favorite games of all time and what I'd like to say is Ashley go hide microwave go fast time for another yeah go ahead we've got a hundred and fifty dollars from German guy 101 this has been watching agdq every year at the last seven years awesome uncle to cancer seven years ago as well we missed you jens hashtag beat cancer height hard so we're gonna go ahead and move to one of the first two puzzles that we do if Ashley here this one's actually pretty simple and I'm gonna go ahead and take time to also reload my weapons uh I would say you can actually get another generation out of the way actually all we're going through this yeah $100 from fast B and says whoa Pompeii's e6 is a bonus game let's do it great job to all the runners keep up the good work all right so right here we're gonna be pushing these statues like this is like a classic re-type puzzle right here if it involves a moving statue to put under these pressure plates then it is definitely an artery puzzle all right so we're gonna help go ahead and move those we're gonna use Ashley to hold one open and we're gonna open this door I'm gonna go ahead and use the TMP to shoot out all these lights really fast so you're supposed to walk into this room and like it's a trap but if you shoot the lights before you go in like it doesn't even activate a lot of people don't know that so there you go Salizar we haven't really explained you Salazar is no he's like inherited this castle from his father he's like some three foot four dude this got a girly boy and we just call him salad bar welcome to my castle yeah Salazar it's probably like one of the most iconic villains from from this game definitely just like it's such a wacky design that they went with it just goes to show like what direction does game goes in later wait I'm actually gonna go ahead and reload the rifle right now and watch out for that statue Oh something I should mention right now if the QTEs is when a prompt like this shows up where we have to like dodge something I can mash like there's usually only you know there's only two QT comp like combinations you can get and if you just mash both of them at the same time then you'll always pass the Qt because this game doesn't recognize when you press the wrong one and right now we're gonna fight these are murderous is what they're called they're like Plagas that are inside these suits of armor and we're just gonna be shooting the rifle with their helmets and that'll go ahead and just instantly get rid of the helmet and then we use a flash to just kill them immediately because all the Plagas in this game just died two flashes like instantly that's something a lot of people probably know about that's okay oh I think I had - you had a brain that was I was supposed to tired that was a rollercoaster of emotion yeah if if if one of those giant tentacle Plagas come out and like try to bite you they'll just instantly bite Leon's head off and you die it's it's pretty gross and what's crazy is that if you had gotten hit any like sooner you'd be dead yeah definitely yeah that crazy that one enemy not getting his helmet shot off like the bullet just bounced off him mm-hmm that is not supposed to happen that is something that only happens usually if the game is being especially cruel to you all right so we went ahead and collected these two Grails and that's gonna allow us to open this door here we go now it's time for no Vista doors - yeah so if you've ever watched my dreams or watch like any Ari forerunner you'll know how bad this room is this is like arguably the most random room in the game this is where a lot of runs go to die like I think every runner just goes into this room expecting like hey does TV taste you have your TV paper on you have going right now it might die but yeah these movies they're back and at this time they fly around - which they're actually a lot more dangerous when they fly around Oh baby oh man that went really well Mike used a couple of flash bangs then like the reason why you want to do that is because if you don't they most of them just keep flying like and they'll just push you around and it's terrible exactly they can stun like you I'm you're pretty sure that room without flash bangs looked impossible to do yeah it is possible to do with one flash very very hard very risky but it's possible but no flash is like basically impossible and how effective the flash isn't are as well as RNG because if they're flying the flash like barely affects them but if they land they fall on their back and they're there for like five seconds or so so you just like to pray that they'll land when you're running past them grain so yeah I got hit by a mortar there which that also usually doesn't happen yeah that's that's random uh a phrase you're gonna hear me saying a lot for out this run is that usually doesn't happen cuz uh once you get the dist part of the run that is like there's just a lot of things that can happen in this game that usually don't happen but the game will just like there's like a 5% chance that this thing will happen and like you'll lose a lot of time if it happen this is games done quick so those things are gonna happen exactly so we're gonna go ahead and shoot the all these planks off so we can activate this bridge and there's no enemies up until then but now they all come in once you activate it but yeah these guys are actually not too bad - past commentators question mark yeah it's possible for this guy to shoot you as soon as you land like land off there but uh I got pretty lucky okay so I think after this after this point this room's pretty freed oh yeah you got this cut scene here and throws the dynamite they're gonna throw the dynamite but I'm just gonna stand here and reload cuz it won't affect you if you don't move and we're gonna go ahead and run past before he does alright that was a good room so he's been had he's been holding that rocket launcher for quite some time yeah you might be wondering what it's for yeah exactly I mean he's gonna be using it very soon okay there's two care doors now don't worry though we got him man yeah I call it the pod Scot Pollard oh yeah so it is time to say goodbye to our rifle though if we want to go ahead and talk about the date language which was mentioned earlier it is by far the most important glitch in this entire game and it happens because we get the striker right here you're gonna see me buy it it is by far the most important weapon we get in this entire run so from here on out the run is gonna revolve entirely around the striker shotgun in the English and this is basically what you do is you interrupt your aiming animation with the striker and switched to anything else and all of your animations are increased by like one and a half times so you'll see when he climbs this ladder he's really fast yeah we're gonna beat the cam right here yeah and it stacks with the movement speed increase from running with like a grenade out or something yeah pretty much in every room of the game it's almost worth it to Dittmann but it is the activated by something like that like that cutscene or doing a QTE or getting hit or healing or debating with the striker opening doors or getting stunned or just about it yeah so a lot of the late game stuff is optimizing when the Dittman and like trying to reduce losing it as much as possible all right we have a very hard to keep coming up this is like arguably like the hardest skip in the entire game not like looks the FPS it's like a minor one Saigon 30 FPS that's free but on 60 FPS that's really hard yeah and since you don't want to do the QTE to lose your Dittman you dodge those that second one was slick yeah I think everyone has their own way of doing that skip that yeah this right here is Verdugo he is like one of Salazar's henchmen who he sends after us oh he almost got me there but we're gonna make mincemeat of him using our favorite weapon though the re4 special nicely yeah so something to mention right there is Verdugo is actually like one of the most durable enemies in the entire game he actually will survive a rocket launcher directly so you have the Friesen because when he's frozen I think the way it works is like he takes like three like three times more damage or something like that and he takes 10,000 damage normally in a rocket launcher does 30,000 so we have to hit him with the ice backhand asphere so he'll die in one rocket launcher and he'll drop that treasure which we need for later all right that's 4-1 that is the longest chapter in the game and we're gonna be moving on to another pretty notorious room I'm gonna go ahead and grab some of these herbs here and guess what we're gonna buy here so actually we're not gonna be using this rocket launcher on a boss we're actually gonna be using it to blow up this Boulder right here because it basically lets us adjust to get this room for free mm-hmm and we're gonna be coming up to our first out-of-bounds section right here so the out of bounds only happens once you get the striker I shouldn't right I was about to say like the Dittman glitch allows you to not only just speed up but a lot of your animations like like you saw climbing the ladders and stuff it speeds up so when he uses the zipline here it speeds up as well so if he uses it once and then runs back before to zipline go for the zipline gets back it's gonna send him further than it usually would meaning he's going to clip through the wall there we go just like that and there's normally two El Gigante is that you have to fight here from there is there those bosses from earlier but there's two of them in there a lot tankier and one of them went to Hot Topic yes and we're coming up now to the third no beast the door room just can't get enough of these guys fortunately this is the last time we'll be seeing two vista doors but this is also one of the worst rooms in the game yeah this is another very very random room I wouldn't I would say it's not as bad as no V's two but uh it's pretty bad too nice okay getting out of that tunnel is like the first danger point Oh God what does that kick okay I want to be a scenario okay so guys you see when you take damage you kind of have to like just go back in your inventory and read it man this is not good don't want to learning how to do it in I'm gonna grab that from safety yeah I was I was actually about to suggest that oh my god okay how powerful the camera manip is in this game yeah it's the door if any of them were flying he would yeah I wouldn't trouble yeah but they were all on the ground so they were all like I'm expecting that donation now from Experian lampshade I think he's the one who made that gamble right yes yeah we're done no visas or for the rest that are on it like another hundred bucks yeah so yeah this is like a we we kind of mentioned it this is the part of the run where you actually start the run because you now you're done of nobies so a lot of the random parts are out at the game not to say that there's no like RNG left but with no V's out of the way it is a lot less troublesome a little less sweaty after that we three yeah we normally say all right so I think I'm good on money actually for like the rest of the run so we're not really gonna be doing any more money pickups mhm so we're just gonna go ahead and run straight to this lever before we get to the major skip coming up you can go ahead and read a donation yeah the game is getting a bit meta cuz I have a donation here from Ashley Graham for $25 Leon help us to fight cancer [Laughter] all right so we're gonna go ahead and dip man to our grenade here something I should mention the reason we call that glitch the dip man glitch is because the guy who found it was named deep man I'm pretty sure that's how the story goes that's he that was his tag on game facts from like way back in the day because they did find his glitch when it was out only on GameCube and it's just worked on every single version since like Capcom never patched it out for some reason yeah some of these tricks are actually pretty old yeah we're gonna go ahead and hit that lady in the pointing at us like super old like Dittmann works on every version of the game and the skip you're about to see has a version that works on every version of the game even all the way back to Gamecube in ps2 but it is fastest on Steam for sure though yeah it is by party view it's really easy on Steam alright we're gonna get out of this room using our dip man TMT so unlike Salazar's queen grail room you can't shoot those before you enter the room yeah to activate them and you also have those like like headcrab looking things to deal with all right so this is the glitch right here does it the minecart skip and this is how it's done we're just gonna go up to here hold up the left nice we're out of bounds and this is gonna allow us to skip the entire minecart section so normally you would have to ride that all the way down you're gonna see we would normally have to ride it all the way across the map and then down this spiral but thanks to the minecart the minecart skip we just go out of bounds and run our way to the exit it's like a rounding it creates like a 100 seconds maybe it might uh it's a lot it's a lot like it's even saves time if you don't have Dittmann run like way slower yeah if you're doing like a no merchants run or something man I remember there are some like really classic clips out there if like some of the veteran speedrunners reacting the windows which was first found oh yeah and like wreaking out it's just like it just changed the game entirely because all of a sudden nobody's PV matter anymore you know and we recently fit so this this version that I did right here only works on steam like steam 60 specifically but we like trent mesh mentioned waifu there is a version now that works on every single version of the game including a gamecube and like all those older versions and if you want to go ahead and read one or two more donations while we're running out then go ahead we're just running here can do speaking of Metta have got a $10 donation from Leon Kennedy and says you're small-time salad bar and $5 from 13 lightning says donating during the game I was always too scared to play myself but I loved watching my brother play let's get 586 bonus game unlocked $5 donation train all right so we're gonna be moving on as you saw we were having to deal with all those villagers again so the lore explanation for that is because we basically went into the mind where they found the original las Plagas parasite and that's how all the villagers got infected because they were all working inside the mines and because we went back to that area the game decided to use a villager enemies again but we're not gonna see him anymore though there's actually like quite a good chunk of lore in this game but it's not really used yeah because it's actually really interesting but yeah the game is like doesn't really take itself too seriously out here alright this is a pretty pretty hard part right here cuz a lot of enemies the deal with did you mean no I did not I'm AK oh I did not mean to jump down there that's okay that's okay Donny not a big time monster he'll run back around yeah this is a very execution heavy part of the run he actually it was the next remember to there's an example of why 60fps is brutal he liked pre attacked before Leon was even up there in particular the mace that box is like a giant norm yeah the box was like by far the biggest one in the entire game oh good bye enjoy he's having a critical time yeah normally this room this room is a lot faster but I jumped a little too early back there and now we have the hardest QT in the game is odo is by this giant mecha Salazar which the game has no explanation for existing really it's Captain Crunch eat my cereal it doesn't creep the roof of your mouth it doesn't I tried it this right here is the hardest cutie in the whole game there we go nice nice nice yeah on 60 FPS that cutie key you have to match so fast in order to actually achieve it and usually die if you don't match yeah like because it's like it's basically just bugged on 60 FPS like if the game just expects you mash faster than you humanly could oh yeah and because he's playing on mouse and keyboard like it's actually a little bit harder I would yeah asking keyboard because I'm controller or at least for me I like yeast both of my thumbs and it's I miss exhaust Oh wasn't supposed to throw dare come on dynamite guy he's not vibing no no sighs I've got things yeah usually there's a site guide area if he doesn't get hit by the barrels we're going up all right he got rid of those barrels for me too so this is the classic Capcom elevator that they put in like all their games basically if there's too many enemies on it that it stops going up yeah he has to position himself correctly and knock them all off as fast as possible to reduce the amount of time that the elevator stop this is way easier on mouse and keyboard in particular there is a new strat that we found for doing the elevator that was that works pretty much only exclusively on keyboard a mouse but it's slower RTA so I'm just doing the old one and it's really cool in particular cause it shows the mechanic it's not showed anywhere else in the run you can actually shoot the striker and use it while keeping Ditman which we didn't a lot of us didn't know was possible yeah but basically what you do is you you did men then you switch back to the striker and then you aim the knife and pick your mouse up off of the mouse pad and then aim and then when you go back to aim you have Dittmann still I think I'd get past them okay yeah all right I was a pretty clean elevator though so even though we got hit by that dynamite down there like getting getting a clean elevators a lot more important honestly mm-hmm and we're gonna be moving on to the final part of the castle so we are technically on the last chapter of the castle but this fight right here is gonna be the last one and then we're gonna be moving on to the last segment known as the island so uh another boss fight this one's like a pretty crazy one but you can guess how we're gonna do it already I'm moving up to this merchant and I'm gonna open the buy menu I feel like I like another whispered in your ear and he's like all the way down on the yeah looks like what salary so Salazar has been consumed by like the Queen Plagas I think that is and we have to get rid of him to pass so guess what we're gonna do he's dead now shots actually a little bit more precise than you might think I've definitely lost some runs because you have to shoot them in the face with the rocket yeah and yet the reason at the room as you can guess the rocket launcher is gone once you fire at once it's like a one-time-use thing unless you have the infinite rocket launcher which you can only get a New Game+ alright so we're gonna grab that money as you can see all the boss enemies in this game just drop a lot of money and it's very very useful for a new game run because it just lets us buy everything we need basically rip salad bar yeah so there is a glitch actually on 30 FPS that allows you to skip the Salazar fight you just go out of bounds and then just walk out of the room but unfortunately it does not work on 60 FPS or 40 well that we know of yeah it's very there very well could because there is the skip coming up right now that was 30 FPS exclusive yeah and it was found to be to be possible on 60 FPS and it's actually faster you can do you can do it on every single version without that man and it's faster yeah this is it right here so he's gonna be looking for a specific climb up animation I got it got it he's out of bounds and now what he's gonna do is he's gonna run over here activate this Boulder QTE and it teleports him to where he's supposed to be for the QTE yeah so now he can actually just Dittmann again and go to the ladder and he skips this entire section it's pretty big actually yeah that skip saves about 40 seconds I think I remember waking up the date I was found and like I couldn't believe it and then I saw how the skip was done and I'm like is it really that simple yeah and yeah it really it makes me wonder what other simple skips me yeah hidden in this game are e4 and never ends yeah like so most Gibson this game are done by like dropping down off a ledge with the man act event like a specific angle but that one was found by just climbing up a Ledge instead which we'd never thought of apparently and boom you skipped all right so we're gonna be running past a couple of these rooms and right now we got the infamous open man uh-huh I don't know what he was doing in that oven but it yeah you can just quickly was vibing and basically we're trying to get Ashley back she's been moved again out of uh out of the castle segment into this island and she's being held captive here I'll break up here yeah this is called the shutter skip we're gonna use dip man basically get past this shutter before we are supposed to everything yeah by just moving into that little corner with dip man we can just move at the right time and just completely nullify the shutter you're supposed to like usually sit there and like kill all the enemies while the shutter is open in order for it to like permanently open but that's low and we're trying to go fast and now we're being introduced to one of the more famous enemies of the game the regenerator a lot of a lot of us were probably spooked by this enemy but you'll see that in the speedrun you'll find that their generators are way too slow yeah just they're so derpy ah dangerous but they're soaked derpy yeah they're our favorite they're our favorite enemy like on ironically SB runners because uh they're slow kind of dumb and easy to get past yeah you can debate them yeah I'm like no V's and stuff you're easy to get past there's not too many of them - yeah so right here we're gonna go ahead and upgrade our card so we can use it to rescue Ashley and we're not gonna get the thermo scope because we actually don't need so there is a scope that the game gives you in order to kill these regenerators because yours but the way you're supposed to do it is you're supposed to put that scope on a rifle and then shoot these like weak points on their bodies because it usually they're too tanky to like actually kill if like any of your other weapons but uh we have tip man so we don't need to kill them we can just run past all of them and they don't actually have that much HP well so little dyes like a rocket shot or like a few hundred knife slashes yeah yeah something you could do actually is like you can keep them like immobilized on the ground and just knife I'm over and over again and they can't do anything about it and on some categories I know like no merchant no matter how you deal with them alright got a flash gonna dip man past all these enemies we don't got time to deal with that and we need this card in order to access a sh Lee's room specifically that this iron baton is holding an iron baby it's basically like a regenerator with spikes all over its body oh you got pretty pretty far there okay so fast bike dad I have it a few fire a little too early yeah I couldn't knife that the artis like you're supposed to smash places green and at your those are a precious commodity alright so we're gonna do this little manipulative enemies okay your get the newer one yeah yeah bit risky yeah these guys out these mad max' looking dudes those guys can actually one-shot you as well they're very dangerous especially in a part coming up that we'll talk about when we get there but for right now they're not too bad we're gonna use a flasher and if you actually want to go ahead and I get a donation out of the way along move on to the next part and go ahead I've been waiting we have $100 for our mix cream blam shade a it says well I'm a man of my word here you go great run so far good luck on elevator thanks Ricky oh you can do another one if you want here's $10 for a great gameplay in commentary this is from merchants lover and says I'll soon need another $10 at the runner and or couch can do their best merchants impression I don't know if I can I'll buy it on a high price that was pretty good I don't think I could beat that one sounds like that when you're selling him all the jewels yeah oh yeah and you keep like canceling out of the menu like just keep repeating the same voice line over and over again but it's like kind of remix like a youtube poop or something like that it's not just about shooting it's about reloading that's what he says about the broken butterfly all right right here we have the homerun scratch that is what we have dubbed it up I need that all right so we're just basically gonna be running circles around this room to deal with the enemies and drawing a flash that guy out oh this guy could be really dangerous because you have to like run through all the enemies more time you know it's actually really new what we used to do as a strat where you'd like get Ashley like glitched in a spot and then like run around and all the enemies would not be able to find you and stuff but it turns out that this is a little bit faster and yeah it's the other old strat you could only do on controller so if you're running keyboard you'd have to control it with you too and so this is a little bit faster and you don't have to do that yeah the wrecking ball doesn't have a hitbox barrier so we can just like run up against it oh it doesn't have one no only on that cycle on the first and second it does oh okay but they just decided the third one doesn't have a hitbox for some reason it can actually push you through the wall and like yeah to the door faster if you get in front of it for anything I think I've watched Barrow do that before Oh slam dunk here I'm gonna go ahead and beat out another attack here come on dirt Ashley okay you guys remember which box the Perseids in in the next room I just been so long left the left it right sights the shoddy Emma yeah it's been a while since I've had to grab this first aid but I want to be more safe than sorry right now we've been getting some spicy meatballs here all right there you go so Ashley it turns out has a license amount to drive heavy machinery and we're just gonna go ahead and let her take the wheel here while we yeah this is the longest autoscroller in the entire game actually so if you want to go ahead and get like two or three donations two or three yeah well I've got quite a few so I can definitely do that starting off we have a couple of people jumping in on the donation train Jackson dark-minded donates $5 says I can't say no to a donation train choo choo choo choo $6.00 from Khasra says all aboard that phone fancy six dollar donation train it's five dollars plus one Shawna's dick a $5 donation train for final fifty six run there's no clipping how to balance a bypass these tracks let's do it everyone choo choo and then 250 dollars from Big Dave and Leah greetings from Japan seeing resi 4 on agdq fills me with nostalgia I spent a decent chunk of my high school years speedrunning this game of my grandma's house we lost a cancer a few years later miss you grams let's all do our best together to stop cancer also hey it's that dog yeah so these guys right here I've realized that running that a truck isn't working so you're gonna form to make a bigger truck right here yeah I don't know why that happens still like if you don't if you don't shoot those guys then they just like run back in like huddle up they don't actually die yeah they keep up like there's a limit of how many enemies that can be on screen at one time so everybody's only seeing one enemy right here is because they're all technically alive still so they're taking up the space the more enemies can't spawn yeah actually doesn't on purpose you can save some shocking ammo yeah we're gonna need our shotty ammo for the part coming up which is a lot more dangerous so there is a trick here ah I was too late but there is a trick there where if you grab anything I think it's like three frames before that cutscene plays it actually skips it I don't think it's ever been done on 60fps no but I've seen it done on 30 and I don't know if anyone can I don't even know if it's like humanly possible to do on 60 actually but I've seen it done I mean is it frame perfect yeah it's literally frame perfect okay Wow I think Carpenter did it on like his new game+ like Xbox 360 run and what I saw it I'm like this man is a God yeah karpas covers a madman there's only what are you doing here there's usually two enemies here but they're usually not standing there that's okay now just go ahead and get rid of them with the knife knife Opie yep it's not the re to remake knife but it'll do yeah I would say the re for knife is actually like one of the more like balanced ones in the entire yeah it's powerful but like it's not you're risking your risking using it in the first place it's not like re to Rima or coach groaning oh yeah we're like it hits like every single frame that it's out which is insane all right so we're getting to the dangerous part of the the truck autoscroller this is the part where there's just more enemies and also they can spawn Plagas now which are those giant tentacles that come out of their head and because we're such in like such an enclosed space we don't want we just don't want to getting on the truck really it's just not a good and the plugins could still insta kill you yes you haven't increased your health at all hold on it kind of slowed to increase your health throughout the run so we just don't do it and it's pretty common that like you'll have a las Plagas come out here sometimes too and they could kill Ashley yeah that would also be bad I guess good so I'm actually gonna wait for these two to jump on it because that allows you to kill them without them spawning a plug is actually when they're in the air yeah before they land it's there's a similar trick used in separate ways actually where you just killed him while during that's like the dropping down animation in like it kind of stops them from spawning flogged as they're doing anything else that's kind of funny alright so we're at the end we're crashed we've crashed into this strange building and we're actually gonna go ahead and lose Ashley again at the end of this at the end of this chapter but first I know we've something important what are you guess what it is rocket launcher and we've lost Ashley again she's been possessed by Sadler so something I should mention lore wise both Leon and Ashley have been infected by the Las Plagas towards the beginning of the game I think Ashley gets infected before it even begins and Lois gives them like pills to suppress yeah both of the parasite it's like the ticking time bomb of the the story basically so we have to like kind of do all this before both Leon and Ashley turn and actually it's more advanced because it happened before the game hence why I like Sadler was able to possess her so we're gonna move on right here and we're gonna be introduced to an important NPC who was only introduced in this game but we're like supposed to know who he is for some reason and that is browser well he's an umbrella Chronicles oh yeah yeah yeah this is the longest cutscene in the game that we cannot skip it technically counts like a boss fight just doing all these cuties which are actually very easy to do browser you're - you you catch on quick as expected after all you and I both know where we come from what do you want to sample bitterly there leave Ashley out of this all I needed her to buy Sadler's trusted me like you I'm American Farrell most anime fight I've ever seen in the Resident Evil game [Laughter] umbr.ella almost let it slip enough talk died comrade hey Doc whoa Wow krauser capital D : 2020 bro maybe lose prolong your life you do each other more or less maybe it's a lot time he told me the reason why you're here here maybe some other time yeah if you run this game for like any amount of time you're gonna have to just get used to just sitting at that cutscene unfortunately because you have to do the QTEs you just can't go afk or anything like that though can't go grab a snack or like get some water or something while you're waiting alright so Leon's doing some impressive parkour watch this this man has the body of it like an Olympian right here how does he do it inspired by the movie oh yeah we're gonna do this Redondo yeah there's no time for resting so there is actually like a practical reason for doing that little that little pose is to show you the treasure that's like on the back end of the room and yeah it changes the camera and you can see it shining so we're gonna move on to like the boss rush of the game it's technically a boss rush it's like two bosses but they're both kind of lengthy and it basically makes up the entire chapter so coming up we have you three we call him bono because he know you three bones like you two I call him bono sometimes bono bono yeah he's like Sadler calls him it it's like this giant tentacle monster right here and we're just gonna go yeah and he crashes through the wall and I thought it was like you three just sounds like you two I guess that's a coincidence no there's more lore man alright so we're just gonna run past them right here using this ballsy strat oh yeah Morris actually taught me about when he showed me like you can consistently just run past a mic right there if you do the precise quick turn and now he's gonna throw a hand grenade up and it's gonna hit the little green button from the other side nice got it it's a little exploit there yeah yeah it skips having to like run around on you game plus I know they use the infinite rocket launcher to like just shoot right they should shoot it at the wall and it hits the button alright so we're done at that segment and now here's the actual boss fight which tougher than most bosses yeah very very takes more than a rocket I'm rocket in a knife swing yeah yeah log refer do go he is one of the more durable bosses but he is no match pretty almighty rocket launcher which again I just have to stress like why the devs allowed you 30,000 30 K like whenever you want like there's just an infinite supply of them it's I don't know alright so we're gonna be moving on now to krauser who is the guy we just saw in that a wonderful movie that played but first we have to make a final merchant stop and this is actually the last merchant we stopped in the game and we're gonna have to get rid of our our handy dandy TMT unfortunately it's it's been it's been fun yep a hands happy hands yeah like it served as well but we need a the good old killer7 at this point now I'm like imagining TMP hands we're like instead of the hands just EMP alright and we actually have a new strat so this is where you fight krauser like kind of like a 3-phase fight but we're gonna get through them all pretty fast assuming everything goes according to plan so right here we're gonna use the killer 7 to just shoot nice turns out shooting me in the face is pretty fast yeah it's very very what when did you start doing this like every month ago I think yeah before what we used to come back into this room with a dead man and it just wait for him at the top of the stairs and use the knife on him because uh as a lot of people probably know krauser is like very very weak to the knife like it's yeah it's like it's basically like a magnum shot for him I was very scared cuz he pull the bow which that part is orangey right there what weapon he pulls out like while you're crossing they're into both the most dangerous one by far oh okay I messed up there I was supposed to back up that was my fault fortunately fortunately the checkpoint is yeah I'd look right there it's not too big a deal and when you restart the checkpoint it actually fixes his orange yeah so it makes them like spawn behind that wall which is like a lot easier to run past and the old Lord he come in all right there we go nice that was a good swing got on me but uh I'm gonna work a second time bud all right now we have the statue push right here which is like become one with a statue like that is like that this is like the hardest part of this entire fight oh it's like pushing yeah you could skip having to push it back by pushing it exactly the right amount and then pushing it from the side yeah it's very very hard to do though on sixty like if your timing is off by even like half a second it's like it's over well it's not over but you lose like five or six seconds having to go fix it and he was phasing through it because the Dittmann glitch is making his animations go faster but it doesn't actually make the block push go faster yeah so you just like flip through it basically the donations I suppose so we don't respond to him because it's slow and we're gonna move on now to the final phase of the fight which is probably the most iconic part where krauser actually has this giant mutant like blade arm thing but uh you have a strat the deal from here this is actually a pretty tough part I would say krauser he's like probably the hardest boss besides del Lago actually because you kind of have to fight him legit prepare for your death Leone bully this man nice yes I was going for a scrap where I was trying to get him in like the exact right position so I could hit his face and then his chest because that kills him about like four or five seconds faster maybe a little less but it's really really good but uh that's fine as well as as long as you don't die yeah you're good fun fact if you wait for the timer to end even after you've killed him and you like doing the puzzle you'll die anyway 5-4 if you guys want to explain this because this is like okay 5-4 is probably the reason why a lot of people think that this game is just straight up in action game which is Boudicca days and really but it's this part there's turrets everywhere there's like a bazillion dudes chasing after you Mike shows up at a helicopter and starts shooting missiles everywhere there's there's it's it's insane there's dynamite it's just as a speedrunner it's also like the most like orangey heavy part of them yeah yeah yeah cuz like you can get shot by archers like people can be out of positioning the turret can hit you this guy can do that that can happen like it's the super random and like huge run killer and then we got this guy yeah I'm actually doing a herder strat here too I'm hoping uh oh nice he did it here we go meaning at me is actually really good cuz then I can reset checkpoint right here I'm T spawn the enemies yeah the research checkpoint he spawns the enemies and it also it does something that you think would be counterintuitive for the expert but it actually makes it better Mike the helicopter dude that's helping you out if you reset the checkpoint or die he's like sorry and just leaves I'm gonna help you out anymore and that extra Archer spawns at the beginning of the room so the room is like theoretically much harder but it actually makes it much more consistent and that was fun like pretty recently yeah so I got a bad shield guy which means I might get hit here I'm hoping I don't but I might oh okay the dynamite guy died somehow alright alright that's good I'm gonna have to pick this up though fortunate alright so yeah this part is pretty chaotic it's kind of hard to explain while I'm doing it but I'm just trying to just get blown past everything I'm gonna knife this rocket launcher guy right here so he doesn't bother us literally everything in the game that can hurt you except for like every generator and Nov so doors just packed into a room yep and you're and there's like a lot of there's a lot of items that you have to go around and pick up to get through it but in a speed phone you just also don't know crash that's a comma crash it's not like super common but it does happen like we're at the end of 5-4 also rip Mike yeah we'll go to pay our respects yeah I'm sure don't pay alright they'll pay in there pita breads but yeah moving on we have we're going to the final like hard part of the run as we call it like it's not actually a Sadler who is like the final boss it's this room we call the war room yeah and it's pretty much just as bad as that triple turret room I would say but there is a strat we found not too long ago that's gonna help us like deal with the enemies there but there's still a lot of shenanigans that can happen I'm gonna get this redder first I would say like the war room is actually kind of worse because the checkpoint is terrible yeah it's like right here yeah and that's it you just have to do the whole room again if you die or you get unlucky or something we have a lot of heals there so I think we'll be ok famous last words right there and Mike is actually gonna be sticking to this right corner here and that's gonna make it so that some of the gun autos are gonna be spawned upstairs and because they're not downstairs they can't stop him when he jumps down the ladder you'll see and he also threw the flash there to flash at the Red Hat guy cuz the right night guy holds the key card and it also makes it so that the door stays open because again if the door closes you got to kick it and then he loses Ditman and he has to read it and and that's why I especially like getting hit and 5-4 this is a lot of time because then you hit then you got to heal then you got to read it but then you got switched you actually want to have out lynnie run I mean if you hit again you do it all over again oh boy so he's gonna jump down here and there should be nobody in his way okay nice yep just this one guy oh nice bro bud where'd my friends go you tried it yeah before we kind of just did that room like the strat we used before was a lot more inconsistent when you drop down or just see like 20 enemies down there but that is a lot easier to do though the two hardest parts the 5-4 hour done now yeah the run is basically over at this point now we're just gonna move on to the final boss so I actually told Ashley to wait follow at that corner just so one of those hammer dudes like wouldn't run up on me because that is what happens if I you just run up without doing anything and here we're just gonna tell her to wait because we don't even need her anymore really and flatter killer7 one two and our favorite weapon three and just for good measure Sadler actually needs two rocket launchers he's special in that way so it ends kind of like most typical Resident Evil games and like somebody toss with you like the special rocket launcher which you use the one shot the boss we're gonna do that and eight is gonna give us our Jets beat keys to get on out of here so before we get to the final part I just want to make a couple shoutouts mostly to the speed running the re for speedrunning community' it's it's wonderful we have a massive this board for anyone who wants to learn this game there's a lot of resources that we you can use to help learn it I want to thank my couch you guys are awesome and I kind of want to thank the Japanese community for re for specifically this game has a massive fan base in Japan as well as Brazil but Japan has helped us pal like Japanese runners have helped us found like a lot of these strats that have been used so I just want to give a specific yeah and that is the best pitch of the game right there by the way bye Felicia but yeah like all all the people I listed are just wonderful and we're just gonna take the jet ski on out of here so times gonna be coming up as soon as we get to the last cutscene I'll call it out but it will be coming up in about like 10 seconds or so ish so we're just gonna this part is pretty free also just dodging some debris that falls taking these through your ramps right here and time is coming up right about now time [Applause] 1:33 yeah I don't know if we want to let this final cutscene play just classic overtime and then he drives away yeah not quite I still have to get you home safe yeah a doubloon all that up yeah [Music] she's like a part of me I can't let go let's leave it at that all right now that there is re four new GamePro hope you guys enjoyed them that's a great run yeah so again thank you to the couch thank you all for watching appreciate it check out the disc word if you want we have a lot of resources there and yeah thank you thank you so much for that amazing re4 run mic give it up for him one more time come on all right got a couple donations here I'm gonna need Chet's help with this one hawk to prevent cancer honk again to thank gdq staff honk again to have honked three times and I'm gonna go ahead and throw it on over to our interview team interviewing our jak2 runners so take it away thank you very much my name is Jay Hobbs and I am joined by headstrong and stickeen are how are you both doing today doing pretty good very good yeah how the nerves do them coming up your you got an awesome race objective from a very shortly how are you how's things looking all right I'm pretty good yeah I'm as prepared as like that could be as we can be so I want to know why is Jack to the scariest horror block game of this narrow it's scary for sure it's it's a lot of the kind of tricks where you know you will either get them or you you know you lose you know upwards of 30 plus and stuff like that it's thought of do you do were you done with kind of things I I do know that you were mentioning I always loved to point out just like what is a great moment that people can really be looking for and really jump in to tune in for you so there's something like right at the start of the run almost yeah right at the start there's the largest skip in the game so definitely want to keep an eye out for that so you don't miss that part yeah it's one of those like you blink and you miss the kind of thing like master sequence breaks right at the get-go now I've known you both for a few years now and stuff then you come to gdq's in the past and all that in fact you both run a lot of different games but before we get to completely different games you both have run Jack one as well Jack and actually the precursor legacy a little bit and that is a like completely different one from Jack - right can you tell me a little bit about that like what what's the what is it just that you still love both the games and you want to keep going in the theories or what is it that brings you to both of them the different movement between them is just so unique because like in Jack 1 you've just got the normal just on foot movement the whole time just the whole jumping and normal jumps and stuff like that but then jack 2 opens up with the jet board like immensely completely different style of gameplay just so much different from each other yeah and like the world design in general for Jack - it's a lot more like a GTA style a lot of a 2b and movement like that and just because of the way it's kind of designed getting around is very different yeah employing a lot of things like checkpoint IV using stuff like I know as well the combat is incredibly different how how was that to get used to that or how important is the combat and the speed run it's interesting to get used to having to use the gun rather than just kicking things the whole time but the kicks are still incredibly important and jak2 to you certainly employee they don't mix a boat because there's even like a lot of like combat oversights and stuff that involved both you know like chaining combo into a gun or something like that cool well likes that we're gonna be seeing a race from both of you I I want to know what what are your predictions on the race how are things going in the practice room like who was winning the races has the record going between you two I think me and had strong both excel at different things and I've and because of that we're actually doing a lot of different straps for the same sections because you know we may be comfortable one over the other so I really don't know it's gonna be it's gonna be fun to see kind of the way we both play and yeah awesome I wanted to ask this well because like I said you've done runs of so many games then we've seen your previous gdq's before in Stephanie sticky you've done runs of Super Metroid and Ori I know you know whirring the blind oh yeah headstrong you can check what you've done tons of games like Superman tons of different games what's on the horizon for you after this you just gonna be pushing Jack to you going to check three is there some new game like Orion the well of the Wiz I've got actually kind of an interesting day I'm actually gonna be working on doing a run of all six Jack games all in a row so I'm gonna start working on that relatively soon afterwards - mode tomato Angus eat your heart out because we're gonna get the nest and followed you looking forward to later you know I did put down Jack due for a little bit I kind of giving a break and then since picking it up I've been having a lot of fun with it and it's it's it's a really different run from what it was you know before like back in 2017 when I ran it then so there's there's I feel like I have a lot of work to do in that category so you can expect that pretty much just same with Jack nice cool I always love to be able to like catch that pre and post GDQ grind there's the different oh yes pressure different atmosphere to yeah before you know you're kind of running for a consistency you know you know just finishing runs yeah I was gonna say when it comes to practice in this game and preparing for GDQ do you find that you are more about doing no Reece that runs or have you done you just want to do a lot of practice races leading up to it or do either of you focus more on individual tricks some you know individual level practice that anything like that what's your approaches I did a ton of races which is a bunch of other people in the jack tooth community and then just no recess constantly to just try and make myself gifts already right I think I think I sort of I start I do a lot of segmented stuff I do acknowledge it's important to do it in context so yeah races like with headstrong I've been doing a lot of those definitely helps for it awesome well I'm looking forward to that one and it is not very far away because up next we have the last of us left behind which is a very short run so if you are interested at all in checking the extra speed running specifically the check to race be sure to stick around and tune in for that one I wish I had more time to dig into the intricacies of this game but headstrong sticky thank you so much for joining me and talking to us a little bit about it and good luck on the race well I love to see who is the winning I'm putting my bets on no I I copped out with that one all right I'm gonna throw it back up to those because we are almost ready for that run of last of us see you all later Thank You Jay Hobbs I do want to mention that run coming up is very short and then we have the jet - and after that is Marvel's spider-man and we still need about ten thousand dollars for that ultimate difficulty incentive so let's get those donations in let's see that you don't want to miss it but before we get into that I'm gonna throw it over to a quick twitch ad and we'll be right back and welcome back to awesome games done quick 2020 benefiting prevent Cancer Foundation the prevent Cancer Foundation founded in 1985 is a us-based nonprofit organization their mission is to save lives across all populations through cancer prevention and early detection by focusing their work through research education outreach and advocacy the vision is to stop cancer before it starts you can find out more information about PCF f o vet cancer org we have a $500 donation from words 209 it's this five-dollar train for fall fantasy six let's new flex that train just in case the run doesn't love y'all $15 from Jose one five three it says roses are red violets are blue I can't rhyme just honk on cue we have another $500 from JD the bud says time for more final fantasy let's get the hype train rolling
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 1,432,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2020, AGDQ2020, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 1sec (6421 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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