The Chicago Sweeper Makes Professional Insanely Easy (FULL GUIDE)

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okay what's up everybody my name is extra and today we're going to be using the Chicago sweeper this is going to be a Guide Slash walkthrough for people still trying to decide whether to use the hand Cannon or the Chicago sweeper I can assure you they both make great weapons we end up beating the game with the Chicago sweeper in around 3 hours and 27 minutes so it's only about 10 minutes off from the hand Cannon one which is around 3 hours and 19 minutes so it's they're both really good and you know the only things that you're going to need for this guide is Ashley's armor and Leon sunglasses because we're going to be using flashbangs Ashley's armor saves a lot of time and yeah the Chicago sweeper is really good as well and I'm going to show you how to destroy pretty much every single boss every late game Boss you don't have to worry about okay I promise you you know Verdugo Ramon uh who else krauser Sadler they all get destroyed I'm going to show you how to do that without any stress give you really good places to save that are very flexible like you can always save a little bit before after what I save but I always pick spots that are not going to be too off from each other so you know choose wherever you're most comfortable with and yeah remember to take breaks don't worry if you make mistakes again two hours is a lot of extra time I make a lot of mistakes we're gonna get through this we're gonna get you the cat ears okay so first thing we're going to want to do is aim at this wall when you hear the zombie lunge at you just the aim and then run past them but if you want to you know run to the back of the room and run around them you can do that too now a lot of the time that we're gonna save is going to be mid game and late game okay mid game late game that's where we're going to save a ton of time so don't worry about these first six chapters if they take a little bit longer that's where most of the lengthy part is going to be we're going to completely like sweep past the final chapters so take your time in the beginning chapters okay and again remember to take breaks don't get frustrated I know that this game can be pretty annoying sometimes but don't worry we got this okay I believe in you so to start off you always want to shoot the crow because sometimes it might drop rubies and once you come in here we're gonna get our Chicago sweeper which is a pretty good weapon you know at first I didn't like it too much whenever I first used it but after this playthrough I can you know confidently say that you're in good hands with either the Chicago sweep or the hand Cannon they both are really amazing weapons I can't stress that enough okay so when walking through here if this guy is around that tree you want to bait him around it so you don't get hit but if he's on the side of it just run past them and we're gonna get the flash grenade in this Hut right here but we're gonna bait this guy to come out so we're just gonna run rub over here keep running keep running if he doesn't access run over here and yeah just take him down that flashbang is very important for the village section and I'm going to show you why so we're gonna run in here get the herb get the flashbang get the ammo and yeah we're gonna get to the Village part which is one of my favorite Parts still is one of my favorite Parts in this game I'm still having so much fun playing it I hope you're enjoying it too now if you're playing on professional for the first time yes it can be annoying but I promise you gonna get through it so you need 15 kills to make the village section or you know to make the bell ring so the first coat that we're gonna get is on this later over here because she's always a free kill and after doing that you're going to loot her body break this box right here and you need to jump in here okay this can sometimes contain a grenade but if it doesn't it's okay and immediately jump out here and shoot at this guy okay this is another free kill take him down and watch out for the old guy on the left once he's stunned get your flashbang and throw it I don't know if you saw that but you threw an accident which I found really funny yeah give him a kick they'll sometimes kill them but sometimes not it's okay though any kills that we get from this part is really good keeper Chicago sweeper out you're gonna run in this house get this grenade I'm gonna jump out I'm gonna take this guy out and if they're grouped up like they are here throw the grenade it's a good amount of kills gonna finish them all gonna try to use our Chicago super as much as we can because I want to use a shotgun and we're gonna close that door and we're gonna get the shotgun in the grenade but by doing that even though it spawns a chainsaw guy they all start piling up by the ladder which is great for us gonna take him out get the ammo and we're gonna jump out the window now you can kill this guy I kind of pushed him away so I can see if there's a lot of people piled up here sometimes they'll be like literally seven or eight which is insane but right there that's good enough that's around three or four kills so at this point you're going to want to play aggressive because Salvador is going to behind you just get the last couple of kills you can run back in the house and do circles if you want but in this case the fight's already over it's a it's a very good stride it's very consistent sometimes they'll be all piled up by the ladder all nicely packed together oh it's the Rest In Pieces Cal I don't know what happened to him I don't I don't know who sets off the fire when it's not Leon but rest in peace to that cow but yeah that was a quick Village fight now after doing that you want to completely loot the entire Village okay take your time take a breather we're gonna be saving soon in chapter two so you don't have to worry about doing this entire Village part again we just have to get through this next part and yeah we're gonna have a safe soon so yeah just make sure you get everything hit the first aid spray yeah I hope you all having a good day make sure you get this green herb over here there's so much I want to say but again I want to keep this as a guide for those that want to use the Chicago sweeper um just a quick thank you again for all the positive you know Awards all the kind feedback I'm so happy to know that a lot of you are getting your cat years I'm so happy that a lot of you are enjoying the hand Cannon so yeah I just wanted to say that again real fast you know thank you all seriously it really does mean a lot I'm still pretty like stunned I don't know what to say because I'm truly out of loss of words but again want to keep this as a guide got to help out more people get cat years since a lot of people like the Chicago sweeper we're gonna be using it here remember they're both insanely good weapons and yeah we're gonna get through this okay so once you get through here you're going to want to jump over this fence get a backstab on this guy and we're gonna be breaking the blue medallions for the first merchant request so the first one is right here wait for this treasure to be on the right side so it doesn't fall in the muddy poo water whatever it is break the second one over here don't worry if you missed it a couple of times you won't alert the lady until you break the one that one right there but she's alone so you don't have to worry you can pull out your shotgun take her out you want to pull out your pistol and you're going to want to shoot the sock off right here get the ruby in here sitting on a ton of loot so far but also the Chicago sweeper is absolutely massive yeah as soon as you get the Cog just get up the ladder have your shotgun out because sometimes this lady will hit you but if she's like turned around like that then you don't really even need to shoot her break that last Medallion now the reason we're going this way is because we want to make the hog guy walk into the bomb below us so don't disarm that just walk under it we're gonna bait him into it get the shotgun shells and please walk under the swamp do not disarm it remember we want to make the guy walk through it because the wagon up here gives you iframes but sometimes it's happened before so I just always have to make sure that you know people know this is uh if you're pushing the wagon the Hawkeye will sometimes come up behind you and most of the time it's okay but sometimes he'll swing right at the moment where you're done pushing it and you no longer have iframes and I don't want that to happen so whenever you make him walk through the bomb it gives you a lot more time and you end up being safe so it's definitely worth making him run into the bomb but yeah once you're past that we're almost there make sure you walk to the right over here and take out your shotgun because you're going to want a shotgun this lady over here because most okay right there she doesn't but I promise you 90 of the time she's gonna be charging at you so you wanna have your shotgun out now a lot of the time that we use the shotgun in this game we're going to want to shock on people's feet it's very rarely are we actually gonna go for headshots because head shots can trigger a blogger transformation and we don't want to do that we just want to get them out the way just an important tip to remember so I pull out your pistol here you can disarm this bomb if you want I always just prefer shooting it and have your shotgun out here oh here I actually use my Chicago sweeper because I want to touch the stun on it and yeah the stun is pretty good you can shoot him a couple of times it gets stunned so you can trust the Chicago sweeper in that if you shoot a couple times it'll move people out the way make sure you get the loot in here yeah the Chicago sweeper is he's a big boy takes up a lot of space in the in the case get the loot in here and if you're not healed here always remember to heal even if there's an herb at the beginning of chapter two you still want to go in there fully healed especially when you're sitting on so many like we are and just backs out this guy then we're gonna talk to Louise and that's chapter one so yeah if you want to you can say right here um I've never actually died at the beginning of chapter two like in The Knife Only part but if that's happened to you before and you feel more comfortable saving here you're just safe here it's it's literally no problem because we're going to save a little bit after when we first see the merchant but see it doesn't make that big of a difference just do whatever you prefer got the herb here get the knife and yeah just make sure you run it behind this gun for this next guy you just want to run to his left yeah just run past them and here you can just wait for this guy to pass by and jump over get a free backstab on them I'm gonna turn the wheel now don't worry I I I've been in this game so many times I'm professional and I still sometimes miss this the timing on this like I'll get there and the door completely closes so don't worry it's okay if you mess up it's fine if you get stuck in a trap it's fine I have a lot of heels so you'll be okay gonna get our stuff but before we talk to the merchant we're actually going to do the second request which is the rat one who's that and as long as you stay far away from the rats like here they kind of just stand still it always goes down pretty quick get this right get the other one and yeah I'm not used to having like no space around here but the Chicago sweeper again it's a big boy so you can actually send it to storage if you want in case you want to get more herbs here because we're actually going to be buying the sniper rifle so you can send it to storage gonna be selling some stuff to get the sniper rifle too because you also get a free scope so the key and saw the pendant The Velvet blue and by the sniper rifle get the free scope and we're gonna save now don't worry if you're like around 20 25 minutes here again we're gonna save a lot of time mid game in late game uh yeah as you can see I played the game a lot on professional I mean I I'm still having so much fun playing this game it's so good and I I love it so much yeah here just register your guns to whatever you're normally comfortable using it on and time for another one of my favorite Parts in this game which is dynamite Valley uh coming in here you're going to want to make sure that this lady is dead take her down now most of the time she's a plaga so if she's on the ground make sure that she's dead because you don't want to run into her when you're walking back you're going to want to pull out your sniper rifle jump down pull out your shotgun move this guy out the way I decided to shoot him again but don't do that just shoot him in the legs same thing with these people I kill both of them you don't need to you can just shotgun them in their feet as you can see there's so much that's always Happening Here just explosions everywhere take her out get the flashbang from here which wasn't equipping for some reason make sure your shotgun's reloaded and we're gonna get the small key after you do that run up here now sometimes this guy will kill you if it's not him it's gonna be somebody else with the dynamite that's why this is called Dynamite Valley or AK you're probably gonna die here Valley but if you die here don't worry we have a save just remember to quit the game reload the save and yeah you'll get through this part but yeah it's always a different experience to say that it'll go one-to-one exactly how you see it here would just be lying to you because something it'll be pretty close but it's pretty consistent but it's more about the dynamite guy on the top yeah make sure that you shoot that Barrel right there you don't need to get the ruby in that chest I used to get it but I don't get it anymore because it's not worth it pull out your flashbang yeah there's a couple things that I've learned since my last video and that's another thing that's kind of crazy about the hand Cannon is that it somehow was still faster than the Chicago sweeper but again they're both amazing weapons you want to get the yellow herb get the first aid spray break the lock and yeah yeah so see when you're walking back here if that lady you don't kill her uh and you don't want to run into it especially if you're weak but you know we have so much heels that you'll be good so we're gonna come over here put them in here turn it to the left ones then flip it gonna open it now after you open that we're gonna get the elegant mats that's in the drawer that you need the key for make sure you break that box get the elegant Mass you don't need to sell it right now because we're gonna get more sapphires so it's good to hold on to it plus our weapons are so more than strong enough now for here you're going to want to use this sniper rifle on this guy you can run past all these people but it's not worth risking it's a lot easier just to take them out call your shotgun take them out this lady will sometimes walk in the Trap but if she doesn't just take her out too you do want to make sure that you take all three of them out because you don't want them to bother you while you're getting the two treasures at the part that we're about to go to right now and yeah we're sitting on so much loot so you can just use that you know craft yourself some snipe ammo you can also send yeah here you can send these to storage when you're sitting on that many heels always send the first aid sprays to the storage because you want to use meds that have yellow herbs in it so you can increase your health I make that mistake a lot here where I still use other healing items that aren't the yellow herbs and that's another mistake that I want to make sure that you guys don't do because it does help out a lot to increase your health of course now here you never want to run past the sign or you don't want to shoot past that sign you want to stay behind it when you're shooting you want to shoot that down shoot that down and yeah because if you shoot past that sign it can alert the chainsaw guy and we don't want to risk that but if you stay behind it you're good now he's going to be staring at something in the sky I don't know what he's looking at but I'm gonna run past them let the bomb stun them yeah you'll be good here you're very lucky and get a spindle there got some shotgun shells don't bother the guy in the bathroom the egg here I'm gonna get the small key here loot this get the grenade the pacetas crop Pig baby get the ball and yeah you can skip this enemy right here you don't have to shoot at him just kind of let them lunge over here and then just run around them if he grabs you remember we have a lot of heels it's okay don't freak out get the herb yeah for this I always like to pull it up to the left and to the right I'm gonna move this down you don't have to do it now but I mean I just always do and we're gonna get the key and that's chapter two we're on good pace remember chapter six and then a chapter six we get our Chicago sweeper and having everything's just gonna fly bypass after that and don't worry like the Bella sisters the cabin fight and Mendes have a lot of good strats for them same thing with the Savage mod so we're gonna be good got to save the dog here um I do want to say a lot of you told me that the giant whenever you first take his flag out and the dog spawns in it resets the Giant's Health but I I can't not save the dog I have a puppy and you know even though he gets me killed a lot because he likes to jump on my PC you know but I don't mind if the the wolf you know adds more Health to the Giant it's no problem to me honestly but I have to make sure that I say that because yeah that's a good tip honestly like less Health on the giant is always a good thing so you know you just do you don't don't don't feel pressured and that you need to save the dog if you don't want to if you want to make the giant fighter a lot easier yeah don't save the dog but as a dog person my puppy would not be very happy with me if you tell me do that but that's just me you do you so we're gonna get the treasure over here put the key in there now since we didn't kill the guy up there it's gonna spawn in the dogs but as long as you're on this side it's okay racist lock be watch out for the bomb right here okay always shoot it because it can sometimes kill the lady over here but in this case it doesn't which is fine just shocking her out the way always shocking this guy and we're gonna make our way through here now if you're sitting on a ton of loot it's okay you don't need to get the snake right now we can actually get the three snakes at the fish farm completely worry free um whenever it's night time that everyone at the fish farm completely disappears so don't worry about the snake mission right now make sure you do everything here I've got the charger up here and there's always shotgun shells here again you can send the first aid spray out here yeah I discard the submachine gun ammo I could have sold it to the merchant but it's okay you're not gonna need it gonna sell this stuff to the merchant yeah now that we have a lot of blue so we can fill it up in here sell the mask and the Viper if you have it listen welcome and we're going to tune up the shotgun to power level two and rate of fire too and then the sniper rifle power level two straight apart since we have extra money we can fix up the knife well we do have a lot of kitchen knives so if you don't have enough it's okay oh we shoot down this Nest here for the rifle ammo gonna be doing another Merchant request up here sure yeah just run around here backstab this guy and break these two for the merchant requests now if you like watching cutscenes they don't count towards your time so you can watch your cutscenes now I'm gonna break that box and over here I always like to get the treasure here but you can get it after you know whenever we save Ashley if you want gonna get that large resource because we're gonna actually be crafting flash grenades when we see the merchant around the fish farm area I make our way through here now for this next area you want a headshot this guy that's going to be up here headshot him now for this guy hug the right wall like here then go left whenever he throws he's always gonna throw one at you so very easy to dodge now these people you can always run past them but it's still good to have a shotgun out just in case take that guy out and shoot these guys in the legs see it's very good it's done something pretty hard and you can just run past them because once you get over here they won't hit you gonna break this box here good luck finding someone big enough to use this and you can pull out a grenade here you always get a grenade back watch your sniper rifle take out the dogs because these dogs they like to play tricks and pretend that they're dead but they're not so if you had shot them with the sniper rifle you know that that for sure but if you do [ __ ] them with the pistol just make sure they're dead they've got me a few times doing that takes the treasure out here and the first medal in there now for this upcoming part if you want to save save okay because we're gonna I like to save after the fish farm but when you run to the fish farm it takes like not even three minutes so it's not that big of a difference it probably is even less than that yeah it doesn't make a difference but I since I've done it so many times um I feel really confident going into it yeah make sure you buy the flash grenade recipe here make yourself a flash grenade and remember if you want to save here save it I promise you in the long run it won't make a difference here I'm just getting the shotgun shells I couldn't pick up earlier but yeah remember save here if you want it I promise you not everything needs to be exactly the way I do it especially when it comes to saves because that very flexible saves I promise you if you save here you're good uh for me and I know for a lot of people the delago fight is really annoying so I always say you know what the fish farm is never too bad plus you always have your shotgun which you can just shocking people out the way and you'll be good plus with the flash grenade you can Flash people out the way and again you'll be good so before going to the fish farm I always like to loot this area first just in case I don't have ammo and yeah we're sitting on a lot of heels remember please remember please always use your your healing items to have a yellow Herb in it so you can increase your health you're gonna see that I don't do that here so please turn for my mistakes get another large resource here so we can craft another flash grenade yeah you can discard these if you don't need it but I promise you just be confident you're okay just trust me okay I know the fish farm but yeah if you save there it's okay but if you save there and then you still get stressed out about the fish farm you don't have to I promise you just follow what I do you can get through it so we're gonna go through here hug this wall over here run past these ladies if they're about to hit you just shocking them in the feet run past them take out your pistol blow up this one now if this guy is next to this Barrel over here shoot the barrel but if not it's okay like right here he got close to the barrel but he wasn't next to it when I wanted him to but it's fine we can shock him out the way get the egg get the gas now here just aim at the wall and wait for him to break in because you don't want to run out because they'll instantly swing at you can use the barrel to kill her now this girl over here can sometimes Kobe you with a with an ax but it's okay if she does because up here we're safe so we're gonna drop down here it looks like that guy hit me with an arrow but I guess it didn't hit for some reason now here yeah be careful right here I end up taking damage here I believe yeah just shocking them in the feet I guess I don't take damage there yeah just shot them as you can see the shotgun is absolutely insane at pushing people away take advantage of that run past people there and remember since that they're all kind of like packed up in that lane you can also flash bang there and it'll pretty much hit everybody there so you can also do that so let's fish farm down and as you can see that took probably like two minutes so if you decide to save before fish farm it's not a big deal literally you only end up saving two minutes but since the delago fight is more something that I practice on a lot I always prefer swimming before the logo but it doesn't make a difference I promise you so yeah this is going to be save number two and time to take on the Lago which honestly not even joking it's probably the most annoying boss in this game outside of maybe the double garage but even the double godores they're very easy actually no never mind the Lago is more annoying than double God I thought it is make sure you shoot this down um I do have some tips thank you to the people in the comments if you're playing on PC make sure you set this to 60 FPS I didn't hear but it does make the waves a bit smaller so that is a very good tip one tip that I did remember thank you to all you is that you can spam the harpoons if you just like hold on it and then immediately let go hold on it let go like see I'm not like holding down the Harpoon button I like pressing it then Letting Go pressing it to Letting Go you shoot a lot faster I definitely do recommend doing that now if you struggle at the delago boss it's okay trust me I so struggle on it all the time take your time on it don't worry about it um once we get to chapter seven I promise you the game is Gonna Fly by so don't stress out you got this okay if you need to take a break take a bait because yeah this boss can be very annoying sometimes but thanks to all the people in the comments for telling me to learn how to spam the harpoon because I couldn't have done this without y'all this is actually gonna be the second time that I hit it you know I did kill him in the first cycle and that's all because of you guys thank you so much for the advice on that thank you all for helping out other people in the comments section too that's just one of many things that I'm thankful for The Gaming Community can be so insane sometimes like I love it like when it's like that when we all help out each other no drama just literally just a bunch of nerds just trying to get cat ears and we're gonna help out everyone else get cat years too so here you can actually send your sniper rifle to storage if you need to because we're not going to be needing it we only need one shotgun shell for this next part but if you have no ammo for your shotgun and no gunpowder which would be very rare I don't think I don't think you're gonna be in that position but yeah just keep your shocking for this part foreign the Blogger can like stun you even right after the transformation which is pretty annoying so yeah just shot him in the feet and that's it once you get past that part this next part is going to be a very chill calm part you can take a breather you can pause the game take a break interact with the shrine gonna get the key here and yeah this is going to be a very chill part we're going to do a bunch of chores for the merchant gonna get looted up so yeah take a breather here first thing I like to do is always get the the bass and the golden egg so yeah we're gonna be doing chores for the merchant you can send the shotgun home because we won't be getting the head that requires you to go through a bunch of plaga people just yet take this time relax we're again we're we're on chapter four remember only three chapters away we got this I promise you get the golden egg get the Velvet blue and we're gonna be getting the first head so yeah since we're taking a moment again I just want to thank you all so much for the kind words thank you all so much for all the tips thank you all so much for giving each other tips that's like Prime Gaming Community right there I love that thank you all so much again so just follow me for this puzzle here get those two get that one get the head make sure you get the rifle ammo there get the hexagon piece here hit the Ruby so yeah we're gonna be completely looted out I promise you you won't have to take on that first head part because it sometimes can be an ammo drought here um because of all the resources you may use at the fish farm if you know you need to shocking a lot of people out the way so again use this time completely everything now that we're going back to the fish farm there won't be anybody there so we're gonna come through here and get the Alexandrite and the red nine you can send it to storage we're sitting on so many heels it's kind of crazy again please use I have to keep reminding because I need to remind myself to do that use the yellow herb heels now a new way that I like to go through is over here since we're gonna get the treasure over here anyways we might as well go through this entrance and we're gonna break all the barrels since it's pretty satisfying but whenever you park this way the boat conveniently Parks the other way which is nice get the treasure here another Alexandrite from here and we're gonna be heading to the merchant and the fish farm yeah I hope you're having a good day um if you're watching this that's for the Chicago sweeper guide good luck to you um you're gonna do this now if you're watching this just to just watch you know me he's a Chicago sweeper I hope you're enjoying the video thank you again so much for the kind words it's it I just don't know what to say I I just thank you okay we're gonna get the treasure there and we're gonna walk over here we don't have to visit the merchant but if you want to sell the the bass and the Egg to him you can do that too but here I decide to go to the fish farm but it's better to do that just so you don't have too much stuff in your inventory and yeah as you can see everybody's gone so you're free to completely loot the place and do the medallions and the Viper Quest I'm gonna shoot that down get the grenade gonna walk through here break this medallion get this Viper foreign you know that was a funny comment there was a somebody that said that they use my videos to fall asleep to which is funny because I do that all the time too with uh with long videos it's why I even bought YouTube premium because I fall asleep to a lot of like long gaming videos so to the person that wrote that if you're watching this relatable get that hexagon piece here and yeah there's a lot of vipers here so you can take them out yet more than enough here that you don't need to get the one that is by the church you can just get the ball here so the one by the church if you stop and grab that you can just use as a healing item break this get the small key here yeah I hope you're having a great day if you're watching this again for the Chicago sweeper gotta remind you you got this I know you got this if you're watching this just to watch it hope you enjoyed the video if you're watching this is sleep I hope you're having a good sleep thank you all so much again David I I keep saying it don't want to overdo it but it's hard not to so yeah we're gonna shoot down that nest we're gonna get the shotgun shells so yeah as you can see we're getting completely looted for this next area it's good to save a lot of sniper rifle ammo too and we're gonna get the depraved Idol over here so we're gonna drop down here just Spam the interact button so they all go in and it's always going to be right side twice left side twice top once foreign title then that's the chores done a good little breather moment because we're going to tackle a lot of stuff we got the giant The Savage mutt the cabin fight Bella sisters Mendez I know it's going to be a bit but don't worry we got a lot of stuff going into that fill this up with a bunch of Reds but the two alexandrites in here don't worry we're gonna have enough for the elegant Crown later on too and just sell all of this sell everything tell that golden egg the best the Vipers the red nine 107 passatas which is more than enough to get what we want to get which is the case upgrade come back we're going to want to get our shotgun and sniper back make sure you equip the scope even though we won't be using that this next part but yeah we have a lot of snipe ammo oh yeah and you can use a key to get the watch here pretty sure it's watched yeah it's a watch and time for the second head which I know a lot of people get afraid here but it's okay don't be afraid I do have a better Strat than I did in my hand Cannon video it's base it's not too different but it's the same it's for the dynamite part so there will always be a dynamite in this box to the left here you can also loot these two barrels if you want remember shotgun in defeat shotgun this guy in the feet run past them and look look hug this wall here and shoot this dynamite out of his hand okay so you don't have to worry about that guy then go back to shooting people on the feet run past them now we have a lot of gunpowder so if you need to craft more shock and ammo do that this guy will always throw an ax so just make sure to Juke that shot him in the feet I've shotgun that guy in the face and he became a blogger before and then I got dynamited I didn't die but again why they important to shoot people on the feet is we just want to stun them get past some we don't want to waste time you know shooting them when they're blockers because they're tanky there's a lot going on behind us I don't know what they were doing but yeah this guy I don't know what he's doing either oh yeah I like to go through this way because I can fly spank them so yeah just shotgun that kind of feet get the flash thing that we got earlier you just don't pass on that's it yeah one sec Dynamite guys down I mean a lot of stress is removed from there so yeah just hug that wall and shocking the dynamite out of its hand and that's the second half yeah make sure that you get the church envelope because there's been many times where I've gone to the giant area and I didn't get the church emblem again I make mistakes all the time do not worry if you make mistakes okay it's completely normal literally I make mistakes all the time and I've played this game so much more 10 times more than you so don't worry it's still something that happens all the time and we're still gonna finish with more than two hours so and even if you don't finish in three hours and 30 minutes again we just need to get the four or five hours and 30 minutes and I want to be able to help you save as much time as possible and we're going to do that together so now that we got that it's time for the Giant but before that we need to upgrade our sniper rifle and our shotgun or not our shotgun just a sniper rifle the shotgun at power level 2 is still more than strong enough for a lot of enemies talk to the merchant now okay it's a power level four ammo capacity two reload speed two and yeah we're sitting on a ton of sniper ammo now again as as sad as I get to say it or as sad as I get if you don't save the wolf the giant has even less health so it's even easier I always find the giant very easy um yeah make sure you hug the wall and you loot this building here because once you walk in the middle it will spawn in the Giant so make sure you have your sniper equip and then go to grenade and equip it so you can throw it and immediately switch back to your sniper rifle throw it scope in shoot him four times in the head I know explosives shoot the Blogger now once you shoot the plug at once only shoot at once here if you do get the wolf only shoot it once because it'll immediately spawn them in and if you try to shoot it again he's just gonna get up so you don't want to waste ammo I'm gonna shoot him four more times in the head and the wolf scene starts reload your sniper rifle and once he's down just shoot the plug now you get around three shots before he stands up again can go for another shot here but you want to pull out your flash grenade and throw it and there you go very quick giant fight um again when it's blogger is exposed you can use a flash grenade and it'll bring him down okay gotta thank the dog you know what even if you give the giant more help thanks I forgive you because you're nowhere near as bad as my as my puppy plus you're a good boy because you help us with the Giant sort of I guess I don't know if he gives it more Health but he helps us at the same time I don't know I guess it's up to you on that to decide but yeah now time for the get Ashley and remember since we have armored Ashley you don't have to worry too much at these ashtray parts make sure you get these barrels here and there's always three gunpowder here which is good to get and the snake is in this one you can keep it as a healing item but again I have to remind you always use your yellow herb heels first so you can get even more help very important to do now for this dog right here you can actually just run past them but after you bit me that last time I was like I'm not taking a chance on you just shocking them twice it goes down but yeah like 90 times you can just skip the cutscene and run past them but in my hand Cannon video uh I did that and of course I got bit which was literally I think the first time he did that so I don't want that happening to you so yeah just shotgun them twice and he'll go down Ashley Graham all right the two barrels and we're gonna get the blue dial some machine gun there if you're using the Chicago sweeper to like stun people inside the shotgun because they both do good at that but the Chicago sweeper is still pretty weak right now so I wouldn't recommend using it so we always start off on green we want to line it up with the head first so you go a little bit to the right so you'll see the head same thing with the blue just turn it to the right until it lines up with the right wing and after that you can just fit the red in very simple puzzle but yeah I definitely recommend using armor Dash shoe it helps out a lot saves a lot of time saves a lot of stress same thing with the chicken helmet if you have the chicken helmet use that the gas mask especially for the Luis uh cart part definitely use the gas Max for that part and yeah we're on chapter five we're almost there okay we're almost there just gotta get through this got the yellow diamond okay yeah there's always going to be handgun ammo and attachable mines there we don't need the attachment lines you can throw that away we already have a lot of handgun ammo but we'll take some more there's some shotgun shells there so that's good too now here if you couldn't fit the large resource you know get it there like I said it's dangerous stay close now again armored Ashley is very good for parts like this because you can just run past everybody we're gonna get the yellow diamond that's in this room over here so you're going to want to backstab this later here and since we have armadashi remember she's safe shocking people on the feet now it's doing some no armor Dashi runs so here you're gonna see me try to save her just at an instinct because I was kind of zoned out but yeah you don't need to waste your ammo on them just keep running she'll teleport towards you shock on that kind of feet see I I'm still like oh wait no I didn't need to save her that's why it's so good to have armored Ashley yeah you can hear there's a lot of blogger stuff going on back there we don't want to mess with that just want to save time and once you get to the church like right here she'll teleport towards you okay right here I was like should I sell some stuff to the merchant but no we're good so time for The Savage mod we're having new Stratford and I ended up liking it more than mild Strat so same thing we're going to come down through here shotgun that guy in the face break these barrels now sometimes a guy will be alerted over here and if he does he'll like drop down and he'll push you down but just climb the ladder again take him out now over here we're gonna take down this we're not only going to take down this lady but yeah we're gonna Focus her shocking her in the face and now everyone's gonna be alerted and as soon as you open this door once you walk past it a little bit they kind of just d aggro that's just how the spawns work in this game so yeah the hog guy he's just gonna be standing there so if you stand by the door you should be good if they start running towards you just walk a little back but yeah here we can take out everybody before taking on the Savage mod so it's just you and the Savage mutt which is a lot better since the Savage point you know he's got some nasty combos so yeah take out everybody take your time here because we're going to be saving soon okay don't worry like very soon so if you feel overwhelmed here just run to the to mendez's house but again you'll be safe I promise you if you stay by the door and you feel like a lot of them are coming towards you just heal up and open the door and just walk behind the door a little bit and they'll despawn you can come out shoot him again yeah take your time here make sure this guy's in the block as he is and yeah that's everybody down so you're good on to take the Savage bite just you and him you can also loot this Barrel over here which has three things in it sometimes two things it's just so good got another spindle there although I would have preferred more sniper ammo it's still fine over here and yeah the The Savage mode won't spawn until you reach mendez's house and you go upstairs I need you to open it so yeah feel free to loot these parts do not loot this shotgun house because there's a guy upstairs you can kill him but since there's no loot in there you don't really need to okay get the bangle here affect this Barrel thanks and yeah we're about to save I love how creepy the music is here literally leading up to this point oh yeah here I'm showing you like you can stand here and you'll be safe though de aggro okay you can stay here and the door will stay open you'll be good and even if it does close just open it again you know shoot at them with your pistol save as much ammo as you can take your time because you want to save seven bullets for the or seven snipe ammo for the Savage mud to take them down fast and a flash grenade so that can be the most efficient way so you want to say four bullets for the Hawkeye in the head and then seven bullets for the Savage mud plus a flash screen God the music here is so good oh my God I was watching my friend play this part and you know I don't backseat or tell them anything but whenever he saw the Savage icon on the map here he literally was busting down the doors with a shotgun like he was on the SWAT team I swear to God it was so funny because he was so scared he's like where is he but yeah you don't need to worry about the Savage but he spawns whenever you pick up the camera over here or when you go upstairs but I'm pretty sure it's whenever you pick up the camera so yeah once you pick up the camera you can kind of hear him yeah we're sitting on so much full like herb help which again if you take damage use those okay because you want to make your health bigger and sensor completely maxed out you want to take advantage of that sorry we're gonna go save number three here Take On The Savage mind I go feed my dog right here so yeah make sure take a break show Family some love show yourself some love gonna get these cat ears so yeah you can see the Savage mod spawned in and it's just gonna be us versus him it's gonna be very easy because we have a flash grenade we have seven snipe ammo and even if you don't have seven snipe ammo you can dish out a lot of damage to him whenever he's done because when he gets flash grenade he gets very hard stunned and I'm going to show you right here so once you open this door you walk around here that once you walk around there it's going to spawn them and once you do immediately run back here got some head shots on them you get about three shots before he starts juking and once he does that take out your flashbang he almost gets you over here oh yeah most of the time here just stay over there for like a couple seconds before he charges at you but if he does that it's okay we have a lot of heels remember that and once he gets hippets by the flashbang he gets Hearts done so just finish him off preferably with the sniper rifle since it does more crit damage I mean yeah that Savage went down and since we just saved him the Savage mode is very easy to take down gonna take on the cabin fight and we're gonna save after the cabin fight so don't be stressed out we're gonna get a lot of resources in the cabin fight plus it's very easy I'm going to show you the Strat that I do and then after the cabin fight will save before the Bella scissors and don't worry we'll save before Mendes as well so don't have to worry about these annoying parts coming up I'm Gonna Save on them and we're gonna be good we're gonna get these cat ears so you backstab this guy not sure what Ashley's doing but it's okay now this guy's a grabber so always shocking him in the feet because yeah Grabbers are they're scary I don't know what noise he made there and yeah here you can just loot stuff watch out uh this guy can sometimes be around the corner with this Pitchfork and it'll hit you but in this case he's like over here yeah shock him in the feet he just got destroyed right there then we're gonna get the Seattle orbit that we didn't get earlier which again make sure you hear what the yellow herb items we have so much healing items it's crazy and we have 33 spindles so yeah we just need to get to chapter seven and we get our infinite Chicago sweeper make sure to tune up the knife here now a big thing to note here the piggy guy can sometimes be on the left side here he'll just be kind of looking away or sometimes he can even be right here if he is you can one shot him with the knife you know like the icon will come up but if you feel if you don't feel comfortable doing that just run past them but just have to make note of that so for the cabin fight I like to loot everything first make sure you pick up that yeah just get everything here look at that get the herb there's 10 gunpowder right here which is huge yeah break that and have your pistol out because now that they're all piled up by the windows we can drop down here shoot the barrel and shocking these people here now as soon as they're down you want to board up that window because now everybody will come through here which lets your cyber do a lot of work here but here I'm just using the shotgun take out that guy yeah while you wait for everybody to come just you know reload your stuff with flash grenade there's another there's always a large resource here and yeah here you can just stand here and just snipe people on the head yeah make sure your shotgun is reloaded just in case you get too close you can see a new wave of people spawning in now you can get a lot of collaterals here but if not it's okay yeah we have a lot of grenades so you can use that as well especially if they're piled up now here's sensor stoop flag that's really close you can just use a fly spring to kill them and knife this gun get that board and yeah whenever you don't see their head exposed assume that they might turn into a blogger so I take them down now you want to save four sniper bullets for the pig guy that will spawn at the very end okay let's pull out your shotgun as you can see his head in explodes to assume that he can turn into a play guy he didn't hear but you have to assume that so once you get the boards board that up craft yourself some more shock and ammo because this part helps out a lot so once this guy drops down that means the ladder scene is about to start so he's a free kill once the ladder scene starts you need five kills to spawn in the pig guy so we can stand right here and I'm gonna show you watch this guy right here is gonna be a free kill back stab them and then this guy's gonna drop down and they're just gonna drop down towards you see it's very chill you can just stand here remember count your kills because once it hits five the pig guys are gonna spawn yeah make sure you headshot them like right there he was so close to me but I didn't line that line it up shocking that guy and yeah now that five kills has gone by pick God's Gonna spawn and you need four head shots with the sniper rifle to kill him that's a very quick kind of fight see helps out a lot to have the sniper rifle helps out a lot to have the shotgun right there and that's why it's good like very good strategy it's really consistent so as soon as the latter scene starts remember you need five kills one of them is going to be on the guy that drops down I guess you can call him like Santa or something I don't know um and then after that everyone else is going to drop down and yeah just shotgun them in the head make sure you count your kills once it's five pick guy spawns headshot him four times he's dead and then once you get past that we're gonna save here we're almost there remember like late game bosses are going to be an absolute joke you're not gonna have to worry at all for them before don't pick up shock and ammo on the side there make sure you sell the shotgun first now you can fill this out with Reds sell that make sure you sell the shotgun and we're gonna buy the Rye gun which is absolutely insane since we have a lot of money we're gonna upgrade it to power level two ready to fire two Pleasant travels break down these boxes and see this is why it's good to wait until after to pick up the shotgun shells because you can pick them up for the new shotgun so now that we did that we're gonna save for save number four okay so for this part I got a little new strap for you in case you watched my other video but if you're new to this try out this try I do like it more it's something new that I learned um it's kind of silly but I promise you it works so once you open these doors you're going to want to crouch here backstab this lady gonna be like actually what are you getting me into Mountain no I promise you okay I promise okay wait for that guy to turn around stab him and then walk to the right I know this is like weird but we want the large resource okay shoot her in the head and as soon as you do that you are gonna alert them but you want to quickly grab this large resource here because in case you need a flash grenade but once you do that just run back here and you're gonna basically train them all the way up here so as you can see with that cocktail lady down we can just run through here and they're all gonna be behind you make sure to watch out for this trap here and yeah remember we have a safe so if it completely fails you can just simply restart it and remember actually it's okay if you have arm Ashley but yeah I know it's a silly strut but it works out for me and I hope it works for you yeah this guy will always be a blogger so you can just shock and win defeat right here I guess shocking them in the feet instantly turn them into a blogger but most of the time that will happen yeah let him do his thing I don't know what Ashley's doing but yeah she'll teleport behind you sure it's quiet I know that there's gonna be some funny experiences with people trying to do that strap but it works I promise you it works foreign get the shotgun ammo here and you can take out this guy and we're gonna get yet another yellow herb which yeah remember to use them get the rifle ammo here break these boxes yeah we have a lot of healing items that's kind of crazy we got more rifle ammo there which is good because with our sniper rifle at rate of fire 2 um you get six shots okay six shots at the Bella sisters before you have to run away so a good thing to do with the belt scissors is come down here make sure you open these locks foreign another healing item and remember six shots count six and by then even if one of them isn't dead it's so good to run away because we have a flashbang and when we run outside we can Flash Fame in here now here watch this they're both they're both like standing at the same spot and they both end up dying there um the chances of that happening are slim what normally happens is that you'll kill one because again you get six shots so once you get six shots you want to run out here run up here and you can get a couple shots at them before you need to fly swing them but pretend these guys are the belt sisters okay pretend that guy opening that door right you can get a shot on them and then flashbang them and just headshot them more and you'll take down the Lost sister now both sisters are alive again the fly swing you can take a lot of shots right here I take damage twice because I try again I instinctually want to save Ashley even though it's armored Ashley so once the Bell sisters are down you can actually just flash grenade these people and just get the the lever and run past them but yeah since there was two plugins there that flash grenade killed two of them then we're able to get a third one on that guy since he's flashed too right there I missed a shock a shotgun show that was like very close range so yeah again we make mistakes all the time don't worry about it and yeah remember like we only need to kill the Bell sisters if if you're close to the one of them when you pick up the crank again you can run over here put the crank in and flash grenade behind you and you'll have time to put the crank in have you heard and remember we have a save and we're gonna save again here before Mendez so you don't have to do the Bella sisters again because I know everybody's different and so for some people the Bell sisters may be more annoying and I completely understand they are like anything that's one shot very annoying to deal with the fact that there's two yeah I can be pretty rough so yeah make sure you get those barrels make sure you get these barrels I did so many playthroughs and I used to always skip those barrels because I didn't even know that they were there that flash Community is going to be huge for Mendez so make sure you save that now here normally everyone is one shot basically with the pistol see like that guy here completely whiffing my aim so I'm just like you know what I'm just turning away you can have your shotgun out here if you want I don't know what that lady's doing yeah shocking them out the way because they're going to be very weak like they're villagers but they have like I think half health probably even less than that so yeah if you're shocking them they will 100 die but yeah we're gonna save here we've got more shock and ammo there which is huge even more shocking ammo which is huge gonna sell some stuff here and upgrade our shotgun just a little bit more fix up the knife upgrade the power level once and the ammo capacity ones but you don't need to upgrade the ammo capacity once honestly to be honest you don't need to do that yeah You're Gonna Save here for save number five and we're almost there now for the Mendez fight you're going to want to have a flashbang equipped so make sure you equip that throw behind them pull out your shotgun and just Spam them watch out for shooting his arm just let him move out the way and once he's down pull out your sniper rifle then just stand his eye and see very easy for his face after this you can just kind of Juke him out you can climb the ladder but it's better to just wait until he uses the first barrels so we're just gonna Dodge his attacks here and when you hear him say that get ready to shoot and when he does that just get up the ladder reload your guns pick up that flash grenade yeah and just keep dodging you can break this box if you want to get more ammo I have a lot of pistol ammo that can just discard equip a flash grenade if he moves back like that's okay pull out your sniper rifle but here he's pretty close enough to use a shotgun but there I was trying to get him to flashbang uh so like he can stay still next to me so I can use the shotgun but if he doesn't it's okay yeah watch out for that attack I mean I still fall for that attack all the time so don't worry about it remember we have a save heal up it's fine pull out your shotgun with these clothes I made its attacks now if he moves all the way back like there just assume always probably your pistol and assume he's gonna throw barrels when he does this attack you can just stand like right in front of him like that to avoid it he didn't throw barrels there but just always assume and it's pretty easy man this fight like the shotgun is pretty insane give him a little celebration bag because we're about to get the Chicago sweeper infinite ammo and we're just gonna Breeze through these final chapters well still more than half left but yeah no bosses outside of the double garage may give you some trouble but Verdugo krauser Sadler they're gonna get absolutely stumped so a lot of the rest of this is going to be kind of running simulator slash you know you can melt them down with the Chicago sweeper because it's a pretty insane gun and yeah if you're watching at this point since I feel like a lot of people are probably just going to skip towards the Chicago sweeper time stamp um I'm gonna put a little bit after this if you watched all the way up to this point and if it's been helping you out leave another a with the heart and the comments it really does mean a lot it's very motivated it's very wholesome too and I hope you all enjoy the video and having a good day gonna get these cat ears it's that time break all this get this treasure here now the hand Cannon I didn't fully upgrade it all the way so I won't be fully upgrading the Chicago sweeper plus I think it's way too expensive so we're only going to be upgrading the damage I think to power level three this run the entire way but that should match around the same as a hand Cannon but trust me trust me my job is to save you time and the RPGs are way more important than you know leveling up the Chicago super just a bit more it's still really good at power level three so here I'm trying to make space because yeah the Chicago sweeper just takes up so much space and we have so much stuff we have a lot of heels we don't need the small resources looking back at it should just get rid of those oh yeah you can sell the pistol because we won't be needing it anymore and there it is get the ticket the Chicago sweeper so yeah right now we only have enough to afford power level two but that's fine goes a long way can save some money buy some large resources because you can always use more flashbangs flashbangs are very important and yeah it's time for the Chicago sweeper now a lot that I've learned from this gun is that whereas a hand Cannon you just destroy everything in front of you the the Chicago sweeper does that as well but the hand Cannon I guess you have to see like whenever you spam shoot people they get like this stun that you don't know if they're dead like I'll show you here right like here I'm spamming him a lot he dies really fast now sometimes they fall back like that sometimes their body you're just putting so much bullets into them that their bodies just kind of stay in place because they're just tanking all those shots and that may lead to some confusion as to like is this person dead yet or not sometimes they'll explode but sometimes they'll do it and you'll see it a couple times in this video so for this upcoming part gotta be melting then see kind of like that see if I kept spamming it they kind of stay in the air sometimes and they'll leave you confused sometimes but trust me you'll know if they're dead so you want to blow that up so we can bring the cannon up all the way and it's good to keep the sniper for parts like this right you know so you can take out a person that's far away like that and always wait here always wait once that once that catapult lands there then you can pass so as you can see even at power level two the the Chicago sweeper is pretty insane I mean infinite ammo just constant damage going in the range on it Gotta Give It to the Chicago sweeper it's a little it's a bit more consistent than the hand can the hand Cannon is shooting that far away would have been very hopeful unless you like let the Crosshair like get super small always make sure to blow up that Barrel this Barrel and right here always wait don't make the same mistake that I did wait for that catapult to land there and then run past because yeah that would have been very bad so yeah please learn from that mistake please please love that catapult because once that catapult is down the one to the right of us won't hit us from here it will hit us if we try to go to the bridge so we still want to destroy that but protect yourself first you can use the cannon on the enemies here I don't know I don't know why they're standing still they're not really rushing us but that's fine so yeah feel free to use uh you can use it uh Chicago sweeper as well but make sure you first destroy this catapult right here because it will hit you on the bridge and then take down the main door so with that down we can pull out a Chicago sweeper then yeah pretty insane gun you're in good hands with this Chicago sweeper and at this point we'll be only doing Merchant requests that are just easily in the way kind of like the emerald one and the nest because we do want to be able to buy the gun powders that he sells for the double garage door fight so yeah we have a lot of loot gonna Breeze through this We're Not Gonna Save just yet I'll take these down but we'll be saving soon we'll save before water Hall as you can see the Chicago sweeper is pretty crazy it's I mean you're just you're just a walking turret literally like whereas a hand Canyon you're a literal walking Cannon the Chicago sweeper you're just a literal walking turret so it's pretty insane okay again you can't go wrong with either of these weapons that with armored Ashley and you know using RPGs on a lot of the Final Bosses you just swoop through end game with no problem so while she's opening that door make sure you get this yellow herb because again we want to make sure we use our yellow herb items so we can gain more health and we're still going to be getting Treasures because remember we're going to be buying some RPGs and we are going to be able to level up our power level on our Chicago super at least one more time so it's good to pick up any Treasures that are like easily getable get this Ruby looks like we can continue on this way so for the godador fight as long as you're full health he can't one shot you which is good so it's important to play this slow but I got a good strap from don't don't be nervous make sure you have a flash grenade hit the key and let's go so immediately just run out and once you are here just walk to the left side here and wait for him to pass you pull out your sniper rifle and we're gonna shoot a spaga and switch to Chicago sleeper do damage now sometimes it will be enough to kill him but if not this dodge is attacked throw a flash grenade it'll stun them and just finish him off very easy and with him down we've got to do the puzzle and then we're gonna save before Waterhole which water Hall with the Chicago sweeper won't be as it won't be at all near as a disaster as a hand Cannon was because yeah my aim with the hand Cannon I mean it's just so it's so wonky plus I was still learning the aim on it and it still kind of blows my mind that somewhere along the way even with all the flaws of the hand Cannon the times are still really close so it just shows you they're both really good guns and I just want to keep saying that because I know a lot of people are asking a lot of questions about which one do I pick which one do I pick either one you can't go wrong with either one just pick whatever you want to pick okay whatever looks more fun to you whatever looks more consistent to you whatever you want to pick so yeah we're sitting on a lot of heels still it's really crazy [Music] I'm gonna get the swords here first one's always an iron then gold and the last one is Rusted and now we're gonna get the last sword that part was a lot easier to do with the Chicago sweeper than the hand Cannon well it's spanking it's just it's so me but it's so fun and satisfying and so it's a Chicago sweeper I mean they're both kind of memes but they're very enjoyable I mean I had so much fun and I'm still having so much fun playing this game in general but using both of these weapons were just they're just a great time you don't have to get that box back there because there's a snake in it but if you want it as a healing item take it but remember we want to use our yellow herb heels more right now so we can increase our health as often as we can trying this yourself to open the door here and we're gonna save soon got another large resource there which again you can never go wrong with having more flash grenades Leon is such a chad got another large resource then have another flash grenade another one oh my God so this is gonna be save number six time for everybody's favorite part which is water haul I mean you know I actually really like water Hall but as you can probably tell by now I love all the chaotic Parts in this game because it's always something different you really never know what you're gonna get it makes it really fun so come on pull out your sniper rifle here take these two out now here you can just run past these people I'm going to show you right here just run straight run past them and remember since the Chicago sweeper is a sun machine gun it's very good at stunning people so you can shoot people in the feet if you want to you can mow them down here but there's so many plagas down here that I mean I wouldn't really recommend having like a full shootout down here especially since their mouths need to be opened you could just you know get them all to blog and throw a flash grenade but it's a lot easier to just come over here and put the wheel in look away throw a flashlight by your time and just turn it four times so it's really fast fire sniper rifle and you can take down these crossbow people and watch out for this guy right here this guy I did not see him there I don't even know how they let me run past them but yeah you can just mow these people down so yeah we can use Ashley's Bay here because she's safe with the armor make sure you put the wheel in first before you throw a flash grenade put the wheel in then flash grenade okay so we're going to that make sure you throw it around here in the middle so it buys you a lot of time because you only need to turn the wheel four times here and remember if you get hit here just heal up run up here uh you might get hit by the Crosser yeah they're right there right there I got hit by the crossbow guys which is fine again we have a lot of healing items remember use the yellow herb ones so we increase our health then we're gonna put Ashley up here you're gonna be okay get the gunpowder and this is a large resource there too but once we put Ashley up there we want to turn this first so we can have two done immediately and don't worry they can't grab Ashley by the time she's up there she can fully turn it before they get to her so you can just shoot them out like this yeah just take him down so if this is your first time watching uh first of all welcome I hope you're having a good time if if you want to see something funny in my hand Cannon guy just skipped to this part and you'll see that the aiming on it just definitely was I was not used to it plus it's just wonky so you have a good laugh there but here yeah the Chicago sweeper definitely is a lot better you know short range mid-range or not not short range no short range the hand Cannon just it's not even close the hand Cannon is insanity but mid-range and long range know the Chicago sweeper definitely still good I mean it's not amazing long range but at least it's a little bit more consistent it's better than like shooting mid-range long range with the hand Cannon it's just the shawl kind of goes all over the place but yeah right here since we have armored Ashley just got protected while she gets the wheel yeah so don't worry take your time here protect yourself over actually like if you're getting overwhelmed because you have a lot of people on you focus on keeping yourself alive um Ashley will be okay yeah take down everybody very quick water haul so yeah the Chicago sweeper I gotta give it a clap like it's really good okay like like I said the first time that I used it I kind of slept on it because I was just like I'm not a fan of the like constant shooting but honestly we're here to get cat ears not here to judge a gun or like how it shoots it's insanely good and it's pretty satisfying in its own way so yeah you're in good hands with the Chicago sweeper and the Hand Cannon just got to keep saying that because I know a lot of people are divided on it yeah very quick water haul I'm about to end of chapter eight Now We're Not Gonna Save just yet because that was a very easy water haul so we're still going to wait a little bit before that looks like and yeah that's the end of chapter seven yeah we're making progress but with the Chicago sweeper I mean we're gonna still pretty much roll through everything now before we go on to Gloria Las plagas you want to make sure you get this Beetle here because it's a pre-10k plus it's a pretty cool spot I mean there's three beetles in the game if you didn't know there's one in chapter four one here and then one after krauser so just wanted to share that with you in case you didn't know gonna get the emerald it's all this stuff and this is where we can buy please remember this is where we can buy body armor body armor helps out so much it literally is just game changing that with the Chicago sweeper just you're gonna be protected very well so yeah once you buy that remember buy as much large resources as you can because we can never go wrong with some flashbangs and since we have enough we're gonna power up the Chicago Street Board of power level three now for this next part you want to pull out your sniper rifle so we can skip the cut scene and you can immediately just start running so just shoot them in the head hard interrupt now here you can take that down to run through it I get hit right there and hit right there but again do you see the body armor it tanked a good bit of damage and since we have so much money we can just you know tune it up at any time so you're going to blow up that Barrel take this guy down and this guy will try to run away but the Chicago super just done so hard that it just won't let him move so here you can just throw a flashbang get the lantern oh I forgot this guy grabbed me even when I do the flashbang I don't know if that's a bug or something but regardless if that happens to you just remember we have a lot of heels don't freak out can make even more flash grenades now here I should just do the flash grenade but I was very greedy if there's a lot of them down here like there just still a flashbang don't even waste your time but as you can see the body armor it literally tanks so much damage for us that even with getting grabbed and then punched in the face um we're still at more than half-held and the body armor is still more than half Health itself and don't worry before the giant next giant part there's a merchant there so we can tune it up and you'll be good plus right here there's no enemies outside of the first little block I got or like the little bug that attaches to people yeah that part not too bad this person I thought I'd run to here hit the Velvet blue get that piece and this piece and then the last piece right here and you can get the treasure right here too so we're gonna put them in to spam them all in the square sword is always right and then flip that one to the bottom flip that one there put that one and you can pause if you need to see that yeah it's very simple my friend actually got stuck at this part because he he didn't know that you can flip the tablets over need to find out so I mean I'm assuming if you're watching this you already beat it but yeah if you haven't at all played this yet and you're just watching this because apparently there's been some people that are watching my hand Cannon guide that haven't even played the game yet which it's pretty cool that some people are just watching my gameplay like that it's kind of crazy yeah for this guy as you can see the Chicago sweeper just doesn't let anybody move just stuns him completely in place then yeah another Merchants right here always remember tune up your armor always keep it topped off please it's just so insane how much the body armor helps too now here if you just keep running straight you can actually avoid those arrow guys and here I don't know why they're just standing still like that they always do that too like I don't really like to throw a grenade here because it takes them all down when I don't use any bonus weapons but again we're walking turrets so we just completely destroy everything with no problem so up here please pay attention here okay you want to make sure this lever here is pulled okay make sure this one is cold and you can take down these people if you want to actually no I do take them down not if you want to yeah please take him down you don't want them coming up behind you but yeah make sure that this door remains open please so over here you can just hug this wall line up your Crosshair here shoot there and you can blow that back up blow this bag up Go full turret mode on people and yeah I mean what else is there to say the Chicago sweeper is insane as well such a crazy weapon now here I learned that you can actually throw a grenade through here I messed up the first one like a boss but it's okay you can throw another one just make sure you throw through the middle one and there you go you can start the boss fight now keep running here keep running keep running now on the right here there's gonna be a grabber just hug the left side to avoid him and you can stand over here let them come to you take your time and yeah once you take them down hug this wall right here because we want to snipe the crossbow people over here now don't do the same mistake I do okay so here I took them both down so I don't get hit by the rocks and I immediately go without waiting don't do that just wait for him to throw rocks and then go because as you can see right here I take I take some damage but with the body armor and or how far being that big see you still have more than half Health but still don't do what I did there learn from my mistakes again I'd be in this game so many times and I still make mistakes all the time please do not worry if you make mistakes it's okay so break this bag you can take this person down right here and right here don't make the same mistake as I do I don't blow up the other bag I was like whoops then do the cannon part and as you can see I almost take damage there don't make that same mistake as I do again I played this game so many times I still make mistakes all the time oh somebody in the comment section tell me that you can Crouch there and you won't get hit by the Rocks because sometimes for whatever reason the Rocks go through there so thank you the person that told me that in the comments again it's just so crazy to be that you know there's just so many helpful people like in the comments that just so supportive and seeing people in the comment section help out other people too that's what the Gaming Community should always be about you know no drama just a bunch of nerds just trying to have fun and play video games yeah take these people down and we're almost done with the chapter this game is so good I cannot wait for hopefully they release DLC for it because I've been enjoying this game so much this DLC and the Elden ring DLC I'm so excited for both of those and so yeah that's the end of the chapter so right there I took a break remember always take breaks give yourself some love some family love drink some water remember if if you pause the game the timer stops so you can pause the game at any time you don't have to wait for a save you can pause the game and you can you'll see that the timer doesn't move so always remember take breaks if you need so for this Amaze part normally like if you're not playing um with bonus weapons this part can be kind of annoying unless you have a lot of shotgun ammo but the pistol is good too because the dogs again they like to play dead but yeah normally the shotgun just sweeps through this part but the hand Cannon and the Chicago sweeper yeah they're pretty good especially for this product so you don't have to worry about the dogs okay I'm gonna take this dog down make sure they're dead because yeah they like to play dead sometimes or they just have a delayed animation and so do the Lost area ganados and they get you sometimes but yeah I hope they released the LC for this game I can't wait to do more like more I love the Resident Evil series I love the soul series and making guides for both of those games would be so much fun half Moon's been on fire lately yeah you know I Gotta Give it to Capcom they've been doing really well with these games and you know ever since re7 this has been non-stop fire after fire you know a lot of people don't like Resident Evil 3 remake I actually like all of them I think they're all fun I know a lot of people also don't like re7 and re just because of the first person um if you're like that write that down in the comments like does the first person uh bother you a lot because I know some people get like motion sickness some people just don't like it um I personally just I could play first person or third person but yeah let me know down in the comments because I'm interested like is it the games like do you not like if you're someone that doesn't like re7 or re-a is it because it's first person or is it because you just still like the story this isn't just an annoying that too his birthday I I like all of the Resident Evils I think they're all good but yeah these games and souls games are just so much fun can't wait for some new games okay can't wait till like you know help people get some stuff in that and also people help me too like when a new game comes out it's so fun like figuring out everything new you see the communities working together everyone's teaching everybody something it's just always awesome uh make sure you grab that flash grenade there because it's very helpful for the sex part okay I'm gonna pull this lever down and once you run past this part you're gonna trigger three enemies there's more than that but the the main three that you have to worry about are gonna be right under us so yeah these people so you can just equip the flash grenade them this guy doesn't get flashbang somehow but it's okay again we have the Chicago sweeper just gonna absolutely mow them down I don't know where that dog came from but he I guess he really wanted to just walk in front of our shots so yeah once they're down Ashley will run towards you because this is one of those rare spots I do need to make fun of that I don't know if it's a bug but it could have been fixed but as she can actually get robty even with armored Ashley I've only had it happen to me once but just for safety I'm gonna say it's possible I don't know if it's a bug but I haven't had it happen to me since then so I think it is let me know in the comments if you guys know whether or not that's a bugger that's just something that normally happens because I've had to happen to me once so I feel like I always have to warn people sorry we're going to start off with the snake head here make sure you guys should it's in this chair and then you sit down in this chair very simple puzzle looks like we figured today I feel like I always want to ask so many questions to people like it's like did this part if did you get stuck on it because my friend like when I was watching him play he got stuck on that part for like 20 minutes and not judging but I just want to know like how many people got stuck at that part like was that a hard puzzle was that an easy puzzle it was so fun watching my friend play it was just it's his first Resident Evil game and he's instantly a fan and I mean of course it's Resident Evil 4. okay so for this grenade you want to make sure you line that up there but if you get pulled down it's okay you have the Chicago sweeper you're gonna be able to mow everybody down but yeah make sure you just line that grenade there don't overthink it too much it literally just throw the grenade in and remember if you get pulled down you can just throw everybody down and once you grab the head you're gonna spawn more people here but I just throw a flash screen in here even though I could just mode them down this guy gets in my way okay pull out the Chicago sweeper and he just gets absolutely destroyed but yeah that's two heads down and yeah with the Chicago Super Bowl so you don't have to worry about this armored night part still sitting on just so many heels I'm gonna grab the small key here you know I think we don't look pretty dashing into Knight armor too grab the sarge resources because we could always use more flash grenades grab the head then we have three flash grenades I mean we're really good so yeah for these people you can just pretty much span the mouth like they can't even react to spam them and yeah they get destroyed but make sure you keep your distance because they can't hit pretty hard but they can't One-Shot you which is always important to remember because if you can't get one-shotted then you can always heal always remember that so don't stress out don't don't try to like run away one shot no you just heal up you'll be fine you know we're gonna get through this yeah with this you can just wait for ashy to throw um the lantern or you can just Spam him out and they all drop spindles which is really good because remember we're gonna need the gunpowders to make heavy grenades for the double Carlisle what's funny is that I didn't even actually mean to get her there I was actually trying to get the spindle so I don't know if that was really skilled I've been enjoying this game so much so it's crazy literally reminds me like whenever I was playing um like re7 and re8 so these are the most recent ones I played them so much as well an Elden ring oh my God I probably put in like I don't know how many hours until didn't ring Resident Evil games bloodborne and Elden ring just insane games and so it's a Dark Souls game so yeah now we're still not gonna save because since we have armored Ashley you literally can't die in her Section so it wouldn't it's better to save after because after it's gonna be I know what I you know I said earlier water Haul is everyone's favorite part but if I had to guess what everyone's favorite part is it's probably the novice section I know everyone just loves going to that part but yeah here you can die so it's not worth saving yet and for this clock part right here it's gonna be seven o'clock just move the dial get the seven yeah we get through Ashley's part very quickly and armadashi is just it's so good so remember these two knights that spawn behind you they can both just whack you and Ashu will be fine okay so don't don't be scared there's I know there's still a lot of people that like there's a little I know there's still like a lot of new players that when they hear you know Ashley's unkillable they still get worried about getting hit you don't need to be worried I promise you it's okay okay you can literally just run get hit and do all that you'll be fine I promise stay like right here oh they don't end up hitting me but I promise you you can get hit so no fear at this part don't worry we're gonna be saving soon pull all those down past the merciless night right there which honestly would be a lot better to kill than the Savage mutt actually no never mind another Savage might once you take everybody down in the village it's way easier than that so you're going to switch that lantern with that one this one with this one and switch that then grab this piece here yeah remember you're you're invulnerable here you'll be okay you can't you can't take damage and yeah we're almost done so yeah we're kind of flying through the chapters now we're gonna keep flying through them oh oh here's actually a good part so like watch in case you're wondering yeah see you don't take any damage now I know a lot of people know that but remember there's a lot of new players that play this game and this is their first Resident Evil like my friend for example and you know that's it's okay to be like to be curious and not understand like oh does that mean she takes no damage at all yes armored Ashley takes no damage at all you're completely safe with it saves you a lot of time a lot of stress definitely worth getting if you don't know how to get it you have to get an A and hardcore which you can do in 10 hours so it's a lot of time very easy to get definitely recommend getting that it's it'll save you way more time it's better than the chicken helmet so if you're trying to grind out for one definitely get Ash's armor it's just it makes these runs so much easier and a lot less stressful because you don't have to worry about protecting Ashley so I definitely recommend getting that but if you have a chicken helmet as well if you have the gas spots as well use everything you can that Deluxe weapons everything no matter what use it so we're going to be getting the treasure here and we're going to be saving soon okay so don't don't worry we're gonna be saving get the butterfly lamp breaks over us but welcome welcome chessboard fill this up with Blues because we're going to get a lot of sapphires in the novice other part so don't worry you're gonna we're gonna get a lot of sapphires put a yellow one here and a purple one here just make sure you keep one of each of the square cut so we can use it for the elegant crown Silva always make sure your body armor is completely topped off deserves me buy the gunpowders you can also buy the black case if you want I don't end up equipping it here so I don't even know why I bought it but yeah we have so many spindles we can use that so we're gonna be saving here and this is gonna be save number seven now for here you want to make sure that you buy the heavy grenade recipe buy any large resources that he has now it's okay if you don't have enough to make we want to have three heavy grenades okay so if you don't have three large resources to do that it's okay we can find some in the nabisado room so crafty Ivy grenades make sure you register them and the Chicago sweeper is really good for the Innovation they're still annoying I know they're very stressful I know a lot of people actually hate this room the most out of anything in the game completely understandable these guys are something else but yeah as long as you keep your distance please take your time here we have a save okay don't don't get stressed out you know keep your distance let the Chicago Street just completely destroy them for you got another large resource there dumb enough to craft another one which I'm gonna see here yeah we only need one more gunpowder but you can also find heavy grenades in this room so there's always five gunpowder here so now we have enough to make three because yeah it takes three heavy grenades and one normal grenade to kill the garadores sometimes you can do it in three heavy grenades but I I've only had that happen once I don't know if it's because they did damage to each other but just to be sure we're gonna use three heavy grenades and one normal grenade so yeah take your time here remember we have a save if these if these bugs just annoy you to to the point where you want to take a break take a break okay we're more than halfway there no rush we got this we're gonna get those cat years it's just so crazy to be that you know when I when I made this channel not even a month ago I was hoping to help even one person get cat years and to see all these people saying thank you for helping me get cat ears and seeing everybody in the comment section you know give their tips you know spread their knowledge as well it's just it's so cool the Resident Evil community and just a gaming community in general just when it when it bands together it's just it's a beautiful thing yeah take your time here watch out that one I just saw at the corner of my eye do you see them yeah watch out for that one now remember we have a lot of heels and there's a green herb right there we can heal stay right here I take damage it's no problem sitting on a crazy amount of heels thankfully we used up all our yellow herbs so I always remember use your yellow herbs to make sure you gain more health because it does help out a lot get another green herb here combine those get the Ruby right here and the grenade so yeah there will always be a grenade there so you only have to worry about crafting three heavy grenades which again we have so much spindles that you can buy um 20 gunpowder and the heavy grenade recipe so you can always at least make one and you'll always find five gun powder so you can always make two like guaranteed two coming into this room there's always five gunpowder plus the 20 that you buy from the merchant you can always make two heavy grenades for sure that doesn't include all the gunpowder that these guys can draw that's in the vases around so don't worry you'll have enough to make three get the ornate beetle I'm gonna come up here let me see even more gunpowder so yeah we're in a position where we can just craft some all the time drop down make sure that there's none down here yeah see very sneaky that one will sometimes wait there and just when you drop down it'll hit you so yeah just make sure that there's not one down there and as you can see they drop sapphires like it's candy make sure you shoot that so he laughs again take these down please trust me for this part so you want to take out your sniper rifle and you want to headshot these three guys that are at the very front sword shot that one I shot that one and headshot that one now once you do that you can see that they're still chained up so we're just gonna make our way over here make sure you have the heavy grenades like shortcuted shoot these guys so they get Unchained and as soon as you see that they're Unchained focus more on the Bell okay don't Focus too much on the guy in front of you focus on the Belt and see now once they're there just sew the heavy grenades pull out the mini one there you go very very easy double fight if you mess up it's okay I've definitely messed this part up many times but once you get the like flow of it it becomes very easy and once you pretty much understand it it it's very consistent every run that you do if you want to do multiple runs so yeah on next to Verdugo which again you don't have to worry we're going to save a lot of time so this part I always love getting to this part because Verdugo Ramon knife krauser it's kinda but you know all these bosses they're no problem okay if you're reaching this point the only boss at this point that you have to kind of be ready for is Krauser's knife battle fight which was very sloppy for me in this one but even then we have so much heels that you can be sloppy just it's fine but Verdugo the double Giants Ramon the plaga krauser like you know his last form and Sadler absolutely gonna get sweet do not worry we got this okay at this point feel very confident we're gonna get through this so here make sure you have your Chicago sweeper equipped because these guys in the water they they can be really annoying so watch out for them there's always one right there so just prepare for that one okay make sure you have it equipped you know play Soul right here so you don't have to take any free damage just completely destroy them take that one out and there's only one more at this point yeah this last one is gonna be over here Chicago stripper takes them down very easily and right here we're gonna get the elegant crown which since we have three Square cuts a lot of sapphires and yellow diamond we can get 100K for it get this yellow herb I love her doodle section like this part is just so fun like my first playthrough of the Remake when I got to this part I was just so excited so yeah there's always gonna be a red Barrel up here oh another thing that if you have the deluxe version feel free to grab all the deluxe Treasures that you can fill these out clean 100k and yeah we have 90k pacetas so now we're gonna have 190k easily be able to afford the RPG I've got something new for you so all the since we have a lot we can actually just buy the bigger case buy the RPG and we still don't have enough space because the Chicago sweeper just it likes its space so just mix the herbs up sell all the handgun ammo and all the submachine gun ammo at this point it should be enough to fit right yeah it's enough to fit and we saw 40K passatas which is crazy get a large resource there which again he can never go wrong with more flash grenades and we have three but we always take as many as we can at this point if you're still watching and you haven't played yet reminder make sure you wear the glasses they help out a lot got a heavy grenade there which is really awesome and yeah I'm gonna say this just just as a big reminder make sure Verdugo is frozen make sure he's Frozen make sure he's Frozen make sure he's Frozen okay when you have the RPG do not shoot at him even though he'll be pretty much one shot and you can just probably finish him off really quickly with the Chicago sweepers still we're here to save time my job is to save you time so yeah okay evade this attack hey please make sure he's Frozen and then RPG him so there's only one more available attack which is right here and we're gonna pull the lever so once you do that once you run around here he'll spawn in just keep running don't worry keep running keep running push this button make sure he's Frozen Once he's Frozen shoot him and that's where do go down now again I'm more than certain that the Chicago sweeper can just absolutely stun him to death but we're here to save time so we're just gonna RPG them get past them then we're gonna head on to chapter 11. like if the chapters are just going by so fast now we're getting there and the cool thing is that when you use RPG on him he drops his item that gives you 30k back so really makes it worth buying the RPG friend plus you save a lot of time too so you're gonna come over here look that's cutscan go by him get the yellow diamond here first aid spray don't forget the gunpowder because five is a good amount I mean that puts a large Resource as a flash grenade so very important to get that right here I was looking for the big loot room which is this so if you don't play with any bonus weapons you know why RPG and Verdugo is so good for this part because this room is just like snipe and shotgun ammo Heaven I don't know why they're giving me so much handgun ammo I guess that's the game thinks I need handgun ammo but that room is normally like just massive even more hang on ammo that's interesting I don't know how the loot system works in this game I'm pretty sure it's random but yeah it's kind of crazy that no handgun ammo or no handgun and they give me that much handgun ammo but yeah that's chapter 10. another chapter down big reminder breaks are important give yourself some love some family some love friends some love we're gonna get there why help me though and we're gonna save here because yeah this next part it's kind of like dynamite Valley it's always a special experience they always top off your armor and we're gonna save it's gonna be saved number eight so yeah this next part just like dynamite Valley just a different experience every time it's always a pleasure to come down this part um I'm sure you can imagine why so don't worry if you die a couple times up here it's fine we just saved it's okay I just want to feel good about myself may I hope you've been enjoying the commentary um and just the guide in general my mouth is getting pretty dry I'm still trying to work at this but I've really been enjoying these long videos and I'm happy that a lot of you are too support your sniper rifle take down that guy make sure you have a lot of flash grenades for this part it makes it a lot easier so you don't have to stress too much about it so that guy if he walks by that Barrel just blow that up take down these guys now Salvador the chainsaw guy is going to spawn now um so once you come up here make sure you have a flash grenade equip if you want you can throw one flash grenade there and then another one behind you do not kick her okay do not kick the Bella sister because if you kick her she recovers from her son really fast like insanely fast so it's better to leave her stunned and you get past there got another large resource there which is awesome because we get another flash grenade so yeah here you have a lot of flash grenades I recommend saving one for the dynamite part itself like when we pick it up but here you can just use you know normal mini grenades all right they're not even mini they're just frag grenades but yeah just throw them it stuns them just as well because we wanted to save our flash grenades just in case worst case scenario yeah throw a flash grenade pull up the sweeper take these guys out and just keep running like at this part yeah shoot them down but don't spend too much time shooting pick up the dynamite immediately equip a flash grenade throw it and you should be good now remember a lot of Shenanigans in this part do not be worried if you die here it's okay I I know if I asked for a lot of stories I could probably get so many stories I can just imagine that part is definitely wild now big tip here do not put the dynamite in okay please please please do not put the dynamite in because sometimes like watch see they normally don't do anything but I wanted to show here that they can kill you here and there's a there's a funny story behind that okay so like nine out of ten times that I've done playthroughs they just do this right you run over here and then they D aggro and run away but sometimes like where Luis is standing I have I've gone chainsaw there and you can imagine um very unfortunate but yeah make sure that they completely de-aggrow and then put the dynamite there because you don't want to get chainsaw there I'm sure you can imagine that yeah I wasn't very happy whenever that happened I I first of all I got jump scared and second of all I was like well that's unfortunate but yeah so here we want to have more flash units because they're very good against the Giants especially when they're blackouts out so yeah let's do this always want to start with the one on the right you can pretty much spam them and once the flag is out I mean he dies very quick just keep spamming them right here it doesn't fall by the hole but it's no problem we can just Spam this vlogger remember we have a lot of heels so spammy keep spamming that one's down now for this one I need you to trust me okay we got here so fast so don't worry about dying but still just trust me hug is butt cheek like right here just always stay behind him like if you get in front of me here just go behind him like this and just hug his butt cheek like that if you've watched a lot of like my showcase videos for by the weapons you've probably seen this already a bunch of times but yeah it works so be confident here okay just always walk behind them do not be in front of him and if he kicks you it's okay just heal up the body armor helps you tank a lot also the music here is so epic I love it and yeah once you do that for a little bit see right there I take damage but as you can see the body armor helps us like have more than half health so just heal up both the dynamite as soon as you blow it up just immediately run through the lever and send them down and if even a little part of his body is in the circle that's more than enough he'll fall through that's a quick thumb giant section I mean we're getting through this so quickly I just the armored Ashley Chicago sweeper hand Cannon you can't go wrong with any of them they're so good Gonna Get You these cat years and everybody just just hype I mean I don't know I don't know why I'm so excited it's just it's just awesome to see that so many people are getting their cat years how's it look it just I don't know I told us about I'm just smiling so hard like you can probably tell that I'm just trying so hard so yeah this next section um you okay I know a lot of people struggle in this section so I quickly want to say use the gas mask it does help out a lot and also if you want to save here save I save after the first one because the first Minecart section since the chainsaw guy isn't there and there isn't a lot more happening it's very easy but again do what you're comfortable with if you absolutely hate this section and you want to save right here do it it's fine you're not suggesting we ride this thing so yeah don't don't be too worried equip the gas mask and then we're gonna get through this section but yeah remember if you want to save here save I'm going to save after this one but as you can see it's not that big of a difference again very flexible saves always a little bit before always a little bit after whatever you feel most comfortable with so yeah I feel like for these parts again I'm working on my commentary I wanna you know learn what to say at certain points because at this point it's like it's very self-explanatory you know shoot shoot the lever thing take down the villagers so I just gotta keep saying things I appreciate all the kind words I mean it's what means so much to me you know in this section of the last video I I it was crazy to me that like you know I had 30 viewers and to see now that the video has like 10K views it's absolutely insane to me and all the a Hearts thank you I mean if you watch that video and you're watching this video again I know they're very long so I don't expect too many people to like watching this point unless you're watching it for the guide but thank you all for the a heart if you're watching this section again just leave another a heart it really does bring a big spot in my face thank you so much for watching I hope you're enjoying the video and again if you're if you're one of the people that falls asleep to my videos um I hope you have a good sleep so yeah here it's taking down some villagers going through it very easily yeah this part is nowhere near as chaotic as the second part and that's mainly due to the chainsaw guy because he can if he sweeps your truck it'll almost one shot you but it's very easy I mean he's very easy to deal with just you want to headshot him a couple of times to stun him I'm gonna talk about it more when we get there but yeah we're gonna save up here now I'm just gonna ask you again if you're watching this far here leave an a in a heart thank you so much again I mean you are seriously just changing my life it's crazy so yeah save here it's gonna be saved number nine remember take breaks if you need it we're almost there okay we're getting there yeah I just stun them out the way but yeah if you're also just watching this just because you like watching Resident Evil you like me watching or you like watching me just play it hope you're enjoying the video um thank you so much again I just have to keep saying that I'm just very thankful for all the kind words I mean it really does mean a lot so for this section it does get a little chaotic but we have a save so it's okay remember if you have the gas mask equipped helps out a lot yeah here don't Focus the chainsaw guy like I did there just focus these guys after that you can shoot him a couple of times but you want to make sure that your gun is reloaded before this part right here because there's gonna be three villagers here dad just take him down take this guy out take the boards out yeah now here it's okay if you don't destroy it um but if you destroy those barrels it does a good amount of damage to the chainsaw guy but yeah don't worry if you don't what matters more is stunning him and that's another reason you don't want to spam him out is because it's more important to stun him than to focus on like I need to put you know dish out as much damage and I'm going to show you right here okay when you headshot him look take your time shooting there okay make sure he's stunned and then you're good take those guys out now again here you can put some damage into them while you're getting there because you reload pretty fast so yeah I just have shot him get them stunned and then wait just a little bit then stun them again so yeah it's very not to just completely dish out all your bullets right there you want to focus more on stunning them because if you shoot too fast it could possibly get you you know your cart damaged but right here he goes down and yeah so focus more on stunningham don't just Spam shoot him but again if you fail at this part we have a save it's okay because this upcoming part is again the last boss that you're gonna have to worry about and it's krauser and it's a knife fight but we have so much heels that you can mess up plus we're gonna fully upgrade our knife damage so he dies pretty fast um I end up making a lot of mistakes here because I tried to kill them as fast as I could when it is better to just Parry his attacks and then just stab him in the head so again learn from my mistakes focus more on pairing and then just head shotting them but yeah when we get to that part I'll show you like how you can learn from my mistakes what's a better thing to do but yeah we got here really fast I mean after our last save it's probably been not even a couple minutes so you'll be good here I put the sniper rifle because I want to kill these guys beforehand so I don't have to like run up to them with the Chicago sweeper so just snipe them out because we're sitting on a lot of snipe ammo they're still dropping sapphires like crazy get the yellow herb and see we're sitting on so many Hills so you won't die against crowds here unless you like let him do so much damage to you um but again if you die it's okay like the our last save was not even more than a few minutes ago so it's okay and this part is very easy like the novice here as soon as I say that I get hit but no this part is really nowhere near as bad as the navistador room watch out for this one right here I'm in the right but yeah we're sitting on so many Hills remember um the merchant will still sell a first aid spray in case you do need it and if you did what I did and sent some first aid sprays to storage we saw some there so yeah we have a lot of first aid plus krauser has a green herb and a red herb and it's fighting arena so we just had I never really think that healing is a problem because on professional sense you have saves there's just like if you use too much healings it's just way better to reset a save plus if you're in a position where you have to use like five heels in a row you're probably getting overwhelmed and you're probably gonna die so it's better to just reload the save unless like you're really far apart but yeah our safes haven't been too far apart so far but yeah if you're not afraid of the mining card section at all you can save right before crowds there everybody's different if you're completely confident in the mining card section you don't disable ride it you can actually save right here do whatever is most comfortable with you but yeah here the noisadores there's just way more spaced out so way easier to deal with make sure you top off your armor so yeah you can save here if you want if you if you didn't save at the mining card section but again that wasn't more than a few minutes ago so as you can see it's not that far off sell your stuff completely maxed out the knife it could be power level four and it'd still be good enough to kill krauser really fast you can just sell that because we're not it's not worth putting in three squares in there so yeah top off your armor if you need your first aid sprays from Storage grab them you can buy one from the merchant but I mean we're going to be sitting on so many Hills you're gonna be good make sure you equip the knife there's I made that mistake so many times where I fight him with like a kitchen knife or something because it wasn't paying attention that it was equipped so yeah make sure you have your combat knife equipped once the elevator door closes you can skip the cut scene and yeah right here focus on head shotting them but Perry and Ward kick them always kick them when you can kick them and then knife them when he does this get ready to spam the interact button get him off of you and see here I missed so many headshots and then I forget to evade or I don't forget to evade I just didn't innovate because I want to get some head shots in so don't be greedy like me play smart evade now here he's got me at the edge and that's what it's dangerous now here you can swim the interact button like a fourth of the way and you can stop so always know that you don't need to spam the interact button all the way it just needs to be like 25 and then you can knife them so yeah heal up and he and he's not lying this was very sloppy probably one of my worst trouser fights but it's okay it's important to have this type of stuff in here because as you can see he still goes down insanely fast even with all that so don't worry and at not one point was I even close to dying so you'll be okay and we have so many heels that you'll be completely fine but yeah Big reminder because I know some people like whenever they get pushed off the edge because crowd server tries to push you off the edge when you do that spam the interact button and once it gets around 25 of the way you're able to stab them so make sure you know that that you don't need to spam it all the way but yeah now we have the clock tower in Ramon which we're not going to save yet you can save at the beginning of the clock tower but before we go there we're actually going to get the golden egg because if you don't know already the golden egg does 70 of Ramon's Health which is huge for us so it's definitely worth the couple minutes going over there to get it because even though the Chicago sweeper is insane you can't deny 70 of a boss's battle especially one like him where he kind of moves around in the walls a lot and since it's so distance it's trust me you'll spend way more time trying to fight him even with the Chicago sweeper then you were just getting the golden egg now I will be doing a Chicago sweeper showcase like I do with my other weapons where I go against all the bosses but those will be completely maxed out which remember this one isn't completely maxed out so definitely worth getting the golden neck here now for these people you can just throw a flash grenade since there's a lot of the little spider plug us and there's a flash grenade right there if you don't have one but here since I have one just gonna throw it in the middle right there Go full tart mode then yeah just destroy everybody you don't even need to use a fly screen at this part but those little spider blaggers you can take down so many of them with the flash grenade and once it's these guys left I mean they're not even a problem the Chicago sweeper is just absolutely crazy so we're gonna get the golden egg just turn it up twice very simple spend no longer than a few minutes here probably even less than that but yeah get the golden egg head out of here right here I walked in the wall because my puppy of course going on my PC I have to tell them no but you know he does what he wants so yeah quick dash for the golden egg Gonna Save Us a lot of time against Ramon get the flash grenade there if you didn't get it already then we're gonna head back now that knife Krauser's down let me just please remind you every boss after this is no problem okay literally um Ramon free uh the last phase of crowds are free Sadler free so at this point it's just making a dash to the through the chaotic parts which is going to be chapter 15 which I know um a lot of you know what I'm talking about the mic section yeah that one is just like dynamite Valley always always a pleasure it's actually fun I actually do find it fun because it's just it's so much but we're gonna have saves there so it's gonna be okay always always top up your armor and yeah the clock tower part is very easy no need to fear this part not even the ball you know what's funny I'm gonna show you something that I I bet a lot of you already knew and You're gonna laugh when you're gonna be like how did you not know that again I there's no matter how many times I play a game there's just always things that I miss I'm very tunnel vision so yeah it's always cool to learn something new but yeah don't be worried about this part come through here and yeah here with the Chicago sweeper I mean you don't even need to take these people seriously until the ball spawns but yeah down here they're gonna get completely destroyed yeah as you can see the Chicago sweeper I mean it speaks for itself yeah make sure watch how you're playing take them down take her down pull out your sniper rifle and you want to blow out the barrel behind around one's head on the statue so you don't have to worry about the Fire part get the Alexandrite from here now here I was looking for the Scythe guy because he normally spawns are here but he spawns right here see once you go through here he spawns so yeah I want to take him out so he doesn't come up behind you and hit you come up here take her down now pull out your sniper rifle so you can kill the saxar over here take him down take him down I don't know why him like walking so slow like that makes you laugh that boy is Chicago sweeper take him down now here the ball is gonna spawn so just destroy all these people you're safe with the Chicago Patriot okay just don't get scared don't get scared okay once the ball spawns just stand here you'll be fine keep everybody away from you now on this upcoming part there's a grabber over here on the left make sure you take them down so they don't grab you and right here you're safe right here okay now this is the part where I was talking about okay snipe them and my other playthrough I just learned literally the other day now you can just take them out from here I used to like you know play slow all the way up there so yeah I mean be in this game so many times a professional and I just learned that a lot of a lot of you may already know that but yeah so you see you learn all the time something new so once you get up here you can just spawn in the ball so you can take down the people there now while that's going I always like to break this barrel and get the treasure and immediately just go back and launch another ball if you want to go loot them you can I don't end up doing it here but it's really fun yeah let the ball go down break that Barrel get this treasure then time for the elevator scene which this part is just completely free because you have the Chicago sweeper and here at the pause because my dog was jumping on the computer because yeah he likes to do whatever he wants still just a puppy but yeah take down this red guy he goes down really fast and at this point no need to fear anybody that jumps on the elevator is going to get absolutely destroyed I don't know what that Shield guy's doing there he looks a little he looks a little lost and take him out I don't know what they're doing here you see you kind of walk in the other direction while the Blogger head is looking the other direction that's kind of weird you're gonna let him do his thing this guy makes a mistake of getting on the elevator and yeah I mean pretty much just free reign on these people I love the soundtrack here it's so good I switched between the original and the new one all the time I honestly think both sound checks are so good yeah take everybody down make sure you take this red guy down this gets so melted he can't even react take them down you push them off the ladder then yeah no need to fear at all it's a Chicago sweeper here in safe hands yeah watch out for them right there you can shoot that Barrel take him down keep pushing off the ladder to troll him and that's a clock tower as you can see very easy part no need to stress again you're in very good hands Chicago sweeper is absolutely crazy now for this part you can just pull out your sniper rifle and take these two down that one actually tanks that shot but it's okay another one they go down we can shoot this yellow diamond down from here please walk here please walk here again I know that there's a lot of people that are like in my other video that said that they're new and they haven't played the game yet so if you are watching this always walk here because if you run through that part you'll fall straight down and yeah we're gonna be saving here get the yellow herb we still have so many heels it's insane look how many heavy grenades we have it's gonna be really good for the wrecking ball part because we can just throw two heavy grenades at the wrecking ball uh wall and it'll go down in just like one or two swings from Ashley so I get all the loot up there and we're gonna save here for save number 10. then we're at two hours and 32 minutes which if you're even at three hours and 30 minutes here you are good I promise always make sure to buy any large resources you can buy first aid spray if you need it too and so why it's important to save there is because I promise you it's it's very normal to miss the golden egg on Ramon okay it's okay you want to aim it at the white part of his body but if you mess up reload the save it's okay make sure you equip it throw it out the white part of his head thinking any part white part of his body after that 70 Health down he's gonna completely spam him out Sammy keep spamming I didn't have a hidden there you go that's why the golden neck is just so worth getting I've been Ramon down in less than 10 seconds something like that absolutely destroyed blogger crowdser and Salva are they're in for the same fate if anything they're gonna get destroyed absolutely faster so I loot everything here can never go wrong with more snipe ammo heavy grenades I don't know why they're still giving us hand grenade or not hand grenade handgun ammo they really love giving us that break all these barrels etas and yeah we're getting there almost a Chapter 13 now the island goes by pretty fast it's it's kind of crazy how the the last part it's very easy to run through a lot of it which is also why I like to save a lot of our saves for the last two chapters or last three chapters so you can just save try to run through all of it use all your flash grenades you know try to make I want the last bits of the game to feel like more cooled off because we really did get through the hardest parts of this game so there's always going to be a night here you can just run past them if he hits you we have a lot of heals it's okay and there's gonna be one more night over here just hug this wall he won't hit you and again if he does hit you it's okay we have a lot of heals it's fine and we're gonna head out of here in the last section of the game we're gonna have to swim after all I've been absolutely loving this game this is so much fun Resident Evil games yeah for this next part we can just use a Chicago sweeper on everybody here it's gonna be funny okay so here I actually forgot that I even have the Chicago sweeper because again I get so tunnel visioned and my puppy again you know he's just grabbing on my leg then I'm like oh my God I'm trying to make a video so we can get all these people some cat ears but he doesn't care obviously he's just gonna keep biting on me but it's fine I love them so at this next part take your time uh this is one of those areas where because of the lasers it's hard to like you know completely go in and just stomp through everybody you really just want to play your space take down this guy now here you can walk back like more back than here you're gonna see what I do I'm gonna get hit here but it's fine so it's good to walk back here it can you can actually de aggro them but if you walk back here you'll be completely safe plus you also have the Chicago sweeper so if they all start piling up you can just mow them down but yeah get some kills with the sniper rifle yeah see right here you're safe you can throw a grenade at them but right there they run away see they D aggro so they didn't end up staying there it's just fine we're gonna pull out our Chicago sweeper and just start mowing them down I mean at this point I was like you know what let's just play aggressive but play aggressive but safe you can play aggressive but smart and staying around here is safe because we can if we feel overwhelmed we can just turn around heal up run away you know get in a good distance but here I mean they can't even react the Chicago sweeper about this is crazy what an insane gun I mean again you're in good hands with either one I don't know why that guy's not paying attention to me about that extreme a couple times he finally realizes that I'm here I guess yeah so right here also my puppy was on my leg so I end up pressing this laser without pressing the other one and you're gonna see that I realized my mistake and I'm like can you stop biting on my leg you're making me lose focus but as you can see in the end it doesn't even make a difference this kabooty take out everybody so yeah this is what I meant earlier when I say they kind of get stunned in place he's trying to transform right there but since we're doing so much damage so fast uh they just get denied and like they're just sometimes explode to death the hand Cannon does that too except the hand Cannon just for parts like these they do get destroyed pretty fast because they're wearing armor right so the hand Cannon doesn't care but as you can see from this playthrough they're both absolutely insane guns so yeah make sure you turn off this laser to always turn this one off first and then you turn off the other one but yeah see in the end it won't make a difference I mean we still end up finishing in three hours and 30 minutes so yeah just learned from any mistakes that I do if you also have a puppy that likes to you know he likes to mess with you likes to ruin your runs well he doesn't ruin my runs but if they like to message with you while you're trying to make a video give him a couple pets show them some love get the passettas and we're gonna watch this next part which always have at least two of the mouth plagas yeah these sometimes both of these will be mouth flaggers in this case only one of them was but the one coming up is also going to be a mountain so you can just keep swimming can't even really react this one too he's gonna be a mouth flagger We're not gonna let him react keep your distance just in case they do some like you know their One-Shot shenanigans running behind this guy doing backstab and we're getting there we're almost Gonna Save with Ramon down in literally 10 seconds the real part of the save until the next save is this part which you won't have a problem with especially with the Chicago speeding room here yeah pull out your sniper rifle headshot the rocket launcher guy you can pull out a flash grenade here stun them make sure you shoot this guy down because he can be pretty annoying so yeah just stun him kill him sometimes these guys will be next to the barrel but if you shoot the barrel there gets stunned but they can sometimes also be multiplies us so yeah I just completely destroyed them I'm pretty sure that one is turning too but I mean it prioritized more just running away still sitting on so many flash grenades which is always good to have especially heavy grenades as well like having flash grenades and heavy grenades are gonna help out a lot so here pull out your sniper rifle Focus the rocket launcher guy take the rest of them out I like how that guy said you know siento NADA and then just gets head shotted yeah they this guy made a mistake make sure you take him down take this guy out and we're gonna be getting the elegant Crown here let me write down these boxes too and as you can see here we can still fill out another elegant Crown which is going to give us another 100k make sure you watch out for the Trap over here get the Velvet blue now there's always three gonados in here so you can just completely mold them down with the Chicago sweeper just business as usual they can sometimes turn to blogger so it's good to watch out for that here I don't yeah none of them turned to bloggers which I can't found kind of weird expect at least one of them to be a plague get some loot from these lockers now in this next area there's going to be one ganado and one piggy guy so be no problem for the Chicago sweeper you got they're just mowing down everybody and we're gonna be saving soon guys just take these two down it's not even gonna be able to react they can't even react I mean it's insane get the Velvet blue which I still find it's crazy they drop sapphires like candy and then the hot guy dropped just a velvet blue make sure that these guys are dead because they can sometimes be flaggers but as you can see even if there are flagouts absolutely no problem this guy's good to shoot him in the light because he has so much armor on him make sure they're dead and we're gonna be saving over here before the regenerator section there's always a frag grenade here watch out for this guy if you shoot him he kind of stays in place get the Velvet blue here I got something new he's gonna sell all this stuff to him and we have 213 000 which is crazy always top off your armor always and we're gonna save for save number 11. make sure you get some water take a break and we're gonna get through this section with no problem oh so I love this part of the remake of it it's so good I love how creepy I mean the regeners were always creepy but I love how they upped the like the creepiness in this section I mean I genuinely these regenerators are just so scary even till now for me they just creeped me out so bad so yeah make sure you flip that switch open that door before getting to the computer I'm gonna get the red Barrel here first aid spray and the gunpowder and this one's always three two two which yeah press the first one three times second one twice second one twice and you can also pause there if you need to and yeah for their generators just shoot them in the leg run past them God when they just Slither on the ground it's just look also I don't know if you guys know this but when the lights are off the regenerator is sleeping but when you turn the lights on if you look in the room his eyes are open he has human eyes and it's just so creepy like oh God okay so for here gonna put the key in and just like I did with the hand Cannon we're gonna test this thing out against the regenerator so let's see how it does also it's funny if you turn around and shoot here Leon shoots behind him somehow which is interesting so here I'm just really spamming him out yeah here I mean if you shoot off their limbs it gets stunned but since I already shot all of them off you get to jump on me but it's okay they don't do that much damage whenever they jump on you and knifing them up is pretty easy so yeah I mean while he went down quicker with the hand Cannon I mean he still can't react with the Chicago sweeper so again both guns are just so good yeah if you see this one you can run past them especially if he's just looking over there but if he's like blocking away just shoot off his leg oh my God see it still creeps me out because they can like until you walk through this store they can still chase you and it's just so creepy take down these guys watch out for this guy behind you hit this flash grenade there's always rifle ammo here if you need it and there's some right here sitting on so much loot there's more rifle ammo here if you need it then we're gonna get the scope uh we are loaded so it's like we don't have enough space so we can get rid of the epistle ammo and the submachine gun ammo and the shotgun ammo too I'm gonna find which one I have the right yeah make sure you equip the the scope and we're gonna find the one with the wrench now always try to line up two hearts at once so you can just get a collateral focusing right here let me take them down I mean the bolt side is just so insane keep in mind we haven't upgraded it since chapter five four and it's still just insane it's such a good weapon even for no bonus runs too for no bonus against so good here okay big no please pay attention here um you want to make sure you don't shoot the other regenerators out so just stand over here and let them come to you because you don't want to shoot the Chicago sweeper at them from there because as you can imagine one of the bolts is probably going to let out the other regenerator and you don't want to risk doing that them to come in here and just yeah probably destroy them get the key card then just run pass on but remember we have to save not too far back didn't take us too long to get here so if you mess up it's okay and we're almost done with this chapter break this box and we're here big reminder drink some water take a break if you need it all right chapter 14. we're almost there we're almost there cat ears are in range we got this exactly like you got this here I was just checking to see what safe we're on but yeah we're on really good Pace I hope you're on good Pace too remember you don't need to speedrun through all of this you just need to beat it before 5 hours and 30 minutes which with all the stuff that we use to our advantage here you're gonna have a lot of time that's the important part so anything you need to the merchant always top up your armor buy any large resources sell the ammo feel well struck come back anytime welcome yeah more handgun ammo which is epic as soon as you open the store uh there's gonna be an Alexandrite up here let me shoot it down oh it's a rest in peace again to all the speedrunners uh use the scope glitches I want to watch you know I mean I don't really use glitches myself but they were so fun to watch I'm really excited to see what new strats speedrunners come up with even if there is no glitches speedrunners come up with a lot of amazing strats out I'm very excited to see what happens so again here with armored Ashley you know she's safe but there is a big Point here that I do have to point out okay armored actually here she can get Hearts done here and when I mean Hard Sun it means I'll show you what I mean okay so get her to open the store I don't know if this is a bug but normally she's just supposed to teleport to you right you want to make sure you open this door okay and it seems to do that just went through here and she will teleport over here like see there she's getting like grabbed but she will still like teleport over here and when you take yeah do you see she teleported behind us but she's getting grabbed by the new gonados downstairs now again I don't know if it's a bug it probably is but we have to save her here because when you get to the lever part uh she won't come towards you so it's worth just taking the extra minute again you have a Chicago sweeper just take them all out it's no problem it's just so funny they can't even react they're just kind of like I don't know it just looks so funny watch out for these guys you can just shoot them in the leg and yeah that's the one that she's getting stuck on and since she's so close to you she won't teleport and so yeah I'm mainly doing this for the people that you know gets stuck here because she's not coming to the door I'll show you right now so yeah just spend the extra minute it's no problem we're still on Amazing Pace make sure you get this Emerald so yeah this story here so since she's still close she won't teleport towards you so you'll just be waiting here and she'll just keep getting grabbed so you have to go back there anyways so it's just worth taking the extra minute or two to just help her but I don't know if that's a bug I'm pretty sure it is so here for the Iron Maiden we just want to spam him out honestly in hindsight we could have just killed him with the sniper a lot faster but I mean I mean this is kind of a meme it's pretty silly but you know it's getting the job done he tries to give you a kiss remember he doesn't do enough damage to like do anything meaningful to you so it's okay just keep spamming him out I got a hindsight would have been way better to use the sniper rifle but I like to test the gun out because I'm gonna be making a showcase for this gun as well so I wanted to test it out for that time but that one will be maxed out whereas this one is a Max sound yeah here just keep shooting him in the head gives me a slap right there but we have a lot of heels so it's okay so yeah I definitely recommend using the sniper rifle versus him especially when he's like stunned on the ground because it just works way better but since I'm gonna be making a showcase for the Chicago sweeper I just wanted I just wanted to test it there it's pretty silly rest in peace all the people that watch my videos to fall asleep at that part but I'm gonna turn down the like game volume a little bit get this for me so yeah there's gonna be another Iron Maiden over here but you don't really have to fight them no no I'll show you here why you want to make sure you get the necklace right here I hate these boxes you know I was hoping for some large resources but you know we have four heavy grenades four flash grenades we're good on that now when you pull this lever if you stand here it won't trigger the regenerator so you can just Spam these people oh I actually remember there's gonna be a funny like there's one guy here that's gonna just tank all the shots watched it's not gonna be it wait it's not that he tanks he definitely ends up dying but he just really wanted to survive and it's because he has the armor on it's a guy in the back oh I charge this guy right here he is a survivor but yeah his body armor is just tanking so much from it I'm like oh my God just die he's still going finally so see once you walk to here then the regener responds he spawns right there you can just shoot his leg and yeah he's just gonna Slither his way over here Ashley damn it for here I throw two heavy grenades at this guy not because I want to I just meant to throw one at him and I accidentally throw another one because I was actually trying to shoot him so yeah don't do that we want to save two happy grenades for the wall here but it ended up making a difference but yeah don't throw too heavy grenade time you don't even need to throw a heavy grenade you can just stun him and then you shoot him with a sniper rifle or the Chicago sweeper okay so for this part you can just pause if you want to see what the puzzle thing is because there was some god-awful noise that I don't know what caused it in the game and I definitely don't want to have that in the VOD so yeah just pause it if you need to see that it actually jump scared me even watching it again to you know edit it so yeah I'm definitely not gonna have that in there so yeah we're sitting on a lot of loot right now we can actually make another heavy grenade too yeah get rid of all the small resources we don't need them craft yourself another heavy grenade fill out the necklace and right here I actually wanted to upgrade the Chicago sweeper another power level but remember we need 160 for the rocket launcher for krauser so just make sure you have enough for that I'll bash you down but if you keep running out she'll just jump down too now we're going to trigger the scene and yeah you just take these guys out though two heavy grenades off the wall blow up that Barrel and yeah they only needs one more swing for it to destroy it and don't worry we're gonna be saving soon feel safe with the Chicago sweeper you'll be good the noises this guy's making yeah as you can see the wall goes down really fast like that press down this button now some of the gonados can actually pass through here that was funny now the canals actually didn't pass through here and I don't know if that has to do with the update but before they would all run through there so I can't confirm whether or not you know that's an update or not but just just in case you watch this just be aware that they could pass through there but I don't know exactly what bugs they fix I know that they fix these scope glitches but there has been some other bugs that kind of wonky like that so is that right well either way and with that we're almost there remember krauser and Sadler are going to get absolutely destroyed and plus we have a good amount of saves left so at this point feel hype because we're gonna get there now for this part you want to make sure that you grab this yellow herb over here as well as this treasure over here we just we just have so many heels it's crazy so for this part you can just equip a small grenade if you just want to run past them you could also just destroy them with the Chicago sweeper but yeah like a frag grenade it's very easy just throw it there yeah they all get out of the way he gets up here you got the first aid right here Eric Sparrow and so yeah we're gonna be buying the RPG here then we're going to be saving so yeah I just saw this stuff by the rocket launcher we have so much stuff on us that yeah I need to get rid of some stuff I discarded some rifle ammo there don't do that just get rid of the smart resources get rid of the Magnum ammo the handgun ammo and you can send these uh first AIDS to storage which at this point we have probably like five there so yeah if you need them they're there in your pocket and we're gonna save first save number 12. take any breaks if you need it then we're gonna take on crowds here now you want to make sure that you have your bolt rifle equipped because we want to headshot them twice and then throw a heavy grenade at him and then just do any little damage with our Chicago sweeper then I'll go away I have your rifle quick headshot him twice it would jump over don't have a grenade father sweeper then yeah very quick get the Beetle for cool points and we're almost there I'm gonna come up here turn the wheel s go with your gut don't think now for this part you want to make sure that you blow up the spot next to him shoot him a couple times and he'll go away say Beyond this wall so it doesn't hit you plug this bomb the camera watch out for this trap right here and blow up that camera I'm gonna blow up this bomb and make our way around how can I forget yeah watch out for that trap there and watch out he's gonna shoot here with Daryl just watch that pull up huh you got lucky now stay on the left side of the stairs here so you don't get hit now here you just want a headshot him a couple times to make them go away now I thought that was a head shot but it was a body shot that one was a headshot but since it wasn't two headshots he's gonna come back so yeah headshot him twice again you can body shop too but yeah once he goes down you're safe but you can also like make your way towards him behind him behind the walls but yeah just hatch out him watch out because he's gonna throw grenades here I mean yeah have your Chicago sweeper equipped here because we're gonna be spamming them yeah just keep stamming him keep saying them evade every time you throw supply chain just get right to your face and yeah I'm not gonna let him react and I mean yeah that's a quick part now for this next part don't be worried if you don't pay them it's okay we can heal up here we're gonna eat that heal up remember use a yellow one so we get more help hit the Serb here they're ready to evade and you're going to want to equip the rocket launcher here now when you get up here as soon as you either skip the cutscene or watch it just get ready to evade then shoot him with the rocket launcher evade again absolutely destroyed Sadler's gonna you know go through the same thing so that just leaves Mike's part and the part after Mike's part which is don't worry we're gonna have to say so that's all I'm gonna say we're gonna have saves there so it's gonna be okay don't worry we're gonna save here too so we don't have to go through that but yeah just want to say I hope you're having a good time hope I'm doing good on the commentary and yeah remember to sit here for save number 13. make sure to tune up your body armor character's blizzard travels and yeah we're almost there okay we're almost there it's within reach we got this so for here stop the rocket launcher guy and then hug this wall right here and you're gonna let Mike just come by do his thing after he takes him out you're gonna want to run back here and we're gonna go up to the turret now sometimes a cutscene will play here that'll push you off the ladder after it's done if it does it's okay but yeah just come up here get on the turret yeah like pull your camera up but it's okay because after that they're gonna spawn in I love Mike he's so cool rest in peace soon so yeah I just Spam this hole right here keeps faming keep spamming until you run out of ammo you're good just keep spamming weapons to come out just Spam spam spam once you do that pull out your Chicago sweeper and they're gonna be on the stairs of the ladder and just how about you spam him out and yeah they're gonna just keep trying to climbing the ladder uh the faster you take them out the faster mic destroys the wall so yeah they can't do much there absolutely destroyed Mike boats up the wall we get the red Barrel you got all of our pesetas [Music] now here just watch out for the rocket launcher guy just let Mike do a sing yeah take down Indiana sometimes they're both Beyond it and then you can kill both of them with that Barrel but Mike will take them out anyway now the reason I keep shooting this because that one can be one of those like mouth one shot bloggers so yeah make sure he's dead get that velvet blue now for this part you can throw one heavy grenade and one normal fry grenade but here I just saw two Heavies but I promise you one heavy one normal will destroy it now here you don't want to jump off immediately you actually want to snipe the rocket launcher guy that's at the very top because sometimes Mike won't instantly kill him and when we get here he'll actually prioritize the door so because then once this door's open he stops shooting so you want to make sure that that rocket launcher guy's done now you can't see him right now but you're going to see him point the laser at me in a little bit so it's good to take him down because he can be a pain but yeah flash created all those people take out this guy watch out for the turret guy he's gonna come up behind us as well and yeah when you see that they don't explode like that it's probably because they're going to transform now you can use the turret and shoot back at them and the turret's really good and we're gonna pull the lever now we have a lot of flash grenades but see do you hear that the rocket launcher guy he's still up there and right here I mean there's not much to say about this part other than if you die it's okay that's that's what I'm gonna call this part like just you know use your five screwmates oh do you see they're the rocket launcher guy yeah if I would have just sniped them I wouldn't have been so afraid right here wait you don't even need to be afraid we just saved but I didn't want to get hit by him so I ran into here but yeah you want to make sure you snipe them before you drop down learn from my mistakes and yeah since we have a lot of flash grenades we're gonna flash playing them skip the cutscene run past them and yeah the rocket launcher guys still aiming at me see and it's very easy to kill him too like once you destroy the turret uh the anti-aircraft thing literally just look up with your sniper rifle head shot him and that's it he's not a problem then you can drop down pull out your flash grenade and Flash to people at the like main gate learn from my mistakes and I remember we saved so if you die it's okay we're almost there rest in peace Mike now be careful because these guys can all hit you at the same time and do a ton of damage but with the Chicago sweeper take him out quick no problem and don't worry we're gonna save pretty soon again now for this part I pull out my cyber rifle to show you this middle bag always has a regenerator in it so watch out for that but yeah just run around it don't run into it and you'll be good now here there's another there's two regenerators in here one by this one so watch out for that don't even don't even think about breaking that box okay and there's gonna be another one over here buy these two boxes see they kind of try to bait you in with that loot we're gonna say no we can completely pass them with no problem you can open the door and just make a run for it now don't worry if you don't get there in time just come back remember just don't pass by the regenerators use your scope if you want to see which one they're in but yeah no problem once you get through that sell some stuff to the merchant and we're gonna save always always tune up your body armor because again it just it helps out so much and we're at save number 14. and we're almost there this is the actual like last part now feel free to use all your flashbangs here you know just go all out here and remember we have a safe here so do do whatever you want here but this fall would I do take down then it makes the door watch out for the rock launcher guy here now you're safe if you're under here from the rocket launcher guy but you can still get hit but yeah see you can still get hit from the crossbow guys piggy can't do anything pull out your sniper rifle make sure you headshot them missed a shot there but it's okay we had a headshot there yeah watch out for this device because you kind of made me scared that he's gonna hit me in the back so I try to like quick shoot that other guy so yeah focus on what's right next to you you're safe under there from The Rock launcher guys and remember we saved so because this next part is a good example why I love to save here because I almost die here I'm pretty sure yeah see I walked in and it's not him swinging at me see I lose a lot of my body armor there this guy my knife doesn't attach to him and it's a One-Shot vlogger so I have to focus him down these guys were too close for me to shoot in their feet so yeah this part is just absolutely chaotic always like still as much as it can be annoying these are still some of my favorite Parts because again like that I haven't been in a position like that yet but always something new so watch out for that but remember we have a save there'll always be a piggy behind here so make sure you just film he can't even react now this guy okay see I shot the barrel and that guy went down right I I'm pretty sure I thought he exploded and he's still alive so I was like that actually I've never seen that happen before where I blow up the barrel right next to him and he just survives that so watch out for that but again our last save was not even a few minutes ago so it's okay yeah a lot of these guys are gonna have the spider flaggers in them which the animation for is so gross it's cool but oh my God it gives me the Earth now remember we have a lot of flashbangs so feel free to use whatever you want here because after this it's just dabbler and we're not going to be using anything after that make your way through here and yeah we completely cleared out everybody there except the Visa doors right here so you can fly spring people um you can still do the thing where like you can Speed Run strategy where you wait for the navista Lord to push you past the laser and he tanks the laser for you uh the chances of that working out though are not very high so I wouldn't recommend doing it but hey you choose to do your run however you want because you have a save there you can do whatever you want and at this point I mean we're done I mean we still have Sadler and the jet ski part but Sadler's gonna get rocket launcher than the jet ski part I mean it's pretty much done so here feel hype you're almost there I like to spend like this time to just again thank you all so much for the very kind words I hope your runs are going well a big note uh after this do not overwrite your save for this final save in case you want to do the minimalist challenge you can buy the Blacktail and the red nine if you want you know sell everything Max them out use them for the minimalist challenge if you want to do it and yeah remember if you're gonna do the minimalist challenge after this you can use your cat years um if you have enough spindles you can buy the Matilda and buy the stock for it which makes it an absolute monster with cat ears so but yeah depending on your run you know if you already have an another save file yeah just equip the cat ears on that one use the spindle survive the Matilda and the stock for it do a new run and yeah because the cat ears definitely will help you get a lot of the achievements a lot easier I definitely recommend doing professional first before doing the minimalist challenge sounds stranger and frugalist especially if you want to do them all in one run but good luck to you on that much luck to you on this run too if you're watching this first before doing it and we're almost there I love this part of the game so much I mean the way Leon says like this time it has to be different I don't know that's just such a powerful line rest in peace Louise it has to be different such a cool line and we're almost there Final Chapter skip through that I'm gonna run out here rest in peace Louise we're live thanks to him I like what they did with Lloyds in this game now he was trying to be a better person at the end I feel like a lot of us can relate to that you know sometimes we want to be a better version of ourselves all the time so it's always good to see like characters like that that feel really relatable in that like you know we want to better ourselves and we want to do better you know we want to spread positivity there can be a lot of negativity in the world sometimes but if you surround yourself with the right people surround yourself with family you know avoid all the drama then yeah can always be positive so yeah sending a lot of love your way whatever dreams or aspirations you want May life give it to you and yeah we're almost there one thing is for sure we're gonna get these cat ears together then yeah we're gonna get the gold bar here welcome I got something new saw whatever you have remember we need 160. now normally you would have more than enough here but since we upgraded the Chicago sweeper which I didn't even really need it but still we can just sell everything I still love that line so much so yeah make room for make room for the rocket launcher you can send that stuff to storage care of it welcome I've got something new for you right here I actually I was just like wait wait I it's a Chicago sweeper run I have to finish with the Chicago sweeper can't send to the storage so yeah I make room for it I'm just like okay I need to move some stuff sell some stuff throw away some stuff because yeah I mean we can't put away the Chicago sweeper and then not finish with it so yeah final save save number 15. yeah take a final break if you need it then yeah you can rocket launcher him right here and that's Saddler down again all the late game bosses absolutely destroyed skip through that and we're almost done now for this part his first two attacks are always available so evade evade the next one too and just in the middle here so in the middle and whenever you see the like arm go up just walk to the other side evade and yeah I just walk the other side we're almost there evade and yeah we're just gonna wait for Ada here I hope separate ways is a DLC that'd be so awesome and yeah get the rocket launcher and that's Saddler down and I mean I'm smiling because we're we're almost there we're done you know what I mean now of course you can die here it's completely fine as you can see just if you die rocket launcher Saddler again don't worry if you die at the jet ski part it's happened to me it's happened to everybody it's no problem the important thing is that we're done like we're almost there we're almost out of here now for this next part just run to the left side and you can avoid this guy entirely like yeah right here just run the left side land past you we're almost there I can't like I hope this helps so many more people get their cat years keep it up with the tips in the comment section again I wouldn't have been able to one cycle the Lago if it literally wasn't for like the tips that you guys gave helping each other out I I read a lot of your stuff thank you all so much for the positive feedback I'm so excited you know for more stuff in this game more Resident Evil games you know I'm I'm a big fan again Resident Evil and Dark Souls games are my favorite games of all time so excited to make any content about that and yeah I mean thank you again so much for all the positive feedback I really do appreciate it a lot um thank you so much for watching as well like the people that just watch this just to watch it you know thank you um the people that are watching this to get the cat ears good luck to you I know you can do it uh the people that watch our videos to sleep relatable definitely relatable um hopefully the Chicago sweeper isn't too loud but I'm going to turn down the game audio just a little bit so because I know that feeling where like I leave like long game plays on before I sleep and yeah they just help me sleep so it's kind of crazy that there's also people doing that with my videos because this is super relatable so thank you so much for doing that hope you enjoy I hope you have a good sleep and yeah we're almost there and there we are we're done absolutely crazy Chicago sweeper definitely a gun that's amazing that gun in the hand Cannon either one you go with they'll get you that S Plus you're in good hands with them uh I hope you enjoyed this video thank you so much again I just have to keep saying it thank you thank you thank you all for the positive feedback all the kind comments and yeah for here don't overwrite your saving case you want to you know do the minimalist challenge after that but you know since you have the cat ears you can use another save if you have it a chapter 16 like you know your hardcore on your standard run you know get the Matilda get the Blacktail or the red nine they're all good and good luck to you on that hope you have a good rest of your day much luck to your journey whatever it may be thank you so much again for watching thank you so much for the kind words take care of yourselves and if you're ever fun to see throughout video have a good sleep just thank you again and y'all are awesome take it easy see you
Channel: Extriaa
Views: 2,605,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resident Evil 4 Remake, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 4 Professional, RE4 Remake, Resident evil, Resident evil s+ Professional, Re4 Professional, Re4 S+, Resident evil S+ rank, Resident evil 4 cat ears, Resident evil 4 Professional S+, Resident evil 4 S+ Rank, Resident Evil S+, Re4 S+ rank, Re4 Chicago Sweeper, Re4 Professional S+ Guide, Resident Evil 4 Chicago Sweeper, Re4 Chicago Sweeper S+, Re4 Chicago Sweeper S+ Guide, extriaa
Id: fIX6ARBI7_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 7sec (12907 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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