The Aphmau FAMILY VACATION In Minecraft!

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this is apmas family vacation my family is going to the ultimate minecraft resort for a perfect day of fun of the sun this gorgeous island has everything from amazing pools to relaxing spas there's no end to the kind of things we can do but trouble is lurking around this island and we'll teach our kids how to face it what kind of vacation adventures will we encounter you'll just have to find out oh and don't forget to like subscribe thanks oh the island is so beautiful aaron you know right check it out this is gonna be the best valley vacation ever kid kids look at the island come on come on take a look at the island look at that isn't that cool big pool and the palm trees and then the beach come on over here let's go all right guys guys guys we're gonna go we're gonna go over there all right we're gonna come down like this gracefully okay remember this is going to be a nice relaxing vacation so be on your best behavior exactly okay don't worry you're always on your best behavior all right guys come on this way let's go look at the pretty flowers i know right amazing oh look there's the people that work at the place greetings weary travelers and welcome to our minecraft resort here we have all kinds of activities for every weary minecraft travelers i think i see the island [Applause] and the explosions begin don't worry mr aaron sir we will make sure that those two boobs do not ruin your family vacation and oh look at the little kids it's okay just look it's okay it's okay we made it yeah yeah oh and pierce and i were like without us uh uh yeah no i'm pretty sure they just forgot our tickets that's why we yeah we weren't on the cruise initially so we're here now though all right all right listen up let's not worry about this i oh wait oh i'm getting a call here all right you know what it's time for me to do important business stuff because i'm the important businessman who is very important my beautiful i mean assistant here will conduct a tour for all of you she is new here so please pierce if you ruin her day or my best friend's family's day so help me so so help you with what oh maybe he just needs more sunscreen on his face wait put that on your face i'll bet i've been eating it the whole way all right all right your family is lovely uh just something on my own but anyways i'm just gonna leave you to it i'm gonna take care of business okay all right hi bye bye it's time for vacation now vacation thank [Music] you stay inside the resort there are mobs outside of the island help help i got stuck in a hole all right here's your luxurious sweet oh this is awesome look at the kids they're bouncing up and down they like it i'm so happy to hear that yeah here's your bedroom oh you put your menses yeah we got the aquarium but uh where's the fish oh um [Music] i will let you guys have fun thank you casey your resort is beautiful now it's asleep out of here girl oh okay okay okay [Music] okay all right this takes a lot out yeah it really does kids go wash up okay we're gonna we're gonna go downstairs to the pool before he gets destroyed by piercingian all right wait a minute uh-oh i can't let him know my secrets what what are you talking about don't worry what what do you mean your secret don't worry kitchen fires laid down oh look at the pool it's so big okay you guys have fun i'm gonna sit here hey kids you wanna learn how to swim oh nice come on now it's not too hard just watch me jump and stay in the shallow end so you can learn first you put your arms out like this oh there you go [Music] just breathe carefully i know they're so good come on half the pool feels great uh you know i'll be good um i'm gonna i'm just gonna watch you guys i'm gonna go around you guys got this look at you oh you sure you don't want to come in yeah i can be on the show i can be right here hi come to mommy okay would you over here look at her oh look at that mom hey come on over here look i got her keep it up youtube okay all right i'm gonna go i'm gonna come outside i'm gonna take some pictures with my portable potato all right look at this oh you guys got this so good come on have come in i will i just i just ate too much you know you just can't you can't gotta wait to go swimming but uh we haven't even eaten anything yet i had a lot of snacks on the boat you would not believe all right everybody out of the way cannonball be careful so i can't swim you guys learned faster than i could i'm so impressed and you saved me oh you guys are the best that was a close one don't worry we're good you're still taking lessons sorry that was my bad as doing a that you gotta alert us sooner yeah speaking of which pierce you're going oh yeah yeah sorry sorry yeah i warned you right now i'm doing a cannonball now okay oh boy jeez i'm doing it i'm done i'm going [Applause] oh on the right side the pool's pretty shallow right now okay bud i think i cracked my butt my problem now so i guess we'll go swimming a little bit later um how about we uh we go do something else cannonball again let's go free yeah if there isn't any water but so since the pool's a little out of water let's have a little spa time a little rest relaxation perfect day kids we're going to the spa oh welcome guests oh hi hi yes the little one's first spotty oh okay over here kids come on she's uh she's clear oh my gosh all right and everybody stay out oh okay let's stay out there we go yeah all to yourself oh thank you that is so nice kids there's a spa come on let's go yeah let's go check it out oh it's so lovely i hear this place has great healing walks oh my gosh this is so good just making sure this isn't too deep for you right no this is fine i can take care of myself here this is gonna be like a stress free time we have to worry about nothing just relax first quiet moment we've had and what um hey fam how's it going not again what's happening who is that hey okay i know you're looking at stealing some of that but why don't you take some bars have some more cookies i love cookies what are you two doing the kids cooking oh come on they can have one cookies whatever they want yeah all the cookies they get the zoomies oh here's house awards too there you go they were complimentary from the resort yes and so we coupled earlier giving them cookies [Music] maybe yeah maybe we should go somewhere else i am trying to relax in a nice warm bath how am i supposed to relax now uh ignore your kids eat some cookies what no i'm sorry enjoy your taste and people ignore [Music] [Music] you know what let me take it we're sorry we messed up the bathroom i'll help you okay i think i'm done relaxing it looks like the kids need to work out that energy how about you have a fun time well i mean did you want to heal but the spa bit more i i do but the kids need to they they need to run off oh my god whoa this trail is crazy yeah let's go check out the area trail 2.5 million million steps miles miles it's 2.5 miles not 2.5 million trust me it better not be 2.5 million miles i swear i cannot okay i'm oh look at the scenic place this is so awesome it's beautiful guys guys hey to the side be careful okay come on you stay right there mommy's gonna feel oh okay all right come on yeah you be careful too okay hey kids come back for a sec before we go any further we may run into monsters so take this and this aaron you gave them a oh you gave them a diamond so oh my goodness they're old enough for their first minecraft i i think you took i think you took one sword there you go okay all right look at that okay be careful with those kids put them away until you need them okay aaron are you sure this is okay for them to have the time in sports yeah i had a diamond sword when i was their age oh okay um don't you have scars somewhere well i mean yes but you get them for life oh hey come check out this view oh this is a cake just listen to the ocean i love nature you hear the most unique sounds here the creeper swim club i got out of here what's happening how do you use your diamond swords to help oh my god is [Music] okay uh okay everything's good probably baby check it out we got this whole spring to ourselves now oh you guys are so fantastic i am so proud of you yeah thanks for that that was uh that was quite harrowing and kids we can use the gunpowder later to make tnt i like did he did he say i i like z2 yeah no you can't hear me oh look at this sit down sit listen to your mom's kids there you go good all right i will cut your potato for you let me see okay hey so thanks for inviting us i guess adopting us for dinner yeah yeah that's really kind of hey are you enjoying your meal yes we are delicious i think we might need some milk though i think everyone kind of ran out okay uh let me go that's true i need stronger bones yes you need stronger bones for sure especially since you couldn't really take those creepers [Music] after after i jumped from a high dive too that by a lot of my bones are done yeah your bones broke your phone and big thanks to the kids for saving us too yeah that was really nice of him you know honestly was pretty scared so yeah tell you what actually as a token of our appreciation you think yourself oh yeah yeah yeah it's token of our appreciation how about we cover dinner tonight you know we'll pay for everything and make sure that everything's all set to go we will pay for everything because you know we we're we're a bunch of misfits but we're your business i am so happy you're going to pay okay so here's milk for you okay here here you can have some nothing and uh casey if we can have the check please okay all right pierce uh you got your wallet yeah i thought you had no no no no i didn't want my wallet of course i didn't what um nothing uh yeah casey is there um is there another way we can pay for dinner rather than you know usually yeah there is actually we just got a new possession you two would be perfect for it right what are we doing we yeah you know what kids you did a really good job today with those swords you might be strong enough one day to take on the ender dragon you guys could take out the ender dragon one day isn't that awesome all right here is the new mascot the entire dragon brothers i think maybe we should go to sleep and get ready for an activity tomorrow how about that aaron that sounds like a plan yeah just charge it to our rooms please yeah yeah you should yeah well don't worry pierce and you've been through enough tonight come on all right so we are going to play a game to test your new swimming skills since you're so good at just like you know destroying things and you had your nap and it's morning uh erin you ready yep ready when you are all right it's called scuba diver okay we're gonna go put diamonds down and uh we're gonna go get them okay look for their shine in the coral yes yes all right here we go all right let's go let's go all right ready go for it look at that great job guys remember to take deep breaths before you go in the water oh look there's one diamond right here look they're getting so many diamonds and you guys can ride the jet skis to just be here if you want to get on the back with me in the jet ski you can okay be careful oh there we go come on here we go i am so glad to see you're enjoying your time at the resort oh thank you zane yeah this is a really great place zayn oh yes uh casey could you come here for a moment sorry about that oh you guys are going to love it here next year we're planning on getting some aquarium life here so you can touch the stingrays oh my gosh and i promise i won't eat the fish this time it costs a lot of money i'm sorry by the way are you setting up the big attraction like the main finale oh yeah that's right i i got ian and fierce to help me out with that uh casey are you sure that's a good idea miss casey oh yeah okay took them off but i think we got everything all set to go i think you'll be proud of us we did some really good work today i feel bad yeah i didn't know you had so many supplies we're gonna go get uh should we get into position four yeah apparently he's an enderman okay all right perform f12 whoa that's awesome it's a big firework show wow they're so pretty i'm glad they set this up this is so nice tonight it's actually working pretty well all right time to double it up here this isn't enough we got to get more going we're trying to get the big one going oh yeah all right i lit the big one get ready [Applause] what's happening what happened i think we set up the big one wrong what did you do [Applause] okay maybe you were right maybe they shouldn't have helped yeah how do you feel about a ski resort on the next vacation yeah or maybe like it's just going yeah ski resort sounds great not jet ski right no no no ski as in snow can we come can we can we can we uh hey kids let's go i'll move on we got it i got this thank you we got it out of control [Applause] uh it's fine it's fine
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,099,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau family vacation, aphmau in real life, aphmau kids, aphmau funny vacation, minecraft vacation, vacation in minecraft, Minecraft family vacation baby pranks, pranking my friends in minecraft, the alpha roommate, minecraft pranks aphmau, werewolf pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, minecraft no swears
Id: 4Ch5t2Qpf_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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