Using Seats To Make Jumpscares In Rec Room | CV2 Tutorial

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today i'm going to show you how to make a seated jump scare in rec room so we're going to start today with a seat gadget once you've placed it go ahead and configure the board so we can detach it and move it over somewhere where all your circuits are going to be so next you want to get your monster and we're going to place it so that the front of the monster is facing the arrow at the front of the seat you might want to put it up a little bit too just so it's actually in the face of the person that's going to be in the chair next we're going to get an animation gizmo and we're going to place it somewhere close to these two next up we want to place a small cube over where we want the player to be once the jump scare is over and we're going to hit done editing we're also going to configure that cube and give it a very easy tag something that you'll remember let's just call it rp next we're going to get a cv2 trigger volume now you can place this anywhere for the moment but once you place it you want to go ahead and configure the board and detach it and put it on the left side of the seat board from earlier now once we get done setting up everything you can put this trigger zone in a hallway so players will run into it or attach it to the front of a monster that's following players if you've watched my other videos but for simplicity in this tutorial we're just going to keep it right here so whenever a player enters this trigger zone we want that player to be spawned on the chair looking at the monster we want the animation of the monster to play and then once it gets over with we want the player to be transported from the chair over to our cube which is like our waiting area our lobby so we have the main components we need to get them to the chair we don't have what we need to get them to the cube which is the respawn chip and as of recording this video respawn is still in beta so we're going to have to enable beta content in this room so once beta content is enabled you're going to want to get a respawn chip you're going to place that over here next to the trigger volume and the seat chip from earlier so what we want is for the player that entered the zone to be seated however we're gonna need to save this player for later so we're actually gonna use a player variable chip so instead of connecting those directly we're going to connect the player entered to the player variable so next we need to prevent the player from jumping out of the seat we're going to use this lock players in go ahead and click false so that it becomes true and you're going to want to get a cb2 button go ahead and place the button and wire the press to the lock players in hit it one time and then delete the button so now we need to determine how long the player is gonna sit in the chair basically how long your jump scare animation is and we're gonna use a delay chip for that now we're gonna hook up seated success to run and for this example we're just gonna make the jump scare three seconds so go ahead and click that or configure that and change it to a three just a warning for people using the monster follow gadget from our previous video you're going to want to put a remove player roll before the delay then you're going to hook up your after delay to unseat player i tried to hook this up to the respawn and it doesn't seem to work next you would think you just hook unseat player to respawn and it should respawn the player but this does not work for some reason we have a workaround so all you're gonna do is get another delay chip we're gonna change the delay to zero then we're gonna hook the unseat player to the run and the after delay to the respawn like i said i don't know why you need this extra step for it to work maybe it's just a beta problem also i haven't tried it but a set position chip might work in place of a respawn shot okay so now we need to fill out the respawn chip the target is going to be this player variable from earlier the position and rotation are both going to be filled out by the cube so what we need here are two chips we need a get position chip and then we need a rec room object get first with tag now you want to configure the tag to look for to be the tag that we gave to the cube over there which is rp then we want to wire the object here to the target and the get position to the position and the rotation all right we're almost done all we got to do now is the animation so what do we want to happen when the player gets in the seat i want the seat to kind of come up into the monster's mouth and i want the monster's mouth to be going up and down so let's go ahead and attach the seat to the gizmo but before we attach the monster to the gizmo the part of the monster that we want to animate in this case the jaw needs to be separated from the rest of the object so what i've got to do here is edit this then select all the teeth and everything from the lower jaw here all right once you have everything selected that you want to animate you're going to click this little options over here and you're going to click split shapes so now if we hit done you can see that the body and everything up here is a separate object from the mouth and the jaw so we're not going to attach the entire monster to the animation although we could i'm just going to attach the jaw because that's the only thing i want to actually move now if we want to start using this animation gizmo we're going to have to edit the animation gizmo we're going to hit add a keyframe and we want because over there we set it for three seconds we're going to set it over here for three seconds so first frame is here after three seconds i want to let's see let's just let's do a little little you know a little rotation on the mouth and then let's get the seat moving all right once you're done with your animations you're going to want to configure the animation gizmo set it to loop set to 100 make sure you set it to stop at start last thing we have to do really is just activate this animation so what we're going to use is a cv1 trigger zone now once you get your trigger zone you want to encase the entire seat in the trigger zone then you're going to want to wire the green pin over here to the red input on the animation gizmo so we'll go in here be respawned onto the chair get jump scared for three seconds it'll move in it'll animate i'll do what it needs to do then after three seconds it'll pop me out over there where the cube is let's test it ah scary ah no there we go now if you need help having a monster follow players in your room check this video out here you can also attach the trigger zone we worked with in this video to that monster or if you need help with the animations check this video out down here it's a little old but all the buttons are basically the same bye hi nine percent thanks for making it this far in the video
Channel: theRCLman
Views: 38,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a jumpscare in rec room, seated jumpscare in rec room, rec room seated jumpscare, rec room jumpscare tutorial, how to rec room, rec room how to, seat gadget rec room, rec room cv2 tutorial, cv2 tutorial rec room, how to amke a jumpscare in rec room, therclman, jumpscare tutorial rec room, how to make jump scares in rec room, rec room jump scares
Id: Gi98JM7sbls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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