How to make a sliding door in recroom!

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hey guys you give me here and today i will be teaching you how to make a sliding door in rec room so this is any sliding door basically uh you can use it for anything you can use it for pvps or quests whichever you would like so first of all you need to make a room oh you can do it in your um you can do it in your dorm room or any other room there you have makeup and permissions that i would just prefer to do within your own room so open up your watch select create select base rooms and you can choose any template here there's five different sections but i just like to select the maker room so go ahead and select that enter a name uh i'll just choose sliding door youtube create and that will take us straight to the room [Music] so here you are in the maker room you don't actually need an open space but i like to have an open space because it's better that's a build so open up if you don't have your makeup and uh favorited which if you have a favorite you can just pull it from your back open up your watch select backpack and go make a pen use to favorite it you can just do favorite and you can unfavorite it so when you favorite it you can just pull it from your back as i said before so yeah you don't actually have to clear out everything but um i'll i prefer that because it's easier with no walls or anything you can just build whatever you want so open up your makeup pen select create i mean delete not create and delete all of these walls and the roof so yeah now that you've got those other way you would like to move this and those so to move on this you just like to move on your maker pen and just move it over to there and to select multiple items um to move just open up your makeup and select select select all three of these things or whichever you would like to move and open up your backpacking open up your makeup pen again and select move so now you can just move all three of these at the same time so yeah now that we have everything cleared open up you're making pen select create and we are going to create the two uh walls on either side of the door so open up your mega pen and select create shapes you would like to select cube and you can select any material here um i prefer the cardboard because i'm just doing tutorial but you guys can flick through that and see which one you would like and yeah so after you've picked the material then you go to colors and you can select whichever whichever color you would like so i'll just like to select this and yeah so yeah i'm just going to do this also easier also yeah just draw a cube also the easier way to make it all lined up and everything is um to open up your mega pens like snapping to grid and check these two so that way when you rotate it or anything um it just like it just does it so it's not like all are we like it aligns it to edges so there we go we can just do it like that and after you've done that just go done editing manipulate select the cube and make it as tall as you would like so i'll probably make it because i'm sitting down i don't want too tall but i will make it about that tall and yeah after that you can just clone it so if not you make a pen it's like clone and yeah it's like this and you can just how far would you like the door you can just do it whatever you want but i like to do it here that is how far um the door is going to be so i just want a small door so i'm just going to do it to there and after that just select dom editing and freeze both of them so nobody can grab them in game after that you'd like to open up your packer pen select create and now you're going to make the door so it's like shapes cubes and do whichever color and material you'd like i'm just going to do material cardboard and color black is that black yes it is so now i'm just going to draw a cube it doesn't have to perfectly be in line but you would like it to be so like to do move and select that and like do it in line now you would just like to go manipulate and manipulate the door um up to these sides so it fills up the whole space and there we go there's that door so after that you would like to just select done editing and select create now you would like to select uh you would like to create an animation gizmo first of all select gadgets gizmos and animation gizmo now create that whichever whichever um you can do wherever you want but i would just like to do it here because that's the easiest way and open up your watch select wire and wire your your wall on your door and wire it to the top of the animation gizmo this bit not any other part just the top bit object add to animation that's what it will say um after you've done that so that basically means whatever thing you do in the animation gizmo that is what will happen to the door because it's already added so open up your mega pen select configure configure the animation gizmo playback mode loop stop at end select that definitely speed percentage you can change that later on um is grabbable no and now you would like to select edit on your makeup pen select the animation gizmo open up your meg pen and go add so this is adding an animation you would like to move this up so the door opens because this is a vertical door that goes up so yeah that is your animation when you press something that triggers it it will go up so that opens the door so after that just go done editing and there's your one um animation so after this you would like to open up your mac events like create you like to select another animation gizmo gadgets gizmos animation gizmo and you like to create that right here if you'd like i don't mind where you do it but yeah um so this is that is the animation gizmo to make it open and this one is the animation gizmo to make it close so after you do that you just like to wire this to the top of your animation gizmo again object adds animation yep that's all good select edit on your maker pen and edit the animation gizmo open up your watch um i mean mega pen and select add and you'd like to move that all the way back down here because that is closing isn't it yep so after that select done editing on your mega pen then select configure and configure your animation gizmo stop it end yes speed percentage 100 that's normal um it's grabbable no so after this you want to select some you want to create something that will trigger the door to go up and down so open up your mega pen select create and go into props dynamic and you'd like to select this toggle button right here so it's like that and i'd like to have my toggle button on this side that's moving really weird i don't know why it does that i'll just have it there for now after that select configure and configure the button um you don't really need to mess around with this too much i just like to do is grab it will know so now but you can grab it in game so after that you would like to wire you like this like your wire tool on your mega pen select um when button is toggled on open the door and do it up to the zero don't do it anywhere else just do it up to this zero so when you do this see how it's off when you do it on it will go up so that means when you select when the door is on that means it will open so because in pvps you would usually like to have a closed starting point won't you so yeah after that um open up your megapins like wire again and select when button is toggled off do it onto this this one on the right select um do it at this zero nowhere else so now when you press it on it goes up when you press it off it goes back down so yeah that's basically it um after that yeah just configure the wall so it's not grabbable and yeah that's basically your door don't do much else with that um in games i might have a few um glitches like um oh yeah i also forgot to mention configure your walls so they're not grabbable you've got to do that oh this one's already done so yeah it might have a few glitches like it won't have glitches but say in a game it might be on but it might be down here then you just have to press it like twice or something but it's actually pretty good like it works basically perfectly fine it's really good to have in our pvp's quest whichever one you would like but yeah um this is how to do it vertically now i'll show you how to do it horizontally so first of all go out and you make a pen and so you would actually like to just copy all this so basically select this select this um select this oh that's already selected and yeah just select the um no don't select the move tool select clone so now you'd like to clone it over here and there we go that's over there now you just like to go um freeze it freeze all that yep that's frozen that's all right um and open up your makeup and select create and go to gadgets gizmos and animation gizmo here we go there we go select one there and yeah configure that i'm not going no that's good um stop it end yes it's grabable no so now you'd like to open up your mega pen press the wire tool and wire this wall up to the top of your animation gizmo oh object is frozen so you can't you've got to unfreeze that before you can edit it so you go wire select the door and or two again do it to your um animation gizmo so now you'd like to select edit add the animation gizmo open up your um mega pen select add and move this so it slides this way now it's going to slide that way and now it's like done editing um so now you'd like to create another one so create gadgets animation gizmo and pop that right there so now you'd like to wire the door to the top of your animation gizmo and there we go now you'd like to select edit at your animation gizmo select add and move this this way so it's back to normal back to normal yes it is now you'd like to just like done editing and now configure this um stop it and yes um it's grabbable no and now you'd like to uh yeah oh no you don't want to move that um just like configure on that he's growable no uh we'll just freeze that yeah freeze all them oh the doors moved a bit uh if your door does that i can just go remove and go add make sure your door is in line with everything so i'll have the door about there alright that's good now done editing and yeah configure this not grabable so yeah now just freeze it and open up your mega pen go to um create open palette and select props dynamic and select the toggle button so have your button i'll just have it over here why is that doing that that's weird there we go and yes now we'll just like to wire this so when button is toggled on to the zero when button is toggles off toggles off to the zero and there you have it guys we just need to go configure the button select it's goable no and yeah chuck this away and it should work yep open close open close so anyway guys that is the video that is how that is how to make a sliding door um vertically and horizontally in rec room i really hope this this um tutorial will help you out guys uh with your quests or your pvps yeah thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please like subscribe leave your feedback in the comment section below thank you so much for 270 subscribers and yeah i'll see you next one bye
Channel: YaKidMe
Views: 79,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Recroom, Sliding Door, Tutorial, VR, Recroomtutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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