How to make a Simple Jumpscare in Rec Room!

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hello guys today I'm gonna show you guys how to make a very very simple jump scare and rec room let's get straight into this all right so first thing you're going to want to do is hang up your watch you can hold it like this it'll come up or you can just click the three lines on your left controller if you're on Oculus click it you're on here go to create and make a room and then just name it whatever it doesn't matter [Music] um foreign before anything go to your watch and then go to backpack and favorite this if you don't want to just click use and it'll bring it up if favorite it if I don't favorite it you cannot pull it out of your back or neck or whatever it is if you click favorite then you can pull it out so you're gonna want to freeze this and then delete this this this this this this and I just like to keep the move because I feel like it's a good little shading part so go to palette down here and then we're going to type up here you're going to want a trigger volume not cv1 legacy but a trigger volume you're gonna put it just like this and then we're gonna need something to make our animation with I'm just going to find something so I'll be right back when I do all right so now that you've got your howler you're just going to select it all or whatever you have select it all I'm gonna grab it and you're gonna bring it over here do not mind this thing I'm not sure why that's there oh that's a little like back and then you're gonna grab a seat in cv1 Legacy you're just gonna go to how about we just go to the search button click it and type up seat you're just going to place the seat the arrow this little arrow is where you actually point when you're sitting in it you'd actually sit this way that's what we're gonna need and you're just going to make it smaller you're going to move this up here flip this around like right here and with this you're just going to scale it down like that like that much at least I'm just gonna put it right here bring this up here click configure and click the seat and then click visible only when components are visible so this is my maker pen it's out throw it gone but it still has the outline when you go up to it so now go to connect and you're going to come up here and then seat success one sorry let me try this again so when the players entered it'll seat the player seed success is when you lock player in is successful and the player goes to player lock in click configure on the false at the bottom and make the value true now when you go through the animation now look now we need something to go to palette and get something go to circuits V1 right here and go to something called animation Gizmo put it right here and then you're going to go select and you're going to hold in the select button and select all this the body the body of your horror monster whatever and see you're going to hold in this whatever like holding the seat connected to the little ring on the top it should say object edit the animation click edit on your animation Gizmo click it and you should be able to move these in the animation because this should be looked different so you click one and then bring your arm like this I'm just going to do this you guys don't have to do this [Music] I don't really care and go to palette here type up t-r-i-g click the X here to trigger volume V1 Legacy get one that looks like that and get one that looks like that the one goes right here wire the red part to the red is zero click configure on here and stop it start then you're gonna bring this underneath the ground connect this to the ring click edit go into it and at the last frame have that come up like that and then it'll go back down go back to the first frame and then get a respawn point just by typing up r e and you're going to spawn scroll down if not r-e-s-p roll down grab it and then bring it over here and place it tools connect connect the green part to the red part then click configure on here I'm going to make that to 175. other so it doesn't get in your way and he'll grab you and he'll throw you down that is how you make a very very simple animation jump scare and I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: LilDaultino
Views: 2,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2Jx02ZZ6kas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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