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in this tutorial I'll be showing you guys how to make a Monster jump scare and rectum for your horror games so the first thing you want to do to get started is go into your backpack and pull out your maker pen like so once you have your maker pen out you want to go into your palette go into search and search trigger volume there that is the trigger volume and then you just want to draw a basic cube out after you get your trigger volume you want to go back into search and search seat this is a seat make sure you spawn it out of a room or under the map we'll just do Under the map for this tutorial now go back into your tools and go to the connect tool come back up to your trigger volume and then you want to where it says player enter if you want to drag out and then you want to click C player so now once you enter in here it's gonna suit you after you've done that you want to go back into your maker pen go on connect again you want to go to seat success to lock players in click on this and it'll make it true should only come back up here we go in here we try to jump out you cannot jump out of the seat you're stuck you want to go out of church and you want to get a cube go back to recolor and recolor it any color you want but for this tutorial I'm going to use black now you want to make a basic box around your seat [Music] thank you [Music] now after you've got your big Cube box around your seat you want to find a monster so you can create a monster of your own but in this tutorial I'm just gonna be using an invention so we're gonna find a monster and we'll just Place him Inside the Box foreign now you can move him around to your designated spot because this isn't really going to look good if it's just right here [Music] so now we're making the audio for the monster so what you want to do is open up your watch go into search and find a sampler place it down next to the monster now you're gonna be recording the voice of it songs can record a little voice for it so let's let's go That's The Voice next you want to get a trigger volume but make sure it says V1 Legacy you want to place it around the chair and make it as tall or as thick as you want go and connect and you want to find this red pin one entering Zone you gotta wire it to where it says play on Signal so get this read when entering Zone plan signal so plan for the zone thank you so whenever you enter this up here it's gonna bring you down here and it's gonna say you in here and you see the monster and it's just gonna play this annoying sound right but it can be scary because I'm not making it that scary um for this next part you want to get an animation Gizmo can I have a whole tutorial on animation Gizmo so I'm not going to go over that today but I'll show you I'll just you can make is whatever animation you want but I'm gonna just animate so let's get to the Montage of animating [Music] foreign stop stop thank you guys for watching this video hope this helped with your horror game and maybe you can search up a tutorial on how to respawn the players because it wasn't working for me but yeah that's how you make a basic jump scare hope you liked the video and if you want to see more look right here I got subscribe and a video down here so you know that means gotta go watch it and subscribe see you guys in the next video peace out
Channel: RxxtBeerVR
Views: 55,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RxxtBeerVR, rec room tutorial, rec room funny moments, meta quest 2, rec room vr, rec room
Id: AhjhwJQ7lV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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