Using Rec Room AI To Make Your Monster | Rec Room Circuits Tutorial

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today i'm going to show you how to use rec room npcs to make your own monsters in rec room now there's two things before we get started today so number one this is in beta so you have to enable beta content on your rooms thing number two is i want to give a big shout out to nico core network they helped me immensely in trying to get this tutorial for you guys be sure to check them out on to the tutorial so the first thing we need to do is actually make our map in order for this to work your hallways have to be at least three meters wide if you need help knowing how to do this you can use grid snapping on your maker pin set it to one then make a cube and drag it out one two three or you can spawn in three unit cubes so next up what you're going to do is grab your entire map and clone it and then bring it down below where your current map is and actually if you want you can go further down with it so once you have your map below the original map you're going to want to delete all of the walls on the copy if you don't delete the walls then the npc will get stuck so next we need to define the area that the actual rec room pre-made monster can walk in and we're going to do that by baking the nav mesh so you're going to open your watch you're going to go to this room and then you're going to go up to settings and you scroll down on the main settings page you will see ai and nav mesh so what you're going to do is hit bake navmesh when you do that you're going to see this big kind of white box show up what you want to do is encase this entire lower map with this white volume that just showed up don't include the upper map once you've got it surrounding your actual map then you're going to hit bake navmesh again so after you bake the nav mesh you'll see this kind of purple stuff that's telling you the area that the npc can walk in this is the rec room npc not your npc even though it looks a little bit crooked on here don't worry it's it's good enough for what we need so now let's work on actually getting our rec room pre-made monster so you're going to want to open your maker pen go into the palette and you are going to search up the spawner gadget you just want to spawn it in a corner somewhere i would say the furthest corner from your players then you're going to configure the purple part here and you want to set the object now once you set the object you cannot change it let's hit set the object now i wanted to originally use the melee goblin here but it has issues with tracking multiple people so i found that the skeleton swashbuckler pirate works at least a little bit better then once you've selected your npc you're going to go ahead and hit configure again on the mpc and you're going to scroll down and give it some tag that you'll remember i'm going to give it the tag of monster guide next i'm going to configure the actual board itself and i'm going to go into chip settings and detach from rec room object we're just going to pull this up to the main map and that's where we're going to do most of our circuits so now we need to figure out how we want this mpc to be spawned in today we're going to use a trigger volume and normally you would put this in a doorway somewhere but just since this is an example i'm just going to make it right here on the wall now we don't just want to hook up player entered straight to the spawn because we only want one skeleton to be spawned in and we don't want any other ones to spawn in after that one so for this we are going to need an if chip and a bull variable hook the player entered to the if chip and hook the then to the bull variable making sure that the bottom here is false then we want to hook the bull variable up to the spawner now we're going to copy this bull variable and pull it to the other side of the if chip let's make a little bit more room here we want to hook the actual bull value up to the if chip and we're going to flip this to true so now we need a way to make this bull variable become true whenever the room is loaded and we can do that with an event receiver configure the event receiver to go off on room reset then connect it to that first bull variable again making sure the bottom here says true so just running through so this makes sense whenever the room is loaded this bull variable will be turned to true then whenever the first player hits this trigger zone it will determine if the bull variable is true which it is and if it is true then it will make the bull variable false and it will spawn in one npc down below us so now we need to get our actual monster our monster that we made and today we are going to use our good friend barry once you get your monster you want to configure it and make sure that you have modifier circuits on and you want to go ahead and give it some sort of tag that you'll remember different from the other ones so for this one i'm just going to have it be monster so just like many other tutorials we are going to start this one out with an event receiver and we are going to configure it to be a 30 hertz receiver now in the past i would have used a set position chip here but because i want to avoid using rolls here we're actually going to use a respawn chip first we need the target the thing that's going to be respawned over and over and over again for us that's going to be barry and we gave him the tag earlier of monster so we need a rec room object get first with tag so if you just type in first it should be one of these chips here let's see the fourth chip over rec room object get first with tag we want to configure the tag to match the tag on barry over there and that tag was monster go ahead and hook that up to the target then what position do we want barry to be teleported to well we want barry's position to match the position of the skeleton below except we want it to be up here with us so what we need is another one of these rec room object get first with tag chips and we are going to change the tag to be the tag that we gave the skeleton down below which was monster guide then we're gonna need a get position chip and we're gonna hook it up to the monster guide chip then we're gonna take that vector and we're gonna add in some some upward coordinates i guess that's the best way to say it so first we need an add chip and then we need a vector create chip go ahead and hook this up now all that we're changing on here is the y value because we want it to be in the same spot that the ai is down there we just want it to be up and the up is going to be different depending on how far down you put your second map i'm thinking if i do like a seven that should work we're going to try it out real quick and see so hook that up there also hook that to rotation we will change this later this is only for testing purposes hook this up here let's see we're testing to see what the measurement of seven where that is okay you can see the res effects happening seven is not quite high enough so i'm going to reset the room to clear out all of those yellow cubes spawning in over and over again we're going to change the use res effects to false let's see what 8.5 does okay maybe maybe we'll just go with nine and i'm pretty sure nine will be we'll be fine so next we need to fill out the rotation we want the rotation to be set to be the vector difference between me the target of the ai down there and barry i know that probably doesn't make sense but once we get chips maybe it'll maybe it'll make more sense so i would have never figured this out if it weren't for nico we need to get the target that that ai is looking at this is the chip that you use okay from rec room object you're spawning them right here and you're going to hook it up to the object that comes from the spawner gadget now the value outputs should be an ai so from there you need to use an ai get target chip put that up there we need to get the position of the target so we're actually just going to clone this get position chip here [Music] so we've gotten the position of the target of the ai down there and actually i'm gonna move this down here just so we have a little bit more space to work with we need another get position chip so we just take barry's tag tip here hook it up to get position now we need a subtract chip so we are going to subtract the position of barry from the position of the target and then we're gonna hook that difference up to the rotation there's another chip that we need for this spawner gadget which is ai set line of sight parameters and we're just gonna put it right here next to the spawner gadget so basically we're far enough away from the monster down there that it doesn't detect me once it spawns in so we need to increase the range that it can detect so what we're going to do is just after the object spawned set the line of sight parameters we don't want it to require line of sight so we're going to change that to false the ai that we want it to affect is the ai down there which is this from rec room object it's gonna be the output here just hook that up there the vision type you can either type in cone or circle i think circle is the one that works for us and then i like to just make the vision range and the hearing range 100. if your pre-made monster down there is further away you'll need this number to be bigger all right i'm going to save it again you're going to hook up your 30 hertz receiver here we go there we go and now he follows me and he'll chase me around wherever that nav mess says it's okay to chase you around all right and from this point you can add in your jump scares or animations i'll leave some videos here to help you out with that use code rc01 in rec room it'll really help me out and another big thank you to nico core network for helping me make this tutorial have a good day bye and nine percent thanks for making it this far in the video man use a dog emoji in the comments so i know you made it this far bye
Channel: theRCLman
Views: 80,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Using Skeletons To Make Your Monster In Rec Room, how to make a monster in rec room, rec room horror tutorial, how to make a horror map rec room, rec room npc follower, rec room cv2 npc, rec room how to make npc, if rec room have npcs, rec room how to, how to rec room, rec room object spawner, how to use the object spawner in rec room, respawn chip rec room, rec room circuits tutorial, rec room tutorial, how to make something follow you in rec room
Id: TzbyESOL0hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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