How To Make A Clicker +Upgrade In REC ROOM

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foreign [Music] first of all go over to your watch click on backpack and then click use on your make pin when it pops up right in front of you you just grab it after that you just go ahead and just spawn in two interactional volumes like this switch up into rational volume right here you need one for the upgrade and one for the clicker itself so make sure you have two make sure you put your snapping on the surface that's the snapping I recommend okay after that you need to get two invariables like this place them down both like this go to your tools configure configure one and make it so it says clicks or type in clicks click on submit click on cloud variable so it's different for all players so then click on this invariable number two click right here do like this invariable and then we type in upgrade and then make sure it's also Cloud variable submit the name like this oh my phone okay upgrade look this now when you have that you need to get in chip gate chip called add like this add and as you can see there's only three two values on the ad and you need three so configure the ad go to chip settings add an input now what you want to do is get the result of the clicks added to the first value of the ad and then get the value of the clicks and add it to the sum of the ad and then get the upgrade get the result and add it to the uh this value the third value and then make sure you put this value on one like that and make it so on use so whenever somebody uses this so now what this is doing is it's adding one to the clicks and that's pretty much it for now this is just adding one to the clicks okay after you're done with that let's get over and search up text you don't really have to do this it just better if you do it it just looks nice so the players know how much clicks they have grab a text get a text set text set text like this takes a text after that you need a two string two string and then uh clone the clicks click variable like that you're going to be getting the value of the clicks I mean the result of the clicks put it into the two string and get the result and put it into the text of the text set text like this and then the target is going to be this specific text so after they clicked it it's going to be setting this text so now let's say I click it now as you guys can see I have two three four five so it goes up every time you click it so now we have the clicker itself so let's go over to the upgrade so as said go over to your palette so go ahead and search up greater or equal like this and then what you need to do is you need to get another copy of the clicks like this clone it get the result of the clicks and put it in the value number eight and then after that you need a chip called if if and then get the result or the condition to to the if and then when I'll use make it so it activates the f whenever you use the N variable I mean yeah the interaction volume okay after you've done that you need to get a another upgrade so you need to go over here clone the upgrade like this put it right over here like that and then you need to get another ad look at this add and a subtract like that okay once you have gotten all those chips you need to make it so whenever uh um after it checks the if it's going to be activating the upgrade okay and then this is when you're going to copy the clicks one more time like that connect after the if is activated and the upgrade is activated make sure it activates the clicks what this does is it it checks if the player has this amount of clicks like this uh you can just choose how much how much clicks they have to have so they can buy it I'm going to choose 100 for now like this all right after I've done that you need to get the some of the some of the ad and put it to the value of the upgrade and get the first value of the ad and put it to the result of the update and then make sure this value is on one okay and then we're going to be using the subtract and then make sure it subtracts the amount of the over here that you have as you can see I have 100 so I wanted to subtract 100. like that after you've done that that you're that's kind of it this is if you want this is more extra but you can just get a sfx like this put it up here like this that configure it and make sure it is unsynced because if it was synced everyone will hear it every time you click I'm gonna get the clicks on it makes a make it so whenever the text said text it's going to be activating the sfx lastly so now pretty much every time you click you hear a sound if you want you can always configure the sfx and make it so it it interrupts the current sound which sounds like this and then now let's try to get it up to 100. and see if this works okay let me use two hands okay now we're at 100 there we go it should remove and then now we get two every time you click now it's 13. now it's 15 now it's 17. so yeah that's how you make a very very simple clicker in rec room with an upgrade I'm gonna pause the video here so you guys can take a screenshot if you want to you know make it yourself or you don't have to go through the you know the tutorial and just skip over here all right thanks for watching and yeah see you guys in the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: BlueBoiRR
Views: 14,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, How To Recroom, Cliker, Recroom, Upgrade
Id: bf87ILe5CP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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