Using RAW URANIUM To Terraform Mars in Planet Crafter

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well hello my friends i'm blitz welcome back to a little game called planet crafter you know it's the game where we terraform mars by using nuclear technology heating the planet up creating clouds and all sorts of other fun things look at the sky how blue and pretty it is that's what we did last time and this time we have clouds wait clouds 20 to the way there we also have more fun things to unlock like a heater generation three but i noticed something between episodes check this out our food is ready and what maybe not it it's looking ready that eggplant is very eggplant-ish and now we have a major dust storm happening outside that's pretty cool there's also a ton of comments saying that i really need to build up higher in the world because well these lake beds will flood with water as soon as we get water i'm hoping that my base situation here is in pretty good shape but we'll see what happens in a little bit the other good news is we nearly have 90 000 power production so we can really start building up a lot of things like better drills and other fun things oh hot dang that seed is a golden seed six hundred percent oxygen multiplier wow okay let's see if i can put that in one of these maybe these are veggie tubes level two do i have a tier three anywhere hello i'd like to build a tier three veggie tube we must do that now silicon magnesium water bottles and i think i'm gonna do it right back in this corner oh wow do you not want to grow inside my friend do you only grow outside little veggie tube oh you do okay that's fine i'm gonna put you right next to the nuclear reactor ah it's beautiful give me that golden seed inside oh look at it grow i love how things grow in space oh i just got a new recycling machine blueprint i want to build that never mind microtrip deconstruction time too and super alloys i don't even know what that means but i feel like i probably need to make an advanced crafting station before i can get anything else to work so that's the goal right now titanium magnesium silicone thankfully i have lots of titanium magnesium and silicone oh it's it's quite chunky i didn't realize you're gonna be so big uh we'll just put you right here in this room yeah put you right in the back like such as very good what do you do in your life oh wow oh hot dank that uranium rod takes so many iranians and the super alloy that's kind of weird too i mean it's an alloy of everything isn't it that makes sense rocket engine and a jet pack now i'm pretty sure i found some super alloys in other areas haven't i one we have one super alloy so you guys gave me a really good idea evidently this cave area over here is like an aluminum cave we can get lots of good aluminum for it but the better idea was that i can make outposts and i didn't even think of it but if i go and create a living compartment with a door on it i can really build a house anywhere and get free oxygen so we're gonna go back over to that thing collect some aluminum on the way lots of aluminum on the way even more aluminum on the way also there's a red cloud over here i'm wondering if that's not an iridium field it might be either that or it's just like red oh oxygen level is low well let's drink an oxygen quick and then we'll construct a living compartment right next to this thing open up a door like such as now we have a free oxygen area also we can put in a storage chest and then loot the entire thing that's why i keep you guys around you're so smart in the ways of being smart oh dirty i'll just grab everything and then deconstruct it right yes give me that free iron all right all right where's more treasure i need treasure lots and lots of treasure hello treasure not gonna lie this treasure box really didn't have much in it but i'm hoping i can find some good stuff okay there wasn't much new stuff but there's definitely a fusion reactor i totally want to use the fusion fuel rod to let that go and there's like a whole lot of words here if you want to pause the video you can see exactly what it says i'm also fairly sure i missed a few things and i've got two chests loaded up so that was a good example of what we can do with the little outposts and it looks like the clouds have started to come into the world that's amazing i want to deconstruct that golden crate too oh wow aluminum super alloys and whatever that thing is oh that's more aluminum neat let's uh drop that we'll grab you instead and since my oxygen level is low let's go ahead and create another little living compartment here in aluminum valley that's what i'm going to call it seems like a good name for it jump in oh that's awesome oh i just unlocked the launch platform blueprint i don't even know what i did but i'm excited that i got it i just got the achievement for clouds in the sky too also looks like there's a cave that opened up right there oh no food levels though yeah there's like little waterfalls or something coming off that too i wonder if we can go inside of there oh a new blueprint received grass spreader oh wow that's cool okay here give me this i need to eat i need to eat good job also i heard these turning into food i don't really know that do i just oh inventory i grabbed this i grabbed i get it i get it i get it did you see all the aluminum i picked up aluminium sorry for you british friends or wherever else in the world where you say aluminum wrong get me oh eggplant okay then we'll just roll the eggplant back in there do i just straight up eat the egg i think you do huh it's kind of cool so the real question is if i take a bunch of this iridium and then i run over here and i like put it into this oh i can make a uranium fuel rod oh oh whoa whoa whoa i did it that was awesome put it back and then grab some of these i don't even know why i want to make these i just really want to make them also i built this ladder because i was going to make a living area up there but i don't really even care to live i just like building things in this game so i've got two of the super alloys and i want to build the backpack t4 i need to build an additional one so i need to cobalt iron magnesium aluminum i need pretty much everything and i see another ship that's crashed oh i need to go in that cave too but our terraformation index is already 400 000 i haven't even done anything when she'll just grab a bunch of trash from them out here also i see a blue shiny chest i need to go check out the blue shiny chest oh blue shiny chest of wonder and ah give me the secrets of your you don't really have that much interesting whatever i should have just deconstructed you to end your entire life all right super alloy please build up i did it combined everything into one and now i should have enough oh i don't have titanium as i was saying i should have enough to build a backpack but i need to take my current backpack off oh it just spewed things everywhere drop that on the floor drop that on the floor where's that super alloy where's my backpack at can i just build one now uh oh the music quit oh there's my backpack click that click that click this oh no titanium's on the floor too oh this is the worst day ever there's titanium finally backpack t4 got it and then we'll just equip that right here and then i can just pick up all the trash that i threw everywhere i'm so sorry game i didn't mean to i need one of those like robot vacuum roombas just to clean up the trash behind myself okay and then we need to make more super alloys oh an oar extractor oh my there's so many fun things i want to build and i'm just too slow i want the recycling machine but that's expensive i want that ore extractor but i don't even know what an osmium is i want the grass spreader but i can't even find that right there's the grass spreader food grower grass spreader i can build the grass better okay we need aluminum and thankfully i have a whole tank of it i'm gonna can i build two we'll just do one right now okay grass spreader i need another water bottle too i'm so excited can you tell that i'm so excited right now where do i want this i want it right here and grass spreader oh my okay that spreads grass out in not a huge area but enough area oh it's spraying water on the ground it's spring grow water grow grow water doesn't grow grass does oh i'm so excited right now okay maybe if i go back into that cave and come back out i'll have things ready i want that recycler too it's expensive oh this cave looks amazing oh it's gonna be dark in here isn't it there's a lot of red stuff is this an iridium cave oh ice i don't really care about ice i see red shiny things though this is totally in a radium cave can i build a thingy inside like a little habitat that'd be cool yes free iridium i can make all the fuel rods in the history of fuel rods now oh is that is that what i think it is oh aluminum too yay this is the best cave ever in the history of best caves iron iron cool so i can make a habitat in here i wonder can i oh i can yes but that's kind of dumb because i can't build a wall yet and there seems to be a parkour chamber up here too i'm liking this a lot yeah we have a slight slope that goes up over here so i think that's the way up we can totally build the living compartment now oh shut up my oxygen levels oh wow i need more iron uh i thought i had everything i needed for the good things in life oh just stop there's more iron there we go a nice little chamber i would have died but now i can climb more aluminum i'm wondering if there's one of those secret gold chests in here too that doesn't work i think i just used the word don't that doesn't work it's not even a real word there's so many shiny things in here i love shiny things oh there's a box i didn't see this oh it is a gold one i think we got some uranium water food thankfully i found a little more iron so i can build two more storage chests we're gonna open these up and just drop off all the iridium and other fun things that i have in here oh that's not yellow that's a blue chest i'll still take everything thank you and deconstruct it because i'll probably forget that i used it in the first place oh and there's another level up here too i didn't know about this i just feel like at the end of the tunnel somewhere here oh that ice tunnel needs to melt no okay start melting at a hundred nk oh i'm really pushing it no no no i need oxygen i need oxygen yes okay we're gonna throw all of the iridium in the chest and then we're gonna take all of the aluminum back home and then some more iridium because i have room i see grass i see grass on the ground i just wanna roll around in it and like eat it because i'm a cow or something oh so much aluminum this is the best day ever so we'll make up another super alloy and another super alloy and do i have enough for three oh i don't so i'll grab the stuff so i can craft another one and then i'll grab these two out of here take off my giant oxygen tank and then i'll craft up another oxygen tank yay we can hold so much more air in our life and put that back oh 370 that's a huge increase i kind of want to get a rocket engine too because that sounds really fun and i need two of those to make a jet pack which would mean i need four uranium and two iridium and that looks like i have four uranium and two iridium so that's our next goal i also just kind of like collecting everything that i see so if i grab two uranium and an iridium rod i can go ahead and make a rocket engine oh yes and then we can do it again iridium uranium uranium and then okay we have two rockets that's so cool and then we can make a jet pack oh yes wait there's a slight problem here i don't have enough space in here to put a jet pack on um mining speed we don't need mining speed right now we need jet packs i'm so excited ready i'm gonna fly i'm gonna fly because i have a jet pack ready get set in yeah how do i use the jet pack oh it's not very exciting but i have a jet pack do i have unlimited fuel in my jet pack i might that doesn't help me jump very far at least i have one i'm feeling like i need to get my exoskeleton leveled up now oh that's super cheap oh and i just unlocked a biodome oh man i'm so excited i don't even know what a biodome is and i want one bio dome perfect place to grow plants and generate o2 i need it does 37 per second energy but 135 oxygen i don't even remember what i needed for the exo skills and i was just so excited i'm just going to grab a bunch of stuff and probably not going to have what i need and then i'm going to cry and go run back out here and you guys won't even know because i'll edit it all out oh a flower pot oh man i can move so much faster when i'm jet packing around too this is so if i take off my exoskeleton oh packer and i magically find it hidden around here somewhere then i should be able to build oh no i gotta get all of that i feel like there probably is a better way to do this than the way i am okay exo skeleton one titanium oh boy yeah i can still hold the backpack i just need to grab everything so i think i've got good news and bad news uh good news is i picked everything up bad news is i can't find everything that i had so i don't know where my my exo suit went i still have my jet pack though so we've got that going for us i guess we'll just build an exosuit skeleton one keep that in our backpack and then grab another magnesium rod from somewhere in my messy chests of messiness come back over here grab the exo suit level two and then a bada bing bada boom we will remove the jelly boots put the exo skeleton and now i have more room for lots of fun stuff oh these are only agility boots one that's too bad i could build second ones except they're kind of expensive thankfully i do have a little bit of fabric left over and if i just take these boots off i should be able to craft agility boots number two yay i can go so much faster now let's see oh yeah that's a lot faster plus jetpack this is great so i'd really like to build the biodome next three super alloy and we're almost 90 of the way to rain oh that's fantastic so i kind of hate to do this i don't but i do i would like oh can i just ah i can't okay we're gonna remove some things here a lot of these don't particularly matter these wind turbines are just level one these drills are well that was a level two but i'm just gonna grab these and then i can reconstruct them in a later date but i really i'll balls don't go there i really want to put this biodome like right next to me i don't have a lerma seed why do i not have a lerma seed hello yes i'd like one lerma are you a lerma thank you for your donation of lerma juice and then i would like to put this like right oh my word this thing is chunky big i didn't realize how big it was gonna be maybe we'll just put it right over here uh and then is there a door does it connect i don't know what's going on right now okay we'll shove it into the wall like right here and then i hopefully oh it's so cool i need to go inside there i got an achievement called biomass how do they know my nickname in high school okay run around the corner oh that's so cool i love it there's a chair i love chairs can i just chair show interface bio lab unlocks at 865 g chemistry algae generators biomass rocket what oh new blueprint autumn atmospheric water collector wait wait wait wait wait wait wait does that mean it's gonna rain oh it's raining outside rain rain rain rain rain rain it's not raining that is but the rest of it isn't i guess instead of all those little drills that i deconstructed i might as well just build a few more like real drills if you know what i mean yeah the big tier three puppies they don't have to be right next to each other either so we'll grab you and we'll put you in right here i guess we'll drill that same hole that will turn it turn you right around baby there we go stop at you're being annoying right now can i do what i want to do thank you wow those are expensive thankfully i am rich drill drill drill i don't feel real real talk right now i don't know why i want that it just collects water from ambient air that's neat and all but i can just pick up ice i kind of want more grass spreaders instead just want a really nice looking lawn that's what i want me so oh balls i'm out of power i need another one of these now it's raining it's raining got another solar panel it's raining yes that's so cool i'm gonna do another one of these ah they're expensive i don't care if it's expensive we're going for another grass better i wonder if the regular ground's gonna start spreading seeds cause like it's dripping we're sloshing through mud and we're about to hit a million terraformation index all right on second thought i really just want to get the atmospheric water condenser because i think it looks cool oh balls not more power drain that looks so fun though oh and this is interesting we hit the 115 000 heat so that cave just got unlocked i just need more power out here all right get a little bit more power hopefully that's enough to get everything going again it is yes atmospheric condenser i need to open it oh wow so water comes out of there interesting water bottle fully quench your thirst thank you i'll just drink that up oh so i'll head right back into the cave of secrets of wonder and on hopefully i can just fly up no i can't but i can fly right up this thing yup yup yup yep yep yep where is the rope up nice and then that cave should be unlocked should be starting to un to melt now please melt please be melted start melting at a hundred okay this i did that that's what it was i just can't get over how it's raining and i'm collecting water and it's amazing ah there's so much of it already yes okay we're gonna go up here because there was that cave right on the other side so there's one more thing that we unlocked earlier that i haven't really played with the launch platform greatly speeds up terra for terror transfer terraformation cat words process by sending rockets to space super alloys titanium how much do i have looks like i have four super alloy and just enough titanium that i can build myself a launch platform oh wow that's huge how do i oh here we go oh low power no no no no no no that's got to take a lot too doesn't it oh pecker we need 50 more we need another nuclear reactor or i don't know four more solar panels yikes oh good power is restored and the gigantic rocket launcher pad is ready to go i don't even know what this does but i like it can i just call in rockets be like hey i wanna asteroid attraction rocket attracts uranium asteroids what attracts iridium asteroids wait uranium iridium we need uranium i need this but i tell you what my friends that is gonna do it for today's episode of planet crafter next time we're gonna build up that rocket get uranium in here and then probably build more of these beautiful nuclear reactors so thanks for watching i hope you've enjoyed if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd also like to thank the patreon and youtube supporters especially alan h apollo bunny autodave auto dave bieninator ben dickie j ty hippies destruct old man eagle lark maxer spencer t vc engineer whip it good baron fox darn off deegan jason amral whiskey spider sacks joe b fury arrow doug rules 2.0 nerdy geek skunk chest accordion link here bread and lewis
Channel: Blitz
Views: 327,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, the planet crafter, planet crafter, planet crafter blitz, blitz planet crafter, the planet crafter blitz, blitz the planet crafter, the planet craft gameplay, the planet crafter tips, the planet crafter gameplay, the planet crafter aluminum, the planet crafter drill, planet crafter ep 1, planet crafter gameplay, planet crafter game, planet crafter base, planet crafter base building, planet crafter base design
Id: d1bUI3DpBsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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