Powering Nuclear Reactors With REFINED URANIUM in Planet Crafter

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well hello my friends i'm blitz welcome back to a game called planet crafter you know the game where we terraform mars by creating a ton of different high-tech tools well you guys told me about a secret cave full of uranium in the last video so i'm gonna go to that cave steal all the radioactive materials without turning into a ninja turtle and then use that uranium to build a super powered nuclear reactor we're also gonna use all of that new power to build some big machines to grow lots of plants to terraform mars even better and the more plants that we have the more plants we can also eat and speaking of eating i'd like to thank hellofresh for sponsoring this video and if for some reason you haven't heard of hellofresh before it's a company that i've been using personally for a few years now to deliver fresh meals to my home so i can cook them on my own time today we're going to be cooking up some buffalo spiced crispy chicken with mashed potatoes and roasted carrots with hello fresh the recipes are super easy to follow and all of the ingredients are pre-measured to help cut down on the prep time also makes cleanup a lot easier and we don't need to waste money buying ingredients that are only used once all hello fresh recipes come pre-portioned to make sure that i have the right amount of food for each recipe and the meals are about 72 percent cheaper than eating at a restaurant all of the food is quite delicious and there's a ton of different options to try from recipes from all over the world and all the food comes from the farm to your door in under a week that means it's super fresh and super good tasting there's also options for adding swapping or upgrading proteins each week and adding proteins to vegetable dishes for more flexibility hellofresh is also the first carbon neutral meal kit company that means nearly all of the packaging is recyclable and with all of the food being pre-portioned hellofresh cuts down on wasted food by about 25 percent compared to grocery shopping and it helps you eat more sustainably so if you'd like to get some delicious meals make sure you go to hellofresh.com and use the code blitz16 for up to 16 free meals and three surprise gifts that's hellofresh.com and use the code blitz16 in all caps for 16 meals and three surprise gifts unfortunately they don't ship to mars like we are today in planet crafter but let's get back into the game oh no our hydration level's low i might as well just jump on top of this thing and get hydrated if only it worked like that no we have to go dump it to the bottom of this and don't mind us we had a meteor strike last video so let's drink some water don't mind the eggplants in my inventory either and we have something exciting happening today you guys told me that there is a cave full of green shiny rocks tons of iridium so we can get the tier 2 nuclear reactors that's my ultimate goal in today's video is to get that we can also play around with some of the things way back here in the bio lab like explosive power mutagens bacteria samples we could actually make a bacteria sample i don't know if it does anything but i want to touch bacteria so let's do it okay we got a sample of bacteria that was fun good job blitz i'm proud of you so we'll shove that back in here empty out the inventory a little bit by throwing the trunk in my junk other way around junk in the trunk grab some water bottles i'll take two of those with us actually are the beans ready they are we'll take the beans instead and replant them and just because i feel it necessary we'll take an extra oxygen capsule okay so we got a long run i believe we have to go over my rocket lab through the weird aluminum caves and pass the big spiky spires of rocks into this little opening right back here it's also super dark but there is one little tiny entrance that we can snake our way through oh there's lava back here is that what that is what is that or it's just the sunset interesting and then somewhere deep in here we have a room full of uranium it probably makes you taste funny like like you would probably taste like radioactivity for a long time but we should be able to build a nuclear reactor out of this mess so that's good oh there's also a box of shiny things oh it's not really that exciting i think i got everything out of here that's a good supply maybe not enough but i found another chest with even more in it so that's good oh shoot look what i just found i didn't realize there's a yellow chest under this bridge please give me the cool things my people desire okay uh i could just drop the silicone and grab i don't know that oh rods we need rods uh uh uh iron down then a uranium rod that's good um what do i do next i don't know maybe i'll just transfer the that thing there and then grab this cool i'll come back for you in the later i promise okay for my next trick we are going to build a rocket engine yes please that was actually free i didn't realize that was free from our little adventure and i want to transfer all of this junk over here unlock something else from you what did i get oh the gps satellite tier two i don't even care about that i do care about growing the golden seed though we'll put that in there okay so i should be able to craft up that iridium satellite now uranium totally get these mixed up but that is the right one we're gonna launch that up into space and it's gonna give me even more green shiny rocks so i can build a better nuclear reactor good job little missile i'm proud of you make go make me proud good job i love you you know tell it nice things when it leaves because it might not come back ever also it might bring its friends which are gigantic meteorites made out of radioactive material yeah there comes one right now it's gonna crash directly into me it makes me a little bit terrified but if i open my mouth like i catch a snowflake actually that's gonna miss a long way away yay green shiny rocks i love you now the thing about this super duper expensive tier two nuclear reactor it takes three uranium rods which isn't really that hard to get it just takes a lot of uranium which we don't really have that much again we do have a lot never mind come on open sesame more uranium please another uranium please oh i have three uranium rods also i have plenty of leftover uranium which is good we might need that to build extra things you know on second thought i might just want to make another rocket engine and send that up right away too alright round number two unlimited uranium is the best kind of uranium now i did craft up one explosive powder last time oh the new lg generator is online too and if i wow why does it have to be so windy out here oh wow i love that so let's make this a tier 2 nuclear reactor oh it's chunky it's a large one hot dang is that big why'd you go away rock wow okay yeah so much power now what do we need to make that one oh bio plastic nuggets that's actually not too bad and our power now we have so much power okay cool so i think the next thing we should do is build tons more of these tier three heaters we can't unlock the tier four yet because that takes a lot of things that we don't have which is more oxygen we're about a fifth of the way there but it does look like heat is the smallest one pressure is almost just as small so we can get lots of heat by making tons of iridium rods and now you might remember about our upstairs area here where i've just jam-packed full of additional heaters good one yeah i don't know if these are gonna fit but we'll jam them in here the best we can yeah they're not gonna fit that just means we're gonna have to make this weird little cantilever building right like that and now we can shove extra heaters back in the corner and pretend that they don't exist now i don't think i like my bedroom up here because it's like 10 bajillion degrees like we're heating up an entire planet in that one room but it's working out okay i'm beautiful our eggplants are ready let's actually harvest the eggplants i don't know if i'm gonna plant any more of them so we are gonna need a couple mushrooms and maybe another squash i guess we'll put these other two bacon eggplants now you might be asking yourself you're saying to yourself blitz why do you have so many stupid eggplants in your life and the answer is i think i can turn them into fertilizer yes i can we just need a few chunks of sulfur and to grab the lg out of here lj elge how much ever you want to say it i don't know i'm not a rocket surgeon do i need how many more of those do we need i just want to build some flower spreaders my dudes i also want some of these because they seem like a good idea and they do 350 oxygen per second oh beautiful fertilizer you smell like poop because you are do you like my song i just made up i think i can do one more oh i don't have any more lg that's too bad so now i should be able to just build better flower spreaders here should we put our flower spreader right in the middle of our front entryway i kind of like that idea we're getting a lot oh this will be the first time we get flowers not just grass and algae that's awesome and let's move another one like right here why not that looks like a nice spot we should probably go collect all of the uh uranium that's scattered around the planet too oh bio dome tier two that sounds fun there's still more over there and i've got a full inventory worth that was definitely worthwhile sending those uh satellites up this place looks weird at night too oh my the biodome tier 2 generates tree barks what how do i build one okay bacteria sample super alloys fertilizer that's actually not that bad and it doesn't take so much energy but it does a lot of oxygen you know my friends we might have a slight problem here this water is coming up a lot in these videos and our base is not far away hopefully this whole thing doesn't flood because that would really suck we'd have to move everything but the good news is i found a ton more uranium hiding out under water when i was going to get some of the algae so that's awesome and we can just grab out our eggplants out of the closet which sounds kind of strange i have one bacterial sample on me now let's grab another one oh i need more algae what i need water you know what let's just make some fertilizer quick oh pecker i don't have anything me a sulfur then i'll make a fertilizer now did i make fertilizer to make something else okay i made fertilizer good so i'll grab some more water out of you i'll create up another bacterial sample oh that looks so cool and now i just need what two super alloys thankfully we have a big old stash of those never mind there's not a big stash we have a small stash and then we can place this somewhere maybe right here does that look like a good spot can i just place it oh that's a little weird hydration level low oh no slap that in my mouth kind of excited about this one i've never had trees on mars before so that's cool okay we're gonna put that here and i need to rotate it how do i how do i do this okay that looks actually right and i just need to attach it to that building do you get attached to buildings yeah yeah yeah yeah you attach it is it attached it's attached i mean it's kind of a weird spot but whatever we have trees on mars oh balls i can't even can't even put a door there oh that thing looks so awesome look at that we got trees i really need a bunch of iron and to build up things underneath of it because that looks just strange okay there we go yeah we need a ladder up there too how to build a ladder i don't have iron get up there yes we have trees on mars oh what does this do biodome 2. i can uh tree bark does it generate tree bark can i give it uranium mega eggplant eggplant trees huh that's cool i like this place and also been on this planet for like six years and i still made a bed yet i think i just recognized something we have this flower spreader here i have to open it and put flowers inside of it uh whoops feels so dumb there's probably like 74 comments in the last video about that that's fine did i only make two i don't remember back that was like 18 minutes ago i recorded that video i think that's good looks nice flowers and stuff now how fast is our oxygen going up parts per billion no 4 000 parts per cube per second oh the lake water collector has been created that means i think i've unlocked lakes now does that mean it's not going to go any higher than this i hope so i hope we just maximum water level right here oh we're growing moss now we're going to make the planet green i'm also kind of excited because i just got enough material to build another ore extractor and putting one of these by our base is going to be very helpful so let's put that right there and now this should drill and i'm not sure what it's going to get i'm guessing iron and the rest of the things awesome the mushrooms are ready too we'll replant those does that mean my beans are also ready no that one is that's good because i'm kind of getting hungry in the game eat the beans yeah we don't want to eat the mushrooms so those should make me plasteel or whatever that was called yeah bioplastic nuggets all right i kind of want to build another one of these biodomes so let's get two more fertilizers hopefully i have enough stuff good tumor fertilizers i need two bacteria samples oh no and this is interesting too i don't have any more water or ice on the planet because it's too warm now didn't even think that was possible but the only way we can get water is through this atmosphere condenser and we have one beautiful okay can i we're just gonna store that titanium in there for a half a minute and then we'll make a bacteria sample yep and one more bacteria samples nice that'll clear up a lot of our inventory space and now all we need is one more sulfur please be sulfur in the cap dad please be sulfur in the other cabinet way over here on the other side of the no this one yes silver i'm also building up a lot of these uranium rods because i had way too many funds with the last asteroid strikes so if i could build that one there i wonder if i can just dump another one off the corner here yeah like such as you just attach attach attach oh that attached hey hot diggity dog we got another biodome almost reminds me of uh video game character what do i do in here i have tree bark thanks game but i just wanted lots of tree bark and stuff actually i really want the oxygen you produce can't even do anything with the tree bark but the good news is our biomass is increasing quite fast and the next step is a biomass rocket i'm not gonna lie i really should have built that drill outside sooner you get a lot of good stuff out of a drill i love it those biodomes are by far the most expensive electricity production thing i have or using not producting i need to grab a bunch more sulfur from this area so i can build some more things so we'll grab these i'm wondering if i sneak my way around the edge if i can find another cave or you know another box with treasure in it yes please super alloys that's kind of treasury right yeah that's good treasure this place can get really trippy too wow what is going on right now why is everything all pink and white and weird looking whoa that was strange that was a good stash of super alloys very nice and a lot of sulfur all right there's another thing i wanted to build which is the shredder machine i feel like right here's a good spot for it i don't know what to do with it open it put in uh your okay and then shred it what did it do did it just straight up get rid of it what that's stupid i love it it's just straight up just destroys whatever why do i want to destroy things why why did i put something expensive in it like iridium whoopsies oh beautiful reigns bless my planet make it green and give me all the water i need water water i have plans to prosper my dudes we need to build additional nuclear reactors over here yeah yeah these ones but i need water and explosive powder i think i have explosive powder in my bag over here i don't give me some of this and one of these and then i go clickety clack boomy boom yes it's working and then i should have enough i just need one more water drink come on i know you're ooh a new message i know you're collecting water thank you okay i don't really don't care about you so i'm just gonna deconstruct you real quick oh wow that water instantly or the the grass instantly went away okay there we go a second nuclear reactor i'm gonna go ahead and put that little guy back behind here where are you little dude yeah grass spreader there you can go play in between these two make everything all beautiful and pretty we have so much power now it's fantastic the game is actually lagging because of all of the rain look how cool this place looks though except when it's like purple look at all these free real estate resources we got to and then check this out that drill we built look at all the free stuff we got over there nice we have a good surplus of power 400 yay and we're very close to unlocking a few other things too got that heat going nicely what's that take 63 we're not even close to there yet feel like i might need additional biodomes but i tell you what my friends that is gonna do it for today's episode of planet crafter hope you've enjoyed this one this game it it surprises me how much fun it is oh these things look so cool too anyway thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd also like to thank the patreon and youtube supporters especially alan h apollo bunny auto dave bieninator ben dickie j tahibius destructo man eagle lark maxer spencer t vc engineer whip it good baron fox arnoff deegan jason ambrell whiskey spider sacks joe b fury arrow dog rules 2.0 nerdy geek skunk chest accordion link here bread and lewis
Channel: Blitz
Views: 280,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, the planet crafter, planet crafter, planet crafter blitz, blitz planet crafter, the planet crafter blitz, blitz the planet crafter, the planet craft gameplay, the planet crafter tips, the planet crafter drill, planet crafter ep 1, planet crafter base, planet crafter base building, planet crafter base design, planet crafter rocket, planet crafter nuclear reactor, planet crafter nuclear fusion, planet crafter nuclear fusion generator
Id: _NG9d5U0fE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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