Using PDF Bookmarks for Differentiation | PDF Tips for Teachers

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I absolutely love it when teachers reach out to us and let us know how they're using Fox and PDF editor in their classroom or with their curriculum to save time or just make their lives a little bit easier case in point a teacher recently reached out to me and said that she had attended one of our live webinars recently and during the demo we kind of quickly went over a feature that I didn't really give too much thought to and that's the bookmark feature now this feature is generally used just to mark your place in a longer PDF or maybe to Mark where the different chapters are but one teacher found a way to use bookmarks to build differentiation for her students thank you thank you [Music] this teacher taught the same subject at the same level but to multiple students divided throughout the day into different classes so even though all of these students could use the same resource they were all at different places within that Resource One class had students that seemed to excel in their reading another class had students that struggled a little bit more and needed a little bit more help you can see how this can get pretty complicated right right so she had come up with a bunch of different ways to try to just keep it straight so she knew which class was where in different resources but then when she saw bookmarks that gave her this idea so I have here a resource that was downloaded from and I do have links by the way to everything that I use in the Demos in the description below this document is about 115 pages long how can you read this there's no pictures so to build differentiation between all of our different students and all the different classes we're going to use the bookmark feature bookmarks are right here in the top where it says ad remove and manage bookmarks it's this little bookmark looking icon right here if you don't see the icon it might be because this is collapsed so just click right here to open this panel here and then I'm going to click on ADD remove and manage my bookmarks now normally we would just click on where it says add bookmark and we would say like this is uh introduction to world or two hit enter and there we go introduction to World War II so now next time when we come back we just click on the little button and it takes us right to that part in the PDF if I want to remove a bookmark I simply click on it and click the little bookmark with the little x button next to it that says delete bookmark and it goes away so that's the basics of it let me show you how this teacher was using it let's say she had one class that was here so she would click add bookmark and simply label it the name of her class and give it the date 23. this let her know this is where this class was on this date her next class may have gotten a little bit farther so she would simply bookmark by adding another bookmark and here is class one B so you can see what she's done here the next day when she comes in as she goes through her day she simply clicks on the class and that takes her to exactly where that class left off the day before then she could simply delete that bookmark and then add a new bookmark with a new date and this way she's able to keep track of exactly where each class is so this would separate the different classes but if she had students in those classes that were at different places within this same resource all she would do is add a new bookmark and let's call our student Harry Potter or wish now I can click and hold and I can move Harry to a class and now we see Harry is actually in class 1a so if I click class 1a is here on Harry Potter is here so this is just one example of a way that you can use bookmarks to build differentiation in your classroom I'm sure there are many other ways that you can use Fox and PDF Editor to enhance your classroom experience and I would love to know all about it in the comments below make sure you let us know how are you using foxitpdf editor in your classroom you can also reach out to us if you have any questions at all regarding Fox and PDF editor or Fox at esign for Education again I have links there in the description down below so what do you think of the way this teacher is using bookmarks in foxit PDF Editor to build differentiation let us know in the comments down below also be sure to like this video because it really helps out the algorithm and don't forget to subscribe to the channel before you go I'm Chuck from Fox and thanks so much for watching I hope to see you in the next video take care [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Foxit Education
Views: 1,037
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Id: eGcNo29nmpc
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Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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