Foxit PDF Editor Suite Pro vs Adobe Acrobat | Which Is the Better PDF Editor? | Feature Review

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Hello everyone, thank you for joining me today. This is Daniel Godfrey here from the Foxit Education team here at Foxit Software. And I just want to talk to you a little bit today about a question that we receive from a lot of people who are looking into using Foxit PDF Editor. And that is what is the difference between Foxit PDF Editor and Adobe Acrobat. What are the differences between these two solutions? A lot of our users are former Adobe Acrobat users who are looking for a new solution, whether it be to save money or because they're looking for more features and document tools. And they're going to stumble across Foxit because we are the number two PDF Editor solution in the world. But we get a lot of questions about what are the differences feature-wise between these two solutions. People want to find a solution that not only saves them money, but also improves on the technology they had before. So they want to know the tools and the features that are going to add to their experience. So today we're going to take a look at some of the features that are included in Foxit PDF Editor that you're not going to be able to find Adobe Acrobat. This also includes taking a look at our ChatGPT integration so you can see how you can leverage ChatGPT directly in our Foxit PDF Editor online solution to save you time when creating text or doing research. So today we're going to start by taking a look at some of the user interface and user experience differences between Foxit PDF Editor and Adobe Acrobat. So as you can see here, we have our Foxit PDF Editor version 12 for Windows Open. This is going to be our most feature rich version of Foxit PDF Editor. So just a reminder, Foxit PDF Editor is available on Mac, Windows, online for your web browser and on your mobile devices for iOS or Android. Right now we're just looking at our Windows version 12, which is our most updated version right now. So as you can see, so anyone who has been familiar with other applications like Microsoft Word or Google documents will be immediately familiar with the user interface. It has kind of the standard document interface of your main categories for editing and organizing your document up top on the top ribbon bar. We also have side panels that provide other very quick tools like creating bookmarks, looking at different document layers and other tools like that. Over here with Adobe, though, there is a little bit of a difference in the user interface. It's a little bit more simplified, which can be good if you're looking for a simple solution. But, you know, if you're providing this to a lot of users, you know, the simple, the kind of simplified user interface can be a little difficult for finding all the tools you're looking for. So as you can see here, like on their edit tab, there are nested lists of tools like right here. You have to go down here, click more to find some pretty basic tools like attaching files and creating other other multimedia for your devices or for your documents. And if you do want to use other tools that aren't available in these top three categories, you can go over here to all tools. So one problem is that when you are looking for these tools, you're using this side panel, which, you know, a lot of applications use for, you know, a convenient side panel or, you know, for actual tools that they might put there. But here it's kind of being used by this navigation panel, which takes a little bit of functionality away. And it can be a little bit difficult to understand where you might find the tool you're looking for with these more broad categories. Again, there's still more, you know, lists of nesting lists, which, you know, again, can be harder to find the exact tool that you might be trying to use that you might be expecting to be more readily available. Foxit also has some UI and UX features that aren't even available in Adobe Acrobat, one of them being an ability to actually create a task. And then you can also create a tab group so you can view documents side by side in the same window. So if I have two documents open right here, like I do, I can click on one of them or I click on it and I can open up a either horizontal or vertical tab group. So that will decide which orientation the documents are in. So I do a vertical tab group. As you can see, I can actually view two of my documents side by side, two different documents all within the same window. I would actually have to open up multiple windows, so multiple kind of like instances of Adobe Acrobat. So I can click out and drag this document from outside the window and then kind of reoriented myself to get a similar sort of experience. But obviously now I have two different windows open. Also, I'm going to have two different interfaces for all this. So it's not going to exactly save me as much space so I can actually view the documents side by side well like I can right here in Foxit PDF Editor. Another key difference we're going to look at between Foxit PDF Editor and Adobe Acrobat is how you edit text. So a lot of people, when they are editing text and PDF documents, find it a little difficult because they work different than how they might work in Microsoft Word or Google Docs where the text kind of flows into the next text box and you can create different columns and things like that, where text on a PDF document is handled a little bit differently. So as you can see here in Foxit PDF Editor, if I wanted to do something like add more text to this this paragraph right here, it's not going to immediately reflow properly into the top paragraph right here like you would expect it. It's going to actually bleed down into these other objects down here. So if I just go to my edit tab and then edit text, so I want to edit more text here. Hello, here is more text. As you can see, actually kind of reflowed down here into the bottom here. So I'm going to undo that. Foxit PDF Editor provides a tool that allows you to actually flow your text in a little bit more of a natural way that you might expect from a Microsoft Word or Google Docs. So what we can do is actually go over here to link and join text that allows us to select two different text boxes and we can actually link these two text boxes together so that the Foxit PDF Editor knows that that is where you want to reflow the text to. So once I link that and I'll have to click link right here, I can now go back to my edit and edit text object. Now, when I add more text here, it actually reflows to the next paragraph that you might actually expect to do like in Microsoft Word again. Now, for Adobe Acrobat, this is actually kind of a lot of a different experience. So as you see right here, we have the same document. If I want to do a similar thing and edit the text, not only do I not have the ability to connect these two boxes together, but as you can see, it actually looked at the text a lot differently. Breaking it down into many little pieces rather than, you know, one text box like it did in the Foxit PDF Editor. So unfortunately, Adobe Acrobat does not provide a tool that allows you to do similar text reflow that you might do from or it might do in Adobe or sorry, Foxit PDF Editor. So as you can see, it just kind of bleeds into the next text box right next to it. You know, even having a little bit of a delay when it does it. So, yeah, you're not going to have that same kind of document experience that you've got a lot of people expect from a document editor, which is going to make it a lot more difficult to edit the text inside your PDF document than it would if you were using Foxit PDF Editor. Another really useful tool that's only available in Foxit PDF Editor is the ability to search and highlight your text from your document. It was great for preparing documents and this actually done in batches. So if you have multiple documents that you want to search through and highlight text in, you can do that together. So what I'm going to do is go up to my search bar and down here in the advanced searches and we go down to search and highlight. I'm just going to open up this side panel right here. So as I said, you have the ability to add multiple documents or you just do the current document or the documents that are currently open. And you can actually decide what type of match you want. If you want exact matches to a phrase or a string, then you can set that. Or if you want it to be less accurate, just in case there's any spelling errors or anything like that, you do that as well. So as you can see right here, we have to go down to highlight text and check that. And now we can see if there are any instances where parks, which there probably will be because it's a document about national parks. When I search for it, it'll give me all the places where parks is found. All I have to do is to apply highlights. This is check all these and then click this T right here, which will apply a yellow highlight to all of the places where my search term was found. And yeah, this is great for preparing documents for multiple readers to check parts where they're going to be looking for if you're doing like strips or something like that. Or if you are just doing research and studying, you know, you could find certain areas that you're looking for a lot easier with the search and highlight functions. The last tool we're going to look at in our Windows version of Foxit PDF editor that makes it unique to Adobe Acrobat is our auto-redact tool, which is a tool that uses AI to actually look through your documents to find sensitive information that you want to redact. So this is for anyone who's preparing documents for release that might have specific information that they want to remove, whether it be from a study that you've done. You want to remove participants information from the data or really any sensitive information that you might be publishing from a document that you don't want available online. You're going to want to redact that sensitive information to protect your users or whoever's data. So what we're going to do is go over here to our Protect tab. As you can see right here on the left, we have this option for Smart Redact. So we bring this down and click Auto-Redact. Here it'll bring up a tab over here to the right, give you a little bit of information. But yeah, as you can see, it provides you some categories for sensitive information that I'll be looking for and where we'll be looking for it. So throughout the PDF components. So this will be looking through not only the text information, but also the fields for form. So if someone has actually filled out a form, this will look through those, you know, the information they've provided for any sensitive data. So your name or your role or your email, your age, your location is all included in sensitive data. We also are looking for things like financial documents, U.S. government documents, U.S. medical documents. All these things are going to be automatically found in this document. So all you have to do is go down here to Scan and it'll just take a second. It may be modified after this, obviously, because it has to delete the information. So first we're going to have to do is save this document. So I'm going to save this right here. I'm actually going to save it under. All right, click save. So it'll walk through the document and look for anything that appears to be sensitive information. So again, these are your location, your name, address, phone number, social security number, anything that has the appearance of sensitive information. It will look for and try to remove from the from the document. So it's going to take a second to go through the analysis. All right, as you can see, once the processing is done, it'll give you the results here on this right panel. So yeah, so it'll give you an idea of how many different results they found. So locations was a big one, obviously, for this is national parks. That's been talked about a lot of locations. So it'll give you actually the opportunity to decide if you want any of these locations rejected or and it actually give you the tag of what the information they found in here. So it tagged a sensitive information or GDPR, which is a European standard for data protection. They also have dates that are protected. So a lot of years here for anything also that is spelled out in words for years or time, like three hours or something like that is also going to be checked. But you have the ability to check any of this and decide whether or not you want to keep it or not, or if you want to entirely get rid of it. And once this is redacted, it is removed entirely from the document. Any trace of that data has been completely destroyed and it'll apply a black box over it. So, yes, you see, again, names, any any any specific name is going to going to be removed. So if I wanted to, I could just click check all and it'll check any of the information and apply a redaction to it immediately. And again, so this is completely removing that information from the document, even the parts that you can't see that the back end of the document that has any any archive data is completely removed for that text. And you don't have to worry about any data leak or anything after that. We're going to switch gears for a second and check out our Foxit PDF Editor Online tool and specifically look at one tool that really separates it from Adobe Acrobat. And that is the inclusion of the AI Assistant, which is a ChatGPT integration for Foxit PDF Editor Online. So this tool allows you to do a couple of really interesting things. First off, I think one of the most useful tools here right here in this AI Assistant toolbox is the ability to summarize a document. So this is great for anyone who is doing research or looking through many documents, trying to find information that is useful to them and want to do a quick glance at a document rather than read through headers and titles and try to find the information they're looking for or to make sure that that information is actually included there. Right here in this window, we see the summarize document buttons. All we have to do is click this and it'll start creating a summary of the document based on the available text. So this will look through all the different titles and text from the document and create a small summary that is probably about one tenth the size of the amount of text that's available on the document. As you can see right here, we have just had this perfect little summary that's really easy to read and a lot more simple than reading through this whole document and trying to figure out if this is the information that is useful for me. And there are more tools available with this AI Assistant. One of them is when you highlight this, you're going to get a new set of tools pop up here. One of them is enhanced writing of the text. So this will take the text that you've highlighted and enhance the writing in ways that are more complex or different. So this is great for paraphrasing certain pieces of text or kind of maybe looking at it in different ways. So we just click enhanced text right here. It'll do a very similar thing where it'll take that text and change it. So kind of simplify it as well, but pull out pull out some useful information and kind of more contextual information will be added to the prompt. But these aren't the only ways you can use the AI Assistant and Foxit PDF Editor. Anyway, you would use ChatGPT with the prompts. You can actually do it in this window. So for research purposes or something like that, I could look up which is which is the largest national park. So just like ChatGPT, all you have to do is put in a prompt and it'll give you back information based off of the available data that ChatGPT has. So this is a great tool for doing research or for studying when you want to look up something quick or if you want to change your phrasing on something or get assistance in writing, this AI Assistant is really a game changing tool. And currently this is a unique feature to Foxit PDF Editor online. And you're not going to be able to find this right now in Adobe Acrobat. So it really changes the way in which you're going to be able to write documents. So these are just a few of the unique features you're going to find in Foxit PDF Editor that you're not going to be able to find in Adobe Acrobat right now. And but one of the major reasons that people look for a new solution from Adobe Acrobat is price. And that is where Foxit PDF Editor really shines because right now for our education users, you can get a license for Foxit PDF Editor for all of our products on all of our platforms. So you get your desktop for Mac or Windows, Mobile for iOS or Android and available on your browser. And all of that is in a license for $39.95 (per user, per year). Currently right now, if you're going to try to find the same comparable features in Adobe Acrobat, you're going to be paying nearly $240.00 for education pricing, which is significantly more. And when you have an option to find a PDF editor that has not only the same features, but features on top of those that provide even more functionality, it becomes really clear that Foxit is the best alternative you're going to find Adobe Acrobat. Thank you for joining me today. And if you're looking to find out more about Foxit PDF Editor or any other of our Foxit products, check us out at our Foxit education page on YouTube where you can find tips and tricks for students and teachers for how to use our products for education and how to get the most out of Foxit PDF Editor. Thank you. Have a good one.
Channel: Foxit Education
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Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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