FoxIt PDF Editor Basics

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in this short video tutorial i'll be showing you some of the basics of how to use the foxit pdf tool the fox and pdf editor will allow you to edit existing pdfs even if they were created using an adobe acrobat tool so i have one here from our friends in dasa finance this is the large purchase requisition request form and you'll notice that i can fill this out using the default editor right here in mac os which is preview there we go and we're editing this so we know it has good compatibility we know the form information has stuck around now let's see what happens when we open that using right click open with and the foxit pdf editor okay here we are we can still fill this out by clicking on the form fields okay great so we have a tool that we can work with now let's try to edit something and here's where we run into an issue we notice that all of our edit text fields are grayed out and we can't use them so the next thing that we need to do is make this a format that we can edit and to do that we're actually going to convert this file to a word document and we can see now that we have a valid word file and to do that all we had to do was click convert to ms office pick word and then tell it where we wanted to save it now we have a word document that we can edit here and i think the only change i really want to make here is to say that this is uh needs to be left aligned because it looked a little funny that was it i'm gonna hit save and close it out okay that doesn't solve the problem of being able to edit it in the pdf editor and so what we'll need to do next is actually convert that back to a pdf using the from file so we find our word document and click open you'll be prompted with an opportunity to use the online service or the local service i recommend using the local service i think it does a nice job of it and here we are now when i go into edit i can edit text and you'll see all the text that i'm able to edit in here so let's change this last updated all i have to do is click at the text and i'm going to say 8 12 20 22. awesome so now i've been able to edit our text and i might even want to resize this or remove it move it around and i can change now okay perfect so we've made some edits but this is no longer a form so what are we going to do let's click on the form tab and from here we're going to click run form field recognition and this is going to inspect the file and look for the areas where it thinks that there is a form field present okay here we are you'll notice that it did find a number of areas where there are form fields but now we can fill this out as we could before let's just make sure that it's everywhere where we want to see a form and so it looks good with the exception of is there a price per unit you don't want to exceed so let's talk about how to add and edit form fields and from the form tab you have a selection of form field types that you can use just by hovering you can see what those types are and we need a text field so i'm going to click on the text field and then i'm just going to draw in where i want this form field to be i'm going to give it a name and i'm going to say price not exceed and i can make that required if i want i can also do some other interesting things i can also go into all properties and i can change the appearance by setting the font size i can also change the position of it but in this case i want to change the format to a number format that will automatically add a dollar sign and two decimal places okay when i'm done editing and come back out let's give it a little test say 2500 and there it's converted it to the correct format so it's very handy some of these form fields are different heights and sizes and so that looks a little strange and we can click back on that form field the text field editor and we can resize these as we see fit it won't affect the functionality but it might make it look a little bit nicer and so that's something that we can do and we can also go in and let's say we want to make sure there's plenty of space for this to be filled out i'm going to make this a 10 point font field and hit close and now when i come back out and i type in here that's only going to be 10 point font instead of a much larger font like you might see in the ouc field where it's larger okay i want to share this so all i need to do at this point once i've finished making all of my edits i can come in and click on the disk icon for save and i'm going to call this keith's saved version and let's save that to our desktop okay there it is on the desktop let's go ahead and we're going to edit this one uh with preview first and you'll notice that we can fill this out i left these fields filled in here which is why they saved if i wanted to have a clean version i could come back in here and delete this let me show you another useful little tool that's built in here let's say you're testing your form and making sure that everything is good and you don't want to have to empty everything field by field if you click on form and then click reset form and yes this will actually clear the form out for you and then we're just going to save this one more time okay and now let's open that again and notice we now have a clean and empty version okay so let's take a look and see if we can edit this adobe reader okay and there we go we can see our little formatting field work the way it was supposed to work as we set it up inside of our document and if we come down to the bottom we'll see that the text that we saved for 8 12 20 22 is all there and there you have it that's how you can use the foxit pdf editor tool to convert and edit documents that may only have existed in adobe previously for which you don't have a source file yet still need to be form fields and how to add edit resize and change the format of the fields quickly and easily from within boxing
Channel: DASA Technology Services
Views: 14,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: enSDa-AcKBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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