Foxit PhantomPDF vs Adobe Acrobat - Method Technologies

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we are super excited to cover something that we've gotten a lot of questions over the years that is the difference between foxit phantom pdf and adobe acrobat both of these products cover a lot of the same things but their approach is a little different so we thought we would make a video that helps kind of cover those differences between those different products as well as a lot of the similarities also we might even talk about some pricing and other things that you find super helpful so let's get into it now we're going to start off with aaron who is pretty familiar with his product so we're going to kick that off [Music] so right now just based on their website i mean they're their single license is about 140 bucks um kaylee do you know the the price on acrobat uh standard right now yeah um i'm getting at about about um 179 so 180. so not a huge difference but the thing is is when you're talking about buying 10 licenses or 20 licenses or 50 licenses of this product you know that's now starting to become a significant difference as well as the ongoing uh updates for the product so you want to keep the up the product up to date every single year so with fox it you know it's it's you know probably in the 20 to 30 range per year just to always be on the latest version [Music] and so this in general is what the the foxes screen looks like now i have done a little bit of customization to get it exactly how i like it but right now we're just looking at a generic employment contract and the way that i like it set up is on the left hand side here we've got this pages panel that allows me to look at a thumbnail view of all the pages in the document you can resize this as needed in general i like mine pretty small just because you know i really just use it for scrolling through the document and then you've got your your actual page of the document here on in the in the middle of it up at the top here you've got your traditional ribbon bar uh so on the home ribbon you've got your most frequently used tools and then you've got various other tools for converted converting documents editing documents so organization tools if you wanted to manipulate the pages commenting on documents different ways to view it you know form fields if you're into that kind of thing you know marking up and redacting documents sharing i mean essentially the what you would expect from a a product like this so um i don't want to go too into the details of each of these uh kaylee why don't you uh why don't you show us the uh the adobe screen all right um i am beginning to see a theme here um where i am always representing the product that i like to say is gen zeafide um meaning that it basically looks very similar to what you're going to it has the same functions as what you're going to see um from aaron's but it looks a little bit newer and cleaner and more updated i think that was a goal my goodness um so just like that just like that no uh but um here is what we're looking at for the same kind of document that actually a lot less buttons so well to be fair uh to be fair i prefer to show all my buttons i could have hidden them if you wanted that and i can i am also hiding some of mine so over here on this side you're going to see the exact same thing as actually what aaron had on his so you're going to see um the pages laid out just like he had and you can change them move them from here bookmarks attachments all of that stuff is going to be on the left side very similar to what aaron had and then something that's very different is actually how you edit so what adobe did this is super interesting they have changed how they do things meaning that what you do is you add these little applications or tools um to your sidebar so the tools are over here in the top left you can see and these you can add to your list to the right side so you can have as many or as little as you'd like um so there's so so many options here but i what i did is i added um to my bar all the ones that i used the most okay and so when you go back to this document and you would just basically edit or use any of these um tools from the side and it opens up so like if you edit the document which is going to take a long time to do but as you can see um it is going to pull up all of these extra tools to edit um so it's really different in that way let me ask you this kayla because and maybe this is just me coming from a different generation but um i have a hard time sometimes like knowing what a lot of these buttons are going to do so like a lot of times i prefer to see the actual text on the menu item and things like that um yeah that's a great point yeah does that doesn't have mouse over where it gives you the descriptions of this tool so what it does here in tools um is you do have the option to learn more about what what each tool is so it'll bring up like a little description about like what it does in a separate window you guys can't see it but it pulled it up in a separate window um in safari or you know google chrome and it will list everything that that tool does yeah i mean it threw me off a little bit um i will say when i first opened it up i was kind of like wait what's happening here because it does look different it looks a little bit strange at first but i will say the process of how it walked me through it when i first opened it up was really nice and you even have a little option in the top right to click on um a little chat window and it will talk you through each one of the things and what it does and what things are for so they've really tried to even though they changed things up a little bit on you they still try to make it as user friendly as you could with those walk-through processes and stuff like that so adobe has always done a really good job with walk-through processes though so that's nothing new [Music] all right so next what we want to do is cover some key features and functionalities that we feel really people are going to use on a regular basis so let's kick it back off to aaron to kind of dive into what he's got and then we'll switch back to kaylee sure uh let me let me share my screen here with my minimalistic uh toolbar um you'll notice that there's nothing here now wow i love it i love it i have decided not to pin my toolbar like i like i like it and uh you know just just to do a little rebuttal on on kaylie's uh attack on me here you know just like with any microsoft product and and this is not a microsoft product but um you know you can customize this ribbon however you want now um so i mean if i wanted to hide everything on here or add things you know you have a full uh capability of of manipulating this however you want so um why don't we start with uh just page manipulation um and this is one of the things that quite frankly sold me on the product and and i apologize i have to i have to put this back i can't stand having it minimized it's okay yeah um this this pages uh uh ribbon over here on the left just makes it super easy to manipulate uh the order of pages rotate things so i mean you can literally click drag and drop around in here you can hold down your control key or your shift key and select multiple pages move them around it's literally just a quick drag and drop i'm going to open up a second document here and you'll notice how it opened it up in a second tab now that is an option if i wanted to open up this into a separate window i would literally just drag and drop the tab off of the bar there just like you would in a web browser and it's now in a second window same thing if i wanted to put it back i can just drag and drop and put it back you know same thing with manipulating pages i can literally just drag and drop this onto this other tab and drop it right here into this document and vice versa so it makes it extremely easy to move documents or move pages between the documents and also within the documents um rotating pages are deleting pages i mean you can right click on any one of these if you highlight multiples and you can delete pages you can insert pages from other files you can extract pages into their own documents um duplicate pages i mean the list goes on i mean and i expect all these same features are within adobe acrobat as well i just find it extremely simple to use this pages panel on the left when i'm doing a lot of work within documents so kayla why don't you go over what uh how you can manipulate pages within adobe yeah um super super similar again um let me show you but much cleaner right but much much very much cleaner um so yes that same um left panel is also there for adobe and you're going to see that same similarity of manipulating pages so you can also drag and drop your pages here and move them to a specific location you can also right click and you're going to see the um insert pages extract can you guys see that on my screen or no okay just making sure you can see it and it's going to be very similar uh style and um options i'm seeing a lot of uh similarities here now that uh now that i'm seeing both products side by side can you show us how you merge yeah so with merging um you can either add a file um this way you can insert pages from a certain file or from your clipboard or create a blank page in a document or you can use the tool which is combine file um so as you can see that's added to the side already and you would click combine file and then add which one you would like to combine to the page and it will combine them for you um so another thing that i wanted to just say is um let me do the same thing that aaron did and just prove that erin i can also do it as well let me share my i need to share my full screen so let me show if i share my full screen you can see that when you pull this out it also has a separate window for it very cool so it's just it looks different you know um where's the toolbar [Laughter] can you put it back in now that you pulled it out can you put it back yeah what if i really like a toolbar can you know what does it look like with the toolbar one thing that i will say and it's it i it does kind of go without saying but i think it also is um needed to be said here is that one thing that adobe acrobat is always going to have over um foxit which is going to be the collaboration between all the adobe products um and what i mean by that is if you're going through something and let's say you see an image or something like that and you want it to get sent to something like let's say adobe photoshop it easily just by one click you can send it over to adobe photoshop and it's super easy to just extract that um yeah i mean i i would say that that's that's fair statement like if i'm using the entire adobe suite it would make sense for me to use adobe acrobat um at least with my clients most of them are using just general office applications so that necessity for that integration just isn't there [Music] well that was super informative thank you both really for kind of giving us those different perspectives it seems to me that in my opinion both products are extremely powerful and have all the capability that i think anybody would need it really starts coming down to capabilities price and implementation and training and those types of things i think those are going to be a bit of the driving force especially maybe the history of where you come from so i hope you really appreciated this video and if you would please don't forget to hit like and subscribe and have a great day hey thanks so much for watching our video make sure to hit that like button if you enjoyed the video and subscribe to our channel for more content bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Method Technologies Inc.
Views: 24,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5RL-fAUh-8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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