The STAIRCASE Bed Defense in Bedwars

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in today's video i was playing some lucky blocked bed wars with tony see the thing is we got a placeable bed and we used a staircase as our bed defense it was a ton of fun and we messed with a bunch of people along the way anyways if you guys do enjoy make sure to subscribe turn on the notifications and if you haven't already all my social medias they're up here at the top of the screen and linked down in the description anyways that's all i got so let's pop into okay sorry the guy with my skin was speed bridging to middle so i'm assuming the guy with my skin will know my strat so we need to probably kill that team all right i did the exact same bridge he did to middle which was kind of weird i'm fighting a shadow oh that's an explosive chicken okay i gotta go picture the team next to us because they rushed us [Music] okay so they have wool on their bed and it's nice i killed the guy with my skin he had a bed he actually in the under chest baby let's go oh my god i fireballed him because i was guessing he had mid items and i was right okay get that double hit the guy that i killed at the fireball with my skin left after i fireballed him because he lost the bed oh no oh no i really hope he sees this i'm so sorry every guy but you know a bed's a bed you know that you know how how it works i respect the uh the dedication to playing like me looking like me and then also dying at the worst possible times like me i respect that you just uh we're a little bit too good at the cosplay apparently yellows are just on fire he just didn't want to take nothing for a while that's makes me sound okay you can't place blocks down there got it we need to kill aqua team they are sweaty ah crap i got a hot potato i need to give that to aqua team where are you oh hey red's at blue base let me just go over there and give this to you special delivery my guy no don't ice bridge away from me oh my lord no okay well i'm gonna buy a gavel red is the only team that doesn't have somebody on lunar on it so probably leave them i don't know but pink is slow bridging very very slowly oh wait that's not pink that is red oh okay you just had the armor color thing okay yeah keep red red okay keep red oh excellent and great minds think alike there red team great great minds think alike okay he got double egged because my chicken hat hit him and then i threw an egg so it comboed him off the map poor guy there we go kill that guy i think one of the reds is in middle yeah one of them is that's that's the guy that's kind of clueless so i wouldn't worry too much about it but he might just like wander over to our base okay so hit him with a stick got it yeah oh i killed that guy i mean yeah i meant to kill that guy yeah totally totally meant that planned calculated yep you know pink isn't that great either to be honest but i think red is definitely derpier pink's a little more aggressive yeah was just annoying oh i messed that up [Music] now aqua team's not paying attention he pearled to you he pearl to you the time warp is it time war i don't know it's not time warp didn't teleport back i'm standing where he was oh he's gonna get the bed i have a respawnable bed just make sure you get him oh he pearled did he land oh no no he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead okay i have another bed so i have a great place we can hide it actually on this map all right um we just need to go to middle [Music] okay red team is sky basing with lucky blocks i don't even know what to say to that that's and he jumped off of it okay you know you do you man um i'm just gonna go over here this is a very very easy to get to spot that nobody will ever question i don't i don't know what you're talking about uh wait no where is it no it's not this it's it's one of the other corners there's like a certain one where you can like place it up in the wall wait red team just died oh i'm gonna wait until that guy dies for me to place the wait for him to respawn too he's at three hp he doesn't know who you are though okay to find this freaking spot where is it ah whatever i'm putting an island topper i'm looking at these spots unless they patched it no there's there's definitely an area for it i just don't know where it is and don't have time to figure it out so the funny part is they one had your skin below this and they also had the same island topper yeah oh yeah they were definitely about to do that glitch that's funny oh i get it they manually got the oh okay i understand i know what i did wrong hold on i might still be able to do this please go away noodle moon thank you but he's confused i wonder why look at where i am oh my god they're both in the middle looking for you one has a hot potato i'm pretty sure he's trying to give it back to his demon that gave it to him but he can't and he just died because of it he's collecting red and elky blocks all right hub rejoin there we go all right now the game plan is i'm gonna stay here temporarily and then you kill them and then i'll come out of here because i don't want to show to like show them where my bed underneath the staircase is this is why i have no idea i can see him slightly just out of this little like hole in the in the staircase here and i just is he gone i knocked him i don't know if there's another one i'm in i think you should be clear to come out okay everything is fine [Music] so they pretty much have no reason to ever look here it's such a strange spot like it's it's just blending in underneath the staircase really like like do you see this look i just patched it up now if you're walking down here to grab a miracle blocks which just spawned by the way like look at this like just stand here and there it's just like oh oh yeah that's probably part of the map i'm not going to question that like that wood skins are so busted because most people don't know they're a thing well there goes your punch five buddy and now uh there you go man we didn't even have to punch him five times that's crazy and slime boots perfect okay i got four miracle blocks so far and then there's some here i have those did it hello server thank you okay i got six i don't know how i got six instead of eight it doesn't make any sense but whatever sure [Music] all right why not there [Music] they were ready to win the game that's why he said why in the chat hello this guy has got a lot of gauntlet upgrades by the way the epic slicey all right the only thing that would make it perfect if we can get the team upgrade and we could just do it correctly yep that's what i'm gonna try to get right now there's a guy going to blue base but the thing is it doesn't really matter where they go because our bet is in middle yeah unless they get a bit pointed then that that's the only way they're going to find it yeah maybe even with it they won't even know where it is exactly well i mean the guy had a compass where i was and i obviously didn't move so if they they put two and two together they might be able to figure it out but i doubt it yeah [Music] well this is fun that's funny though so just so you know which staircase it's at it's at the one in between red and blue bass all right [Music] okay i just got a hot potato that's not good wanna know something funny there's an endless guy at her face yeah that was the guy that went to blue oh crap i got another hot potato i'm i'm gonna die i might have to like freaking pearl to you to give you it where i need to give you the hot potato i'm gonna lose all the items all right where are you oh my god okay the good thing is it resets the timer um whenever you tag it off to someone yep and i get you this void item shop work please hello thank you we need a random team upgrade because we don't feel like getting diamonds oh my god oh is he there only attacking you he was invest he let me walk down a bridge what why would he not kill me there i don't know you were just chilling on an island i was on a sketchy one block wide bridge and he went for you he really wanted me i guess okay whatever more power to you i guess 45 seconds till the red block spawn come on let's block give me something good why not give me good things please no oh you purled out like 10 blocks oh it's a time warp i'm still here hey nice bridge egg oh he actually baited me with that time warp pearl though that's funny it's just a shame he didn't use that time to actually get out when i was facing the wrong direction he just like threw a bridge egg at me instead get the right idea i just used the ice bridge as a barricade because i put it over the top of the staircase when he was chasing me so you can't run up funny those items are versatile man bro are you serious i opened four blocks and the first three were jerry seven two four two ten two are the trades hey oh oh he's stabbing me i was being friends for a second there my guy but i mean if you want to die sure [Music] poor guy you know it's funny because my name is oh lucky and i gotta say that's oh unlucky that's unlucky and he's running away oh oh the explosions are kind of happening very slow i'm thinking the server's not liking that very much i don't think it is um that is the slowest nuke i have ever seen in my entire life that wow that okay and i just heard all of the sounds at once all right the story just caught up because i just heard a lot of glass breaking oh hey did you get two potatoes i got one why'd i hear it twice good question i just i thought it was like oh he already handed it to me that was why the sound happened but you just didn't so i don't know that was weird i got another one though funny thing is he has to rebuild all his bridges now yep and i'm gonna you know pass like there's you know take that you're gonna come here you're gonna have oh ho ho okay all right yeah bye bye once i got the second half of it i'm like oh yeah it's over yeah so i'm gonna let this guy get to middle because i'm pretty sure if i fling bow him right now he's gonna leave um yeah oh random team upgrade oh i messed it up but i got to plot three before i messed up so did i really mess up i gotta kill these sciences i don't want him on the island i he's got a punch five and he's sitting in a box he has no idea where i am we have just terrified this guy [Music] he thinks i'm interest because of that jump shot he got a poor guy he's getting tortured but it's funny [Music] oh his teammate came back oh he's tv reconnected you won't expect me to have more than one fling though [Music] bye maybe they'll take turns disconnecting here go take a break it's my turn now yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna let noodle moon live because i don't know if that was a rage quit or a lag out but either way i don't want him to leave again sword he's got diamond armor oh god i'm so terrified unenchanted scary man ice bridge they're both after me oh god oh lord how will i ever combat this oh here looks like you're running out here you go this is another one i got one out of my own blocks too so i have three again here's some chickens i'm going back collecting can you bring some gaps next time all right because they do damage it's just um i can't really recover from it it's uh you know still plot three not prop four you know what i'm saying i'm not not quite indestructible just yet uh yeah let me quickly clear my inventory and yeah see the thing is i think they've totally forgot that i definitely placed this bed in middle so they're just like running around after me and there's so many blocks everywhere that just everything looks natural now yeah so i like they they don't even realize that where i'm standing right now my bed is literally within five blocks of it where i'm standing right here yeah wrong corner guys try again um oh he placed one oh yeah well i know where you are buddy so um don't mind me just gonna yeah he just looks at it well [Laughter] well you tried your best oh he always landed on his own bridge that was sick there you go you picked up the apples oh cool thanks man i'm just running around this thing so i can gap i had to place uh spruce planks to block him off so that might have been a giveaway a little bit but i don't i don't really think so did he hot potato you or are you hot potato but he has the uh you know vampire blood [Music] i just wanted to punch five bow at him and he backed off until his thing ran out i have 32 launched him over all of middle straight off the map into a little small hole let's use this this bed pointer and find our bed i'm gonna see if they can figure it out if you have any bed pointers bring them to middle um i do not hey hey here you go use that all right use the bed pointer strap went that way that way look oh sorry sorry sorry didn't mean to punch you it went this way oh oh is he gonna figure it out is he gonna figure it out now no no yeah yeah friends friendship friendship is that is epic slicey gonna figure it out he literally looked there he's looking underneath the staircase where it is and he he's just checking in third person he didn't mind it oh no you can't see it visibly here look it's under it's under the staircase you literally just walked on poor guy you have a bed pointer no i'm opening though it's the only thing that i don't get that much i'm so confused all right we're just opening lucky blocks together now oh oh we picked up the random team oh bedpointer bed pointer here you go here you go noodle man has the bed pointer there we go he's just swinging at his teammate he doesn't know what to do calm down buddy calm down oh he's just spinning why are we under water now what just hap oh hi i had a lot of water balloons can you type you are within 10 blocks of the bed to epic slicey oh well now he's moved or i'll do do i am like me uh like oh lucky is with oh rude i'm trying to show him show him where the bed is and he bows me off the map and i pearl clutch back do you have a ender pearl uh no okay that's my only pearl look it's it's down here guys guys it's right here look oh my god look guys look see this look it's right here look there you go it's a shame that you trusted me too much and now i have to split you into the void i should have waited two more seconds so you would have been a final kill my fist has got him down to two hey you want to see uh ask him if he likes kfc psy that was a really good spot you like fkc i realized where i went wrong he's playing tag holy crap you knocked him down oh jeez he's dead wait oh no his teammate spawned that well you know the best part about uh uh oh oh he's gonna die to his own teammates tnt no he didn't die to it he's gonna die to a potato if he doesn't give it to you now here's a chicken now he can't give it to me ah team upgrade oopsie here's multiforge nice well they have obsidian on their bed or no that's black wool hey man what are you doing over there buddy could try to snipe him across here from punch with a punch five oh nope slightly higher oh he built a roof never mind don't look at this right here uh oh there's a thing you should probably kill that yeah please don't die to the pigmen please please don't yeah kill the pigment okay okay all right now come look at this over here over here over here over here over here that is but okay thank you um um did you afford his man um uh so i did the skywars version of obsidian trap i was kind of hoping i got a bed from that one these yeah dude i placed a lava rune on his head and then watered it and it had obsidian on his head so he couldn't do anything i want to do some dumb stuff and bother them all right have fun i'm gonna walk around collect emeralds and get food blocks and now we mine the entire bridge red spawn cool [Music] this guy is swinging around his base at an invis and he doesn't realize the floating pair of shears is mining his entire bridge right next to it oh i'm no longer oh okay he might have noticed the floating pair of shears mining the bridge right next to him [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Zyph
Views: 388,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The STAIRCASE Bed Defense in Bedwars, Hiding Beds in STAIRCASES in Bedwars, Bedwars DEPTH STRIDER Bridging, Bedwars, bridge, the bridge, minecraft bridge, breezily, god bridge, moonwalk, bedwars zyph, zyph bedwars, hiding spot, bedwars hiding spot, gamebreaking hiding spot, funny, laugh, zyph, #1 bedwars speedrunner, #1 bedwars player, unbreakable, mc, The FAKE Bed Defense in Bedwars, fake, bed, hiding beds, obsidian, decoy, Hiding Beds, Staircase Bed Defense, Staircase, Bed Hiding Spot
Id: 5N5BvYENg2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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