Using ChatGPT to generate a research dissertation and thesis. It is our research writing assistant.

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we're going to use chat GPT to fasten our research thesis chat GPT is like that bright student in class who can help you do your homework in one hour and you're spending a whole weekend buried in books it is important to note that with chat GPT breaking down your problem makes it easy do not feed Everything at Once break it down into small chunks and start feeding them into chat GPT after you have your results saved then you can join them later for example for research ask chat GPT to help with analysis of results writing an abstract then ask it to come up with a discussion and recommendation break down your problem into smaller manageable chunks and then combine them after now having understood that let us dive into the challenge ahead of us a reminder kindly follow me on YouTube for more content and hit the Bell icon to receive notifications from me now let us use one research article to show you how we can use this tool I will Begin by summarizing my abstract to words less than 250 maximum let us first see how many words we have here by copying our abstract and pasting it into a word counter as you can see we have 340 words in total we're going to ask chat GPT to reduce them by summarizing this abstract let us now go to chatgpt type the command reduce the following to less than 250 words and press shift and enter you can always press shift and enter if you want chat GPT text input to move to a new line now paste the abstract and press enter as you can see our abstract is being summarized let us check the total word count we have gotten copy the result into a word counter as you can see we have 129 words in total which is way less than 250. also you can see that we have lost the different subtitles we had in our abstract the solution to this is asking chat GPT to summarize the individual subtitles of the abstract now let us copy the abstract again and ask chat GPT to generate a little longer result such that we have more words now we are having chat GPT generating the summary for us let us copy it again into the word counter now the word count is 141 in total let us go back and give it a continue command this makes chat GPT continue from where it has stopped now is continuing with the summary and adding more content you can keep telling it to continue until you have a desired word count let us see the results now so in total we now have 242 words this is very good and less than 250 words which is acceptable so this new summary you can copy it and save it in a Word document you can read through it and correct any small mistakes we shall then use it later as we are combining everything to come up with one document now let us feed the results into chat GPT and ask it to discuss them for us type into chat GPT discuss the following results then press shift enter to paste the results on a new line I will not copy everything just for demonstration it is important if these results are not in tabular form since chat GPT does not take in tables also advise you write your results into an organized paragraph for better results the better you organize your results into paragraphs the higher the quality of the results now chat GPT is analyzing the results for us giving a discussion if you want a detailed discussion keep giving it a continue command whenever it stops as you can see it has continued giving us results we shall then copy and paste this in a separate Word document also read through to correct any mistakes let us now ask chat GPT to suggest for a semi-catching research topics in relation to our data as you can see we have a couple of them you can choose one you can even modify them we can ask it to create for us objectives and methodology I recommend asking it to create objectives alone in methodology alone then you combine these late breaking down the problem into smaller parts generates better results let us get some recommendations now ask Chad GPT for the above discussion to give us some recommendations and conclusions now we are getting the recommendations with a conclusion if not contended just ask it to continue and then you will have the desired results copy these into a document that you will combine with the rest let us ask it to suggest the most viable sample size for our project so our 328 is a good one according to chat GPT let us ask it about organizing our data to come up with a dissertation this is basically for junior researchers who know less about organizing a dissertation now we have an outline of how a dissertation should be organized this is the same pattern we shall follow when organizing our documents into One Word document we can even ask chat GPT to give us an introduction in relation to our topic chat GPT is our research assistant when it comes to writing and as you can see it does the job well we can even generate a methodology separately let us do that it is being generated go to a website www.semantic the link is in the description we are going to use this and objectives to generate some citations for our paper we shall generate a few but if you want you can come up with as many articles as possible then analyze your document to feed them into it copy the objectives one by one into the search bar of the website then hit enter as you can see many suggested articles for us read through them and see which ones are best for your study keep suggesting and searching with different objectives that chat GPT generated for you as you can see we have most of the information that we need in one of my videos I explained how to use chat GPT to generate a research proportional you see a use that proposal to generate your literature review but chat GPT can do that as well I have shown you the best way to get citations but we'll come up with more soon please follow me to find out so now I've been gotten all that we need now we are left with one task and that is compilation of all our articles into one then read through to correct error and Flow this may not be the perfect one but if you give chat GPT a consideration it can save you hours some take homes make sure that you break down your problem into small chunks and feed them into chat GPT two make sure you present your results as a paragraph isn't head of a table and organize them well before feeding them into the bot three join the results and fine-tune them by deletion in a mission such that they match your desired outcome thanks for watching kindly subscribe to my YouTube channel for more content you can also suggest topics you want me to make a video thanks once more and goodbye let us meet in the next video
Channel: Advanced ChatGPT
Views: 363,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: izaIfXCvf4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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