ChatGPT tutorial for researchers: Is it a game changer?

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chat GPT is everywhere and everyone's using it so chat GPT is a really powerful AI tool that enables conversation in a human-like form but via computer so it's been used to ask questions gives you answers and whilst you can use it in a number of different ways there are quite a few ways that you can use it within Academia within education to help you cut down the number of hours you spend researching doing things outlining preparing for presentations for interviews and I'm going to be going through a few of those ways that I've discovered and have been trying out a little bit and I thought I'd ask some questions and show you how you can save hours and hours of time of part of your research part of your research process to use chat gbt and Ai and this is this is just the beginning there are so many different ones coming out I literally got an email this morning saying that Bing has been released and I've got Early Access to start using it which is another AI platform and it's just going to go it's going to be huge it is going to be huge so it's a good thing to get to know how to use it and I want to just say that it's really important that you need to get to know how to use it ethically so by ethically I mean being able to use it in a way that is not plagiarism so you're not just telling it to write you a bit of information and copying and pasting that but rather using it to help you evaluate outline summarize just pick out and kind of brainstorm and be that first step before you actually get into it so let's get into the fun stuff I'm going to start asking some questions okay so my first question is I'm going to ask it to write an academic outline for seminar paper about the acting cortex and cancer so this is just for a paper and I just want academic outlines so it is thinking by the way if you even manage to get onto the platform these days it is an absolute Miracle um but yeah introduction it's split it into three different sections definition the importance and the role okay it's pretty good and then it's broken it down even more so you've got the acting cortex structure and function the overview the mechanisms and then even specified like within cell behavior and then okay pretty good all right I I like that um I like that it's given quite a nice breakdown of the different sections um and this would be a good place to start if you're thinking about writing about this topic and like I said this is just a way of beginning maybe your research maybe you're thinking okay um I want to write about the active core sex and cancer which is what my PhD was about which is why I'm searching for these topics because I know what to expect um and so obviously this is coming up and it's saying in cancer its causes the role the impact the therapeutic approaches they're like it's giving you a lot of ideas that maybe if you hadn't thought of before this is a good way to begin so I like it so far the next one I'm going to ask it to do is to generate 10 academic research questions about the acting cortex and cancer so this would be nice if let's say you want to start a project or you want to think of a kind of a novel or new idea um about a particular area or topic you can ask it to give you some questions or how does the acting courses play a role in cancer what is the relationship um Okay can it contribute to the development of job resistance okay I do think it's doing a good job but it is quite General like it hasn't given very much detail there's no like protein names or drug names it's very much just kind of like um kindness what will does it have kind of serve as what is the effect so yeah okay okay so far I think it's a good starting point you know if you're sitting here and you want to think of a research question and you have an absolute blank you know Blank Slate this is going to give you a few places to begin it's saying to me um to look at prognostic markers or to look at interactions or to look at alterations or deletions and it kind of gives you somewhere to begin a lot of the time that sort of writer's block is what stops you from progressing let's try something else the third way that you can use it is for things like scholarship outlines so I've asked it to outline the structure for a scholarship for the Rhodes scholarship which is a program it's quite prestigious and it's an Oxford based scholarship program and I've said for a student with a stem background um so the thing about chat GPT is you really want it to you want to talk to it as if you are speaking to a human so even though I've probably said it in quite a formal way you can literally speak to it as if you are speaking to me like can you tell me about um the scholarship program and how I should write like literally like as a conversation so this is a really good structure and this is what I mean about using it ethically this is not writing it for you I mean you can ask it to write it for you but that would be unethical so you want to be able to ask it to to write the structure for you and then based on that you can then go and input your information so as you can see leadership and service that's amazing yeah because that's what they look for future goals your academic background and all of that is within this structure and if you're expected to write like 500 Words you just write that yourself so academic background fits for the road scholarship conclusion cool I like that that is really good and you know a lot of the time I guess the issue with writing like things like this like scholarship programs or personal statements is just not knowing what to add into each section so the fact that this gives you a full breakdown means that you can go away and add that information yourself without having to worry about not including the right thing okay let's do the next thing scholarship uh so actually write it for you so I'm going to say write 500 Words um for the scholarship with a stem background and let's see so this is this is with this would be an example of just looking at what it can give you you should never copy and paste from um AI from charging Beauty and the reason why is because there are software that you can use and I believe it's called chat GPT zero which tells the person and that's copying paste this information whether or not it has been written by a human or AI it's not 100 correct either way but if University or if an institution is using software like that and this comes up as saying that it's been written by AI then obviously you've lost your position so it's not worth copying and pasting but it is worth taking a look at and seeing what an example could be so this is writing it for a stem student and I can see that it's it's writing a pretty good one okay so it said it's giving like a nice introduction I'm a background in stem because I asked for stem so of course if you're going to write this you'd be more specific your academic Journey where it began and something more personal you're captivated by the power of mathematics um so that's something that kind of how you want to begin and this is sort of a personal statement anyway so you want to be more specific about yourself and then you're in addition to my academic Pursuits I've also been actively involved in various extracurricular activities and this giving a quite a an in-depth description of what they've done and what they were involved in which is really important long-term goals and because the road scholarship is looking for someone who is able to kind of give back and address some sort of challenge so they've said climate change and they're confident that Oxford will be able to give them this opportunity and yeah I mean this is pretty good like I said do not copy and paste definitely use this as an example use the outline and structure and write it yourself okay the next way is for a presentation so I've said to outline a 10 slide presentation for a PhD thesis Fiverr so as you can probably see that's quite consistent throughout is I'm asking it to do outlines I'm asking it to give me a structure I'm asking it to help me understand what is expected of me from the structure and then obviously you pad it out yourself so for a 10 slide presentation introduce yourself on the topic the research background yep the research objectives the method your results a discussion a conclusion and then probably something to do with future work okay contributions and then maybe future work as a tense yeah future work and then references summary okay so this is pretty good um I think that's a good summary of what you want to include for a PhD um this is by the outline and like this is just showing you the capability of what you can get from this um okay next one let's try a PhD interview prep so I'm going to ask it what are 10 questions that could be asked at a PhD interview for a cardiovascular program again I'm just using this to get some questions oh network error this is the thing with chat gbt so many people are using it that it's so hard to even get onto the platform okay but on here are 10 questions that could be asked at a PhD interview and there are questions and you want to be really specific and like I said be really conversational with it like oh what could a supervisor ask me for a PhD interview 10 questions please um and then you can get 10 questions about your background your inspiration your research experience how do you stay current that's a good question number four is a good question I've been asked that before um can you describe a potential research project how do you approach problem solving your experience a time when you have to do so and so how do you plan to contribute can you discuss your long-term career goals yep I mean these are all very general questions that you can probably get online anyway but the fact that they've like tailored it towards cardiovascular cardiovascular program allows you to practice and when you know when you're when you're practicing and when you're like having your mock interview and you're preparing having those questions are quite these are good questions to prepare for you can't you can't cheat with these questions and this is just giving you a starting point from where you can actually prepare so I then asked and I'm asking a follow-up question what should I wear to a PhD interview at the University of Cambridge I'm five foot three um I'm a five foot three woman in her 30s so I just thought let me see if it has any biases because this would be interesting I thought maybe it would say like wear a dress or wear heels or something this is the aim for a professional and conservative look where a suit or a dress in a neutral color yep anything don't wear anything too revealing um or with high heels interesting um it's also a good idea to just comfortably and do anything too tight overall it should affect the professionalism yeah I mean I think this is okay I don't think it's anything controversial dress appropriately don't make it too tight or restrictive a reflect your professionalism show interest in your program I mean I don't think anything I thought it'd be more controversial than this I quite like that that's very true um okay next way number six is um career options so I'm gonna ask it what are 10 alternatives to a career in Academia oh academic after a PhD in cell biology so it's thinking what are 10 Alternatives here are 10 potential career paths let's see so this would be someone like me did a PhD in cell biology what were my options or what are my options okay industry yep I know someone that went into industry government yep also know someone that went to government science writing I also know someone science writing journalism Science Education I guess I'm kind of there science policy and advocacy yep I know someone that's there as well Consulting yep I also know someone there biotech and medical device sales uh biotech Pharmacy law and there's someone there as well business yep to be science entrepreneurship yep that's me I pretty much know someone in each of these no I don't know is science no biotech and medical device sales I don't know someone in that ah do I no I don't but otherwise yeah these are all complete and you know what these are these actually ideas that I probably would have thought about when I was in my PhD thinking about what to do so it's a good a good way of brainstorming I like that all right moving on to referencing so one thing to note with referencing is chat GPT does spew out fake references so if you're searching just generally like can you give me information about cell biology with references and the references in there are going to be fake so do not copy and paste those references but um you can use it to format your references for you which is also really helpful and so for example if you have a citation or you have a yeah you have something and you have some dates and texts and you want it to be formatted in a certain way you can ask it to do it for you so for example I've asked it now what is the standard format for Harvard referencing and it gives you the formats of how you should do it so this is in-text citations this is what you want to do for the reference list this is how you want to include it and it will give you all the details which is which is obviously um really good it summarizes uh what the order would be or the surname initials title Etc that's great and then let's say you actually give it something to reference so I'm gonna use my a paper of mine and I'm literally just going to copy and paste the names the um title just the whole thing so copy and paste it and then I'm going to input it into chat gbt and then say to can you write this into standard Harvard referencing um and see what it does so it should clean up for me and I mean this is quite helpful because you know sometimes you have a massive reference or you have a reference from a book or an article or something else and you want to just have it in a standard way that can do it for you so just be aware if you're taking references that you haven't input be aware of those if you're inputting it for you to be referenced and formatted then that that could work okay the last one and this one actually I was thinking I was like what else can I like how else can I ask it to help me in Academia and I thought about productivity more specifically lab book productivity so I asked it how can I organize my lab book productively as a PhD student in cancer research so I just wanted to see because let me see I think I was quite a productive lab book person so let's see if it's going to give me suggestions that are quite similar to mine um so it's essential for checking your progress yes experiments yes and ensure you have reliable working every work cool okay table of content yes you want to make sure that you've got it really clear because something to note is when you give back your lab book to your supervisor when you leave which you don't take home with you it's part of the lab so you leave it with them they need to be able to look through and find what you've done so it needs to be clear consistent with your formatting yes I liked colors and I had a section at the back for like my reagents and where they were at the front for something else um record your experiments in detail yes I'd even record it like by voice if I had to um use clear and concise language yep don't make it messy um illustrate yes I used to illustrate my results quite a lot and just like show graphs of what I've done and keep your lab book up to date yep I would do I would always update it either the same day or like within definitely within that week so what I would do is like as I go along I would write things like on wherever or where however and then I'd kind of like update it in my lab book and then this is back up your data regularly again yes you always want to make sure that you are backing up your lab book either taking pictures so the back where I'd keep in I'd keep a record of like my reagents and stuff so where I keep everything because you know you have those massive like liquid nitrogen storage tanks I would have all my stuff in there um and I'll take a picture of where I've put everything every so often just to make sure that I've got a look like I've got the location of it otherwise all your work is gone and that's um so yeah I like that that works too okay well this is fun I mean I hope that you guys were able to see how you can use chat gbt in an ethical way as a researcher I went through a few examples these are just a few examples there are so many other ways and if you want I can do a part two to this I'm going to show you a few other ways that you can try to use it um let me know if you've tried it before let me know if you've even heard of it I've spoke to someone recently who had no idea and I was like are you living under a rock so if you haven't heard of it before let me know if this is your first time hearing of it I'll leave a link for it down below but you just need to search Chat gbt and if you're lucky enough to get on it then you're lucky enough to get on it but there are new versions coming out so uh yeah keep keep on top of it basically let me know if you enjoyed this video and if you did I will see you in my next one bye foreign
Channel: Dr Amina Yonis
Views: 41,596
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Id: w1JEyGdgsn8
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Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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