Using ChatGPT to analyze data and write report

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so now we know that the shot the AI chatbot is capable of writing an essay what about analyzing data have this data pulled out from kegels I'm going to copy part of it all right and I'm going to add chat bot to kind of help you analyze suppose this is a term paper or like a report can you analyze data tables okay it would probably say what kind of tables and give a little background I actually don't have to say anything I can just drop the table I copy it from here I can drop it here all right and now I'm going to focus on this window now okay at first we didn't really say anything much so it can't give us some Basics right but uh it it meant we have to do it by ourselves certainly I don't have to because I have this wingman that can help me do the work and you just finds some insight all right average right Niche and is the popular brand the popular Side Package is 12 noodles right the country of origin Japan and uh one is highest rating one is lowest rating now I see that this is the lowest rating and suppose that this is some business report okay that we want to analyze this one one is going to be in trouble this is the lowest one so can um you do some improves all right I have to kind of keep a suggestion how to improve the lowest rating okay now it gives us the point of the things that we can do right that's it fine right we can we don't have to like copy everything that it say we can just pick the one that make the most sense the one that related to our report and the nice thing is that I want it to be a report style so uh can you uh okay you're writing in a paragraph from it all right and you're gonna rewrite everything for us okay so just keep going right and you make it more casuals okay so it's just rewriting it in a more casual tone not super formal so this is the capacity of this AI right you can ask it to rewrite anytime and every time it comes up with different different writing okay so there's no way that the platinism Checker would be able to detect this okay I hope this helped you see the potential of the use of this new superpower chatbot in your class and share it with your student okay thank you very much
Channel: vasabi academy
Views: 63,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EI7Anh79oa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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