#ChatGPT with #SPSS: How to use ChatGPT to understand and report #Correlation Analysis from SPSS

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in this session I'm going to use chat GPT with SPSS in order to better understand correlation analysis now let's say I'm interested in conducting a correlation analysis but I do not know what is correl how it should be done how the results should be interpreted now before we go on and conduct correlation analysis in SPSS let's ask chat gbt what is correlation analysis in simplest of terms so we are getting our results and let's see what it is correlation analysis is a statistical technique used to measure the degree of association between two variables now if you want to find out where two variables are related with each other in any way you are or you need to conduct correlation analysis now what it does is it helps to identify whether two variables are positively negatively or not related with each other at all now correlation analysis is commonly used in research and data analysis to determine the strength of the relationship between variables and to make predictions based on observed patterns it can be used to analyze many different types of data including social economic and scientific data now that I know what is correlation analysis I know when to use it now I want to find out whether the data that I have can I use correlation analysis with it or not so what data types can the correlation analysis be used with okay something went wrong so let's copy this again if this goes wrong open chat GPT again and this is what I do let's put it in so correlation analysis the variables studied must be numeric now in normal terms the data should be continuous it can be ordinal it can be interval or it can be a ratio so there is a video on the channel on the scales of measurement so you can have a look at that but these are the data types the common data types that can be used with correlation analysis but if your data is nominal that is just pure categories with no order in them you should use Kai Square test now that I know that this is the type of data that I will use for correlation analysis now is this what I have in my data set yes so servant leadership which is measured using these seven items now what I did was I took the mean for all these seven items and created a composite score for each respondent now to do so you can obviously go to transform compute variable let's say servant leadership here mean here and just put in SL1 comma SL2 comma sl3 so on and so forth up sl7 just press enter and you will have your new variable similarly you can do for other variables in your study as well now why did I do it because I'm interested in servant leadership as a construct as a whole and whether it relates with other constructs in the study or not now let's say I've got servant leadership and I'm interested in finding its correlation or its relationship with life Satisfaction Just for two variables for now so how do I do this go to analyze correlate by variate I'm interested in servant leadership I'm interested in life satisfaction now which correlation coefficient will I use will I use PSN kendl or Spearman now in this case I'm using PSN because the variables are continuous now if I had ordinal data I would have gone for either kendle to or Spearman but you can use chat GPT and ask when to use kendle to when to use Spearman now in this case test of significance you can have two tailed or one tailed again let's say I asked jbt when to use kendle let me check the spelling again kendles to and Spearman correlation kendl to and Spearman correlation are nonparametric measures that is when your data is not normal so you can ask J gbt what is a non-parametric measure of correlation that are used when the data being analyzed do not meet the Assumption of normality or linearity required by parametric correlation method such as p and correlation now in this case I'm using p and correlation because I assume that my data is normal and it's linear if it is not then you can use use kendle to or experiment or if your data is ordinal you can use these as well now what is two tailed and one tailed now in this case I I assume based on my literature study that the relationship will be positive and I'm sure about the direction of relationship so I will use one tailed if I'm not sure I will use two tailed flag significant correlation so it will show you that these correlation or this particular correlation is significant or not so show only lower triangle for now let's say show diagonal so you will have results on the diagonal just press okay and here are your results so in this case this is the PSN correlation value this is the significance value and this is the n value now I do not know how to interpret it how to report it so let's ask chat GPT to do it for us now again as have always done a word of caution do understand what these values these terms mean if you do not understand them you won't be able to defend them because at the end of the day if you're writing a paper or you're doing a thesis you will have to defend it if you're writing a paper you might have to go through certain revisions so and you will have to discuss these results so if you do not understand these results and leave it to Chad GPT or any AI tool you won't be able to maybe clear your WWA defense or you may not be able to write a good quality research paper so use these AI tools because obviously uh everyone else will be using them as well but use them intelligently so let's say I ask chat GPT to help me with interpretation and reporting of results the value for p correlation is 0 point let's ask what it is 526 526 and the significance is 0 001 is less than with a sample size of 221 can you help in reporting the results in apaa style and let's see what it does so here it is appears and correlation was conducted to examine the relationship between so what's your variable one it's servant leadership and variable two life satisfaction in a sample of 221 participants the correlation between the variable was statistically significant yes this is indicating a moderate positive correlation now there are number of things that one should understand here now the sample size is this the degrees of freedom is 219 and minus 2 and the correlation now you can ask Chad GPT what is this degrees of freedom in simplest of terms what is this correlation coefficient what is the range of this correlation coefficient what why do why is it that it is moderately positive ask Chad GPT to understand these terms better let let me ask one what is correlation coefficient and is there a range of this coefficient now it says yes it is it has got a range and now it will help you understand okay this is absolute this is maybe moderate and this is strong weak you can further ask Chad gbt okay what is a moderate relationship what is a strong relationship so you can ask any question and it will give you the answer to develop your understanding of of the statistical results so you can use let's say here it is copy this copy this interpretation into the word document and use it for your results let's say let me open the word document let's say my my hypothesis there is a significant relationship between servant leadership and life satisfaction here are my results live satisfaction and here is so ship now the results are presented in table one so we will paste the table now let's copy it paste it here now this table is not in proper AP style although there are videos on the channel on how to format a table in APS style I'll share the link as well but for now let me quickly do it right click autoit to window go to table design just simplify it okay and click here home let's copy this put it as note and and now just going to add the borders to the cells so I can remove these cells easily I do not need this column as well but I cannot remove it like that so I need to have a border here as well select this column do not need a value on top here because it's just a repetition so this is how you can report your correlation analysis in EPS style let's remove the borders no border let's go for bottom B border top border bottom border now get these in Center that's it so this is how you can report your results for correlation analysis and this is how you can use Chad GPT to better understand your statistical techniques thank you very much
Channel: Research With Fawad
Views: 8,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT, Correlation Analysis, ChatGPT for Statistical Analysis, Using ChatGPT with SPSS for Correlation Analysis, How to Interpret and Report Correlation Analysis Results from SPSS
Id: IKQ44bT4DY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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