ChatGPT vs. Bard for Data Analysts

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that a nerds Google just made their competitor to chat gbt barred publicly available so let's put these two chat Bots up against each other and see if they really can help me out my job as a data analyst now if you don't know what these AI tools can be used for basically any homework problem you've had in the past or from writing essays to take an exam it can do it for you which is called cheating but for some reason when I do this in my job my boss calls it being more productive so let's improve our productivity for the first task let's put it up to some tests that I'm commonly doing my job and that's data crunching or math I have chat gbt in the left and bar to the right I provided it a simple addition problem and both passed with flying colors let's take it up a level and actually analyze some data here I have a data set on data science job postings I'm going to take this column on salary and post it into both of these chat Bots and ask them what the average is for chat gbt it looks like it performs the analysis but when you double check it and dive into it and do the math yourself it's actually wrong and this is called hallucinating hallucinating is going to actually come up quite frequently with both of these chat Bots and it's when a chat bot provides you with an answer that seems like it's plausible but whenever you dive into it further you actually find out that it's lying to you moving on to Bard when I ask it this it straight up tells me it's not going to do this math for me so this brings us to our first main limitation of these chat bots in that they're based on large language models basically that's fancy talk to say that these models were trained on a large portion of the text from the internet these models are really good at predicting the next word in a sentence but they weren't made for nor are they really good at math well yet more on that in a bit so the next has to try out is something that I find myself doing all the time for a project and that is research so let's dive into a topic that I'm really curious to find about how much AI has increased in data analysts job postings last year to this year let's start with Bard first which I didn't mention before but it's free and available and over 180 countries it tells me that AI has increased 50 percent since 2021 but I asked about last year so I then re-prompted Bard and it gives me this study from Glassdoor which I then quiz further and dive into the reference documents and find out that it hallucinated all of these studies so Bard straight up lied to me but but as bad as this is is actually pretty awesome that these chat Bots can now access the internet and then you can go to these reference documents that it provides and dive it into it further so I consider that a win in itself asking chat CBT to perform the same analysis it tells me it doesn't have the ability to browse the internet which is true for the free version of chat gbt but if you pay for the pro version they currently have web browsing the web browsing as a beta feature so asking chat gbt this it shows me the progress of searching all these different pages which I think is pretty awesome because I can then dive into these pages and also see its thought process and after searching instead of hallucinating it basically tells me that there is no data but through it searching it feels like the presence of AI in these jobs is increasing thanks chatgpt and this truthfulness is nothing like I've seen before with chat CPT I've been using it for months and it's been hallucinating up a storm with me and so it's pretty awesome that now that it's accessing the internet it has more reliable information now when it comes to a winner between these two I found they both fumbled just as much as the other what I did find was Bard was always quicker and usually add a more thoughtful analysis so if you're only using it for research I think Bard is the better option and it's also free let's dive into actually solving this problem as a data analyst we're going to be looking at next actually trying to find some data that we can use to perform data analysis asking Bard first it provides me a list of job posting data sets that I can use conveniently one of these data sets are mine and if you're interested in learning more about where I got this data set I have more in this video right here but continuing on with this data intensive a question I found that chat CBT took way longer and got stuck quite a few times many times it just crashed on me I had to go in and reset the browser and research again I never really got as clean and as clear as results as barred with this but it did provide me a list finally and one of those was mine but the link that provided didn't work so luckily I know the link next task let's actually get into analyzing these data sets and so we know large language models are bad at math but it turns out they're actually good and can be programmed to interact with other applications that can perform this math for us so I like to use tools like spreadsheets in order to analyze data and it turns out Google and Microsoft are both investing into technology so that way you can use these chat bots in order to interact directly with the spreadsheet for Google solution right now it's not really that impressive based on the recent keynote they're showing that you can pretty much just generate a simple table and I don't know I'm not really impressed by that look at that but Microsoft who has been pouring a lot of money into open AI is actively developing a solution to where you can use a model to control spreadsheets and this is a part of their Microsoft 365 co-pilot program both of these solutions from Google and Microsoft aren't available to debt so we need to look elsewhere it turns out that they do have a new feature available to chat gbt which is plugins plugins to allow these chat Bots to connect to another application and the one I'm excited about from chat gbt is Wolfram but once again these plugins aren't yet publicly available I don't even have access but I do know somebody that does and it's my friend Alex who runs a YouTube channel on software development here's a plug-in store let's check it out uh most popular there's Wolfram right there and we went through and did a lot of the same tests that I did in this video within this Wolfram plugin it began very promisingly hey and it's right it's pretty cool we provided a list of values and it even got this correct got it we tried to connect it directly to a data source but this didn't really work so what we resorted to was making a small tableist data set and then feeding it directly into the chatbot look at this figured out what to send to Wolfram and then used Wolfram to do the calculation as these models become more efficient I think it's pretty promising that we'll be able to do some sort of data analysis through these chat bots so since none of these things actually solve the problem that we're actually trying to working to achieve I've then resorted to moving into something that I know both these miles can do and that is coding I provided a link to the data set online and then asked it to write some python code and actually analyze and extract how often things like AI chat gbt and a Bard appeared in the job description for Bard this was a show I tried to do this all in a single prompt and I failed miserably maybe my prompt wasn't good enough I don't know so then I moved into doing multiple different prompts I finally got this visualization but it sucks it only shows counts of keywords and doesn't show relative percentages so I troubleshoot this for like an hour and finally just gave up because I was getting to the point that I was actually having to make and find all of the different errors within it right now as far as coding goes barred I'm not really confident in its skills so moving on to Chachi BT the first time I actually tried it with chai gbt it worked flawlessly the only problem was I wasn't recording and so I didn't have any evidence to show y'all so re-prompting Chachi BT that's when I started to run into a lot of issues on the second go around it had very minor issues similar Bard like the wrong column names date time issues but unlike Bard it was actually able to update the code and provide more correct code than Bard was able to do and finally we were able to get these visualizations which show these three different keywords and how they Trend over time only November 2022 to May of 2023 and right now it's not looking like there's really a trend upward in data analyst jobs so what's the conclusion well to start with both of these tools I think data analyst jobs are pretty safe but I would definitely start implementing your job if you don't have any money I would go with the abarred solution that's great for just performing some basic internet research if you're having to move into coding you could then move into chat gbt and they have the free version available that can help with this as for me I'm going to pay for this overpriced service so that way I have access to the internet and I get those plugins with this they have a new feature coming out called the code interpreter which is yet another thing that requires you to be on a waitlist now this is very similar to what we saw Microsoft 365 copilot do in Excel but instead with programming languages like python with it you load a data set into the model and then you can ask it any question about the data and there's no jumping between an editor and the chat bot it does it all in one location and from what I've seen of other people using it it looks like it works pretty well and with that if this helped you with cheating at your job I mean being efficient at your job smash that like button and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Luke Barousse
Views: 65,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data viz by luke, business intelligence, data science, bi, computer science, data nerd, data analyst, data scientist, how to, data project, data analytics, portfolio project, sql, excel, python, power bi, tableau, data engineer
Id: uyCXLr7cgrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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