All 90 Super Mario Maker 2 Level Themes RANKED

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we're Mario maker to is incredible in a huge expansion on the first game my favorite new feature out of all of the ones added here are the new level themes being snow desert jungle sky and nighttime versions for all existing themes and new ones however which of these themes are the best of the best well today I want you to try to answer this question so today I'll be counting down my favorite themes now what qualifies for this list well we of course have the 10 main themes then their nighttime versions then we have to rank their versions of the other game styles bringing our total to nine teams to rank these themes will be based on looks music and in some cases their mechanics and remember if you enjoy this video at any point then please leave a like as it would help me a ton but anyway let's jump right into it so starting with the worst we have the underwater at night this adds a really annoying darkness to everything which really gets in the way but this is also on top of you needing to swim which again brings us down so far I haven't seen a level that used this theme that's been good however not only determined that this is the worst theme which game style does it the worst well in my opinion I would say the 90th spot goes to SMB 1 then 89 is smb3 then I had a hard time choosing whether mario world or new soup was better but since I feel like the semi solids fit better with the darkness and new soup than in mario world I gave it the edge here that means mario world's 88 in new soup is 87 3d world doesn't have any night time so obviously it isn't included then we have another nighttime one being the underground at night discusses the screen to flip upside down and while this may seem cool and concept and execution it isn't too fun this one is also a headache to play however I have plain one good level that use this so that's why I'm putting it over the underwater at night so my ranking for this is SMB 186 SMB 385 and again I was struggling between world and soup however I can found the edge to new soup because you are able to more easily correct your jumps there with emitter of twirls and wall jumps so even though I do feel like my world looks nicer I put it at 84 and New Super Mario Bros u at 83 our next one is the ghost house at night I chose this one over the previous two as I played a good few levels that use this effectively and I do feel the darkness Fitz ghost house better however it is really annoying to play with the order remains the same as the last one being SMB 182 smb3 at 81 world the 80 and new soup at 79 again like the last one New Super Mario Bros allows you to readjust your jumps better hence why it takes the top spot so for the desert light time the works so differently between the different themes that it's going to be separated between another theme so right now we only have three of them being the super mario world that 78 as the wind turns on and off and switches directions making this unfortunately the worst one to play in despite it looking very nice next to Super Mario Bros 1 at 77 or the wind goes against you and turns on and off finally we have smb3 at 76 where the wind goes on and off however it stays forward making it slightly better than World and slightly better than SMB 1 as you're going forward we'll get back to new soup later as since it's always on it does make it better so next we are going to go to the worst daytime theme being underwater I never really am a fan of water levels we'll accept an Odyssey but I'm a fan of everything in that game everything is just so slow that it gets on my nerves honestly but in terms of the ranking we have SMB won at 75 smb3 at 74 new super mario bros at 73 and world at 72 also we can include 3d world now which i personally found to be the best mostly because it has better ways and more ways to end the level faster like clear pipes and warp boxes then we have the nighttime castle where it's basically underwater however the enemies act like they do on land which is a bit more interesting you can also make the lava rise up which is also a little bit fun however since you're still swimming it is still a bit annoying so for this I put SMB 1s 70 new super mario bros a 69 nice roll at 68 in Super Mario Bros 3 s 67 seriously the smb3 Castle color scheme is so good like I'm pretty sure might not have even played a level before testing it out for this video cuz when I switched it man it looked good I really liked the orange color scheme in this style and honestly I really wish that you could turn off the nighttime gimmicks as this would easily put it in the top ten if it look like this it's just beautiful then we have the New Super Mario Bros desert at 66 nighttime at least it's always on and heading right so it's definitely possible to make a good level around this concept but it still can get in the way which is why it is low okay so those are all the themes that I personally don't consider great so onto the themes that are actually good we have the airship now the reason the airship is low is because of the screen shake seriously I have missed so many jumps or gotten hit because I couldn't see I know if this is accurate so how they work in the games but I would have really liked a way to turn this off but on to the ranking 3d world at 65 I just don't really like the art direction they took much here Super Mario World at 64 as I feel like the music isn't on as par as the other ones Super Mario Bros 1 is 63 Super Mario Bros 3 is 62 as I don't feel the semi solids are as good as New Super Mario Bros at 61 then we have the night time airship this is the same problem as the last one however I think it's better as it opens up more possibilities with the enemies acting underwater for this one we have the same order due to aesthetics super mario world at sixty smb1 a 59 smb3 a 58 and New Super Mario Bros at 57 also please if you're going to make an underwater airship level never put a clown car it's literally headache-inducing how slow it goes it is super annoying here just look at this footage next is jungle I chose this one to be low as the water can sometimes get in the way and I really wish there was a way to turn this off so it does get annoying and in some cases looks and ugly but anyway the ranking for this is smb3 at 56 I don't really like this aesthetic at all with the green pipes and also it tricked me into thinking we'd be getting mini pipes which I'm still upset about also not a huge fan of the semi solids but maybe one of the worst from aspects about this is that it doesn't have a unique music track for some reason it just uses the main ground feed then we have smb1 at 55 since they don't like the song as much now click break as I'm going to be putting the nighttime jungle of smb3 at 54 since again the aesthetic isn't as great and the music is reused 3d world at 53 since I think it's kind of hard to make things look good in 3d world and especially with the water in this jungle new sewer I rose at 52 and super mario world at 51 now from here on the themes aren't really going to be grouped together and will be very separate due to how they look so different each theme I'll be going rapid-fire through these giving a few reasons for each smb3 desert is at 50 I don't really like the pipes again and also those reused some music I also really don't like 3d semi solids that they like to do in SMB 3 for some reason smb3 castle of 49 again don't like the semi solids and if they went with orange this would have easily been in the top 10 new super mario bros sky at 48 mostly because you can just cheat the levels super easily and it's really hard to design for S&V one night sky at 47 can get a bit annoying with anti-gravity and the tree semi-solid really shouldn't be here sp1 sky 46 same issues apply a side from anti-gravity this would be through sky of 45 smb3 sky tonight at 44 as I like the aesthetic a bit better than the daytime version smb3 underground at 43 I don't really like the semi solids much I really wish they went with the orange like in the beta as that would have made this one one of the best smb3 ground at 42 I think it's better than some of the other smb3 ones because of this one little easter egg if you duck for 5 seconds sp3 Knight ground of 41 I like the aesthetic a slight bit more here and also the way that Snooky leaf works here is just hilarious ice mb3 snow at 40 better aesthetic than the other smb3 stuff but they had to go and remove the easter egg which takes it down point this also applies to the night snow at 39 3d World ghost house at 38 in my opinion don't like how the slopes are stairs and it isn't as bright burn as many of the other three dear old ones smb1 night ground at 37 I don't know I'm just not a huge fan of this the big mushroom also doesn't have its own patterns and it just steals the normal mushrooms has to be one jungle at night at 36 it looks fine but the green liquid is really ugly smb1 underground a35 i'll classic with some really good semi solids however am i the only one annoy that the Goomba seems to not change their color like they should 3d world underground a34 again it's pretty good just not as vibrant as the other 3d what once this would be one desert at 33 really good semi solid some music the only thing bringing this down is when the blocks are one block thick I really don't like how they look 3d World desert at 32 slightly better than SMB one of my opinion but not by too much really the trees the reason it gets the edge 3d world snow 31 I'd like the tree better than the music here in the desert snd one Casa 30 it's a classic what can I say I see one ghost house at 29 ghost houses in this game are really good and I really like the song here from this point on the list is mostly tied except the first few spots as these themes generally only have positives se once no night at 28 very good-looking just the slipperiness can get in the way new super mario bros ground at 27 the seam can look easily messy but still overall good new super mario bros knight ground at 26 i really like how the propeller mushroom moves here ASAP one ground at 25 the most classic mario level type with the most classic mario tune this also has in my opinion the best semi-solid in the game the only reason it's at this low is because it's really overused 3d world ground at 24 the reason I think this is better than SMB one is that I feel it perfectly captures how the 3d world theme should look bright and fun new supe sky at 23 its song and look is really good it's not a big fan of how the semi-solid look smw underground at 22 a really good-looking theme but I'm slightly tired of it as it was used a lot in mario maker one SMW night round at 21 it looks and sounds nice not much more I can really add smw castle at 20 music and semi solids are great slightly overused I'm definitely guilty of that myself it just looks really good 3d world sky at 19 it's definitely the most unique theme out of any theme in this game it doesn't really stick to the sky which I actually really appreciate it's always a treat to get this themed soup snow at night at 18 I really like how the ice looks here and the semi solids are really good soup underground a17 the semi solids here are great and the music here is really nice so you Castle at 16 the music and look is really good here and the atmosphere really is good for castle levels the background elements here are also pretty nice soup desert at 15 this looks really nice but the main reason it's so high is because I absolutely love this song seriously it might be one of my top 10 Mario tracks the only thing holding this back are these awful terrible semi solids like these two might be the worst in the game smw sky Knight at 14 the antigravity is fun and look at the semi solids and ground look great too bad one of the semi solids is reused but still super mario world jungle at 13 great music and I really like how the poison looks here new soup ghost at 12 great music and semi solids I especially like the vertical version of this giving a 3d effect soup snow at 11 and the best smb3 theme has to go to the ghost house at 10 the music is phenomenal and the semi solids are all pretty good I think the ghost house works best with the Mario 3 art style so yeah number 10 smw desert at 9 I love the semi solids here and the world aesthetic works really well it also looks a lot like the mountain theme as well so you kind of get to at the price of one seriously it's amazing and I love the music here too the best Mario 1 theme is the snow theme at eight it's really nice looking and has another one of the best semi solids it's also new to this game so I gave it an edge since I really loved all of the new themes and I'm not tired of them smw snow at night at seven I again love how the Isaac's the only slight problem is again slipperiness SMW ground at 6:00 great semi solids looks and music just really great all around the best Mario 3d World one is the castle at number five the 3d just makes the castle look more grand in scope as it should and I think it does better than any other Castle type at capturing what it should be supe jungle at night at number four I just can't get over how beautiful this theme looks the way it looks pretty much gets it the spot by itself the semi solids are also great but the poison just looks phenomenal definitely the best New Super Mario Bros level and nighttime theme level Super Mario World sky phim at number three I love just how vibrant this is and the athletic scene is just amazing the semi solids are great and just add to this being the most colorful and vibrant theme whenever I get this I am super happy super mario world ghosts i'll set to go into pretty much the opposite direction but even then it's still great this is probably the theme I use the most in Mario maker 1 but it's still good the music's the looks the semi solids I really like this one in particular are all great this is definitely the highest old theme on the list my favorite theme in Super Mario maker 2 has to be the Super Mario World Snow theme every single aspect about it is great the color is how the ground changes the semi solids the music everything about this theme is incredible the only only thing that obsessed me about this theme is how completely underrated it is I absolutely love it seriously I might have only seen like two or three levels using this theme and one of those is my own but anyways that's it for this video this is a super hard list to put together as I love most of these themes aside from maybe the first 15 or so and most of them don't have any issues at all well what do you think is the best theme let me know in the comments this video took a long time to make so if you enjoyed it please hit that like button and maybe even subscribe for more on Mario maker 2 and anything that tend to switch but anyways I'll see you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 693,048
Rating: 4.7529082 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker 2, super mario maker 2 new features, super mario maker 2 review, smm2, mario, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 level themes, super mario maker 2 all level themes, mario maker 2 night time, nintendo, nintendo switch, super mario maker 2 tier list, mario maker 2 top 100, mario maker 2 best themes, super mario maker 2 best themes, smm2 snow theme, smm2 forest theme, smm2 sky theme, smm2 snow theme smw, smm2 desert theme super mario world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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