How to Say Thank You in English - Basic English Phrases

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anything that's gonna get recorded is it on it's on great alright so welcome back everyone to our weekly live stream exciting point about today's livestream today is our one year anniversary of these weekly streams very exciting I can't believe we've done this for a whole year that's amazing to me but as kind of celebration today our topic is going to be how to say kind of hard to see how to say thank you thank you thank you people is going to be our topic for today I'm going to do some review some words and expressions you probably already know then I'm going to talk about some more formal expressions you can use to say thank you for example in like a business situation or just more polite situations finally I'm going to talk about some more casual expressions or things that are kind of related to ways to say thank you that you can use with your friends and your family we will begin in about two minutes or so and in the meantime a couple announcements great I see YouTube is up hello everyone on YouTube Gabriel and Manuel and then stylist and Raphael Manny Sam name in Russian I can't read okay and Facebook is up as well great hi everybody thank you very much for joining us good I see you all excellent excellent so while we wait one quick announcement yesterday on our YouTube channel there's a new video that went up many of you asked questions about punctuation punctuation means like periods commas question marks apostrophes those marks in text so yesterday a really big and important video went up about how to use the comma and made a video about using commas so please check you can see right here this is the tweet I wrote about it if you have questions about how to use commas please check this video I made a quick introduction to a few common cases where you can use so I hope that that's helpful for you in your writing especially so if you have not seen this yet please go check this out on our YouTube channel okay good um great lots of people have joined as you join please don't forget to hit the like button as other people can find the video a little more easily the more people who like it the more people can find it so please do that it's hugely helpful for us okay but we have a lot to talk about if you're just joining as I said our topic for today is how to say thank you ways to say thank you so I explained today is actually our one-year anniversary of doing lives so we want to practice some ways of saying thank you I think okay yes for some of you it is going to be review for others I hope that you can find something new like for business English or some like a new casual expression perhaps okay let's get started then as I said the first group of things will be for review this this side over here I'll start here to review in case people come late so let's take a look at some expressions you probably already know the first one thank you of course thank you the most basic way to express your appreciation thank you you can use this in polite situations in casual situations if you're ever not sure how to thank someone just use thank you it's always correct it's always good thank you to express your appreciation the next one is thanks with this s at the end here Thanks someone in the chat wrote think make sure to include this s Thanks Thanks so it's a little more casual than just thank you so thanks Thanks you can use this for like small things small like small ways to express your appreciation for something alright the next one is a little bit longer this one is thank you so much thank you so much and if you like you can extend you can make this Oh sound longer thank you so much to really express your appreciation like to emphasize how much you appreciate something so I would use this expression in a casual situation so with a friend or perhaps a colleague so someone I'm a little close to but when they helped me a lot they did something that really helped me I might say thank you so much thank you so much to show my appreciation but so is a little bit more casual if you want to make this a little bit more polite a little more formal you can change this so to vary thank you very much thank you very much so again this is an expression I would use if someone helps me a lot but it's a more formal situation so maybe they're above me like my boss or a manager or a client for example I want to express my appreciation to them I might say thank you very much instead of thank you so much yeah if you guys have questions just send them right away in the chat I'll try to watch there okay finally for this review portion this review section is uh thank you for something something I n G thank you for something something ing this is a great way to say thank you like for a specific purpose so this for comes before the verb form a verb in the ing form so for example with like a party thank you for coming to the party so just fill in just use a verb here in ing form to express appreciation to say thank you for a specific thing so like thank you for coming or thank you for inviting me thank you for helping me so use this I gee at the end of this expression thank you for coming you can finish there like I just use this expression thank you for helping thank you for helping me is another great example so you can use this to show like a specific thing you feel appreciation for thank you for block I and G okay good I don't see any questions in there yet so send them along if you have questions this is kind of our review for today but in the second part of today's lesson I'm going to talk a little bit about more business related expression some more formal things but in the meantime let's take a quick break some of you I don't know if some of you have seen this but anyway this is the thing that we have for free this week is since it's our one-year anniversary this is kind of a nice starting point maybe for many of you a nice point to begin your studies this is something the idea here it's called the crush your goals sheet but the idea here is to help you make a plan like to help you make a study plan for your English so lots of you asked me actually like how do i improve my english like what should i do and one of the most important things you can do is to set a goal for yourself so these are some examples of goals if you don't have an idea of a goal you can think about this many of you look at number three for example English is useful for my job or like I want to live or soup I want to live or study in the United States for example so the idea here is to give you just a little bit of goal-setting inspiration and a couple of like motivational ideas to help you like keep up your your interest in your studies so these are some ideas about studying language so a new language is a new life so these are just kind of some ideas and some kind of ways to keep your motivation up for your studies so this is free you can find this out promise camera but you could find on the on the website if you are watching this video on YouTube there's a link below the video on YouTube please check the description on YouTube don't check the chat box on YouTube if you're watching on Facebook please check the link above the video not the chat above the video in the in the box on Facebook please check that out you can get this for free if you do not have an account on the website you can make an account I've seen many of you asking like is it free is it free there's a free account yes the website does have a different paid setting but you can get the free things as well so please check that out and I hope that it's helpful for you okay great so if you are just joining us today's topic is how to say thank you we're talking about expressions for saying thank you if you missed the beginning of this live stream don't worry this is being recorded you can watch it we started with a quick review of some expressions I think many of you already know now I want to go to part two this part here these expressions in the middle here I planned these as more like like like I said kind of business or more formal ways to show your appreciation so let's begin let's begin with this one many thanks for many thanks for this is very similar to thank you for a thing so here we see the same four included here thank you so the same four is here so that shows us we're giving like a specific reason for our thank you many thanks for something so you need to include the thing that the other person did for you what did they do to help you like why do you feel thankful for that so for example many thanks for the email many thanks for the files many thanks for your help last week this is a great way to begin a business email I begin a lot wealth some of my emails like to colleagues or to clients with the expression many thanks for the email or many thanks for the information I use this expression in my emails a lot I think it's a good way to begin an email okay good let's continue on to the next one the next expression is I greatly appreciate I greatly appreciate this is like the levelled up version of many thanks for you can move it up like to an even higher level with I greatly appreciate something I greatly appreciate so we might use I greatly appreciate the thing you did the information or I greatly appreciate the opportunity I greatly appreciate the meeting so this is something you would use for a person who's probably above you this is maybe not something you use for someone at the same level as you so not like a co-worker or not a friend but someone who is higher rank than you I greatly appreciate the interview for example so you really want to show appreciation greatly appreciate so this is quite a formal expression it sounds posh this one does it okay good um other people say Oh sounds pretty fancy I suppose it is a little bit fancy someone says oh no the correct ways thank you so much or thanks yes that is correct okay capped yes this is live okay the next one I want to go to is this one we express our sincere appreciation for something we express our sincere appreciation for something okay a couple points here one I used weed so this is the first one I'm sorry this is the first one in today's lesson I've used we with so I chose we here because sometimes you need to write a an email or you need to send a message from your organization not just you not just I mean me but we our organization like Mike company or my team we Express so this is like a more formal way of saying we say we share we express our sincere so sincere this is like when you finish a letter and you end with sincerely right like sincerely truly really we express our sincere appreciation for something this is like a very formal way of saying thank you so much for something so if you want to make a really formal like appreciation message from your team or from your company you can use something like this we express our sincere appreciation for more time so again you need to finish this with the thing if you appreciated what did they do to help you so we express our sincere appreciation for your cooperation or for your business for example okay so try that one for more very formal situations okay um I don't see any questions yet okay let's continue on to the next two maybe let's start here actually thank you kindly for thank you kindly for this is one I personally this is one I personally like to use thank you kindly for something so we see the same for followed by some specific thing or thankful for thank you kindly for your help thank you kindly for the email this is polite actually but you can use this with colleagues and co-workers I use this at the end of my emails actually so when I make a request to a colleague or make a request to someone in my company and I know they're going to help me with it I can say thank you for your help thank you for your support for example just to be polite to show my appreciation to my colleague or my coworker thank you for or sorry thank you kindly kindly for I have also seen people and emails with just kindly they finish it with kindly for people that they are closer to but want to express their appreciation for kindly but I like to use thank you kindly for so this is how I start a lot of emails and this is how I finish a lot of emails so that's just the style that I like okay good let's go to the last one for this section the next one is a little bit sensitive maybe let's read it first this says thank you for your understanding thank you for your understanding this is may be optional sometimes thank you for understanding this is something that's used when there's an inconvenience so a great example of this is a construction site a construction site a construction site means a place where a team of people are making a building or like they're destroying a building construction they are constructing something site means place a construction site a place where a building is being made you will see this expression used on signs in those areas thank you for your understanding like it's noisy or it's gonna be dirty in this area for the next month for example thank you for your understanding so this your understanding means like we know we're causing trouble we appreciate that you allow us to do this is kind of the idea thank you for your understanding thank you for understanding our situation and like working together with us so you can use this if there's a small inconvenience caused by you or caused by your company it's like for example a delay if a package you send is taking a long time to arrive or maybe if a file or something you're working on is taking a little more time than you thought you can say thank you for your understanding like I'll have it to you by tomorrow so it's like a formal not quite apology but just like an appreciation for cooperation thank you for your understanding won't be sorry if I said your name wrong on Facebook says I sometimes say thanks in advance on emails is it okay grammatically yes so his this person asks about this expression thanks in advance thanks in advance this it is a common expression yes but I am careful about this because if you if you send this to a person for example and you make a request from that person like and it's a big request or if it's something like that's difficult for them to do they're really busy whatever thanks in advance sounds like you have some expectation like you just it's not a request in other words you expect that thing is going to be done and you're not maybe always thinking so much about the person receiving your message so sometimes thanks in advance can be a little bit like sensitive if it's for a small thing like that you know is going to happen like for example you're planning an event and you're working together with other people in the event then you might say thanks in advance for something you know they're going to do that might be okay but if you make a request and you say thanks in advance it might be a little too strong the other person might feel a little bit offended okay I hope that helps you I did say her name right woohoo thank you I never know nobody ever replies the bed okay oh great let's go on the Oh someone on YouTube Mimi says the last one maybe could be used as pardon me ah pardon me I haven't talked about pardon me you mean this one thank you for your understanding pardon me would be used when like first an apology really but also used similar to excuse me and also pardon me sounds quite formal we don't really use pardon me in American English actually so it's a little bit different alrighty let's take another break alright good we'll take one more break and then we'll continue to our last point or our last points rather for today for now let's take a look some of you I know already saw this week our free thing for you guys is this which you'll see in just a second on the other camera anyway some of you asked us about like how to make a plan a study plan so the team made this thing which you'll see in just a second this is the crush your goal sheet this is a free PDF download so the idea here is to help you like help you find some things that can keep you motivated so I showed this earlier some ideas some goals some ways you might want to use or need to use English in the future maybe you like US culture for example or you're going to study as a university student so these are a few ideas to keep your motivation up and then a few kind of inspirational quotes actually last week we talked about kind of some inspirational quotes so these are a few different ones you can take a look at but the idea here is kind of to help you keep your your interest up so some ways to help you stay on your goal path if that makes sense so if you are interested in this please find this from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook also please be careful don't check the chat it's not in the chat the link is actually in the description so below the video in the box below the video on youtube and the box above the video on face so you have to minimize the video okay good let's continue to the last part of today's lesson then the last part of today's lesson I chose some very casual expressions you can use to show your appreciation for friends and for family members yay so let's move along to that part okay let's go to this one I really appreciate it I really appreciate it so this is for something a friend or family member has done for you you can use this at work as well I really appreciate it also you will hear native speakers drop this part I and really sometimes you'll just hear people say appreciate it like even this a sound kind of disappears appreciate it it sounds super casual and very nice very friendly so this is something you can use with your friends yes appreciate does sound kind of formal sounds a little more polite but we can kind of make it sound more casual by changing the pronunciation slightly appreciate it appreciate it I appreciate it I appreciate it or I really appreciate it is a nice thing to do okay on to the next one the next two are very casual expression and they're not directly like a like a way of saying thank you but they're they express your appreciation for the other person so this first one very casual this expression is you rock you rock this is true this is an expression like my dad used this with my brother and I like if someone helps you a lot and they help you they help you make something they help you do something and it's perfect it's just what you need you can say you rock you rock so it's like it's like about that person's personality you think that they are a really great person and they did this awesome thing for you you can say you rock you rock same thing here you are awesome you are awesome so again someone helps you a lot and they do something perfectly so like our team for example here like they always make everything just right or like they make adjustments last minute so we can say like you guys are awesome here I thought you are just now I used you guys are awesome you guys are awesome so if you want to use this in a group of people you guys are awesome yes we used guys I used guys here just now but guys can mean men and women we use this for a group of people actually okay so the next expression I want to go on to is this one nice work nice work so again this is kind of a an indirect way to show your appreciation this is something like again maybe a co-worker or colleague helps you with something it's really nicely done you can say nice work this word work I used work here but this work doesn't mean only your job it can mean something you did really well so for example someone cooks dinner and it's delicious you can say nice work it's like someone did put work into that someone worked to make that it's not their job but they really made an effort to do something you can say nice work nice work or good work is okay too I like nice work personally okay let's continue on we only have a couple minutes ah all right I want to spend a little time on the next expression this expression is yeah oh good can we zoom in thank you thank you thank you uh you saved me from you saved me from okay so I included this because sometimes we express our appreciation I'm sorry express our appreciation this way so you saved me from some saved here means rescued like you really helped me like escape from something bad you saved me from something negative so right here you saved me from something negative a negative thing so why what does white let's look at an example you saved me from paperwork or you saved me from overtime so you can use this when someone does something that helps you avoid a bad thing so if you have like a lot of work and your coworker volunteers to help you and you finish everything quickly you can say thank you so much you saved me from overtime so you helped me avoid a bad thing so this I just said thank you so much I kind of paired this expression with thank you so much so you can kind of pair them together like that so you saved me from is good just remember to use you saved me from with some kind of negative situation that you avoided thanks to this person's help yes you saved me from overtime is a nice one okay you saved me from ruin oh that's an epic example dang okay alright let's continue on to the last one for today a time is almost out wow that's great the last one is extremely casual I included one that is fun to use in texts and when you're speaking so if you joined our text related livestream you know this word this omg omg means oh my god or oh my gosh OMG oh my god thank you so I extended I made this you sound really long because sometimes when we are texting it's hard to communicate like a strong feeling it's hard to communicate emphasis if it's just as simple thank you maybe you can't communicate like how excited or how grateful you are so people will use something like this in text oh my god thank you so it looks a little funny but this kind of shows how excited we are or how grateful we are by typing kind of these long vowel sounds so you might see this this is on the thumbnail I think for today is live actually so oh my god thank you so much so you might also hear people use it like I just did it oh my god thank you so pairing these things together like surprise with oh my god and then thank you to really emphasize how grateful you are so listen for the ways that people use thank you with some of these expressions and of course if you need to use business English or more formal English I would recommend these especially for your emails I think these are great for emails so that is everything for today I hope that you found something new I know it's probably review some review information for a lot of you but I think it's good to practice every once in a while Saamy on Facebook says what about Thank You indeed Thank You indeed hey don't use Thank You indeed I don't think that's such a common expression thank you very much it's probably much better mmm I would recommend that okay someone wrote oh my god thank you so much Alisa nice one okay uh we'll finish up there for today's lesson though so thank you as always for joining thank you for your comments we will be back next week next week we'll be back we're blue today I am NOT pointing in the right direction okay thanks the people will be back on August 8th with English greetings English greetings so this means I want to practice all those things that maybe you haven't reviewed in a while like hey hi hello how are you what's up and how to say hello to someone normally so again just try to level up those green a little bit this will be our topic for next week English greetings so please join us next week that will be August 8th August 8th that is Wednesday night at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time is New York City time if you don't know that in your time zone in your cities time zone please use your Google skills so we appreciate it ok if you missed the video please don't worry this video has been recorded by our awesome team you can find this video on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel so please feel free to review this video and if you have questions of course send them along don't forget to download your free thing after this lesson ends I'm going to go away so go download this if you have not already and all of the other free stuff I think too you have other things too so please check that out we will see you again next week though for English greetings so thank you as always for joining us on this week's live stream thank you for liking and sharing the video for sending your comments for all your support and thanks for watching one year this is one year of live streams we really appreciate all the support and we couldn't do it without you guys so we look forward to continuing for sure but for now have a great rest of your day enjoy your night enjoy your weekend and we will see you again next week right you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 26,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, thank you in english, how to say thank you, thank you, thanks in english, basic english phrases, english for beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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